FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1954 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1954 Statistics Aside, Women Will Profit by Delayed Rushing II SPITE of the mass of statistics and log- ical proof4 submitted on both sides of the sorority rushing controversy the thought constantly recurs that in the final analysis the interests of the women themselves would be best served by delayed rushing. The argument that fall rushing is nec- essary to bring enough women into the margin houses to save them from going off campus is not only selfish but implies that the system does not have enough merit to survive without the extra boost of a fall rush period. Panhellenic figures showing a constant increase in women's enrollment in the fresh- man ranks particularly indicate that the total number of women available to rush is on the increase while the number of sorori- ties has remained the same for the last sev- eral years. With more women rushing all the time arguments that fall rushing helps the weaker houses to reach their quota col- lapse. The crux of the argument against fall rushing lies in its effect on the freshmeri women themselves. Affiliates, who have experienced both the spring and fall plans, point out that a first semester freshman is not sufficiently adjusted to University +M U At Hill Auditorium.*. GEORGE LONDON, bass-baritone, with Leo Taubman, pianist. THIS WAS ONE of the season's better re- citals. Mr. London is a performer of ex- ceptional natural gifts, and he uses them with integrity and an impressive degree of musicianship. It seems that he is in that phase of his career in which the choice is his whether to continue as a serious recitalist and opera singer, or to make quick capital from. his obvious box-office appeal, Mario Lanza fashion. I for one expect that he will follow the former course. The singers we heard Sunday -may not have been great singing, but Mr. London is young, and, if he wishes, may yet become one of the most im- posing figures of the performing musical world. Like the vast majority of vocal recitals, this one began somewhat unsteadily. In the opening Mozart aria and the first part of the succeeeding Brahms group, his tone production was uneven and his general de- livery somewhat lacking in smoothness and finesse. Also, the Mozart was marred by the brittle and nervous-sounding play- ing of the accompanist. But by the time we reached the exquisite Mein Madel hat ei- nen Rosenmund by Brahms we were hear. ing sensitive and beautifully sustained singing. One thing I like about London is the respect he has for the composer's in- life and the demands of her studies to go through the emotional strain of rushing right away. They point out that conversation topics must necessarily focus on the freshman's high school experiences since she" has had no time to develop any interest or contact with the University by the second week of fall orientation. As a result the first semes- ter pledge may be a woman totally unpre- pared to accept the responsibilities of affil- iated life and will continue through her so- rority career with two strikes against her. Fall rushing intensifies the problem of the girl who doesn't "make it," first be- cause her initial big step ahead in the University has been rebuffed and second because she has developed no real ties with dormitory life which she may fall back on. Again with increasing women's enrollment the number of women rejected before they get a start in the University is due to in- crease. Perpetuation of the sorority system must not be accomplished at the expense of ruin- ing a woman's chances for success in the University. In making their consideration sororities should first view the individuals involved and then the system. -Gene Hartwig,/ SIC + tentions. In "Mein Madel" there is a cer tain amount of characterization which could easily be hammed by a lesser per- former. But Mr. London's good taste in the song was something wonderful to hear. Following this group he sang a straight- fo'rward and exciting rendition of the Cre- do from Verdi's Othello. However the ab- sence of Verdi's marvelous orchestration was almost painfully felt. As an encore Mr. London sang the monologue from Gruen- berg's The Empergr Jones-a work which had no competition as the worst music of, the evening. The second half of the program began with sensitive performances of a French group: La Procession by Franck, Paysage by Reynaldo Hahn, Mandoline by Debussy, and Fleur Jettee by Faure (the accompaniment to which sounds amusingly like Schubert's Der Erlkonig). The interpretation of the Debussy song was perhaps a little too full- voiced, but the group as a whole was per- formed superbly. The final group consisted of four folk or quasi-folksongs: Wailie, Wai- lie, arranged by Tom Scott; Gambler's Song, by John J. Niles; Lord Randal, arr. by Cyril Scott; and Blow the Man Down, arr. by Tom Scott. All four were sung with immense verve and expressiveness, as were the three encores; Leporello's aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni, Gershwin's It Ain't Necessarily So, and Niles arrangement of I Wonder as I Wander. --Dave Tice DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - Harassed, indefatigable John Foster Dulles may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire today as he transfers his diplomatic talents from Berlin to Caracas. Not since the sixth Pan American Confer- ence in 1928 when the United States faced a buzz saw of protest over the landing of Marines in Nicaragua and the bullying of Mexico regarding oil, has a US. delegation faced such an unfriendly atmosphere. Part of this is the general feeling in Latin America that we just aren't inter- ested in the good-neighbor policy any more. At the Havana conference of 1928, for in- stance, the top American envoys were Presi- dent Calvin Coolidge, Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg and Charles Evans Hughes -the three top Republicans in the nation. That was the last time a Republican Ad- ministration participated in a Pan American conference. This time, in contrast, the new Republican Administration is sending as delegates to Caracas: 1. John Foster Dulles, thoroughly up to date on European, Problems, but with no chance in Berlin to prepare for Caracas. 