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March 10, 1954 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-03-10

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City's-Parking Ranks Among Finest

During the past year, the Ann
Arbor parking system has accom-
modated a. line of cars which if,
placed bumper to bumper, would
make a line stretching from Ann
Arbor to St. Louis, back again to
Ann Arbor and down to Chicago,
according to Mayor William E.
With eight locations, including
two car-ports and six surface lots,
the city is parking close to 2,000
cars a day. During the month of
February, 37,000 cars were taken
off the streets.
COMMENTING on what has
ben acclaimed as the finest park-
ing system in the United States,
Mayor Brown said, "Ann Arbor's
traffic problems are nodifferent
from those of any other.city. With
more than 25,000 registered cars
and about 3,500 student-owned
cars, a terrific traffic problem
"In 1945, our main street was
a disgrace," noted Brown. "Now
we are drawing trade from De-
troit, Dearborn and Wayne."
Along with the off-street park-
ing lots, Ann Arbor's parking sys-
tem includes more than 1,000 met-
ered curb spaces, which charge one
cent for twelve minutes and a
nickel an hour. Motorists pay ten
cents for the first two hours and
five cents for every additional two
hours in order to park in the car-
ports or the surface lots.
Explaining the rapid rise in the
efficiency of municipal parking in
Ann Arbor, Mayor Brown remark-
ed, "In 1945, as mayor, I proposed
that parking meters be installed
and a parking authority created.
All revenues from the parking lots
and meters were to be put into a
fund to offer security for revenue
* * *
IN AUGUST, 1947, the Common
Council passed an ordinance com-
bining al parking facilities into
the Ann Arbor Automobile Park-
ing System. Termed "very suc-1
cessful" by the mayor, the system
is netting a yearly profit of more
than $100,000 a year.
Now, according to Brown,
every area in Ann Arbor is ser-
viced, although not all of them

U' Faculty
To Launch
Blood Club
University personnel are being
invited to join a new kind of club.
Membership requirement is one
pint of blood.
THIS DONATION will enroll the
staffer in the University Blood
Donor's Club, and entitle him and
his family to all the blood they
may need anywhere in the United
State during an interval of ap-
proximately 18 months afterwards,
without payment.
Purpose of the Club, which is
being set up in conjunction with
the Red Cross, is to make blood
available for the armed forces
and to set up a reserve blood
supply for the club members and
their families.
Of the blood collected, 50 per-
cent will be given to the Red Cross
for the Armed Forces, gamma
globulin and defense stockpiling
programs. The remainder will be
held in the Red Cross regional
bank for use by group members.
The Club will be organized along
thq same lines as blood donor
groups in industrial firms and in
the service.
* * s
ALREADY 300 have signed up
for the first Blood Donor's Day,
which will be held March 24, ac-
cording to Dr. Margaret Bell,
Chairman of the Women's Phy-
sical Education department and
committee member. Charter mem-
bers will select a board of directors,
who will draw up a constitution
and by-laws.
Those interested in providing
such insurance for themselves
should send the forms sent out
to Rm. 3026 Administration Bldg.
by March 12.

Michigras Balloon Discovered in Oklahoma Backyard

A balloon blew up in Oklahoma
and the repercussions of the blast
were felt in the offices of The
Daily yesterday.
It began early in the morning
when a letter postmarked Bart-
lesville, Okla., made its appear-
ance as a "Letter To The Editor."
IT READ in part:
"Yesterday morning I got up
early for I had quite a few things
to do. I walked into the back yard
to empty the garbage, and much
to my surprise, I saw a bright
green balloon sitting on my back
"I picked it up to throw it in
the garbage," the writer of the
missile continued, "but I no-


ticed a piece of paper or some-
thing inside the balloon, so I
popped the balloon and read the
piece of paper, which said 'To
the , finder--this entitles the
bearer to a free ticket to MI-
CHIGRAS, April 23rd and 24th,
Yost Field House, Ann Arbor,
"I'd just like to know what MI-
OHIGRAS is; Is it a play? Is it a
dance? Is it some sort of athletic
event? Is it a fair'or something?"
the writer asked. "Perhaps you
could somehow let me know this
information, for if it is a worth-
while event, I may be able to at-
tend . .."
Several bits in the letter set The
Daily staff to work trying to ver-
ify its authenticity.

A QUICK call to the weather
bureau heightened suspicions but
proved nothing. Friday, the day:
the Michigras committee launched
a similar series of balloons from'
the Diag, the prevailing wind was'
west. Saturday it was west-south-
west and Sunday northwest.
It appeared impossible for the
balloon to have sailed from here
to Oklahoma.
Hal Abrams, '54, co-chairman
of the Michigras committee said
late yesterday "With the fine qua-
lity of Michigras balloons any-
thing is possible. Even if you be-
lieve this balloon was a hoax Mi-
chigras won't be one'," he said.
No one would confirm or deny
the balloon's validity. Enigmatic
smiles met the question.

