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March 19, 1954 - Image 1

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MPA Talks Wilson Defends
With Regentsy
On Meetings

____ _._

IDiscuss Opening
Board Sessions
Long-standing open meeting ne-
gotiations between the Board of
Regents and the press were re-
opened yesterday as representa-
tives of the Board and the Michi-
gan Press Association met here
with "progress" on the compli-
cated question reported by both
Brewster P. Campbell, Executive
City Editor of the Detroit Free
Press and chairman of the MPA
-Freedom of Information subcom-
mittee working on the problem,
said headway was made on a plan
to open the now secret Board pro-
ceedings to accredited newspaper
and wire service reporters.
And Regent Kenneth M. Stevens
said that he personally thought
> there would be no objections if
"good, reliable reporters covered
the meetings."

, .

Denies Sen. McCarthy's Charges
Of 'Communist Coddling' in Army
WASHINGTON-(2)-Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson
testified yesterday he believes Army officials rather than Sen. Joseph
R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) in the roaring controversy between them.
Sec. Wilson denied repeatedly and categorically that any of the
armed services are "coddling Communists." And, going even farther
than President Dwight D. Eisenhower did Wednesday, he declared
"absolute, complete confidence" in Secretary of the Army Robert
THE CABINET members, appearance before the Senate Armed
Services Committee turned into a partial, impromptu preview of next

At least one University stu-
dent will be able to study at the
Free University of Berlin as a
result of the $746 collected in
the two day bucket drive con-
ducted during the week.
Petitioning for scholarships
to the Free University is open
now and will continue through
April 1.
A faculty-student committee
will interview applicants, who
must have a speaking know-
ledge of German and a bache-
lor's degree before September.
SAC Group
flea ffirms"

Income Tax
Cut Re ected

'U' Board of Governors



UNIVERSITY President Harla
H. Hatcher said he will present
plan to the Regents, and Univer
sity Director of Public Relations
,- Arthur L. Brandon commente
last night that a report to the
Board will be considered withi
the next two or three meetings
Presumably the matter may
come up at today's session.
Meanwhile, the two groups plan
>= ned to meet again within 60 day
at which time it was hoped the
Regents would have reached a de
cision on the matter.
DISCUSSING the m e et i n g
Campbell said the plan for accred-
iting reporters to cover Board ses-
sions did not preclude closed exec-
utive. or committee meetings o:
the Regents to decide some issues
However, there still would be
provision for questioning how
the decisions had been reached,
he added.
Brandon said he was "tremen-
dously pleased" with the meeting
and observed that press delegates
had come to a.closer understand-
ing of Board secrecy problems im-
posed in part by consideration o
classified, government projects.
Yesterday's session was the third
in two years. MPA representatives
included George R. Averill, Bir-
mingham Eccentric; William Bai-
ley, Adrian Telegram; Kenneth R
West, Lansing State Journal; Phil-
ip T. Rich, Midland News, anc
Regents Vera B. Baits, Charles
S. Kennedy and Stevens formed
the Board's sub-committee wit
President Hatcher, Vice-Presideni
Marvin L. Niehuss and Brandoni
:yso participating in the discus-
SL Sends Car
Ban Petitions
To Hatcher
Petitions signed by 2,651 stud-
dents requesting immediate action
by the Regents to modify or re-
move the driving ban will be pre-
sented to President Harlan H.
Hatcher by the Student Legisla-
ture at 9 a.m. today.
But the Regents are not likely
to consider the SL proposals to
remove or modify present driving
restrictions at today's meeting.
The SL proposals, f i r s t
brought before the Regents last
spring, are on a list of tabled
items which are unlikely to be
brought up while two of the Re-
gents are absent.
Illness will prevent Regent J.
Joseph Herbert, chairman of the
committee of the 'whole, which
Sommi consider the driving pro-
posals, from attending and Regent
Otto E. Eckert is in California as-
sisting in a Federal power survey.
Main item on the Regents'
agenda will be deciding which
bid to accept for constructing
the proposed childrens' psychi-
atric hospital.
The Regents will also accept
several gifts and announce fac-
ulty appointments and leaves of

