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March 11, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-11

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S fir ii
Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t t


See Page 4





Foreign Center

SL Passes Constitution, Student


Policies Discussed
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following interpretive news article dealing with
charges of discrimination and inefficiencies in the International Center is
based on interviews with Esson M. Gale, Center Director and several foreign
students who prefer to remain anonymous.)
Long ignored by most American students on campus, the Inter-
national Center has recently become the focus of many controversial
discussions among the 1,000 foreign students studying at the Uni-
The critics charge two major faults with the Center-that it
does not offer any substantial aid to foreign students and that some
of its staff members practice racial and religious discrimination in
dealings with foreign-born University students.
* * * * -
INTERNATIONAL Center Director Esson M. Gale has denied
these charges vehemently, saying the Center is well-liked by students
and noted by others as a leader in the foreign student counseling
"Foreign students here like the Center," he said noting,
"they can invite friends here to parties and activities. The Cen-
ter's doors are always open.
"The International Center's favorable reputation is illustrated
concretely by the fact that the number of American students at-
tending the University has dropped considerably since the war, while
without exception over the years the number of foreign students has
increased," the director pointed out. "In 1943 there were only 250
foreign students attending the University, now there are betweeen
900 and 1,000."
Gale said the Center "sets a pattern for similar institutions
throughout the country, even in urban centers where huge inter-
national houses are located. We constantly hear from foreign Uni-
versity alumni telling how much they liked the University," he said.
HOWEVER, A NUMBER of specific incidents of alleged discrim-
ination have been related by foreign students about the International
Center's staff and policies.
One student heard that a "white European coed who had just
finished dancing with an Indian student was recently called aside
by a staff member and told 'better not dance with him, it doesn't
look good.' "
But the discrimination is not levelled equally toward all foreign
students, according to most reports. "Rather it increases in direct pro-
portion to the darkness of the student's skin."
One student elaborated that while white Europeans are treated
only "slightly inferior" to native-born, the South Americans receive
less cordiality and Asiatics and Africans are on the "lowest level" in
the minds of many top-level International Center staff members.
* * 4, 4,
ANOTHER student detailed his charges of discrimination, saying
"Japanese and Thai students, because of national traits and the reli-
ance of their countries upon financial aid from the United States,
never complain about the Center.
Middle Easterners accept the Center because many wealthy
students from their countries are generally favorable to rightist
bias in this country. Chinese students, now cut off entirely from
their homeland, cannot risk any unfavorable entanglement with
Ti the Center, and African students seldom visit the place at all,"
it was reported.
Gale countered these charges saying "there is absolutely no preju-
dice in the Center. After living in and out of Asia for 35 years I per-
sonally am scarcely conscious of racial differences and could not tol-
erate any policy of prejudice here," he said
Very rarely, the director continued, does any discrimination come
up either within the Center or the University, and "we act quickly to
get rid of it wherever it does appear."
* *. * *
ONE EUROPEAN student said prejudice in the minds of some
International Center staff members is not directed just toward Asians
and Africans, but is aimed at all foreign-born students. He related
"I visited the Center once and saw it would never help me. I hated
its icy atmosphere and never went back again."
Another student summed up the reasons he felt foreign stu-
dents "don't like the Center," by telling the story of an introduc-
tion of a new foreign student on campus to one of the "top-
dog" staff members of the Center.
The student related "after the introduction was completed and
the newly-arrived foreign student had walked just out of ear-shot,I
the staff member turned to another student standing near-by and said
'foreign students from morning to evening. I get sick and tired of
them.' "
* * * *
SEVERAL FOREIGN students mentioned one recent cause of
vehement disgust toward the Center-a form letter mailed to every
foreign student at the University asking for a contribution toward a
present for the Center's Director, who is scheduled to retire June 4.!
"But this is just one of the causes for our antagonism," other!
students related. Even the Center realizes that few people want to
come to the part of West Quad whcih houses the Center.I
"This fall the regular weekly teas for international students
were shifted to Rackham Graduate School, where students who "re-
fused to enter the Center's doors might be persuaded to come," one

