Y "IT SEEMS TO ME" See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State D4aitP FAIR, COLD VOL. LXIV, No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1954 SIX P Berlin Student LifeDiscusseld (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first of two articles concerning attitudes of students in Germany by a former student at the Free Univer- sity of Berlin. He is now studying on canTpus.) By KLAUS LIEPELT Americans have a standard, almost mechanical query whichI they indiscriminately apply to all new acquaintances. When asked for his hometown, the student from the Free Univer- sity of Berlin perhaps may anger the questioner with a curt "I have been moving around since the war."- When he finally explains that he lived in the Eastern Zone of Germany the immediate response is an expectancy of hair-raising stories about his "escape to freedom." But it is this very preconception that tends to hamper the flow of language. * * * * THERE IS A blueprint of the Easterner dwelling in all Western minds whatever their degree of sophistication: He is chased, watched in whatever he does, seizable wherever he goes. He -is brain-washed and exploited; a hungry working slave, lacking the most essential ingredients of life. The stereotype is not actually wrong, but in its generalization and stubborn perseverance is produces a deadly effect. It omits the essential point that there are also human beings living on the other side of the iron curtain. It is reality without the spice of every-day life. An attempt at serving reality with all the necessary spices is difficult, if not impossible. For the integration-of the refugee student into the Western set-up proceeds very rapidly: There are personal adjustment problems of no small dimensions, there is the every-day struggle in an unplanned economic environment, there is the academic work which is different and demands concentration. Funds from the Free University of Berlin bucket drive today and tomorrow will set in motion arrangements to send two Univer- sity students to the six-year olA German school for a year's study. Exchange program petitioning will open Thursday at the SL Bldg. and continue through April 1. Qualifications for the program include: 1) student must have a bachelor's degree; 2) student must have a speaking knowledge of German. WHEN, LAST JUNE. I returned from two years of study in Western Germany and visited a friend in the East Sector of Berlin, he discovered with pain: "You do not understand us any more." I felt that he was right. It was at that time very hard for me to follow the reasoning of his decision to stay at an East Zone university although he was offered a scholarship in the West. There are, of course, family ties, and further there is the com- mendable position that one should pot leave the Soviet Zone unless there is a real political need for it. There are also arguments about bad economic conditions in the West for university people, whereas the East Zone actually takes good care of its intellectuals. Finally, leaving the East Zone seems a dangerous risk when war and Rus- sian troops marching to the Rhine appear inevitable to my friend. These arguments seem to arise not from conviction, but from an increasing lethargy among the younger generation. The necessity to comply with the official patterns of thought and action produce dual personalities. There is a conflict between See ACADEMIC, Page 6 JOBLESS CITED: Counil upprtAsked ForTwoProposals Bill Leaves ' U' Capital Request Cut Same Allotment Hatcher Speaks Ike Blasts Democrats' On Future of 'U' Income Tax Proposals Faculty Hears Discussion of Dorms, Investigations ii State of 'U' Talk Fo Raise Xem ptions By JON SOBELOFF A bill recommending appropria- "Dignity and distinction" ought to mark the future progress of tions of $11,695,350 from the gen- the University, President Harlan H. Hatcher told faculty members eral fund for institutional con- yesterday. struction including a $2,450,000 Addressing about 200 of the faculty gathered in Rackham Lecture c fHall to hear his third annual "state of the university" message, Pres- sice for building purposes at the ident Hatcher touched on topics ranging from the need for more dor- University was introduced by the mitories to the problem of impending Congressional investigations. State Senate Appropriations Com- * * * * mittee yesterday. "THE BEST WAY to preserve our freedom is to go on freely and * * * proudly exercising those freedoms," 'the president said. J.