PUGILISM AND POLITICS See Page A Latest Deadline in the State ~iaii4 U COLDER VOL. LXIV, No. 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1954 EIGHT PAGES i Senators Hit Republicans' Farm Policy Aiken Says GOP Policy 'Favored' WASHINGTON - (R) - Three Democratic senators blasted the Eisenhower-Benson farm program yesterday while Chairman George D,Aiken (R-Vt.) of the Senate Agriculture Committee contended U most farmers favor it. The growing controversy sound- ed like a prelude to the campaign for control of Congress next fall. * * DEMOCRATIC S e n at o r s El- lender (La.), Stuart Symington (Mo.) and Hubert, Humphrey (Minn.) gave their views in speeches on statements prepared for delivery only a few days be- fore the Senate was to take up a part of the administration pro- gram, a special new plan for do- mestic wool producers. Sen. Ellender already has served notice that he will try to tack on to this a two-year ex- tension of the present high-lev el wartime price supports for major crops. These props are due to expire at the end of this year. Both President Dwight D. Ei- senhower and Secretary of Agri- culture Ezra Taft Benson have been pressing for a new system of sliding price supports. * * * SEN. ELLENDER said yester- day in a recorded speech for Loui- siana radio stations, Benson "has consistently resorted to mislead- ing cost estimates, deceiving sta- tistics, loaded figures and slan- derous utterances" to discredit farm programs under the Demo- crats. Sen. Aiken disputed this, telling a newsman all Benson's figures have been consistent and accurate. "All we are trying to do is elimi- nate evils from past farm pro- grams that have caused farm in- come and prices to slip and slide downward in the last two and a half years," Sen. Aiken said, add- ing: "I think most farmers and the public understand what the Presi- dent is trying to do and support him." * * * SEN. SYMINGTON, in a speech prepared for the annual Iowa Democratic Jackson Day dinner in Des Moines, said the present ad- ministration lacks any agricul- tural program and that Secretary Benson' has been sowing disunity. Under one year of Republican rule, Symington said farm in- come dropped 18 per cent and farm prices 11 per cent. Sen. Humphrey, in a letter to fellow senators, contended that Benson may lower or remove all price supports on cottonseed oil in order to give it an advantage over soybean oil. Sen. Aiken called this "an out- landish argument advanced by soybean processors, not soybean farmers." Meeting Will Launch Drive By Red Cross Hillelzapoppin Awards Nixon Attacks Irresponsible Congressional Investigators McCarthy, Stevens Issue New Blasts WASHINGTON - (P) - Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) and secretary of the Army Stevens kept their epochal battle going last night with new volleys aimed at each other's versions of a row over an Army private. Sen. McCarthy demanded that Stevens say publicly the senator never asked special treatment for Pvt. G. David Schine, a former con- sultant to McCarthy's Senate Investigations subcommittee. * * *. * HE MADE PUBLIC the text of a letter he said he wrote Stevens last December saying investigations of the Army would "in no way -Daily-Chuck Kelsey HILLELZAPOPPIN-Independent women won honorable men- tion for their portrayal of the functioning of the Watch and Ward Society of Boston in yesterday's Hillelzapoppin variety show. First place trophy went to Zeta Beta Tau for a comic-romance skit. The Hillel Foundation raised more than $1,000 for the Unit- ed Jewish Appeal from proceeds of the annual show. REGENT ACTION ASKED: SL To Solicit Signatures For Driving Ban Motion World News Roundup By The Associated Press Indochina . HANOI, Indochina French tanks and artilery yesterday blast- ed the Vietminh from a village astride the vital railroad and high- way used for transport of Ameri- can-supplied war equipment fron the seaport of Haiphong. Navy Planes.. . MUNICH, Germany-American authorities delayed last night an- swering a Communist government accusation that two American Navy planes flew into Czechoslo- vakia's uraium mining region be- fore they were driven off by a cannon-firing jet interceptor. By BECKY CONRAD With a booth on the Diagonal tomorrow and Tuesday, Student' Legislature plans to solicit signatures of students desiring quick action Tax Increase .. . on four alternative driving ban proposals now before the Board of WASHINGTON-Two top House Regents. Republicans said yesterday the The proposals were sent to the Regents last year. * * * * THE LEGISLATURE at their March 3 meeting voted to solicit ------ ---- --- signatures this week for a petition SL Candidates Training .Bout Begins Today A tentative roster of 31 Student Legislature candidates will begin their electioneering careers for the all-campus elections, March 30 and 31, according to SL elections di- rector, Babs Hilman, '55Ed. At the petition deadline yester- day, 20 candidates for nine J-Hop posts, seven for seven Union vice- presidential positions four for three openings on the Board in Control of Student Publications, two for one seat on the Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics and 14 candidates for senior engineer- ing and literary class officers were in the runnings. * * * ALL SL candidates are required to attend the first program in the Candidates Training series from1 3 to 5 p.m. today in the SL Bldg., according to Ricky Gilman, '55N, program chairman. Today's program will center around a general introduction to the campus with emphasis on campus organizations. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will discuss history and growth of the Univer- sity and representatives from sev- en campus, activities will speak on the interrelation of extra-cur- ricular activities. Acting Dean of Students Wal- ter B. Rea will talk on the place of these activities in the Uni- versity. Refreshments will be served during the program. Second program of the series from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow will concern past SL activities. Legis-! lature members will discuss the driving ban, discrimination, aca- demic freedom, district represen- tation, National Students Associa- tion and women's hours. Tuesday's program will center around SL procedural activities and last of the series Thursday will concern electioneering. Conference OK's reading: "We feel overwhelmingly that the driving ban ought to be mod- ified. We therefore urge Univer- sity President Harlan H. Hatch- er and the Regents to act on one of the proposals that SL has sub- mitted to them." The petition calls for action on! the ban at next Friday's Regents'l session. IN A SERIES or detailed pro- posals last spring, Legislators sub- mitted four alternatives to the Re- gents. Up to now, no action has been taken, and President Hatcher, at a recent press conference, said he didn't know when the pro- posals would come before the Regents. Substitute by-law favored by the Legislature states: "All students, except undergrad- uate freshmen under 21 years of age, may operate an automobile provided it is properly registered. "The Dean of Students may grant permission to freshmen to drive at his discretion for reasons of physical disability." Under all recommendations con- cerning-removal of restrictions, SL suggested the Office of Student Affairs adopt regulations requiring students to have proper vehicle registration, insurance coverage, parental consent for minors-in the case of the first alternative- and identification markings on the car. Eisenhower Administration's giant tax revision bill may be wrecked by Democratic efforts to add a $100 increase in individual income tax exemptions to it. * * * Mossadegh. Minister ... TEHRAN, Iran-Tehran police yesterday captured Hossein Fate- mi, the firebrand foreign minister of the old Mossadegh regime, and later announced he had been stabbed and beaten by a bystander. MlcCarthy to Murrow.. NEW YORK-Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy said yesterday he would ask an author friend to take over the task of answering an attack made on him by CBS Commenta- tor Edward R. Murrow. McCarthy nominated William Buckley, author of "God and Man at Yale," to reply to Murrow's charge that the Senator had over- stepped the line between investi- gation and persecution. Oregon Republicans . .. SALEM, Ore. - The Executive Committee of the Oregon.Repub- lican Club reported yesterday it had sent a wire to Sen. Guy Cor- don (R-Ore.) asking him to help curb activity by Sen. McCarthy which it regards as "detrimental to Republican unity." Atom Secrets . . WASHINGTON - The Senate-! House Atomic Energy Committee will question the manager of the Hanford, Wash., atomic energy plant tomorrow about a report that some secret documents are missing at the huge installations. be influenced" by its handling of Pvt. Schine. Sen. McCarthy added in this letter some of his associates thought Pvt. Schine would not have been drafted except for his subcommittee connection.. "Smokescreen," retorted Ste- vens in a telegram to Sen. Mc- Carthy touching on the letter. And he repeated contentions that Sen. McCarthy and "your representatives" kept after the Army with requests for special handling of Pvt. Schine. An Army report that Sen. Mc- Carthy put on pressure for this purpose and that his subcomm it- tee's general counsel, Roy Cohn, used threats started the current phase of the McCarthy-Stevens fray. Sen. McCarthy said and Stevens denied that there had been an at- tempt to "blackmail" the subcom- mittee into dropping Army inves- tigations. IN THE SENATE, meanwhile, there were suggestions and coun- tersuggestions as to how the whole welter of accusations could be sifted to determine who was tell- ing the truth and-perhaps--who should be fired. Sen. McCarthy, in Milwaukee on a speaking tour, said he would step down from his chair-i manship of the subcommittee long enough to testify under oath on the row with the Army. He said he would ask Sen. Carl Mundt (R-S.D.), who ranks next to him among Republican members, to take his place in the chair. But in Washington Sen. Mundt said that of all the various possible ways of