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March 17, 1954 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 114



Rise of Berlin



h (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of two articles concerning student
attitudes in Germany written by a former Free University of Berlin student
now on campus.)
Youth has a desire to experiment.
If this aim is coupled with such decisive experiments as the dis-
illusion and pressures of a post-war period, it may result in a trail-
blazing contribution to the revival and rejuvenation of intellectual
'~life in a country.

* * *


SO, DURING the years immediately following the war, the young
generation of German intellectuals, finding their efforts toward uni-
versity reform frustrated by the revival of traditional patterns in the
West, suppressed by the abolishment of academic autonomy in the
East, found expression for their ideas on the island Berlin in the large-
scale experiment of a "free university."
With a meager financial beginning and under the stress of the
Berlin blockade, the students struggled in the formative year
1948-49 to develop their own university.
It was to be an institution which would be sensitive to their in-
tellectual needs and would allow sufficient student participation in
BerlinBucket Drive
If collections from Free University of Berlin bucket drive yes-
terday and today substantially top last year's $960, two Univer-
sity students may study in Berlin next year.
Totals for yesterday amounted to $450.
Petitioning for scholarships to the Free University opens
Thursday and continues through April 1.
Qualifications include a speaking knowledge of German
and a bachelor's degree by next year.
A faculty-student committee will select winners for the
4 -
the formulation of its policy, therewith preserving the tender tradi-
tion of this new start for the future benefit of the West German
university system.
Although critically resented by many tradition-minded West
German observers and fiercely denounced by East Germany's mass
media, the experiment received active support of reputable scholars
and political leaders.
* * * *
FURTHER AIDED by financial donations from governmental
agencies and several private foundations, the "student's university"
has grown now to become an essential and indestructible factor in
German academic life.
Now, in the sixth year of existence of this institution, the
crucial task of its young "founding fathers" is to warrant this
support and to refute all critics by preserving the distinctive
character of the university against increasing pressures from the
traditional university system of West Germany.
This can best be done by transmitting the original enthusiasm
and flexibility of the members of the Free University into a more nor-
mal period where the student generation is younger in years and
Preservation of this "formative spirit" presupposes steady influx
of students from East Zone universities who now total 40 per cent
of the student body at the Free University. Most of these students
were unable to bear the counteracting pressures to which they were
exposed and therefore finally severed their ties with the East. They
have become cynical during the period of education in the Soviet'Zone.
This'cynicism, when preserved and reformulated under .the guid-
ance of student and seminar groups at the Free University, is of
great benefit to the whole academic community.
So the skepticism of the Eastern mind amalgamates with West-
ern values and beliefs and thus may result in old academic ruts being
See BERLIN'S, Page 6

New Faces
Ticket deadline for the Un-
ion-sponsored trip Monday to
Detroit for the stage presenta-
tion of "New Faces" has been
extended to 5 p.m. Friday.
Tickets are priced at $4 and
may be purchased at the Un-
ion Student Offices from 3 to
5 p.m.
Bar Student
Leader Talk
To Alumni
A "gentlemen's agreement" ex-
isting in the University Club of
Detroit yesterday barred a sched-
uled appearance of a Negro stu-
dent leader at a Detroit Alumni
Club Board of Governors meeting
The Club, which has no connec-
tion with the University, is the site
of a dinner banquet celebrating
the University's 137th birthday.
Three student leaders were sched-
uled to meet with the Detroit
group to participate in the cele-
bration and discuss current items
of student interest.
The students were informed yes-
terday that one member would not
be able to: attend because of his
race. The other two students, Mike
Scherer, '54, literary college presi-
dent, and Harry Lunn,'54, Daily
Managing Editor, planned to go
ahead with their appearance.
LUNN and Scherer considered
declining the invitation to protest
the unwritten discriminatory pol-
icy of the Club in which the alum-
ni had chosen to meet.
Lashing out at what they
termed an "extremely regretable
incident," the students said they
decided finally to attend, feel-
ing that more could be accom-
plished in that way toward end-
ing the practices.
They added that the matter was
being taken up with other student
leaders to investigate the incident
and consider a joint expression of
policy related to the alumni speak-
ing tour program.
Today's appearance in Detroit is
part of the year-old project to
acquaint alumni with campus life
and issues through student speak-
The Club's policy against Ne-
groes is not written, but is care-
fully "understood," the students
were told. The Club has been the
meeting place for. University
alumni groups for some time.
Alumni officials also voiced re-
gret over the incident and said it
was entirely unforeseen. Evidently
it was not known by the Detroit
group that a Negro would be at-
tending the dinner when reserva-
tions were made at the University
Rayburn Raps
Ike Tax Plan
WASHINGTON - (P) - House
Democratic leader Sam Rayburn
of Texas told the nation last night
President Eisenhower's tax pro-
gram would give six times as much
relief to upper income brackets as
to the great bulk of taxpayers.
Rayburn, in a statement pre-
pared for radio and television
broadcast, assailed the Republi-
can program as a revival of the
philosophy that special benefits
for the wealthy "may eventually
trickle down to the great majori-

