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March 19, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-19

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V IDA Y, AJIRA18, 1954

I a

Daily Managing Editor
ONE of the most valuable lessons of par-
ticipation in student activities is that is-
sues are seldom so simple or well defined
as many people would like to make them.
The controversy over the student speakers
program and the Detroit Alumni Club is a
perfect example of this point.
As one of the two students forced to
make a decision to either stay in Ann Ar-
bor Wednesday night in protest to the
alumni or go into Detroit to speak to the
group, I discussed the matter with a num-
ber of people on campus. They were not all
agreed on how to handle the problem of
discrimination that arose when a Negro
student leader was not allowed to make
his speech before the alumni because of a
"gentleman's agreement" in the club where
we were to meet. Indeed, there were many
strong views for both boycotting and at-
tending the meeting.
Therefore, I find it hard to believe, as some
of my associates on The Daily did, that
there was only one course before me: stay
in Ann Arbor and boycott the meeting. I do
not intend to apologize for going ahead with
the trip and I am convinced that it was
the best of a number of poor alternatives.
In the first place, had we known the stu-
dent would not be able to attend the meeting
for any longer than a day before the meeting,
we could and would have asked the alumni
group to change the dinner to another loca-
tion'where anyone could attend. However,
the student in question was asked to go in
by the student chairmen of the speakers
! committee when the original speaker was
unable to attend at the last minute and it
was impossible to haye the dinner changed
to another place.
Secondly, the Detroit alumni had not
foreseen the issue evidently in scheduling
their dinner. While we found it intolerable
that the group had not planned to meet
where any student could attend, we were
in no position to charge deliberate bad.
faith in this incident..
Thirdly, we were interested in seeking the
most effective way of ending this practice
and felt it was better to informally discuss
the m'atter with leaders of the Detroit group
Wednesday rather than to boycott the meet-
ing and relay our displeasure solely by a
letter. We still intend to send a letter after
the appropriate groups have settled on a
policy for future operations of the speakers
Personally, I believe that hereafter no
student speaker should be sent to an alum-
ni meeting unless it is clearly understood
that any student would be welcome re-
gardless of his religious beliefs or the col-
or of his skin. This would mean that
alumni groups would have to schedule
their gatherings in clubs which do not
have "gentlemen's agreements" or at pub-
lic hotels. Although the latter accommo-
dations are said to be more expensive, I
know the students would rather pay their
own way than have the Incident repeated.
Nor do I approve of any policy of "screen-
ing" students so "incidents" do not occur,
and was anoyed when some people suggest-
ed the fault lay with the students for not
consulting alumni officers before selecting a
,Negro. As inconceivable as it may seem in
some quarters, the students do not in the
least consider this a factor affecting selec-
tion of speakers. If the excellent speakers
program is to continue, the alumni must un-
derstand and accept this fact.
Architecture Auditorium

HOLY MATRIMONY is a rather unamus-
ing little comedy about mistaken iden-
England's greatest painter, played by
Monty Wooley, is living in British Guiana
at the turn of the century. Summoned
home to be knighted, the noted artist and
his faithful valet arrive in London after
an absence of twenty-five years. Neither of
these gentlemen are known to anyone in
the country; so when the valet unexpected-
ly dies, the painter assumes his identity.
'it seems that the artist hates publicity and
feels that by posing as his servant he can
have peace and quiet.
Of course, all sorts of difficulties arise:
the valet is buried in Westminster Abbey
with great ceremony, the painter marries
only to discover that the valet has a wife
and children, etc. These situations are
neither original nor funny.
Essentially the film is an attempt to
poike fun at British conventions. Much is
made of the horror of having buried the
wrong man at Westminster and of the
lords and ladies coming to pay their "last
respects" to the painter. Unfortunately,
most of this is infinitely boring, as is the
final courtroom scene where actor Wooley
is forced to reveal two moles in order to
prove his identity.
Amazingly enough the film boasts some
excellent acting. Monty Wooley and Gracie
Fields are fine throughout. Nonetheless,
their talents do little to enlighten this grim
A poorly photographed short on Guate-
mala completes the bill.