- EIGHT and one-half million more is earmarked by the bill forj construction of state hopsitals, the money to come from the hospital bond issue fund. The hospital bond issue mon- ey compares with $14,300,000 recommended by Williams. The committee's general fund, grant compares with $14,500,000 recommended by Gov. G. Mennen Williams and the $9,2000,00 ap- Board Ass Student Idea, "And if anyone restricts your freedom," he added, "I hope you'll let me know about it." Complimenting the faculty on its calmness, the president said "we have preserved healthy fret/ discussion here." the Un-American Activities Coin- (I n Jilous in He "ha " nofrhrcomment on mittee investigation reportedly By GENE HARTWIG scheduled to hit Detroit in May. How students feel about suggest- On the problem of dormitory ed changes in residence halls space, the president said "We arej ed cangs i reidece all = ,, t ~snrof alrna ~s~~n~innl propriatedcthis year*I in dange zmxn actoa yr. housing next semester will be in- * * * vestigated by the Residence Halls policy decisions on the question of INCLUDED in the bill is a $2,- Board of Governors in a student!whether there is a place for stu 450,000 grant to the University opinion session tonight prior to dents to sleep." broken up. as follows: their reaching a final decision. The meeting was called after RECALLING the pre-war situa-j Nine-hundred ten million for the Board postponed action Thurs- tion when 53 men in Fletcher Hall heating and utility expansion, day on a proposal to convert and residents of the Lawyers Club, $300,000 to rehabilitate Univers-FlthrHl(nw ouigm ) plus accupants of a few women's, .$0,0 orhbltt nvr~Fletcher Hall (now housing men) Ilsacuat f e wmns ity Hospital, $250,000 for a law for use by women permanently houses were the only University- library addition, $878,000 to and to reestablish Chicago House'housed students, President Hatch- start an automotive engineering {(now housing women in West er said that our rapid building building, $100,000 for the North Quadrangle) for men in a part of since then has tied up all available Campus development and $12,- Taylor House, South Quad. capital.s 000 to plan a social science and * *Now we house about 6400 language building. ANOTHER meeting on the hous- + -Daily -Chi,.:Kelsey VISITOR VIEWS OLD DAILY hilipine Visitor Plans Study of Stu Michigan State College gets a similar $2,450,000 under the bill including: $1,500,000 for its new1 libary, $850,000 to start an animal industries building and $100,000 to start a utilities plant. The capital outlay appropria- tions recommended to the Senate compares with some 14 and a third millions the University had re- quested for building and expansion purposes. In his recommendation to the Legislature Gov. Williams earlier this year pared that sum to $2,- 500,000 for essentially the same purposes outlined in yesterday's bill. The construction bill ignoredl the governor's request for a $1,-1 800,000 children's psychiatric in- stitute at Northvill. ing issue will be held after today's session when the Board is expect- ed to take action on demands for 100 additional units of supervised women's housing space next se- mester. The proposals for converting Fletcher Hall and reestablishing Chicago House for men, al- though withdrawn at the Board of Governors meeting, will form the basis for discussion, today. Under the suggested plan the housing space left vacant by mov- ing Chicago House to South Quad would remain " 'free standing' to serve whichever demand is the greater, with women having pri- ority in the fall of 1954-55." * * * students and need to house &i more, he said, but there is no By DOROTHY MYERS, money for dormitories in sight. iv n Federal funds might become Vising the Universi available if national defense of a three-rhonth tour of America needs ease though, he thought. designed to acquaint him with stu- dent organizations is Emilio B. Al- The University's "five-year er, a graduate student from the plan" for improving and adding Philippine Islands. educational and research facili- Although Aller has talked with ties has been far from met by the officials of student groups as var- present University budget bill now ied in purpose as the Young Adult in committee in Lansing. Council, Students for Democratic But "the Legislature has shown! Action and National Students As- a very friendly and receptive atti- sociation, he has a special inter- tude" to the University's point of est in the 4-H Clubs of America! view, President Hatcher added. and in political organizations. * * * i ACTING Dean of Students Wal- ter B. Rea met with University By PAT ROELOFS City Council members last night were urged to balk extensional unemployment compensation ben- efits to 26 weeks, and construc- tion of a jet plane manufacturing plant in Washtenaw County. Presented by John Burton on behalf of the county Industrial Council, the two proposals were drawn up in face of unemployment in the county which is now affect- ing nearly 4,500 laborers. The jet plane factory cited in the propos- al would call for employment of n early 5,000 persons, Burton said. * * HE ALSO claimed that huge funds have been accumulated by the State for unemployment com- pensation, and asked the Council members to support a move to put the funds into circulation by dis- tributing them to those unem- ployed workers who are in most dire need. Speech Opens Campus Red Cross Drive, Kicking off this year's two week campus Red Cross drive, Victor Krueger, official national Red Cross Representative last night r. discussed the Red Cross as it af-I fects students. Krueger told representatives of the different housing units pres- ent at the meeting of the various ways the organization might help students and vice-versa. IN ADDITION to nformation sent out from disaster areas and work done in the fields of Life Saving and First Aid training,' there is in Ann Arbor a campus motor service which brings dis- Umversit President Harlan H. alumni in Chicago yesterday to governor'sediscuss the possibility of relocat- acher eedro te ding Chicago House in South Quad. recommendation "inadequate" at a time when the University must Taylor House President Al "move forward." Scarchilli said yesterday that This attitude of "considera- tion for our unique service" was evidenced by the recent success- Sful legislative pressure for Mich- igan State College to withdraw, its demand to be made a "uni- versity," he intimated.