THE MICHIGAN DAILY l TT?MAV 'PXAVf*U '1.* Ioftx a i U IN JI J' 7, X 3 .IYI:A. Zt;fl 14, 155, 54 On Pugilism &P olitics By IVAN KAYE Daily Sports Editor TwO DECADES AGO there appeared onl the campus of Milwaukee's Marquette University a young amateur boxer whose unorthodox style drew the immediate and prollonged attention of the local fight fans. The student, from nearby Appleton, would begin each contest by rushing from his corner and raining blows on a usually very surprised and flustered adversary. It was his custom to swing wildly, hoping that somewhere he would strike a weak point and thus incapacitate an opponent. His style was colorful and seldom did one of his bouts lack excitement. He was, in fact, acknowledged to be a real crowd pleaser. There was, however, a calculated method behind the plan of attack which to on- lookers might have seemed haphazard. The sudden onslaught with punches being thrown from all angles and with great rapidity was almost guaranteed to bewilder the average college boxer. While in a state of bewilder- ment, the opponent was prone to one of the wild punches, and on many occasions was knocked out. Today, twenty years later, Joe McCarthy is still swinging wildly; still raining blows from all angles in the hope of striking an adversary's weak point, The stakes are much higher now however, since national publicity attends each of the Senator's exhibitions in the arena of politi- cal pugilism; but the philosophy behind his combative method is unchanged. Confusion and bewilderment remain his most useful weapons, just as they were the keys to what- ever success he achieved in the ring at Mar- quette. Only one thing kept Joe McCarthy from becoming an outstanding collegiate boxer --the fact that his unorthodox style was strangely ineffectual when used against any opponent who had experience. He found it extremely difficult to suc- r cessfully practice roughhouse tactics on boxers who maintained their composure, and did not fluster or collapse at his initial barrage. In these encounters McCarthy usually came out second best, although he always managed to display great ten- acity even when being soundly thrashed. Last week, riding the crest of an impres- sive knockout string, achieved at the expense of the inexperienced, McCarthy tried the modern-day verbal counterpart of his col- lege roughhouse treatment on an "old pro" -radio commentator Edward R. Murrow. The result followed the pattern of Mc- Uarthy's bouts against experienced opposi- tion at Marquette. Once again, displaying the usual tenacity, he emerged a decided second best. Thus, the analogy is complete. While it may be a bit presumptuous to draw parallels between endeavors so diverse as pugilism and politics, it would. seem that Murrow, like the experienced boxers at Marquette, has demonstrated conclusively that poise is a devastating counter to McCarthy's methods. DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON -- Next to the levy on baby powder and women's cosmetics, perhaps the most controversial of the. excise taxes is that assessed on admissions to movie theaters. Several years ago, small theater owners; suffering from a drop in patronage, passed out postal cards to movie- goers with an appeal to their Congressmen to fight for tax repeal. GOP Congressman Noah Mason of Illi- nois, a mossback conservative who sel- dom raises his voice for the little man in the tax-writing Ways and Means Com- mittee, but who has an educated yen for headlines, was quick to seize on the chance to become the champion of the small theater and its lower-bracket patrons. Mason began issuing press statements de- nouncing the threater tax as a rank dis- crimination against millions of film fans. Last year, Mason even introduced a bill out- lawing the movie admission tax. It passed both houses of Congress, but was vetoed by President Eisenhower on economy grounds, which brought a howl from the Skouras brothers, the Warner brothers, MGM, and other movie moguls who so vigorously sup- ported Ike. But, even in defeat, Mason be- came the St. George of moviegoers from coast to coast. At a recent closed-door meeting of the Ways and Means Committee, Mason's pet subject again came up-whether to repeal the tax on theater admissions. Mason de- liberately delayed his vote until the last minute and until the rest of the committee was deadlocked in a 12-12 tie vote. Then he voted "no"-against the moviegoers. When bewildered Democratic colleagues inquired how Mason would explain his re- versed position in case the secret minutes leaked to the press, the Illinoian calmly replied that he had such a solid standing with his constituents he could afford to alter his position as he saw fit. "I'll explain it; I'll say that we can't af- ford a repeal of this excise tax now," de- clared the man who, last year when times were, much better for the moviegoer's pock- VOICE OF THE FACULTY: Efimenco Views Middle East What! Not My Little Boys! -fette4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. t (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is an account of an interview with Prof. Marbury Efi- menco of the political science department, a spe- cialist in Middle East affairs. Prof. Efimenco has toured the Middle East extensively in recent years.) 