Politics & the National Economy

ONE OF THE more conspicuous points in
the 1952 Republican platform was the
promise to cut taxes and balance the bud-
get. In that the former reduces government
revenue and the latter requires additional
revenue or a substantial curtailment of gov-
ernmental expenditures, the two promises
have seemingly opposite effects and pose a
definite dilemma.
The President has, however, taken great
pains in resolving these two incompatible
elements. A year ago, the Republicans in-
herited a spending program which they
cut by some 12 billion dollars. Of this
total saving, seven billions will be realized
this year. Five billions were passed on to
the public on Jan. 1, 1954 in the form of
income tax reductions. The tax revision
program now in Congress is expected to
bring the total tax reduction figure to
seven billions. Hence nearly the same
amount that the Administration has re-
duced the spending program of its pre-
decessor has been passed on to the pub-
lic or will be with the enactment of the
pending omnibus tax bill.
This accomplishment in itself is most
laudable. But then, the whole tax program
under Eisenhower has been blemished with
partisan politics as it must inevitably be
under our political institutions.
The Democrats in the Senate are threat-
ening to substitute into the Administration's
omnibus bill a measure calling for an in-
crease in personal exempions in the indivi-
dual tax. This indeed, is nothing but an
ostensible bid for popular support in this
election year. The President has openly op-
posed such an amendment and considering
that it will have much public support, he is
jeopardizing his personal popularity. But
here Eisenhower's action is most commend-
able for he is pushing aside all personal and
partisan considerations upon the convic-
tion that the issue transcends politics.
In Eisenhower's tax address to the nation
on March 15, he noted that an increase in
personal exemptions up to $700 would re-
duce government revenues by two billion
There is an apparent limitation to the
desirability of reducing governmental out-
lays for defense and other purposes and
Eisenhower has recognized this limit. He
*claimed that this two billion dollar loss
of revenue superimposed on the five bil-
lion dollar reduction which has already{
been realized through reduced taxes would
mean "seriously weakening our national
defense." The Democrats, indeed, are
standing on not so plausible ground in ad-

vocating an increase in the personal ex-
emptions and their actions should cor-
rectly he construed as an overt attempt
to win votes in the elections later this
Closely akin to the problem of taxation
is the deplorable partisanship concerning
the present state of the economy. Here the
Democrats have been incessantly crying "re-j
cession," "depression" and other terms im-
plying that we are on the brink of economic
disaster. Certainly it is true that unem-
ployment has increased recently, but a
downward adjustment is to be expected fol-
lowing a substantial reduction of arms pro-
duction with the peace in Korea. Moreover,
capital goods production and investment
hasn't dropped enough to justify the assump-
tion that depression is imminent. The ef-
fect of the Democrats' ominous prophecy
has been to set up a psychological "chain-
reaction" which can, if it continues to
mount, cause dire consequences. No one is
capable of correct clairvoyance based on
such meagre facts, including even the Demo-
crats. Their action is wholly a political
But if future conditions should prove the,
Democrats correct, the Administration is
ready to act. Moreover, in the proposed at-i
tempt to overhaul the tax structure, he Ad-j
ministration has, enumerated measures to
resolve certain glaring inequalities. Among
these are certain aids to widows, the old-
aged and others. But far more important are
proposed measures to reduce the double tax-
ation on corporate profits, to permit a write-
off for depreciation early in the life of the
facilities, the extension of certain conces-
sions to foreign investors and similar mea-
These latter points are undeniably aids
to business and have laid the ground for
the Democrats' accusations of a "busi-
nessman's government." The Democrats
contend that the way to build a sound
economy is from the bottom- increasing
the purchasing power of the consumers.
In retort, the Republicans claim that the
aids they have proposed will encourage
business expansion thus keeping employ-
ment and production high and stable.
Both contentions are plausible, but the
business concessions proposed by the Re-
publicans would not reduce revenues as
much as would the Democrats' proposals.
Hence again we may assert that the con-
tentions of the Republicans are superior
when interpreted in the light that they are
chiefly concerned with promoting the econ-
omy rather than attracting votes.
-Joe Pascoff