By Six votesfules Coeds in Chicago

13ias Clause
Presidents of 11 campus frater-
nities having bias clauses met last
night with officers of the Interfra-'
ternity Council to discuss past ac-
tion on clase removal at the Uni-
versity and plans for proceeding
further on the problem.
John Baity, '55, IFC president,
described the Big-Ten Counseling
service and the steps being taken
by the IFC here to aid fraternites
in bias clause removal.
SEVERAL houses described.
progress- to date in working
through their national organiza-
tions toward elimination of the
IFC Executive Vice-President
Jim Walters, '55E, will meet
with the cabinets of the houses
to explain the counseling service.
Baity said IFC plans to keep the
issue before the houses.
All the houses present expressed
agreement in working with IFC
and their national organizations
toward elimination of discrimina-
tory clauses in their constitutio;. t
THE BIG TEN counseling serv-
ice was set up in May 1952 at a
conference which recommended.
that members "take action for the
removal of discriminatory clauses
from their local and national con-
The so-called Acacia Plan
aims mainly at removing bias
clauses by work within the fra-
ternities, not through the force
of outside pressure.
The Acacia Plan was adopted
after President Alexander Ruth-
yen had turned down the first Stu-
dent Legislature proposal putting
a time limit on bias-clause fra-
ternities and President Harlan H.
Hatcher had subsequently vetoed
a proposal requiring fraternity ac-
tion on bias clause removal.
IFC yesterday announced ap-
pointment of committee chair-
men for next year: rushing, Bqh
Knutson, '56, and Mike Lynch, '56;
public relations, John Calvin; fra-
ternity services, Keith Coats, 56E;
fraternity purchasing, Rick St.
John, '56; scholarship, Roger Com-
stock, '57; alumni Big Ten, John
Boyles, '56; social, Bob Fritts, '56;
office, Ron Clarke, '56.
'Nev Faces',
Tickets for Monday's trip to
"New Faces of 1952" in D'etroit
sponsored by the Union will go
on final sale from 3 to 5 p.m.
today in the Union Student Of-
Forty-five tickets are still
available, priced at $4.

'week's scheduled public hearings
by another body-Sen. McCarthy's
own investigating subcommittee-
into the inter-Republican row.
Specifically, Sec. Wilson tes-
1) He "certainly would" regardj
as truthful an Army report put
out by Sec. Stevens and Army
general counsel John G. Adams
-a report charging Sen. Mc-
Carthy and his own chief coun-
sel, Roy Cohn, put on pressure
to get special treatment for
draftee G. David Schine. Sen.

SEC Plans
After nearly six hours of delib-
eration, the Student Affairs Study
Committee reaffirmed last week's}
stand in favor of an 18-memberI
Student Executive Committee.-
But the question of a larger as-
sembly, in addition to the execu-
tive group to carry on "spade-,
work" necessary for the commit-

House Action Termed
Crucial Ike Victory
House beat down by a marg-in of
only six votes yesterday a White
House-opposed Democratic drive
to cut income taxes.
Then it swiftly passed a huge
tax revision bill cutting other taxes
by about $1,397,000,000 this year.
THE ACTION was a major vic-
tory for President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower, who appealed on radio
and television Monday for adop-
tion of the tax bill as it stood
and denounced the Democrats' in-
come tax cut plan as unsound elec-
tion year politics.
By a 210 to 204 roll call vote,
taken amid volleys of applause
from packed galleries, the House
rejected the Democratic move to
raise the individual exemption.
for each taxpayer and dependent
from $600 to $700 a year. This
would have meant a tax cut of
$2,400,000,000 this year.
This test vote was overwhelm-

House Again NextYear

INo0Decisio n
.On Fletcher,
Hall Reached
Finial Plan Depend s
On Fall Enrollment
Motions to continue Chicago
House, West Quad as a women's
residence for another year and to
defer final action on the Fletcher
Hall conversion until enrollment
needs can be determined more ac-
curately by May 15 were yester-
day approved by the Residence
Halls Board of Governors.
In addition the Board unani-
mously supported a resolution re-
stating the necessity that reallo-
cations and changes in the hous-
ing set-up "should in no event be
made without prior consultation
and approval of the Board of Gov-