1. What do you think will be the out- come of the current Anglo-Iranian oil crisis in the Middle East? The stalemate on the concession problem is largely blocked by national or psychologi- cal objections to a settlement rather than to compromising issues involved. The Anglo- Iranian, oil dispute has not turned on a consideration of the commercial matters involved but on protests against the legacy of British imperialism of the last 50 years. There is no reason to believe that a com- promise solution of this issue or similar issues in the Middle East is impossible. We have the precedent of the Mexican oil issue (between 1937 and 1942) which illustrates the possibility of arranging amicable settle- ment of the problem despite the charge of anti-foreign domination in the case. There is no doubt that the prerequisite to a settlement of the Iranian dispute de- pends upon two internal factors: strong leadership in Teheran and economic reforms that would raise the standard of living for the masses of the people. These two re- quirements are lacking at the present time and therefore the prospects for an adequate compromise settlement of the oil dispute seem doubtful or problematic at this time. The British position in the dispute is largely based on the supposition that the Iranian economy would collapse through the applicatin of a boycott of Iranian oil by the British companies. Events at the present time have largely disproved this theory. The fact is that Iran's economy, resting largely at a subsistence level, can- not realistically collapse to any lower level. The major budget item of the government is composed of the civil servant list and sal- aries for the armpy. Thus if a government meets these two items in its budget it can survive, and thus far Iran has managed to salvage its shaky economy. 2. How long can the present govern- mental instability in the Middle East be expected to last? It is reasonable to expect that instability will characterize the Arab governments for the next decade. Observers must, however, understand the reasons for this. The Middle Eastern world is attempting, to compress into one generation what re- quired the Western world two hundred years to develop, namely a middle class society founded upon Western technology and a democratic political system. It is altogether unreasonable to expect the Middle East to achieve Western standards in this brief period of experimentation with Western techniques in democracy. Experiments with constitutions in the Arab world date from 1919, and il many cases from 1945. Secondly, at the present time Middle Eastern governments are embarked upon an experiment with democracy and par- liamentary institutions. However, these constitutional forms are basically a facade behind which the normal pattern of Mid. dle Eatsern politics operates. As a result three types of governmental patterns are discernible: The first form is that of a theocratic Kingship rule based on the tribal principle of leadership. As Saudi Arabia and Yemen illustrate, these states are fairly stable. A second form consists of political ol- garchies operating through the instrumen- tality of the parliamentary system. In most of the modern Arab states a small elite group assumes a leadership role and deter- mines the political life of the country. Bas- ically this oligarchy is composed of semi- feudal landlords, wealthy merchants and a coterie of government bureaucrats. A third type of government in the Mid- dle East area is military dictatorship. This type of government represents the assumption of political and military pow- er by the Army officer class which pre- sumes to produce results in reforms and economic improvements, exactly those areas in which civilian governments have failed. The recent experiments in mili- tary dictatorships in Syria since 1949 and in Egypt since 1952 indicate a basic dilem- ma and weakness of the military ap- proach. The difficulty turns on the in- ability of the military leaders to produce reforms or to share power with civilian leaders and administrators. In addition the military clique is unable to transform or revolutionize the traditional political pattern of behavior. As a result it is doubtful whether military dictatorship can create conditions favorable to the growth of democracy. 