TWO THE MICHIGAN" DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1954 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAIL1~ SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 19M Seven Come Eleven pD!.IITTEDLY, AN eighteen-member stu- :.4nt govc °nment would carry on its busi- ncss meetings quickly and efficiently. How- ever, it is doubtful whether the main object- ive of the Student Executive Committee, now in the planning stage, should be effi- ciency. During its weekly sessions, the Student Affairs Study Committee has envisioned a group which will amalgamate Student Legislature and SAC. But in order to work competently along these lines, a student government needs more than eighteen members with a core of only eleven elect- ed representatives to do the footwork. SL numbers among its projects the Home- coming Dance, Student Book Exchange, ac- tions on the driving ban and Thanksgiving holiday. The dance and possibly the book exchange SL could delegate to other campus organizations. But, larger, more controver- sial issues and projects could not be tossed into the laps of other student groups. No political club represents so widely variant student feelings on the driving ban or bias clauses that it could properly reach a valid decision on the issues or recommend action to the SEC. Seven "expert" members were included on the committee to lend experienced thinking to the realm of student government. They can provide leadership and coordination to SEC, but cannot possibly be expected to serve as full-time government executives, too. Leaders of the seven campus organ- izations cannot take over much of the preliminary research necessary for such policy-making decisions since they will spend a major part of their time heading their own organizations. Thus, this time-consuming research work and administration of SEC decisions falls on the eleven elected delegates who will find themselves so overburdened with these jobs that they won't have the chance to carry out their primary function of policy-making. Another of SEC's functions should be ex- pression of student opinion. For years, crit- ics of SL have leveled charges of non-res- ponsibility" at the Legislature with forty representatives. Now, a group of eleven elected delegates will pretend to represent and express the varying facets of opinion on a campus of nearly 18,000 students. It remains to be seen whether students will place any faith in a student govern- ment which has neither time to work norj a representative spirit.j Let's quit playing dice with a seven-come- eleven committee and form an effective stu- dent government of at least twenty-five re- presentatives. --Becky Conrad Improving the International Center-- Some Suggestions THEINTERNATIONAL Center has re- ceived much criticism lately on its inade- quate facilities and the discrimination shown by some staff members toward the foreign students. How do we cope with the situa- tion, the Center and others wonder. A num- ber of valid solutions have been offered. The policy of the University has been to put students of the same background together into the same housing unit, in this way continuing to practice discrimi- nation. The International Students Asso- ciation, a group separate from the Center but working toward the same goal of in- tegrating the foreign students into Am- erican life, is trying to get the University to eliminate this policy, according to an ISA official. Acceptance of ISA's policy would do much to further integration of foreign students in- to American society, integration which has begun by sending foreign students as roving ambassadors throughout the state telling various communities of their own country's life. Students are asked to speak at such civil organizations and clubs as the Rotary, Kiwanis and Junior Chamber of Commerce, and are also invited to visit many private homes. In this way they become acquainted with American life while letting Americans know about their own. Another suggestion, advanced by Mr. George Petrossian, administrative assistant of the Center, is that the staff should be composed of people who have special in- terest in foreign students. A member of the ISA carried this idea one step further by suggesting that the staff should include for- eign students as well as non-students who are appointed for life. The head of the International Center should be a person who is familiar with foreign cultures and backgrounds, Mr. Petrossian also suggests. The director should also have thorough knowledge of the University's social and educational functions and be a "warm, sympathetic and genuine person who is really interest- ed in the welfare of everyone especially students from other lands." Several students feel that some staff members are nothing more than "figure- heads," that they just "don't do anything." "Ninety per cent of the funds allotted to the International Center goes to the staff where- as only ten percent is used for the good of the students. There should either be a de- crease in the staff or an increase in funds," commented one student. Additional room for improvement can be found in the useless division between the ISA and the International Center which finds both groups working against each other for the same purpose