A THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 1954 .waa.RDAY./.i M RC T i . 1N)1J1/7 Va By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor DAY'S meeting between sub-com- mittees of the Board of Regents and the Michigan Press Association struck one of the most hopeful notes to date in the campaign to open Board sessions to the press and thereby to the public. There seems to be little question that some matters such as classified govern- ment projects, personnel and proposed land acquisition must of necessity be re- solved in executive or committee meetings. However, a responsible press still must maintain that decisions arrived at in these meetings be subject to questioning on how they were reached. With Board proceedings now entirely se- cret and reported through press releases, any action which brings the press more informa- tion on the sessions is a step forward. The plan of accrediting press representatives to cover the monthly meetings would be a ma- jor improvement. In addition, advance agen- das and background material on more com- plicated issues would be welcomed by the press. MPA is doing an excellent job in its free- dom of information campaign and will have won a major victory if liberalization of the closed meeting policy is effected. The Re- gents are to be congratulated as well for their. willingness to attempt a solution of the ad- mittedly complicated question. * * * * nE STUDENT housing controversy re- solved, at least for the moment, at Thurs- day's Residence Hall Board of Governors was significant for far more than the deci- sion finally reached. At stake originally was the status of Chicago House and Fletcher Hall in the face of growing women enroll- ment, but by the time the question was set- tied important issues involving the value of student opinion and the Board's jurisdiction over the problem were raised. And now that the tricky question has been settled for the time being it appears that both student opinion and the Board's Jurisdiction were vindicated in the pro- cess of reaching a decision. An important victory lay in this vindication, for the Board in effect reaffirmed its qualifica- tions to act in the area of assigning housing units and emphasized the value of qualified student opinion. One of the unfortunate aspects of the controversy was the tendency to talk in terms of supremacy of men or women in consid- erations of University policy. Whether the men like it or not, the University ended its days as a "man's school" when the first coed entered the cloistered halls decades ago. On the other hand, it seems quite inconsistent to proclaim, the equality of the sexes and then maintain that women come before men in all housing decisions. Although a stronger University responsibility might exist to pro- vide adequate housing for coeds before men, this does not mean that men's housing should be turned over hurriedly to women whenever the female enrollment predictions take another turn upward. In taking extra time to decide the fate of Chicago House and Fletcher Hall the Board acted with wisdom. Undoubtedly a more searching survey of the entire housing problem will follow and the Board will be able to take a long view of the situation with minimum emotional complications. * * * * IN NOVEMBER, 1951, the Interfraternity Council adopted an anti-bias clause poli- cy known then as the Acacia Plan and more recently as the Michigan Plan. At the time the idea of a largely voluntary program ap- pealed to fraternity leaders who were breath- ing easier after President Ruthven's vote of the first Student Legislature time-limit bill. Unfortunately their relief was so great that little was accomplished with the program and when President Hatcher vetoed a much watered-down SL motion in May, 1952, the, IFC did not pursue the ambitious course that framers of the Acacia Plan had antici- pated. Instead the voluntary aspects of the plan were stressed all too much and a "do nothing" attitude developed. However, in the last year IFC officers have been working with campus fraternities to fully acquaint them with the aid available through the Big Ten Counseling and Infor- mation Service set up under the Acacia Plan. Thursday a significant meeting brought 11 house presidents together to go over the problems of clause removal. Since every house has a unique set of circumstances connected with its clause, the Counseling Service is particularly equipped to take care of individual cases, and the joint discussion of the service seemed indicative of a sincere fraternity effort to attack the problem. TODAY, however, the propagandists of capitalism assume great virtue. Capital- ism, they piously proclaim, guarantees a freedom which socialism, even democratic. socialism, denies. And freedom is, for their debating purposes, the beginning and the end of the moral law. God Himself, I gath- ered a while ago at a national convention, is a Republican, the palladin of free enter- prise, whose chief function is to lead His hosts against the tyranny of godless com- munism, socialism, and the welfare state. (Then, following oratory in his ve n, the Re- publican candidate for President promised to increase the welfare provisions for the aged and the farmers.) ..