3. What are the prospects for demo- cratic development in the Middle East? Although the experiments with constitu- tional governments are relatively recent and inconclusive in results, one should not cate- gorically exclude the possibility of demo- cratic growth in the Middle East. Such por- tentous changes as the introduction of de- mocracy, take root slowly in the Middle East environment. There are basically two ways in which real democracy can be in- stituted' The first method would depend upon the self-conscious practice of democratic principles at the local level. This means that the peasant or villager must assume political initiative and responsibility in the sphere of local self-government. This would be a long-term process of organic is at present experiencing the difficulties of instituting democracy from the center. It must be noted, however that France exper- ienced a long period of monarchy and dic- tatorship after a Revolutionary Napoleonic period before it established a democratic political system in 1870. 4. How can a strong middle class be established in the Middle East? In Egypt and Lebanon a middle class does not exist, but its members have not developed the political consciousness that this class has in the West. The new middle class had inherited the tradition of family ties, the practice of cerruption, political favoritism and nepotism, which is a legacy of the Middle East world. What is lacking particularly is the concept of public interest and public welfare which, if held above per- sonal interests of the individuals, would serve as a guide to public policy. This con- sciousness is present only in a rudimentary form among a small group of reformers, in- tellectuals and army officers. It cannot be effective, however, unless it permeates wide- ly the important strata in the Middle East society. 5. What is the significance of the cur- rent eruptions of discontent in the Middle East? Violence and discontent is not a sign of retrogression, but rather a hopeful sign of change for the future. It shows that the Middle East has abandoned its static out- look and is groping for effective standards and progress. A large segment of the people is no longer willing to accept its misery and poverty as an unalterable fate of God; rath- er, like the West, it believes that a better life is possible and attainable. Of course today, the unrest and agitation is largely confined to the urban centers and rarely touches the masses in the villages and in the hinterland. The leadership in reform and modernization is obviously assumed by Westernized intellectuals and politicians and a few army officers. None the less, the elite leadership is a significant spearhead in any basic constructive reform. program. In view of the limitations in resources and technological skills, the Middle East cannot obviously register significant trans- formations in their economic standards comparable to that of the West. The Point Four program, which is founded on the principle of mutual self-help between the West and the Middle East, quite prop-' erly aims at improvements at the grass- roots level, that is, the villages where 85 per cent of the population resides. It is necessarily a long-range program. Its achievements must be measured in terms of twenty-year intervals rather than two or three year periods. While it would be misleading to compare economic progress in the Middle East with that of the Western world, it must be noted however, that even a slight improvement in the existing subsistent standards in the Middle East would be a great improvement to its peoples. The danger with the long- term approach lies in its clash with the great expectations which Western-oriented, leaders have led their Middle East peoples to expect. The Western-educated reformers have an obligation, to themselves and their people, to talk with more restraint and mod- eration in posing reform programs. In an area which has endured poverty and hard- ship for several millenia the people can understand the need for patience and mod- eration, provided their leaders produce some- thing more tangible than oratory and shift- ing cabinet lists. 6. Is it .overly hopeful to expect the establishment of the Middle East Defense Organization to be approved by the states involved? This is the American proposal for a reg- ional Arab defense organization to supple- ment the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion and to center on the Suez canal base. There are very few prospects that the Arab states will accept MEDO. The obstacles are largely of a psychological character rather than based upon any reasoned analysis of the international situation. The Middle Easterners do not view the cold war with the same concern that the United States does. In the case of Egypt, the presence of British troops in the Suez Canal'is consid- eredto be the, major threat to its security. As a result of a