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March 02, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-02

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Latest Deadline in the State

:4i a it


VOL. LXIV, No. 101



1 1 IPMI rI 111 A"


Rican Nationalists






Gallery; Five















Moves To Resolve
Rushing Dilemma
Daily Editorial Director
An eleventh-hour amendment to lower the majority required
to approve changes in sorority rushing procedures from three-fourths
to two-thirds will be submitted to houses this week as a result of a
Panhellenic house presidents' meeting yesterday.
But question arose last night if the change is necessary to solve
the dilemma or if a defeat of fall rushing would merely mean a re-
turn to the deferred rushing system.
Early study by the'Student Affairs Committee had indicated
that defeat of the fall system, which is now rounding out a two-
year trial period, would put sorority rushing back on the "status
quo" of the deferred system which had been in effect before the.
present experiment was instituted.
Last night, however; Panhel President Martha Hill, '54, main-
tained "there is no status quo" and said the vote now being taken on
fall rushing would establish Panhel policy on the complicated ques-
THE PROPOSED constitution change, which will be considered
by houses tomorrow and Thursday, was formulated because house
presidents feared a three-fourths majority in favor of either fall or
spring rushing could not be obtained, Miss Hill explained.
Amendment votes will be tabulated Monday preceding count-
ing of votes on the fall vs. spring rushing question. Three-fourths
of the houses must favor the amendment to put it into effect.
Student Affairs Committee rulings requiring two weeks notice
of constitutional changes which must be approved by the Committee
could be waived, according to Acting Dean of Students Walter B.
Rea. Thus it would be possible for the amendment change, if passed
by sororities, to affect the rush-

Senate OK's
Warren Confirmed
U.S. Chief Justice
By The Associated Press
The Senate yesterday confirm-
ed the appointment of Earl War-
ren as chief justice of the Supreme
Approval came on a voice vote
with no audible no's and little dis-
cussion. The vote ended a week's
long delay during which Chairman
William Langer (R-ND) of the
Senate Judiciary Committee re-
leased 10 "unevaluated charges
against Warren at a public meet-
SEN. William Knowland (R-
Cal.) and Sen. Kuchel (R-Cal.)
praised the nominee in brief
speeches. About 40 senators were
present when the nomination was
Warren, the three-times gov-
ernor of California and the Re-
publican vice-presidential can-
didates in 1948, has been serving
under a recess appointment
made by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower last October.
Warren's nomination to succeed
the late Chief Justice Fred M.
Vinson was submitted to the Sen-
ate Jan. 11, but it was not until
last Wednesday that the Senate
Judiciary Committee voted to rec-
ommended confirmation.
McCarthy Set
For Meeting
With Stevens
Carthy (R-Wis.) announced yes-
terday that he and Secretary of
the Army Stevens will hold their
postponed face-to-face meeting to
discuss the Army's handling of al-
leged Communists.
But it is expected to be a closed
session instead of the ballyhooed,
televised meeting which was sched-
uled and then called off sudden-
ly last week in the midst of a
heated wrangle over the issue.
McCarthy and Stevens' office
both said the Army secretary had
agreed to appear before the Sen-
ate Investigations Subcommittee
either Thursday or next Monday.

To Graduates
Now Obscure
As 174 University Air Force and
Army ROTC students approach
June graduation, they are asking
crucial questions which may af-
fect any formulation of future
How many ROTC graduates will
receive the commissions they were
promised when first entering the
program? How long will men be
committed to active duty? And
what becomes of those students
who won't receive commissions?
UP TO A year ago, such inqui-
ries were ; not prevalent among
ROTC students who unquestion-
ingly expected a commission and
two years of active duty after
graduation. However, since early
last summer when Congress
launched its.economy drive on the
armed forces that resulted in a
reduction of the number of offi-
cers and the subsequent abolish-
ment of any guaranteed commis-
sions except in the uneffected
Navy, the status of ROTC men has
been obscure and uncertain.
Both the Air Force and the
Army's officer-reduction sched-
ules indicate that of the 15,000
men each service prepares every
year; only enough money has
been appropriated to make about
5,000 of them active-service of-
ficers. What is to become of the
other 10,000 is a question which
has been up in the air for almost
a year.
In a recent letter to University
President Harlan H. Hatcher, the
Commander of the Army ROTC,
Lt. Gen. William B. Kean, clari-
fied to some extent the Army's
Y outlook on this complex situation.
His letter reported that all stu-
dents in the Army program were
at least assurred of a reserve com-
mission but that no speculation
could be given about active duty.
Thus there still remains to be
solved the problem of how to ac-
commodate a surplus of 10,000
Army ROTC men. Three solutions
have been proposed, with none
having been selected as yet be-
cause of objections each one raises.
ONE ANSWER would be to plead