investigating the matter "it would be least desirable to have I it handled by a committee whose staff and chairmanare involved." Some other committee with a large and well-trained staff, per- haps even a specially created con- mittee, should take on the job, Sen. Mundt said. AS FOR investigations by oth- er committees, McCarthy said, "They can investigate us if they want to ... but no other commit- tee is going to tell us who to hire or fire." The Wisconsin Senator later told reporters: "I wouldn't approve of anoth- er committee investigating out staff." McCarthy had kind words for the three committee Democrats, who once walked out of the com- mittee in a body and returned months later after the chairman promised them a voice in the hir- ing and firing of staff members. "I am very much impressed with, the fairness and decency of the Democrats on my committee," McCarthy said. "They have made no prejudgment or unfair de- mands. All they have demanded is the facts." L H l I C C t HILE NIXON did not link Mc- Lane a fHlUC o d c ,~rh HL directly tydwith nthese re- marks,, re-- , IC Con uctmarks, he said at the outset that 77 he had received a sheaf of. mes- Kin Sle W ork Holida sages, giving him conflicting ad- vice to "attack McCarthy," and others urging him to ignore the By DAVID KAPLAN Wisconsin Senator. TV Address Hits Charges Of GOP Split Stresses Importance Of Fairer Methods WASHINGTON-(W)-Vice-Pres- ident Nixon asserted last night that "reckless talk" and "ques- tionable methods" of some Con- gressional Communist hunters are threatening President Dwight D. Eisenhower's "great and forward looking program." He declared in a nationwide TV- radio broadcast that when Com- munist hunters in Congress "shoot wild" they may let the "rats get away." * * * MENTIONING Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) at the beginning of a nationally televised and broadcast address, the Vice-President said President Eisenhower "is right in insisting on fair play" in investi- gations. "When we use unfair methods of fighting Communism we help destroy freedom itself," he said. Such methods, he said, "give ammunition to those who oppose any action against communism." --Daily-John Hirtzel CO-OPERS START STAIR REMOVAL Lane Hall members, in cooperation with the Intercooperative Council spent all day yesterday on a "Work Holiday," on the ICC's Kingsley House at 803 E. Kingsley. The house had been purchased early last fall, and since then, some repairs have been made in the $5,000 repair program that has been planned. Kinksley Co-op has been set aside for married couples only, and already there are two families in the house, with 5 or 6 families expected to be in by June. -- ---- * t* -71 rF _7 ONE OF the largest jobs in the house, is to set up the various apartments, out of the scattered floor layout. Walls have to be knocked out, stairways removed, and doorways either made or clos- ed out. Most of the work done yester- day concerned painting several of the rooms, preparing the walls for re-plastering, and sanding the floors in apartments. The first floor is being made into two apartments. Since there is a double entrance to the house, with doors on either side of the first floor, one door is being convertedl for the exclusive use of one of thej apartments. A stairway leading up to the second floor will be removed to make extra room for an apart- ment on the floor above. This stairway will be torn out as soon as a fire escape is built on the back of the house, in accordance with the city building codes. In the attic, a three-room apart-: ment is being planned, but the ICC is considering making two one- room apartments, only if a second bathroom can be installed. Future work on the house will be considered as soon as the basic interior reconstruction has been completed. Yesterday's "Work Hol- iday" was run by Lane Hall, but all subsequent "Work Holidays" that are being planned will be handled by the ICC. AEC LLvakes Public Plans For New Plant WASHINGTON - (P) - The Atomic. Energy Commission an- nounced yesterday it is negotiat- ing an agreement with a Pitts- burgh light company for the con- struction and operation of the nation's first full-scale central station nuclear power plant. * * * "IT IS NOT expected," the an- nouncement said, "that this first plant will produce electric power at costs, competitive with power from conventional fuels. The project has been under- taken in order to gain more de- sign and technological exper- ience than could be obtained otherwise, such as from a small- er plant, and to provide firm cost estimates for the future." The AEC said the Pittsburghl company's proposal, one of ninel submitted, was the most favorablej to the government. Under it, theI company would: 1) Furnish a site in the great- er Pittsburgh area for the en- tire project and build and op- erate a new electric generating plant at no cost to the govern-I ment. ' 2) Operate the reactor part of the plant and bear the labor costs thus entailed. 3) Assume five million dollars of the cost of research, develop- ment, and construction of the reactor portion of the plant. 