See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
,A -A
& a
VOL. LXIV, No. 110
Murrow Hit
By McCarthy,
Speaks on Lewis
Radio Program
-1 Carthy (R-Wis.) . said yesterdayx
that Adlai Stevenson lied on one
phase of .Communism in govern-!
ment and that commentator Ed-)
ward R. Murrow was once de-
scribed as an adviser to a "Com-
munist propaganda school."
Striking back at a string of
critics, McCarthy said, too, that
he would take the word of Abra-
ham Lincoln over that of Sen.
Ralph Flanders (R-Vt.), as to
where the peril to the nation lies.
McCARTHY quoted Lincoln as
saying that if the nation is de-
stroyed it will be destroyed froml
within, while Flanders recentlyJ
held that the real Communist
Students Seek.
Calendar Vote
Group Petitions for Givingc More
Consideration to Students' Wishes
Student members of the University calendaring committee yes-
terday decided to seek a special campus vote on which of the four
or five possible revisions of the academic calendar students want.
At the same time, the five students submitted a statement to
calendar committee chairman Erich A. Walter petitioning President
Harlan H. Hatcher to "give more attention to the students' wishes"
about commencement.'
Petitions for 22 Student Leg-
islature seats which will be fill-
ed in all-campus elections,
March 30 and 31, may be picked
up from 1 to 5 p.m. today in the
SL Bldg.
Twenty candidates elected to
the Legislature will serve two
semesters and two for one-se-
mester terms.
Petitions for nine J-Hop
posts, seven Union vice-presi-
dential positions, three mem-
bers of the Board in Control of
Student Publications and one
Board in Control of Inter-Col-
legiate Athletics member are
also available.
Candidates for four senior
class posts in the literary and
engineering colleges may pick
up petitions in the SL Bldg.
Deadlie for returning al
SAC Group
Sets SEC
Residence Halls Board
Of Governors Delays
Favors 11 Elected
Representatives U on
A gmet
Taking another step along the
road toward revamping student
government, the Student Affairs
Study Committee yesterday en-
dorsed the concept of 11 elected
representatives to the proposed
Student Executive Committee.
With decision for seven ex-of-
ficio SECmembers at last week's
study group session, the planned
* * *
t " - , '1*
Lists lks
By Palmer
it Walter invited students to sub-I
mit to him suggestions for a good
peril comes from abroad, rather By JOEL BERGER
than from inside this country.
McCarthy delivered his blasts H. Bruce Palmer, '31BAd., will
in a question-and-answer radio be featured speaker during the,
session with Fulton Lewis Jr., conference on sales management
sesrnthM Ftultnews.,which will be held from 9:15 a.m.
ovrteMtulntok to 8:30 p.m. today. 1
Murrow went on the air with { Sponsored by the business ad-
his regular newscast over CBS ministration school, under . the
radio half an hour after McCarthy chairmanship of Prof. Dudley M.
spoke. He reported the McCarthy Phelps, the gathering will review
speech briefly, and added for him- the latest developments in sales
self: "My personal reaction and policies, products and responsibil-
perhaps some corrections will have ities.
to wait for some other time." Palmer will speak at 7:30 p.m.
* *> *
LEWIS STARTED OFF by ask- on "Broadened Responsibility of'
ing about Stevenson's speech at Sales Management" in the Union
Miami Beach, Fla., Saturday night
attacking both McCarthy and the
Eisenhower Administration. At
one point Stevenson said that
among all the security risks the
administration claims to have re-
moved from the gove rnment, only
one alleged active Communist has
been found."
"That, of course." McCarthy.
said, "is strictly untrue and Adlai
knew that, or should know it."