But in actual practice, he said,
little or nothing ever trickles down.
Rayburn said that is why House
Democrats are fighting to amend
the GOP-sponsored tax revision
program to increase individual in-
come tax exemptions for each tax-
payer and each dependent by $100.

McCarthy's Committee
Votes To Conduct Own
inquiry in- Army Row

Board Hears Dorm
Student Discussion
Will Reach Decision on Housing
Proposal at TomorroWs Meeting

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
IFC EXECUTIVES-Newly eected officers, seated, from left to
right are: Jim Walters, executivevice-president: John Baity,
president; and Bob- Weinbaum, vice-president. Standing from
left to right are Stan Bernstein, secretary; and Frank Vick,

Student opinion on the com-
plex issue of dormitory housing
for anticipated increases in both
men's and women's enrollment was
heard by the Residence Halls
Board of Governors in a two and
a half hour session last night.
The Board announced its inten-
tion to reach some decision on fall
housing at a 3 p.m. meeting to-
* * *
DISCUSSION at yesterday's
meeting centered around a pro-
posal, withdrawn at the last ses-
sion of the Board of Governors, to
convert Fletcher Hall for use by

IBaity,, Walters Fill Top
Inter-Fraternity Posts


John Baity, '55, was electedt
president of Interfraternity Coun-
cil for the coming year last nightx
at the fraternity house presidents
meeting, with Jim Walters, '55,r
named to the number two spot of
executive vice-president.r
Baity, an economics major from
Wilmette, Ill., served as IFC exec-
utive vice-president this year and1
was formerly scholarship chair-
man for the organization.
He is a member of Phi Gamma
Delta Fraternity and Sphinx jun-
ior men's honorary.
- * * * -
IN HIS remarks prior to the
election, Baity explained the need
for greater co-operation between
the administration and the Inter-
fraternity Council, as well as be-
tween IFC and IHC.,
Discussing the problem of
housing, Baity emphasized that
fraternity houses should be built{
along with other new units on1
the north campus.
Himler Views
Mental Health
Dr. Leonard E. Himler ofI
Health Service and Mercywood
Hospital considers the position ofi
human relations expert as a "cata-f
lyst" in "application of soundj
principles of mental health to the
social hierarchy of industry." 1
Speaking last night to members
of the Industrial Relations Club,1
Dr. Himler suggested three A's; J
absenteeism, alcoholism and ac-
cidents as factors most hindering
Principles of medicine, psy-
chology and sociology must be !
applied for the employe to fit
efficiently and happily in his
place. "If you're going to know
about human relations, you'vec
got to learn your plant first," e
Dr. Himler advised.t
Human relations should begin
in the employment office, Dr.
Himler said, for one should be
selected for a specific job on a#
basis of appearance, intelligence,
emotional responses and attitudes.
If put in the wrong place, "oner
person can cause endless trouble."


