PAGN TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 1414 PAGE TWO 'I'HTTR~4flAV 1WAUWW it ~@rci THE MICHIGAN IJAIL~ LAAk% AVkJJ.fkMAp LTL AAklA lot JL," % R An Editorial THE UNIVERSITY is giving itself birthday parties this week at more than 100 spots on the globe. In one such locale --the Detroit University Club-anniver- sary sentiments rang far off key. An un- written rule of the Club, which has no connection with this University, barred a Negro student from appearing at the alumni gathering which was wishing well to the University within its halls. University Clubs, birthday celebrations and-discrimination; the concepts Just don't mix. It is impossible to sincerely applaud universities when those they graduate refuse to question such policies. The issue is clear-cut and should be immediately remedied on two counts. The Club should without further- pressure get rid of its unwritten but well understood ban. The Detroit alumni association--and for that matter any group in the same position-should hold its meetings else- where until discriminatory policies are removed. And the year-old student speakers bur- eau can adopt an effective program in sending representatives where all stu- dents can speak or sending no one at all. -The Senior Editors: Harry Lunn, Erie Vetter, Virginia Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver, Diane D. AuWerter, Helene Simon At HIl Auditorium .. . An Unfortunate Decision By DIANE D. AuWERTER Daily Associate Editor' ONE OF THE most regrettable facets of the unsavory situation with the Detroit University Club was the decision made by the two "acceptable speakers" to go ahead with their appearance. The student leaders involved, Mike Scherer, president of the literary college, and Harry Lunn, Daily Managing Editor, were justifiably upset when informed that the third speaker would not be able to attend because of his race. The decision they then faced was whether to decline to decline the invitation to protest the discrimination or to attend as planned and let the alumni know their sentiments on the matter at the meeting. Unfortunately, they chose the latter course of action. Had they elected not to go, they would have strongly indicated to the Detroit group that they disapproved of its policy. The ac- tion would have created a definite stir among the alumni, and perhaps have led to positive results. At any rate, the alumni as- sociation would be more careful about se- lecting the site of the next meeting to which student speakers would be invited. These same results might be accomplish- ed by attending the meeting, but it is doubt- ful. Regardless of the sincerity of the stu- dents in expressing disapproval, the fact of their presence could tell against them in the eyes of many alumni. It is hard to take criticism seriously from someone who a few minutes before has laughed across the ban- quet table and enjoyed the company of the people he is there to censure. Whereas the inconvenience and awk- wardness resulting from their failure to attend would make the incident memor- able, a few hasty words spoken after a full meal have little permanent effect and a followup letter will be relegated to the files and quickly forgotten. Lunn and Scherer do deserve some cre- dit for protesting. But, they should realize thata watered-down protest is at best a second rate measure and likely to meet withj scan results. A vigorous, patently sincere stand on the issue was needed, and the de- cision to "go ahead" was highly inadequate. The Big Ones That Always Get Away fR O-LAND it 4- f : A --k -a.... ttep'4 TO THE E DITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Double Talk on the Tax Issue MYRA HESS, pianist Bach: Fantasia In C minor; French Suite No. 5, in G major. Beethoven; Sonata in C minor, Op. 111 Haydn: Sonata, No. 7, in D major Schumann: Etudes symphoniques, Op. 13 HE GENERAL belief that Myra Hess is the outstanding piano soloist perform- ing today was thoroughly substantiated last night as a capacity Hill Auditorium house witnessed not only her brilliant artistry and interpretations but certainly the best pro- graiming on the Choral Union series in many a year. Dame Myra of course understands a com- poser's intentions like few soloists alive, but never was a skill in planning a program so that each piece was shown in its best light more at hand. The concert centered its emo- tional peak around the Beethoven sonata, its virtuostic heights around the Schumann. The Bach French Suite and Fantasia were played with emphasis on their moods. Each dance in the Suite had its own char. ater, from the graceful flow of the Al- lemande to the vitality of the Gigue, care