-NoranThim,. The Ever-Widening Margin of Error FAITH is a funny thing. It arises in the strangest places at the most unexpected moments. Once present, the commitment is seldom withdrawn. Most of us have to a greater or lesser degree a faith in Science. Although its contributions may not go as far as we would have it, we are forced to agree in the end that it has been the measure of our material progress. But while we have committed ourselves to a faith in Science we have given it a com- plete Laissez-faire. Without question any scientific or for that matter metaphysical inquiry needs a strong dose of freedom. But does science today, or more specifically atomic science, need complete freedom, and if so should we continue to grant it this to- tal freedom? The situation which brings these questions to mind is the recent hydrogen explosion in- the Pacific. A few off-the-cuff remarks have led us to believe that the experiment was highly successful-too successful. The blast exceeded all scientific expec- tation in the havoc it brought. Radioactive materials were pushed out beyond the safety, zone. This may be a very fine accomplish- ment as far as the international arms race is concerned and it may well be that with the bomb we are capable of winning any war. So what? It has been said that man is now capable of destroying himself-a com- forting thought. No one seems to realize with any continu- ing conviction that one of these little deto- nations may one day easily shatter our puny world. Quite by accident, mind you. One may legitimately ask then are we to continue to allow the atomic scientists a margin of error. The answer must be a flat no. Any error might prove universally fatal. It then seems as if science, specifically atomic science in this case, must be limited in the free exercise of experimentation which it has previously enjoyed. This certainly does not mean that pa- per research, speculation, and further in- vestigation into the atom are to be for- bidden, or in the least curtailed. But it does mean that we cannot continue to al- low any group of men-regardless of na- tionality-to use the world as its test-tube. What price unbridled Science? Possibly, Humanity. "This is the way the world ends not with a bang but with a whimper." Oh, yeah? --Mark Reader Scissors At Sunrise .Fr f.. VV ..ik' .i.., .4. 23"^1 - f w w r+ wr.c -- Xt' TO THE EDITOR The Daly welcomes commninations from.Its readers on matter.of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not In good taste will be condensed, .dited o withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. f Who's To Doo the Work ? WITH the entrance of quite a bit of stu- dent interest on the scene, the Student Affairs Study Committee Thursday recon- sidered its original thoughts on a seven- eleven Student Executive Committee. In the lengthy meeting some student non-committee protested the group's stand on a small "executive" committee to gov- ern the campus. They explained the seven-eleven set-up would put too much pressure on eleven elect- ed members who would carry on the opera- tions of student government in the interim between weekly SEC meetings since the seven ex-officio members would be busy in their own campus activity spheres.- The committee suggested four solutions to this problem: 1) An administrative wing similar to the present Student Legislature group. 2) An elected assembly of more than 40 representatives which would include the Student Executive Committee and choose the eleven elected representatives of that group. 3) Curtailment of student government functions. 4) An SEC of 18 elected representatives and seven ex-officio members. Some study group members held that the "administrative wing" plan would take some of the strain off the shoulders of the elected group. But the all-important question of practi- cality remains: why should anyone volunteer to do the time-consuming committee dutiesj when they themselves can run for this stt- dent government or move into another cam- pus activity where they can acquire more recognition. To correct this lack of interest, the elected assembly plan was presented. However, for the past several years, stu- dent interest 'in activities has found itself on the downgrade not only in SL but in other campus organizations as well. So, just because these assembly members be elected to their positions, it does not nec- essarily follow that they will materialize out of thin air by virtue of "election" prestige. The suggestion to curtail SEC activities leads to the obvious conclusion that SEC would have less power than SL and the Stu- dent Affairs Committee together possess at the present time. Bucket drives, Cinema Guild and the Student Book Exchange could very easily be delegated. Curtailment of some other SL projects is possible, but all-important policy-setting functions cannot be restrict- ed or delegated. They must be initiated and followed through by SEC itself. The only conclusion left appears as the seven-eighteen SEC. Addition of seven more elected representatives would mean that much of the burdensome spadework behind the making of policy could be done adequate- ly without creating workhorses of represen- tatives. -Becky Conrad 'WASHINGTON-Interviewing President Batista in Havana the other day I noticed him scribble a desk memorandum to himself. It was in shorthand. "Shorthand," I told the President enviously, "is something that as a newspaperman I always wished I knew. How did