C________________._____7___>.- - - 4







Issue Rests
On Campus
Spring Vote I
Must Gain Final r
Approval of SAC
Culminating three weeks of dis-
cussion, Student Legislature last
night passed by 25 to five to three
vote the revised Student Govern- '
ment Constitution calling for a ' r
student tax not to exceed 25 cents
a semester from each student.,'
If students favor the proposal "
now scheduled for a referendum
in the all-campus elections, March
30 and 31, the constitution will go
before the Student Affairs Com-
mittee for final approval.
* * *
WITH authorization from SAC,
the tax would possibly go into ef-
fect in September.
Relatively little debate her-
alded the Legislature's passage
of the section of the constitu-
tion concerning the student tax. Daily-Chuck Kelsey
Reasons .cited for the levy in- UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT GREETS GOVERNOR
dude: 1) that it would make the
Legislature financially stable, 2)ttefewudpsil ut!WF l i n s U g s P b i
that the fee would possibly cut
out many of SL's money-making
projects such as the Homecoming /
Dance which would be delegated L/w /1e es s of E d ucl a titot
to other campus organizations, areness-of Educati
3) SL would no longer have to
depend on the University's $1200 By JON SOBELOFF
yearly appropriation to the Leg- Gov. G. Mennen Willianis urged faculty members to work hard tof
islature. awaken the public to the needs of higher education at a meeting of
Under present enrollment fig-, the American Association of University Professors in the Rackham
ures, the maximum levy would hitheat terda
Amphihaer yesteray.
And he-pledged his own further efforts, eiting the "nearly doubled"
appropriations to the University since he took office in 1949 as evi-
PeLi io 5 dence of progress already made.
* * *' *

House. Passes General
Excise Cut, Overriding
Eisenhower's Protests

Ilse Praises.
Co m nsOf Flanders'

WASHINGTON - (411) - The House brushed aside Eisenhower
Administration opposition yesterday and overwhelmingly passed the
first general excise tax cut in more than 20 years.
The bill, sent to the Senate by a 411-3 roll call vote, would trim
$912,000,000 a year from excise taxes on dozens of items like admis-
sion tickets, jewelry, furs and telephone bills.
THE CUTS would take effect April 1-three weeks from today.
Defeated by a 213-200 vote, was a Democratic move to free from
all taxes any movie, sports or similar entertainment ticket costing
50 cents or less.

WASHINGTON-(.P)-President The bill would drop the excise
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday tax on all admissions from 20 to
credited Sen. Ralph E. Flanders 10 per cent.
(R-Vt.) with performing a ser- It would postpone-for one year'
vice by emphasizing, in a speech only-about $1,070,000,000 in re-
attacking Sen. Joseph McCarthy ductions scheduled under present
(R-Wis.), the "great danger" of law for April 1 on liquor, cigar-
"personal aggrandizement" and a ettes, automobiles, gas trucks,
split Republican party. buses, beer and wine.
Eisenhower said, too, that CBS * * *
and NBC had discharged their re- PRESIDENT Eisenhower urged
sponsibility for impartiality in do- canceling these scheduled reduc-
nating time to the Republican par- tions, but argued the Treasury can
ty, rather than to McCarthy, to not afford the sweeping tax cuts
answer blasts from Adlai E. Stev- provided' elsewhere in the bill.
The Administration has announc-
President Richard Nixon to makej ed it will fight when the bill
the official reply. reaches the Senate to soften the
SEN. FLANDERS had taken the revenue blow.