fully delineated and projected with lui- dity of style, to give the work a well- rounded and logical whole besides elegant- ly bringing out its dance-like essence. In stark contrast the program continued with Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 111, his last work for piano. It is a work of the utmost drama, as indicated by the violent change of mood between the introduction to the first movement and the first movement it-. self, or in a larger sense between the two movements of the entire sonata. At the same time it is a work exploiting extreme ranges of the piano, and necessitating a huge tech- nical accomplishment to bring out its struc- ture. Dame Myra's performance was per- feet; the concert reached such a point of in- tensity that the intermission was a neces- sary break after a high-powered and mean- ingful musical experience. That Dame Myra underplayed the dra- matic quality of the Haydn sonata was all in her favor, for coming so close after the Beethoven its gay all that would be able to speak. The sonata is one of Haydn's loveliest and wittiest; its effect on the evening was like its scherzo. The Schumann Etudes were showpieces for Dame Myra's technique, and likewise her ability at well-arched phrases. Again she was able to bring fresh and vital moods to each of the Etudes, but unlike the Bach French Suite, the materials of the Schumann were not so well conceived. No amount of artistic moulding on Dame Myra's part could re- lieve the work's length. For encores Dame Myra played a short piece of Schumann, a Brahms' Intermezzi, a Scarlatti Sonata, and another piece of Bach. An extra feature of the concert was its dedication by the University Musical So- ciety to the Centenary Anniversary of Stein. way and Sons. No finer dedication or con- clusion to the year's Choral Union series, which the concert also was, could have taken place. -Donald Harris IT HAS BEEN SAID by many homecoming patriotic Americans: People abroad have an exaggerated notion of that peculiar American distemper which, for lack of a better name, is called McCarthyism. This applies particularly to those countries that have known fascism: They have such in- grained horror of that plague that they cannot help being frightened when they see its early symptoms in the leading nation of the West. Many a visiting A rican has been asked by Italian or German friends whether he has a "safe address" or a "good place to hide." JUEDAY NIGHT'S speech by President Eisenhower, a feeble attempt to ration- alize and justify his tax program, was a farce. The message was filled with contradic- tions and half-truths. The first part of it was devoted to flag-waving and words of praise for the economy program pur- sued by the Republicans. Ike made the startling revelation that without tax re- venues the government couldn't carry out its programs. Incidentally, the programs he mentioned--slum clearance. and public housing, increased unemployment insur- ance, better farm and conservation poli-, cies-have either been reduced or neglect- ed altogether by the Republicans. This does not deter Ike, however. His appeal for public support of Administration tax measures was based on the need for re- venues to continue this largely fictitious program. It would be ridiculous, of course, to claim that money isn't needed to finance even the limited social welfare program that Eisen- hower proposes. The point is that the mon- ey for these programs, and the money need- ed even more urgently for national defense, can be derived from better and fairer sour- ces than the President suggests. What the entire tax-overhaul bill boils down to is an attempt by the Eisenhower Administration to provide tax relief for cor- porations and their stockholders at a time when Eisenhower himself admits that "the loss of revenue would be a serious blow to our government." One of the provisions that the Presi- dent claims is designed "to help those among you who have made or who want to make investments to help meet the expenses of a growing family or of old age" is the reduction in stockholders tax- es. Mr. President, this is unadulterated double-talk. People in middle or low in- come groups don't invest in stocks exten- sively, especially when they are expecting a large family or planning for old-age security. The only people the stock tax- reduction would benefit are those who have a substantial investment in stocks--- or, in other words, the high income groups. More than three-fourths of the nation's 55 milion taxpayers earn $5,000 or less. Ac- cording to figures released by the Demo- cratic National Committee, this great ma- jority of American taxpayers would