aily Business, itorial Staffs Issue Tryout Call Are you bored with your classes? Friends? Homework? Would you like to do exciting things? Have fun? Meet fascinating! people? Then the things to do is to join America's best college newepaper -The Michigan Daily. ANY STUDENT scholastically eligible and interested in either the writing or advertising end of newspaper work may attend one of the introductory meetings. No previous experience is necessary. Editorial tryout meetings will be held at 7:15 p.m. today and 4:15 p.m. tomorrow. The business staff will hold its last tryout meeting 4:15 p.m. today. All groups will meet in the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St. Winner of many collegiate newspaper awards, The Daily is go- ing into its 65th year of publication independent of the University. Coming out six mornings a week, The Daily has a circulation of 7,000 with the latest deadline in the state. * * * * THE $500,000 PLANT which houses The Daily is the finest col- legiate newspaper plant in the nation surpassing even those of some small town periodicals. It is published in its own shop complete with four Linotypes, a $70,000 rotary press and a photo-engraving machine. Among some of The Daily's more noted alumni are Gov. Thomas Dewey of New York, Frank Gilbreth, author of "Cheaper by the Dozen," Chesser Campbell, vice-president of the Chicago Tribune, Brewster Campbell, executive city editor of the Detroit Free Press, and Stan Swinton, foreign correspondent for the Associated Press. Situated behind Betsy Barbour Dormitory, the building was com- pleted and occupied in 1932. Profits accumulated during the boom of the 1920's completely paid for it. Nineteen young men aggravated over campus conditions found-} ed The Daily in 1890. Great changes have occurred since then and through the years The Daily has grown from the original 8 by 12 inch sheet with advertising on the front page to the professional looking eight column paper it is today. WRITING STAFFS Tryouts on editorial, sports and women's staffs will learn the fundamentals of headwriting and proof reading and later news, fea- ture and editorial writing. Following his initial semester, the tryout is automatically advanced to the "soph staff" with the added respon- sibility of covering a beat connected with the University or Ann Arbor. Here he will have the opportunity to meet other campus personalities, members of the faculty and administration and oc- casionally a famous national figure. The Daily staffer will then be eligible for one of the salaried jun- ior positions which entails putting out the paper one night a week at the same time continuing on with one of the choice beats. In his senior year he may rise to one of the top senior editorial positions. BUSINESS STAFF Beginners on the business staff will be taught the rudiments of advertising which includes layout, servicing, contracts and promo- tions. This newly acquired knowledge will be used in working direct- ly with local merchants. New business staffers will also become fa- miliar with circulation, finance and business;management. As a soph staffer he will be able to specialize in the field of his choice. In following semesters the staffer will have the chance to fill one of the paid junior managerial positions. As a senior he may become one of the high level senior managers. PHOTOGRAPHERS Positions are also open for staff photographers. The Daily furn- ishes all photography equipment. Later photographers may work themselves up to paying positions. Come early. Avoid the rush. A LOT'S iN A NAME See Page 4 Sfr iAzr Latest Deadline in the State D43aiit CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES ES VOL. LXIV, No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1954 SIX PAG U' Opposes Latest MSC Name Ation [ Marvin L. Niehuss, University vice-president, yesterday put the 4 University on 'record as opposing the latest proposal iri Michigan State College's campaign to be- come Michigan State University. A bill to change MSC's name from "Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science" to "Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science" was introduced into the Senate by Sen. Harry F. Hittle (R-East Lan- sing). Niehuss said, in a statement, "If the name were changed to Michigan State University of Ag- ricuture and Applied Sciences it would soon be known only as Michigan State University. "We repeat we have no objec- tion to Michigan State Cllege X uthg the name university, pro- vided no name nis not similar to that of the University of Michi- gan that it would cause unneces- sary confusion and mistaken iden- tity," he added. Students rOkay MSU By PHIL GUNBY Michigan State News Manager EAST LANSING (Special) Michigan State students are final- ly getting up steam over the pro- posed name