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March 02, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-02

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MeFarlane Reveals English Coed Life
By JANET FORDa.....:
At the University of Birming-
ham in England, there are four
men to every woman and upper-
classman coeds can rent a key to
the dormitory for approximately
36 cents, according to Nancy Mc-w
Farlane, Senior Woman Tutor at<{ '
the University who has been visit- ;} ,
ing here for the .past four weeks. ff
Miss McFarlane's job corres-
ponds to that of dean of women inf
an American university. In the'
United States for the first time, the .1
English visitor is learning first-
hand about American colleges.
han # Am.rcan co eges.

Center Post
To Be Filled
(Continued from Page 1)

Minister Recalls First Conference

4> -

SHE SPENT a week at Smith
College in Northampton, Mass. be-
fore coming here, and hopes to
visit Ohio State University, Ober-
lin College, the University of Chi-
cago and perhaps the University
of Wisconsin before returning to
England in April.
Women living in residence
halls at the University of Bir-
mingham are subject to certain
regulations, although the rules
are not as extensive as ones
here. Curfew is at 11 p.m., but
upperclassmen may obtain a
key to their dormitory for a mere
half-crown, according to the tu-
Those with keys are expected to
be in their rooms by midnight un-
less given special permission, she
added. Campus-wide late permis-
sion is given for special events.
* * * .
MISS McFarland explained the
University regulations on hours by
saying that you can't "hermetical-
ly seal a building. Just as what
goes up must come down, so what
can go in can go out."
"Regulating the w o m e n 's
hours is not my particular pig-
eon," she said. At the Univer-
sity, a warden is in charge of
discipline. Miss McFarlane has-
tened to add that the title of
warden is an honorable one and
does not have the conotations
in English academic world that
it dloes in this country.

ENGLISH DEAN -- Nancy McFarlane, Senior Woman Tutor of the
University of Birmingham, England, is currently visiting the Uni-
versity on a tour of American colleges.


"Since the majority of women
students live at home or in digs
(apartments and boarding
houses), the University has few
discipline matters c o n c e r n i n g
women students thmt it can con-
trol," she said. -
* * *
MISS McFARLANE pointed out
that life for the English coed is
not really so different from that
of a Michigan coed. She added
that she was speaking only of the
women at the University of Bir-
mingham, however.
At the English University,
coeds are on a completely equal
basis with men, she said. To-

gether they run a Students'
Union that carries on activities
similar to ' those of the Michi-
gan Union and League.

his present important position"
was the reason given.
Another name frequently men-
tioned during the past week as
a prospective director was Rich-
ard Heindel, the chairman of the
United States National Commis-
sion to the United Nations Edu-
cational, Scientific and Cultural
Informed sources reported that
Heindel would not take the direc-
torship, however, unless the posi-
tion would be made a "more in-
fluential one on campus."
* * *
THE LAST name mentioned, and
only one than can still be consid-
ered in the running, according to
reports, is John Thompson of Lou-
isiana State University. Thompson
is director of the English Language
Institute, chairman of the depart-
ment of romance and classical
languages, and counselor for for-
eign students at LSU. One source
asserted "Thompson seems to be
playing cat-and-mouse with the
committee. He doesn't seem to
want to pull up roots and come
Because the field has nar-
rowed down to these three peo-
ple, none of whom may take the
job, it appeared likely to many
that it would be "several
months" before any other suit-
able director for the Center
could be found.
"But the recommendation of the
committee is virtual appointment,"
it was asserted, "since that is the
specific purpose of the commit-
tee and since President Hatcher
will probably rely entirely upon its
judgment for the appointment."
Letourneau Talks
On North Africa
Prof. Roger Letourneau of the
University of Algiers yesterday
presebted a lecture in the Rack-
ham Bldg. discussing problems
arising from the changing class
structure of North Africa.
The visiting professor alluded
specifically to transformations of
North African society caused by
European infiltration and ulti-
mate domination., Speaking of
changes in the family- structure,
he noted that the authority of the
head .of the famil yhas declined
as has polygamy and that women
are gaining significance which
they hitherto lacked.

Last week's celebration of
Brotherhood Week brought spec-
ial satisfaction to one Ann Arbor
resident, Rev. James Leslie French.
The 77-year old retired Presby-
terian minister recalled his part in
organizing the Interdenomination-
al Conference of Church and Guild
Workers in State Universities, held
in Ann Arbor in 1908.
"THAT conference' was a pio-
neer in its field," said Rev. French
"and from this initial step the
foundation for many interfaith
groups today was laid."
"There was an ever-increasing
interest in ways to develop the
moral and religious tone of
state universities at that time,
and it was because of this inter-
est that the conference was call-
Tracing the development of the
groups, Rev. French told of the
immediate and enthusiasticmre-
sponse that the Ann Arbor meet-
ing received and spoke of the rapid
growth of the idea.
* * s
"WHEN so many people showed
interest in the conference, it was
decided to make it into a nation-
al affair. The movement swept
universities throughout the coun-
try, and eventually was divided
into three separate meetings, one
in the East, one in the Midwest
and one in the Far West. Every1
three years, however, the threej
groups met in a national confer-
In 1928 a meeting was called
at Iowa University at which 10
Catholics, 10 Jews and 10 Prot-
Students' Music
To Be Presented
Compositions by five School of.
Music students will be introduced
and discussed at a Composer's
Forum at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall.

estants were present. It was
there that the delegates set up
a cooperative basis for organiza-
tions on all campuses.
"This meeting," c o m m e n t e d
Rev. French, "was the beginning
of what is now the National Con-
ference of Christians and Jews."