get lit- tle or no tax relief from the pending Re- publican tax revision program. Two billion dollars, or 95% of the reductions would go to the upper one-fourth income bracket. Thus, as Congressional Democrats point out, the Eisenhower tax-reduction program will not help those who are desperately in need of help: the lower and middle income groups. They have come up with a substi- tute proposal which is much fairer. The Democrats would knock out the stockholders exemption clause and substitute an "increas- ed exemption" clause which would increase the personal income exemption from $600 to $700. Certainly, this proposal is more ap- propriate help to those among us who are in need of "aid to meet the expenses of a growing family or of old age." It would mean that the average worker, with several children to care for, would be allowed an extra $100 deduction for each of his dependents. It would mean that the aged, with only small incomes, would be getting the proposed tax relief, rather than a privileged few, who are much better able to afford it. President Eisenhower ,self-righteously asserts that he is for "everybody paying his fair share." He "simply doesn't believe that anyone privileged to live in this country wants someone else to pay his own just and fair share of his govern- ment." Exactly, Mr. President! The "fair and just share" of the tax burden must be car- ried by those who are best able to carry it. This is the philosophy behind the "ability- to-pay" progressive income tax principle. Especially in a time of unemployment, if a tax cut is warranted it should go to those who are greatest strained by the tax. Please, Mr. President, less double-talk and more help. -Art Cornfeld ON THE Washington MeryEGo-Round With DREW PEARSON Skol.. . To the Editor: WE'LL TAKE Fran Sheldon's "know it all" attitude over Eve Kommel's holier-than-thou atti- tude any day. Skol, Fran! -Sally Lennington Joan Bryan *# * * Sincere? .. . To The Editor: jT IS a very commonly expressed opinion, even among "liberal" Re- publicans and some conservative Democrats, that "regardless of what you think of McCarthy and his methods, one must admit his sincerity and his efforts in awak- ening the American people to the dangers of Communism," (to quote Pat Cleary at a recent YR meet- ing.) It is particularly with respect to the question of McCarthy's sin- cerity that I should like to pre- sent certain pertinent facts in or- der to expose the dangers of this complacent attitude in blinding so many to the true nature of Mc- Carthyism. It would seem reasonable to ex- pect that anyone who claims to be as devoted to and concerned with a single issue-the struggle against Communism - as McCarthy re- peatedly assures us he is, would be consistent in his hostility to those against whom he is strtg- gling. Yet consider the following facts as reported by Guy Nunn, ra- dio commenatator, in quoting from the McCarthy Record. 1. McCarthy's first election to the Senate in 1946 was made pos- sible largely by the votes he re- ceived from the Communists, which though few in number con- stituted the balance of power in that election. During the Sena- torial campaign McCarthy openly accepted the Communist support, despite the obvious shoddy inten- tion of the Communists to defeat the vigrously anti-Communist La- Follette at any cost. He made no effort, then or later, to disassociate himself from this typical Commu- nist maneuver. In 1950, long after McCarthy had taken up the "anti-Commu- nist" struggle, Charles Davies, in- disputably a paid agent of Mc- Carthy, hired to dredge up or in- vent political blackmail against John Carter Vinson, was convict- ed by a Swiss court for illegal Com- munist activity. Both during and after his conviction Davis insist- ed McCarthy would not desert him, but he did. -Alfred Hunting, Grad, * * * Frozen Souls ... To the Editor: IN HIS article about Berlin stu- dent life appearing in Tues- day's Michigan Daily, Klaus Lie- pelt gives us the one solution he sees for the East German stu- dent: "For the only chance of thaw- ing these freezing souls could be provided by a period of educa- tion in a Western institution." I wonder if Mr. Liepelt had any particular Western institutions in mind? Could I suggest a few? Perhaps M.I.T. would be good? Professor Dirk Struik, a world- famous mathematician, was sus-! pended from the faculty there be- cause he was indicted under a Massachusetts law for conspiracy tion was suspended because of his refusal to testify before the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee. Other Institutions which have fired or suspended professors for political reasons include the Uni- versities