. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAR 3. 1954 THE MICHIGAI'I DAILY WEDNESDAY. MAR(~U .t 1~Ad Tf a.1Yi1 Y#SYii.i iTji 114V11 Vt i~V7 A CERAMICS, WATERCOLORS: Local Artists Team Up To Hold First Exhibition Daily-Chuck Kelsey '4. By BECKY CONRAD A LOCAL husband and wife team will display their first joint watercolor-ceramic exhibit from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. today in the Forsythe 'Gallery, 1101 Martin Place. Ethel Kudrna Lewis will show 20 pots including bowls, bottles, vases and free forms-"everything from ash trays to milk pitchers"-in Coo p Council To Start House For Graduates The Intercooperative Council is planning to convert Osterweil House at 338 E. Jefferson into a graduate house either this sum- mer or next fall, depending upon the number of graduate women on campus during the summer. I The proposed c h.a n g e was brought about by the large num- ber of graduate women now in co-ops.. They do not come under undergraduate rules, and conse- quently leave at the end of a se- mester. According to co-op officials, with graduate women in one house, the situation would be more /to their liking. There will be no cur- fews and no house mother, and boarders can be included, if the women wish. ' Amission will be according to applications, which are now being eccepted at the Intercooperative Council offices, 1017 Oakland. Os- terweil House is open for inspec- tion by all graduate women inter- estedr Brown Describes Rome of Scipios In describing the Rome of the Scipios "we have to reconstruct by analogy" Prof. Frank E. Brown of Yale University said yesterday. The Townsend professor of Lat- in described the excavations be- ing conducted at Causa. He ex- plained that work at Rome is ex- ceedingly difficult because of the many other civilizations built above the early Roman remains. colors ranging from bright to neu- tral. This is the first ceramic display for Mrs. Lewis who teaches night school classes in Ann Arbor. William A. Lewis will exhibit 23 seascapes, cityscapes, landscapes, and abstracts in the display. Gath- ering source material from studies of cities, ships and the industrial world, Lewis explained, "This is the world with which I am famil- iar." The exhibition, which opened yesterday, will be displayed from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays through April 1. Citizenship Camp Tells of openings William B. Shannon, Executive Director of the Encampment for Citizenship, will talk with anyone interested in spending six weeks at the camp this summer, today .from 1 until 3:15 p.m. in the Sum- mer Projects Rm. of Lane Hall. The Encampment is held at the Fieldson School near New York City. Its program is planned to give young men and women an ap- preciation of the American heri- tage of freedom combined with practical techniques so they can meet their obligations of citizen- ship in a democratic society. ONE HUNDRED and twenty- five Americans, between 17 and 23 years of age, participate in lec- tures, discussion groups, work- shops, and recreation with the help of university professors and other leaders in Labor, farms, business, and politics! The campers come from various religious, racial, so- cial and economic "backgrounds from all over the United States. The cultural and recreational resources of New York City are used as a laboratory. The campers visit many organizations on their weekly field trips. Opera Continues Mendelssohn Run Speech department and the School of Music's production of "Ariadne of Naxos" will continue its run through Saturday, SL Agenda Student Legislature will dis- cuss the following reports and motions at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss House dining room: Appointment of personnel di- rector for elections committee Appoihtment of committee to study feasibility of a district system Motion that student govern- ment reorganization proposals be voted on favorably by SL and/or the student body Motion requesting voting rep- resentation on the Student Af- fairs Study Committee Fresh Air Camp report Revised Constitution report Elections report Motion on flash card section Calendaring report Discrimination report Academic Freedom Subcom- mission report SL has invited all Interested students and faculty members to attend the session. Speech Clinic Slates Plans For Semester The University Speech Clinic has slated three main programs for this semester, according to Dr. D. E. Morley of the clinic's staff. The clinic, directed by Dr. Har- lan Bloomer, serves all students, children and adults who are han- dicapped with speech defects, hearing or language problems. This correction program is de- signed to correct these defects as much as is possible. * * * THE FIRST problem is for adults who have sustained brain damage and are handicapped as a result. Mrs. Marion Knight and Dr. Irwin Brown are in charge of this work. Second, are those adults who have articulation or stutter- ing