FOREIGN STUDENTS See Page 4 I it 4an :43 xii PARTLY CLOUDY, COLDER 0 Latest Deadline in the State W. LXIV, No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 SIX PAGES SIX PAGES Ike To Avoid' Partisanship By Moderacy Asks Road Aid, Cut in Gas Tax* WASHINGTON-M-P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester- day the times are too serious for extreme partisanship and he will counsel Administration officials to avoid it in talking about the Dem- ocrats. Eisenhower ,told a n ws confer- ence he would expect teonard W. Hall, chairman of the Republican National Committee, to follow such advice, too. THIS WAS against a back- ground of angry outbursts from. leading Democrats in Congress, protesting they are getting fed up with GOP speeches they said have attempted to label all their party ? as Communists or political sadists. They had called on the President either to back up or repudiate the attacks. Saying he quite cheerfully ad- mits the need of Democratic support to get parts of his legis- lative - program enacted, the President remarked that he isn't much of a partisan himself and knows of no way he can stop this sort of thing except among members of his own executive family. By adopting a more moderate, conciliatory approach than some of his fellow Republicans have been taking, the President appear- ed to frown on recent political ora- tory by GOP spokesmen on 'the National Committee, in Congress, and on the White House staff it- self. Meanwhile Sen. McCarthy (R- Wis.) said late yesterday he does not intend to change his national speech-making tactics, despite President Eisenhower's advice that Republican leaders avoid extreme partisanship in these serious times. * * * THE PRESIDENT also com-i mended a 225 million dollar boost in federal aid to highway construc- tion yesterday as demands increas- ed for the government to prepare a vast program of public works, On Capitol Hill, there also were calls for the Administra- tion to take immediate, concrete action to ward off a possible downward break in the nation's, economic welfare. Eisenhower did not characterize his proposal for a stepped-up roadI building programs as a pump- priming move, SL Postpones Vote On Activities Center Defeats Motion on MSC Name Change; Elections Scheduled for March 30, 31 By BECKY CONRAD With no dissenting voice, Student Legislature last night voted to postpone discussion on an endorsement of the proposed Student Activities Center. SL president Bob Neary, '54BAd., brought up a motion calling for the Legislature to go on record in favor of "a building providing predominantly business facilities without duplicating existing ('social and recreational facilities." Financed by a student fee, the cCenter would come under the man- agement of a governing board composed of elected student mem-1 bers and business advisors whose Policy M ade duties would be limited to man- agerial supervision, according to' ethe motion. ByJudiciary hr a edt on u LEGISLATURE members felt there was a need to sound out stu- Joint Judiciary Council yester- dent opinion on the plan since the day formulated a secret recoin- Center proposal has been shrouded mendation on handling of pub- in secrecy from its beginnings. licity on disciplinary cases after Causes for the hush-hush at- discussing the problem with rep- mosphere surrounding the group resentatives of The Daily, Inter- drawing up the proposal center- fraternity Council and Panhellen- ed around location of the build- ic Association. ing, Neary pointed out. He ex- The recommendation will be plained that if location for the forwarded to the University Sub- Center should be revealed, real Committee on Discipline today estate values in that area would and a decision from that body is soar. expected in the next few dav s Neary noted the pressing need Railroaders, Educators AT Ike Says U. S. Will Steer 1A ir views General Courses Liked by Most By JON SOBELOFF ,e It was hard to tell the business- oviet r en from the professors for a1 of Indochina Fight me ' , l l j t while yesterday. Top railroad executives and col- lege officials meeting here for a seminar in "Railroad. Manage- ment - The Next Generation," found a number of things to dis- agree about, but their differences were mostly individual-not along "party lines." ASKED WHETHER a prospec- tive railroad official should take a course in industrial psychology or one in surveying if he could take Gets Rebuff By Europe Push NATO End,} Expulsion of U.S. By The Associated Press Soviet Russia's offer yesterday to trade 50 years of collective se- curity in Western Europe for ex- pulsion of Amercian forces from the continent and a shattering of the Western alliance met with a prompt rebuff by Britain and, France.! Proposing the Soviet plan to' the Big Four conference in Berlin, Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov advocated excliding the United, States from an all-Europe mili- tary bloc of 32 nations. * * * Eisenhower Declares No Involvement Senators Give Other Opinions By The Associated Press Involvement of the, United States in a shooting war in Indo- china or anywhere else in the world is against his policy, Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower de- clared yesterday. Every