THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1954 e -I The Rushing Decision FALL RUSHING, through an effective com- bination of sorority fears and political maneuvering, has been written on the books. Although thirteenth-hour protests will not reverse the decision, the Student Affairs Committee's handling of the issue bears crit- icism on several counts. First, there is considerable doubt that SAC, which approved fall rushing seven to five, gave full consideration to the issue -as a matter in which social implica- tions weigh far more heavily than pro- cedural ones. Instead of facing up to fall rushing as a ,campus concern, SAC's treatment of the issue degenerated for a large part into a hassle over jurisdiction which effectively coricealed both the import of the matter and the politicking which determined the final vote. It is noteworthy that several of those committee members who favored fall rush- ing were the most vehement in maintain- ing that SAC should merely inquire into the legality of Panhel's procedure in submit- ting its voting results. Secondly, there is evidence that, through one means or another, several cons of the issue were either left uncovered or conven- lently ignored. Assembly Association, which decisively opposed fall rushing and had both statistics and opinions to back up its stand, was led to believe that SAC had nothing but procedural jurisdiction over the issue and thus did not request an appearance before the cominittee. Unfortunately, Assembly did not spend the time substantiating its charges that Panhel did. More unfortunately, though, the organization was indirectly prevented from revealing its information where it would have counted. In neither of the two meetings in which SAC considered the issue were the pos- sible physical and psychological effects of fall rushing on the rushee fully examined. In point. of fact, however, a Health Ser- vice doctor has reported that fall rushing in the past has resulted in increased num- bers of rushees and sorority women re- questing counseling and psychological help. Finally, the SAC vote showed faculty and administration members unanimously be- hind fall rushing-an indication that this group's supposed concern with the cam- pus as a whole was either superficial or was nullified by lack of full information. Had these members been able to shift their view- point from the red-tape at hand to the be- wildered rushees ahead, fall rushing would have been defeated and SAC would have made wiser use of its powers. -Harry Lunn, Eric Vetter, Virginia Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver, Helene Simon AA Parking WHILE Ann Arbor citizens may point with justifiable pride to their parking system as an effective answer to increasing -traffic problems, the system is not without minor drawbacks. One such drawback deals with the space which the parking lots and car-ports occupy. In a small town with a limited business dis- trict property is at a premium. When a city begins to buy such property for parking f a- cilities, it enters competition with businesses planning on moving, building or expanding in the shopping district. The purchase of such land by the city may tend to discourage such expansion, for the city by a condemnation procedure can elim- inate business from running in the contest fo' property. Because of this fifth ace which the city keeps up its sleeve, revenue as well as busi- ness expansion is in a sense curtailed. While parking facilities cost the taxpayers nothing to buy or operate, they - do de- crease the amount of taxable property available. As Ann Arborites look with pride on their achievements in city-planned parking, the side effects should not be forgotten. -Wally Eberhard Drinking Swan-wSongy . DRINKING BEER and wine is not "so- cially acceptable" in the eyes of the state administration in Lansing. A bill passed the state House of Rep- resentatives 56-32 which banned television commercials showing people in the pro- cess of drinking beer or wine. However GOP Rep. John J. McCune, originator of the piece of legislation, hastened to point out that his bill was not intended to end beer and wine commercials completely. Ap- parently it is merely designed to limit public activity concerning these bever- ages. . The purpose of the proposed law he said was to "keep children and young people from getting the idea that drinking was socially acceptable." Should this bill pass the Senate and sub- sequently be put into effect it would have a number of inxeresting ramifications. Even if various questions of government interference i nthe area of free economic competition can be ignored, a couple of so- cial problems of apalling seriousness might easily be created. T A '" + orth n sll-" -- ^ n1n-- + . TODAY AND TOMORROW: Caracas: Verbal Diplomacy "I've Been Doing A Good Deal.Of Running Already" I By WALTER LIPPMANN THE REPORTS from Caracas agree that Secretary Dulles is having great difficul- ty with our resolution about Communism. It seems plain enough that the resolution