Senate floor Tuesday-one of the
first Republican senators to come
out and assail McCarthy by nameI
-to say that "by intention or
through ignorance" the Wisconsin
senator was "doing his best to
shatter" the GOP.
While saying there was much
j to praise as well as deplore in
"McCarthyism," Flanders said
McCarthy's Red hunts were
sidetracking the nation from
serious probems to a dangerous

Petitions for 22 Student Leg-
islature seats to be filled in all-
campus elections, March 30 and
31, may be picked up from 1 to
5 p.m. today and tomorrow in

ABOUT 250 FACULTY members heard the governor, and only oneI
of them voiced a question when he was finished.
Prof. Marshall Knappen of the political science department sug-
gested that although faculty salaries had increased about twice as
fast as the cost of living since.

Eisenhower told his news con- I
fe-ence yesterday he will make a
radio and television address next
week outlining his tax philoso-
phy. His press secretary, James
C. Hagerty, said all major net-
works has been asked for 15
minutes of time Monday night.
This was interpreted as a move
to bolster the Administration's
fight against a Democratic move
to increase individual income tax
execptions by $100 for each tax-
payer and each dependent.
That would save taxpayers
about $2,400,000,000 a year, and
drive the government that much

the SL Bldg. 1947, the real wages of faculty degree. The dangerous attack,1
Twenty candidates elected to I *dia Official members are no higher now he said, "is from without, not
the Legislature will serve two i dthan they were in 1939. from within."
semesters and two for one-se- - .u-w
mester terms. To Taik Here Meanwhile, Prof. Knappen said, SEN. McCARTHY announceda
Petitions for nine J-porkers generally have rase last night he. will appear on com-!
posts, seven Union vice-presi-thirelncms3prcnt
dsti, se UAsian philosopher, Sir Sarvepal- anthe re come 39 pe mentator Fulton Lewis' radio show,
benI positions, three mem- li Radhakrishnan, will speak here ant over the Mutual network today to
es o th Board ins ontol of during the "Religion Today Series" cent. deliver partial" answers to at-
Student Publications, and one Oct. 3 through 10, Erich A. Wal- Gov. Wlliams expressed sym- tacks on him by Stevenson and'
Board in Control of Inter-Col- !t. a to he pre A. an- pathy for salary and other needs Sen Flanders.
legiate athletics post are also;ter, assistant to the president, an- of the University, but said, "we
nounced yesterday. McCarthy said he expects the
avial.Vice-President of the Republic haeaddnw.eeusnw 15-minute program to be a
Candidates for four senior Iiarin 952, Rrihn and we want to let the people see r
i ~of India in 1952, Radhakrishnan 'question and answer--mostly
class posts in the literary and s s d for themselves if they are ade- austion ananet
engineering colleges may pick icosdrdteusannghiquate~ in the next year or two. afar
osopher in Asia today according ' t x Sen. McCarthy told reporters:
up petitions at the SL Bldg. to Lane Hall Director DeWitt C.: .he inti- he also may accept an offer by;
Deadline for returning all Baldwin. AT LAST until then,
BopetdpeiinstdteSwinmae. blncdbdgtan oEdward R. Murrow of 30 minutes'
completed petitions to the SL The talks this year are being mated, a balanced budget and no free time on the Murrow televi-
Bldg. is Saturday. I sponsored by the University in- taxincreases, together with the sion show on CBS to answer state-,
stead of the Mott Foundation. continuing needs of other govern- ments made about him by Murrow
gross approximately $8600 a year. The philosopher has been head ment si vices, would preventTuesday.'
spending mc more on education Tedy
SL's budget currently calls for of the Indian UNESCO delegation, .cBut he said he wants to know
$5275. vice-chairman of UNESCO's ex- in the State. more, first, about what role Mur-
* * * ecutive board, vice-chancellor of Education gets nearly half of row proposed to play in any such
LEGISLATURE President Bob Benares . Hindu and Andra Uni- the State's total budget now, .1 reply appearances.I
Neary, '54BAd., explained the vote versities, a professor at Oxford and the governor pointed out, and it McCarthy gave what sounded
would indicate "more than an in- fellow of the British Academy. got well over half of the in- I like a hint on what he might .sayE
terest in SL, but in the entire - ~ creases in this year's burget. of Flanders today when hie told'
concept of student government." . Appropriations for the State's reporters he agrees with Flanders
He declared, "An approval of lest nine higher educational institu- that "the Republican party is be-
the tax is one of the only ways tions were increased an average of ing hurt" by the row over inves-a
to insure increased student in- Representatives of women s six per cent, he said. tigations, but for different reasons'
terest and support," and added organization on campus took Gov. Williams said he has stood than the Vermont senator stated.
that it is an attempt to bring a two-hour test dip in the new for raising faculty salaries before
about real responsibility in elect- million dollar Women's Swim- adding anything else to the Uni-
ed members. ming Pool yesterday. versity's budget.
Oer ebe ontecntt Formal dedication of the de- lie pointed out, however, that Survey R ese
Other debate on the constitu-!luxe pool is scheduled for April professor's salaries have alreadyI
tion last night concerned a change 17. risen from an average of $6734 iin
in the composition of the SL Cab-'c 1947-48 to $9705 this year. I ( 3 A NJ I
met. Legislators endorsed the ad- At the same time salaries of as-
dition of a National Student As-Lewis TO Lecture-Toithse timsoslrs of $s-
sociation Coordinator to replacef sociate professors rose from $5000
one onth scrdars no onpthe "The Middle East and the Cold to $7085, assistant professors from Finding answers to the mosto
seven-member cabinet. n nhWar" will be discussed by Prof. $4091 to $5695 and instructors unions is the job being tackled by
* * * Bernard Lewis of the University from $3344 to $4250. the auspices of the Rockefeller Fou
SL ALSO voted down a consti- of London School of Oriental and The cost of living only rose about The study is unique being theo
tutional proposal suggesting that African Studies, at 4:15 p.m. to- half as fast as faculty increases by a sociological survey group.
first-time SL candidates must have day in Auditorium C, Angell. Hall. since 1947-49, he said. Prof. Robert L. Kahn, director

