_y AN EDITORIAL See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State i~aitF CLOUDY. WARMER VOL. LXIV, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954 FOUR PAGES K Classes To End May27 This Year Deans Retain Thanksgiving Holiday For Two Year Provisional Period By JON SOBELOFF Classes will end this spring on Thursday, May 27, with Friday "dead" and final exams beginning Saturday, May 29, ending the next Saturday for seniors. The present long Thanksgiving weekend will be retained for another two years on a trial basis. Those were the decisions at yesterday's Deans' Conference. But Dean Charles E. Odegaard of the literary college indicated that the literary school faculty will go along with the approved exam schedule this year only-by next year they want a complete reconsideration Ike Declares Confidence In Stevens (I Democrats Losing Fight rOn Tax Cut WASHINGTON - (P) - Re- publicans appeared to be gaining ground steadily late yesterday in a House floor battle against a Dem- ocratic drive. to give everybody a new income tax cut. After five hours of bitter par- tisan debate, GOP leaders express- ed strong' and growing optimism that a showdown vote today would defeat a Democratic proposal to in- crease individual income tax ex- emptions for each taxpayer and each dependent by $100. * * * SEVERAL Democratic leaders, who earlier had predicted victory for their side, conceded privately that the odds appeared to be against them now in the critical tax fight in this congressional election year. Republican leaders said a half dozen or more GOP lawmakers heretofore considered "doubtful" on the issue had swung over yesterday in opposition to the exemption increase. Chairman Daniel Reed (R-NY) of the Ways and, Means Commit- tee said Democrats were using "dangerously misleading" figures to support their contention that corporations and wealthy individ- uals would benefit most from the general tax revision bill. 88 Candidates t Vie for Fifty Campus Posts Eighty-eight candidates have thrown their hats into the elec- tions ring for 50 campus positions, Babs Hilman, '55Ed., elections di- rector announced yesterday. Students will cast their ballots in all-campus elections, March 30 and 31, for 22 Student Legislature seats, nine J-Hop positions, seven Union vicepresidents, eight senior class officers, three Board in Con- trol of Student Publications mem- bers and one Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate ; Athletics mem- ber. THIRTY-ONE candidates in the running for 22 SL seats include: Bill Adams, Eugene Axelrod, '56; Gwenn Bashara, '57; Norm Beck, '55BAD.; Hank Berliner, '56; San- dra Cook, '57; Charles Creager, '4NR; Sheila Cummins,'55; Ricky Gilman, '55N; Etta Gluckstein, '56; Larry Harris, '56. The list continues with Diana Hewitt, '55; Sandy Hoffman, '56; Nan Howe, '56; Jim Laarman, '55E; Larry Levine, '56; June Levinson, '56; David Levy, '57; Ellen Loveland, '55Ed.; Murray MacDonald, Joe Moore, 55M; Donna Netzer, '56; Nancy Petri- coff, '56, and Ruth Rossner, '55. Concluding the roster of Legis- lature candidates are: Herb Schneider, '56; Carol Seltzer, '57; Ned Simon, '55; Charles Skala, '55BAd.; Bob Sommer, '57; Joel Tauber, and John Winslow, '55M. * * * TWENTY- ONE candidates on the nine-place J-Hop slate are: t Sarah Jo Brown, '56; Carolyn Bry- ant, '56; Gene Cohen, '56; Bill Diamond, William Eckerman, '56; Mark Gallon, '56; Bob Gillow, '56; Robert' Ginsberg, Patricia God- dard, Peggy Hubbard, Lou Kwik- er, '56. Continuing the list are: Earl of the entire school calendar. Four student members of the University Calendaring Commit- tee attended yesterday's deans' meeting. The students had prev- iously indicated approval of the dead Friday plan for this spring. * * * THE DEANS' extension of the four-day Thanksgiving weekend for another two years was based on a report showing that attend- ance in the various colleges was relatively good the Wednesday before and the Monday after Thanksgiving vacation. Student Legislature and stu- dent leaders had cooperated in urging good attendance at they Wednesday and Monday classes last semester. They pointed out that the four-day holiday, which had been instituted on a two- year trial basis, would not be continued it too many students cut classes. No significant drop in attend- ance on Wednesday or Monday was reported by the schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing, so- cial work or public health. The College of Architecture and De- sign reported 17 per cent absence on Wednesday and 18 per cent on Monday. The business administration school had 17.6 per cent absence Wednesday, eight per cent Mon- day. Comparable figures were: for the education school 17 and 10 per cent; engineering college, 6.2 and 3.9 per cent and literary col- lege, 14 and five per cent. * . * SL Favors Calendar Ref erendum. Special Election Set for May 5, 6. By BECKY CONRAD A number of Student Legislature candidates watched the proceed- ings of SL last night as the Leg- islature voted to hold a special all- campus election May 5 and 6 "for purposes of gathering student opinion