McCarthy and Cohn have de- tee's policy-setting function was ingly along party lines. Support-
nied this. left up in the air until the next ing the income tax cut were 193
2) He believes Sen. McCarthy's session along with the problem Democrats;10 Republicans and one
counter-charge- that the Army of electoral methods. Independent. Opposing it were 201
tried to switch his investigation THE STUDY committee earlier Republicans and nine Democrats.!
of Red-handling to the Air Force in yesterday's meeting had re-
and Navy-"was never a proper THE REVISION bill, as passed,
one." "I don't believe any such opened consideration of the comn- TH RESINblapsed
thing was done" Secilon sad position of the SEC. At their last carries a variety of tax reductionsE
thing was done,"* Sec. Wilson said session, members had favored sev- in the form of many bigger deduc-
when asked if he thought Sec. en ex-officio members and tions for individuals and business.
Stevens had nf'faerd"tn do comp-e- e-fii ebr n 1..-_

rton I

~'~''*~ ' "~'~ ~'~'elected representatives.
thing other than his duty, to avoid amepst ie
an ivestgatin."Some study committee mnem-
an investigation." bers felt the broad activities of
Advised by newsmen of Sec. SEC would place a heavy burden
Widso' tbestimony, enf Mcagar f on elected representatives, who
Milwaukee that he felt it would for SEC's olcy-king.
be "improper for me to start com- for SEC's poi y-makdg.r
menting on testimony" in the Sue Popkin, '54, study group
dispute, member, pointed out the ex-offi-
* * *cio members could be discounted
THE STEVENS-McCarthy con- as actual working delegates since
troversy came up during a hear- much of their time would be spent
ing called in the first place to con- on their own activities.
cider another, but related, matter She added that the nature of
-a Pentagon-backed change in the proposed organization de-
the draft law which would let the1 mands at least 18 elected repre-

On final passage of the bill,
the vote was 339 to 80. Voting for
it were 208 Republicans and 131
Democrats. Against it were five
Republicans, 74 Democrats and
one Independent
Democrats have not given up.
They planned to try again in the'
Senate, where Sen. Walter F.
George (D-Ga.) is sponsoring a
proposal to raise individual exemp-
tions to $800 this year and $1,0001
next year.
Privately, some Democrats said
they may have gained more po-
litical capital from yesterday's de-


-Daily-Dean Mo:
SENIORS' PARADE-Led by the Phi Gamma Delta's Fiji Mari
ing Band, senior women parade to the League for the ann
Senior Night celebration,




Hatcher Tells A lumiC
Of University Growth
Outning the expansion of the campus from its original 40 acres,

* * *
ITHE CHICAGO House decision
provided "that women be contin-
ued in residence in Chicago House
for the academic year 1954-55 and
that the situation be re-examined
in spring 1955 with the expecta-
tion that additional facilities will
be available for women and Chi-
cago House returned to men."
Present expectations are for
the addition to Couzens Hall
which will house 275 more wom-
en to be completed by fall 1955.
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
clarified the motion as intending
that the women in Chicago House