Opens Today
Special to The Daily
battle for the NCAA hockey cham-
pionship gets underway tonight as
Minnesota's Gophers meet the
Eagles of Boston College in the
first semi-final game of the three
day tourney.
Tomorrow night Michigan will
battle Rensselaer Polytechnic In-
stitute in the second first round'
match with the winners of these
games to meet in the showdown
battle Saturday evening.
* * *
JOHNNY Mariucci's Minnesota.
squad, holders of this year's West-
ern Hockey League crown, will be
battling the East's top collegiate
hockey team. Boston College was
ranked first in the East by a group
of sportswriters who conducted
weekly polls throughout the sea-
The Eagles, who finished the
season with a 17-2 record, are
the only one of the four teams
in the tournament which was
not here last year. In the 1953
playoffs Minnesota defeated
RPI, 3-2, before bowing to the
champion Wolverines, 7-3, in the
finals. The Engineers rebounded
from their defeat to paste Bos.
ten University, 6-3, in the con.
solation game.
RPI, which became the senti-
mental favorite after holding the
Gophers to.a 3-2 victory with only
a nine min squad, once 'again is '
headed by its sensational combi-
nation of Abbie Moore and Frank
Moore, who has been among the
nation's top scorers all year, was
voted to the 1953 tournament All-
Star team, while Chiarelli was
named to the 1953 All-American
See GOPHERS, Page 3
Attempt Made
To Halt Strike

more in the red. It would relieve
millions of taxpayers with low in-
comes or large families from any
income tax bill at all.
THE ISSUE threatens to bring
one of the biggest and closest con-
gressional battles of this congres-
sional election year. The show-
down in the House is scheduled
next Wednesday and Thursday,


when Democrats are expected to
try writing the exemption increase
into an 875-page general tax over-
haul bill.
Republican leader ,Ialleck of'
Indiana told the Houe the Re-
publican-sponsored tax program
for this year will provide re-
ductions of $7,300,000,000 al-
together. He said individuals
would received $4,700,000,000 of
these benefits with the re-
mainder going to corporations.
Democrats generally retorted
that the over-all revision program
is loaded with "give-aways" to big
business and wealthy stockholders,

with only a pittance for the aver-
age taxpayer.

