L EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State :43,atl 0 S o COLDER. SNOW VOL. LXIV, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1954 SIX PAGES Regents OK 'U' Plans Study tonstruetion, If f 4 q9 9 jf j fflf _ J Accept Gifts Award Hospital Activity Unit Contract Construction contracts for the Regents Refer S Psychiatric Unit of the Childrer's Report to Ad n Hospital and the central service and stack building were approved yesterday by the Regents. A proposed $2,350,000 studer Regents also accepted a grant referred to the University's admir of $148,000 from the Ford Founda- Board of Regents. tion with other gifts bringing the The officers were instructedt ' k total to $261,541. eral problems related to the pr The foundation grant is for a which has been studying plans fo three year study of consumer be- which submitted its second report havior to be conducted by the Sur- * * vey Research Center under the di- UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT rection of Prof. George Katona ofthat discussion with the student thepsychology and economics de-ha _isusinwihhsuen_ partments.-- Center tu dent Committee istrative Officials nt activities building project was nistration officers yesterday by the to undertake further study of sev- oject with the student committee r a building sinve September, and at yesterday's Board meeting. * * Rarlan H. Hatcher said last night committee would center on factors lof the building's location, financ- 'Merry Men' Following the anti-McCarthy drive instituted at Indiana University which has spread to two other Big Ten schools, a group of local people announc- ed that green feathers and but- tons will be given away to sym- pathizers throughout the day. A non-partisan group "con- cerned about Communism and McCarthy's threat to freedom" met yesterday to organize a drive to distribute tokens to "anyone wanting them." Full details of future activities by "Robin Hood's Merry Men" will be revealed in tomorrow's Daily. McCarthy Accuses Stevenson Of Using Communist Methods ... li I A BID OF $1,759,000 by Jeffress- Dyer, Inc. of Washington, D.C. was accepted for building the children's hospital psychiatric unit. Jeffress-Dyer was also award- .ed the central service and stack building contract on a $369,000 bid. The building will be con- structed on the North Campus as the first step in improving University library facilities. The Legislature has appropriat- ed $470,000 for the prqject and the balance of the appropriation will go for stack frames and supports on the four floors of the build- ing, for shelving on one floor and for equipment and architect fees. THE REGENTS also authorized the firm of Babcock and Wilcox of Akron, Ohio, to prepare the en- gineering design of the nuclear research reactor tobebuilt with the $1,000,000 given the Phoenix Project by the Ford Motor Com- pany Fund. Grants accepted included $54,- 000 from the Health Information Foundation of New York City for a study to be made by the School of Public Health. Two grants totaling $17,900 were received from the National Science Foundation of Washington, D.C. One is for the support of research on the use of bubble chambers in the study of high speed nuclear interactions to be directed by Prof. Donald A. Glaser of the physics department. The other is for a conference on "Multi-dimensional Analysis" to be held next June. From the National School Ser- vice Institute of Chicago the Re- gents accepted a grant of $6,300 to conduct a study of functional body measurements of school age child- ren. Regents Grant Thirty Leaves, Appoint Three Thirty leaves of absence, in- cluding 23 sabbaticals, were grant- ed by the Regents at their meeting yesterday. Three appointments to the fac- ulty were also approved, r4 TWO OF THE appointments1 were to the rank of professor and one to the position of assistant professor. The appointments were: David J. Peery as professor of aeronautical engineering, begin- ning with the 1954-55 academic year. Since 1942, he has been a professor and head of the aero- nautical engineering department at Pennsylvania State University. Alfred Fletcher Conard as professor of law, also effective with the start of the 1954-55 academic year. He has been on the faculty of the University of Illinois since 1946. Dr. Luis Wilson Lewis as assist- ant professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, beginning April 1, 1954, and continuing through June 30, 1955. Since August of last year, Dr. Lewis has been on the staff of the Veterans' Administration Hos- pital at McKinney, Texas. SABBATICAL-leaves for the Un- iversity year of 1954-55 went to seven: Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department who plans to visit Italy, France and Western Germany to compare political movements and conditions in those countries. Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, of i C'l nn is 'i SL To Move. 