"I'll Be Glad To Appear Before
This Gentleman's Committee"

(Continued from Papge 2) on Fri., Mar. 19. at 4 p.m., 3010 Angell
-- ~------------------ HaU. Mr. H. Wasserman will continue
Teaching Candidates. Frank Hartmn. t.o talk on some explicit potential func-
Superintendent of Schools in Hartland, tion and their implications.
Michigan, will be on Campus, Tues. Mar.
23. He is interested in seeing teachers The results of the language examina-
of English-Latin, Commerce, Inst. and tion for the MN.A. in history are posted
Vocal Music. Elementary Vocal Music, in '601 Haven Hall.
Head Football Coach, Mathematics.
For appointments with any of theer
above School Representatives, please
contact the Bureau of Appointments, Faculty Concert. Emil Raab, Assist-
3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, ant Professor of Violin, and Benning
Ext. 489, Dexter, Associate Professor of Piano, will


Monday, March 22:1
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.,
Youngstown, Ohio, will have a repre--
sentative at the Bureau of Appoint-1
ments on March 22 to interview June1
and August men graduates in Bus. Ad.
or LS&A for Semi-Technical Sales po-
sitions. The representative would also
liketto talk with Industrial Manage-
mnent majors who have some engineer-l
ing courses about positions in Indus-
trial Engineering.1
Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Raritan,1
N.J., will have an interviewer at the
Bureau on March 22 to talk with Junef
and August LS&A men graduates with
premedical or zoology majors, or with
Physical Education men graduates
about positions in Semi Tech-
nical Sales or Foreign Sales. The
interviewer would also like to see June
men or women graduates (Ph.D.) in
Microbiology or in Biochemistry with
a Microbiology minor for a position as3
Associate Microbiologist candidates
should be trained in Warburg tech-
niques and metabolism of microorgan-
The General Fireproofing Co., Youngs-
town, Ohio, will visit the campus on
March 22 to talk with June and Aug-
ust men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A
about positions in Semi-Technical
Burroughs Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.,
will have a representative on the cam-

be heard at 8:30 Sunday evening, March
21, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, in a
program of sonatas by Roussel, Brahms,
and Ross Lee Finney, Composer in Res-
idence at the University of Michigan.
It will be open to the general public
without charge,.
Organ Recital. Robert Noehren, Uni-
versity Organist, will play the third and
final program in the current series of
Bach recitals at 4:15 Sunday afternoon.
March 21, n Hill Auditorium. Five of
Bach's "Eighteen Great Chorales" will
be presented on this program: "Lord Je-
sus Christ, be present now," "Deck
Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness," "Je-
sus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour,"
"~Come,i 0reator Spirit Blest," and
"When in the Hour of Utmost Need."
Other compositions to be played by
Professor Noehren are Fantasia in C
minor, Prelude and Fugue in G major,
and Prelude and Fugue in B minor. The
general public is invited.
Student Recital. Allegra Branson, So-
prano, will be heard in a recital at 8:30
Monda y evening, March 22, in Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Harold
Haugh, Miss Branson has planned a
program to include compositions by
Horn, Purcell, Bach, Mozart, Faure,
Brahms, Schubert, Gyieg, in addition to
Six Songs by Fred Coulter, her accom-
panist for the recital. Presented in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste, Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


