WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 195 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F ROTC To Hold Dance League Lists Maize, Blue 4i -1 Oldest Campus Coed Honorary, Senior Society,_Dates Back to 1906 41- .'Netting Band Plays Friday Current popular tunes and old standards will echo from the Un- ion Ballroom between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. Friday, March 26, as Fred Netting and his orchestra provide the music for the annual Military Ball. The Netting outfit, one of the newer dance bands in the Detroit area, has played here on the Uni- versity campus in previous years. The group has also been featured at social events at other schools in the Michigan area, including Michigan State College, Univer- sity of Detroit and Wayne Univer- sity. * * - * AT PRESENT Netting is filling' engagements at various ballrooms in the vicinity of Detroit. His or- chestra, following the Glenn Mil-' ler pattern, employs the unusual i I t4CP0,'46 Comatn I PICTURES - Students have their last chance to pick up As- sembly Ball pictures" at the Ad- ministration Building from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday. . COFFEE HOUR-Students and faculty of the English department will hold a coffee hour at 4 p.m. in the Terrace Room of the Union. * * * UNION TRIP-Reservations for the Union-sponsored trip to De- troit to see the stage comedy "New Faces of 1952" will be available from 3 to 5 p.m. every day this week. The price of the trip, sched- uled for next Monday, has been set at $4. Tickets may be obtained in the Student Offices of the talon. s** s JUNIOR PANHEIL-Junior Pan- hel meeting in the League at 4:30 p.m. today. All- members are re- quested to be present. clarinet lead voicing for which htlt band leader was known. Before organizing his own or- chestra, Netting was for several years connected with radio sta- tions. At that time he did ar- ranging and composing work. He now does all the arranging for his band. Netting has also played with the Tony Pastor band as a featured saxaphonist. * * *. SPONSORED each spring by the ROTC units, Military Ball is tra- ditionally a formal affair. Cadets and reserve officers attend the dance in full dress uniform, while the other men appear in tuxedos. Decorations in the military vein will provide a setting in keeping with the bright uniforms and gold braid in evidence dur- ing the evening. Favors in the form of citations, as well as programs, will provide coeds with permanent momentos of the dance. A photographer will also be on hand to take pictures of couples attending the annual ball. Tickets, priced at $3 per couple, may be purchased this week and next at the air force and navy of- ficers in North Hall. They are also available at the army offices in the Temporary Class Building and from members of the central com- mittee. Headed by Bob Littleson, this committee includes George Rich- .ardson,,in charge of favors and in- vitations; Bill Stanseel, secretary; Vincent Dambrauskas and Allan Pratt, decorations; William Fisher, finance and Edward Leland and Norm Mangouni, publicity. Meetingse The following committees of Frosh Weekend will hold meet- ings today and tomorrow: MAIZE TEAM: 7 p.m. to- night, central committee meet- ing in the League; and chore- ography committee in Stock- well Coke Rm.; 5 p.m. tomor- row, decorations, League; 7 p.m., publicity, costumes in the League; and 8 p.m., sets and props, League. Room numbers will be posted. BLUE TEAM: 7 p.m. tonight, decorations committee in pub- licity room of the League. All those interested in working on Blue Team decorations are also invited to attend the meeting. Teams Will Compete For Frosh Weekend Floorshow Honors Maize and Blue floorshow casts of Frosh Weekend have been an- nounced by the central commit- tees. Complete lists of women ap- pointed to all committees are post- ed in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Freshmen women are asked to check at the office to find out which committee they will serve. * * * WOMEN whose names were not on the lists are requested to come to the meeting of the committee on which they wish to work. They may sign up when they attend the meeting or any day in the Under- graduate Office. Chairman for the Blue Team floorshow committee is "Son- ny" Everett, who will be assist- ed by Sally Lyon. The floorshowj cast is as follows: Gaille Valen- tine, Franne Crowley, Janet Le- vine, Margie Rout, Annette Rob- bins, Beverly Robbins and Mi- cky Gendell. Accompanists will be Doris Linton and "Jick" Boy- er. The Blue Team floorshow cast is divided into four choruses. Chorus A: Sue Heatherington, Mary Fulton, Chrissa Knaggs, Di- ane Kierdorf, Pat Arrington, Di- ane Quinlan, Nancy Rover, Pat Dougherty, Virginia Schwartz and Phyllis Singer. * * ,* CHORUS B: Joy Pastennack, Phyllis Abbott, Nancy McSwane, Pam Mills, Pat Perigo, Bami Bourne, Erika Erskine, Martha Young, Berky Blashfield and Bar- bara Grinnell. CHORUS' C: Jeanne Sietz, Maral Molyneaux, Janet Dog- gett, Inez Shapiro, Pat Denin- ger and Pat Drake. CHORUS D: Carol Ellis, Jane Condon, Janie Fowler, Ester Heyt, Sue Martin and Paddy Cooper. The Blue Team will present their floorshow and dance on Sat- urday, April 17 while their com- petitors from the Maize Team will vie for top honors the night be- fore, April 16. * S*' CHAIRMAN for the Maize Team floorshow committee is "Del" Knights, and