cannot command anything like a unanimous vote, and that if it is adopted at all, it will be adopted reluctantly and under pressure. This raises several questions. Were the Latin American governments consulted through diplomatic channels about what they thought and what they would do about this resolution? Was Mr. Dulles well informed about what they thought and how they felt before he went to Caracas? Obviously, he had no first hand knowledge, having been much too busy wrestling with Mr. Molotov in Berlin and then with Sen. Knowland in Washington. The uninterrupted time left to Mr. Dulles to study the situation, to consult those who knew about it,. and to think, cannot have been much in the hectic interval between Berlin and Caracas. If the answer is that nevertheless he did know how the resolution was going to be received, then the question is what is there in the resolution which makes it important enough to warrant it becoming an open issue with our allies and partners in this hemisphere. As I read the resolution, it can be effec- tive against international Communism only in the degree that each government is able and determined to make the recommenda- tions effective. In itself it is mere words, unenforcible and not self-executing, with- out practical efficacy except when and where each separate government acts." Now what are the actions that the reso- lution commits the twenty governments to take$ They are to take "measures to require the disclosure of the identity, ac- tivities and sources of funds of those who are spreading propaganda of the Inter- national Communist movement, or -who travel in the interests of that movement, and of those who act as its agents or in its behalf." The key word in this paragraph is "dis- closure." To whom is this information to be disclosed? We in the United States are taking the measures which the resolution recommends, and undoubtedly the F.B.I. is doing its best to identify the activities and ,the sources of the funds, movement of agents and the rest. But the F.B.I. is not "disclosing" this information, except as now and then it seems expedient, in the sense of publishing it. Obviously, if there were continual disclosure by publication, it would be very much more difficult than it is to detect these subversive activities. What, presumably, is being done, and is intended by this recommendation, is to disclose this secret information to the authorized secret services of other governments which are as intent as we are on counter-espionage and counter-subversion. This kind of international cooperation cannot be carried on by public disclosure. In the very nature of the operation the in- ternational cooperation will be as good and no better than the two governments mean to make it. For that reason there is almost no practical value in making this sort of thing the subject of a multilateral public resolution. The way to proceed is by direct understandings among the governments and through confidential "disclosure" of the se- cret information. That this is the only way this kind of thing can be done effectively is demonstrable by asking ourselves a question. After this resolution were adopted, would we be will- ing to disclose to the secret service of every government in the hemisphere all the in- formation we have? What would we do about a government which we might think3 was honeycombed with Communist agents and fellow travelers? Obviously we would not disclose to them our secret information. For the "disclosure" would be passed right on to the Communist agents who wold be told what to do to prevent us from getting more information. The resolution seems to me ill-consider- ed and the result of a confusion of mind about what can be done by public de- clarations and what must be done, if it is done at all, by unpublicized, direct, confidential, understandings with friendly neighbors. For that reason such verbal diplomacy is usually good only if nobody objects to it. With governments that mean to cooperate seriously in counter-espionage and counter- subversion, a public resolution is unneces- sary; with those governments that are for one reason or another opposed to coopera- tion, the resolution must be ineffective Who then stands to gain anything sub- stantial and real by forcing the issue of a public declaration if those governments which really could and really would co- operate do not feel it wise and expedient to put into words what they mean to do? BESIDE THE recommendations, the reso- ution contains a statement of great im- portance. It says that: "The domination or control of the po- litical institutions of any American state by the international Communist movement, ex- tending to this hemisphere the political sys- tem of an extra-continental power, would constitute a threat to the sovereignty and political independence of the American states, endangering the peace of America, and would call for appropriate action in accordance with existing treaties." There is no doubt that the establish- ment in this hemisphere of a