The Janus-Faced Co-ops

Car vsteria
To the Editor:
THERE has been a great deal of
loose talk going about campus
lately regarding the removal of
the Driving Ban. The opinion has
been voiced by various agencies,
The Daily and the Student Legis-
lature especially, that the remov-
al of this regulation is the desire
of an overwhelming majority of
the student body. We feel, how-
ever, that the time has arrived
that we of the Students' Commit-
tee for the Preservation of the
Driving Regulations should under-
take to correct this impression.
There are people at Michigan who
will sign nearly anything.
Our group feels that the status
quo should be preserved for the
following reasons: (1) There is
presently on campus an indeter-
minately large group who operate
motor veihicles in complete dis-
I regard of the Driving Ban. It is in
keeping with the American Tradi-
tion that those who are resource-
ful enough to escape detection
should enjoy the benefits of theirj
superior mental facilities. If the
Driving Ban were removed, anyone
who could beg, borrow, or steal a
car would be on a par with those
who now depend on their cunning
to derive the satisfaction and so-:
cial stature that result fi'om oper-
ating a vehicle beyond the law. (2)
The size of the Campus Security
Forces would have to be reduced,
thereby further intensifying the'
problem of unemployment in
Michigan. Besides, where else
could personalities of this sort be
put to better use? (3) The prob-
lem of parking near the League,
Union, and class buildings would
be increased a hundredfold. The
enjoyment of parking in restricted
areas would be a thing of the past,
for the streets would be so con-
gested as to deny access to these

ery move is dictated by his
suming ambition to seize
power at any cost. He is a
crite and a brazen, many
proven liar-in fact the gr
non-Communist master of ti
Lie technique. McCarthy hi;
porters and his dupes are r
becoming the most 'dank
threat, internal or - external
this country has ever facet
all those who seek to preser
constitutional government,
democracy, our freedom, it
heavy and unavoidable res
bility to fight against this1
tarian sliding-revolution wh
opportunity still remains.
-Alfred Hun
* * *

statej pus on March 22 to interview June men tre le tor oU 01Lmusic. aegree Tne jJI
hypo- graduates in Bus. Ad. with account- gram will be open to the public.
times ing majors for positions in Detroit
dealing with cost analysis. intern al v n s o
'eatest audit, corpora tion financialplan-h EventsToday
he Big ning and budget.
s sup- Wednesday, March 24:: 1 Forum on College and University
apidly Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa Teaching. Third session, this afternoon
gerous will have a representative at the Bu-' from 3:00-4:30 pam., Auditorium C, An-
greaus Appointments on March 24 to In- gell Hall.
, that terview June men graduates in Bus. Ad. Topic: Effective Methods of Teaching
d. For or LS&A for employment in Sales and by Lecture and Discussion
Ve our Management.kC Panel: Leigh C. Anderson, Chairman,
our Ethyl Corp. of New York City will vi s- Department of Chemistry; Marguerite
' ur it the campus on March 24 to talk with V. Hood, Associate Professor of Music
t is a June and August men graduates with Education Edwin E. Moise, Assistant
ponsi- bachelor's or master's degrees in ac- Professor of Mathematics; George A.
totali- counting. Peek, Jr., Assistant Professor of Politi-
ile the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of cal Science,
the University of Califorinia, Los Ala-
mos, New Mexico, will have a represen- Presentation: "What Does Research
iting tative on the campus on March 24 to Show About Effective Teaching Meth-
interview June and August graduates ods?" John E. Milholland, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Pschology.

CAMPUS CO-OPS are noted for their con-
tribution to inter-racial and inter-class
understanding. But they have problems of
financing, construction and above all, liv-
ing standards.
Several observations made by Harold
Dunstan, University Health and Safety
Examiner, illustrate the problems co-ops
are plagued with. "The co-ops have the
minimum of equipment. Their standards
are not as high as in residences which
have house mothers and full time cooks.
With responsible, paid cooks, meals would
be better than with student cooks. And,
where living expenses are kept to a mini-
mum, the food is not necessarily the best."
Another aspect of the living standard pic-
ture is furniture. The furniture is new in
each house's living room, but bedroom fur-
niture is often in need of repair. The hous-
es are comparatively new, but because of a
limited repair fund, improvements are put
off until the needed money can be raised.
The whole question of improvements binges
on money and initiative, both of which the
co-ops seem to be lacking.
The situation noted by Mr. Dunstan is
not caused by an intended disregard for the
existing conditions, but rather by a lack of
uniform and constant supervision. The ICC,
made up of co-opers themselves, is not able
to exert enough pressure on the various
houses, so that even if constructive criti-
cism is made, putting it in action is an im-
probability, Then again, it might be a
question of whether or not the ICC wants
to exert the needed pressure.
Self-inflicted punishment is hard to ac-
complish, even though it would lead to a