change to Michigan State University. Whether it will build up any pressure - perhaps on the State Legislature-or just evaporate as so niuch hot air remains to be seen. * * * AT ANY RATE, students last week began their first united ef- forts in support of the name change bill, now being studied by the House Committee on Educa- tional Institutions. After more than a week of cautioning the student body not to accept the proposal with- outhcareful consideration, the Michigan State News, daily campus newspaper, MI o n d a y morning came out in editorial support of the change. Wednesday evening, the MSC Student Congress, which had pre- viously sent a resolution favoring the change to the legislature, ap- proved a plan to obtain student signatures on a petition to be sent to legislators considering the bill. The petitions are now in the process of being signed. THURSDAY afternoon, Dave Hyman, president of student gov- ernment (of which the Student Congress is a branch); Pat Yaroch, State News editor; and Marilyn McBride, s t u d e n t government treasurer, appeared before the Housecommittee and convinced ' members that a two-week exten- sion of time to further consider the bill and hold a public hearing 'should be requested. The name change proposal or- iginally was scheduled to die in committee three days ago. While there is no campus-wide opinion that the measure will pass, 'Ensian A Campus sale of 'Ensians will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today. Cost of an 'Ensian will re- main at $6.00 for only a few more days, when prices will be increased, 'Ensian officials an- nounced. Neary Urges Student Tax At Meeting The question of a student tax was the crux of the controversy at last night's meeting of the Stu- dent Legislature Constitution and ' structure study committee. Legislature president Bob Nea- ry, '54BAd, suggested a .plan whereby a student tax for SL may be initiated by a two-thirds vote of the Legislature and ratification of the constitution by a majority of students voting at the next all- campus election. + " s THE REVISED constitution with the tax provision would be pre- sented to SL, to the student body in the spring elections, and then the Student'Affairs Committee. The constitutional authoriza- tion would include a specified amount, yet to be determined by the SL finance committee and approved by the Legislature ac- cording to Neary. The SL president claimed "To a certain extent, response to the tax proposal would be a vote of con-i fidence or no confidence in the Legislature." After the committee passed this tax provision, the group voted down a suggestion for a method of re- call for Legislature mnembers since such a method would be unfeas- ible under the present Hare system of all campus voting. Hatcher Tours U' Alumni Clubs President Harlan H. Hatcher, touring 'U' Alumni Clubs, last week visited Clubs in Washington, D.C., New York City and Puerto Rico. President Hatcher spoke at the Alumni Club's annual congres- sional dinner in honor of Michi- gan men in Congress Thursday in Washington. Accompanying Presi- dent Hatcher are Regent Charles S. Kennedy and T. Hawley Tap- 3 ping, President of the National Alumni Association. ommission Unemployn 4 By PAT ROELFS F 'Middle Way' Suggested By Baldwin By ARLENE LISS Reviewing the world situation' at "the dangerous dawn on the atomic age," Hanson Baldwin, military editor of the New York Times advocated a policy of the middle way or balance of power in a lecture last night.' Speaking in the fourth of the Lecture Series, Baldwin attacked the approach that favors a pre- ventive war against Russia. He claimed that war is by no means inevitable and if it came it would not solve all our ills. He also dis- missed an isolation policy, "we need the world and the world needs us." * * * Big Fou- To Hear New Soviet Plan Proposal To Try To Kill EDC; Molotov Blocks Talks On Germany BERLIN - (AP) - Soviet Russia, striving to wreck the Western de- fense alliance, declared yesterday it will present a new plan for "Euro- pean security" to the Big Four conference here today. Soviet Foreign Minister Yacheslav Molotov, who had refused at a secret session Monday to get the Korean peace conference started. on United Nations terms, yesterday kept the foreign ministers in a futile deadlock on Germany. IN SHARPLY worded exchanges with U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, the Soviet foreign minister disclosed he would offer a new Communist. -Daily-Don Campbell DENVER GOALIE BILL BEGG IS INJURED AS HE FOILS 'M' SCORING ATTEMPT. security plan in an attempt to kill off the European Defense Com- munity. Rehashing Communist argu- itinn .. roe- 4 ~- - IFC Pledge _,-{'' 1. ° r FOLLOWING a "ba ance of jM/i a oc e e m T power" policy would entail main-' taining a strong standing U. S. n