ing count Monday.
Yesterday's house presidents
meeting was called to consider
the threat of a possible stalemate
on the rushing vote, Miss Hill said.
Because of a conflicting Women's
Senate meeting, the two addition-
al Panhel delegates from each
house did not attend the discus-
S. .
THREE possibilities for deciding
the rushing issue in the event of
neither a three-fourths or two-
thirds majority were brought up
by the house presidents.
According to Miss Hill, Pan-
hel could 1) re-ballot in hopes
that enough votes would change,
2) re-amend the Panhel consti-
tution to allow a simple majority
to decide, or 3) delegate decis-
ion-making power to Dean of
Women Deborah Bacon and a
group of individuals concerned
with the matter.
Dean Bacon last night had no
comment on possibility number
three, which she reportedly dis-
cussed with the house presidents
at yesterday's meeting.
Panhel is a "responsible, level-
headed" body, capable of handling
the rushing question in the best
interests of the campus, she said.

Petitions for 24 Student Leg-
islature seats to be filled in all-
campus elections March 30 and
31 may be picked up from 1 to
5 p.m. daily through Friday and
from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday
in the SL Bldg.
Twenty-two candidates elect-
ed to the Legislature will serve
for two semesters and two for
one-semester terms.
Petitions for nine J-Hop
posts, seven Union vice-presi-
dential positions, three mem-
bers of the Board in Control
of Student Publications and one
Board in Control of Inter-Col-
legiate Athletics member are
also available.
Candidates for four senior
class posts in the literary and
engineering colleges may pick
up petitions in the SL Bldg.
Deadline for returning all
petitions is Saturday.
Young Lists
Philip Young of the Civil Service
Commission told Congress yester-
day that 355 out of 1,782 "secur-
ity" separations in the government
last year involved persons with
subversive data in theirfiles.
The long-awaited breakdown-
classifying the suspects as alleged
subversives, sex perverts, criminals
and persons with other deroga-
tory backgrounds - came after
weeks of public outcry by Demo-
crats for detailed information on
the subject.
PRESIDENT Dwght D. Eisen-
hower said in his State-of-the-
Union message .to Congress in
January that 2,200 government
workers had been let out under
the new security program he ord-
ered into effect in April, 1853.
New Atomic
Tests Opened
government t e r s e l y announced
yesterday that an "atomic device"
has been exploded in the mid-Pa-
cific in the first of a new series of
tests widely heralded to include a
hydrogen bomb blast.
The scene of the latest explosion
was in the general vicinity of Eni-
wetok Atoll, in the Marshall Is-
lands, where the first hydrogen de-
vice was detonated in 1952.
Matching the airtight secrecy
surrounding the current tests, yes-
terday's brief announcement said
"Lewis L. Strauss, chairman of
the U.S. Atomic Energy Commis-
sion, announced today that Joint
Task Force 7 has detonated an
atomic device at the AEC's Pacif-
ic proving ground in the Marshall
"This detonation was the first in
a series of tests."