better state of affairs. Perhaps if the ICC
would look the other way and give itself a
sorely needed shot in the arm, the co-
opers would be able to pull themselves out
of the mire of disorganization and neg-
The co-opers seem to be dissatisfied with
their lot, and people are moving out as
quickly as moving in, The turnover is ra-
pid, and only because students find it diffi-
cult to face a problem they don't feel is
theirs, but actually is. If the co-opers would
stop shunning their difficulties, and get be-
hind the idea of building a solid, powerful
body, the co-ops would lose their Janus-
faced identity.
People living in co-ops are generally those
who cannot afford to live in a residence
hall or apartment. Why then, should they
be living in an atmosphere that barely
meets the basic living standard?
The co-opers have endeavored to furth-
er understanding among people and have
been successful in doing so. They have
gone so far, spiritually speaking, that it
is a shame they should lose by default in
neglecting some minor material factors
of life.
It is not entirely their fault, for if the
University would realize that co-ops are
housing University students who could use
some help, the co-ops, with needed Univer-
sity aid, could pull themselves up by their
bootstraps. With a litte more effort, and
with University co-operation, the ICC can
bring their houses up to accepted stand-
ards for the benefit of all.
-David Kaplan

In mathematics on all levels.,-
II4' W 77 1Ird"" Reynolds Metals Co. will visit the Chairman: Algo D. Henderson, Profes-
To the Editor: Bureau on March 24 to interview June sor of Higher Education.
THE ARTICLES of the past few and Auust men graduates, Bus. Ad.
HE or LS&A, for Production Control posi- Graduate Mixer, sponsored by the
weeks about men's Quadrangle tions; Industrial Management ma'ors Graduate Student Council, will be held
housing policies have been very for Industrial Engineering positions; tonight from 9 to 12 in the As-
amusing. The whole thing began and Accounting, Math, or Statistics ma- sembly Hall of the Rackham Building.
with attention upon the immature jors for positions in the Pricing De- Paul McDonough and his band will fur-
partment. nish the music.
selfish attitudes displayed by the I Students wishing to setiedule ap-
men in the West Quadrangle in the pointments to see any of the companies Michigan Section of the American
dispute of Winchell House vs. West listed above should contact the Bureau Society for Quality Control Meeting will
Quadrangle Council. Now it has of Appointments, 3528 Administration be held t o ni g h t at 8 p.m. in
Bldg., Ext. 371. the Amphitheater of the Rackham
changed to a more fundamental Building. Mr. Dorian Shainin, Chief
problem of not who is going to PERSONNEL REQUESTS. Engineer of Roth and Strong, Boston,
cat where, but who is going to live F. J. Stokes Machine Co., Philadelphia, will speak on "Determining Practical
where. Pa is seeking a recently graduated Tolerances.,' All interested are welcome.
It is only an apparent problem engineer to behired as a Sales Engineer
working from the company's Cincinnati Newman Club. A St. Pat's Day Party
because ther'e certainly has been office. There will also be an opening will be held this evening at the
one important thing overlooked. in the Sales organization for a June Father Richard Center from 9 to 12
It is time the men stand up to con- engineering graduate. p.m. There will be refreshments and
Itsir theenstand asiprtant The Hilliard Corp., Elmira, N.Y., is entertainment; Gerry Linehan's Band
Sider and ask a very importa interested in contacting June gradu- will provide tht music for dancing.
question to the administration. It ates in Mechanical Engineering for po- Everyone welcome to help celebrate
is obvious that when they begin to sitions involving design, manufacture, the "Wear'n o' the Green"!
limit the space for men, (which is and application of various kinds of Wesleyan Guild. Tonight's the night
being done) ; then in reality theyI clutches for industrial use.Weeyn uidTogh'tengt
g Radcliffe College and Harvard Uni- for our Religion and the Arts program.
are limiting the number of male versity are sponsoring an eight weeks Drama, music, discussion, modern
students eligible to enter the Uni- Summer Institute on Historical and Ar- dance, movie, 8 p.m. Don't miss it!
versity. It is hard to reconcile the chival Management to beheldafrom
fact that the administration is June 23 to August 17. This is an in- AIEE-IRE. Joint Meeting with the
even thinkingeof g i pre nce stensive course for men and women co- National IRE.
even thinking of giving preference lege graduates who are interested in Subject: "Wide-Band Power Distrib-
for the attendance of women over making a career in archival, historical uted Amplifiers"
men to the undergraduate schools, society, and museum work. Speaker: Mr. Phil H. Rogers
(as most of the people living in Canadair Limited, Montreal, Canada, Time: Fri., Mar. 19, 1954-8 p.m.
the mtorie pep undwill have openings for June engineering Place: Kellogg Auditorium, corner
the dormitories are uindegradu- graduates in the following fields: de- Fletcher St. and North University. (En-
2tes), when the administration sign, dynamics aerodynamics, guided ter at west end of Dental Building.)
must be conscious of the fact tha missiiles, stress analysis, and test and
this University is continually fo- development. Hillel Foundation News.
cusng oreattntin twars te iFor additional information about Fri., Mar. 19
cusig more attention towards the these and other employment oppor- 4:15 p.m.-Social Committee Meet-
advancements of its graduate tunities, please contact the Bureau of ing at Hillel
school, law, medicine, dentistry, Appointments, 3 5 2 8 Administration 7:30 p.m.-Friday Evening Services
natural resources, engineering, Bldg., Ext. 371. Sun., Mar. 21
etc., which are attended mainly 6 p.m.-Supper Club,"social afterwards
by men; in fact, let's face it-this Lectures S.R.A. Coffee Hour-Lane Hall-4:30-
' 6 .m.CGuest:uE-LneB. llr :ii-