He went on to name three persons
he said have been let out of the{
government in support of his'
Classing Murrow with what he
termed the "extreme left wing
bleeding heart elements of televi-
sion and radio," McCarthy said:
he had a 1935 clipping from the
Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph listing
Edward R. Murrow as American . B. PALMER
adviser to a Communist propa-H
ganda school. Ballroom. When a student here,
The Senator said Murrow was Palmer was a member of Theta
described as on the national ad- Chi fraternity and Michigamua.
visory council of Moscow Univer- Opening session, scheduled for'
sity, an institution advocating 9:15 a.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall,
violent overthrow of the govern- will discuss "Corporate Growth
ment. Through New Product Develop-
"This," the Senator said, "may ment." Principal speaker will be
explain why Edward R. Murrow C. W. Walton, general manager of
feels he must, week after week, a Detroit mining and manufac-
smear McCarthy." turing company division, who will"
Meanwhile an army report yes- be introduced by Prof. Clare E.
terday quoted Roy Cohn, chief Griffin of the business adminis-
counsel of the McCarthy Senate tration school.
investigations subcommittee, as
saying that Army Secretary Rob- "os Jutif Act d te
ert T. Stevens would be "through" Robinson-Patman Act and Allied
and the army wrecked if G. David Topics" will be discussed by a
Schine, a committee consultant, panel at 10:15 a.m.including Jesse
were given overseas duty. W. Markham, acting director of
_er __g______r__a dythe bureau of industrial economics,
attorney Albert E. Sawyer and'
Senate Votes Prof. Herbert F. Taggard of the
business administrationschool.
For Com bined After a welcome speech by Pres-
ident Harlan H. Hatcher, "Shaping
1Sales Policy for Profits" will be the
Statehood topic for a speech at 1:15 p.m. in
the Union ballroom by Ira G. 1
WASHINGTON-(A)-The Sen- Needles.J
ate rode down objections of Re- At 2:15 p.m. in Rackham Lec-
publican leaders and President Ei- ture Hall, the 350 sales executives
senhower himself yesterday and will hear another panel discussion
combined statehood for Hawaii on "Salesmen's Compensation and1
and Alaska into a single-package Allied Problems." Prof. Harry F.
bill. Tosdal of Harvard University willi
The vote was 46 to 43. and the be chairman of the panel.1
revision of the calendar.
But the statement indicated
approval of the present plan to
end classes this spring on Thurs-
day, May 29, with no classes or
exams on Friday. Exams begin
Saturday and end for seniors the
next Saturday, June 5.t
The student committee mem-.
bers agreed to meet again Tuesday
to frame alternative calendar pro-
posals for a University financed
balloting they hope to hold in
early May.
If approved by the full com-
mittee, the student members plan
would allow students to express
their preferences among the pres-
ent yearly schedule, the Crary
plan, the .quarter system and other
* * *
THE VOTE wouldbe merely ad-
visory, however. The Regents
would have to approve any cal-
endar change.
The deans of the various fac-
ulties have already been request-
ed by the calendaring commit-
tee to sound out departmental
opinion on calendar change pos-
Assistant to the President Wal-
ter, who called the meeting yes-
terday, said that the calendarI
committee had been working with-
in the definition of the need for
a meaningful commencement. But
the student member objected.
Seniors' parents polled by the{
Senior Board, and students voting
in an all campus referendum last
November both preferred a longer
examination period to a "more
meaningful commencement" by a
two to one margin, the statement
DEPLORING A speedup of final
exam consideration and failure to
include student members of the
committee in sessions, the state-
tL1f n dUUiU.
I l~q.{1111 cmltdpttost h lb + student governmental body would
Bomltedpsinonso orroconsist of 18 student members.
Bldg. is noon tomorrow.*j
INCLUDED ON the ex-officio
s list are leading officers of the
ard .P cks League, Union, Assembly, Panhel-
BPlenic, Inter-House Council, Inter-
Fraternity Council and The Daily.
KS trickier AS Study Committee member Sue
Popkin, '54, strongly favored the
addition of at least seven
i Sa emore elected SEC representa-
tives bringing the total to 25.