century of British imperial- ism in the area it has been impossible for the Middle Easterner to believe that the Lion has been suddenly transformed into a lamb. The basic issue is a question of wheth- er the Middle Eastern states can participate on a basis of equality and full partnership with the Western powers in the defense system. The Middle East states believe that such equality is impossible at the present time. 7. How great is the possibility of the Middle East Islamic states turning to communism? The Middle Easterners generally do not regard communism with the same fear and rejection as Americans do at the present time. There is, among influential people, a feeling that communism might be a neces- sary alternative if democratic experiments should fail to improve living conditions. They feel that in desperation their countries might try some of the economic theories of communism. While illiteracy is widespread, the dogmas and theories of Marxism have not appreciably permeated the masses, par- ticularly in the villages. While the Muslim religion dominates the Middle Eastern way a . --Daily-Bill Hampton THE WEEK O0"N CA MPUS ALL SORORITY RUSHING, okayed by a 418 to 167 vote of affil- iated women in balloting tabulated Monday, secured a slender seven to five margin of approval in the Student Affairs Committee Tuesday resolving the rushing controversy and bringing to a close the two-year trial fall period. Passage of the permanent fall plan hinged on SAC approval of a constitution change allowing Panhellenic to alter rushing regula- tions by a two-thirds instead of three-fourths vote of its members. * * * * A PLUCKY RESIDENCE Halls Board of Governors Thursday post- poned action on fall dormitory housing pending a full investiga- tion of student opinion from groups that would be affected by pro- posed changes. Opposition to postponing final action on the issue was voiced by the Dean of Women's office which cited administrative difficulties in planning women's housing for next year raised by put- ting off the decision. One proposal, withdrawn from consideration at the last minute suggested converting Fletcher Hall for use by women students on a permanent basis and relocating Chicago House for men in South Quad. STUDENT MEMBERS of the calendaring committee last week pushed for a special campus vote to determine which of four or five suggestions for the University calendar students favor. The poll if held would be taken sometime early in May and serve as a state- ment of student opinion for the Regents in making a final decision. * * * * T HE STUDENT Affairs Study committee endorsed the "seven-come- eleven" idea for the proposed revision of student government approving the concept of 11 elected representatives and seven ex- officio members on the Student Executive Committee. STU'7ENT LEGISLATURE stamped approval on its third constitu- tion in eight years Wednesday night. The new document, calling for a student tax not to exceed 25 cents per semester from each student, will go to the campus for a referendum in SL elections, March 30 and 31. Pending SAC approval the tax would go into effect in September. INTERNATIONAL CENTER policies came in for criticism last week from foreign students who charged the Center with not supplying enough aid to foreign students and in some cases practicing racial and religious discrimination. Center Director Esson M. Gale, retiring at the end of this year, countered the charges claiming the Center is well-likedby students and thought of as a leader in the foreign student counseling field. -Gene Hartwig Intl Center . . . To The Editor: MISS MYERS article on the In- ternational Center was excel- lent! However, the "suggestions" fo rimproving the Center and the criticisms of it could stand am- plification. On the Suggestions: 1) The International Committee of SL is in the process of organiz- ing exactly the type of orientation program suggested in Miss Myers' article. 2) Of course there should be a bigger and better International Center! Dr. Nelson said in his last report to the University in 1943 that there were too few fa- cilities for the foreign students. In 1943 there were 250 foreign students. 3) Both the University Commit- tee on Intercultural Relations and the International Committee are considering a course for foreign students on America. It would not be required but would be for credit. 4) In order to give more legal and housing aid, the Center would need a larger counseling staff. ISA and the International Committee are working together on a legal aid program. The International Committee is working on the housing problem. 5) The International Center has no space for either displaying art exhibits or for a library. On the Criticisms: 1) Partiality in an institution which has a policy of impartiality is loathsome. But one must differ- entiate between the policy and those who fail to carry it out. 2) No knowledge-no comment. 