army and keeping the draft. Bald- B win explained. He urged working'GeByeH LE wGRwth bout igan's hockey club last night "at with the United Nations but cau- orge his goa ith amo the Coliseum and enabled the tioned against expecting "the mil- a minute remaining in the game thW oliese wadenaledw thae lenium in the near future." clinched a 5-3 victory for Mich- Wolverines to sweep the two-game _____um__n___henear__uure_"_set with Denver University's Pio- The Pulitzer Prize winner * * neers' said Germany would soon be the I C Orientation Leading 4-1 as the third period major power in Europe and her n opened, Michigan's weary squad armament is inevitable. In ord- rogram Begmills began to show the effects of four er to obtain a balance of power, hockey games in five nights and he continued, Japan would also A housing orientation program fell victim to a Denver uprising II ntpQ i ments since a six-nat on3u. jw an army including West German units was envisaged in 1950, Mo- rowed the margin to 4-3 and only lotovsaid EDC was a "prepara- some great defensive play kept tion for war" against his coun- R e orted the one goal lead stand until Chin try.R po t netted the clincher. - He ignored Eden when the latter For a while the Wolverine reiterated Britain's offer to extend Interfraternity Council'expecta- rearguard had to stand off 'a the 20 - year British - Soviet pact tions were running high for a I determined Denver power play against German aggression beyond bumper crop of second semester while Jay Goold . was serving its expiration date in 1963 in order pledges as registration for the two- two-minutes in the penalty box to allay Russian fears. week rush session entered its sixth day yesterday. for tripping. There was no expectation in the The final goal eased the tension Western diplomatic camp that the 'Prospective rushees must sign of the Denver attack and finally new. Communist security plan up in the office of Assistant to the won what appeared .to. be at the would be more than another booby Dean of Students Bill Zerman, 1020 second intermission a certain trap to weak free Europe. Administration Bldg., by Feb. 17, Michigan victory. The Wolverines Molotov clung tenaciously to all IC rushing chairman Al Fey, '5E, had taken advantage of Denver his demands of last week for "neu- said yesterday. lapses early in the first period and tralization" of a unified Germany had jumped off to a 2-0 lead. with Communists at the govern- RUSHING itself will officially * * * mental helm. begin with open house at the 44 PAT COONEY stole the puck, ;-- -- campus fraternities Sunday after- from a Pioneer in the Michigan t' _ -_ noon and evening. have to be strengthened. America "lost a campaign in the struggle for the world" when China went Communist, according to Baldwin. A loss which is not en- tirely offset by Tito's independence or the weakness of East Berlin. Discussing atomic power, the military analyst pointed out that no war can be fought entirely with atomic weapons. He also empha- sized that Russia's advance in atomic and hydrogen power tends to neutralize the U. S. stockpile advantage. for men will be held in the main lounge of each of the men's resi- dence halls from,3 to 4:30 p.m. to- day. Sponsored by the IHC, this will be the first in a housing informa- tion program planned for the sec- ond semester of each school year. Through meetings of this type, men in the residence halls will have first hand contact with fra- ternity and co-operative housing representatives. Interfra ternityl Council and Inter - cooperative Council have been invited to par- ticipate in the meetings. which almost succeeded in tieing the score. * * * TWO DENVER goals had nar- Auctions Help Dimes Drive Petitioning To Begin Today Peiinn oBgnFor Joint Judiciary Posts Petitioning for five openings on the Joint Judiciary Council, "the student high court" will open today. Three men and two women will be appointed for one year terms on the basis of the petitions and an interview before a special five-member interviewing board. * * * * PETITIONS ARE available at the Student Legislature Bldg. They must be returned by Feb. 17. The five new Judic members, together with the five present members whose terms have not expired, will hear cases of al- o leged student infractions of Uni- versity rules. A inounces Although Judic's findlings are reviewed by the University Sub- Committee on Discipline, the rul- ?n t .Ef res ings of the student judges are final in nearly all cases. The five new members may also are building." The union mem- be picked as Judic officers. Selec- ber stated that carpenters, elec- tion of officers is made by the re- tricians and other members of tiring and returning members of the union register in union of- the council, from the returning fice when unemployed. members and the new