of integrating the foreign student. The ISA teas are the only activities on which the two groups have worked together. As a member of the ISA executive board pointed out, "The Center has taken on the responsibility but they re- fuse to cooperate or consult with the stu- dents." He suggested that the president of the ISA meet with the director of the Cen- ter to make decisions pertaining to students. As it is now the ISA takes care of ori- entation, social events such as the Inter- national Ball, Monte Carlo Ball, and Mi- chigras, performances for the community,, and the student aid fund. They have been attempting for some time to get students on the Board of Governors as voting mem- bers. Another problem which faces the Inter- national Center is that of plant capacity. The Center was built in 1938 when foreign enrollment was 150 to 200 students. With the current enrollment of over 1,000 stu- dents the Center is much too small, even with the Madelon Pound House, an Inter- national Center annex. Modern facilities needed by the Center would be a new auditorium, recreation rooms, dining halls, lounges, and rooms for hobbies. "The core of the problem is lack of space," said Mr. Petrossian. "Perhaps with a new, larger and more attractive place students would be more interested in coming. It's too bad the administration overlooked the Center in the new addition to the Union. With more space, further attempts at in-. tegration, changes in the staff and a co- ordination of the International Center and the ISA, the Center may be able in the fu- ture to correct the inadequacies with which it has been charged. -Bea Neufeld "Relax - He Hasn't Got To You Yet" '- .L. ettei4 TO THE EDITOR The. Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. A Thesis . . NOW THAT the outcries have a C a c c I u t: a b c t t i; f I x s 'r i t C t C S The American Press A Principle Realized THE RESIDENCE Halls Board of Gover- nors showed greater courage in decid- ing to stall action on the housing issue pending full investigation of student opin- ion than most administrative boards have shown in some time. Two conclusions can be drawn from the meeting: 1) That the Board has come to realize the inadvisability of pushing decisions through without fully considering the ramifications on the University and stu- dent institutions. 2) That the importance of considering student opinion in arriving at a decision bound to affect the students closely has been recognized in principle. Continuing in this spirit the Board should be able to reach a decision on housing for the next semester at least acceptable to all parties concerned. One joker lies in the ever-present threat of the administration, fearful of too much student participation in decisions, over- riding the Board with a final edict of its own. Time will tell whether the administra- tion trusts even its own boards. --Gene Hartwig Wisconsin Soap Opera THE ROAD TO Happiness for the junior Senator from Wisconsin seems to be in getting his own radio show. He is giving the networks the choice of facing the Truth or getting the Consequen- ces. Pointing to an FCC code authorizing the radio networks to allow equal time for all political adversaries, McCarthy is shout- ing:"This Is Your Law!" Thus far, the networks believing that Life Can Be Beautiful, are keeping M Carthy in Suspense. But there have been suggestions to the Senator that Edgar Bergen might nfl nw Mnffari',,'hv I FEAR THAT there is at least one genera- tion of Americans growing up that not only does not have much respect for diversity of opinion but doesn't know what it is. It is only a step to believing that what is strange or unreported by fifty newspapers is somehow mischievous or "un-American." Once every man reads the same things as his neighbor, and thinks the same thoughts, the common man is here with a vengeance: that is to say, the mass bigot ... I would say that because of this shrink- ing choice and because of the entailed indifference to the virtue of diversity, Am- erican newspapers are unrepresentative of the whole community and are becoming even more so. If I seem to be harping away at the value of variety, tolerance, and diversity it is because, maybe, I suffer from the prejudice of other immi- grants that the best qualities of America are rooted in these values. If they are to last they should certainly be independent of class, income, region, or faith, and any community, that denies them is paying a high price for peace and comfort .. . It is an obviously unhealthy thing, and I should have thought very "un-American" to have so many cities where there is only one newspaper, of a pronounced political bent, or where the morning and evening news- paper are owned by the same company. Is IL + M U At Hill Auditorium .