Army decide whether inducted sentatives to carry on the work of feat than if they had won. The University President Harlan E Hatcher yesterday asked alumni to I will be moved as a group4to a
physicians and dentists get com- SEC from one meeting to the next. idea is that they now can use the "look to the North for future expansion of the University." new location when the space be-
missions. SEC*tax cut defeat as a campaign argu- In an address to the Ann Arbor chapter of the Alumni Associa- comes available.
SECactivities considered by the ment against the Republicans in tion celebrating the 137th birthday of the University at a dinner The decision to defer final ac-
study committee lumped present the November election. tion with regard to Fletcher Hall
ruled the Army must either com- Student Legislature and Student meeting in the Union, President Hatcher predicted that the contrast
mission drafted medical men or Affairs Committee functions to- between the campus of today and that of 1985 will be as sharp as cimaxed more tan a hour f
AffairsnCommitteemunctionsmto-or ( discussion by Board members.
discharge them. gether. irtndS R ecall the difference between 1900 and the present.
So the Army discharged Dr. Other study group members * *
Herbert L. Nelson of Marysville, suggested a system of subcom- T*aTHE ORIGINAL 40 acres can be restored to genuine symmetry APPROVED by a narrow five to
Wash., the medic involved in the mittees that could dig up the radition, 1Vei and harmony with a little imagination and projection, he continued four vote the action provides "that
Virginia case, after refusing him kyy - ' if the present predicted need for
a commission on the ground background necessary for the Uke terming buildings such as the "--- - freshmen women's housing for the
SE o st policy on certain O k T re uo oie lb rtoy a d t e'S I N E
former affiliation" with the Coi- questions. romance language building ex- SCIENCE: year 1954-55 is verified by May 15
munist party. romanceIlanguagenbuildingeneugh _ . pendable "Fletcher Hall will be made avail-
______________ This difficulty in finding enough pnal. ' befrocpnyb oe.
interested students to work underi"TestdntrfohuUieriyp Studie
hesubm t sytmbougthave entered into a system of con- Pointing out that the campus roup Oppiitio tofoanry conver
abor Tie upup the suggestion from Prof. Ken- I ions e purpose o plant- is built on a straight axis from - of Fletcher was expressed.aon
neth L. Jnes of the botany de--ng trees upon the grounds and the the golf course and Ferry Field Cu et ulu n grounds that a definite economic
Threatens C t partent for a larger assembly izens of the place also propose to up through the ma campus, hardship would result for those
which would include the original kdo the same in order to assist -in thePresident said that the men who need that type of in-
Exie ao otat a edexecutive committee. I making the University grounds an~ North Campus will be a contin- Discussing the question of nat- mnwoneha yeo n
Expired labor contracts may lead eeuiecmite ,Cmu ib o n expensive living quarters
t Study committee chairman Prof. ornament to the city, uation of this line. ural science distribution require-
oodowns in local build Lionel H. Laing of the politica In this way Superintendent of The problem in a dynamic - ments, the Literary College Steer-' Both Dean Bacon and Assistant
Two Ann Arbor unions, Labor- sciece department pointed out rounds, E. Andrews, introdud ciety such as ours is getting a uni- ing Committee yesterday consider- an of Women Elsie Fuller ex-
ers Local 959 12. areCsoperandn i be Regents for the planting of 1,640 f versity to serve its needs, President ed the possibility of a student
adutet ySCisefcudbeHthrsaii adding tatthe!qetonir ntevlucfnt ity housing for women is filled
Joiners Local 512, are operating dusm yEC sdetrees around the campusaea.4 therngthatthe'questionnaire on the value of nt-isclydhdusnngherroupmnathrwithanexpected 300 more women
under contracts which officially included in the group's reco.- pu ara University has answered with the hral science courses. on campus next year.
terminated at the first of the year mendation which will be presented THE JOINT University-towns- North Campus. However. expan-
and have to date been unsuHcess- to University President HarlanHH- people tree-planting ceremony re- sion will be a gradual process, the The group also planned a meet- As phrased by Prof. John Daw-
ful in negotiating new agreements. Hatcher. sulting when the plan was put into educator reminded the audience.' ing for Monday with the college's son of the Law School the Fletch-
Lloyd Clitner, business agent for!- operation will be recalled at 2 p.m. Stressing the relationship be- curriculum committee where the er Hall motion provides:
the Laborers' Local said last night French Advance today when members of the Board 1 tween the campus and local com- student group will present its opin- * * *
that negotiations with the local of Regents will accept an oak tree munities, President Hatcher char- ions. IN VIEW OF the decision of the
building contractors association HANOI, Indochina-(P)-French from the Druids senior men's hon- acterized the whole movement "as Plans for the institution of out- Business Office to proceed with
were deadlocked and meetings were Union forces pounded the Viet- orary in commemoration of the one of two fairly agreeable organ- side reading periods in literary col- modernization and improvement
broken off about four weeks ago. minh besiegers of Dien Bien Phu events' centennial. isms occupying the same place." lege courses were discussed. Other of Fletcher Hall in such manner
The union is seeking a 25 cents yesterday with United States-sup- Speaking at the ceremony will Giving what he termed "his mes-! topics brought up were possible as to permit occupancy by either
an hour wage increase along with plied artillery and airpower. be Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel, sage to our neighbors in Ann Ar-i plans to initiate the honor sys- men or women, the Board of Gov-
five cents in welfare benefits, ac- It was the sixth day of savage University President Harlan H. bor." the President reminded tem in examinations, final exam ernors will defer decision until
cording to Clitner. struggle for the French fortress Hatcher, City Council President alumni that it was all too easy to calendaring and a student con- May 15, 1954 when it is expected
No "immediate" strike plans in northwest Indochina and the George Wahr Sallade and Ruedi take for granted what lies on your ference to be held later in the more definite enrollment figures
have been made, Clitner said, al- heavily hammered Communist-led Gingrass,'54. front doorstep." semester. for fall 1954 will be available.
though he did not rule this possi- rebels now appeared to be shun- Commenting on the dedication,
bility out completely, ning costly direct attacks Assistant to the President Erich The; raga. rd action
h th t ,