assistant chairman is Sally Miller. The floorshow cast is as follows: Shirley Abbott, Mary Avery, Seva Blomquist, Jean Bch, Sue Brown, Evelyn Button, Peggy Crim, Patty Earhart, Joanne Feld- man, Marlene Gold and Judy Geeting. Also in the cast are Mary Gronberg, Janet Fildew, Nancy Howell, Anita Hatch, Ann Kut- ner, Pat Likert, Sue Livingstone, Liz Metcalf, Nancy Marsh, Doris Lou Mintz, Rosalind Moss, ,Kay MacKenzie, Mary Nesbitt, Jean Newell, Joyce Reuben, Joani Ro- sen and Beth Rosenberg. The list- continues with Shirley Schane, Marlene Schneiderman, Pauline Shambes, Lillian Silver- berg, Judy Shapiro, Susie Sullivan, Joanne Sheets, Betty Stone, Mari- lyn Smith, Gloria Seweda, Clarisse Wicks, Pat Wright, Sue Werbelero and Peggy Zuech. Both teams, Maize and Blue, are holding meetings regularly. Fresh- men women are requested to check The Daily and the Frosh Weekend bulletin board in the Undergrad- uate Office for the time and place of meeting. Show Casts By ELAINE EDMONDS Senior Society, having the dis- tinction of being the oldest wo- men's honorary on campus, was organized in 1906 by nine senior' women for the specific purpose of promoting good fellowship among the women students of the Univer- sity. Originally, Senior Society was limited to 15 members, but in later years as the number of women stu- dents increased, the membership also increased to the present max- imum of 25 members. * * * THE TAPPING ceremony occurs twice each year, in the spring and fall. In the spring the members in their traditional black robes with white collars and blue ribbons go through the women's resi- dences singing "In and Out the Halls We Wander," and tapping those juniors who have been chosen to become members. At fall tapping, the members chosen in the spring go through the halls following the tradition- al procedure and choosing a small- er number of members from their own class. At tapping the new member re- ceives her white collar and blue ribbon,-which she must wear to classes the next day. { \- ' -Daily-Dean Morton OPEN HOUSE-Sue Watt, a junior in the School of Music, will entertain at an open house to be given from 4 to 6 p.m. today by President and Mrs. Harlan H. Hatcher. She will sing two selec- tions by Gershwin and one by Strauss. VACATION POSTS: Placement Bureau Offers Summer Job Opportunities MICHIFISH - Michifish hold its regular meeting at p.m. today at the new pool. s : : age equal to or exceeding over-all average of women dents on campus. New members are elected by the unanimous vote of the active members. The activities of Senior Society vary from year to year, but always center around the purpose of pro- moting fellowship and interest in activities among women students. The society this year has aided in SL elections, manned a Salva- the stu- tion Army bucket at Christmas and will be helping in the Free University of Berlin Bucket Drive. Miss Marie Hartwig of the Wo- men's Physical Education Depart- ment, an active member when a senior at the University, is the ad- visor for the group. Officers for the current year are Anna Marie Breyfogle, president; Melba Abril-Lamanque, vice-presi- dent; Katherine Zeisler, secretary and Roberta MacGregor, treasurer. will 7:30 SENIOR NIGHT - There will be a final rehearsal of the Senior Night entertainment at 7 p.m. to- day in the League. Any questions may be referred to Sue Trometer at NO 3-3107. By JOY STANLEAt Need a summer job? The Bureau of Appointments Summer Placement Division may, provide the cure for summer job worries. Providing information about po- sitions in public and private camps, employment at resorts and positions in business organiza- tions, the Bureau holds a weekly meeting for all student job seek- ers from 1 to 5 p.m. on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays in Rm. 3-A of the Union. The bureau sent out about' 1,000 letters to various resorts, camps and businesses, replies' and requests for employees were received from about 300 camps,' 100 resorts and 250 business or- ganizations.' Michigan offers more jobs than any other state; however, there is country-wide coverage of job op- portunities. These letters are all available to? interested students at the Unionl sessions. The Bureau feels that this set-up offers the student a maxi- mum amount of freedom in pick-. ing the particular place he would' like to work. In many other institutions sum- mer placement consists of a stu- dent coming into the office and re- questing a job. He is shown per- haps three or four job requests, not the wide range that the Univer- sity's system provides. The Summer Placement Divi- sion of the Bureau of Appoint- ments recognizes three main rea- sons for the summer employ- ment wishes of students and gears job opportunities to these reasons. Monetary needs make the fi- nancial reason an important ques- tion to consider in job opportuni- ties. Many students have difficulty making up their minds concerning concentration and what they will do after they graduate. A summer job can provide an answer to this question. Camp jobs are good for exper- BOOK SALE Reference Books All Subjects... c and up Ulrich's Book Store Going South?c "".:.. . r.' '..:.. :.i'i .