on proposed changes in the academic calendar." Ruth Rossner, '55, framer of the motion, explained that various al- ternative plans for an academic calendar would be placed on the referendum. Legislators endorsed the ap- pointment of Howard Nemorowski, '55E, to the post of elections direc- tor for the special University-fi- nanced balloting., * * * EARLIER in the SL session, Leg- islators urged the Dean of Stu- dents' office to "re-examine and revise the present system of ad- ministering loans to women." The motion pressed for action giving coeds "responsibility and privilege of bringing their re- quests for loans in person to the Committee on Student Loans, without any preliminary sreen- ing by the Dean of Women's Of- fice. Currently, Assistant to the Dean of Women Gertrude E. Muhollan1 screens all coed requests for loans To give students an oppor- tunity to meet Student Legis- lature candidates and discuss election issues a pre-election open house -will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the SL Bldg.. Students have been urged to attend the meeting in order to determine the stand of candi- dates on the issues of the cam- paign. and either shows them other solu- tions to their problems, refuses loans or passes requests on to the committee. Proposer of the motion Steve Jelin, '55, pointed out, "Dis- crimination or partiality does not exist now." However, he ex- plained, the motion is intended as an indictment of that policy which leaves open to distinct possibility the enactment of per- sonal prejudices." Legislators last night also pressed for University adoption of a Junior year abroad program, which would include thepublishing of a booklet correlating courses att the University and foreign uni- versities. SL also voted to forward to Uni-i versity President Harlan H. Hat- cher before the Regents' meeting tomorrow signatures collected on! petitions asking for Regents' ac-r tion in modification of the driving ban. Yesterday's total was 2200 signatures. However, more peti- tions will be collected from housingt groups today. f ,.- -Daily-Chuck Kelsey DOUBLE-DUTY PARTY SEES BIRTHDAY CAKE, GREEN BEER Asks End To Pett Political Quarrels Eisenhower Con emns President Who Fails To Aid Country in Danger WASHINGTON-(P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared yesterday his confidence in the honesty and integrity of Secretary of the Army Stevens. He said he believes Stevens, and believes in him, in the secre- tary's blazing row with Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.). Sharply calling for an end to what he termed petty quarrels and hysterical reaction to such things as "unwise investigators," Eisen- hower said it's possible Stevens may be mistaken or misinformed on some points. * * * * BUT HE ASSERTED wth vigor that if he didn't believe Stevens, the Army secretary wouldn't be where he is. He underlined it by say- ing he stands by Stevens so far -- - as his integrity and honor are con- cerned. No Formal McCarthy, in Chicago for a speech, said forthcoming public hearings "will demonstrate who ii is telling the truth." McCarthy also told newsmen that Stevens is being used by "Pentagon politicians" who, he "etg n pltcas wh ,h O1said, fear exposure by the Senate investigations subcommittee." By MARK READER The senator did not name these Returning from a Detroit Alum "Pentagon politicians." ni Club Board of Governors meet- President Eisenhower also said ing late yesterday Harry Lunn, '54, yesterday that hanging ought to ing etr Hay n 'd be the fate of any president who Managing Editor of The Daily said failed to act instantly to protect that "no formal discussion" was the American people against a -held concerning the Tuesday ban- the mercanpeope aaint aning" of a Negro student leader sudden attack in this atomic age.n * * from addressing the group. EISENHOWER, with red-faced Lunn and Mike Scherer, 54, irritation he made no apparent ef- president of the literary college fort to conceal, made it plain he is Senior Class, attended the meet- sick and tired ofcorei attewn the third scheduled student guest such as the one in which Stevens would not be allowed to speak at accused McCarthy of putting pres- the University Club of Detroit. sure on the Army and McCarthy ack Al' my of trying to COMMENTING on yesterday's "ba h . .meeting, celebrating the.-Univer- The trouble is, said Eisenhow- sity's 137th birthday, Lunn said he er, the world is suffering from would recommend a change in a "a multiplicity of fears"-of the speakers bureau policy so in the men in the Kremlin and of "un- future "any student could go or wise investigators" here at home, non at all should go." among other things. What's needed, he snapped, is to The speakers program initi-* stop the name-calling and get ated last year attempts to ac- ahead with something that is good quaint alumni with University for the United States-with "a activities and, issues. through faith in the destiny of America." student speakers. L T n-iA ha id nfhnr fh ish'Pay Homage to Patron Saint .