2. John Cabot who has just been fired as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin Amer- ican affairs. He will go to Caracas as our ambassador to Sweden instead. While Cab- ot has a lot of personal friends among the Latinos, unfortunately he will have the pres- tige of a has-been. At the last minute, the State Department has also summoned from Athens Tom Mann, U.S. minister-counselor to Greece, to be an emergency member of the American dele- gation to Caracas. Pan Amerian diplomats can't help con- trasting this with the last GOP delegation- Calvin Coolidge, Frank B. Kellogg and Charles Evans Hughes. They also contrast it to the trips Franklin Roosevelt and Cor- dell Hull took to Pan American conferences, and it confirms their contention that, as far as the United States is concerned, Latin America is a forgotten stepchild. * * * * -PENN STATE AND CARACAS- 1HE FIRING of John Cabot as Assistant Secretary of State illustrates one of the most unique developments in the conduct of our current Pan American affairs. Cabot was actually fired by the President's brother, Milton Eisenhower, who has be- come the chief administration policy-maker on Latin America. Today, when Latin Amer- ican diplomats want advice they go up to State College, Pa., to talk to Milton Eisen- hower, president of Penn State. They find this more satisfactory than going to the State Department. There are two reasons why they go to Penn State. First, they know that Milton Eisenhower is an extremely able gentle- man who has his brother's ear. Second, they know that last October Milton tenta- tively fired John Cabot as Assistant Secre- tary of State, and though Cabot contin- ued, the diplomats figured that he was not in a position to make major decisions. This division of authority between Wash- ington, D.C., and State College, Pa., ob- viously has not helped a harmonious good- neighbor policy. Here are the background events which led to it: Last summer, when Milton was sent by the President on a good-will trip to South America, Assistant Secretary of State Cabot went with him. Cabot is a sincere, consci- entious, hard-working career diplomat, a cousin of ex-Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massacuhsetts. He stems from the bluest blood in blue-blooded Boston, where it's said "The Lodges speak only to Cabots and the Cabots speak only to God." But he also has a habit of rubbing some people the wrong way. And when Milton Eisenhower came back from his trip he quietly went about transferring Cabot to another post. - PANAMA PRESIDENT SPEAKS - H OWEVER, the President of Panama in- tervened. President Remon did not mean to inter- vene to help Cabot-quite the contrary. After his official visit to Washington, President Remon went up to the Waldorf in New York where he told his ambassador, Bob Heurte- matte: "Mr. Ambassador, I hereby give you the following instructions. You can transact business with the under Secretary of State, and you can transact business with the head of the State Department's Panamanian desk. But under no circumstances are you to do any business at any time with that so-and- so, the Assistant Secretary of State." * * * * A LOT of so-called gentlemen in Washing- ton have been picking on a lady-so many that it's gotten other people sore. The lady is the one woman in the Senate, Mrs. Margaret Chase Smith, and the people who have been picking on her are Senator Mc- Carthy and his cohorts. Ever since Mrs. Smith circulated her declaration of conscience-a statement of Senatorial ethics-signed at a time when McCarthy first began to depart from those ethics-he has been out to get revenge. For some time he tried to encourage ex- Senator Brewster of Maine to run again, but Brewster was too smart. He told Mc- Vn.... 4 rc Cmith nnn.. 'f ha ha , . . LetteI to te &dioP .0 The Stalinists .,. "Yeah, We Really Ought To Do Something About It" To the Editor: ONE OF the more amusing as- pects of campus poltics is the attempt made by a Communist front organization to pose as a de-" fender of civil liberties. The Stalinists face a problem. They are, because of the nature of their own past behaviour, in trou- ble. Few liberals are today willing to defend the Stalinists. Gone are the good old days when the Stal- mists, garbed in red-or red, white and blue-could rally almost every liberal in the country behind a civ- il liberties case involving one of the garbed, whose line on the civil liberties issue was often accepted by the liberal. Although the Stalinists have lost a lot of their support, they still use the old propaganda tricks. Ex- tracting attractive chunks of lib- eral rhetoric from context and then piecing them together in full page newspaper adds and pamphlets, the Stalinists