3) Participation in some Center programs is excelle'nt. There is standing room only at the Sunday night movies. And would anyone who attended the teas when they were at the Center deny that they were pretty crowded? Those on the Center staff who are truly working to better the lot of the foreign student here de- serve a great deal of praise. It is unfortunate that there are others. -Daphne Price 0 * * . Guzzling . . To the Editor: I SOMEHOW must come to the conclusion that once a student becomes a member of your editor--. ial staff, a magic fairly comes1 along, waves a wand -over the stu-i dent's head and proclaims, "You, are now a knower of all things. This could be the only explana- tion for Fran Sheldon's editorial "Drinking Swan-Song" Miss Shel- don, either through ignorance or because it tended to serve her pur- pose, failed to bring out any of the more serious implications in re- gards to banning television com- mercials from showing people in the process of drinking beer or wine. In a recent survey, which I made in a middle class, German, (beer drinking) Ann Arbor neighbor- hood one of the questions asked was, "What do you most object to in TV commercials?" Eighty-one of the ninety questionnaires list- ed the beer advertisements as be- ing most objectionable from the point of view that they were being shown during the day and early evening when impressionable teen- agers made up a good part of the viewing audience. It is not, as Miss Sheldon so sar- castically refers to it, a matter of beer drinking being socially ac- ceptable or socially unacceptable but rather whether it is legally, morally, or socially acceptable for a fourteen year old to sit guzzling beer. It is a problem which parents are faced with and are not too sure how to cope with The parent tries to convince his offspring that beer drinking is something he can put off until he's twenty-one. Then the child turns on the TV and is confronted with- a masculine man or a pretty girl doing a much better job of selling the idea that drinking beer is highly desirable, refreshing, and invigorating. To really put the idea across the person then pro- ceeds to take a long drink from that delicious looking golden liquid and the kid is sold. He feels that if a product is so highly advertised it must be good. Legally he cannot drink or purchase beer until he is twenty-one but the Brewing Com- panies are doing an excellent job in tempting him at a much earlier age. The bill passed by the state House of Representatives may not be sound legislation as it does not reduce the effectiveness of beer advertising to any degree, but lets dents an opportunity to meet another of the interesting personalities in the German Department. Everyone welcome. Undergraduate Botany Club meets not make light of a problem which you, Miss Sheldon, obviously do not understand. Perhaps you had better ask that magic fairy to re- turn and give you a double dose of her "know-it-all" wand. -Eve Kommel, Grad. Stalinists . . To The Editor: PROFESSOR MOISE, in refer- ence to a letter of mine that appeared in The Daily, unfortun- ately based his criticism upon a point with which I did not deal. The points I tried to make were three: (1) The inconsistency of 'Stalinists on the question of civil liberties, (2) The penchant of some liberals to accept the Stalinist evaluation- of why the current hysteria exists, (3) The necessity of working out an analysis of the current unfortunate political events. One might say that im- plicit within the letter was a re- action against those liberals who are still susceptible to the recur- rent Stalinist tactic of "united front." Unlike the Stalinists (as I tried to point out) I believe that no ,roup should be denied civil lib- erties because of its political ideas. It is my contention that the Amer- ican Stalinist movement is being persecuted not because it is a dangerous internal force, but be- cause it is a convenient political scapegoat. (I am not here discuss- ing the Soviet spy system which operates onva different level. A political organization loaded with actual or potential employees of the F.B.I., torn with dissension over the numerous twists in the "line," etc., produces a state of affairs which makes one 'wonder just why the American Stalinists can be considered a threat. Not the impotent remains of a once powerful American Stalinist movement, but the inability of the U. S. to support and champion nationalist revolutions constitutes the threat. The U. S. has con- demned these revolutions as Com- munist inspired, and has conse- quently been responsible, to a great extent, for identifying the genuine nationalists' interests with those of the ,Stalinists. We have convinced many non-Stalinist na- tionalists