4) Pay the commission at the rate of 48.3 cents per million Brit- ish thermal units of steam used in the turbines for the first year; the rate increasing annually until it reaches 60.3 cents in the fifth year. 5) Waive any reimbursement by The Vice-President, replying to charges by Adlai E. Stevenson that the Republicans have em- braced "McCarthyism," began his address by saying that he was not going to "deliver any political tirade." "The best answer is the facts," he said, adding that this view was concurred in by President Eisen- hower. STEVENSON, the 1952 Demo- cratic Presidential nominee, charg- ed last Saturday that the Eisen- hower Administration was embrac- ing "McCarthyism" and was "half McCarthy and half Eisenhower." Recognizing the boiling rowe nowgoing, on between Sen. Mc- Carthy and Secretary of the Army Stevens, Nixon said he wanted to pledge the Republican party to fair investigations of Communism. He said a lot of people wondered why anybody had to be fair in dealing with "a gang of traitors." The suggestion was to."shoot them down," he said. "But when you are dealing with a bunch of rats and you go out to shoot them, you must shoot straight," he said. "When you shoot wild it not only means that the rats may get way but you might hit someone else who is trying to shoot rats too." * * * "THE PRESIDENT, this Admin- istration and the responsible lead- ership of the Republican party in- sists, whether it is the executive or the legislative, that procedures dealing with rooting out the threat of Communism must be fair and proper," Nixon declared. He called for an end to "vio- lent controversy"-for Ameri cans to quit quarreling and get behind the President's program. And he said It's all to the President's credit that he doesn't engage in 'vituperative" name- calling or in "promiscuous" let- terwriting. With an intimated dig at ex-President Truman, Nixon said no really great presi dent ever had used either prac- tice. Nixon said the danger of Com-. munist agents in government--he mentioned Alger Hiss and the late Students To Conduct Campus Campaign Launching its annual campus drive the Red Cross has sched- uled a meeting of representativfs from every housing unit to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Audi- torium B, Angel Hall. Aspiring to top the quota of $650, Jim Riecker, '54, campus campaign head requested every dorm, sorority, fraternity, co-op and league house to send a rep- resentative to the meeting. * * * HE POINTED out that in ad- dition to its community service and disaster activities the Red Cross is extremely active in the area of services to the armed forces. This year stress will be placed on these services which at.e relatively unknown in a campvs community. With the large num- ber of students scheduled to enter i i i City Officials Deny Survey Accusations Denials of charges made in aT student survey of local business! practice burst forth yesterday. Dean Coston, chairman of the Committee on Revision of the Building and Inspection Code pointed out that trade associations have "never nominated city in- spectors." Vehement denial of the charge that association members lobby city councilmen before appoint- ment of inspectors in many ser- vices also came from Coston. "I've The Daily wishes to make clear to its readers that the article on price competition in Ann Arbor in yesterday's paper was not intended to reflect discredit on the city health de- partment or its commissioner, Dr. Otto K. Engelke. The Daily- article did not mean to intimate that the health department was in any collusion with local merchants to use inspection visits to curb price cutters. The Daily wishes to point out that the health department continually has shown a keen interest in maintaining high health standards. Recently the department cooperated with The Daily in a series of articles discussing health and sanitation conditions in local restaurants. The Daily did not mean to imply that all associations par- ticipate in the appointment or consideration of city officials. The forming and agreement within associations to keep prices high. In response to this charge, Cos- ton reminded the public that as the head of the Committee on Re- vision of Building and Inspection I I Codheih is intereosteod in the. eriti- i ~~u~ tic i~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~LA ~A~- ~~~~ the government of costs incdent cisms people may have of present to termination of the contract Harry Dexter White, among other inspection procedures. He is also -is real. The Eisenhower Admin- asking citizens to make known to . istration is alive to the danger, he him any evidence'of restrictions of AEC CHAIRMAN Lewis L. asserted. competition in local trades that Strauss estimated that the com- This, he said, is by contrast with add to the cost of living here. pany's proposal, including reve- the attitude of both Stevenson and nues from the sale of stdam gen- former President Truman, whom Dr. Otto K. Engelke, health of- erated by the reactor, would re-:---------~ o oe,;. +,, ,," l'