+ Swony 0S seen in LIFE and VOGUE ience gathering in regard to teach- ing and careers in social work, and the freshman in the engineering college who has never seen the in- side of an industry can gain in- sight into his chosen career. Finally there is the simple rea- son of just wanting something to do during summer vacation. Many students work, not because of financial need, but just to break even and yet have a good time doing it. The first step in getting a job consists of registration with the Bureau stating abilities and pref- erences. These cards are at the disposal of any prospective employer and should interested employer have only a short time to stop, not fa- cilitatinginterviewing, the Bureau can look through the registration file and pick likely candidates for consideration. The weekly sessions start yearly at the beginning of February and continue until classes end. Job positions, with letters and requirements stated by the pros- pective employers, are divided into camps, resorts and business. Camps are further divided into girls, boys and coed camps and into sectional divisions including the East, Mid-West, West, Michigan, South, South West, North West and Canada. Counselors are needed for var- ied situations including working at a camp for the blind in the Green Mountains and in camps for emo- tionally disturbed children. Special groups such as the Sal- vation Army, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Young Men's and Women's Christian Association, Camp Fire Girls, Boy and Girl Scouts and the Herald Tribune Fresh Air Camp, also are among the employers look- ing for counselors. Some camps are in need for registered nurses, while a Cana- dian camp provides transporta- tion costs, laundry expenses, room, board and salary. The Bureau. stresses that there is an announcement in the Daily Official Bulletin of employers hold- ing interviews. At this time it is true especially of camps. Resorts are also divided sec- tionally to facilitate students looking for the "right" job. Summer training programs are included in the jobs available for those interested in business. These training programs are becoming one of the ways indus- try is trying to procure good in- dustrial talent. Industries feel that it pays dividends to have the prospective permanent em- ployee become more familiar with the particular industry. Especially true in engineering and science, summer time manage- ment training programs are aimed at producing junior executives aft- er graduation. Technical and non-technical jobs are represented and again are divided sectionally. Beside its Summer Placement Division, the Bureau of Appoint- ments provides other services for students looking for jobs. Atomic Gloves Leather manufacturers have come up with a new product, atomic gloves. Impregnated with lead, they look like small sleeping bags. The dnited States govern- ment and scientists working at "splitting the atom" are about the only customers. The price?- A traditional part of the cere- mony of initiation, which is held in the League Chapel, is the yel- low ribbon upon which appears the names of all members of Senior Society since its founding in 1906. The old members hold this rib- bon and form the letter "S." The new initiates also form a "S" standing next to the old members. At the conclusion of the cere- mony the ribbon is wound up; the winding of the ribbon symbolizing the fellowship between all mem- bers, past and present. MEMBERSHIP in the group has always been limited to independ- ent senior women and has, for most of the years of its existence, been based upon scholarship, lead- ership in activities, service and contributions to the University community. Nominations for membership were originally proposed by the members, but in recent years they have been obtained by ask- ing leaders in campus activities for recommendations. The candidates' scholastic aver- age are then checked, for mem- bers must have an over-all aver- INITIATION follows each spring and fall. tapping g 2 4 44 . /7 4kk nn PERMA-LIFT /fj'OVAL-CROTCH JOIN THE RED CROSS' CAMPUS CAMPAIGN comfortably in place whether you're sitting or standing, at ease or at play because of the soft oval-shaped crotch that adjusts to your movements. White. Sizes 26 to'32. 8.50 el _I -1 f *VSOe - whatever your major, you can go on to an with Michigan Bell You'll be able to use your collega education to full advantage in a telephone career. Michigan Bell's women's management training program prepares you foi an important executive position with the telephone company. You'll be earning a good salary from the start -and promotions to more responsible and higher paid jobs are frequent. There is every opportunity for bright young women to advance rapidly to top positions. Find out more about your opportunities with Michigan Bell from our renresentative Take 0 f f0 0 SACOny sunny-color poplins Your smartest separates-Sacony-tailored par excellent at pin-money prices. Crispy-cool, wash-fast cotton poplin fast. dyed in totally new Sunny Vineyard colors. Pin-wheel skirt, tulip-shaped halter combine for fun or daily chores. "It's a wonderful 'buy!" Halter 2.50 - skirt 5.95. Misses' sizes 10-18. Teen sizes 8-16. the original saddle oxford with the distinctive "tapered toe" Spalding's saddle oxford is still walking away with top honors. Not just the co-eds, but every4 busy, comfort-craving young woman wants thea Spalding classic. A soft, tapered toe is one reason for its tremendous popularity, and you'll love3 the way it stands up under-wear and tear! It's in" brown and white or black and white.1