Walters, the defeated presiden-
tial candidate, moved down to take!
over the office of executive vice-
president. He is an engineering;
student, formerly serving as chair-
man of the IFC Big Ten Alumni}
Committee, and a member of Sig-!
ma Chi fraternity.
, *' *
BOB WEINBAUM, '56, defeated
Lee Abrams'55, for administrative
Weinbaum, an English major
from Detroit, is a member of Pi
Lambda Phi fraternity and has
worked with IFC for two years
as president of Junior IFC and
co-chairman of the social com-
Running without opposition,
Stan Bernstein, '55, was elected
secretary and Frank Vick, '55, as
treasurer of IFC for next year.
Bernstein is past president of
Tau Delta Phi fraternity and isI
from Brooklyn, N.Y., Vck, a Sigma
Chi from Toledo,0., was formerly
IFC office manager and worked
on tryout training.
Other items discussed at the
meeting include the pledge con-
vocation to be held at 7:30 p in.
March 25 in the Union Ballroom.
The convocation, sponsored by
Junior IFC, was voted upon at+
the last fraternity president's
The convocation is planned to
introduce the members to the fra-
ternity system. Junior Panhellen-
ic will participate in the program
and the pledge scholarship tro-
phy will be presented at this time.
H-Bomb Now
Ready, Claims
Head of AEC
Sterling Cole (R-N.Y.), chairman}
of the Senate-House atomic. en-
ergy committee, said last night
the United States has the hydro-
gen bomb and can deliver it any-
where in the world.
This was the first official con-
firmation that this country pos-
sesses a deliverable hydrogen
bomb. Previous statements have:
referred only to a "hydrogen de-
REP. COLE made the state-
ment during a television program,:
"Dateline, Washington," which
was filmed in Washington for Sta-
tion WDSU-TV, New Orleans. He,
was interviewed by Democratic
Representatives Hebert and Boggs
of Louisiana.

women and reestablish Chicago
Exam Time
To Be Fixed
The schedule for this sp'ring's;
flinal exams will be fixed at a
meeting of the Deans' Conference
this morning.
Most likely to be adopted is the
plan approved by faculty me'n-'
bers of the University Calendaring
Committee, and endorsed last
Thursday by student members of
the calendaring group.
The plan would end classes
this spring on Thursday, May
29, with no classes or exams on
Friday. Exams would begin Sat-
urday and end for seniors the
next Saturday, June 5.
Student members of the calen-
daring committee last week issued
a statement that "because of the
time required by the Registrar's
Office and the printer for the pro-
cessing of senior grades and
names, we feel the proposed final
exam schedule .is the best workable
solution under the circumstances."
Last week's student statement
also deplored an "unnecessary
speedup" of final exam consid-
eration and failure to include
student members of the calen-
daring committee in some of the
committee's sessions.
The schedule would provide an
eight day period for seniors to
complete their exams, witha free
day before their beginning. The
student statement termed this ar-
rangement "more desirable than a
nine day examination period with-
out a free day, which was the sit-
uation last spring, or a six day
exam schedule if they began on