- The president said changing the name of a land grant college to that of a university would only "add one morerdifficulty" in get- ting "the proper use of the state's resources, particularly at the grad- uate and professional level. Research here has been "a source of great strength," but "we are ultimately a teaching insti- tution, and we would be the worse if teaching took second place to any other interestd," he felt. Also discussed at the meet-I ing ws a plan to increase the Washington St. carport park- ing rates to ten cents for the first hour and five cents for each additional hour. Alderman Gene D. Maybee ask- ed that the Ordinance Committee presenting the increased parking rate plan would further consider their proposal. His opinion is that the increase rate will reduce the number of cars parked in the car- port Council members deferred ac- tion on this and other parking rate proposals for further discus- sion at a public hearing on April 8. Senate Approves Gas Company Bill A bill to exempt natural gas companies doing business within a state from Federal relation was passed in the Senate yesterday, ac- cording to a United Press report, and sent on to the White House. Passage was by voice vote after the Senate rejected 52 to 25 a mo- tion by Sen. Morse, (Ind., Ore.) to return the measure to the Senate Commerce Committee with orders to hold hearings. his house would not object to the first and second floors of Taylor being given over to a re- located Chicago House but op- posed turning over the third floor on grounds that it would be detrimental to the house. AN INTEREST in politics even got Aller fired from a government job during the height of the Philip- pine election campaign for gov- ernor last year. As editor-in-chief of "The Carolinian,", official student newspaper at the University of San Carlos, Aller wrote a par- ticular vituperative article blast- ing the Quirino regime and the Liberal Party Administration. Within a week the law student and a few of his newspaper col- leagues were attacked in the col- umns of the Cebu Daily News, owned by Gov. Osemena. "I was called into the univer- sity rector's office," he related, " "and was asked to write a note of apology to the Governor. Earlier that day, however, I had already issued formal statements to two bogdaily newspapersnre-asserting my attacks against the Liberal Party Administration and I abso- lutely refused to withdraw them." Just four days later the job Al- ler had under civil service was dent Groups abolished, and the student-jour- nalist began to devote almost full- time work to the successful Mag- saysay campaign. . Campaigning in towns and cities throughout the islands, Aller said, "We gave speeches and radio ad- dresses everywhere exposing to the people the undemocratic way the administration in power was functioning." STILL "definitely pro-Magsay- say," Aller said the new Philip- pine administration is efficient and honest. "When I visited the Pres- idential Palace in Manila before coming to the United States all the policemen and guards around the palace did not prevent anyone from entering. One could walk right in to complain about or praise the new governor-a phe- Inomenal occurance in the young republic of the Philippines." "They even offered to re-in- state my old civil service job as audit clerk in the Auditor's Of- fice in Cebu province," he beam- ed. His purpose in visiting the United States, Aller explains, is to study student organizations in both cities and rural areas so that he can set up effective similar or- ganizations when he returns to the Philippines. A 4-H Club is the first thing he wants to establish. "Most of the islands are rural," he explains, "and such an organization might help check the growing juvenile delinquency and turn young peo- ple toward worthwhile activities." If the government won't help encourage such a club," he de- dlares, "I'll just have to organize one in my home town and hope the idea will catch on." Requests Aid 'For 'Modest' Cutback Plan Dems Program Called 'Unfair' WASHINGTON - 0P) -- Presi- dent Eisenhower blasted the Dem- ocrats' cut-the-income-tax pro- posals last night as unsound, po- litically motivated and unfair to the great majority of taxpayers. Declaring such cuts would be "a serious blow to your government," the President told a nationwide radio and television audience: "In your interest I must and will oppose such an unsound tax pro- posal." * * * Eisenhower appealed for sup- port of his own tax program, which includes what he called a "modest" reduction in the tax on income from corporation stock. lie centered his fire on