'From Site Next Month By PHYLISS LIPSKY Student Legislature's base of op- erations will be moved from its present building at 512 S. State and relocated with personnel, of- fice supplies and records three times within the next few months. As a result of the Regents ap- proval yesterday of a plan to re- move the present SL Bldg. to make room for the new Union wing, the Legislature will be moved to the Student Publications Bldg. on April 15. where it will set up shop for ten days. Following this temporary period SL will be located in the Michi- gras Rm. in the basement of the Union until June, after which it will undertake a third moving op- eration to the North Quonset Hut on the corner of East University and North University, * * * IMMEDIATE cause of these moving operations is the project of relocating the Union heating tunnel on the present site of the SL Bldg. which must be begun in April in preparation for the con- struction of the new Union wing in the fall. SL will not be able to occupy the Michigras room until April 25, the day after the bi-annual Michigras activities end. During its ten day stay in the StudenP Publications Bldg., when student government activities will be conducted from the Conference Rm. on the first floor, only essen- tial records and supplies will be kept on hand, according to Bob Neary, '54, BAd.,'Legislature pres- ident. The University will make some provision for storing the great bulk of Legislature belong- ings which include such standard office equipment as typewriters, an adding machine, desks, tables, chairs and light fixtures. FOR THE second,* and third moves of the semester only that equipment which can accommo- dated in the limited space avail- able will be taken out of storage. In its eight year history the Leg- islature has gone through two pre- vious moving operations. The first was in the summer of 1950 when it moved from a room in the Ad- ministration Bldg. to a house at 122 South Forest. Two years later the University converted the house into apartments for married stu- dents and SL moved to its present location. ing and relation to the total Uni- versity construction program. He indicated that a meeting would be held as soon as possible with the twelve-member student group. It is expected that the study will proceed as rapidly as feasible. The five-page student report to the Regents asked for authoriza- tion of a building project involv- ing 55,000 square feet of space for student activities and roughly 10.- 000 square feet of space for the Office of Student Affairs and the offices of the Dean of Men and Dean of Women. It asked that the administration area be attached as a wing to the larger student activities section. , * - * SLID Slates April Speech ByThomas Norman Thomas, the 75-year- old leader of the Socialist move- ment in the United States, will be on campus April 15 to spark a drive by the Student League for Industrial Democracy for interest in the new student political group. A candidate for President in six national elections, Thomas will ap- pear at Rackham Hall to discuss the "recent economic recession" and his answer to it-"Democratic Socialism." * * * THE TALK is also meant to spur THE NEW AND THE OLD: The University this interest in a series of discussions pus' newest building, the recently dedicated Wo being planned by the campus SLID est, the Romance Languages Building. on the subject of economic reces- -Daily-Don Campbell week celebrates its 137th birthday. Here is the cam- men's Swimming Pool, together with one of the old- THE COMMITTEE recommend- sion. Thomas, who is an executiveI ed a student fee of $4 per semester board member of the national SL ELECTION PROBLEM and $2 a summer session to cover League for Industrial Democracy, the estimated $1,950,000 cost of will also speak over Ann Arbor "D s r the student activities area with the radio stations W PAG and W HRV. b a o f n g ft dm -a h r n eo o k balance of financing of the admim- Anatoofnmrubok, lie is fI is r c 13 istration wing left to the recom- gnat otnmru ok,___ __ istaton in let o te ec i- Thomas recently wrote "A So- (ElTOaRS NOTE: This is the first mendation of University adminis- (cili,' ,it," (952 an no(EDTRSNTEfh:i tefrt matio ofUds. cialist's Faith, (1952) and now in a series of three articles concern- Critics have broa trativeoffi-ers. has a new book on civil liber- ing possible Student Legislature elec tQ the problem with A bond issue of not more than ties. tion procedures. The first will at. 70 years duration was requested tep ocvrtemrt n Is a weighted ballot ax to provide construction funds. Aiding In the publicity and fi- vantages of districting.) interest or class gr Several alternate locations apart nancial backing for the program pllce the present H from the Union and League build- is bookstore owner Bob Marshall, By BECKY CONRAD all-campus election frgm teUggensandnLeuepuird-tjwho was one of the leading cam- Since Student Legislature be-* Spwce limitations prevented con- paigners for Thomas when he was gan on campus in 1946. the most BUT BY FAR the Spdeliitationss prevetdj n- h a candidate for President. batted-around criticism of student recommendation ist sideration of sites adjoining the, * #* 'gvrmn a novdteqe-tricting system. present student centers. (The acti.