FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, ]FEBRUARY 28, 1954 VflTTR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 195k Is McCarthy On Top? T ___ELONGER and more fiercely the McCarthy-Stevens battle rages the bet- ter chances become for a major split to occur within the Republican Party. Some question has been raised as to whether the GOP can withstand such a split. Apparently executive and party leaders do not think so. Early last week, when the minor dispute involving the Senate Permanent Investigat- ing Subcommittee and Army Secretary Stev- ens seemed to be developing into a maj.or issue, Stevens was induced, presumably by executive and party leaders, to give ground. He agreed to work with McCarthy, and to do so on the Wisconsin Senator's terms. Thus a nation-wide televised battle was avoided. However the impulse to do some extra- curricular name calling proved to be too much and as a result Senate GOP leaders were forced to take sides, ordering a probe into investigating rules to determine wheth- er or not they need to be changed. McCar- thy retaliated with an I-can-top-you move and yesterday ordered Army investigations to proceed despite the disapproval. of his colleagues. To date McCarthy has, accomplished several things of note. He has turned a minor disagreement with the Pentagon into a brass battle. He has produced a situation that not only allows but actually encourages GOP leaders to differ emphat- ically and loudly. And he has succeeded in once again capturing the headlines. Until last week Senator McCarthy was having relative difficulty in coming up with anything capable of arousing the sustained attention of the reading public. For a man who depends upon sensationalism for his appeal this is disastrous. Also, until last week the Republican party was able to maintain a front of comparative unanimity of opinion on major issues. This front has been broken down. And herein lies the real danger of the power haggle. Even while there was comparative unity within the party the Eisenhower Adminis- tration had to depend on outside support to put its policy into effect. For this reason it is obvious that any sort of fur- ther weakening in the ranks will be dis- astrous both to the Administration and to Republican rule. If Eisenhower does not succeed in quiet- ing the controversy and doing so to his own advantage, he will at last have been driven by the Senator into an indefensible position. If he cannot quiet McCarthy, then it must follow that the Army will have to give way. And then indeed the Senator will be ready for his coup d'etat. -F ran Sheldon Munt-Broeks Dance Company PERHAPS the season's only professional dance concert featured last night seven numbers as the Maxine Munt-Alfred Brooks Dance Company appeared before an enthu- siastic audience at Pattengill Auditorium. The Company, whicn besdes Miss Munt and Mr. Brooks includes Martha Cutrufello and Marion Jim, unveiled a wide variety of dances and moods. In the lighter vein they ranged from Miss Munt's humorous bur- lesque of gum chewing, "The Same in Any Flavor," to a folksy exposition of a polka. The more serious side had the intense and evocative "Web" with choreography and mu- sic by Mr. Brooks, an unaccompanied solo by Miss Munt, "Unquiet Path," and a hu- man, earthy portrayal of life when an old- er and younger sister prey on the emotions of a brother and his bride, "There is a Season." "There is a Season" was composed by Frederick Coulter, and his music was both suggestive of the moods in the dance, and pliant in its ability to be lyric or rhythmic. Its danceable character was easily trans- formed by Miss Munt into choreography which was not only successful in lending the folksy side of the dance's setting but also in giving vent to the story's struggle. Miss Munt's solo, which seemed to show the growth of minute movements to their maturity and final devastation, was indeed a provocative and engaging work. Though it was unaccompanied, formal clarity was never lost as the dance was logically self- generated, and the dropping of the three pieces of cloth seemed to mark decisively the stages of its course. The program as a whole was marred by a tendency towards length in the early part, which was not nearly as imaginative as the latter. The Company has the material of real dance ability, and presented a reward- ing evening's entertainment. -Donald Harris New Books at Library Huston, McCready-The Saving Grace. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1954. Palmer, Joe H.-This Was Racing. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1953. Welty, Eudora-The Ponder Heart. New Nice Work' B P RESIDENT HATCHER'S announcement that proposals to lift or alter the driving ban have been tabled indefinitely by the Board of Regents came as a disappointment to those who continue to fight for student government. An interesting dichotomy has arisen. Although the Board of Regents has given "sympathetic and long consideration" to the driving problem, and the SL proposals represent, in the words of the President, "very fine work by the students who drew them up," the Board of Regents refuses to take action on them. One cannot help but doubt the sincerity of the Regents' sympathy and deliberation in the face of their continued refusal to consider the students' work. Several of the President's reasons for the continuation of the driving ban, bear fur- ther examination. One of these, the "over- whelming parental opposition," cited by Hatcher, is