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March 12, 1954 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-03-12

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FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1954


McCune Bill Meets Local Opposition
The McCune bill, which pro-
poses to censor beer and wine ad-
vertising over television stations in
Michigan, met with strong local'
opposition yesterday.
The highly controversial bill has
already been passed by the Mich-
igan House of Representatives and
is now waiting action in the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee.
PROF. PAUL G. Kauper of the
Law School reported "there would
be a very substantial question
raised" over whether the bill would
interfere with interstate corn-
merce. Matters in interstate com- < s
merce are handled by the national
government and do not come under
a state's jurisdiction.

"Another objection could be
raised" concerning whether the
bill would violate freedom of the
press and communications, Prof.
Kauper added.
If passed, the measure would
order the State Liquor Control
Commissionto forbidnthe sale of
any beer or wine in Michigan
which is advertised on television in
such a way as to "dramatize" the
act of drinking.
Some legislators have interpret-
ed the bill's provisions to mean
that even showing glasses of wine
or beer sitting in a refrigerator
might be censored as well as pic-
tures of actual drinking.
FLOODS OF more than 1,000
letters a day have been pouring
into the Capitol Bldg. in Lansing
during recent ,weeks urging pass-
age of the bill.
Catching legislators unpre-
pared for the large number of
letters and telegrams, which
constitutes the "biggest storm"
to hit Lansing in many years,
they have been dumped helter-
skelter into bushel-baskets, one
representative reported.
Sponsors of the bill claim they
were crossed up by Lt. Gov. Clar-
ence A. Aeid earlier this week when
he sent the bill to the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee rather 'than the
Liquor Committee, which has been
more favorable to passing the cen-
sorsIlip act.
Most observers have predicted
that the Judiciary Committee
would bottle up the bill for the
rest of the session. Usually legis-
lative committees cast secret bal-
lots on bills, making it impossible

-Daly-L. H. Scott

Red Growth
In Near East
World Cited
Speaking yesterday in Angell
Hall, Prof. Bernard Lewis of the
University of London's School of
Oriental and African Studies as-
sessed the possibilities of the Mid-
dle East turning Communist.
The professor pointed out sev-
eral factors that can possibly pro-
mote Communism's growth in that
* * *
PRIMARILY, he noted the
strong anti-West sentiment that
presently prevails. He cited the
attempt to Westernize the Middle
East as having produced severe
strains and arousing much antag-
"Moreover," he added, "this
has laid the basis for the 'West-
ern Imperialism' charge of the
"The total effect," Prof. Lewis
reported, "of Westernization has
been to aggravate the inequalities
in the distribution of wealth and
income-the rich are richer and
the poor are poorer."
Also mentioned were several in-
herent features of the Middle East
that closely resemble the Soviet
system. "Traduitional authoritar-
ionism of the area," he explained,
"and the humble acquiescence of
the people to their sovereign pro-
vides a favorable b a s i s for
Communism's expansion."
SEVERAL factors were pointed
out that could be of great aid
in impeding Soviet infiltration.
"Moslems are dedicated to the
rule of law and while authoritar-
iarism is conspicuous it is not
despotic," he said. "This combined
with the toleration of Islamic peo-
ple provides a favorable basis for
incipient Democracy.
In concluding, the professor
stated that because Communistic
ideology is primarily aetheistic, it
cannot be reconciled with the fact
that to the Moslems, religious
identification stands above all in
Students Seek
To Gain Vote
'On Calendar
(Continued from Page 1)
statement said "Because of the
time required by the Registrar's
Office, and the printer for the pro-
cessing of senior grades and
names. the shudent m mberU s of th

for letter-writers to focus their at-
tack on a small group of represen-
* * *
STUDENTS meanwhile showed
generally. unfavorable reaction to
the censoring provisions of the
One senior reasoned "I'm not
21 yet, and I get a vicarious

pleasure from watching others
on television drink the beer I
can't buy."
A junior student snorkled in
reply "Those advertisements make
me jealous."
Another opponent of the bill
protested "They can't take the beer
and wine advertising away-they
are the best thing on television."