Case Court
Contest Set
After five months of study and
elimination, seven Law School
juniors and one senior will present
their oral arguments in the semi-
final round of the annual Case
Club Campbell Competition at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hutchins
Competing for a place in the
final contest for the Henry M.
Campbell Plaque, Ira Brown and
David Macdonald, the lone senior
of the group, will oppose the team
of Donald Black and David Roach.
In another courtroom Richard
Hostetler and W. Gerald Warren
will match wits with Robert Fiske
and Martin Packard.
Judge of the first mock appel-
late trial will be Thomas H. Adams
of Detroit, Joseph W. Planck of
Lansing and Prof. Paul G. Kauper
of the Law 'School.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
Available for ONLY S5 Girls
Spend 21 days at Capri "(Includes
Ballet. Painting, Galas, Operas.
fetes, Folk Dancing. Concerts).
VISIT Lisbon, Gibraltar. Barcelona,
Naples, Sorrento, Amalfi, Pompei.
Ischia. Formia. ome., Pisa. Genoa.
Turin, Aix Les Bains,
Dijon, Paris, Versailles.
Nice. Monte Carlo. Men-
ton, George du Loup,
* Grasse, Cannes Palermo
Halifax. CATIWf CL&Si
at sea (10 days in the
Mediterranean aboard
Italian Line luxury liners
S.S. Saturnia and $3.
Conte Biancamano).
1st CLASS travel and
DELUXE hotels in Eu-
ing all theater tickets
operas. concerts, nighi
spots, dances, fetes. galas.
etc.) $1640.
Write for Brochure

Rev. French, who retired at 70,
has been living in Ann Arbor
since 1944. He and his wife were
both graduates of the University,
as were their three children. One
of their sons, David French, is on
campus as a lecturer In social rela-




-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
ORIGINAL AGENDA - Rev. James Leslie French, retired Pres-
byterian minister, looks through the notes of one of the first relig-
ious conferences held in the country.

Services Examine Problem
Of Surplus ROTC Graduates

(Continued from Page 1) v
take a tremendous drop and the
morale of career men receive a
"damaging blow.
The last answer advocated, and
according to the Army Times the
most likely to be accepted, is that
the extra 10,000 men would enter
Brown Speaks
On Rome Site
"Rome was built in a day."
Pointing to Rome as the city
that was forced into existence
'overnight by the invading Etrus-
can clans, Prof. Frank E. Brown
of Yale University said yesterday
that at the beginning of its exist-
ence the site of the ancient city
was covered with several independ-
ent settlements.
The Etruscans, searching for a
convenient crossing of the Tiber
hit upon the location of the city
and brought with them the idea of
the city. It was their rapid and
violent unification efforts that in
effect forced the city to unify "in
a day," he said.
Boys Have Dinner
As Greeks' Guests
Three University fraternities en-
tertained 24 boys from the Star
Commonwealth for Boys in Albion
last night for dinner and the Pur-
due-Michigan basketball game.
The boys and their four counse-
lors were guests of Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Gamma Delta and Lambda
Chi Alpha. Each fraternity served
as host to a third of the group,
with men from the houses attend-
ing the game with the boys.

the service as officers, but would
be required to stay in active duty
for only three months. After this
limited period they would receive
active reserve commissions.
LIKE THE Army, the Air Force
must in the next few months de-
cide on the perplexing problem
of accepting approximately nine to
10 thousand extra Air Force ROTC
students. Up to the present no
decision whatsoever has been
made, and only one solution has
been advocated which also con-
tains defects.
This plan consists of havingj
the extra Air Force ROTC grad-
uates enter the service for a two-
year period as enlisted men and
after that be commissioned in
the reserves. However, a stu-
dent is given the alternative of
asking for a release which would
enable him to join some other
branch of service or to be draft-
One defect of this solution is
that in having the men serve as
enlisted men rather than receiving
the commissions they expected, a
drop in morale could be expect-
ed. Also if a student did accept a
release, his four years of Air Force
training would be almost com-
pletely wasted.

There are women enrolled in all
schools of the University, Mi 13
McFarlane added. Most of the,
coeds are in the school of arts,
with fewest in the field of applied;
* * *
MORE WOMEN than in pre-
vious years are going into the law
school, she explained, although
very few of them plan to become
solicitors or barristers.
According to the visiting tu-
tor, "law provides an interesting
and useful education for wom-
en. It is good background for
work in child welfare and simi-
lar fields."
The medical school of the Uni-
versity of Birmingham maintains
the four to one ratio of the sexes
found throughout the rest of the
University. In each class, 25 out of
100 places are served for women,
although there are many more ap-
plying, Miss McFarlane remarked.
* * *
A GUILD of Undegraduates at
the English university takes care
of student government as well as
other functions. All students are
automatically members of the
Guild on entering the university.
A council is elected periodically
by Guild members, she explained.
Social activities on the Birming-
ham compus include activities
sponsored by departmental clubs
and church groups. There are
"weekly hops" and frequent thear
ter excursions, Miss McFarlane
Maurer Selected
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, chair-
man of the journalism department,
has been elected as a member of'
the executive committee of the As-
sociation of College Honor Socie-
ties at a conference held at Indi-
ana University, it was announced


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