revealj their line on a particular question to the campus liberal. Many of the latter chuckle at the old formula, until they notice other liberalsj whom they had not classified a4 politically naive are moved by the presentation. in c' 1 TOP 1s - ~ ,04Zrev[ Lt the nrurow-minded ca~mp o A particular point should be the reactionaries. made clear Covmirss he The great paradox involved here violations of civil liberties in in- is that the YR's, while professing numerable instances. Harry Brid- to be conservatives have support- ges stated (two months after Hit- ed the activities of an individual, ler's invasion of Russia) that he who by his open violation of the was in favor of expelling the Bun- doctrine of Separation of Powers dists from the airplane factories in government, and by his con- in California. The Communists lit- tempt in congressional hearings erally ignored the first Smith Act for constitutional liberties, should defendents. In fact, the New York by logic be the very anathema of Daily Worker did not even mention -v the case let alone take a "liberal" In spite of this, should Joe Mc-, position on the issue for over one Carthy achieve his life's goal of month after the case broke. And becoming Emperor Joseph I, the now we are told that McCarthy, Young Republicans of the U of M not the Stalinists, are the "clear will undoubtedly' lead the parade and present danger." That this down Pennsylvania Avenue to the phrase should be used by a partic- tune of "McCarthy uber alles." ular group shows that they too fa- With the writing of this letter I vor the abridgement of the civil leave the Young Republicans in liberties of another group. The disgust after serving for three, Stalinists are consistently incon- terms on their executive board. sistent, it seems. Many liberals, -George Zuckerman, Ex-member unfortunately, have ignored this of the Young Republican inconsistency. They still like to Executive Board think of the Stalinist movement as* quasi-democratic. Not having ani analysis of their own, they are Broinell s Speech .. ' willing to accept that of the Stal- To the Editor: inists.T in Congress to legalize wiretap- ping; to virtually wipe out the Fifth Amendment p r o t e c t i o n against self-accusation by grant- ing Congressional i m m a n i t y .. Brownell's list of subversive or- ganizations is ever growing; the criteria for conformity Pre being .squeezed narrower and narrower. Educators are afraid to teac students, are being deprived of their right to learn. The Attorney General is seek- ing the legal. framework with which to nullify out Constitution- al guarantees. James Madison said in 1788 on the dangers to liberty, "I believe there are more instan- ces of the agridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sud- den usurpations." If the Attorney General is real- ly interested in our internal secur- ity rather than in nullifying our civil liberties and providing the pear entirely unless Student Legis- lature remains in existence. Without candidates and co- tinued interest, SL will be forced to close. This will end any need for revising campus student gov- ernment structure because it may then be assumed that the students do not desire any participation in the running of the university com- munity. - - The steps forward being made such as the possible realization of regular meetings with the Regents in order to discuss student prob- lems, are necessary to the campus now. Continuation of Student Leg- islature's activities and voice is necessary now, Possible campus revision certain will not go into effect in he imme- diate future; if it ever (does. The Study Committee must form spe- cific plans. The Regents must ap- prove these plans. Whatever oc- curs will take much time. Univer- sity Administration rightly takes time to consider great changes in the campus. At the moment, Student Legis- lature is the only existing attempt at real student government. It needs everyone's active participa- tion and alert interest. Don't let a 'study committee's as yet incomplete report on revision keep you from recognizing and facing existing problems on cam- pus. Only the students can work for student government. Student voice and action are needed as much now as ever before. -Leah Marks Free Advertising.. . To The Editor: I AM pretty shaken up to learn that Doug Philpott, a member of Michigan's Colorado-bound ice squad has lost his wallet. But it was good of the sports page in Sunday's Daily to let me know about it. This is true public service and keeps me in touch with all the sports news could possibly interest me. I wonder. Did Mr. Philpott pay for this prominent one and one half column inch of "Lost and Found" advertising? Or is this a free service of The Daily sports staff given as part of our non- subsidation program for promising athletes? It seems to me you owe an apol- ogy-or a refund-to Jean Cooper and the key losers who used your Lost and Foundl classified and paid the full rate for this service. Will you bill Mr. Philpott for this preferred display advertising space? Or will it now be your pol- icy to open your news column free of charge to any and all students who have mislaid their purses? After all, if they've lost their money they can hardly be expect- ed to pay for an ad. I sympathize with Mr. Philpott in his loss. I respect the sports staff's desire to be on terms of nepotistic intimacy with their copy material. But I suggest that should Mr. Philpott ever lose another wallet a paid advertisement at the usual rates in The