*. Elena Nikolaidi, Contralto; Stuart Ross, Pianist. THE PHYSICAL mechanism with which a singer makes music is a far more del- icate and undependable one than that of an instrumentalist. Therefore when an ac- complished singer has an off-night, it may be considered an act of God. It is unfortu- nate that Miss Nikolaidi was unable to make full use of her considerable gifts as a singer because of an obvious indisposition. Her in- tonation was insecure, particularly on high notes, she scooped annoyingly from one tone to the next, and all too often there was a strident "hootiness" in her voice. There were moments during the recital when one heard the performance of an unmistakably brilliant singer. But the impression created by the beautiful tones she was able to pro- duce (and there were, to be sure, many of them) was largely nullified by the ugly ones. To hear this singer when she is in better voice would probably be a very satisfying ex- perience-and one necessary to form an evaluation of her abilities. it too much to suggest that the Sherman Act might have a wide field of application here? Of course, no amount of reforming legislation can cure the newspaper pub- lisher of his minimum responsibilities in a technological age: the pressing competition of radio and television; the need for a highly efficient modern plant; a depend- able pool of advertising revenue .. . Yet, unless the newspaper is to become merely another more or less profitable business, it cannot ignore Scott's dictim: "It is in its way, though it tries not to be so, an instrument of government. It plays on the minds and consciences of man. It may educate, stimulate, assist, amuse or it may do the opposite. It has, therefore, a moral as well as a material existence, and its character and influence are in the main de- termined by the balance of these two forces." If our newspapers can remain diverse enough, and cherish even a cantankerous variety of opinion based on the same facts, then there is a good chance that we shall have the freedom to get up off our knees in the year 2000 and feel that our enforced de- votion to the century of the common man has not been, after all, a blind surrender of human individuality to the lowest com- mon denominator. -Alistair Cooke, from the Saturday Re- view of Literature's Common Man Series Mozart aria. Miss Nikolaidi then sang a group of four songs of Schubert. As this group progressed she began producing her tones with some what more ease and warmth of sound. Auf dem Wasser zu singen and Die junge Nonne came off rather well, as a matter of fact. No expert on the interpretation of German lieder, it nevertheless seemed to me that the Schubert songs were done with consider- able artistry. The first half of the pro- gram concluded with the aria, Bel raggio lusinghier, from Rossini's Semiramide. The tessitura of this composition is high for any contralto voice, and Miss Nikolaidi had considerable trouble with the high notes. The second half began with a group of French and Italian songs in which the sing- er did some of her best work of the evening-- particularly in Voyage a Paris by Poulenc, Nebbie by Respikhi, and Girometta by Si- bella. Her voice sounded a bit heavy for Ravel's Habanera. The final number on the printed program WASHINGTON-If you trace the attacks of Senator McCarthy against most of the major targets he has aimed at, you will in- variably detect an underlying motive of revenge-a motive reminis- cent of totalitarian tactics in Europe before the war. McCarthy attacked Senators Tydings of Maryland and Ben-1 ton of Connecticut because one questioned his charge of 205 Com- munists in- the State Department; the other introduced a reso- lution asking for a probe of McCarthy.- McCarthy now seeks to defeat Sen. Margaret Chase Smith in1 Maine because she initiated the declaration of conscience which re- flected on him. And of course the running feud with Secretary of the Army Stevens came after Stevens refused to admit that Fort Mon- mouth was riddled with Communists. But the most brazen recent case of McCarthy vindictiveness was against the former Assistant Secretary of War, John J. McCloy, now head of the Chase Bank, which is not exactly a Communist institu- tion.' McCloy has been out of government for some years after a distinguished career not only in the War Department but as head of the World Bank and as high commissioner to Germany. Nev- ertheless, out of the clear ;blue, the Senator from Wisconsin sud- denly accused McCloy of destroying records of Communists in the U.S. Army.; The charge was so untrue that McCarthy had to retract it pub- licly. But he still accused McCloy of writing a wartime Army order,1 which, McCarthy claimed, permitted Communists to be commissioned in the U.S. Army. REASONS FOR REVENGE BUT WHILE the public has read of McCarthy's attack on McCloy, they don't know the motives behind that attack. It dates back to a famous speech made by President Eisenhower at Dartmouth last spring in which the President condemned book-burning. McCarthy bitterly resented that speech-obviously aimed at him. And since the speech was extemporaneous, McCarthy was determined to find out who had inspired it, even sent an investi- gator all the way to Hanover, N.H., to see who and what the in- spiration was. The inspiration, he found, was Mr. McCloy. Actually, the inspiration was accidental. Here is what happened. McCloy, too, was receiving an honorary degree from Dartmouth, and before the ceremonies, was talking to N.Y. attorney Joseph Pros- kauer about the books that had been burned at U.S. information libraries abroad at the demand of Senator McCarthy. Catching only a fragment of the conversation, President Eis- enhower leaned forward and asked: "What's this, what's this?" "I