And following a policy meeting
Virginia Voss, '54, Editorial Direc-
tor of The Daily said the letter
would not be run because "We've
had too many balloons in the let-
ters column to risk another one."
WJR To Present
John Scopes Story
The story of John Scopes, con-
troversial figure in the Tennessee
"Monkey" Trials of the 1920's, will
be dramatized in a half hour pro-
gram over WJR at 9:30 p.m. today.
The broadcast, second in a ser-
ies produced by WUOM in aca-
demic freedom in the Western
world centers around the teach-
ing of Darwin's theory.



have fully adequate facilities.
"We're not letting the status
quo stand. Further expansion is
planned, to be financed by three
revenue bonds, and a saturation
point should be reached in from
eight to ten years."
Mayor Brown cited several of
the advantages reaped by the city
since the new parking system went
into operation. Chief among these
was the traffic safety record to
which Ann Arbor may point with
pride. Recently awarded first prize
in the National Safety Council's
citations for cities of this size,
Ann Arbor has not had a trafficI
fatality in more than six years.
* * *
BROWN noted, "Every car we
take off the streets removes a po-
tential traffic hazard. The park-
ing system has been largely re-
sponsible for the low number of
pedestrian accidents."
A second advantage of the add-
ed off-street parking facilities has
been the tremendous increase in
real estate values. Estimates indi-
cate that the assessed valuation
has risen from 2 million to 3 mil-
lion dollars, According to Brown,
"this is not a matter of conjec-
ture, but has been definitely proved

by real estate sales in the areas
of parking facilities."
Third on the list is the increased
volume of business done by Ann
Arbor merchants. "Traffic within
a business district depends upon
the ease and convenience with
which the potential customer can
enter that area," said the mayor.
By.making it easier to park and
by maintaining low rates, claimed
Mayor Brown, the Ann Arbor
Parking System has encouraged
more customers and consequently,
more buying.
Local Elections
Viewed by YD's
Speaking on some of the Im-
portant questions pertinent to the
coming Ann' Arbor election, three
active Democrats gave their views
at last night's Young Democrats
Dean Coston, the only Demo-
cratic councilman (of 14) in Ann
Arbor viewed the geneial political
problem of the city: Speaking on
two important planks in the city
platform were Louise Cain and
Brett Miller.

Sound engineering is one of the foundation stones of
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Since 1892, G.E.'s Engineering Program-the oldest on-
the-job training program in industry-has been affording
young engineers widespread opportunities for professional
Besides the engineering fields briefly described here;
career opportunities with a bright future are waiting for
engineers in other important fields at General Electric
... in manufacturing engineering ... sales engineering
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... administration . .. other specialties in engineering;
If you are an engineer interested in building a career
with an expanding and ever-growing Company see your
college placement director for the next visit of the G-E
representative on your campus. Meanwhile, for further
information on opportunities with G.E.; write to College
Editor, Dept. 2-123, General Electric Co., Schenectady
5, N. Y.




SL Agenda
Student Legislature will dis-
cuss the following motions and
reports when it meets at 7:30
p.m. today in Strauss House
dining room of East Quad-
Cinema Guild sponsors
Continue discussion of the re-
vised student government con-
Student Affairs Committee
Elections Committee report
Free University of Berlin re-
Fresh Air Camp report
Driving ban petitions
Calendaring report
Mock UN Assembly report
SL has invited all interested
students and faculty members
to attend the meeting.
Dances Set Today
Organized to teach dances and
folk songs of the Israel area, the
campus Israeli Dance Group will
meet at 8 p.m. today in the Hillel
All interested in dancing may
Snell To Lecture
Prof. Bruno Snell of the Uni-
versity of Hamburg, Germany, will
speak on "Homer and the Origin
of Historical Consciousness" in a
clasical studies department ,lec-
ture at 4:15 p.m. today in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall.

RESEARCH-World famous f or its achievements in both pure and
applied science, G-E research is led by scientists whose names are
known everywhere. The many Company laboratories cover a wide
range of scientific investigations. Research activities include physics,
chemistry, metallurgy, mechanical and electrical problems, ceramics,
and many other fields.



Opportunity...Ceiling Unlimited!

engineers are continually ,obtaining and ship in the electrical field, design engineers equipment today is designed for a specific
assessing new basic engineering and scien- are constantly striving to develop new and use, the application engineer must have a
tific knowledge to make possible new de- better products. Their skill is largely respon. broad knowledge of the industry for which
velopments. They serve as consultants to sible for the steam and gas turbines, motors, a particular product is being designed. Be.
help in the solutions of engineering prob. heat pump, control equipment, and many, cause G-E products are widely used through.
lems, which often require research, experi. other products. In electronics, they design out industry, imagination, determination,
mentation, and the development of a new equipment for television broadcasting and and a sound knowledge of engineering are
product or component. reception, radar, and other electronic equip- important assets in this ever-growing field.

Will Be On the Campus --
To Interview Graduates About Exceptional Employment
Opportunities -,Check With Your Placement Bureau.


At Wright Aeronautical Division of Curtiss-Wright
Corporation, young engineers have a broad field
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jobs. Here is a permanent center of research and
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We are concerned primarily with development
and production of reciprocating and jet
engines and development' of turboprops and ramjets.
But the vast pool of engineering specialists who
work on these long-term projects is engaged
in activities in many fields other than. aviation.
There is a continuing search for new materials,
new techniques and processes, new products.. .
even some consumer goods.
We have many career opportunities for ambitious
young men. There's room here to advance and win
recognition and rewards. Ouf' "on the job" training
will put you on the right road to success.

the stars got
Vaughn Monroe
4 says :.
"In high school,
I spent all my spare
time playing with
local bands.
I had a lot to learn before
I could lead my own band.
I studied singing; eventually did
the vocals - and found that
the colleges kind of liked
my recordings.
Been performing for 'em
ever since!"


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