especially shaky. While President Hatcher has undoubtedly ut No Action received many letters protesting the re- moval of the driving ban, he has not in the absence of a scientific, comprehensive poll, the right to claim that parents are over- whelmingly opposed to students driving. Those parents who are unaware of the problem or who favor the ban's removal are less likely to make their views vocal, thus allowing a small majority that avidly opposes the ban to give the impression of "overwhelming parental opposition." The President noted that there is no great internal pressure for removal of the ban, adding that a car is not very useful in Ann Arbor. This is no criteria for judg- ing the wisdom of a car ban. It is up to the students to determine their needs, and not the administration or the Board of Regents. -The students, through SL, have made known their feelings. The Board of Regents has an obligation to the students to consider their wishes and act without further delay on the alternatives submitted by SL. -Lee Marks A Little Service, Please THIS IS NOT a survey of local restaurants. Rather, this article is based on im- pressions gained after eating more than 100 meals in campus eateries during a year and a half at the University. One has only to eat a few meals in these places to discover that standards of service and courtesy maintained are min- imum in many cases and lacking in others. 'This is in addition to the fact disclosed by recent health surveys that the campus area restaurants fall slightly below the average in maintaining health standards. It is the student looking for a quick meal at reasonable prices who forms the main clientele in these restaurants. If it were not for the University these places would soon go out of business, as would many of the local stores. Yet the student is looked on patronizingly and tolerated as a neces- sary evil who must be fed with a minimum of service. There will always be students who will have to eat out. Thus the res- tauranter's business is secure, so why better conditions? Major reason given in answer to the prob- lem is lack of time and space during rush periods. Catering mainly to the short-order trade, campus eating places do the majority of their business during the hours of noon to 1 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Meals must be prepared as rapidly as possible and it is easy to forget some of the standards of good service. Shortage of space and help in many places only add to the confusion. Under these conditions, it is to the ad- vantage of both customer and manager to get a group served and out of the place as soon as possible. Yet one must often wait for a sandwich up to 45 minutes. However, it is not only during rush hours that such conditions can be found. One can walk in certain eating places any time of the day and find the tables clut- tered with dirty dishes, the floors dirty and several waiters sitting around. Wait- ers must often be asked several times for incidentals such as napkins and water which should be brought without asking. Good service costs nothing, but it can make quite a difference in customer satis- faction and thus in profits. It is promising that these restaurants have pledged coop- eration with local health officials in better- ing their standards. Because service stan- dards cannot be enforced by any agency, it is hoped that the individual restaurants will take it upon themselves to provide the kind of efficient and courteous service that will make eating out less of an ordeal. --Freddi Loewenberg "Ok-. Bud. When I Want You Again I'll Send For You" ' =: svx - y k- a T H E W E E K O N C AP U IN THE WILD WEST QUAD, where men are men and women are relatively scarce, dining difficulties developed. Winchell House walked out of a Quad Council meeting after a dispute over which men's houses would have to shift to new dining rooms as a "share the women" plan goes into effect. But everyone, even the women, not too surprisingly, seemed satisfied with the general idea of allowing other houses in the quad to dine with the ladies. East Quad's Hayden House called for "united front" against turning more men's residence hall houses over to women. And Student Legislature asked the administration to cooperate with IHC and Assembly on the conversion problem. The legislature action, on a vote of 32-4, also urged the Dean's office to let more undergraduate women live outside the Residence Halls. A LEAGUE POLL jolted some men by revealing that co-eds are generally satisfied with the present number of late permission nights. Not only that, but the women said by a vote of 1782 to 531 they felt present regulations involving closing hours and individual late permissions are in the general interest of students. Can't under- stand it. * * * * A FOUR-MONTH city health department survey of local restaur- ants revealed that less than six of a total of 162 fully met city health standards. While health officer Dr. Otto K. Engelke saw "no immediate health threat," he said there's considerable room for im- provement. Campus area restaurants rated lower than the rest in the survey. One \of the two University operated cafeterias had a perfect health score, the other wasn't so hot. Dr. Engelke revealed that he inspected the University restaurants "as a courtesy," the city having no authority over the state institution's dining facilities. AT A PRESS CONFERENCE, University President Harlan H. Hatch- er said he didn't know when the Regents might get the Student Legislature's proposals to remove or alter the driving ban off their table. The SL Cabinet responded with a statement urging the Regents "to take final action" on one of the four proposals to drop or modify the car regulations, and to adopt one of the proposals which have been tabled by the Regents since last May. A GROUP OF Romance Languages professors revealed they have been using the same bar of soap every day for more than ten years, and it's almost as big now as it was when they started. Campus logicians. concluded: 1) Romance Languages professors wash. 2) The soap probably was left there when the building was built, and has since fossilized. -Jon Sobeloff Xette TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. For Spring Rushing ...