problems. The director of this program is Dr. D. E. Morley. Last is the program for stu- dents who have speech defects. These troubles were mainly discovered during Orientation Week when .incoming students were tested for speech deficien- cies. Those Who were .found to have these troubles.were told of the classes in the clinic where they could be helped to correct these troubles. Harlan Adams is in charge of this part of the program. Group Schedules Dancing Classes Israeli Dance Group offers op- portunities to develop skill in folk dancing every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Hillel Recreation Rm. Taught by Lil Silverberg, '57, the dance classes are sponsored by the Intercollegiate Zionist Feder- ation of America. Advanced danc- ers may participate in the club's exhibition group. Porter To Begin Reading Series Reading from her own story, "Flowering Judas," Katherine Anne Porter, visiting lecturer in English, will deliver the first in a series of readings by members of the English department at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. LWV Gives Information For Election With city elections only one month off, Democrats and Repub- licans are vigorously campaigning in the seven city wards for posts on the City Council and Board of Supervisors. In 'addition to partisan plat- forms and issues being presented the voters, however, 330 members of the Ann Arbr League of Wom- en Voters are gathering informa- tion on all candidates, views and issues to present to citizens. A Voter's Guide is sent all residents a week before the election express- ing candidates' views, announcing the pros and cons of current issues. * * * "PROMOTING political respon- sibility through informed and ac- tive participation of citizens in government" is the creed of the League. Operating on this princi- ple, the League has for the past year been working as a non-parti- san organization on key issues in city politics. Attention was mainly given to revision of the city char- ter and "sound planning for (or- ganization) and its fringe areas of Ann Arbor." On a state level, the League has beenworking with other chapters backing constitutional revision, changes in election laws, better detention facilities for juveniles, permanent regis- tration of voters and improved tax administration. President of the local League chapter is Mrs. Clyde Coombs, who said that any woman over 21 years of age may beocme a member of the local League. University stu- dents may join the University branch of the Student League of Women Voters. Film Festival Closes Today' Rounding out the Roberty Flah- erty Film Festival, "Louisiana Story" and "Transfer of Power" will be shown at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. The noted producer's "Louisiana Story" deals with American oil drillers. * * * VIRGIL THOMPSON has com- posed musical background for the movie. Filmed in 1939, "Transfer of Power" or "Leverage" is a Brit- ish movie made by Arthur Elton. The, picture is known for its clear exposition of the develop- 'ment of a simple lever through the wheel and pulley up to the modern gear. Priced at 50 cents, tickets will be on sale before the program in Rackham Bldg. lobby. Vacation Ski Trip Open To Students Ski enthusiasts who are inter- ested in a trip to Aspen, Colo., dur- ing spring vacation may attend a meeting of the ULLR Ski Club at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Mary Lubeck will lead the As- pen-bound group, which is not limited to student Ski Club mem- bers. He will discuss trip plans at the meeting, to which all prospec- tive trip members should bring a $10 deposit to insure reservations. Today's meeting will also fea- ture the movie "Ski Colorado" and refreshments. CT "I JULE M t- N READY FOR DESCENT Sylvia Gregg; 23, is helped into a diving outfit complete with fins as she Joins search for a missing boy's body in London's Grand Union Canal waters. J'4 TURNING B A C K TIME - Two pioneeraviators watch Billy Parker pilot a 1912 pusher-type plane past marker at Kitty Hawk, N. C., where Wright brothers made first fRight in 1903. { SPARKLING TOP- This coiffure shown in Paris is trimmed with jewels and in- cludes a fireworks - producing mechanism which is designed to draw attention to UaIrdo. T H E VE$ T C O E S W E S T- Four cowhands on A Phoenix, Ariz., dude ranch ire to their fancy vests, an old Western fashion which is enjoying a return to favor among men. I' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) (Tschaikowsky); Selections from "Kiss Me Kate" (Cole Porter); Gypsy Tango, "Jalousie" (Gade); and Elgar's March, "Pomp and Circumstance." Tickets are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Memorial Tower daily; and will also be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office on the night of the concert after 7 p.m. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Flaherty Photographs, through March 7. Hours are from 9 to 5 on week days, 2 to 5 on Sundays. The public is invited. Events Today Combined A.S.M.E.