-Daily-Dean Morton
Cer Ni PdueTo Leave Big Ten Cellar
The Wolverine cage team put on a red-hot shooting exhibition
last night and broke a seven-game losing streak by toppling Purdue,
The win gave Michigan a Big Ten mark of three wins and 10
losses and moves it out of the cellar and into an eighth place tie
with Michigan State. The Boilermakers finished their Western Con-
ference schedule with a 3-11 rec-
ord. The Wolverines final contest '
will be at East Lansing Saturday R_ _AD__ E'_
* * * StrasO er
THE MAIZE and Blue tallied S,
46.6 percent of its shots durng
the tussle including a dazzling 52.5 Upens .Today
in the first half. All five .of Mich-
igan's starters scored in double Arrayed in bright costumes, stu-
figures, but particularly outstand- dents in the .speech departmentl
ing were Paul Groffsky and Milt and School of Music will presentl
Mead. Richard Strauss' "Ariadne of Nax-
Groffsky, finally snapping out os" beginning its five-day run to-
of his scoring slump, exhibited day at 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendels-
the type of play he showed last sohn Theater.
year when he led the Wolverine Praised by critic Milton Cross for
point makers. The 6-4 junior "combining music of satiric wit
operating out of the pivot, con- and urbanity with melodic pas-
nected with 11 of 16 shots for a sages of incomparable richness,"
game high total of 24 points. He the opera was adapted from an-
also led the winners in rebounds cient Greek legend.
with 12 and played a good floor The production which con-
game. . tains much of Strauss' roman-
The 6-7 Mead made his last tic lyricism will be directed by
home appearance his best of the Prof. Josef Blatt and Prof. Val-
year and possibly of his college entine Windt with costumes by
career. Playing the full game for eytise th costesrby
the first time this season, Mead Phyllis Pletcher and scenery by
dropped through 60 per cent of Jack E. Bender.
his field goal attempts as he piled Tickets are priced at $1.75, $1.40,
up 19 points. $1.00 with a special student rate
See WOLVERINES, Page 3 of 75 cents for opening night only.

taken into custody.
Four of the would-be assasins
were arraigned before U.S. Com-
missioner Cyril S. Lawrence last
night and held in bonds of $100,-
000 each to cover charges of fel-
onious assault with intent to kill.
The U.S. attorney for the Dis-
trict of Columbia, Leo A. Rover,
told Lawrence two of the five con-
gressmen are in very serious con-
dition and that there was a grave
possibility one or both might die.
THE WOUNDED congressmen:
Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich.) a
graduate of the University,
struck in the left side below the
Ben F. Jensen (R-Iowa), hit in
the left shoulder.
* * *
shot through the calf of a leg.
Kenneth A. Roberts (D-Ala),
wounded in the lower part of
his leg.
George H. Fallon (D-Md.), shot
in the fleshy, upper thigh, the
bullet passing all the way through.
* * *
AT POLICE headquarters, the
Puerto. Ricans were identified as
members of the nationalist Inde-
pendence Party in Puerto Rico.
Two other members of this party
tried to assassinate President Tru-
man in 1950.
Bentley, most seriously wound-
ed of the five congressmen shot
down, last night underwent sur-
gery in Casualty Hospital.
The congressman has only a
"50-50 chance" to live, his physi-
cian said after the operation last
* */ *
"THE OPERATION was a suc-
cess," said Dr. Charles White, who
assisted in the operation at Cas-
ualty Hospital.
Dr. Joseph .young, surgeon
and chief of staff, had called
the operation "exploratory."
'Describing Bentley's condition
as critical, Young said it now ap-
peared that Bentley suffered a
perforated lung, stomach and,
probably, the liver.
* * *
LIKE THE attack on Truman,
yesterday's shooting took place
without the slightest advance
The House was considering a
bill for the recruitment of Mex-
ican labor. Speaker Martin had
been asked if a quorum were
present, and he had counted the
Moments later, at 2:31 p.m., this
placid scene was turned into the
wildest confusion.

Two Legislators
Seriously Injured
Bentley in Critical Condition; Davis,
Jenson, Roberts, Fallon Also Hurt
WASHINGTON-OP)-At least three men and a woman, spectators
in the House gallery, yesterday suddenly shouted, "Free Puerto Rico!"
waved Puerto Rican flags, and cut loose with wild, indiscriminate
pistol fire that wounded five congressmen.
Two congressmen were hurt seriously. The other three had leg
The gunmen and their woman companion, Puerto Ricans from
New York City, were overpowered and captured immediately.
House Speaker Martin (R-Mass.) said they were part of a bus-
load of Puerto Ricans who had come to the capital yesterday. He
said around 20 of them have been!