i i



New Location for City Hall Proposed

A. Walter said: "The occasion
symbolizes a healthy community
feeling that has developed among
townspeople, students, faculty -and
University administrators through-
out the years. The gift may very I
well kindle interest in a plan forI
planting trees on the new North;

World News Roundup

The Board of Governors be-
lieves that the house organizations
By The Associated Press within the residence halls inspire
loyalties, provide incentives and
WASHINGTON-A House judiciary subcommittee set out yester- supply instruments of self-govern-

on poncy wiL U regar d o a oca-
tion of residence halls space pro-
vides for the following:

Strong feeling among city offi-
cials and local citizens concerning
the need for a new city hall has
been followed by repercussions
concerning a site for the proposed
One site that has been seriously
considered upon suggestion from
Ann Arbor Mayor William Brown,
jr. is located on Ann St. across
from the county courthouse build-
ing. The entire block was recently1
assessed by a city-hired appraiser.
A T r ,i UTY i ' C rtiiCS ' i. n .... .

Negro businesses dominate the Brown to discuss the problem. A I Campus similar to that which oc- day to make communism a crime in the United States. ment that are indispensible in the
curred 100 years ago for the beau- "We're determined to put an all-comprehensive bill through this functioning of the Michigan House
the block. proposal was allegedly made byPlnthtraocinsfsudt
Business managers and owners the city official to "see that busi- tification of the University's first session of Congress," Chairman Lewis M. Graham (R-Pa.) announced Plan; that reallocations of student
interviewed yesterday declared ness and housing projects would campus." as his group began hearings on 11 bills to outlaw the Communist housing that require destruction of
they are strongly opposed to the be built for the businessmen who Party and punish those who belong to it. these organizations jeopardize the
Ann Street site for a new city hall. would be forced to move." The Physical Sciety - whole educational program which
They pinted out that the expense mayor is out of town and was i h pca epniiiyo h
of mov bsinesses is more than not avalab for commnt o To Visit.Campus I TEL AVIV, Israel-Reports of UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-- Board of Governors; that such
most of them can bear. Further- this proposal yesterday. sraei and Arab roop move- The United States served notice reallocations, if they should be-
ments and an announcement yesterday it will use the veto if come necessary at some future
more they unanimously posed the None of the businessmen along The Uversity Physics Depart- that Israel will demand United necessary to bar Red China from time, should be made only after
question, "Where would we move Ann St. interviewed yesterday I ment will play host today to more Nations action for the slaying the United Nations.
to?" plans to vote for the Ann Street than 800 members of the Ameri- of 11 Jews by marauders tight- Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. told a tried and exhausted; and that such
A bar owner contacted said the site on the advisory ballot in the can Physical Society whose annual ened the tension in the Middle news conference he believes thetrealans hudnnohevent
Ann Street location is ideal for April 5 election. Some of them are meeting is being held from today, East yesterday. United States would have the be made without prior consulta-
business, but moving to a site far- not in favor of a new city hall im- through Saturday in Detroit. An svrei snkem.. an blam ednnrt n manr alntri, . .b m-ad thu prir u

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