She pointed out that although
By SHIRLEY KLEIN an 18-member SEC would work
efficiently in weekly meetings,
Jay H. Stric r,5 was select lected members would find them-
ed by the Senior Boar d at its selves so busy they would have to
meeting yesterday as student delegate many of their functions
speaker to represent the class of to other groups.
'54 at commencement June 12. "The more work elected repre-
President of the Union and a sentatives must do," shehadded,
member of Michigamua, Strickler "the less time delegates have to
said, "It is needless to say it came discuss issues with their constitu-
as a very pleasant surprise when ents."
just a few minutes ago. I was in- en.--Daily-Chuck Kelsey
formed of the Board's selection. I STUDY GROUP chairman Prof. RETIRED DIRECTOR - University President Harlan H. Hatcher
find it is most satisfying to be in Lionel H. Laing of the political congratulates Prof. Albert E. White, retired director of the Engi-
a position to contribute in the science department emphasized, neering Research Institute, at yesterday's banquet in the Union
final moments of an undergradu- "If SEC had a larger membership, honoring the famed metallurgist on his seventieth birthday. About
ate car eer." it hwould t ceadsetaltoistactis asenant bethecu-bou
** it would cease to act as an execu- 400 friends, colleagues and former students paid tribute to Prof.
SENIOR BOARD discussed nom- i"en White for his 43 years' association with the University and his out-
inations for the faculty member committeeis h ag, he standing contributions to the research and development of alloys
who has contributed the most to tinued, a different body would for high-temperature service.
the education of the individual be necessary.
student both in and out of the It was proposed a volunteer ad- CONTRALTO:
classroom. ministrative organ similar to Stu-
The choice will be made in dent Legislature's Executive Wing
conjunction with- the Culture could work under elected repr-Or O O C T
and Education Committee of the sentatives. S tC hou almU nionsC oncert
Student Legslature, headed by SEC could also -delegate some *
Larry Harris, '54. Selection wviil projects to other campus organ- O
be based on outstanding teach- izations "to tone up the whole
ing ability including a willing- structure of student activities," ac-
ness to offer constructive criti- cording to Prof. Laing. Elena Nikolaidi, leading contralto of the Metropolitan Opera As
cism, a clear presentation of ma- Committee member Al Blum- sociation, will be the featured artist at the ninth concert of this year's
terial and availibility for giving rosen, suggested that if SEC finds Choral Union series to be held at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
extra assistance, and on a gen- itself "limping along with too Miss Nikolaidi will open her performance with "Paro, Parto'
uine and apparent interest in many things to do and insuffi- from "Clemenza di Tito" by Mozart, and "Die Seejungfer" and
students outside of the class- cent personnel, it could change its Schafelied" by Haydn.
room. ibown composition."
Two proposed amendments con- * *
in S i A B de merhi LATER" di i t d THE CONTRALTO will then sing "Nacht und Traume," "Auf den
' f
Of Residents
Group Rejects
Settlement Plan
The Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday postponed
action on possible conversion of
men's housing for women pending
thorough discussion of the prob-
lem with all student groups con-
Student opinion will be consid-
ered Tuesday when the Board is
scheduled to hear representatives
of groups concerned in the pro- -
posed changes.
A suggested solution submitted
jointly by Manager of Service En-
terprises Francis C. Shiel, Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon and
Acting Dean of Students Walter
B. Rea will form the basis of dis.
THE PROPOSAL recommends
the following:
1) "That Chicago House in
West Quad (presently occupied by
women) be reestablished (for
men) as a part of South Quad-
rangle by dividing Taylor House
into two units."
2) "The space thus released in
the West Quadrangle remain 'free-
standing' to serve whichever de-
mand is the greater, and that
women have a priority for it in
the fall of 1954-55."
3) "In view of the stated Uni-
versity policy, the special needs of
womeh students be recognized and
Fletcher Hall be converted to the
use of women on a permanent
Discussion at the meeting cen.
tered around this proposal which
was finally withdrawn in favor
of the plan to investigate the
whole problem more thorough-
ly from the student point of
view before reaching a decision.
