THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FM One Act Play To Highlight Union Open House Michifish, Fencing Display Scheduled for Presentation . . Greed as a result of poverty and oppression will form the theme for the one act play, "Lithuania," to be presented as one of the feature attractions during the annual Un- ion Open House, to be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday. Scheduled to be performed at 2:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, the violent story of a psychological murder was written by the Eng- lish soldier-poet Rupert Brooke. It is the author's only play and is in surrealistic style, with short and very concise lines. * * * THE STORY itself deals with the savage murder of a rich man who comes to the house of starv- ing farmers. Produced by the speech department under the di- rection of E. Paul Rebillot, the cast includes Barbara Carse, Wan- dalie Henshaw, Mike Gregoric, Don Hartweg, Jalel Askarzadek and Beverly Blancett. In keeping with the nature of the Union Open House, no ad- mission will be charged for "Lithuania," which is one of three plays included in the speech department play bill to be presented tomorrow night. This is the first year that the Union Open House has included such a presentation. In previous years, the ballroom has been the scene of the General Motors "Pre- view of Progress" show. Since many students have seen this dis- play, the committee decided that they would p$lease the guests more by arranging something new. ALSO TO BE featured for the first time at this year's open house will be a fencing exhibition, sched- uled for 1:30 p.m. in Rms. L, M and N on the third floor of the Union. To be presented by three members of the Sale de Tuscan Fencing Club of Detroit, the dis- play has been planned with the hope of stimulating interest on campus in the sport of fencing. . Richard Perry, fencing coach at the University of Detroit, will open the exhibition by explaining the basic principles of fencing so that students will gain some knowledge of what fencing is as a competi- tive sport. * * * PERRY WILL then demonstrate two major weapons used in the sport, the foil and the sabre. The exhibition will close with a sabre bout illustrating unusual technique in fencing. Bob Derdaran, a member of the 1956 Olympic fencing team, and Donna Hill, a student at the University, will also take part in the program. Miss Hill has fenc- ed in national competition and is ranked among the top thirty women fencers in the nation. Also featured during the after- noon will be performances, at 1:45 and 2:45 p.m., by Michifish, wo- men's synchronized swimming club. The coeds will present selec- tions from the water ballet to be presented at the dedication of the new women's pool. The perform- ance Saturday will be presented in the Union pool. * * * STUDENTS and Community members attending the open house will also have a chance to see the inside story of the Michigan Marching Band. "Here Comes the Band," a film made by a profes- sional company, will be presented at 3 and 3:30 p.m. in Room L on the third floor.' Featuring the championship band of 1950, the movie shows details of the formations and dances used at the Rose Bowl and at the band's performance in New York City. The documentary will also show how the band develops from the first practice session to the organ- ization seen by the public. * * * FROM 3 to 5 p.m. Paul McDon- ough and his orchestra will play for dancing in the North Lounge. Free cokes and donuts will be served during this mixer. During the afternoon, ping- pong, billiards, bowling and pool tournaments will be held. Men who have reached the semi- finals will compete for trophiesl to be awarded to the winner of each activity. In addition, the winner of the Union ping-pong tournament will play the coed winner of the recent WAA-sponsored. ping-pong tour- nament. * * * EXHIBITIONS in the lobby of the Union will include prints re- ceiving first and second prizes and honorable mentions in the recent Union Amateur Photo Contest. Highlight for many guests will be the tours conducted into the tower of the Union. The tower, from which visitors can get a "bird's eye" view of Ann Arbor, is open only this one time each year. Coeds and men alike will be in- vited to explore the whole build- ing. Hostesses from the various sororities and dormitories on cam- pus, as well as members of the Union student activities staff, will be on hand to help guide guests around the Union. -Daily-Dean Morton "YOU'RE A COWARD"-Rehearsing a scene from "Lithuania," one act play to be presented at the annual Union Open House to be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Barbara Carse urges Mike Gregoric, her husband, to commit i murder. Wandalie Henshaw, as their daughter, looks on. Freshman Women Petition For Fall Positions in League If it's from BAJFOUR'S it is in good taste .. . Select your, diamond wedding and engagement ring from our complete and exclusive selection. . . . The BALFOUR BLUECREST* name on your ring is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. This week's special: .54 carat emerald cut, two baguettes, platinum mounting .........