step the Government takes to help France fight the Vietminh forces in Indochina is carefully weighed to prevent this country from getting in too deep, the President pointed out. * * * "I COULD NOT conceive of a greater- tragedy than American involvement in all-out fighting in Indochina or elsewhere, Eisenhow- er told reporters. Every move made in interna- tional affairs involves some risk, he concluded, but every decision authorized by him will be dir- ected toward prevention of war. Though Senator Stennis (D- Miss.) and the other Democrats applauded the President's state- ment, they questioned whether this country had not already gone too far in our latest moves to help the French. America has made commitments which go beyond its present mili- tary strength and should avoid further "trigger situations," added Stennis. * * * tAk y ,V1 Judic Chairman Lee Fiber, '54, for such a building since a num-= said last night. ber of campus activities and or- * * * ganzations have no adequate meet- ACTION on the controversial ing place now. With increased en-R question began several months rollment in the future, need for ago when informal negotiations facilities of a "coeducational na- were undertaken by Daily editors ture" will expand in proportion, hej and Judiciary members. said. Yesterday Daily Managing . The 13-member committee study- Editor Harry Lunn, '54, formal- ing the problem recently present- ly outlined a three-point policy ed the plan to the Regents who; ,to the Council: granted them authority to proceed 1) Release by the Council of with their work. all group violations and penalties INCLUDED IN the Center, ac-j immediately after each group has cording to Neary, would be facili- WILLIAM T. FARICY carried their case through Univer- ties for larger organizations such ? . no stop signs sity channels. as the SL itself and meeting rooms: 2) Release of violations and and workshops for smaller cam- one and not the other, the rail- penalties in cases involving indi- pus activities. Central offices and road men picked psychology about viduals about which there is un- filing space for smaller organiza- three to one. usual campus interest or publicity. tions would be incorporated in the Their reaction represented a 3) Publication of an interpre- proposed building. feeling among most of the execu- tive series on the system.of pen- Earlier in the meeting, the ! tives and college officialj that alties and criteria for decisions I. Legislature voted down a mo- a general education, especially a used by the Council. I tion to support the Regents in general course in "industrial en- Unt oc t }opposing a change in the name gineering," would be good prep- Under present policy the of Michigan State College "which aration for railroad manage- Council releases only a sum-met maryilistofsviolations ats the would result in conflict and con- ment. end of each semester which in. fusion with the University's Later, William T. Fancy, pres- w4title" ident of the Association of Amer- iuaes no mention of group or The Cabinet announced four igan Railroads, told the group he Ivacancies on the SL roster-and set sees "no stop sign" ahead for rail- Up until last semester, how- interviewing for the seats for early road expansion and improvement. ever, the Council usually had next week. Faricy added that railroads will made releases on miportant group - Starting the annual election show their faith in the future with violatiins as penalties were levied. about a billion dollars on capital Th al a olwdaln-whirl, spring elections were sched-I The Daily has followed a long- uled March 30 and 31 and refer- improvements this year. standing policy of gathering in- endum petitions deadline set for Earlier in the day, Perry M. formation from its - own sources Shoemaker, president of the and publishing group penalties. T 7:30 p.m. March 10. Delaware, Lackawanna and Generally such reports are not eof calendaring next fall's Home-I Western Railroad, had urged a made public until after the group coming Weekend Oct. 23, the Mn- special degree in "transportation has exhausted opportunity for ap- Mn pa o case. nesota game. engineering" and specialized peal on its case. Treasurer Vic Hampton, '54BAd., courses for undergraduates. Sreported Student Book Exchang Dean George Granger Brown of IFC PRESIDENT C. A. Mitts, salesat$7,248,anincreaseofnear- the engineering college countered' '54, and Panhellenic president ly $750 over the fall income but that "specialization by exclusion" Martha Hill, '54, told the Council $450 short of last spring's total is to be feared-the student should yesterday they favored a com- _ _ _specialize only a little and then promise policy of issuing a judi- only after he has had basic gen-! cial summary at the end of each T (,E-U1J IEeral courses. - - - - - E _ _ L 1 FRENCH Foreign Minister Bi- dault and British Foreign Secre- tary Eden both renounced the plan as one which would neutral- ize not only Germany but all of Western Europe, and which would break up the North Atlantic Trea- ty Organization. ,.Eden called NATO "the foundation of the British policy." U.S. Secretary of State Dulles countered that Molotov sought only to expose most of Western Europe to external aggression. Taking