appointees. A total of $1700 was raised for zone while the Wolverines were a uoncer ,pens the Ann Arbor March of Dimes man short, skated the full lengthcoo campaign by the auction of var- jf th alrink andtsed th~le open- Todlay cft H ious articles by telephone on the ing tally unassisted at 4:43. Junior Chamber of Commerce Thirty seconds later Jim sponsored marathon on radio sta- Ilaas scored again for Michigan Seveal concert selections n tion WHRV last night. as he banged home an unassist- played locally for at least six year ed goal during a delayed whistle. will be heard when the Toront+ The amount raised by the auc- idApealt wsing aled te Symphony, conducted by Sir Er tioning was approximately $1,000.1A penalty was beingrailed toa nest MacMillan, performs startin Btioningwas0aproxiatelby $1,100.'Denver player but Haas scored But the $500 presented by the Vet- the goal before the whistle was at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi erans of Foreign Wars and the t t a torium. check for $100 from The Daily out blown o s op', Page 3 Chausson's "Symphony in] of funds from the sale of its spec- I ,Seage___ Flat Major, Op. 20" was last per ial J-Hop issue brought the total formed here by, the Minneapoli to $1,700. icFraterity Heads I Symphony in 1948, while Brit * ten's "Soirees Musicales - Fiv Earlier. Mrs. James Nichols. C ange Elections Movements, from Rossini" will b chairman of the drive, thanked; played for the first time in An students for the $700 they had The Fraternity Presidents' As- Arbor. donated on the dime cards. sembly last night okayed a minor Sir MacMillan's "Two Sketche Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.., change in its constitution concern- I for String Orchestra on Frenc paid $100 for a football that was ing time of election of officers and Canadian Airs" is another first Under a new IPC ruling; men, other than first semest freshmen, must have at least 2. scholastic average in order pledge. All ter a to Ot rS o r- g ,- Beginning tomorrow IFC rush-, ing counselors will be available in the IFC offices, Rm. 3C of the Uion, to discuss rushing prob- lems with interested men. B Each fraternity is required to - supply a rushing counselor for the is service. The counselor is not per- - mitted to express his personal ve prejudice in talking with the e rushees. n According to Fey, a survey con- ducted by the IFC for the Student s Affairs Committee last fall showed h that 95 per cent of about 400 - rushees making use of .the service - felt they were in no way being r- presured in favor of a particular house. - Book Exchange used in warm-up sessions of the 1951 Rose Bowl and auctioned off. Sigma Alpha Epsilon claimed the hockey stick autographed by hock- ey coach Vic Heyliger and his team. Chi Omega took two -auto- graphed Stan Kenton records. voted unanimously to support thei annual University Day program May 1. f Committee reports were given and IFC rules regarding initiation and rushing procedures empha- sised to the house presidents. timer here. The symphony will a so present the "Overture to Eui yanthe" by Weber. ' Tickets priced at $1.50, $2, $2.5 and $3 are on sale at the Univer sity Musical Society office in-Bur ton Tower. A report from the local branch of the Michigan Employment Se- curity Commission yesterday re- vealed that 1250 unemployed per- sons are registered in Washtenaw county, and that 1500 laborers are now drawing unemployment insur- ance here. According to a spokesman from the Commission these figures are "nothing to be alarmed at," be- i i l MORE COLLEGE GRADS? Future Rail Leadership Considered' From 8 a.m.. to 5 p.m. today students will have their last chance to buy used textbooks from the Student Book Ex- change. The exchange is located in the north corridor on the first r 1 By JON SOBELOFF # I Building and construction work- * * *j~- ers who are members of Laborers ANY STUDENT with at least Why can't more college grad- Local 959 estimated 50 per cent of sixty credit hours who is not a uates say 'I've been working on; their members unemployed at the member of Student Legislature the railroad?" present time. One member of the and is acaderhically eligible may About 50 top railroad and col-r union said that the number of be chosen for a post on Joint Ju- lege officials will try to answer 4-floor of Angell Hall. The delegates will also take a railroading involving several aca- look at the general future outlook demic departments, foster re- SL Committee for the railroads, and discuss how search and develop the transpor- to recruit and train the industry's tation library located in the East Student Legislature's . Academic "big wheels" of tomorrow. Engineering Bldg. Freedom Suboommittee will meet Highlighting today's activities At a luncheon today. in the at 5 p.m.* today in the Union. r E