We can only hope that we have
spoken in time to stem the hyster-
ia that has resulted in an ava-
lanche of misguided petitions to1
remove the Driving Regulations.
-The Students' Committee
for the Preservation of the
Driving Regulations
-Ed White}

;c Q mnn'c crhnnl !



Dave Davies is a man's sehooi.j University Lecture, auspices of the i
*a*e**-Raymond Popp. Department of Fine Arts and the De- 4
partment oY Romance Languages, "Artex
I e a gde Epocas Inciertas," Dona Maria Luisar
To the Editor: #Caturla, Art Historian from Madrid,1
ROBABLY THE most damaging Mon., Mar. 22, 4:10 p.m. Rackham Am-
fact related to the question of. ptheater,
t*4tlit4i «i Passo for Life ," an outstandingi
McCarthy's sincerity as an anti- .I . French documentary film with English
Communist is his performance in subtitles, will be shown in the Archi-1
the Malmedy affair. Sixty-Fourth Year tecture Auditorium, Saturday morning
from 10:30 to 12:00. Produced by Jean-
During all of his astounding and Edited and managed by students of Paul Le danois for the French Min-
unfortunately successful cam- the University of Michigan under the istry of Education, it is sponsored byl
paign on behalf of the confessed authority of the Board in Control of the United Nations Film Board andl
perpetrators of the Malmedy mas- Student Publications. brought to the campus by Education ,
saceMcarty asknoinlyA102 (Mr. Ronald Anderson). PublicE
sacre, McCarthy was knowingly cordially invited.
working hand-in-glove with a pro- Editorial Staff
ven Communist agent in Westd Harry Lunn............ Managing Editor A s
Germany, who was liter, ejectedI Eric Vetter.....,............City Editor A aemnic N~otices 11
from that country for his illegal Virginia Voss.....Editorial Director Logic seminar will not meet Fri., Mar.
Mike Wolff...... ..Associate City Editor I1,bcueo h n ro etn
activities. Together they concocted Alice B. Silver Assoc. Editorial Director 19, because of the Ann Arbor meeting
utterly fraudulent charges of con- Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor I of the American Physical Society. The;
fessions extorted by torture and Helene Simon......... Associate Editor next meeting of the seminar will be,
ocm at Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor held Fri., Mar. 26, at 4 p.m., in 411 Ma-;
Paul Greenberg... . Assoc. Sports Editor snHlwe r eagtnwl
i mprimone d Nazis; McCarthy Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor speak on Tarski's results on "Decidable R
t~r~n~trT mh tr~c- chrpsns u,+nT p Apr Aagr--.Womn'sEditor Theories." t