a similar viewpoint, Prof.: t i I. k -Daily-Rupert Cutler TURNABOUT - Foresters yesterday took advantage of the mys- terious "Big Sister" banner on the Diag to add one of their own advertising the annual Paul Bunyan Dance. Disclaiming any con- nection with the earlier sign, the Forester's Club said theirs had been inspired by the "Big Sister Is Watching You" stunt. Dail Staf IsuesCall. c To Prospective Writers Here's the chance for you to be- come a reporter and editor in your spare time. The Michigan Daily editorial staff is issuing its last tryout call of the semester. Students in any field of study and scholastically eligible may attend the introduc- tory. tryout meeting 4:15 p.m. to-I day at the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St. WORKING on The Daily also provides the staffer with valuable experience which will aid him in his future career not only in jour- nalism but in other fields as well. Fred Warner Neal of the politic science department called t plan "the most forceful move Soviet policy since 1952," and i terpreted it as a move to cor pletely isolate the United Stat from its Western European alli facilitating further Russian a cal he of n- Im i tes es, ad-E Y t i i AT ANOTHER point, Eisenhow- er said he doubts the country could be scared into a major de- pression. He said, however, the peo- plemcould be misled to such an ex- tent that some sort of a recession could occur. Bid To Head. T Doaru i 1teti semester containing the names, fines and offenses of individualI By The Associated Press groups. Directors of the New York Cen-; Both are opposed to any dis- tral Railroad yesterday turned closures of penalties on individ- down a demand by Robert R. ual student cases. Young that he be made chairman Mitts had discussed the prob- of the board. lem with Director of Admissions NYC President William White Clyde Vroman and Miss Hill had read a statement by the board de- talkedato Assistant Director Don clarihg: B. Feather, "The board unanimously decid- They told the Judiciary that dthast intwould be inimical to both University officials, thought interest of the company to bad public relations would result grant Mr. Young's request." for the University and AdmissionsI The Union yesterday issued a final call to men interested in Union student activities to attend its tryout meeting at 7:15 p.m. today in Rm. 3-A of the Union. Attendance at the meeting does not obligate anyone to sign up as a tryout. All men interested in learning about the operation of the Union and the Student Offices have been urg- ed to attend. CARTOONS AS EDITORIALS: Fitzpatrick Illustrates Civil Liberties IHC Operation Inquiiry Holds First Meeting A student-faculty committee met yesterday in the first of a se- ries of discussions on the present residence halls system. Set up by the Inter-House Coun- cil as "Operation Inquiry," the purpose of the committee is to "evaluate the Michigan House Plan FACULTY members on the 11- man committee include Prof. Charles T. Olmsted of the eng- neering college, chairman, Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law School, Prof. Frederick C. O'Dell of the architecture school and Prof. Frank X. Braun of the Germanj department. James D. Shortt, assistant to director of university relations; Robert Baker, '55M; Harry Pi- per, '56L; Bernard Berman, '55; Albert Pearlman, '55; Howard Nemerovski, '54, and Donna An- derson, '56, complete the com- mittee. Meetings will be held next week to begin work on determining the purposes of the residence halls system. vances. Prof. Neal pointed out that al- though the proposal met blunt refusal by Western European gov- ernments, it cannot help but ap- peal to part of their populaces.- "It's hard," he said, "for any, government over there to stay 'in office." He predicted that opposi-I tion to the plan would be strong-I est in Britain and weakest in France. ' "Both sides," Prof. Neal said, "have been suggesting steps every- body knows won't be taken. Garg Clamors For Tryouts Today everybody -is shouting hoopla! Gargoyle is holding its editorial staff tryout meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Student Publications Building. Everyone is invited, ac- cording to L. H. Scott, assistant, art editor, who has very little to' do with the editorial staff and was actually talking about a.isurprise birthday party for his cousin Ralph Saturday night. The meeting is open to all hith- erto unrecognized writers of hu- mor, whether in the field of fic-I tion, non-fiction, parody, verse, comedy or tragedy. It is not an! opportunity to meet other campus personalities, members of the fac- ulty and administration, an oc- casional famous national figure, and cousin Ralph. Peanut brittle will be served. ' Beginners on the editorial staff "I'M GLAD THAT our policy on I II T' iwill first learn the rudiments of this is now strengthened against 1Iist headline writing and proofread- possible direct involvment in the ing with the chance to write war there," added Stennis refer- Ex erts W illnews stories, features and edi- ring to the President's press state- Storials, ment. But sending the additional D scuss Ilse At the end of his first semester ;200 Air Force technicians to i on the staff the tryout will