that they must look to- wards Stalinism, and not the West for aid in carrying out their revo- lutions. These two elements, Stal- inism and nationalism, unite and form an irresistable force. It is this combination, and our inabil- ity to cope with' it, which is in parttresponsible for the current hysteria in this country. -John Leggett ** * Scotch Please . To The Editor: WISH TO sum up Miss Myers article "Accused of Bias" (Mich- igan Daily, March 11, '54) con- cerning the policies of the Inter- national Center, this way: A foreigner entering an Ameri can home; the host serves him a coke. "I don't like coke, give me Scotch," says the foreigner. -Wirojana Tantraporn '1: -'I 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I (Continued from Page 2) liness," Persichetti's "Hist Whist" and Hanson's "How Excellent Thy Name." Open to the general public. Student Recital. Alevandra Moncrieff, pianist, will be heard in a program presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, at 8:30 Monday evening, Mar. 15, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The reictal will include works by Brahms, Ravel, Barber, and Beethoven, and will be open to the general public. Miss Moncrieff is a pupil of Ava Comin Case. The Oxford String Quartet, Elizabeth Walker and Adon Foster, violins, Jo- seph Bein, viola, and Elizabeth Pot- teiger, cello, of Miami University, Ox- ford, Ohio, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Mar. 16, in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The concert will open with Haydn's Quartet in D major, Op. 20,No, 4, and continue with Herbert Elwell's Blue Symphony, Five Songs, in which the Quartet will be joinedsbynRichard Chamberlain, tenor. The closing work will be Beethoven's Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 74, "The Harp." Sponsored by the School of Music, the concert will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today Episcopal Student Foundation. Holy Communion, 8 and 9 a.m., with break- fast following at Canterbury House. Sunday Morning Musical, 10:30 a.m., Canterbury House. Student Confirma- tion instruction, 4:30 p.m., Canterbury House. Supper at Canterbury House, 6 p.m. Address on "The Doctrine of the Church as Found in' the Letter to the Ephesians," Canterbury House, 7 p.m. Evening Prayer, 8 p.m., with Coffee Hour following at Canterbury House. Michigan Christian Fellowship. Rev. Evan Welsh, pastor of Ward Memorial Presbyterian Church, Detroit, will speak on the subject "The Sufficiency of Christ's Death," 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All interested students invited; refresh- ments will be served. Unitarian Student Group. Discussion Club. Supper Program, 6 p.m. Discus- sion: "Teaching the Bible to Adults" with audio-visual aids. Congregational-Disciples Guild. Con- gregational Church, 7 p.m. Rev. Wil- liam Baker will speak on "Who Is Je- sus-His Relationship to God." Gilbert and Sullivan Society. There will be a rehearsal tonight for the en- tire casts of "Thespis" and "The Sor- cerer" in the League at 7:15. Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester Co-op. 900 Oakland, this evening at 8 p.m. Everyone invited! Hillel. Hillel chorus, 5 p.m.: Hillel Stu- dent Council meeting, 5 p.m.; Supper Club, 6 p.m. Inter-cooperative Council. All stu- dents considering living or boarding in a co-op house during the fall or the summer session are invited to come to dinner any night this week, at any one of the six co-op houses. Please call NO 8-6872. Coming Events Anthropology Club. There will be a meetoing of the Anthropology Club on Tues., Mar. 16, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Leslie A. White will speak on "Facts and Theories in Culturology." The meetingtwill begin at 7:45 and re- freshments will be served. Everyone is invited. Industrial Relations Club. Prof. Leon- ard E. Himler will discuss his experi- ences relating to mental health in in- dustry on Tues., Mar. 16, at the regular meeting of the club, starting 7:15 p.m. in the Business Administration student lounge. All interested students and fac- ulty are invited. Refreshments fol- low the program. Deutscher Verein will meet on Tues- at 7:30 in the Union Room 3-A. Bernd Rissman and Klaus Liepelt, exchange students from the Free University of Berlin, will lead an informal panel dis- cussion comparing university life here 1 Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor Eric vetter ............ City Editor Virginia Voss........,Editorial Director Mike 'Wolf....... Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor Helene Simon ...... Associate Editor Ivan Kaye . ................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger. Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager Don Chisholnl. ...Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS I i