-A.I.E.E. meeting to be held in 3-S of the Michigan Union tonight at 7:30. The speaker will be Mr. F. M. Southworth, Distribution and Transmission Engineer from Con- sumers Power Corp. His topic will be "Steam Plant Operations and Power Problems." American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers-4Institute of Radio Engineers. Afternoon Meeting: Wed., Ma;. 3, 1954# "Recent Developments of Microwave Tubes" by C. F. Quate (from Bell Labs.) 4:00 p.m., 2084 East Engineering, Bldg. Evening Meeting: Wed., Mar. 3, 1954 Joint Meeting with the ASME "Gallop- delssohn Box Office 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. for $1.75-$1.40-$1.00. Le Cercle Francais will meet this evening at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. A special film on French Liter- ature will be shown, following which there will be dancing and singing! Everyone is welcome! Psychology Club. The Psychology Club will present Professor Miller (Psychol- ogy), Profess'or Felheim (English), and Professor Henle (Philosophy) in a panel discussion on "The Psychoanalytic view of Man" at 7:30 p.m. this evening in Auditorium B. All those interested are invited to attend. Lutheran Student Center. Ash Wed- nesday Service with Holy Communion at the Lutheran Student Center, Hill Street and S. Forest Ave., at 7:30 p.m. ULLR Ski Club's meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union is one of the year's most important. On the agenda are refreshments and an excellent movie, "Ski Colorado," which will introduce plans for the trip some club members and outsiders are making to Aspen, Colo., during spring vacation. Every- one interested in the trip should bring a deposit to the meeting to insure reservations. Wesleyan Guild. Wednesday morning matin, 7:30 a.m Mid-Week Refresher Tea in the lounge, Wed., Mar. 4, 5:30. Plan to come! Roger Williams Guild. Tea and Chat, this afternoon, 4:30 to 6:00 at the Guild House. will join in the Ash Wednesday Service at 8 p.m. Hillel Foundation, Wed., March 3, Minyon, 6:30. All reservations or can- cellations for Friday evening kosher dinner must be made by Thursday afternoon. Call 3-4129. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Discussion Group at Guild House, this evening, 7 p.m. Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle- men report to T.C.B. at 1925 hrs. Any Army and Air Force ROTC Cadets wish- ing to join report to T.C.B. at 7:30 p.m. Bring gym. shoes. The Industrial Relations Club is meeting in the Student Lounge of the School of Business Administration at 7:15 p.m. tonight. A mock collective bargaining session will be enacted by members of the Club. All students and faculty are invited to attend. Coffee and doughnuts will be served after the meeting. Coming Events The Deutscher Verein Kaffee Stunde will meet on Thurs., Mar. 4, at 3:15 in the Union taproom. Dr. M. Dufner and Dr. A. L. Weinkauf, members of the German Dept. faculty, will be pres- ent. All are welcome to this informal group to improve and practice their conversational ability. Rupert Brooke's, Lithuania and Frank Wedekind's The Tenor. Tickets for the 3rd Laboratory bill will go on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office March 10, All seats are reserved at 25c each. La p'tite ausette will meet tomor- row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria. If you speak French, or if you want to learn to speak French, this informal group is just the thing! All are welcome! The International Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the Inter- national Students' Association, will be held Thurs., Mar. 4, from 4:30 to 6 o'clock. The Modern Dance Club will perform at the floor show this week. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Midweek Meditation in Douglas Chapel, Thurs., Mar. 4, 5:05-5:30 p.m. Fresh- man Discussion Group at Guild House, from 7 to 8 p.m. Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow- ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m. in the Prayer Rcom. Devotions, Breakfast. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timony meeting Thurs., Mar. 4, at 7:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House following 7 a.m. service of Holy Com- munion. Thurs., Mar. 4. KEYED HIGH- This zany head ornament by London, hair stylist Riche features a kit- ten doll resting atop a simulated Piano keyboard in form of a coolie hat-shaped visor. S C 0 R C H E D D O U G H - Carter Kensgaard watches $400,000 go up In smoke in an Incinera. tor of the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago where wornout paper money Is destroyed. .;4 I Kappa Phi. There will be a cabinet -^}; .; r., . }ti": Y J' . Y: U;.:. .. 2U:". . yi .v ... _ :'{$.. a.{r: alat...:_....iy.:,.Y.!>c t..n . :.. :.. :::.: .:::::::...:: ":}"?:"::":::-: : ... ': 5 :"xt ': « , 'Jia.. ";>ryn a. <.w. ;? .......... :