of Minnesota, Washing- ton, Oregon, and Nevada, Colum- bia, U.C.L.A. and R.P.I. For those frozen souls interested in journalism I could suggest the University of Georgia. There, the student newspaper was censured and threatened with withdrawal of state funds if it again attacked ra- cial- segregation in the schools. In fact, I might suggest any ed- ucational institute of higher learn- ing in this country as an excellent place for the thawing of the freez- ing souls. Surely the fact (docu- mented in The New York Times) that professors and students alike are afraid to speak up for the liber- al side of politically controversial issues is an asset, not a detriment. Of udoubted great stimulation to the thawing of frozen souls is the fact that letters to the editor of The Michigan Daily dealing with politically controversial topics are often used by the "subversive" sec- tion of the Michigan State Police, and the F.B.I., as part of the in- formation gathered on students in whom they are "interested." And what could be more encour- aging to the thawing of frozen souls than the presence of "con- tact men" of California campuses who are working for the Califor- nia Un-American Activities Com- mittee with the purpose of report- ing the political activities of pro- fessors and students. Perhaps we ought to give more thought and time to the deteriora- tion of the American institute of higher learning, which deteriora- tion is due in no small measure to the fear and hysteria that is be- coming a part of the American Way of Life. And maybe we should look more to our own souls and see if they are not freezing because of this educational deterioration. --Paul Dormont Wells Case . . . To the Editor: IWISH with this letter to call attention to the case of Wesley Robert Wells, a 44 year old Negro who is sentenced to die in Califor- nia on April 9. A short letter can barely begin to acquaint readers with this trag- ic case, and must content itself with listing several salient facts. 1. Wells is to lose his life for throwing a cuspidor at a prison guard. The guard returned to work in four days. 2. Wells has been in prison since committing theft as a teen-age youth. He received the death sentence seven years ago, during which time appeals have gone through the courts. 3. Wells was sentenced to death under Section 4500 of the Cal. state penal code, under which an assault on a guard is punishable by death if the assailant is a life prisoner. Wells, however, was un- der an indeterminate sentence, not a life sentence, and cannot' legally come under this section of the penal code. 4. Medical evidence was not ad- mitted at Wells' trial, although the examining psychiatrist claimed that Wells was sick from "abnor- The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 116 Notices Hearst Oratory Contest. This year's local Hearst Oratory contest will be held on Mon., Mar. 29, at 4 p.m. In 4203 Angell Hall. Undergraduate students are invited to participate. No experi- ence. Contestants should be prepared to present an original six-minute speech (quoted passages not to ex- ceed one-third of the text) on some phase of Abraham Lincoln. Local win- ners in both the Junior (Freshman and Sophomore years) and Senior (Senior and Junior years) will receive a $50 bond and will represent the Universi- ty in the state contest in May. The national winner will receive a $1,000 bond. Interested students should con- tact Mr. Esch in 3219 Angell Hall be- fore Thurs., Mar. 25. Camp Counselors. Mr..Ken Smith of Camp Charlevoix will be interviewing prospective men counselors for Camp Charlevoix at the Michigan Union Thursday morning, Mar. 18. Interested persons should contact the Bureau of Appointments, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614, to arrange for interviews. Men and Women Camp Counselors. Rev. William Heater of the Clear Lake Camp will be interviewing prospective counselors Thursday afternoon, Mar. 18. For further information you may con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614. Applications for Fulbright Awards for University lecturing and Advanced Research, which are open to post- doctoral students and faculty, should be submited by April 15. The follow- ing countries will be represented in this years competition: Australia, Bur- ma, Ceylon, India, New Zealand, Phil- ippines, Thailand, Union of South Af- rica. Application forms are available from the Conference Board of Asso- ciated Research Councils, Committee on International Exchange of Per- sons, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Wash- ington 25, D.C. For further informa- tion locally, pamphlets may be obtain- ed at the office