-*;,*government has involved the ques-trcngstm. vities building project is in no wayi AS YET, the Student League for tion of how these representatives Tally of SL cand nte b i ectpisin o way Industrial Democracy has not been should be elected. all-campus ballotin ion facilities previously approved officially authorized. Recognition and 31, show. slig by theRegents. u p will be requested in the Student toward the status by thethRegents.err The committee asked that ad- Affairs Committee meeting of LYL Re uests of the 31 preferr ministration of the student activi- March 23. The new campus group, district representat ties section be placed in the hands under recently elected President voiced preference f of a student committee with busi- Art Cornfed ahas amember- ' rt List5S ballot. ness advisors after the building is ship of more than 40. - Ardino ts ha constructed.ts Gen. Ridgway Lauds Action Of Stevens Group r o Study Coiin er-Charges By The Associated Press Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) accused Adlai Stevenson last night of us- ing "thevCommunist method of attacking" him and the Republi- can party. In his Milwaukee radio speech he also indicted the Democratic party for what he called "twenty years of treason-twenty- deeds of betrayal." The deeds ranged from U. S. recognition of Russia in 1933 to the Truman Administration's handlihg of the Korean War. .* * * McCARTHY said that Steven- son, in his speech at Miami, "act- ing as spokesman and defense lawyer- for the Democrat party, used the officially approved and published Communist method of attacking McCarthy and the Re- publican party." In support of this. he cited what he called "the Communist rule book"-a document from which he quoted in i speech at Chicago Wednesday night. N He said this document instructed Communists to stir up fights between him and Eisenhower. McCarthy said Stevenson had complained that he had "referred .o 20 years of treason" in Lincoln Day speeches around the country under the sponsorship of the Re- publican National Committee. Stevenson, in referring to Mc- Car~hy, described him -as "a man whom the Republican National Committee sends around the coun- try to sow slander and disunion- in the name of Abraham Lincoln." McCarthy, in his rebuttal, said: "Tonight I shall place before the greatest of all juries, the American people, an indictment >f twenty counts, picked at ran- dom, which at best constitute criminal stupidity-or at worst, treason." *. * * IN WASHINGTON Secretary of the Army. Stevens, approaching a showdown fight with Sen. McCar- thy, got a pat on the back yester- day from the Army's chief of staff, who called him a "high-principled" public official. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, addressing the National Press Club, said the Army is proud of its secretary and the country will share that pride "when the full story of unfolding events becomes known." alloting Discussed ched solutions! suggestions of nd election by oupings to re- are method of ,s most popular that of a dis- idates for the ng, March 30 ;ht favoritism quo although ed the idea of ion and three or a weighted ackers_ the dis- i However, no one has ever in- vented a plausible and feasible lay-out of districts for three ma- jor reasons: 1) How is the problem of off- campus housing representation to be resolved so that apartment- dwellers, students living at home and at Willow Village will get equal voting powers with their fellow students residing in organized res- idence usnits? 2) How can large housing units as the Quadrangle systems be dis- tricted so that their vote will notI overshadow smaller residences in the vicinity? 3) The possibility of an inde- I nna4 ~ln4.7c~i ~.r . i truted STUDY OF the project beganj last September when the student: committee was formed. Impetus for the group's organization came when joint Union League talks on! student activities space expansion fell through last spring. An initial report was present- ed to the January Regents meet- ing after lengthy study and dis- cussion with University officers. At that time the committee was given authority by the Regents to proceed with its study and{ submit further reports. During the second phase of its work, which involved a survey of1 the space requirements of 150 cam-' pus groups, the committee was as- sisted by Gordon Hansen of the office of Manager of Service En- terprises. Although no definite committ- ments have been made to student groups, the building if approved is} expected to be constructed with areas for permanent activities of- See PROPOSED, Page 4 t The faculty advisors for the club were also announced last night by Cornfeld. They are Prof. Arthur J. Carr, and Prof. A. K. Stevens, both of the English de- partment, Cornfeld- said that they had offered their sponsor- ship because they felt there was "a lack of discussion in contro- versial topicsson campus, and that SLID has a legitimate place here in providing a meeting ground for such topics." Prof. Stevens was a founder of the cooperative movement on cam- pus and has been interested in po- litical affairs in Ann Arbor, as has Prof. Carr. National Roundup if Members Labor Youth League members "would go to jail before reveal- ing membership lists," Mike' Sharpe, Grad., local LYL chair- man told members of Student Leg- islature's Culture and Education Committee yesterday. XL vu , ia ,nl LCua penaeut-affiliated split under I trict method of proportional rep- this system.