Daily's Lost and Found columns will preserve his 'status as an amateur. May the team be victorious at Colorado Springs. -Ray Shini "i '4 A 1 e g a l framework for fascist wouldn't an investigation of son real subversives such as the K Klux Klan be in order? S-Diana Stvler M, ne CuRRECNT MQVI/1EN& i Given the confusion concerning ATTORNEY General Brownell is the nature and causes of the re- scheduled to speak March 2 on cent unfortnuate political events, "Our Internal Security." It will SL Candidates . . . one of the major tasks of social- be interesting to hear what he hasT E Ists and liberals should be an at- to say. What it happening in our To the Editor: tempt to understand the reasons nation today?POTENTIAL Student Legislature for this confusion and to analyze While McCarthy's investigationdAtudent Leisature the historical and global factors methods are being "questioned" candidates are so busy talking that have created a situation with- by the GOP, the attempts to cur- about the possible revision of stu- in which neo-fascists can intimi- tail our constitional rights and dent government structure on date segments of the American safeguards are proceeding full campus, they are forgetting that public and at the same time an- force. Brownell is pressing for bills ! student government may disap- other not too different consistent- ly totalitarian force can pose, in many instance successfully, as bel- ligerent democrats. -John Leggett DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * * * At .Rackham Lecture Hall ... MNAN OF ARAN, a Robert Flaherty pro- duction, third in the Festival series, sponsored by the Department of English THE ADVENT of sound in the motion pic- ture back around 1930 was and contin- ues to be the most fundamental modification in the short history of the film art. To dis- cover how to deal with their new voice, some film-makers experimented with -virtual du- plication of stage techniques, others were for rejecting the gift entirely, a few advanced elaborate theories on the "contrapuntal" use of sound. But in the end, most of them settled for a compromise technique which has become traditional and second-nature in today's movies. This technique, for the most part, ignores the problem by offering picture and sound in a simultaneous and relatively indiscriminate assault on the senses. Robert Flaherty's first foray in the com- bined medium was "Man of Aran," a story of the life of the natives of a group of is- lands off the western coast of Ireland. The picture followed his two silent films, "Na- nook" and "Moana," and was prepared with his customary attention to the sub- ject matter (the family still owns prop- erty on the Islands where Flaherty lived' while he worked on the picture.) His ap- proach to what he was doing also was much the same as before; that is, he con- centrated on showing the people of the Islands at work and in conflict with the adverse forces of nature, exactly as he did in "Nanook." There .is, however, a definite change ob- served in Flaherty's technique at this time. With "Man of Aran," his work becomes much more stylized, much less purely docu- mentary. Abandoning the use of titles in the picture (except for about three or four) he lets the photography carry much more emo- tional weight. He relies more on intercut- ting, attempts to tell the story less explicit- ly, and is bothered less by apparent inco- tIer, more complex, perhaps capable of broader interpretation or (as criticism at the time suggests) misinterpretation. The use of sound, it would seem, is the crucial factor in Flaherty's change. In "Man of Aran," he uses a conventional musical background, but a highly unusual voice track: practically every word spoken is in- aduible although a great deal is said. The effect is to make voice serve like music. The babble of the natives, a polyglot confusion of Gaelic and English, has almost an animal quality to it at times, but posed against the roar of the waves, these voices become the treble to the sea's bass-Flaherty's effect be- ing a virtual musical counterpoint of the sort that men like Einstein and Pudovkin envi- sioned but never were able to put into prac- tice. All of this was vaguely perceived at the time of "Man of Aran's" original release. Marxist interpretations of almost every- thing being fashionable at the time, how- ever, it suddenly dawned on a goodly num- ber of critics that there was something Fascistic about Flaherty. He was work- ing a superman theme in days when he should have been thinking of the Poor Aran fisherman as exploited and down- trodden. He was seeing the biggest fish, the wildest storms, and men had become something more than the sum of all their mean duties. In 1934, this was Fasism. Probably the appraisal is not altogether unwarrented. There is something Wagner- ian about "Man of Aran," something grand- ly sentimental °about the way the woman transporting seaweed in a basket on her back looks over her shoulder at her hus- band's boat foundering in the sea. The same motif is hit again and again and becomes at last almost overwhelming in its utter in:-. sistence.r The critics therefor were defining a y F To The EiMcCarthy. (Continued from Page 2) To The Editor:E FEB 24 WAS quite a successful Events Today day for the junior Senator from F Generation Fiction Staff will have a Wisconsin on both the national short meeting tonight at 7:15 in the and local scene. In Washington, Student Publications Building. All members and anyone interested in the Eisenhower