Faculty Views Television Askance
¢, r
Most professors at the Univer-
sity of Michigan take a dim view
of television.
Their reasons run from lack of
time and interest to it's all "just
a bunch of tripe."
* * *
"TELEVISION is like a vora-
cious giant that has to be fed,"
declared Prof. Morris Greenhut of
the English department, explain-
ing that one reason for the me-
diocre quality of television is
the continuous run of programs
throughout the day. He insisted
that "you can't mass produce art,
and this is a mass medium."
SL Film
Student Legislature Cinema
Guild will show "A Bell for
Adano" and "Life Boat" as the
weekend film features at Ar-
chitecture Auditorium.
John Hodiak, William Ben-
dix and Gene Tierney will star
in the first movie at 7 and 9
p.m. today and tomorrow.
Along with Hodiak and Ben-
dix, Tallulah Bankhead will
have a leading role in "Life
Admission is 50 cents.
A Michigan Favorite For 64 Years!
The amiable English profes-
sor said that the second prob-
lem which television has to ov-
ercome is the temptation of pro-
ducers to steer clear of any-
thing controversial or highbrow
and to stick to what is "safe"
in order to be sure of obtaining
. large audience.
Prof. Greenhut pointed out
there is evidence that a discrim-
inating public is available but lit-
tle attempt is made to supply it
with programs of high .quality.
"When such an attempt is made,"
said the professor, "it ends up be-
ing a conpromise, pleasing neith-
er high nor low brows.
"The appeal of 'Dragnet,' a fa-
vorite of several television 'view-
ing professors, lies in its.dry hu-
mor and irrelevancies more than
in its detective or crime aspect,"
Prof. Greenhut observed.
* * *
THE MOST popular program by
far among faculty TV fans, it was
found, is "Omnibus." Several full-
hour dramatic programs such as
"Hallmark Playhouse," "Robert
Montgomery Presents" and "Phil-
co Playhouse" placed high on the
l-ist, along with sporting events
and political shows.
In the comedy line, "Your
Show of Shows" was preferred.
Quiz programs were mentioned
little, except for "What's My
Elena Nikolaidi
To Sing at Hill
Elena Nikolaidi, leading contral-
to of the Metropolitan Opera As-
sociation, will be featured soloist
in the ninth concert of the Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets priced at $3, $2.50, $2
and $1.50 are on sale at the Uni-
versity Musical Society offices in
Burton Tower.
ERI Honors White
Prof. Albert E. White, retired di-
rector of the University Engineer-
ing Research Institute, will be
honored at a dinner at 7 p.m. to-
night in the Union.
The dinner is being held in con-
junction with a symposium on the
utilization of heat-resistant alloys
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-Daily-L. H. Scott
Line." The comments on TV
commercials were unfavorable
without exception.
Opinion of many faculty mem-
bers was summed up by Prof.
James B. Wallace of the music
school who thinks that television's
main potentialities lie in the field
of educational programs.
Murray D. Budney of the ro-
mance language department
suggested that language pro-
grams could be, used to advan-
tage as a means of intriguing
the student as well as serving
as a study aid. He also recom-
mended having foreign actors
appear in dramatic shows,
Asked what he would recom-
mend students to watch on televi-
sion, one faculty man responded
"they should watch their books."
Foreign Students Air Gripes
" _ r9-_.NT -1 -
Anita Carlton
To Perform
Anita Carlton, Grad., will be fea-
tured in a piano recital at 8:30
p.m. today in Rackham Assembly
Her selections will be Purcell's
"Toccata in A major," Handel's
"Suite in G minor," Beethoven's
"Sonata in E flat, Op. 27, No. 1,"
Copland's "Piano Variations" and
"Sonatine" by Rousel.
The recital is free of charge and
open to the public.
Debate Tourney
Begins Tomorrow
Sponsored by the speech depart-
ment and the varsity debaters, the
Michigan cross-question debate on
F'oreign trade policy will be held
from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow in
classrooms on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall.
Winning teams will be decided
by opinion meters and shift of
opinion ballots, which will record'
audience reactions.
Against 1Intern(
(Continued from Page 1)
1) "Establishing a real orienta-
tion program. At present, they
said, "the International Stu-
dents Association meets some
new foreign students at the bus
station, but this is not enough.
We should be introduced to
someone that will truly aid us
should any personal difficulty
arise because of the new cus-
toms and living arrangements.
2) "There should be an Interna-
tional Center where foreign stu-
dents can get together, with Amer-
ican students as equals, not as
Senior Board
Senior Board will discuss
nominations for the faculty
member who has contributed
most toward the education of
individual students and selec-
tion of a student speaker for
commencement at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in the League.
Miner To Attend
Labor Conference
Prof. Horace M. Miner, acting
chairman of the sociology depart-
ment, is leaving today for two
weeks in Geneva as United States
representative to the Committee
of Experts on Indigenous Labor, a
committee of the International
Labor Office.
xttonat Center
charity cases or individuals con-
fronted with rank discrimination.
'3) "Regular programs should
be presented for foreign students
so their stereotyped, often er-
roneous, notions of what Amer-
ica is like may be corrected. In
these programs questions of
United States politics, the cur-
rent Congregational investiga-
tions, intra-country discrimina-
tion and national economic dif-
ficulties should be discussed.
4) "More legal and housing aid
should be furnished the students.
Although one Washtenaw County
lawyer handles cases of foreign
students at a low rate, the bill is
still higher than most foreign stu-
dents can afford.: A full-time law-
yer, who has specialized in immi-
gration laws should be at the Cen-
ter at all times. He should main-
tain contact with our consulates
and embassies.
5) "More exhibits of foreign
art should be brought to the
Center, and a special library
suitable for foreign students es-
tablished so that the Center be-
comes a real home instead of a
cold official institution with lit-
tle more than a ping-pong table
in it."
The criticisms of thetCenter gen-
erally match up with some of ther
conclusions of a report presented
by ISA to the committee presently
set up to choose the new Director
of the International Center.
Among the criticisms of the
Center in the report was that "1)
The Center has shown a lack of
impartiality toward different na-
tional or cultural groups. 2) The
Center's activities have been dom-
inmated by small groups. 3) Par-
ticipation in Center programs have
been poor."
A PROGRAM which the Center
has continuously considered, ac-j
cording to Gale, contains coursesI
in basic features of the United?
States civilization. "We feel these
lectures could be done more ef-
fectively," he said. "It is difficult
to get students out to them" be-
cause the foreign student has to
work harder to hold his ground
academically than the American
student, he explained.
"A great many foreign stu-
dents have availed themselves of
our English assistance program,"
he said, noting the assistance
"isn't always sufficiently apprec-
iated until foreign students be-
gin to get their marks."
As far as legal aid goes, Gale
said, "most of the difficulties of
foreign students concern their im-
migration status. This is admin-
istrative law and is not a ques-
tion for a lawyer to deal with."
Also, the Center must be careful
not to usurp the perogatives of the
immigration authorities, he added.
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.,_, --