be Indochina to help the French boosted to. the soph staff with a service American aircraft made Campus Young Democrats and beat of his own to cover. As a available to them under the Young Republicans will listen to soph stafferthe is in line for pro- foreign aid program, was a mis- two authorities examine the. Eis- motion to the junior staff which take he asserted. enhower Administration in their includes a monthly salary. This "I don't want to see any more opening political club meetings job entails putting out the paper of our military personnel go into tonight. once a week in addition to cover- Indochina," he elaborated, "and August (Gus) Scholle will take ing one of the choicer beats. I want those now there to be pull- the floor for the YD's at 7:30 p.m. E * ed out." in the Unionr discussing the Presi- IN HIS SENIOR year the staff- Senate Republican Leader Wil- dent from the labor viewpoint. er is eligible for one of the top liam Knowland said "There is no Scholle, president of the Michigan- senior editorial positions, plan to have American ground CIO Council and regional direc- There are also openings for forces in Indochina." personal forecasts for the ele- photographers on the staff. Stu- At present, in Indochina, ad- tions this falls dents interested need not own a vance rebel guards are pressing t tcamera,for The Daily supplies within six miles of Luang Pra- all equipment. Later photogra- bang's golden roofed palace. De- .E WILL BE introduced byphers may advance to paying fenders expressed confidence in John Burton. Ypsilanti city coun- positions. their ability to throw back any cilman, who is at present running Organized in 1890, The Daily is Communist-led Vietminh assaults for r eon.Repulicrated as the leading collegiate on Laos' royal capital. The Young Republicans, meet- newspaper in the country. It has ing at 7:45 p.m. in the Union, the advantage of owning its $500, will hear Prof. James K. Pol- I0headantaghofhingdishp- ote osson- lock, chairman of the political 000mplant which includes ashopnd me r of he oove a $70,000 rotary press.rDebate si mn. Po f the Hocker C om mis- U nique because it is independ- Pro. Pllok wlltel th grupent of the University, The Daily sin n fteUiestTeDiyProf. olc will tell the groupI has the latest deadline in the state, In 1Sb Group "Why I Still Like Ike," reviewing -dd ts* Eisenhower's problems and ac- 1 complishments in the President's !IFC Invites Men The Academic Freedom Sub- first year in office. A question and:. commission of the Student Legis- answer discussion will follow the To 71rvont Sessi 1ltuevoted yesterdayvto invite talk.j Nomniations for four YR po- sitions will also be an order of business, with the chairmanships of the membership, activities, andI finance committee and a position on the board of directors open. New members are eligible for the posts. Rep. Kit Clardy to send a repre- Tryouts for the Interfraternity sentative of his committee to the Council are invited to meet at. University to debate Prof. Preston 4 p.m. today in the IFC offices in Slosson of the history department. the Union for a general introduc- Rep. Clardy had previously re- tion to the IFC and the beginning I fused an invitation from the Sub- of a series of training meetings to commision to debate Prof. Slosson acquaint tryouts with the offices on the grounds that as head of the and campus. committee he did not feel it prop- er to take part in a debate *I 4 ,' Cartoons depicting commun- ism and hysteria at home as the twin enemies of freedom were shown by Daniel R. Fitzpatrick, editorial cartoonist of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for 42 years,t during a talk yesterday. The Pulitzer Prize winner show- ed 63 cartoons to illustrate his lecture, the third in the series on "The Press and Civil Liberties in Crises" sponsored by the journal- ism department. - * * * A PICTORIAL study of civil lib- erty cases, the cartoons emphasiz- DD V CTVNT UT DTm tlNA. I a F F s c Ix 1S AG I.K11 1 iL iI ji; THE MICHIGAN Republican is " chairman of the sub-committee of 4e the House Un-American Activi- Uoa U co s itu or tiesCommittee which wil open hearings in Detroit Feb. 22. ----- The Academic Freedom Sub- By PAT ROELOFS# which was granted at a hear- would prohibit investigation of commission's motion, which was Milton Henry, Pontiac lawyer ing in Detroit Monday by Fed- LYL records. subject to SL approval was acting on behalf of state Labor eral Judge Frank A. Picard, the * * * passed by the Legislature Youth League Chairman Balza state LYL served Rep. Kit Clar- BAXTER and Henry are basing In connection with National Ac Baxter, is presenting a petition in dy, chairman of the House in- their case on the First, Fourth, ademic Freedom Week, suggested Federal Circuit Court of Detroit vestigating subcommittee, a sub- Fifth and Sixth Amendments to for the second week in April by stating that a House Un-Ameri- poena. According to local LYL the Constitution. the National Students Association, can Activities sub-committee sub- leader Myron Sharpe, Grad., Discussing the . case, Sharpe the sub-commission voted yester- poena. of LYL records is "unconsti- IClardy has been aked tn annexnla nehea i- a en day to contact other schools in : : , .