administration joining the staff please attend. growing more servile every day pressured Secretary Stevens into Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea submitting to the 'holy' whims of from 4 to 5:15 at canterbury House. that great apostle of justice, Joe All students invited. McCarthy. In Ann Arbor, Mc- Episcopal Student Foundation. Shrove Carthy scored another victory as Tuesday Pancake Supper and Square . I >I the Young Republicans voiced Dance, 6 p.m., Canterbury House. All open support for his policies, students and friends invited. The latter incident occurred La Sociedad Hispanica will have its when Owen Cleary, G.O.P. guber- regular Tertulia this afternoon in the north wing of the Union cafeteria from natorial candidate and respected 3:30 to 5 p.m. Faculty members will be' member of the "Neanderthal' present. All students interested in in- wing of the party, was queried as formal Spanish conversation are urged to his opinion of McCarthy. Mr. to attend. Cleary expressed his personal re- Science Research Club. The March spect for the sincerity of McCar- meeting will be held in the Rackham thy while dwelling on the 'fine' Amphitheater at 7:30 p.m. tonight. job McCarthy was performing in Program: "Human Ecology of a Pa- rooting out left-wingers. This cific Atoll," by Marston Bates, Depart- ment of Zoology; "Species, Old andj by Miss Sophia Holley of Detroit. Re- freshments. Everyone welcome. Lane Hall, tonight, 7:30-10:00. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Tea at Guild House, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Coming Events Forum on College and University Teaching. Second session, March 5, 3:00- 4:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Topic: Ideas About Teaching and Learning Chairman: Howard R. Jones, Profes- sor of Educational Administration Symposium: "Obsolete Ideas About Learning"-William Clark Trow, Profes- sor of Educational Pschology "New Ideas About Group Learning"- Ronald Iippitt, Program Director of the Research Center for Group Dynamics "New Ideas About Teaching Learned from Teaching Foreign Students"-Rob- ert Lado, Associate Director of the Eng- lish Language Institute "Summary of Principles of Teaching Applicable to the College Level"-How- ard R. Jones. Faculty of the University and grad- uate students are invited. American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers-Institute of Radio Engineers. Afternoon Meeting: Wed., Mar. 3, 1954 "Recent Developments of Microwave STubes"by C. F. Quate (fromBell Labs.) 4:00 p.m., 2084 East Engineering Bldg. Evening Meeting: Wed., Mar. 3, 1954 Joint Meeting with the ASME "Gallop- ing Killowatts" 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House following both 7 a.m. and 10:15 Ash Wednesday services on March 3. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-Faculty-led Evensong Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m., Wed., March 3. Wesleyan Guild. Wednesday morning matin, 7:30 a.m, Mid-Week Refresher Tea in the lounge, Wed., Mar. 4, 5:30. Plan to come! 4, statement was met with a volume of applause from the overwhelm- New," by Robert V. Kesling, Museum of Paleontology. 7 ing majority of the club. While ?e Deutscher Verein will have its annualf this incident may appear mean- "Tanz-abend" in conjunction with the ingless, the crux of the matter is Square Dance Group tonight at 7:30 that for years the Young Repub- in Lane Hall. As usual, Misq Sophia lican club under Dave Cargo and Holley of Detroit will instruct the group Walt Hanson had been one of the in a series of traditional German folk- dances. Refreshments will be served. All true liberal forces on campus. welcome. Wednesday night's episode showed just how far the YR's have fallen FM u s e u m Movie: "Happy Fishing I Ground," free movie shown at 3 p.m. daily including Sat. and Sun. and at W ILL THE President realize - 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Mu- and before it is too late-that seums Building, Mar.-8. the attack made by the Bricker I senior society will meet tonight at forces on the Constitution is only F 7:30 in the League. The constitution part of a wider plan? Senator will be amended. Jenner had a name for this plan: SL Academic Freedom Subcommis- the Republican revolution. sion will meet in the Union today at 5. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor Eric Vetter.. .........City Editor Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director Mike *Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver .Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. Au~lerter..Associate Editor Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler ...Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger..... Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin. . ..Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager Don Chisholm. ..Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 ,1. tl j w 1 La Socied Hispanica will have a very Wlte oseimpor hmeeting on ThursMar. 4, Will the conservatism carried Ariadne of Naxos, Richard Strauss' at 7:30 p.m. in the Hussey Room of the over from the Abilene boyhood comic opera, will be /presented tonight F Michigan League. Slides on Mexico will drag the President along with that j at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn be shown and there will be songs by -ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS revolution and make him its first Theatre. This production, which will be F the chorus and by guitarists. Refresh- I