Communist satellite would endanger the peace of Am- erica and call for appropriate action. The appearance of such a satellite would be incompatible with the vital interests of the community of American states. For more than a century, originally as a United States policy and then as an inter- American policy, the republics of this hemisphere have been protected against foreign intervention. The only question here is whether this declaration of intent has been put forward after adequate consultation with the leading governments of Latin America. They know, of course, that in so sensitive a region as the Caribbean, the United States would be bound to take measures if a satellite state were established. The problem of the reso- lution is-since they know that that is bound to happen-how precisely and how publicly they should now be asked to say in advance exactly what they will do in a hypothetical case at some unknown future time. We may be certain that it is useful to have them say publicly and in advance only as much as they might be compelled to sub- scribe to but their real intent. Now there are many governments in this world, as anti-Communist as we are, who do not share our passion for, our addiction to, the promulgation of large, generalized, theore- tical and doctrinaire pronunciamentos. Of- ten they would prefer an understanding to a declaration. a real and continuing con- suitation to spasmodic and resounding ver- bal broadsides. They could be right in this, and it might be well to ask ourselves whether we are so sure they are wrong that it is worth mak- ing a to-do about it. (Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) N.Y, s- El~t~r - NAPA' F I I a t r t. S11^" ettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters Of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. eg C s .Science. Apart from pre-medical and other bgsic courses, the bio- To the Editor: logical sciences attract the greater MUCH OF the strife in the world number of the regrettably, and today is caused by men not even dangerously, few women spe- understanding one another. cializing in science; few are to be A man's religion is a very fun- found in the technicological sub- damental part of his life whether jects-metallurgy, mining, applied he believes in one God, or many, biochemistry, and some five or six or none at all. Every man has kinds of engineering including some kind of religion. If men chemical and production. But the were better able to understand numbers in these last equal those the religions of others then they of the other two sections combin- could better understand others. ed. The unbalance between the Why doesn't the University of Mi- sexes is inevitable. The disparity chigan sponsor a required course is less in Law and Commerce, and to discuss and explain the various practically disappears in Sociology religions of the world so as to give and Arts (whiich includes Music all students a broader outlook on and Education". The picture is the peoples of the earth? I would possibly not unfamiliar. appreciate hearing the opinions of We do not allow women stu- others on this subject. dents under twenty-one to live in- -Edwin S. Robinson dependently; "apartment, in * * *England has a sense different from - m y ,yours. If not at home or in a Uni- reed, Emily? --- versity residence, they must live To the Editor: in approved lodgings (that is in ONE QUESTION that seems to furnished rooms with some service come up every time there is a and cooking) and "the landlady" semi-formal dance is whether or knows that they are expected as not the fellow should wear a tux- a general rule to be in by 11 p.m. edo or a dark suit. She is also given a book in which After attending the Assembly they must enter the address to Ball, March 6, and upon seeing which they are going, if they go what was worn, I was slightly dis- away for a night. Responsible appointed. Sport jackets, light- house-holders usually do not care colored and dark-colored suits, to retire for the night leaving the and tuxedoes were worn by men, house unlocked, nor alternatively and suits, cocktail length dresses, to hand out keys to students, not and evening gowns were worn by notoriously persons the most care- women-it looked like a conven- ful of property, their own or oth- tion rather than a semi-formal er people's. If a student habitual- affair. ly causes her land lady anxiety I have attended both formal and or disturbance by coming in later semi-formal affairs in New York than 11, the latter is under no and all over the world-never yet compulsion to keep her, and she did I see any dance where people won't. The student has then to weren't similarly dressed if not returnto the Lodgings office to somewhat uniformly. ask for another address-where At- hmi-formal dances, itiste she will naturally, be asked why 01c U1 ., u~c. - c DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from :rage 2) Lambda Chi Alpha Mosher Hall Nelson International Hse. Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Kappa Phi Delta Epsilon Phi Delta Phi Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Tau Scott House Sigma Alpha Epsilon Taylor House Theta Chi of the Department of Biological Chem- istry in 319 West Medical Building at 10:15 a.m.. Sat., Mar. 13. His topic will be "Action of extracts of E. coli on n- acetyl glucosanine." Potential Theory Seminar will meet iFri., Mar. 12. in 3010 Angell Hail. Mr.I Robert Wasserman will talk on "Some, Explicit Potential Functions and their Implications." i i i i + Concerts i t I Theta Xi Student Recital. Anita Carlton, pian-; Triangle ist, will be heard in a program of work-s " Williams House by Purcell, Handel, Beethoven. Cop- Zeta Psi land, and Roussel, at 8:30 Thursday{ March 14, 1954- evening, Mar. 11, in the Rackham As- DeltaThetaPhi *sembly Hall. A pupil of Joseph Brink- Delta Upsilon man, Miss Carliton will play the recital Henderson House in partial fulfillment of the require- Jordan Hal iments for the Master of Music degree. I Phi Delta Phi It will be open to the public. ' PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS-- Elena Nikolaidi. the glamorous Greek WEEK OF MARCH 15 contralto of the Metropolitan Opera American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Association, will make her Ann Arbor Cincinnati, Ohio, has found it neces- debut in the ninth concert of the sary to cancel its scheduled interview- Choral Union series Friday, March 12, ing date for next week. Any men in-i at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Mme. terested in the AT&T executive train- Nikolaidi will be accompanied on the1 ing program, however, are urged to i piano by Stuart Ross. presenting the make appointments to see the represen- following program: "Parto. parto" from tative from Michigan Bell Telephone I'Clemenza di Tito"; Haydn's Die See-1 Co. who will be interviewing at the iungfer and Schaferlied; a group of Bureau of Appointments today or to- four songs by Schubert; "Bell raggio morrow. i slusinghier" from "Semiramida" by Ros- Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co., sini; Ravel's Habanera; Faure's Au Chicago, Ill., will visit the Bureau bord de l'eau; Respighi's Nebbie; and on Tues., Mar. 16. In addition to in- "0Oinio Fernando" from "La Favorita" terviewing June men graduates as pre- by Donizetti. viously announced, the company's rep- Tickets are available at $3.00, $2.50, resentative will see June women grad- $2.00 and $1.50, at the offices of the uates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A for secre- University Musical Society in Burton tarial, statistical, or accounting posi- Memorial Tower; and will also be on tions in Chicago. sale on the night of the concert after Students wishing to schedule ap- 7 o'clock in the box office of Hill Audi- pointments with the companies listed torium. iI customary and correct thinggfor a girl to wear a cocktail length dress and the escort a dark suit- but the girl definitely does not wear a gown touching the floor. At formal dances the girl may wear either an ankle-length dress or an evening gown and the boy wears a tuxedo only. Emily Post, New York authority, can back my statements up, I am sure. Let's see if -the next affair will bring out the beau brummels and belles of the ball, in their correct{ attire-makes for a glamorous af- fair wherever it may be. -James Kaplan University of Birmingham . she needs it. We are not quite so casual as we may sound. Incidentally, the key which a senior student in a residence hall may obtain is given out for one specific evening at a time. The 36 cents she pays is a return- able deposit; it serves to remind her to bring the key back, and Imore or less pays for replacing it if she loses it. -N. A. Mcfarlan Unemployment . . To the Editor: WISH TO point out the falsity of Arthur Cornfeld's statement that the "only answer to the prob. lems of rising unemployment .. . lies in reduced personal income taxes, increased welfare benefits and increased government deficit I aC above may contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS The National Board of Y.W.C.A., New York City, would like to hear from women, graduating seniors and alum- nae, who would be interested in the Association's current vacancies and in' positions beginning September, 1954. The American Friends Service Coin- mittee is sponsoring a Year-Round In- stitutional Service Unit for 1953-54 at a mental hospital in Independence, Iowa. Members of the unit do regular ward duty with the opportunity to undertake special wok with selected patients in the fields of individual and group therapy, recreation and music. The Board of U.S. Civil Service Ex- aminers, Internal Revenue Service, has announced an examination for Tax Col- lector, GS-5. Place of employment will be in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michi- gan. Requirements include 3 yrs. of experience in business administration, accounting or lega~l work or the comn- pletion of 4 yrs. of college with study in such fields as accounting, business economics, finance, business adminis- tration, and law. The Metzgar Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., wmoauk dc.urors ofm.