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March 04, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-04

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- See Page 4

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Latest Deadline in 'the State

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Petitions for 24 Student Leg-
islature seats to be filled in all-
campus elections March 30 and
31 may be picked up from 1 to
,15 p.m. today and tomorrow and
from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday in
f4 t- the SL Bldg.
Petitions for nine J-Hop
. ,posts, seven Union vice-presi-
dential positions, three mem-
<> >:r:::* bers of the Board in Control of
F.": .' r : Student Publications and one
Board in Control of Inter-Col-
. . legiate Athletics member are
also available.

-Daily-Don Campbell

Central Michigan
Hit byBlizzards
Central Michigan was briefly paralyzed yesterday by what the
weatherman termed the worst snowstorm in the stiate since 1951 as
40-55 mile-an-hour winds and five inches of new snow blocked roads,
grounded planes and caused two deaths.
State police reported that main roads were cleared and normal
Willow Run flight schedules were resumed by late yesterday follow-
ing the eleven hour snowstorm that subsided by 2 p.m.
* * * *
ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS in Ann Arbor maintained regular classes
all day although attendance was down as much .as two thirds in
-- many of them. Buses carrying rur-

Jury Indicts
Law makers'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - (R) - A fed-
eral grand jury acted with near-
record speed yesterday indicting
four Puerto Ricans accused of
wounding five Congress members
in Monday's bullet-spraying burst
of violence in the House of Rep-
The jury was reported to have
voted almost immediately after
U.S. Atty. Leo A. Rover complet-
ed presenting the government's
case in one hour and 45 minutes.
.* * *
ROVER told newsmen the grav-
ity of the crime warranted the
speedy action. Only six witnesses
were used.
The assailants, including the ,
self-styled ringleader, Mrs. Lo-
lita Lebron, 34, were charged
with assault with intent to kill
and assault with a dangerous
Police said three of the alleged
gun wielders, including Mrs. Le-
bron, have confessed, but a fourth,
Irving Flores Rodriguez, 28, has
refused to talk.
Rodriguez was seized at a bus
station shortly after the shooting
in which the assailants, shouting
"Free Puerto Rico!" and waving
the flag of the island common-
wealth, blazed away with Luger-
style automatic pistoIs at some 250
lawmakers on the House floor.
* . , *
REP. ALVIN Bentley (R-Mich.),
most seriously wounded in the in-
cident, was reported "still in ser-
ious condition but making satis-
factory progress" in his fight to
recover from bullet wounds suf-
fered in Monday's shooting affray
in the House chamber.
In Puerto Rico, United States
and insular officials probed yes-
terday into Puerto Rican angles
of the shooting of the five U.S.
Congressmen, but kept their
movements secret.
Acting Gov. Roberto Sanchez
Vilella told newsmen the Justice
Department is studying a state-
ment issued Tuesday by ailing Na-
tionalist leader Pedro Albizu Cam-
pos, who said the Purto Ricans
who shot the congressmen were on
"a journey of sublime heroism."

U Budget
Cut Included
In House Bill
Niehuss Stresses
Expanding Needs
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' rec-
ommended cut in the University's
operations budget request has been
embodied in a bill by the House
Ways and Means Committee.
But the bill, introduced with a
flood of other measures Tuesday
afternoon, was immediately re-
turned to committe.
* * *
UNIVERSITY Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss said last night
he was hopeful that the committee
will make a new recommendation
"more in keeping with the expand-
ingineeds of the University.",
As introduced, the bill would
authorize $20,019,000 for cur-
rent University operating ex-
penses. The University original-
ly requested $21,688,000.
Meanwhile the University capi-
tal outlays and new "human re-
sources" requests are still in Sen-
ate committee. They will probably
be reported out sometime next
IF THE Senate committee fol-
lows Gov. Williams' suggestions,
it will introduce a bill providing
only $2,500,000 of the University's
$14,337,200 capital outlays request,
eliminating completely the $977,-
000 asked for "research and ser-
vice in the development of human
The $1,569,000 slash in the op-
erating budget request was hit
by University officials when it
was recommended in January by
the Governor. The Governor's
recommendation- and the present
bill do represent an increase over
last year's operations appropria-
tion, however.
Proposed merit increases of
$860,000 for faculty members and
$820,000 the University reggested
to add staff and facilities to take
care of the expected 1,000 student
increase in enrollment next fall
would absorb most of the $1,569,-
000 cut.
THE PROCEDURE of introduc-
ing a measure and immediately
sending it back to committee is
normal for appropriations meas-
ures, which are generally written
and introduced by a whole sub-
committee rather than a single
The operations request bill was
shrouded in secrecy and doubt
while it was being written, but
when it finally was introduced
Tuesday it confirmed advance
guesses that the governor's rec-
ommendation would not be in-
Chances are fairly good, how-
ever, that the legislators may raise
the appropriation at least slightly
before the bill is brought up for a
full House vote.