* Is Mr. Cleary aware of the fact that three and one half (3%') mil- To The Editor: lion people are unemployed today? WITHIN THE next few weeks Will Mr. Clary concede that this whesorority women will decide high unemployment is due to gen- whether or not Panhellenic is to eral production cutbacks and not continue Fall rushing. If our pur- to any laziness on the part of the pose is to produce a strong, vital worker? If Mr. Cleary admits that sorority system, we must consider these layoffs were beyond their what program will best serve this control, does he then feel that 27 end. Because of our experience in dollars a week is adequate to feed both rushing systems we feel qual- a family of four? ified to point out certain factors Or is Mr. Cleary operating from which seem to have been overlook- an entirely different premise-that ed in discussions of this question. the 3y 2 million people who are un- Fall rushing involves liabilities employed left their jobs willingly to the individual houses, since they to collect 27 dollars a week with- cannot accurately anticipate their out working. Using some inverse membership number, due to "lost" logic and applying it to Mr. pledges, who do not make their Cleary's original s t a t e m e n t, grades. The financial officers of wouldn't. the way to cure unem- the house are never able to plan ployment lie in cutting out aid or estimate what the housing sit- completely. Since he feels 'that uation will be until the last no- unemployment would rise if aid meny Ifbacm aetonccyrthenwas increased, wouldn't unemploy- may become apparent only when ment fall when unemployment in- it is already too late to fill the surance was decreased? places with transfers or other stu- It would seem from the tone of dents. If rushing were deferred Mr. Cleary's remark that he has until girls had attained the re- littlecoy's in thtegrit quired grade average, the house little confidence in the integrity qured gre verage, then hodne of the American worker, or in his could then depend upon a definite desire to better himself economi- number of occupants. Under de- cally. We feel that the vast major- ferred rushing houses could be s ty of the unemployed would wel- sure of pledging only girls who come the opportunity to resume are academically eligible. More work and until they attain that over it seems grossly unfair to al- goal we Democrats believe in of- low students to assume places in fering them effective economic aid. sorority houses which they may -Ralph Goldberg never be able to fill. - lResearch Committee Proponents of fall rushing argue Young Democrats that this system increases the number of quota places filled by houses. In support of this view Driving Ban , , , they quote the Panhellenic evalu-IT WAS WITH complete disgust ation, which reports that while 551 that I read the front page of unfilled quota places occurred in Friday morning's Daily. On one 1952 (spring rushing), only 15 side of the page was an article quota vacancies appeared in 1953 announcing somewhat joyously (fall rushing). However, that does the acceptance by a University not represent a true picture. For administration committee of a A I A Brighter Picture In Italy A POINT FOR democracy was chalked up Friday when Premier Mario Scelba ob- tained a vote of confidence from the Italian Senate. Yet to be hurdled is the forthcoming debate in the Chamber of Deputies (the lower house). Athough the session is scheduled to begin next Tuesday, a vote is not expected to be taken until the lat- ter part of March. Because of the Senate decision, however, the Premier and his Government stand an excellent chance. Obtaining for Scelba a slim majority of thirteen votes, the four center parties, Chrsitian Democrats, Right-Wing Socialists, Liberals and Republicans, pushed the Pre- mier through to victory. Scelba also re- ceived four out of six independent votes. In an atmosphere of quiet calm as com- pared to the rowdiness of the last session, Scelba reaffirmed his violent opposition to Communism. This time only a few feeble protests were audible. Italy wants peace, Scelba stressed, and it is for this reason that she needs EDC. He repeated the need for ratification of the document by Parliament in the near future. 