you happen to learn it as a soldier?" Then developed some of the amazing story of the President of Cuba, a mild-mannered and most likable gentleman who belies the fact that twice he has taken control of Cuba by revolution. Batista was the son of poverty-stricken parents in the interior of the island, and went to work in the cane fields when he could barely wield a cane knife. Later he got a job on the Cuban railroads as a conductor-brakeman, and at the age of 20 enlisted in the army. But during these years, he spent almost every evening study- ing. Though he never finished any formal schooling, he borrowed books, went to night school, once even obtained permission to use the library on the farm of President Zayas near which he was sta- tioned. It was during these years that Batista learned short- hand, an accomplishment which won him the job of reporter at courts martial and the rank of sergeant. I told Batista that I had been in Cuba when he staged his revolt against the bloody Machado regime. Incidentally, though his revolt was successful, Batista, still a sergeant, did not then become presi- dent. Though he remained a power behind the scenes, he did not be- come president until seven years later. DANGER OF COMMUNISM DISCUSSING THE danger of Communism in Latin America, Presi- dent Batista's mind seemed to go back to the days when he work- ed for starvation wages in the cane fields. "The best antidote for Communism," he said, "is to provide better social and economic conditions for the people. In other words, try to eliminate low standards of living and other condi- tions on which Communism thrives." When I asked whether U.S. companies, such as United Fruit, face a problem of land distribution in such countries as Guatemala, Batista said that this problem did not exist in Cuba. "Cuban relations with foreign investors have been good," he said, "and they will continue that way. "Cuban relations with the other nations of the Americas are ex- cellent," he continued, "and relations between Cuba and the United States have never been better." Batista pointed out that he had severed Cuban relations with Russia when he became president the second time in 1952. "At that time the Russians," he explained, "were using Cuba as an exchange point for their international spy system." Other things discussed by the dynamic and delightful gentle- man who rules the destinies of the wealthiest island in the Cari- bbean were: crop diversification-Cuba is trying to get away from being a one-crop country ... the elections-Batista will hold them this fall . . . will he run again? Ii Presidente sidestepped this one, but I have a hunch he will run. (Copyright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLETIN] Clarification... To the Editor: IFEEL obligated to clarify a mis- conception that was carried in yesterday's Daily article on the SL motion urging revision of the pol- icy of loans to women. In that ar- ticle the statement occurred "Cur- rently Assistant Dean of Women Gertrude E. Mulhollan screens all coed requests for loans and either shows them other solutions to their problems, refuses loans, or passes requests on to the commit- tee." In the meeting of the Commit- tee on Student Loans Thursday afternoon, Miss Mulhollan made i clear that she does not refuse loans to women, and that all wo- men do have the privilege of com- ing to the committee for inter- view. Miss Mulhollan stated that she shows the women other alter- natives to their financial prob- lems "which they might not have seen" However, she continued, "the choice rests with the student whether or not to bring her re- quest before the committee." That is to say, regardless of what Miss Mulhollan recommends, the wo- man still may choose to appear for an interview. Further, in cases where the women do decide to re- quest a loan, and where Miss Mul- hollan anticipates any negative reaction on the part of the Com- mittee, she herself insists that the woman appear. This misconception is, I believe, incidental to the major arguments for a re-examination and revision f that loan policy which differ- entiates in procedure between men and women. However, for the sake of clarity and accuracy, the Com- mittee on Student Loans has re- quested a clarification. -Steve Jelin Student Member Committee on Student Loans s se e The C o-oprs . To the Editor: DAVE KAPLAN'S editorial in Friday's Daily criticized the ICC for "lack of uniform and con- stant supervision" in maintaining material standards, specifically those of food preparation and fur- niture maintenance. Apart from occasional fiascoes due to inex- perienced cooks, it's Just plain wrong that the food is inferior. The material conditions in co-ops have rapidly improved over the past few years due to the energy and initiative of their members and will continue to do so. I want to answer, however, his specific implication that the In- ter-Cooperative Council should set and maintain the standards %f such things as food preparation and of furniture in individual rooms. It must be realized that student co-ops, like all co-ops, are groups of individuals who have set up organizations to serve them, not ones which will regiment them and remove their freedoms. No co-oper has a house-mother, staff assist- ant, landlady, or resident house di- rector to tell him what shall be the standards of