Courts Given
OK To Hear'
Labor Cases
The House Labor Committee
voted yesterday to give Federal
courts power to hear unfair labor
practices ases which now come
before the National Labor, Rela-
tions Board. -°
Voting 14-13 to take from the
board the quasi-judicial powers it
has exercised for nearly 20 years,;
the committee split sharply across
party lines.
* *-*
THE FIVE-MAN board decided
about 9,900 election cases last
year, its records show.
Prof. Russell Smith of the
Law School said last night he
doubted very much if the meas-
ure would ever be made law.
"Even if it got past the- House,
it could never get past the Sen-
ate Labor Committee," he said.
The labor law authority saw the
proposed change as part of al
movement to make administration
of the law more effective. He
pointed out that the five-man
NLRB was heavily burdened with
its great caseload.
But he added that labor prob-
lems are now so complex that a
special agency to handle them
seemed in order. That has been
the philosophy of the government
ever since the Wagner Act, he
GIVING POWER to decentral-
ized NLRB offices or .to the states
might lead to more effective ad-
ministration Prof. Smith thought.
The Taft-Hartley act has al-
ready stripped the NLRB of its
investigating and prosecuting pow-
ers, giving them to a separate
agency. Now the board is limited
to hearing and deciding com-
plaints and deciding union repre-
sentation questions.
Panhel To Vote
On Revisions
Voting is being held in sorority
houses this week on the amending
of the Panhellenic constitution
and on the fall versus spring rush-


al students did not make sched-
uled trips, however, and elemen-
tary schools allo'ped local child-
ren to take a holiday if transpor-
tation difficulties hampered their
parents in taking them to school.
Local utility ompanies re
ported only slight power troub-
les and trains wer unaffected by
heavy snows. Buses however.
were running late during the
morning with ) +egular time
schedules resumed: by 5 p.m.
Because of translportation diffi-
culties, second and third shifts at
a few industrial plants were sus-
pended. Regular wok has been re-
sumed today, however.
Although University class at-
tendance was up t par througli-
out the day, students' conversa-
tions centered on the blizzard as
they shivered through deep snows
on the campus. A few, undaunted
by 15-degree temperatures troop-
ed to the Arboretum complete with
skis to take advantage of the year's
best skiing weather.
*~ * *
midwest, the snow storm dropped
12 inches on Chicago, depositing
10 inches along Mic3igan's Lake
Michigan shoreline.
Metropolitan D e t: r o it was
blanketed by 6 inches of snow.
The Motor City experienced its
worst traffic jam in ?many years
yesterday when the city's snow
removal crews were unable to
complete their job aliead of the'
morning rush hour traffic.
Temperatures fell sharply in
southern Michigan last. night add-
ing to the troubles facing snow{
removal. Winds up to 50 miles an
hour are expected to drift the new
snow in all areas.,

Tax Cut
House Ways and Means Com-
mittee yesterday brushed aside
Eisenhower Administration op-
position and approved almost
unanimously a billion dollar an-
nual cut in about 20 excise
The changes, if finally enact-
ed, would take effect April 1,
presumably bringing widespread
price reductions on the articles
Ikse A tacks
President Eisenhower criticized
Senator McCarthy in a statement
concerned with the "disregard of
the standards of fair play" at a
press conference yesterday.
McCarthy, stating that he would
continue investigating Commu-
nism, retorted, "If a stupid, ar-
rogant or witless man in a posi-
tion of power appears before our
committee and is found aiding the
Communist Party, he will be ex-
posed. The fact that he might be a
general places him in no special
class as far as I am concerned."
THE BRIEF flare-up between'
McCarthy and Secretary of the
Army Robert T. Stevens was
brought about by McCarthy's
rough handling of Brig. Gen.
Ralph Zwicker. Yesterday the
President praised Zwicker by name
as one of the officers to whom all
Americans owe a "lasting debt."
The President also added, as
an afterthought, that he would
fully support Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles in a pend-
ing argument with McCarthy,
according to the Detroit Free
The forthcoming brawl is con-
cerned with the demotion by
Dulles of Scott McLeod, regarded
as McCarthy's representative in
the State Department.
* * *
IN HIS formal statement about
McCarthy, President Eisenhower
did not refer to the Senator's
charges that Army officers had
"coddled" and "covered up" Com-
When questioned about this, the
President admitted that he had put
something about it in the original
draft of the message, but that he
had dropped it out for the sae of
However, he said strongly that
he did not believe that any senior
officers of the Army have tried to
cover up Communism.
Miracle Drug
Talks To Open
"Miracle Drugs" is the subject of
a forum to be held at 8 D.m. today
at Rackham Amphitheater.
Five local doctors will discuss
questions submitted by the pub-
lic dealing with all types of anti-
biotics, vitamins and hormones.
Participating doctors are Dr. Jer-
ome Conn of the Medical School,
Dr. Craig Barlow, Dr. Paul Wicht,
Dr. Arthur Allen and Dr. B. C.
Payne. Moderator of the discus-
sion will be Dr. Robert Ideson.
Sponsored by the Washtenaw

County Medical Society, Medical
School, the Ann Arbor News and
the Ann Arbor Kiwanis, forums
will be held every Thursday until
April 1.
According to John Rae, chair-
man of the Public and Business
affairs of the Ann Arbor Kiwanis,
possible topics for future f6rums
are arthritus, alergies and cancer.