'Other elements of the Govern- ment's foreign policy, such as NATO and European integration, also were named by Scelba as pertinent to relaxing the tension among nations today. The Senate has certainly taken a step in the right direction. Communism, for the while, must take a bitter dose of defeat. It is to be hoped that the good news from Italy will continue with the demise of in- ternal confusion and the steady rise of a stable, democratic government. -Shirley Klein F DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN cURt ir NTMQo/Ic Architecture Auditorium CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS with Fred- rick March AFTER SEEING this film, it is reasonable to assume that October 12 is observed not as a day of celebration but rather as a The Future of .Reading N SCHOOLS and colleges, in these audio- visual days, doubt has been raised as to the future of reading-whether the print- ed word is on its last legs. One college presi- dent has remarked that in fifty years "only five per cent' of the people will be reading." For this, of course, one must be prepared. But how prepare? To us it would seem that even if only one person out of a hundred and fifty million should continue as a reader, he would be the one worth saving, the nu- cleus around which to found a university. We think this not impossible person, this Last Reader, might very well stand in the same relation to the community as the queen bee to the colony of bees, and that the oth- ers would quite properly dedicate themselves wholly to his welfare, serving special foods and building special accommodations. From his nuptial, or intellectual, flight would come the new race of men, linked perfectly with the long past by the unbroken chain of the intellect, to carry on the community. Reading is the work of the alert mind, period of mourning for Christopher Colum- bus. Only after eight years of toiling against the vested interests of the Spanish Em- pire was poor old Columbus given his shies. However, the author of the script has seen fit not only to present the usual obstacles to our hero, but he places sex in his path. This proves his mettle, for with only a sly glance to the side he departs on his voyages. But discovery of new lands only brings ingratitude, and we leave Col- umbus a broken man. One may wonder why he didn't stay behind to enjoy the pleasures of civilization. Fredrick March's interpretation of Colum- bus leaves much to be desired and little to be admired. He presents us with the pic- ture of a court bore rather than an intreped adventurer. Such incompetence might be excused if it were not for so many other inadequacies present in the movie. Historical inaccuracy is a general theme. The dialogue is verbose and generally poor. The photography is glossy, colorful, and hard on the eyes. A lack of direction lends an'inconsistent at- mosphere. And a garbled sound track and projection difficulties also add to this feature's unattractiveness. If you have fifty cents lying around loose, it might be prudent to put it in the bank and let the interest accumulate until you can afford cinemascope. -Dick Wolf THERE is a cause transcending all others (Continued from Page 2) Presbyterian Student Center. Break- fast Seminar on "The Last Judgement," 9:15 a.m. Westminster Guild Supper, 5:30 p.m. Report by students who at- tended the Presbyterian Conference on Ecumenical Churchmanship, 6:45 p.m. Discussion and refreshments following. Michigan Christian Fellowship. Rev. Leonard Verduin, Campus Chapel, will speak on "The Deity of Christ," 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All interested students are invited to attend; refreshments will be served. Wesley Guild. Student Seminar, Pine Room, 10:20 a.m. Fellowship Supper, 5:30 p.m. Prof. William Alston will speak on "Personal Ethics," 6:45 p.m. Lutheran student Association. Supper and fellowship hour, 6 p.m., Student Center. Young Friends Fellowship. Note change in topic: "The Philosophy of Work Camps," 6:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Unitarian Student Group. Panel dis- cussion on "Prejudice," 7:30 p.m., Uni- tarian Church. Anyone desiring trans- portation, be at Lane Hall, promptly 7:15 p.m. Grace Bible Guild. Sunday School class meets at 10 a.m. with Dr. Pike leading a study in Romans. Guild sup- per at 6 p.m. Welcome. Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Rehear- sal tonight in the Leag.ue at 7:15 for chorus of "Thespis" and "The Sorcerer" and for the principals of "The Sorcerer." Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester Co-op, 900 Oakland, Sun., Feb. 28, at 8. Everyone invited! Hillel- Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Hillel Student Council Meeting 3-6:00 p.m. - International Open House. All students are cordially invited to attend! Entertainment, refreshments, Coming Events Science Research Club. The March meeting will be held in the Rackham Amphitheater at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Mar. 2. Program: "Human Ecology of a Pa- cific Atoll," by Marston Bates, Depart- ment of Zoology; "Species,. Old and New," by Robert V. Kesling, Museum of Paleontology. The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher Verein will meet on Monday at 3:15 in the taproom of the Union. Mr. M. Dyck and Dr. A. J. Gaiss, both of the German Dept. faculty, will be on hand to aid those interested in improving their conversational ability. All wel- come. Deutscher Verein will have its annual "Tanz-abend" in conjunction with the Square Dance Group on Tues. at 7:30 in Lane Hall. As usual, Miss Sophia Holley of Detroit will instruct the group in a series of traditional German folk- dances. Refreshments will be served. All welcome. La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow afternoon from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria. This informal coffee-hour is open to all those wishing to improve their French! when we add to this those who were not eligible for initiation be- cause of grades the 15 