$400.00 all taxes included L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY 1321 South University - Ann Arbor, Michigan Copyrited. s Now Accepting STUDENT ART WORK STORIES* POEMS * ESSAYS' Sophomore positions, for which' petitions are due at 5 p.m. Mon- day in the League, are open to all second semester freshmen women' who are scholastically eligible. The positions open include two captains for the dance classes, one member of the House Committee, three members of the Interview- ing and Nominating Committee and two members of the Judiciary Council. * * * COEDS MAY also petition for Soph Cab positions which include a general chairman, floorshow di- rector, secretary and chairmen of finance, costumes, dance, decora- tions, make-up, music, script, spe- cial booths and tickets. Assistants will be chosen to work with each of the chairmen listed above. Other posts open are chairmen of hostesses, programs, refresh-j ments, publicity, posters, stunts and ushers. A stage manager and assistant manager are also need- ed for the production. " s s THE DANCE classes meet three nights a week under the instruc- tion of a qualified instructor and are separated into singles and couples classes. They also sponsor an exhibition dance class which performs at various campus func- tions and is formed from members of the regular dance classes. House Committee duties in- clude taking care of the League Library, the Barbara Little Mu- sic Rooms and other League fa- cilities. The Interviewing and Nominat- ing Committee interviews women Applications Due For Scholarships Ethel McCormick scholarship applications are due at 5 p.m. to- morrow in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League. Scholarships are open to jun- iors only who have shown .out- standing scholarship and leader- ship, have participated in numer- ous campus activities and have the financial need. Three $100 awards will be given to University coeds displaying the above abilities and characteristics. The winners will be announced at Installation Night on April 14. The scholarship is given in hon- or of Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social director of the League. "Miss Mac," as she is known by Univer- sity coeds, is responsible for co- ordinating and supervising all of the many and varied League ac- tivities. She finds time to listen to prob- lems, offer guidance and help to develop qualities of leadership. Committee members of numerous campus events have often said, "What would we do without 'Miss Mac'?" COORDINATION of the work of the4House Judiciary Councils and the League-House Judiciary Council is the job of the Judiciary Council. They also hear cases re- ferred to them by these councils or by the Women's Panel. The women chosen for the central committee of Soph Cab will have charge of an event which is presented every year by sophomore women under the sponsorship of the League. Taking over the second floor of the League, the coeds plan a floor- show in Lydia Mendelssohn The- ater, dancing in the League Ball- room, booths along the corridors and refreshments for the couples attending. EACH YEAR the proceeds from Soph Cab are turned over to some charity, Women interested in petitioning may obtain furtherinformation from 3 to 5 p.p. daily in the In- terviewing and Nominating Room of the League or from the presi- dent's reports in the League Li- brary. 'Spring Prelude' To Be Presented At Union Satuday Hoping to encourage the "balmy breezes" to pay a permanent vis- it to Ann Arbor, the members of the Union dance committee are planning "Spring Prelude" from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the Union Ballroom. Strains of "Wanted," "Young at Heart" and "Moonlight in Ver- mont" will help set the mood for couples as they dance to the mu- sic of Paul McDonough and his orchestra. The band, heard at the Union throughout this semester and last, has also played at Gulantics, Paul Bunyan Dance and Assembly Ball. Later this term they are planning to provide the music for the an- nual J-Hop at Northern Michigan College of Education in Marquette. Two professional arrangers, Earle Pearson and Red Johnson, are kept busy preparing orchestra- tions for the group. Pearson and Johnson have also written the ar- rangements for the last several Union Operas and for numbers peformed by t h e Michigan Marching Band. The spring mood willinvade the ballroom, in the form of a false ceiling of pink and green crepe paper. Other decorations will also carry out the theme, as will the programs. Entertainment is being planned during intermission. Included in the program will be a hula dance number, to be performed by Aud- rey McIntyre. Tickets for the dance, which is open to everyone on campus, are priced at $1.50 per couple. They will be sold at the door. Women attending the dance will find a casual dress and heels the order of the evening, while men will be appropriately dressed in suits. Student Supplies TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED 'r. / RENTED who have petitioned for League positions to the Women's League Council. Visiting Men To Perform At University North Carolina Group To Provide Program Of Choral Selections Giving a decided