--Daily-Dean Morton
Faculty Panel Expresses
s hoanalsis Views
A capacity crowd of more than 300 lammed Angell Hall's Audi-
torium B last night to hear three experts in diversified fields treat
psychoanalytic theory in connection with their various arts.
Standing spectators lined the back of the auditorium as Prof.
Paul Henle of the philosophy department, Prof. Marvin Felheim of
the English department and Prof. Daniel Miller of the psychology
department swapped opinions concerning the relative merits of the
* * * *.
LEADING OFF THE discussion, Prof. Miller defined theoretical
psychoanalysis as the motivational approach to behavior. Men are
governed, he said by a number of

SL Favors Student Vote
Before Reorganization

motives usually in conflict.
"To satisfy one of these
wishes causes the other to suffer,
and be deflected," the psycholo-
gist explained.
A person adapts himself to these
frustrations by a series of defense
mechanisms such as forgetfulness,
distortion or cancellation, the ex-
pert noted.
According to the psychoanalytic
theory, he said people have de-
veloped "styles that characterize
their conflict." As an example
Prof. Miller cited Hamlet who was
"pretty irresolute and just couldn't
* * *
IN ANSWER to him, Prof. Fel-
heim agreed that although some
"mythical sophomore" perhaps has
the tendency to view Hamlet "as
though he were his roommate" it
is impossible to approach the char-
acter as. "an individual with an
aberration who needs a cure and
whom an analyist can help."
His reaction has to some ex-
tent been anticipated for us by
the very structure of the play
and the necessity for Hamlet to
tell us explicitly what he is
about. "And then he does not
speak except in blank verse. I
should think blank verse would
be tricky for any analyst con-
fronted with a patient," he said.
It is only where the psychoanaly-'
ist stops and the asthetitician
takes over that a work "becomes
really alive and transcendent,"
Prof. Felheim concluded.
ASSERTING that he had never
tried to psychoanalyze Hamlet,
Prof. Henle called the psycho-
analytic theory "a source of per-
See PANEL, Page 6

Taylor views Puerto Rican
Shooting In House Gallery
Monday's assault on the House of Representatives members by
three fanatic Puerto Rican terrorists has caused loud repercussions
throughout the free world and has aroused considerable speculation asj
to the adequacy of relations between the United States and Puerto
The latest Puerto Rican assault and the earlier attempted assassi-
nation of former President Truman in 1950 have to many people
-*been interpreted as a sign of the

Boston Pops
To Perform
Here Today
Arthur Fiedler, an honorary fire
chief in over 20 cities, will conduct
the Boston Pops Tour Orchestra
for the last concert of the Choral
Union concert series'at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Among the orchestras Fiedler
has conducted are the San Froli-
cisco, Boston, Toronto, Minneap-
olis, NBC, Seattle and San An-
tonio symphonies. In his spare
time he conducts the Boston Fire-
men's Band and is a member of
the fire department there.
* * ,
ON THE program today will be
Wagner's "Entrance of the Guests
from Tannhauser," W e b e r 's
"Overture to Oberon," Handel's
"Largo from Xerxes," Offenbach's
"Suite from Gaite Parisienne,"
Tschaikowsky's "1812 Overture,"
Porter's "Selections from Kiss Me
Kate," Gade's "Jalousie" and El-
gar's "Pomp and Circumstance."
Tickets priced at $3, $2.50, $2
and $1.50 may be purchased at
the University Musical Society of-
fice in Burton Tower until 5 p.m.
and .after 7 p.m. at the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
IUC Meet Today
Inter-House Council will meet
at 7:15 p.m. today in the main
dining room of West Quad.
Discussion is planned on the
conversion of more men's houses
in the quads to women's houses.