vacancies become 56, thereby invalidating this particular argument. It is also claimed that fall rush- ing encourages more people to rush. They cite the Panhellenic report, which states that in 1952 (spring rush) 571 girls registered for rushing, whereas in 1953, (fall rushing) 1030 girls registered. If we look at these figures from a percentage standpoint, we find that 571 represents 67% of the total freshman women enrolled for that year, while 1030 repre- sents 72% of the freshmen women enrolled. (The majority of women who rush are freshmen, and the system was altered with the ob- jective of attracting more fresh- men.) Thus only 5% more rushed under the fall system. It will be noted that the enrollment of freshmen women increased 66% in these 2 years; and University officials anticipate that this trend will continue. A woman's hous- ing shortage may actually occur in the next few years. Therefore it seems rather ridiculous for sor- orities to worry about filling their: quotas, when the real problem' may well be how to expand their' facilities. Space does not permit a discus- sion of other issues involved. How- ever we feel that the above fac- tors alone constitute strong rea- sons for a return to spring rush- ing. -Barbara Mattison Ann Plumton ". " * * Block 'il' .. IN WEDNESDAY'S meeting of the SL Campus Action Com- mittee we discussed the Block M flash card section and its place on the Michigan campus. The committee has recommended fur- ther discussion of the situation on the floor of the Legislature, to be held in the near future. In ac- cordance with the Legislature's policy of representing student opinion, and since we feel that this is a matter which concerns a large segment of the student body, we would like to urge all inter- ested students to express their views on the subject. We hope that you will feel free to tell your opinions to the Legislature mem- bers you know, or to write to us in care of the SL building, 512 S. State. There has been a great deal of student sentiment expressed on both sides of this subject, and we would like to see a fair representa- tion of student opinion expressed accurately by the Legislature. This can bedone only with your co- operation. -Lee Abrams, member Hank Berliner, chairman SL Campus Action Committee Clery & Unemployment ACCORDING to the usually ac- curate reporting of the Michi- gan Daily, Owen J. Cleary a Re- publican candidate for Governor addressing the local Young Repub- licans made the following state- ment, "He (Governor Williams) wants to make unemployment plan for really effective student government, in the form of a "Student Executive Committee." However, directly opposite this article was another which declared that Administration and Regents' action on the Driving Ban was indefinately postponed. To me the two articles might well have been combined into one, and titled "Ad- ministration Hypocricy." This action on the Driving Ban -or rather this lack of action- clearly makes a mockery of the administration committee that is attempting to build effective stu- dent government. The Adminis- tration obviously wants no part of such effective student govern- ment! Their action in frustrating the Student Legislature's efforts to give students what the stu- dents said they wanted, in last year's referendum, makes this all terribly clear. One does not thwart a seven year attempt at student government as consistently as this University has, if one's ultimate goal is that very student govern- ment. Then what, one may ask, is the University's motive in sponsoring a committee to study and revise student government? Perhaps it is to dissolve what little student government we now have, and to replace it with a wholly subser- vient body. Certainly the project- ed review board (consisting of one administration man, one faculty man named by the administration and one student) which would sit above the "new Student Executive body," might lead one to question motives. With this in mind, I for one am going to support the SL-dissatis- fled as I may be with it-in total dread of what might replace it. At least SL is a POTENTIAL stu- dent government, which derived from the students. -Herb Solomon Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor Eric Vetter...............City Editor Virginia Voss........Editorial Director Mike Wolff........Associate City 'Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor Helene Simon ......... Associate Editor Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor PaulGreenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...... Women's Editor Kathy Zeisier. ...Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey .....Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden.......Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS I The Women's Research Club will meet Mon., Mar. 1, in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m. Dr. Jeanne Watson will speak on "Learning from Cross Culture Contact; A Study of the German Visitors Program." The College of Engineering and the Audio-Visual Education Center will pre- sent the premiere showing of a drama- tic, solor motion picture entitled THE FIRST HUNDRED, commemorating the Centennial of Engineering at Michi- gan, in Rackham Lecture Hall., March 10, 7:30 and 9 p.m. Any Undergraduate Students Inter- ested in Botany are invited to attend the first meeting of the Undergraduate Botany Club, scheduled for Sunday af- ternoon, Mar. 7, at 2 o'clock, in 1139 I ! f __,,., w.. _ _. _ ., Ii .... ..