+eriais I-Ali- 3 To the Editor: spending." Events Today FROM SEVERAL c om m' e nl t s Rarely is there only one answer The Michigan Chapter of the Amer- made to me it seems that to any problem and in this case ican Society for Public Administration some of my answers to your in- even his logic of what is the best will hold its monthly social seminar terviewer's questions about the cure seems false. I would think today at 7:30 p.m. in the west con- University of Birmingham, as re- that the best cure for unemploy- ference Room, Rackham Building. There ported, have been misunderstood ment is for someone to hire the will be a panel discussion of the topic t m n- "The Role of the Institute Graduate on -not that they were unfairly re- unemployed. the Job." Panel members: Frederic Tho- ported, but because in the con- He also made the statement len, Jordan Popkin, Paul Wileden; and text of our different ideas they "these measures (referring to Marvin Tableman, Moderator. were not sufficiently precise or welfare payments and deficit Deutscher Verein-Kaffee Stunde will self-explanatory. As rather un- spending), proved by the thirties meet this afternoon at 3:15 in the Un- I fortunate conclusions might be . . ." Since the only thing that ion alcove. Dr. C. K. Pott, Professor j drawn from them as they stand, permanently ended the depression in the German Dept., will be there. may I be allowed to clarify them? of the thirties was World War II, All German students are urged to come It is true that as a matter of possibly the effedtiveness of the to practice speaking in an informal, friendly atmosphere. policy women are admitted to the remedies, if not disproved, may at School of Medicine only in the pro- least have some doubt cast on Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box of- portion of one in four-that is them. ce wil be ope tfro 10 a . until othree, not four, to one against: -Stephan Konz the 3rd LABORATORY BILL'OF PLAYS (I will not enter here ito the * * * presented by the Department of validity of the reasons offered for j4A Invitation . . . Speech. Included on this bill are Aris- this.) It is pure co-incidence that: tophanes' satiric comedy, THE FROGS; this is also at present roughly the To the Editor: Rupert Brooke's thriller, LITHUANIA;t't'h HE RUSSIAN amateur hockey and Frank Wedekind's ironic comedy. ratio of women to men in the team has just defeated the THE TENOR. All seats are reserved at whole undergraduate population. 125c each. The figure represents a fact, not Canadian team for the world 25c each 4. Y EIN Tr MOIES At the Orpheum.. . . THE LIVING DESERT by Walt Disney. T SHOULD have become apparent by this time that the Butterfield Theater chain -which has Ann Arbor wrapped up-is now determined to make short work of us all. The price charged for this less-than-full length Disney feature is ninety-five cents, child or adults. The cost of living may be going up, but there is no question that a high percentage of the films run at the three major houses in town are not even worth the double-feature price at the Wuerth, and certainly shouldn't sell for twice the money just because they are up- New Books at Library, Dugan, James-The Great Iron Ship. New York, Harper, 1953. Lumba-rd, C. G.-Senior Spring. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1954. Michener, James A.-Sayonara, New York, Random House, 1954. Nichols, Lee-Breakthrough on the Color Front. New York, Random House, 1954. Rennie, Ysabel--The Blue Chip. New York, Harper, 1954.I Terrot, Charles-The Angel Who Pawned Her Harp. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1954. town or at a former "art" theater; often these theaters don't even show first-run or better films, which has always been their "advantage." One service Butterfield has done itself is to send many of its customers to the fifty-cent Cinema Guild productions, which have seen their own increased aud- iences as a sign of approval for the new film policy SL has adopted. We are now left with the prospect of four "popular" film theaters in Ann Arbor and only at private organizations like Gothic Film Society can we find anything approximat. ing the "art film." If it is possible to consider a film coldly, aesthetically, without any regard for the discomforts involved in seeing it (which, I think, is not completely the case), then "The Living Desert" is an excellent show. Disney's "True-Life Adventure" Series has been ulti- mately successful, and there is reason for it. Much of the camera work in this one is unsurpassed by anything I have seen. I do not object to making "stories" out of the action-shots, but it is unfortunate that Dis- ney cannot refrain from camera tricks- slow-motion, reversal, etc.