Mouse ,s a men's house in a part.
of Taylor House, South Quad.
Assembly President DeloresI
Messinger, '55Ed, submitted -an
Assembly report on housing
which made the following rec-
1) .Due to the uncertainty of
the balance in population between
men and women, certain "free
standing" areas should be estab-
lished which would shift for men
or women as the need arises.
(Vaughn and Fletcher were sug-
2) Chicago House should be
kept for women. for the year 1954-
55 with the proviso that when the
Couzen Hall addition is completed,
the Chicago House student body
(women) be relocated, as a unit
within the addition. Chicago House
should thenceforth be kept as a
men's residence hall.
3) For the year 1954-55, the as-
sumed "free-standing" area of
Fletcher Hall, of necessity be giv-
en to women.
COMMENTING on demands for
additional space to house an ex-
pected 140 more freshmen women,
West Quad President Gregg
Schmidt. '55, said first women's
dorms should be filled to maxi
mum capacity on the assumption
that the men need their own
"Only after this should men's
housing be turned over to wom-
en if it is not feasible to build
now," he commented.
Representing Fletcher Hall Jesse
Blout, '57E, read a letter point-
ing out that many Fletcher Hall
men would be forced to leave the
University if deprived of the in-,
expensive housing there. (No
meals are served.)
Blount emphasized that his
house did not oppose conversion
simply on grounds of breaking up
the house but on the financialj
hardship it would causd.
Reporting on the meeting
Monday with University alumni
in Chicago, Acting Dean of
Students Walter B. Rea said
that the alumni stood opposed to
changing the present location
of the house.
According to Dean Rea the
alumni agreed to women remain-
ing in the house for one more year
or until the Couzens Hall addi-
tion could be completed to house
Chicago House President Kath-"
leen Denneny, Spec., said that if
the present women's house were
moved they would want to be
moved as a group because of what
has been built up during the year.

Mundt Given
Group Chair,
For Hearins
McCarthy Says
'Very Satisfied'
WASHINGTON - (') - The
Senate subcommittee headed by
Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.)
voted yesterday to conduct its own
investigation of the angry row
between Sen. McCarthy and Army
officials-and to do it in Public:
with the embattled chairman out
of the driver's seat.
This was just about what Sen.
McCarthy wanted and he describ-
ed himself as "perfectly satisfied."
His Army antagonists couldn't be
reached for comment but associ-
ates said they'd be certain to ap-
pear at the hearings.ti t p
THE SESSIONS probably will be
Yesterday's action came at a
showdown session of McCarthy's
Permanent Investigations Sub-
That's t h e group McCarthy
wanted to handle the probe. Dem-
ocratic members contended its
parent body, the Governmnt Op-
erations Committee, should do it.
Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD) insisted
to the last some committee remote
from the fray should get the job.
McCarthy won his point, though,
and then all seven members
agreed on other ground rules for
the inquiry into the bitter contro-
versy between Sen. McCarthy and
the subcommittee's counsel, Roy
Cohn, on the one hand and Army
Secretary Robert Stevens and
Army counsel John G. Adams on
the other.
* * .
HIGHLIGHTS of the agree- i
1) Cohn will be sidelined for
purposes of this investigation
and a special staff will be hir-
ed. A rumor spread, but couldn't
be nailed down, that committee
Democrats failed in an effort to
have Cohn suspended as chief
2) Sen. Mundt, as second-rank-
ing Republican, will sit in for Sen.
McCarthy as chairman. All other
business will be shunted aside, an-
other meeting will be held next
Tuesday and the public hearings
-with witnesses under oath -
probably will get going later next
Basically the question to be set-
tled is: Who's lying?
The Army has issued a re-
port charging McCarthy and
Cohn, especially Cohn, put on
pressure to get special treat.
ment for Pvt. G. David Schine.
After yesterday's session Sen.
McCarthy said he would take part
as a rank-and-file member in the
forth-coming hearing - that
means he can question witnesses--
although "possibly if some matters
come to a vote I may not vote on
Asked if he expects to testify,
the Wisconsin lawmaker said:
"I'm inclined to think so."
Detroit Police
Probe Ordered
DETROIT - (A) - A one-man
grand jury investigation was or-

dered yesterday a few hours after
13 policemen were accused of ac-
cepting "gifts and money" from
gambling operators.
Prosecutor Gerald O'Brien ask-

fWorld Niews Roundup.J
r ,WS OU H
By The Associated Press
HANOI, Indochina-French firepowersstopped screaming Viet-
minh attackers within a half mile of the heart of Dien Bien Phu
yesterday as Communist-led rebels withdraw to the hills to regroup.
WASHINGTON-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said yes-
terday President Eisenhower has authority to order instant retaliation
against any aggressor attacking the United States or any one -of 33
Allied countries.
PASADENA, Calif.-Dr. Robert M. Hutchins last night de-
clined to accept an award from the Teachers Union of the City
of New York because of its "political attitudes and activities."
* * * *