All available expressions of stu-
dent opinion in letters and peti-
tions were presented to the Board.
The joint proposal was prefaced
by a statement of present condi-
tions :
1) "That in a situation where
the demand exceeds the supply,
it has been the policy of the Uni-
versity to place the needs of its
women students first."
2) "That all the thinking of the
Administrative offices of the Uni-
versity is pointed in one direction;
namely, to effect a minimum of
disturbance to established house
groups or institutions."
3) "That before any action can
be taken, careful consideration
must be given to committments
made to the University's alumni
of Chicago and to recommenda-
tions of the Inter-House Council
and Assembly with respect to the
future of Chicago House.
DEAN REA as chairman of the
Board of Governors will meet with
the University alumni group in
Chicago Monday to discuss the
proposal for transfering Chicago
House to South Quad..
Chicago alumni have express-
ed considerable disapproval of
the University's action in con-
verting Chicago House for wom-
en's use last fall.
In its meeting Tuesday the
Board plans to hear representa-
tives of the IHC, Assembly, Fletch-
er Hall and Chicago and Taylor
A second meeting is expected
to be held within the next two
weeks for a final decision on the
OPPOSITION to postponing the
decision was voiced by Dean Ba-
con and Assistant Dean of Women
Elsie Fuller who said that plans
for women's housing next year
must be made now and unfortun-
ate last minute decisions avoided.
Prof. John Dawson of the Law
School, phrasing his motion for
ment aadead:
"We are even more perturbed,
however,by the unrelenting at-
titude adopted. by President
Hatcher in decreeing that sen-
iors must be officially graduated.
"Made without consultation of
students last spring, no serious ef-
fort has been made by the Presi-
dent to change this policy and at
the same time solve the entire
problem of speedup examinations
for seniors."
The statement was signed by
student members of the calendar-
ing committee John Black, '54,
Howard Nemorovski, '54, Ruth
Rossner, '55, and Eric Vetter, '54.
Lucy Landers, '55, has replaced
Sue Popkin, '54, on the commit-
IN APPROVING the present
exam schedule plan, the student
See STUDENTS, Page 6
Clardy Announces
Detroit Hearings
LANSING--(P)-Rep. Kit Clardy
(R-Mich.) announced Monday
that the House Un-American Acti-
vities Committee's Michigan hear-
ings on Communism will begin in
Detroit May 3.
cerning oenzor oarc meinesni uAp scussions : cenerea
to the constitution of the senior around method of election of the
class executive committee were 11 representatives. Possible sys-
read. They will be voted on at the tems brought up at yesterday's,
next meeting. meeting included:
"The Senior Class Executive 1) election by members from
Committee shall be composed of the campus at large
elected senior class officers of the 2) election by colleges.
undergraduate schools and col- 3) election from districts or
leges. Each officer must be enroll- housing units
ed as a student in the school or 4) election by class year
college he represents, must be able 5) election from interest
to hold office through out the aca- groups
demic year preceding the June Miss Popkin explained the first
graduation exercises and must be method would avoid "an artificial
of undergraduate senior standing breakdown of the campus which
during the major part of his, term would interfere with the free play
of office. of ideas."
Wasser zu Singen," "Die Junge Nob
bert, and "Bel Raggio Lusinghier"
"THE' MEMBER undergraduate
schools and colleges shall elect at1
least two and not more than four
officers. Such elections shall be
administered by the member
schools of their authorized repre-3
sentative during the period be-1
ginning two weeks before and end-]
ing three weeks following the
spring all-campus elections. ..
Seniors may start ordering caps,
and gowns at a local sports shop.
Commencement announcements
may be ordered at a booth in the,
Administration Building the week'
before and after spring vacation.1
fight was almost entirely one of
party against party. The Demo-
crats won.
How the result will affect the
chances of the two territories for
admission to the Union is a mat-
ter of dispute. Some senators
said it means there will be no
statehood for either Hawaii or
Alaska at this session. Others
said that isn't necessarily so.