Demo- cratic moves, beginning with a bill that comes up in the House tomorrow to raise income tax exemptions. House Democrats want an increase from $600 to $700. There is a movement among Senate Democrats to make even more of a taxpayer's income tax-free. Actually, Eisenhower declared, "The nation as a whole continues to be prosperous" despite unem- ployment in some places, and con- ditions "at this time 'do not call for an emergency program that would justify larger federal defi- cits and further inflation through large additional tax reductions." SURPRISING even some of his own staff members, the Presiden made no criticism of last week's action by the House in cutting ex- cise taxes by some 900 million dollars. Eisenhower said he's as strong for cutting taxes "at the right time" as anybody, and he said his administration has slashed or is about to slash almost sev- en billion dollars from the na- tional tax bill. But House Democratic Leader Sam Rayburn, slated to make a formal reply on radio and TV to- night, said five of the seven bil- lions in tax reductions were votes by the Democrats before Eisen- hower took office. One of the President's main ar- guments against raising the in- come tax exemptions was that this would free millions of Americans from paying any tax and shift the burden to the rest of the taxpay- ers. N.atioal Chicago House President Kath- leen Denmany, Spec., pointed out RefUges Escape living in the house have indicated VIENNA, Austria - (AP)-- that they plan to return next se- Hungarian refugees, half stai mester. and frostbitten, have escaped A letter was drafted in a Fletch- Austria after a journey halfv er Hall house meeting last night across Hungary highlighted b asking the' Board not to convert gunfight with Communist po the house for use by women. U.S. officials revealed yesterda The letter points out that finan- cial difficulties of some of the E men might force them to leave READERS POLLED: school if deprived of the inexpen- sive housing at Fletcher. Fletch- er does not serve meals and has MoCrarthy a room rent of $125 per semester./ RIidway Sees Asked by] Ten :red to way y a lice, y. Roundup 1 A uto graphs News Ideas Daily Editors ArmyrWhat would you do with Sen. Joseph McCarthy if you were a We newspaper editor? That's the question Daily editors ask their readers today as they WASHINGTON - (R) - Gen. announce a campaign for opinions on how The Daily should cover r Matthew B. Ridgway expressed the raging controversy over the Wisconsin Senator. "particular concern" to CongressI As one of the most perplexing problems facing newspapermen yesterday that the "new look" today, the presentation of news on Sen. McCarthy has been met in military plan might make the varying ways by different newspapers. Many newspapers have adopt- , Amy'too eato facetup to. Rus- Ied the policy of playing down stories about him while others have, But Ridgway, the Army chief continued to give considerable prominence to the Senator. of staff, begged off from saying' publicly whether he had recom- THE DAILY hopes to ascertain from the response to its request mended sharp cuts in the Army a definite feeling on the part of its readers concerning Sen. McCar- budget under the program. He thy and what should be done with him in the news columns of at conceded a reply to the question newspaper. might be embarrassing. Reader reactions should be sent to The Daily in care of The general appeared with "Letters to the Editor." other top military and civilian Space limitations have forced The Daily in the past to shorten chiefs at a Senate Armed Ser- news stories on McCarthy considerably. At the same time prominent vices subcommittee hearing onspace has been given the stories on the front page to compensateI Ithe $37,600,000,000 military bud-If,. o h,"z + ,erh Seniors Tickets for Senior Night dinner and play, scheduledfor this Thursday, are on sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office of the League. They are priced at $1.90 per person. Grad 'Student Dies Suddenly Richard Cristiani, Grad. died of a heart attack at 3:44 p.m. yes- terday near the j Romance Lan- guage Bldg. Cristiani was taken to Univer- sity Hospital where coroner Ed- win C. Ganzhorn performed an autopsy. According to Dr. Ganz- horn the student, a resident of By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Continued im- provement was noted yesterday in the condition of Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich.), most seriously wounded of the five Congressmen shot by Puerto Rican fanatics, in the House two weeks ago. WASHINGTON - A Power Commission examiner refused yesterday to delay longer than two weeks resumption of a hear- ing on a 154 million dollar pipe- line project aimed at relieving - natural gas shortages in Michi- gan and Wisconsin. NEW YORK-The New York Central Railroad will meet the as- sault of Robert R. Young ahead-on by putting all 15 members of its present board of directors up for re-election, William White, Cen- tral's president, said yesterday. The disclosure ruled out the possibility of a compromise in the battle for control of the two-bil- lion-dollar rail empire. . . ... H._> i WASHINGTON-Sen. McCar-