Gale explained the move of the teas in another manner. "We
have had to move our international teas to the Rackham Bldg. be-
cause the Center became so uncomfortably crowded," he noted. "This
J is just' a demonstration of how stu-
dent attendance is growing." Stu-
Industrial League dents were the very ones that had
rnt lth h t Rakham

reu, esdencange o cxiai
Elects New Officers Bldg., Gale said.
Art Cornfeld, '56, was elected NOT ALL foreign students
president of the Students' League agreed on the amount or existence
for Industrial Democracy at a of prejudice in the Center, how-
meeting last night. ever. One countered charges by
Other officers are John LeggettI saying "foreign students just ex-
' i e ; t v pect too much of the Center and
'56, corresponding secretary;Pat of America in general when they
Moore, '55, treasurer and Dick airive here.
Peretz, '56, member-at-large for The same student, however, did
the executive committee. admit there had been some strong
evidence of discrimination shown
toward Asiatic and African stu-
iel sDiseusses dents at the Center in past years,

worked on the Legislature's execu-
tive wing for one semester to ap-'
pear on the ballot.
One member declared SL
would seat better Legislators un-
der this plan, since candidates
would be forced to show an in-
terest in SL for one semester
before running for election.
Only other referendum on the
March ballot will concern the con-I
tinuation of the Block M section
as presently constituted.
The Legislature also passed two
motions giving the Campus Action


DETROIT - (A-) - Negotiators
attempted last night to avert a
stirike on the Michigan C6'ntral
srk ah Center Railroad set for 6:30 a.m. today
by the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen (Ind.).
ibor U nions Union and management negoti-
ators held a marathon session.
Leverett Edwards of the U.S.
often asked questions about labor Mediation Service, after hours' of
the Survey Research Center under negotiating in a downtown hotel,
ndation. said:
only one of its kind ever attempted 'Tm hopeful the strike can be
averted. There's nothing definite
of the Center's Human Relation's I can say one way or the other
Program, commented, "Unions are right now.
a new field for psychological re- "But we're going to stick at the
search. We have studied indus- negotiations 'ight up to the dead-
trial and government organiza- line if necessary."
tions a great deal, but know almost Meanwhile, a planned freight
nothing about unions excpect their embargo and a layoff of 12,000
concern with wages and hours. Michigan Central employes were
* * * held up pending the outcome of
"IT'S TIME," he said, "that so- negotiations. The dispute involves
cial scientists go to work on such an interpretation of working
important questions about unions agreements and some 2,000 mem-
as their member's involvement in bers of the union.
projects, their motivations in Federal mediators said it was
joining, their satisfactions or psy- encouraging that representatives
chological return, and their per- of management and the union had
ception of the company they work been brought together 'for nego-
for." tiations.
Four local industrial 'unions, -

Army To Call Al- 1954 ROTC Grads

IArmy ROTC graduates
missioned and called to University cadets had been POLICY difficulties arose thist
sy for at least 18 and assured that all 1954 graduates year when the Army budget was
4 months, a Defense De- would receive commissions in a slashed and it became apparent
recent letter from Lt. Gen. Wil- that the Army would go over its
announcement revealed liam B. Kean to University Pres- officer quota in all ROTC grad-
g to a Daily query, De- ident Harlan H. Hatcher. uates were to serve the two-year'
g t nto PuD ic uer, De- hitch of active duty provided in
artment Public Informa- About 60 University seniors in .their contracts.
tLr C. Herschel SchooleyI the campus Army ROTC compo- U
t the Army has not yet Inent are affected by the policy. Under the 18 to 24 month ac-
d its plan for implement- 1-tive duty policy, the Army pre-


but said it was quickly disappear- Committee power to ask student n" .e
Homeric Heroes ing. members of the Boards in Control' tion Direct
* *of Student Athletics and Student added tha

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