Change Must'
Have Assent'
Prof. Laing Asks
Practical Views
In a double-feature vote, Stu-
dent Legislature last night called
for student participation In draw-
ing up any plan of campus gov-
ernment reorganization.
The first proposal favored 22 to
three with one abstention, recom-
mended that "any proposals con-
cerning reorganization of student
government be voted on favorably
by SL and/or the student body."
* * *
SECOND of the motions en-
dorsed requests the Student Af-
fairs Study Committee to appoint
further- student voting represen-
tation on the group during their
discussions of student government
After accepting the first rec-
ommendation unanimously and
the second witholt dissent ear-
ly in the session, the legislators
voted to reconsider the questions
and heard Prof. Lionel Laing of
the political scienee department,
chairman of the study -group, ex-
press views concerning the SL
Prof. Laing felt, "Passage of the
two motions could be expressive
of want of confidence in the study
committee's work."
* *,
HE EXPLAINED the group is at
present in a critical stage of de-
liberation and the Legislature's ac-
tions constituted the first set-back
received by the committee.
"If you want effective studenW
government" Prof. Laing de-
clared, "you must consider the
practical side."
SL corresponding secretary Leah
Marks, '55L, framer of the two
motions, described the actions as
"procedural." She added, "Now
is the time to express student
If Student Legislature post.
pones the question until after the
study committee reports to Uni-
versity President Harlan H. Hat-
cher in April, she continued, this
action then "would constitute a
vote of no-confidence."
SL Treasurer Steve Jelin, '55,
claimed the two recommendations
now stand as a "vote of interest."
SL CONTINUED consideration
of the proposed constitutional re-
visions and ended the process of
taking it up section by section.
Next, week, the Legislature will
vote on the 10-page document as
a whole.
Later in the SL session, the
Legislature acted to set up a
booth on the Diagonal to record
student signatures in favor of
Regents' action on one of the
four proposals concerning a
modification of the driving ban.
Scheduled for March 15 and 16,
the petition will ask that action
be taken at the March meeting of
the Regents.
The Legislature also voted to
submit a referendum to the stu-
dents at the spring elections stu-
dent opinion of the Block "M"
Author To Read
Own Short Story

Katherine Anne Porter will read
one of her famous short stories,
"Flowering Judas," at 4:10 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Miss Porter, visiting lecturer in
English, will deliver the first in a
series of readings-lectures by mem-
bers of the English department.
Prof. Donald Pearce will present
"Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats,"
March 25; Prof. G. B. Harrison,
"Songs and Monologues," April 29;
and Prof. Arthur Carr, "A Read-
ing of Light Verse," May 13.
Steering Group

Marie Training Aims
At Combat Service Skill
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This fs the sec-
and in a series of artieles aimed graduates, and the Platoon Lead-
at informing non-ROTC students, er's Class is intended for un-
primarily June graduates, about the dergrads. Students who ai-e not
various branches of the Armed Forces.) citizens or who are pursuing
By PAUL LADAS courses in theology, medicine,
Since the Marine Corps" primary, and dentistry are ineligible.
function is to engage in combat Basic qualifications for both
action, particularly amphibious these programs are that an appli-
warfare, its training program and cant pass a stringent mental and
service is aimed at producing skill- physical examination, which makes
ed fighting men. allowances to men with nothing
Unlike other services, every one less than 20:30 correctible vision.
of its members must be carefully The PLC program, offered only
instructed in the essentials of bat- to juniors, sophomores and fresh-
tlefield duty. Its basic preparation men, is similar to an ROTC course
course is often considered the stif-I except that there are no interfer-I
fest but also the one which best ences with studies during the nor-
qualifies a man for combat. mal school year. It is open to col-'

intense desire of the Puerto Ricans
for independence.
* * *
PROF. PHILIP B. Taylor of the
political science department how-
ever holds a different view. "I don't
see any real reason why the Puer-
to Ricans should want independ-
ence," the professor said. In ex-
plaining his position Prof. Taylor
alluded to the fact that the Puerto
Ricans would have to pay a high
price for independence.
Puerto Rico is primarily ag-
ricultural and their chief crop
is sugar most of which is export-
ed to the United States. "Under
their Commonwealth status," the
professor commented, "no tariffs
are levied on the sugar, hence,
the price is kept low. "If the, is-
land gained independence, tariffs
would be levied causing the price
to rise and the result would be a
substantial loss to the United
Sttie' market."

Oxford House Experiment Postponed
A proposed sociological study gents asked Vice-President Marvin part of the neighbors wouldn't
slated to be held at 805 Oxford L. Niehuss and Prof. Theodore help the study," commented Bran-
Street this semester, has been Newcomb, chairman of the doc- don.
pstpned dh u toepstes s byn toral program in social psychology* *
postponed due to protests by and director of the study, to try THEXETITION also pointed out
neighbors. to work out the difficulties with that the members of a former
A petitin,drwbuinessman, those Ann Arbor residents who had fraternity that had occupied Ox-
Kempf,Aand signed Arbor ingsre signed the petition. When the ford House until last year, "in-
dents, has caused the Psychology neighbors refused to change their censed, embarrased and disturbed"
. . -___ .. nositionn the TTniversity was forced the neighbors.


ing program. -



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