of the Graduate School. The Following Student-Sponsored So- cial Events are approved for the com- ing week-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Monday prior to the event. March 18, 1954 Jordan Hall and Phi Kappa Sigma March 19, 1954 Delta Theta Phi Graduate Student Council Phi Delta Phi Scott House March 20, 1954 Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Sigma Phi Beta Theta Pi Chi Phi Chi Psi & Theta Delta Chi Cooley House Delta Sigma PT Delta Sigma Theta Delta Tau Delta Delta Theta Phi Delta Upsilon Gomberg House Kappa Sigma Michigan Christian Fellowship Michigan House Odonto Ball Phi Delta Phi Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Tau Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Reeves House Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon Slide Rule Ball Theta Xi Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Psi March 21, 1954 Delta Theta Phi Gamma Phi Beta Stockwell Hall PERSONNEL REQUESTS. F. J. Stokes Machine C., Philadelphia, Pa., is seeking a recently graduated engineer to be hired as a Sales Engineer working from the company's Cincinnati office. There will also be an opening in the Sales organization for a June engineering graduate. The Hiliard Corp., Elmira, N.Y., is interested in contacting June gradu- ates in Mechanical Engineering for po- sitions involving design, manufacture, and application of various kinds of clutches for industrial use. Radcliffe College and Harvard Uni- versity are sponsoring an eight weeks' Summer Institute on Historical and Ar- chival Management to be held from June 23 to August 17. This is an in- tensive course for men and women col- lege graduates who are interested in making a career in archival, historical society, and museum work. Canadair Limited, Montreal, Canada, will have openings for June engineering graduates in the following fields: de- sign, dynamics aerodynamics, guided hood to courageously resist Jim- crow while struggling to make a precarious living. Unspeakable plots and cruelties practiced against him would have killed a weaker man. Racial hatred and le- galistic red tape have robbed him of the consideration due a human being." 6. Many notables have appealed to Gov. Goodwin J. Knight, Sac- ramento, Cal., for clemency. These include five members of the Cal. state legislature, 16 re- ligious and community organi- missilles, stress analysis, and test and development. For additional information about these and other employment oppor- tunities, please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures American Chemical Society Lecture, Thurs., Mar. 18, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building, Prof. D. S. Tarbell of the University of Rochester will speak on "Some Problems in the Field of Or- ganic Sulfur Compounds." "Passion for Life," an outstanding French documentary film with English subtitles, will be shown in the Archi- tecture Auditorium, Saturday morning from 10:30 to 12:00. Produced by Jean- Paul Le Chanois for the French Min- istry of Education, it is sponsored by the United Nations Film Board and brought to the campus by Education A102 (Mr. Ronald Anderson). Pubil cordially invited. Academic Notices Women's Physical Education Classes. All classes in the women's Physical Ed- ucation Program will have the oppor- tunity of a swim in the new pool on Wednesday and Thursday of this week at the regular class hour. Swimmers are asked to furnish caps and a non-wool suit. A limited number of suits will e available at the pool. Preliminary Instruction-Water Safe- ty Instructors' Course. All those plan- ning to take this course must attend a preliminary session. The last opportu- nity will be this Fri., Mar. 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the Tappan Junior High Swim- ming Pool. Sign up at Red Cross Head- quarters, Nickels Arcade. All candidates must be 18 years of age and hold a cur- rent Senior Life Saving Certificate. Recreational Leadership Class-Wom-- en's Required Physical Education. Class will meet at the Women's Swimming Pool on Fri., Mar. 19, at 3 p.m. Bring a non-wool suit and a cap. A limited number of suits will be available at the pool. Women's Swimming Pool. Recreation- al swimming for upperclass women is scheduled for this week as follows; Wednesday 4:15-5:30 Friday 4:15-5:30 Saturday 10-12; 2-5:30 Sunday 3-5 Please sign up ahead of time for these swims at the desk at the Women's Athletic Building. Swimmers must show I.D. cards and are asked to furnish caps and a non-wool suit. A limited number of suits will be available at the pool. Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Application of Mathematica to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., Mar. 18, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Ma- son Hall. Mr. Stefan vail of the Sco- nomics Department will speak on "elI- ing Behavior under Uncertainty." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Mar. 18, at 4 in 247 Rest Engineering. Speaker: Professor C. L. Dolph. Topic: The estimation of solu- tions of elliptical boundary value prob- lems by the method of Treftz and Ray leigh-Ritz. Logic Seminar will meet Fri., Mar. 19, at 4 p.m., Room 411 Mason Hall. Dr. MNaughton will discuss Tarsk' results on "Decidable Theories." T Potential Theory Seminar will meet on Fri., Mar. 19, at 4 p.m., 3010 Angell Hall. Mr. R. Wasserman will continue to talk on some explicit potential func- tions and their implications. The results of the language examina- tion for the M.A. in history are posted in 3601 Haven Hall. Concerts Student Recital. John McCreary, or- ganist, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday evening, Mar. 18, in Hill Au- ditorium, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. It will include works by Cou- perin, Le Grand, Bach, Franck, Mes- (Continued on Page 4) I 4 4" t 4 WASHINGTON-While the nation has been intrigued, mystified and absorbed in the McCarthy-Cohn-Schine fight with the Army; the nation's most important and complicated tax bill in 20 years is almost totally ununderstood in the House of Re- presentatives. With only a few days to study its 875 intricate pages, no Congressman no mat- ter how conscientious could possibly vote intelligently on this bill. Even Treasury Department experts who helped write the bill admit that certain sections don't turn out to mean what was intended. The on- ly thing the experts agree on is that for - years to come the tax lawyers will make money interpreting the kinks of this bill. Democratic members of the House of Re- presentatives, however, have decided-with the exception of one man-to send the bill back to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to change only one sec- tion. They would eliminate the provision whereby those who receive dividends- are given a preferred status over those who earn salaries and wages. In its place Demo- crats would substitute a $100 increase in personal tax exemption, thereby helping lower bracket taxpayers and taking about 7,000,000 people off the tax rolls. REPUBLICANS ON SPOT WHEN IT COMES to a vote to recommit the tax bill, about 20 Republican Con- gressmen are on the spot. In the past they introduced bills to increase the' personal exemption of individual taxpayers, and now they are called upon by President Eisen- hower, Speaker Joe Martin and the GOP Rogers of Massachusetts, aren't going to do any explaining. Mrs. Rogers plans to vote her convictions and with the Democrats, regardless of the urging of GOP leaders. BOILING DEMOCRATS W HAT MAKES Democratic Congressmen so sore about the Administration's bill is first, the loopholes favoring big business; second, the manner in which the bill was rammed through the Ways and Means Com- mittee. The Ways and Means Committee is charged with writing the nation's tax laws. In the past this has been done by both Democratic and Republican mem- bers, usually over a period of many months. What irked the Democrats, however, is that this time, the tax bill was drafted by the Republicans separately, then handed to the Democrats. Then it was rammed through the committee in six weeks, before the Democrats had any real chance to con- sider it. Since the bill is 875 pages long, and goes into the most minute and complicated pro- visions, it takes careful study and the ad- vice of tax lawyers to get any idea of what's in it. Despite this, Ways and Means Com- mittee members were not permitted to take copies of the bill outside the committee room for study overnight. Chairman Dan Reed, tax czar of Congress, forbade it. Reed required each member to surrender his copy as he left the committee room. "How can we vote intelligently on these provisions unless we can study them over- night?" protested - Congressman Wilbur Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students ot the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter.................City Editor Virginia Voss. ...Editorial Director Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuW erter....Associate Editor Helene Simon........ Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler. . .. Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger. Business Managet William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager Don Chisholm...Circulation Manager t: Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS a4 I