his behavior or of his bedroom furniture. In co-ops, as nowhere else on campus, each member is treated as a responsible adult. His personal habits of be- havior or dress are primarily his own business. Funds are set aside for redecorating individual rooms and for the purchase of new furni- ture when needed, but seeing that these things are done is the re- sponsibility of the individuals in- volved. In the same way, the house policies concerning common areas, food purchasing and preparation are the responsibilities of the house members as a group. The ICC con- stitutionally cannot and conscien- tiously will not dictate policies of house maintenance, food prepara- tion or personal behavior. It will encourage all improvements but will never dictate them. A demo- cratic system of individual free- dom and responsibility may not be the most efficient one, but it is a system which we appreciate, are proud of and will not forfeit to avoid the danger of somewhat low- er material standards here and there in our organization. The editorial claims that co-ops lack initiative concerning their own improvement. This is quite flase. If co-ops have anything, they have initiative. No other group of individuals on campus has the initiative to even under- take the job of caring for them- selves-buying their own houses, sweeping under their own beds, cooking their own food, or install- ing their own kitchens. Initiative has created co-ops, has brought them where they are now, and will carry them on to further improve- ments in the future. --Jack Hilberry, Presdent.f TCf their . "substandard" material set up (food, housing, furniture). He thinks that with a little compul- sion and some outside aid the ma- terial level could be raised. I am afraid that outside compul- sion and even aid is likely to de- stroy what Kaplan calls our spiri- tual achievement even though it improved our material standards. The secret of our success is pre- cisely the lack of compulsion and aid. We receive no hand-outs and no one makes our decisions for us. The co-ops have managed to buy seven houses totally unsubsidized. We have received no gifts from the University, we have no rich bene- factors, we charge no initiation fee, we have no compulsory build- ing fund. And I think the mem- bers want it that way. Most join to save money, but they stay to en- joy this freedom. Speaking unof- ficially, I think our members would turn down any aid, however gener- ous, if it threatened to rob our right to make all our own deci- sions. It is easy to show that our food compares favorably with, say, dorm food and to point out how silly it is to compare our prepent material standards (built up'from zero and steadily improving) with housing that is well-endowed from the start. But these misunder- standings are trivial. What dis- tressesome most is that David Kap- lan (and some University officials) fail to grasp our philosophy of growth and improvement by dem- ocratic choice. -Stefan Vail More Skol's... To the Editor: Att. Sally Lennington and Joan Bryan I AGREE wholeheartedly with your brief, but well thought out, mature comment on Eve Kom- mel's letter which dared to suggest regulation on TV advertisement of our national beverage. Obviously there can be no harm in the benign, delicious looking beverage which is consumed with such gusto by equally delicious looking young blonds on TV. I would further suggest that we substitute an "E&B" Guzzle in- stead of a milk break in our pub- lic schools. Any fool can see the logic behind this . , , I'm sure, Sally and' Joan, that you can see it. So Skol, kiddies (after Mom and Dad leave the house, of course). -Richard M. Kommel * * * Turnover .. To the Editor: IN HIS article on co-ops Mr. Da. vid Kaplan infers dissatisfac- tion amongst the members because of the turnover, May I point out that the campus co-ops are com- posed of student members who na- turally stay on the campus only for the duration of their studies. This is the reason for the large turnover in co-ops as well as in dorms, fraternity houses, and pri- vate apartments. On the same ar- gument as Mr. Kaplan uses, the U. of M. would be accounted a poor school because of its large turnov- er. -H. C. Patel Congregation vs. Dispersal (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was written by an exchange student from Queen's College, Belfast, Ireland.) "DO WE NEED an International Center?" This question was not included in the recent survey of the I.S.A. It should have been, however, for until opinion has been polled on that issue it is superfluous to ask whether we need a new director or what vir- tues he should possess. Concern over the present workings of the Center has hidden a more basic prob- lem-its proper function. Does it exist to integrate foreign students into the life of - the campus? If so, it is an expensive tran- sit camp. Or is theCenter intended to draw foreigners together? If that is its role, it is practising-however good its intentions-a form of segregation. The present administrators would no doubt reply: Neither of these is our sole intention. Our first aim is to settle the student's ad- ministrative problems. Next we let him meet other foreigners and help him get to know the Americans. We hope he'll come to see the Center as a home, but not as a per- manent residence. But this cannot be the prime function