- j resentation would solve the prob- -Not many of the defenders of the lem of a Legislator's "responsibil- status quo Hare method deny the' ity" to his constituents. advantages. of "responsibility" of They claim the present Hare a workable districting procedure, method of election from the cam- but they feel that such a problem pus - at - large encourages unre- is almost impossible to resolve. sponsible actions by the student Tomorrow's article will concern government. the Hare method of proportional * * representation at large. ON!\ THE SURFACE, districting i He pointed out that although; the League feels University recog- either by housing or geographical nition would be an advantage they gerrymandering would ideally car- Ce terl have ry out this purpose of placing di-t sgl ~ ~ A Oaf ree resentation ; f .; i ,:: 1 1 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Despite an Ad- ministration plea that "We need the money to pay our bills," the Senate Finance Committee voted yesterday to slash excise taxes by about 962 million dollars. This cut would be 50 million dollars greater than the 912 mil- lion reduction already voted byI the House.1 regulations require turning in a rect iesponsibility squarelyoth' Next week McCarthy's Senate membership list. "We feel that the nNthe ICW Io Tri investigations subcommittee is ex- positions of our members would be spected to open an extraordinary jeopardized.".! .. Te International Center is hearing to determine 'whether the The committee had requested O e hou e sponsoring a special Spring Vaca- senator or the secretary is right LYL opinion in connection two! tion Tour to New York City from in the multitude of charges and motions requesting that the Uni- meet-the-candidates and April3 through April 10. counter-charges they have hurled versity not require membership Ais et-the-s didtesnd i The tour includes for $50 all at each other lists from student groups and that be held from 3 to 5 .m tonilor- transportation expenses, a stop- the present requirement that a row at the Student Legislature over at the Roosevelt Hotel in Re tsW o k recognized group have, at least 30 .dg. when SL will open its Pittsburgh, five nights at the In- student members be lowered. Bdg.r wher SL wre-ltonpent ternational House in New York, The resolutions, which were sub-! House. and all guide service and intra- mifrom to SL as recommendations! Urging students to attend the city transportation costs on the from the Academic Freedom Con- Open House Legislature offi- guided tours. The Beard of Regents sub-com- ference held in November, would cials pointed out that the cor- Reservations, with a deposit of ittee working witl a sub-group of replace membership liss ith a ing election on March 30 and 31 $15.must be Cetby Friday, the Michigan Press Association on statement from the, organization's Illb rca n ihmn March 26 at the Center. - will be a crucial one with many The tour is available for 39 the open meeting question made faculty advisor that it has the re- important issues on the ballot. ## anhinformalsreportaatetherend t quired number of members. __m__r______ssues_____hep_____ persons. an informal eport at the end gf _______yesterday's Board meeting. After accepting the informal FRATERNITY BIAS: statement, the Regents asked the sub-committee to prepare a writ- j* ten report for the April or May G rou T , t sL. i Z n t o nmeeting, University Director of Goup To Fig-ht Discrimination n - said lasniht Public Relations Arthur L. Bran- BY GENE HARTWIG The Regents were favorably im- sonality development already mdi- the roster of the board. No facul- pressed by the informal report, A National Committee on Fra- ' cated by preliminary evidence. ty man at Michigan is included Brandon commented, but took no ternities in Education was launch- 3) "Making information and on the board of directors. action on its substance. ed this week by a group of college consultation services available to: Prof. Alfred McClung Lee, chair- In a joint meeting Thursday educators and community leaders fraternities, sororities, colleges. man of the sociology department MPA and Board delegates discuss- in New York City to combat dis- ;,student organizations, and the at Brooklyn College, was elected ed a plan for opening sections of crimination in fraternity mem- general public. president of the new group at its bership it was learned yesterday. 4 "S t i mulating con f e r e n c e s first meeting Thursday. te pess repreenivs. In a joint statement the group's among alumni, undergraduate fra- **credited press representatives. board of directors declared, "We ternity leaders, and college admin- C WILLIAM ZERMAN, assistant -rJT believe that discrimination in fra- istrators and trustees to promote to the dean of men, said yesterday -U Engmie School ternity memberships can and understanding of the problem and that .the objectives of the groups should be overcome, so that cam- corrective action, campus by cam- seem to be roughly the same as Enroll ent Tenth WASHINGTON - The Labor Department yesterday told Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.) the Bay City, Monroe and Port Huron areas in Michigan are being classified "distress" unem- ployment areas. They are being put in the "group four" category the de- partment reserves for communi- ties having the most jobless per- sons. WASHINGTON - The Senate Finance Committee voted yester- day to scrap the federal tax on all regular season college athletic events. .. :. .. ... :i t