Dixie accent to the program, 31 members of the Davidson College Male Chorus, Davidson, N. C., will present a con- cert at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Aud. A, Mason Hall. The group will also sing from 6:30 to 7 p.m. in the Main Lounge of West Quadrangle. * * s NOW ON its 21st annual spring tour, the chorus will perform in ten cities, covering seven southern and midwestern states. Rated as one of the finest choral groups in the Southeast, the Davidson College Male Chor- us was formed more than a half- century ago by student directors from an amateur octette. For several years the group sang on a series of broadcasts over a Dixie network. They have also made a number of coast-to-coast broadcasts. * * * THEIR PRIMARY function is to give Davidson students a chance to study choral singing and liter- ature. Many of its members are candidates for the ministry and their training will help them with their future work. In addition to off-campus concerts and radio work, the group sings at the Davidson Ves- per Services, and participate in the annual Spring Fine Arts Fes- tival and Christmas Vespers. Only four members of the Chor- us claim territory above and be- yond the Mason-Dixon line as home, with the group representing eight Southern states and one for- eign country. The North Carolina' population is best represented with South Carolina and Florida follow- ing. * * * PROF. DONALD PLOTT, direc- tor of the Chorus, is a graduate of the University. While at the University, the Davidson director was soloist and student director of the Men's Glee Club and also serv- ed as student director of the Uni- versity Choir. Serving as Director of the Music department, Prof. Plott is choral director during the summer at Transylvania Music Camp in Brevard, N. C. He went to Davidson from the directorship of vocal music at Owosso High School. * * * THE PROGRAM will include Victoria's "Jesu Dulcis," Hasler's "Cantato Donino," "Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee," by Bach, Randall Thompson's "Tarantella," a group of Schubert songs for male voices and spirituals, madrigals and folk songs. Founded in 1837 by the Pres- byterian Church as a non-sec- tarian small liberal arts college, Davidson was named for a Rev- olutionary War hero, who was killed by the British on the banks of the Catawba River while trying to stop Lord Corn- wallis. The Civil War and reconstruc- tion cut the college down almost to the ground, but after the turn of the century it expanded again. Military Ball Tickets for Military Ball, to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March 26 in the Union Ballroom, are now on sale. Pric- ed at $3 per couple, they are available at North Hall and in the Temporary Class Building. The annual formal will feature the music of Fred Netting and his orchestra. Rivals Seek For Control Of Slide Rule Suspense will be running high this week and next, while the law- yers try to discover where the en- gineer's slide rule has been hidden before the 25th annual Slide Rule Ball, to take place from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday, March 20, in the League Ballroom. Rivalry between the two groups for the possession of the slide rule developed on campus many years ago, when law students had classes in Haven Hall. * r THE ENGINEERS would be sta- tioned at one end of the diagonal, while the lawyers would guard the other entrance. Then the barris- ters parked a car in the middle of the Engineering Arch, and let the air out of the tires. In retaliation, the "engine gang" would line up all around the Arch to prevent the lawyers from reaching their classrooms. Members of the Law School in 1921 stole the giant slide rule, which was going to be the main decoration of the Slide Rule Ball. * * * FOR REVENGE, the engineers invaded Crease Ball with tear gas bombs and cut the power box cur- rent. Since then the success of the dance is based on whether or not the barristers are able to find the hiden slide rule before the dance. In 1951 three rules were on hand to prepare for misfortune. How- ever the lawyers were successful and Crease Ball was highlighted by the presence of two of them. ONE OF THEM was lost in 1952, but again the barristers proved victorious by finding the others in a locked room of the Union. Last year it was turnabout for the engineers,'and the rules pro- vided a triumphant decoration for their dance. Unfortunately, one of them was destroyed, when about 30 "legal men" crashed the ball. At this time also, one of the chaperones suf- fered a fractured ankle in the scuffle that ensued. This year's theme will be "Spring Prelude," in keeping with the season. Mel Sachs and his or- chestra will be featured. * * * TICKETS FOR the all campus, semi-formal dance are priced at $2.50 per couple, and will be on sale from Monday through Friday in the Engineering Arch. They may also be purchased in the Technic office or from any mem- ber of Triangles, and will be avail- able at the door. Co-chairmen for the dance are Marjory Maurer and Bob Cons- tant. Other committee chairmen include Chuck Stickels, publicity; Larry Mack and Jim Snediker, tickets; Anne Campbell, decora- tions and Carley