-------- --------__. By FRAN O'SHELDON Beserdy a sgeEL dn of her snakes. Those inside were Another student denounced dy slow to leave. Daily flashbulbs as "an invasion of day. m poraoy ihs" Honoring the patron saint of Nowhere was there a place for my 'propriatory' rights." Erin thousands of University stu- lone Ulstermen in the maze of Brickbats and shillelaghs were dents subscribed to the wearing- shamrocks and other green rep- noticeably absent from yesterday's and the drinking-of the green. resentations of the day. partying as was the Saint in whose * * * honor it was given. ALTHOUGH local old-timers DENYING any knowledge of the He reportedly returned to his claim Saint Patrick's Day cele- newly established Indiana ruling native Scotland. brations'have become quieter with prohibiting the serving of green each succeeding generation revelry beer with the question, "who hadI was at a height last night in a time to read the papers today?" New H-Bom local student-onpulated beverage of LUD 1y- 7U14G1V rvulacu-,vaniiFrank Pennisi, manager 01 Tne ; dispensary specializing in green Ann Arbor establishment explain- beer. ed that his beverage was colored witlh " n'ra e n,.nn f nnd nlnrinrr THE LAW SCHOOL reported 9.11 per cent absence Wednesday and 6.8 per cent Monday, but indicat- ed that normal absences were about 5.5 per cent. one fifth of the pharmacy students were ab- sent Wednesday afternoon, but only 3.5 per cent in the morning and 2.5 per cent Monday. The Law School will not be affected by the spring final exam schedule. The deans have been requested to "poll their respective faculties"! on the various possible ways to revise the whole University calen- dar, but they have not completed their reports yet. University President Harlan H. Hatcher yesterday reiterated his position that seniors must be of-, ficially graduated. Student calendar committee members have attacked this view, citing polls of students and sen- iors' parents which show they think a longer exam period is more important than a "more meaningfulcommencement" by a two to one margin. Student members of the calen- daring committee have termed this spring's final exam schedule "more! desirable than a nine day examin- ation period without a free day, which was the situation last spring, or a six day exam schedule if it began on Monday." 711 As 1 Throughout the afternoon and evening a line of hopeful would- be customers lined the front of the establishment patiently wait- ing their turn to pay homage to the man who ridded Ireland TU' President Given Naval Board Post University President Harlan H. Hatcher yesterday was appointed by President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er to the Board of Visitors for the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. The board operates in a super- visory capacity and recommends policy regarding operation of the Academy to the President and Congress. MEMBERS visit the institution one a year and live there for a pe- riod of about three days to study other aspects of the training pro- gram. The board includes the chair- man of the Armed Services Com- mittee of the House and Senate. President Hatcher, a Democrat, was nominated by both State sen- ators to the post along with Walter E. Borden, a Boston banker. Borden, a Republican, is presi- dent of the National Shawmut Bank in Boston. He is a graduate of the Naval Academy. President Hatcher will speak be- fore the Ann Arbor Alumni Asso- ciation at a dinner today in the Union commemorating the 137th birthday of the University. Bucket Drive Seven hundred-fifty dollars was collected in the bucket drive conducted Tuesday and yesterday to send University students to the Free University of Berlin. Petitions for scholarships to the Free University open to- day and will continue through April 1. Applicants must have a speaking knowledge of Ger- man and a Bachelor's degree by next year. Wil pure gre oo iuu g~-11. He said the coloring did not affect the taste. Absorbing a bit of the Old Sod with her cake, Muriel Claflin, '55. was subject to a two-in-one cele- bration. Observing her twenty- first birthday, her reaction was, "it's wonderful-a green birth-I day." Not so pleased was a student crying over his beer and a new- ly acquired parking ticket. "I like: Michigan, but I like green beer better," he said. Reds Blamed For Disputes By The Associated Press Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) said last .night in Chicago that the Communist party was trying to promote fights between President! Eisenhower and himself, with the objective of destroying them both. He said that a report, made at a secret convention of the Com- munist party last fall, instructedE the Reds to pursue these tactics., Meanwhile in Troy, N.Y. Dem- ocratic National Chairman- Stephen A. Mitchell last night accused McCarthy and his sup- porters of running a "hate cam- paign" designed to "convert the fear and hatred that Americans feel for communism into fear and hatred of other Americans." In a speech prepared for deliv- ery before a St. Patrick's Day din-' ner there, Mitchell said one of the results was a "revival of religious prejudice" against