But one thing was certain-
Democrats were almost solidly con-
vinced there would be no admis-
sion for Alaska unless it were tied
with that for Hawaii. That was
the way all voted except two yes-
Normally the GOP is strong in
Hawaii, the Democrats in Alaska.
Democrats don't much like the
The only way to get all shades
of opinion is through election at
large, she added.
Other methods were discussedj
and dropped as infeasible.
The study group is expected to
report its recommendations to
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher by April 1.
Mimes Calls
New Members
In the morning, in the night,
Sons of Thespis show their might,
With chimes of Mimes,
They came a tapping,
Broke down the doors
With noisy rapping.
In their quest for tragedy and
Selected those who showed their:
Enacted a drama in two parts
In honor of the actor's art.
The play is cast,
The curtain falls,
The chosen few have heard their
Mimes have spoken!
Thus Thespis. looked with favor'
Blase Boyer Blondy, Bouncing
Bolger Bartlett, Chaste Channing
Chamberlain, Capricious Costello
Cutting, Discordant Dietrich De-I
by Rossini.
She will then open
half of the programv
anera" by Ravel, "A
l'eau" by Faure, "Qu
pris an pavillon" byI
pighi's ."Nebbie," Cir
occa la neve," andt
by Sibella. Her conclu
ber will be "0 mio
from "La Favorita" by
Miss Nikolaidi has1
as one of the greatn
coveries in recent yea
American debut atr
Town Hall in 1949.
this, however, she had
as one of the leadingc
ists of Europe, and w
with the Vienna Ope
tion, and in her nativ
The contralto hasr
turned from her firstt
tralia, and is now a
the University as part
nual American tour.
Tickets for the p
priced at $3.00, $2.50
$1.50, will be on sale
Auditorium box office
the second
with "Hab-
u bord de Tests Delayed
and je fus
Icahn, Pes-
nara's "Fi- LANSING-OP)-There may be
Girometta" some delay in getting the polioj
iding num- vaccine tests underway in Michi-
Fernando" gan, State Health Commissioner
yeenihailed Albert E. Heustis said yesterday.
been hailed'
musical dis- Dr. Otto K. Engelke, of the pub-
rs since her lic health school, Washtenaw
New York's County health director, said that,
Previous to "Each delay in the announcement
been known of the date when the vaccine will
concert art-
as featured be available makes the program
ra Associa- that much more difficult."
e Greece. Pointing out that "there is an
recently re- awful lot of work to be done" by
tour of Aus- the schools, the National founda-
ppearing at tion for Infantile Paralysis, and
of her an- other agencies involved in the
tests, Dr. Engelke said that "if
erformance, the vaccine comes much later than
, $2.00 and the middle of April, we will have
at the Hill to reconsider carrying out the pro-
prior to the gram locally or will have to cur-
tail it."
Three One-Act Plays To Open Today
hne," and "Ungeduld," all by Schu-
Polio Vaccine
Behind-the-scenes work is just
as difficult and detailed as the ac-
tual acting as shown in the three
one act plays the speech depart-
ment is presenting at 8 p.m. today
and tomorrow, in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater.
In the production of Aristoph-
enes' "The Frogs," director Mary
Jane Mills, Grad., has the prob-
lem of a script that calls for an
all-male cast which will be por-
trayed by women of the speech
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Charles S. Thomas, whose first naval job was
flying an ancient and under-powered plane in World War II, was
nominated yesterday to be secretary of the Navy.
Thomas already has held two Pentagon jobs in the Eisenhower
Administration-about seven months as undersecretary of the NavyI
in 1953 and since then assistant secretary of defense for supply and
SEOUL - American warplanes turned back four Communist!
jets early today at the truce line northwest of Inchon port on the Yel-
low Sea, the 5th Air Force said.
The Red jets did not attempt to cross the line in the face. of theE
four American jets.
The American planes had raced to the northern boundary after