U of D Exempts Top
'Studeln. ts from Classes


Some superior students at the
University of Detroit have been ex-
cused from attending classes.
Inaugurating a new program de-
signed "to encourage the excellent
student," the University has ex-
empted 11 students from regular
instruction. Instead of the lectures
and recitations, these students will
be required to do superior work
Iwhile holding tutor conferences
with their instructors, writing sev-
eral papers and doing extensive
outside reading.
* * *
A RANDOM Daily survey found
most students and faculty mem-
bers contacted here in favor of the
change, if used with limitations.
Economic limitations, worries that
such a program would stratify the
University and provide an op-
portunity for students to "laugh
off" work brought main opposi-
Detroit's program would ap-
ply only to A students, with final
approval from the teacher and
Division Sets
City's Habits
There was method in the mad-
ness of naming Division St.
Division St. does not divide Ann
Arbor into two equal halves in
terms of area or population but in
terms of a city ordinance. It does,
however, divide the campus area
from the rest of Ann Arbor.
* * *
states that the University area and
other parts of the city located east
of Division, south of Fuller, and
north of Stadium "shall not con-
tain saloons, restaurants, stores or
other places where intoxicating
liquors shall be sold."
Spirituous malt, brewed, fer-
mented, vinous or intoxicating
liquors may be sold at drug
stores within the University
area, however. Outside of the
borders, liscensed establishments
are allowed to sell intoxicating
In addition to the city ordinance
containing the above stipulations,
City Charter order No. 88 states
the same rules. City Clerk Fred
J. Looker yesterday said that the
Division St. boundary has exist-
ed "from time in memorian" in
the City Charter. He attributed the
law to the existence of the univer-
sity on the east side of Division
and the great number of minors
living in that area.
The ordinance reinforcing the
charter order was passed by the
City Council in 1934 following the
repeal of prohibition.
Knappen To Talk
Prof. Marshall M. Knappen of
the political science department
will address the India Students
Club at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Prof. Knappen will speak on As-.
ian problems and policies.
The meeting will be open to the

FEE ..A3/u ( le/Y.7 U..-e
department chairman. "The
work demanded of students ex-
cused will be more thorough
and the tutor's demand more
exacting," the dean explained.
Courses requiring a large amount
of drill and exercise will not be
Students may also be excused
from taking courses in their field
of study. "Sometimes a student
has advanced knowledge in a fund-
amental course and would be wast-
ing time taking it," the Rev. Fr.
J. B. Dwyer, dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences at Detroit
At present five students are ex-
cused from beginning courses and
six are permitted to study by pri-
vate tutors. The tutorial program
will be emphasized with the even-
tual aim of employing special tu-
tors to handle this phase of the
program according to Father Dwy-
* * *
TERMING the program a fine
idea, Prof. George A. Peek of the
political science department point-
ed out that it would break down
the size of a large University and
get better teaching. Political sci-
ence 2 classes are working on a
plan, this year where they will be
broken down into smaller groups
of students.
An experient in this type
schooling is also going on in
the psychology department this
semester. Students in elemen-
tary psychology are excused
from classes and assigned spe-
cial work. This lets the student
set his own goals, Milton J.
Rosenberg of the psychology de-
partment said.
While approving of the plan,
Prof. William C. Morse of the ed-
ucation school explained that un-
der such a plan a student might
lose the individual interaction
gained from classes. The program
might be useful as part of the
total learning process, he contin-
ued, and allowances can be made
for individual difference.
"We should turn to this meth-
od instead of having daily home-
work assignments, commented a
student who preferred to remain
anoymous. "When students can
do their work on their own time
they'll do it better and with much
more interest," he added.
Bell Announces
Blood Donor Day
Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the
committee organizing the blood
drive, announced that March 24
will be the first donor day for fac-
ulty and staff members who signed
up as charter members of the Uni-
versity's blood bank club.
More than 300 people have in-
dicated that they wish to join the
bank which will cover the blood
needs of all of the members and
their families, as well as contri-
buting to Red Cross defense com-
Hours for the blood donation
will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on
March 24, at Health Service.

SL Films
!John Hlodiak, William Ben-
dix and Gene Tierney will play
the leading roles in "A Bell for
Adano," Student Legislature
Cinema Guild film, at 7 and 9
p.m. today in Architecture Aud-
..Second movie on the week-
end bill, "Life Boat," will star
Talullah Bankhead, Hodiak and
Bendix at 7 and 9 p.m. tomor-
row and 8 p.m. Sunday.
Admission is 50 cents.
Law School
Forms Due
Applicants who plan to take the
Law School Admission Test to be
given at the Law School on April
10 must file their completed appli-
cations with the Educational Test-
ing Service, Princeton, N.J., with-
in the next three weeks.
Many law schools give first con-
sideration to those applicants for
1954 fall admission who have tak-
en this test. Prospective law stu-
dents are urged to find out from
the school they are interested in
whether the examination is re-
quired for entrance.
Applications for the April 10 test
and information about it may be
obtained from the Law School Ad-
missions Office.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

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Art Analyzed
By Dorner
Art has followed a definite pat-
ter-n which can be paralleled to
that of man's life, said Prof. Alex-
ander Dorner of Bennington Col-
lege, Vermont, yesterday in his
lecture, "Why Integrate the Arts?"
The visiting professor stated
that in the first stage of art, the
need for absolute certainty was
expressed by rigidly symmetrical
buildings and Baroque paintings of
the seventeenth century.
The second and contemporary
stage of art is exemplified by Im-
pressionism and Abstractionism in
painting and by the "modern"
Frank Lloyd Wright type of arch-
The former professor of art his-
tory at Hanover University in Ger-
many said that since the late
eighteenth century the element of
chance has been recognized and
introduced into the arts. Through
slides he illustrated that this ac-
ceptance of change has been slow
and that even early American art
bears a strong resemblance to Sev-
enteenth Century Classicism.