Meat Truck
Halted Here
A truck carrying a cargo of un-
refrigerated meat scheduled for
delivery to several local restaur-
ants was halted early last week
from completing its shipment, it
has been learned.
According to Dr. Otto K. En-
gelke, health officer of Ann Ar-
bor's Board of Health, the driver
of the truck was sent back to his
Detroit company with a written
warning that legal action would.
be taken if unsanitary meat ar-
rivals continued.
.* * *
THE COMPANY involved in the
infraction is reportedly the same
one tagged in a Daily series over
a year ago to have then been sup-
plying horsemeat to a few Ann
Arbor restaurants.
The defective meat cargo was
Intercepted by a health officer
for Washtenaw County. The
truck was found to be carrying
no refrigeration equipment and
was allegedly laden with an ac-
cumulation of dirt.
Refrigeration facilities are re-
quired in all trucks delivering cer-
tain perishables into the Ann Ar-
bor area. Such trucks are also sup-
posed to be hosed down after each
run. However, it was reported this
had not occurred with the truck
* * *
MEANWHILE, new regulations
from the city Board of Health
have been dispatched to all Ann
Arbor restaurant owners requir-
ing all persons employed in eating
establishments to have x-rays tak-
en before inspectors conduct an-
other survey into the health con-
ditions in local eating places.
A letter sent to restaurant
men said a certificate would be
issued by the department to each
employe who passed the exami-
nation and would then become
part of his restaurant work iden-
The system of x-raying all res-
taurant employes in Ann Arbor
had been discontinued several
years back but new health regula-
tions passed in Oct., 1953 put the
rule back into effect.
Heavy Snows
Blanket City,
Expect More
March roared in with blustery
30-mile-per-hour winds and five
inches of new snow yesterday re-.
placing sporadic end-of-the-month
A total of between six and 10
inches of snow is expected to cover
the ground today with snow flur-
ries continuing according to the
Willow Run Weather Bureau.
** *
NEAR BLIZZARD conditions re-
duced visibility to less than one
mile in rural areas surrounding
Ann Arbor late yesterday. State
Police warnings were issued to all
motorists to be aware of danger-

Security issue Subject
Of B~rownell Talk Todayfi
Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. will analyze "Our Internal
Security" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
One of the top advisors in the 1952 presidential campaign,
Brownell was described by Time magazine as "the best political strate-
gist of the Republican party."
BROWNELL HAS managed other major campaigns of his party,

including the presidential tries of<"
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey. Receiv-
ing his start in politics in the New
York State Assembly; Brownell
served for five terms and intro-
duced legislation to establish min-
imum wage standards and reor-
ganize New York city government.
Concerning his office, the At-
torney General has said, "I feel
that the Department of Justice
is a keystone of the republic; if
it fails, all that our youth has
fought to preserve, crumbles."s
As administrator of the Justice
Department, Brownell acts as
principle legal advisor to the Pres-
Tickets for the lecture will be
on sale from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
today at Hill Auditorium.

New International Center Chief To Be Chosen

As speculation rose among for- our meetings. Although they are
eign students that several pros- only attached to, and not members
pective directors of the Interna- of the committee, they have had
tional Center had recently been in- a chance to meet several of the
terviewed on campus, it was re- people under consideration and
ported yesterday that the two stu- have been kept fully informed of
dents appointed to the committee the activities of the committee."
to choose the new director have Dean Ford explained that the
not been fully consulted by the committee was "just an ad hoc
committee for several weeks. group that will make recommen-
"The committee* now trying to dations to University President
-t__- s___ - .. _. I L ..... r i .t.1. W.it L l

was charged, "and at only two
committee meetings out of at least
six or seven, have students been
invited to attend."
"THE FIRST meeting, in No-
vember, was very informal and in-
troductory. At another, held in
December, the students were al-
lowed to present the committee
with a full brief prepared by In-
fnrnatinnn] ofCit.An..+A cenrnin+tnn

said, "There has been no clear-
cut, over-all policy of the Center
applied uniformly to all foreign
students. To a great many foreign
students the International Center
is completely unknown, or if
known it has generally failed to
acquaint them with the American
way of life."
More specific criticisms of the
Center claimed that:

lowed to present individually their
ideas on the future policies and
directorship of the Center.
"ISA members, after their ur-,
gent request to listen to these
reports, were absolutely refused
admission to these meetings," it
was reported.
According to several sources, the
choice of new directors has nar-
rowed down to three men, none of


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