of a whole Center. That side of its work could be as well conducted from the Administration Building. Perhaps the Center's value lies in its abil- ity to act as a kind of international mixer. If so, opinion seems to suggest that it has not been conspicuously successful. The reason for its failure lies in its in- ability to make up its mind. What does the Center seek to do-mix the foreigner with his fellows or with the Americans? At present it seeks to do both and achieves neither. It should have decided by now which policy it wants to promote, for it cannot continue to function both as a ghetto and a dispersal center. There are two good reasons why foreign- ers should be encouraged to circulate. One lies in the Center's failure to show the truth of its assumption that in the crowding together of cultures some cross-pollination will produce a favourable hybrid. But liv- ing together does not inevitably promote tol- erance and understanding-much less broth- erly love. At the present time it is less easy for some national groups to tolerate others than for either "to get to know the Ameri- cans." Some see the Center not merely as a home, but as a shrine where their 'na- tionaliachievements and aspirations can be exhibited and guarded. The second reason is the Center's re- peated failure to attract American stu- dents. Some people, like their currency, are not easily convertible. But Americans are nevertheless the most community minded of people. While they will never be drawn into a distinctly "foreign" milieu, they are ready to meet a foreigner on their own ground. And on their own terms? Perhaps so, but what better way to un- derstand America than to learn what those terms may be? If we have a true international policy, we need no International Center like the pres- ent one. -Alex A. Walker r The- Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 118 Notices Late permission for women students who attended the Myra Hess concert on March 17 will be no later than 11:25 p.m. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Studies, "The Crisis* in the Middle East," by T. Cuyler Young, Professor of Persian Language and History, Princeton Uni- versity, Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Mon., Mar. 22, 4:15 p.m. Academic Notices Department of Biological Chemistry Seminar. Dr. walter D. Block, of the Institute of Industrial Health, will be the guest speaker at the seminar of the Department of Biological Chemis- try in 319 west Medical Building at 10:15 a.m., Sat., Mar. 20. His topic will be "Some Aspects of the Biochemistry of Integument." History 50 Midsemester, Tues., Mar. 23, 9 a.m. Mr. White's sections will meet in 25 Angell Hall. All other sections will business will be discussed. Everyone should be present. Episcopal Student Foundation. Quiet Day for all men beginning with 8:30 Communion in Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels anducontinuing until 5:15. Reservations must be made for breakfast and luncheon. Dom Maurus Benson, Missioner. ULLR Ski Club members who are cir- culating petitions for a recognized var- sity ski team are asked to mail the completed petitions to Dave Carpenter, 426 N. Ingalls, by Mon., Mar. 22. The Inter-Arts Union will hold a meeting of officers and committee chair- men today at 2 p.m. in the League. At this time activities of the various committees will be discussed. Coming Events Undergraduate Math Club Meeting will be held this Monday evening, Mar. 22, at 8 p.m., in Room 3-B of the Union. Prof. Moise will speak on "How to Avoid Calculations in Calculus." All interested are invited to attend. Newman Club. The second in a se- ries of Marriage Lectures by Father Emmett O'Connell, Professor in the So- ciology Department of University of Detroit, will be held Sun., Mar. 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Father Richard Cen- ter, The topic of this week's lecture will be "The Successful Christian Mar- riage." Everyone interested is urged to attend. Graduate study Group on "Christian Liberty and Academic Freedom," Lane Hall Library, Sun., 3:00-4:30 p.m. Inter-Arts Union. Tryouts for a one- CURRENT 'MQO/IES Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter...............City Editor Virginia Voss. ...... Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker...........Associate Editor Helene Simon..........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye,. . ........... .Sports Editor Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell......women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Traeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager Don Chisholm....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 i' At the State . ROSE MARIE with Ann Blyth and How- ard Keel ROSE MARIE introduces to Ann Arbor the largest collection of misfits ever to grace a musical. This screen version of one of the peren- ial summer favorites in light opera pits the vocal talents of Howard Keel, Ann Blyth and Lamas exchange various versions of Indian Love Call during their amorous excursions. This unpalatable form of enter- tainment continues on and on until the pic- ture just dies at the end of two very tortuous hours. Thankfully, the antics of Bert Lahr as an easy-going mountie enliven portions of the film, but his appearances are all too short and infrequent. It is perhaps most I i i