Housing for Women Decision
Postponed by Residence Board
(Continued from Page 1)


_ i

LS&A Group
Begins New
Study Project
Completing Its self-evaluation
program, the Literary College
Steering Committee devoted its
meeting Wednesday to launching
several individual projects by its
Committee members are inves-
tigating the possibilities of outside
reading periods, whereby students
would forego class meetings to do
essential reading work. This pro-
gram, according to Albert Cain, '54,
committee chairman, has been
tried with success at other colleges.
combine various courses, including
a course in "psychology in liter-
ature." Students, faculty members
and other authorities are being
contacted about this possibility.
Aware of many conflicts
among courses, the committee
has also begun a study of pos-
sible improvements in time
schedule organization.
The group's meeting also brought
to light an interest in symposiums
similar to those -held in Univer-
sity summer sessions. Such pro-
grams integrate various fields of
social sciences and humanities, of-
fering credit to students enrolling.
Special outside speakers and
programs are also given, as they
will be in the coming summer's
symposium on "Woman in the
World of Man." The committee
has undertaken an investigation of
these programs, and the possibil-
ity of beginning them during the
regular academic year.

opinion of the student groups
change should be considered in
concerned in the proposed
addition to the fact that a more
accurate estimation of fall en-
rollment can be obtained later.
Dean Rea commented, "It is my
hope that a solution to the prob-
lem as represented by housing
needs for fall '54 should be reach-
ed by the Board in the near fu-
ture with respect for all rights
and interests concerned."
Pointing out the need for addi-
tional women's housing in the fall
semester Mrs. Fuller said that on
the basis of admissions office pre-
dictions 100 more spaces for fresh-
men women will be needed.
s * s
"I SEE NO WAY in which the
present system of supervised hous-
ing can house 100 more women,"
Mrs. Puller said. "We have ex-
hausted all possibilities of hous-
ing within our area."
Turning Fletcher Hall over to
women would entail renovating
the present building into two-
room suites each, housing three
women according to Shiel. Capa-
city of the dormitory would be
increased from its present 58 to
85 spaces.
At present Fletcher Hall, lo-
cated near the I-M Bldg., houses
some 58 men, about half of whom
are graduate students, the remain-
der "athletes.
No meals are served at Fletcher
and most of the men, work out for
their board. Room rent is $125
per semester.
Chicago House, the other unit
involved in the proposal, was turn-

ed over to women students last
fall when a wave, of last minute
cancellations by men left the
house with only 20 anticipated
residents. At the same time wom-
en's enrollment had showed a de-
cided increase and the decision
was taken to give the house over
to women for the year. .
* * *
COMMITTMENTS made to the
Chicago alumni, IHC and students
that it would be turned back to
the men at the end of the year
prompted the suggestion to move
Chicago House to South Quad next
year, in view of the fact that the
women now occupying the house
in West Quad have in the course
of the year developed sound house
organizations and institutions.

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, llu' ie u elt ell~ lL
In an action last week IHC stat- committee feel that the propos
ed its opposition to "any changes final exam schedule is the b
in the existing men's Residence workable solution under the c
Halls system" that would involve cumstances.
conversion of more men's housing "This schedule provides an eig
for women or returning any wom- day period for seniors to compl
en's houses in the quads to men. their examinations, with a fr
Student Legislature has also day before their beginning.
urged the University to take care- "We feel that this is mored
ful consideration of the resultant sirable than a nine day exam
upheaval which such action en- nation period without a free d
tails in destroying long tradition which was the situation l
built by the efforts of the stu- spring, or a six day schedule
dents, staff and officials of Resi- examinations if they began
dence Halls." Monday," the statement said.


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C'1lege Debaters
To Convene Today
Representatives of six colleges
in Michigan and Ohio will meet
from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in
classrooms on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall to debate the question,
"Resolved, That the United States
Should Adopt a Policy of Free
Sponsored by the speech depart-
ment and the Michigan Varsity
Debaters, the teams will partici-
pate in public debates every hour,
recessing only for lunch.
Opinion meters recording aud-
ience reaction will decide the win-
ning team.


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