-in making the stories more amusing. These things could be avoided to advantage. -Tom Arp c i 1 1 manufacturers of materials handling - equipment, is in need of an engineer. The International Tea, sponsored by The Kroger Food Foundation, Cin- the International Center and the In- cinnati, Ohio, is seeking three men, ternational Students' Association, will June graduates, in chemistry, chem- be held today from 4:30 to 6 o'clock, ical engineering or food .technology. third floor, Rackham Building. Mrs. For additional information about Tula Kurath will perform North Amer- these and other employment opportuni- ican Iroquois Indian dances, and there' ties, contact the Bureau of Appoint- will be songs by the Chinese group and ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. Chinese instrumentswillnbe played. 371. Arts Chorale. The regular weekly re- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: hearsal will be held tonight from 7 The Bureau of Appointments invites to 8:30 p.m, in Auditorium D, Angell all students interested in camp, resort, Hall. New members are being taken business or industrial positions this into this extracurricular singing group, summer to attend its weekly meeting so now is the time to join. on Thurs., Mar. 11, from 1 to 5 p.m. in1 Room 3A, Michigan Union. T.A.S. Important meeting this evening at 7 p.m., Room 3-A, Michigan Union. Mr. Woodham, of the Guggenheim Air Lectures Safety Foundation, will speak on "Air Safety Considerations. Elections, spring Illustrated lecture by Alexander Dor- paper competition, spring enrollment, ner entitled: "Why Integrate the Arts"1 r a policy. Not the only, but the chief explanation lies in the fact that our Faculty of Science con- tains almost half the total num- ber of our undergraduates. It is divided administratively into Bio- logical, Inorganic, and Applied 1 S 3 1 ,- A ana refreshments. Thurs., March 11, in Auditorium "A" Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m. Sponsored by La p'tite causette will meet this College of Architecture and Design, afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the Michigan Union' A cadem ic Notices Cafeteria. Anyone interested in speak-- ing French is welcome to this informal Chemical Engineering Seminar. The conversational group! graduate seminar and coffee hour will be held Thurs., Mar. 11, at 3:45 p.m. Hillel. Music-for-all, 8 p.m., tonight.V in 3205 East Engineering. C. H. ChouI will speak on "Diffusion of Gases at Gilbert and Sullivan Society. There Elevated Pressure," and L. Westkaemper will be a rehearsal tonight in the will speak on "The Effect of Partial League at 7:15 for the chorus of "Thes- Pressure of Inerts on Convective Mass pis" and "The Sorcerer." A rehearsal Transfer.' for the principals of "The Sorcerer' will be at 7 in the Union; for the prin- Seminar in Mathematical Statistics cipals for "Thespis," the rehearsal will will meet Thurs., Mar. 11, 2-4 p.m., be at 9 in the Union. 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. S. R. Knox will speak. U. of M. Sailing Club meeting at 7:30 tonight in West Engineering. There Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- will be a tour of the Naval Tank, so inar in the Application of Mathematics meet near the door of the tank on the to the Social' Sciences, will meet on first floor. Tonight is the deadline for Thurs., Mar. 11, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason making deposits on dues for the semes-I Ha11 Mr . nhn A Rwets of the psv- ter . dent-Faculty led Evensong. Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m. today.I Christian Science Organization. Tes- timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are wel- come. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Discussion Group at Guild House, 7 p.m., "TShe Church in Modern Society." Presbyterian Students. The second in the series of six lenten services will be held today at 5:10 at the First Presby- terian Church. Everyone is invited to attend the service. Coming Events Phychology Club. There will be a general meeting on Fri., Mar. 12, at 3:15 in 2429 Mason Hall. Semester pro- jects will be begun. All members and prospective members are urged to at- tend! The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Break-fast Discussion-Meditation in Guild House Chapel, following Lenten theme, 7 a.m., Thurs., Mar. 11. Mid- Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel, us- ing the devotional book "Manhood of the Master," 5:05-5:30 p.m. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Fri. Mar. 12 at Canterbury House. "Martin Luther: Right or Wrnng;?" The Reverend Henry championship. Why don't you print a challenge to the Russians to try for the professional champ- ionship against the Red Wings? --Edward Poindexter 3Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric Vetter...............City Editor Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerier.....Associate Editor1 Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye . ......Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.....W.Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Selden........ Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS Member of The Associated Press a ,) I