HONOLULU-Lewis L. Strauss, chairman of the atomic Energy
Commission, said yesterday he might leave later for the Eniwetok
testing area after further conferences with the Navy.
His imminent departure, plus a steady stream of scientists the
past week through Honolulu, suggested the possibility that a hydro-
gen bomb may be exploded in the testing area within the next two
BERKELEY, Calif-A great new
atom smasher, twice as powerful H ANNIVERS
as any heretofore built, soon will 137TH-ANN VERS
go to work here in search of new
wonders inside the atomic nucleus.

Piano.Recital at Hill
To Feature Myra Hess


Myra Hess, hailed by many crit-J
ics as the greatest living woman
pianist, will appear in the tenth
and last concert of the Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.I
Her program will include Bach's
"Fantasia in C minor" and
"French Suite, No. 5 in G major,"
Beethoven's "Sonata, Op. 111,"
Haydn's "Sonata No. 7 in D major"
and Schumann's "Etudes Sym-
phoniques, Op. 13."

V el~ " - -"-I- #JL Ntr A& w t is 4 ~ - " '-ac-'Y&a 1 -a

WASHINGTON -- Chairman
Cole (R-N.Y.) of the Senate-
House Atomic Energy Commit-
tee said last night there is no
indication of theft or espionage
in connection with unaccounted
for documents at the Hanford,
Wash., atomic plant.
* * *
.WORCESTER, Mass. - Arch-
bishop Richard J. Cushing, 58
years old, spiritual leader of some
1% million Catholics in the Boston
Archdiocese, collapsed last night

By A .t uuteU1 Ue "t9LfUULCLy -twiwrrLE
By ARLENE LISS I.,-.- --t .

TAUGHT TO play the piano and
cello at the age of five, Dame Myra
was admitted to the Guildhall
School of Music two years later,
becoming its youngest pupil.
When she was 13 years old
the London-born pianist won a
scholarship at the Royal Acad-
emy of Music.
Her debut came four years later,
when she played two concertos'
with an orchestra conducted by
'Sir Thomas Beecham in London's
Queens Hall. Soon afterwards she:


In battle-scarred Seoul, Univer- that time prayers were said be- ing an institution of higher learn- I " s,
sity alumni tomorrow will cele- fore each class and chapel was ing. It is a "fair assumption," Rep.
brty alumni3tmorrownnillrsary compulsory. Some years ago when Another date more generally y Cole said, that Russia also has
the founding of the University. University rules were revised the supported is August 26, 1817 when -e
Altogether 246 organized alum- regulation to pull the chapel bell the Detroit Territorial Legislature He said: "We have information
ni clubs ranging from Shanghai was struck out as the chapel had passed an act "to establish the to indicate that Russia has the
to Tokyo to Onkara and Chicago long before ceased to exist. Catholespistemiad of Michigania." capacity to have a hydrogen
will meet to celebrate the event. However, the budding Univer- bomb."
In Ann Arbor, President Harlan CUSTOMS ALSO have changed. sity did not have a home until Answering a question by Rep.
Hatcher will address the local as- In the nineties awoman was a March 18, 1837 when the newly Hebert, Rep. Cole said: "We do
sociation at a meeting at the rarity. Coeds of the twenties went created State Legislature auth- have the hydrogen bomb."

began to give recitals and concerts ed the inquiry amid reports that
with the London String Quartet, possibly 54 policemen might be in-
later touring Holland. volved in a hook-up with gam-
The pianist's first American tour iblers.
was made in 1922. Since, then she But all 13, O'Brien said, denied
has made 22 consecutive tours of any connection with gambling or
th Un+t-df.A Q+.t*a+. na 'nna. ianv wrnA-dAing.


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