At Lydia Mendelssohn .
TICKLED PINK, annual Junior Girl's Play
TICKLED PINK has all of the elements of
a good musical, including a tropical isle,
native dancers, and a number of exceeding-
ly funner type-characters. Unfortunately,
,the author did not know when to stop writ-
ing and to apply the scissors to her script.
The most noteable feature of the play is
its length. Of couse, a first night production
generally goes off slowly, and the requests
of senior women for repeats did not help.
Barring these factors, it remains that the
play is too long.
New Books at Library

Aside from this fault, Tickled Pink is
good. The first act is fast moving and con-
tains the best song from the production
"Happy Things." The second and third
acts are slower, especially the second which
drags badly in spots. There seems little
need for the fourth act, except that it
returns the setting from Low Slung Fun-
gus Island to the Department of Exterior,
Washington, D.C.
Tickled Pink is at its best when it is mak-
ing fun of government, and the take-off on
Senator McCarthy has real class. The play
has enough racy lines to satisfy most of the
student body, but probably could get by
maiden aunts.
Barbara Avallone's stellar performance as
Dollene, the man chaser, deserves special

6:00 p.m. Guest: Emilio B. Aller, visit-
ing campus under the State Depart-
ment from the Philippine Islands. Also,
new display of Miss Margaret Dorman's
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
this afternoon from 4 to 5:15 at Canter-
bury House, followed by Student-
Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of St.
Michael and All Angels.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club tonight at 7:30 p.m. at
Canterbury House "Monasticism and
the Episcopal Church." Dom Maurus
Benson, O.S.B., St. Gregory Priory,
Three Rivers, will tell the remarkable
story of the revival of the "religious
life" in the Anglican Communion.
ULLR Ski Club members who are cir-
culating petitions for a recognized var-
sity ski team are asked to mail the
completed petitions to Dave Carpenter,
426 N. Ingalls, by Mon., 1mr. 22.
'The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Graduate-Professional Group will meet
at the Guild House this evening at 8
p.m. Emilio B. Aller,sgraduate student
of the Philippine Islandsi will speak
to the group.
Roger Williams Guild. St. Patrick's
Party, this evening 8 o'clock, at the
Guild House. This is the big party for
March. Don't miss it!
Coming Events
Shakespeare's The Taming of the
Shrew will be. presented by the De-
partment of Speech next Thurs., Fri.,
and Sat., Mar. 25, 26 and 27, at 8 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
box office opens at 10 a.m. Mon., Mar.



Trumpea ioru s ee c ageaa!
gospel from his secure position on
the Senate Investigating Commit-
tee, whose leadership he had braz-
enly seized; in the process he
gravely impugned the honor and
reputation of the Army, the Sen-
ate, and the Supreme Court. The
Communist agent then fed these
out-and-out lies, vouched for by
a U.S. Senator, to the powerful
anti-American wing, both Com-
munist and conservative, of the
West German press, thus setting
in motion an intense wave of com-
pletely unwarranted anti-Amen-

Kathy Zeisier. Asoc. omen-s zuo
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Haniin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden..... ... Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
I ,. Cr>? A . 1 ~ 1

Department of Biological Chemistry
Seminar. Dr. Walter D. Block, of the
Institute of Industrial Health, will be
the guest speaker at the seminar of
the Department of Biological Chemis-
try in 319 West Medical Building at
10:15 a.m., Sat., Mar. 20. His topic will
be "Some Aspects of the Biochemistry
of Integument."
Recreational Leadership Class-Wom-
en's Required Physical Education, Class
will meet at the Women's Swimming
Pool on Fri., Mar. 19, at 3 p.m. Bring a
non-wool suit and a cap. A limited
number of suits will be available at
the pool.
- - - -





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