was telling about the burning of State Department books abroad," McCloy replied. "Oh, they're not burning books," Ike protested. "I'm afraid they are, Mr. President," McCloy replied. "I have the evidence. He then went on to tell the President how he, as an American official in Germany knew firsthand the tremendous achievement of State Department libraries. "Eighteen million Germans read those books in 1952 alone," Mc- Cloy explained. "Probably as many Germans studied the principles of our founding fathers as did Americans, thanks to those books. "And the value of those books was that they were uncensored. They criticized you and me, and Dean Acheson and anyone else in government. The Germans knew they were uncensored and that was why they streamed into our libraries leaving the houses of kultur empty. "These were books sent to American boys right after the war. Books which their parents and friends wanted them to read. There was nothing subversive about these books." EISENHOWER IS MOVED PRESIDENT EISENHOWER listened intenty. Then obviously moved he delivered impromptu the stirring Dartmouth speech on book- burning. It electrified the nation and was hailed by the American press as Ike's first crack-down on McCarthy. McCarthy was so furious that next day he pulled wires at the White House to keep the speech from being broadcast over the Voice of America and also persuaded the President to issue a statement that the speech was meant as no reflection on him. Nevertheless he deeply resented it. And when word came back from his investigator in Dartmouth regarding the happenstance by which McCloy had inspired the speech, McCarthy actually went to the unusual length of investigating everything McCloy did. He sent two investigators to Germany to dig into McCloy's records as high com- missioner. There they even probed the records of the car pool to see how many times Mrs. McCloy used her official limousine to buy gro- ceries. But nothing damaging turned up. Stymied, McCarthy then launched his accusation against McCloy for allegedly destroying records on Communists inside the War De- partment. And when this boomeranged as untrue, the persistent and revengeful Senator from Wisconsin claimed that McCloy had ar- ranged for commissions to be given to American Communists during the war. Actually, McCloy had argued inside the War Department that Japanese-Americans, German-Americans, members of the fascist sil- ver shirts and American Communists all should be allowed to fight for their country if they were found to be loyal; and that the test should be not membership in one of these groups or organizations but individual loyalty to the U.S.A. He argued first that it was unfair to subsided and tempers have! cooled, I should like to clarify my apparently misconstrued comment on women's thick ankles which ap- peared recently in Murry Frymer's controversial article. When ap- proached on such a fertile topic I became rather voluble and was warned to limit my criticism to the insufficient front-page space available. T h e understatement which I submitted was intended to be only an intimation of my com- plete feeling concerning the short- comings of our coeds. T h e subsequent reproaches which appeared in The Daily let- ters column have awakened me to the fact that I criticized that most insignificant category of female faults-those which are incurable. In order to correct this tactical blunder without the limitations of space and without fear of further rebuttal from those of the local intelligentsia who have decreed Ihat college newspapers should be devoted to More Worthy News Ar- ticles, I have begun preparation of an extensive and comprehen- sive thesis titled The Remediable Flaws of Michigan Women. After a week's ardent labor I am nearing completion of the ma- terial under subheading I: Gross~ superficiality. I hope to have the entire work prepared for publica- tion by the first of the year, and will gladly distribute mimeograph- ed copies to those young ladies who feel that they have not yet attained perfection: I doubt that. there will be too great a demand. -Jack Jacobs, '55 * * * Wire Tapping , . . l HAVE no quarrel with Miss Friedman's advocation of crim- inal penalties for private wiretap- ping for illegal purposes. How- ever, I do questionpher objections to the legalization of wiretapping evidence in federal criminal trials, as limited by Mr. Brownell to cases involving subversives (and possibly kidnapping and extortion). As evidenced by the case of Olm- stead vs. United States and the interpretation of Section 605 of the Federal Communications Act, wire- tapping itself is not considered il- legal. Furthermore, evidence ob- tained by wiretapping is now ex- cluded not on any Constitutional principles, but solely on a rule of evidence. Thus any proposals to legalize this evidence lie outside the Constitution and wholly in the realm of legislative policy. Treating this as a question of policy, it is difficult to see why the I1 aTT JAtUUT101 evidence from wiretapping should not be admissable in federal crim- inal trials to the extent urged by the Justice Department. On the positive side, Mr. Brownell has em- phasized that it is practically im- possible to secure a conviction againtst subversives today