Conrad and Ad- rienne Haigan, programs. Hillelzapoppin- . . . Tickets for Hillelzapoppin', to be presented at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Tappan Jr. High School, are now on sale in the Lobby of the League, at the Hillel Building and by mail addressed to Box 140, Alice Lloyd Hall. The price of the tickets for this annual variety show has been set at $1.20, $1.50, and $1.80. The show, which originated sev- en years ago as a means of rais- ing funds for the United Jewish Appeal, is written and acted by Jewish students on campus. Musi- cal skits, comedy, songs and dance routines are presented. Two years ago Zeta Beta Tau won the cup, presented for the best act with a political satire. Last year's winner was a "Comic Capers" skit presented by the independent women. Vieing for first place this year will be "Banned in Boston" pre- sented by the Independent women and a skit concerned with "Shel- don," enacted by Zeta Beta Tau. Tau Delta Phi will feature "Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins," which Sigma Delta Tau sorority will produce "Ive an' Ego." "Video Review" will be given by Sigma Alpha Mu and "That's Our Jake" will be presented by the members of Adelphi. The Judges for this event will be Professor Frank L. Huntley of the English Department; Professor James B. Wallace, of the Music Department and Professor Marvin J. Eisenberg, of the Fine Arts De- partment. There will be a party following *the performance at the Hillel Building for all people attending the show. * * * Ice Show. . University students will play a major role in the twelfth annual "Melody on Ice" show to be given by the Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club Friday, Saturday and a mat- inee performance on Sunday at the Colosium. Director of the show is John Nitingale, Spec., a student from St. Paul, Minn. He is being assist- ed by his wife Helen, who taught figure skating for the women's physical education department. Sue Morgan will also assist. They are preparing more than 250 junior, intermediate and sen- ior skaters for the event. The 1954 Midwestern Senior Men's Champion, Ray Blommer, will appear twice in each per- formance as a guest skater. A member of the Milwaukee, Wis., Figure Skating Club, Blommer's "breathtaking jumps and spec- tacular footwork," according to reports, won him the undisputed title at the recent Midwestern Competitions at East Lansing. Pat Earhart, an Ann Arbor resi- dent who lives at Betsy Barbour, will open the show with a "Gra- nada" number. She will be ac- companied by a sextet of senior club members. Helen Nightingale, Gold Medal- ist and former Mid-Western Champion will make her first ap- pearance in Ann Arbor as the "Prima Ballerina" in the "ballet" number opening the second half of the show Another feature of the show will be the appearance of Midge Pal- mer, fornmer professional skater who has toured South. America and appeared many times in New York. She will star in the closing number. Tickets for all performances are on sale at the Union and at the ice rink and at bookstores in the area. The Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club began as a group of Univer- sity faculty and townspeople who met occasionally. It was organized as a member club of the United States Figure Skating Association in 1939 to foster and encourage figure skating in the community. FROSH WEEKEND-The fol- lowing committees of Frosh Week- end will hold meetings today: MAIZE TEAM: 3 to 6 p.m., floor- show tryouts in the League Ball- room; 4 p.m., program committee, Mosher Hall living room; 7 p.m., finance, 4554 Stockwell; tickets, Jordan Hall small living room; '7:15 p.m., publicity, Jordan Hall dining room and 8 p.m., patrons, 4554 Stockwell. BLUE TEAM: 5 p.m., publicity committee in the Union. * S S RIDING CLUB--The WAA Rid- ing Club will ride at 7 p.m. today. Crop and Saddle tryouts will con- tinue through this week. * * * THETA SIGMA PHI--There will be an important meeting of Theta Sigma Phi, national honorary fra- ternity for women in journalism, at 7 p.m. today in Rm. 1435 Mason Hall. * * * JGP-J.G.P. poster committee will meet at 7:15 p.m. today at the League. * * * MORTAR BOARD-Members of Mortar Board will meet at 8:30 p.m. today at Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill St. at East Uni- versity. I 1CP4oA4 Camnpus 1 WEEKEND WHIRL OF ACTIVITES: Hilleizapoppin', Ice Show Slated COLLEGE WEEK in BERtMUDA SIX FUN PACKED DAYS April 4 - April 10th Final Date For Registration, March 15th - Call or come in now! <* 8005MR)i TRAVEL 14 Nickels Arcade SERVICE NO 3-8597 clf I 0 For the Spring Issue DEADLINE APRIL 12 Leave Contributions at the Generation Office Student Publications Building IT'S A tailored by Arthur Jay White arrowheads beautiful detail for col- r lar and hip tabs on this crisp new Wispishan fabric with the look.of linen and touch of shantung .. . youth-de- signed by Arthur Jay. I Sizes 7 to 15 in Navy, Toast, Coral. 17's arthrjdq BUY IT TODAY ON EASY TERMS! i r U vv., t , .T.... ..".. .,v .. ......................... :......4................h..........:....., h......4 .v:. .. \ .h\. i 1 ., ... 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