the Roman Catholic Church. SCHOLARSHIP RE i Blast Largest Explosion Yet WASHINGTON - - Shat-I tering power hundreds of times greater than any previous man- made explosion was unleashed when the United States set off its H-bomb No., 2 March 1, it was re- vealed yesterday. That detonation in the mid-Pa- cific proving grounds two weeks E R J t > ' A_ "> ,i ago also:..TURNING up at his news co 1. Left scientific measuring in- ference in a top-o'-the-morn: struments unable to record the mood, sporting a green St. Pa stum enets unabe to rerdthed rick's Day tie, Eisenhower swift full effects of the unpredicted waxed emphatic and often mdi for.e A enant as he declared: 2. Apparently pushed radioac- 1) The Democrats are in error tive debris and moisture out be- he paused as if he'd rather use yond the safety zone boundary of stronger word-when they char the test area. his tax program is loaded in fav 3. Jarred an island 176 miles of rich people. And he said t distant. people who want to cut inco' This information came yester- taxes now are the same ones w day from a variety of sources-in- wouldn't let him raise the nation cluding direct statements by con- debt limit a few months back. gressional committee members and 2) A president should be in comments by other well qualified peached or even hanged if he fa sources who could not be named. ed to take instant action to rep Of high significance was the any aggression against the Unit Ifact that all described the March States. 1explosio ashad ofaa3 He doesn't like the "new 10 weapon, capable of being dropped ledm chsAmeniaio' l fense policy. It's nothing but -carefully worked out approach1 *eFa sthe dangers of the atomic age,l 1 C Ssaid, and to call it revolutiona Fifty extra tickets are avail- or sudden is "just not true-ju abe for the Union-sponsored not true. trip to Detroit Monday for the when they're justly criticized, ar Faces." when the criticism is unjust th Tickets may be purchased for 'feel a mixture of anger, resent $4 at the Union Student Office ment and sadness. This was in re from 3 to 5 p.m. today and to- ply to a question about the effe morrow. of McCarthy-type investigatio on armed service morale. .Lunn saiU de e nou o Id the n- Detroit Alumni "responsible for in' the University Club rules" but It- strongly urged that in the future tly such meetings be held "in a place g- where anyone is free to* attend." ~ . . HOWEVER, Ruth Rossner, '55, a recording secretary- of Studegt Legislature issued a sharp blast at or the incident which she termed.:"ri- 'e diculous." ho "I don't thnk the two students al should have spoken at the meet- ing," she said. During the course of yesterday's il- SL meeting Paul Dormont, '55, pel urged the Legislature to take ac- ed tion on the banning and to contact alumni groups in Detroit and ask k" them to change such policies. Dor- mont spoke during member's time. le-i Administrative officials were a generally not available for com- to ment. Wilbur K. Pierpont, Univers- he ity vice-president, who attended ry the meeting also declined comment ist on the incident. ren id1 Conf e.. rence tey- e-- act! Be Held e-t ct Nearly 150 deans, administrators ns and faculty members from junioi' 1 colleges all over the state are ex- pected to attend the Junior Col- r' frst Aid Instruction PT ORT: .$lege-University of Michigan Con- Terence here tday Visiting classes and discussion groups oncadmissions and regis Fewer Students in Academic TroubletIrars' offices are included in the day-long program. By JUNE HOWARD The conference is sponsored by Despite increased enrollments in ings given, Robertson and the col- age by just a couple of hours." The the University Committee on Col- allDclasesthereae er sntu-: lege's administrative board tackle dean expected that more than 97 lege Relations, and will'open with dn i ademicre roblef r snow the complex procedure of review- per cent of last September's en- a coffee hour and registration at dens in academic trouble no w ing students' records and hearing tering freshmen will have a good 9:30 a.m. in the Terrace Room of than there were at this time last their petitions for re-instatement, chance of completing their college the Union. ear.to determine which should be re- In a recent report, Assistant admitted. Dean James H. Robertson of the Freshmen, Robertson explained, literary college outlined figures' occupy most of the administrative showing a decisive decline in the reviewing board's time. "Many of number asked "not to return" and them fall down because of family put on academic probation. or financial difficulties," he said, TACT vi'&p i,,,x.mnlp t~h "but in most cases it's a problem education here. Robertson also stressed that B*tanistS k the college's policy of re-admit- i0 kpeaLs tance is a broad one. "Too oft- On A mazon Area en," he explained, "students think they're chucked out of sthinktheyremnchusky, but of Richard E. Schultes of the De- school unceremoniously, but we partment of Agriculture yesterday give them the full benefit of the dpecibed- his experie-nces diiinL 1 L ISA To Feature Philippine Music I i