without the use of this evidence, to which the Judith Coplon case bears strong testimony. Miss Friedman points out that if legislation legal- izing wiretap evidence is passed, spies will cease to use the tele- phone as a medium of communica- tion. Is it not possible that this is just what the Justice Department is aiming at? By not being able to use the telephone as a method of contact, spies will be forced into the open, or at the very least forc- ed to resort to more cumbersome methods of communication. Surely this is preferable to the present situation which allows these spies, secure in their immunity, to vir- tually flaunt their plottings under the very nose of the legally-hand- cuffed Department of Justice. On the negative side, two main objections are raised. The first of these, the fear of abuse, is appli- cable to any system of law en- forcement and is not limited to the legalization of wiretap evi- dence. A preferable attitude would seem to be one of confidence in our law enforcement officials, with trust that they will not exceed the limits of their power and will re- main above the level of the private blackmailer and extortionist. If a further check is desired, however, it can be found in the proposed system of review by a federal judge of all the evidence, which disallows all that is not pertinent to the trial. The second objection, that of the invasion of privacy and freedom, loses most of its punch when it is realized that wiretapping today is legal, and that the limited use of evidence therefrom occurs after the freedom of privacy has already been invaded. In short, on the one hand we have a powerful weapon in the hands of the Justice Department that will enable them to prevent further Judith Coplon cases, whereas on the other there is an insignificant invasion of personal liberties. When it is considered that evidence is currently admiss- able if obtained by means of detec- taphone on the outside of a wall, an overheard conversation on a party line, end by listening at a keyhole, it is difficult to see why wiretap evidence should not be al- lowed as well. -Robert B. Fiske Jr. '55L FAT D II IV VIifl I I I PART UHIUAL ISULL 111V .1 _ - The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 112 Notices General Faculty Meeting. There will be a general faculty meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Mar. 15, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, to permit the President to discuss with the members of the fa- culty the state of the University. All members of the teaching staff, includ- ing teaching assistants and teaching fellows, are invited to attend. Co-educational camp needs counselors. Hilltop Camp on Walloon Lake, Boyne City, Michigan, will be interviewing prospective men and women counsel- ors in the Michigan Union on Tues., Mar. 16. Interested persons please con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614 for appointments. Lectures Lecture and Discussion, jointly spon- sored by the Decentralized Training Program for post-graduate medical stu- dents and the Department of Biological Chemistry. Armand J. Quick, national authority on the chemistry of blood clottingand hemorrhagic diseases, will be a guest speaker at the University Mon., Mar. 15. A lecture and discus- sion on "The Hemorrhagic Diseases, Diagnosis, and Treatment" will be held in 319 West Medical Building at 9:30 a.m. This is intended primarily for the post-graduate medical students in the Decentralized Training Program but is open to all who are interested. A second lecture, "The Coagulation Mechanisms," will be given at 2:15 p.m. on Monday in 1300 Chemistry Build- ing. This topic should interest bio- chemists, medical students, and medi- cal staff members. Academic Notices Psychology 55, Section 3 will meet at 9 a.m., instead of 10 a.m., Tues., Mar. 16, in 2429 Mason Hall. the Philippines." Mr. Aller is sponsored by the National Social Welfare As- sembly and the State Department, Lane Hall, at 12:15 noon. Square Dance, students and faculty welcome, Lane Hall. No admission charge. Tonight 8-12 p.m. Hillel. Community services, 9f a.m. Hillelzapoppin, 7:30 p.m., Tappan Jun- ior High School (Tickets may be pur- chased at the League or Hillel, Tues- day through Saturday). Hillelzapoppin party at Hillel, 11 p.m. The Inter-Arts Union will hold its weekly meeting at 2 o'clock this after- noon at the League. All interested per- sons are invited. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Guild party at Pilgrim Hall of the Con- gregational Church, tonight at 8 p.m. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor Eric vetter...............City Editor virginia voss........,Editorial Director Mike Wolff....... Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver .Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor Helene Simon.......Associate Editor Ivan Kaye .. ........Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports- Editor Marilyn Campbell..... Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler ... Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman .Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin. . ..Assoc. Business Mgr. William Beiden.......Finance Manager Don Chisholm. Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS I I I 1