PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY rATTTRnAV rV.RRTTAIDV 91 16XA THE MTCHTG~e~la 7/IIAIIVtATTrR'7E .RAE~ l~~ inAl llni. AX, r bust uAK x 47, ]:13s I Scelba's Trouble In Italy TALY'S GOVERNMENT is once again on the brink of complete confusion as Pre- mier Mario Scelba fights continually to hold his cabinet together. Booed and hissed last week by Leftist members of Parliament, the tough new Premier could scarcely speak as he made his bid for a vote of confidence. Neo- fascists, Communists and Left Wing So- cialists alike loudly made known their opposition to the creator of the Italian police force. Climaxing the chaos, an uproar arose when Scelba expressed the Government's sorrow for the death of four persons in demonstrations against the municipal ad- ministration in Mussomeli, Sicily. Because Scelba has made the police force the scourge of the Communist troublemakers, the Left- ists delight in blaming him for the death or injury of any persons involved in a govern- ment riot. After twenty-five minutes of deafening shouting and violent quarreling including such namecalling as "assassin" expressly aimed at Scelba, the Parliament resumed. its meeting. The blowhard leader of the Italian Reds, Signor Togliati, Immediately jumped to his feet, citing Premier Scelba personally for the deaths. The head of the largest and strongest Communist party this side of the Iron Curtain went on to say that before the Premier continued any fur- ther the Communist party would leave. With. that Togliati stalked out followed by his own party and the Left Wing Socialists. The meeting proceeded as the liberal Premier discussed his plans for the fu- ture. The program read more vaguely than that of his predeceessor, Amintori Fanfan, the bold, shrewd Tuscan whose regime lasted exactly eleven days. Scelba pointed out that his Cabinet had accepted Fanfani's budget which foresaw unprecedented spending. The bald-headed former Sicilian lawyer was, however, far more general in his statement concerning the spending of the money, the possible date of ratification by Parliament of EDC and the solution to the Trieste question. (The Italian Premier seems to think Italy and Yugoslavia could complement each others' economies most profitably, but first the West must understand its own problems.) After eight years of hard built, hard won democracy under the capable leadership of de Gasperi, Italy seems to be failing in her search for a healthy and unified govern- ment. Giuseppi Pella, known as the "care- taker," followed de Gasperi as Premier last August. When he too failed to alleviate the problems of 2,000,000 unemployed, low wages and high costs, land reform and others, the dissension again burst forth. Within his own Christian Democrat party a new faction, "The Democratic Initiative," headed by the then Minister of the Interior Fanfari spoke out, asking Pella to oppose Communist growth by more vigorous social refomins. The Premier was, unsuccesful. When Pella tried to replace a Fanfani man, the steering com. mittee opposed him. Pella resigned; he has since been followed by Fanfai and presently Scelba. Only nine votes are needed to upset Scel- ba from his already unsteady rostrum. Thus far he has not carried out his platform stressing social reform. If the present pre- carious position of the Italian government continues without improvement, the rich, powerful Communist party there will have a field day. -Shirley Klein CURRENT MOVIES 1 Automotive Expansion T HE University has acquired a powerful al- ly in its request for about $10,000,000 over the next five years to build an engineering laboratory on the North Campus. An impressive list of industrialists, call- ing themselves The Industrial Committee for the University of Michigan Engineer- ing Laboratories, are actively supporting the laboratory. They've even put out, a very attractive multi-color booklet, explaining graphically the need for a new automotive lab. One is certainly needed.- \ The crowded, run-down fire hazard that is the present automotive lab building was mainly built in 1885. A lean-to shed was added after the first world war. The shed now houses much of the lab equipment, which ex- ceeds the value of the building itself. The University requested $1,778,000 this year from the state as the first of five in- stallments for constructing a new automo- tive laboratory and other engineering lab facilities. The governor chopped the request in half in his budget request to the Legisla- ture. Of course it's unfortunate that worth- while projects like a new lab should need the support -of a powerful group like this committee, which includes top Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, Nash and Pack- ard executives, among others. But the Legislature responds to political pressure, and a group such as this one, illustrating the solid community of interest between the state's greatest industry and its greatest University, may be just what is needed. --Jon Sobeloff ette'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Winchell House .. * TODAY AND TOMORROW: Mr. Molotov in Berlin To the Editor: A STATEMENT made in the "con" section of your eitorial article (published on Thursday) on the Winchell House representa- tives' leaving the West Quad Council meeting merits correction. The fact is that, beginning Tues- day morning, the overwhelming majority of Winchell men have shown their respect for the West Quad dining room rotation plan by eating in the dining room assigned them. The Daily is to be commended for factual reporting in its ar- ticle of Wednesday on the dining rotation issue in West Quad. -Greg Schmidt President, West Quad Council * * .* Cease Fire ... To The Eitor: WE HAVE just returned from what is supposed to be a pride producing presentation of Paramount Pictures, a great epic called "Cease Fire." Our verdict was quite unanimous in that this is undoubtedly one of the worst movies ever seen especially so considering that it appeared as the featurb film at prices the But- terfield Theaters Inc., now charge regularly equalling those in most major cities for first run movies. This monopolistic theater chain seems to have no mercy on the trusting movie-goers. Some among us go to see almost every show, and we were so disgusted that we will surely wait for critical re- views before venturing forth again. Others, who because of the press of studies can only go occasionally were even more sorely disappoint- ed. I would like to suggest that there be some large board of re- viewers to venture some type opin- ion on movies before release if the distributors will not be decent enough to keep 3rd and 4th rate films away. --George Blum Marshall Hershen Richard Byrne S* * s Penn State .. . To the Editor: THE Daily will have J. P. White out of a job unless it discovers that Pennsylvania State College is now Pennsylvania State Universi- ty. -Renee Badner Barbara Schanz By WALTER LIPPMANN SINCE NO ISSUES of substance were set- tled at Berlin, or even negotiated seri- ously, the attempt to assess the effects of the meeting must be almost entirely guess- work. Speaking for the time being only of Europe, we know, for example, what in fact we knew before the meeting: that the prin- cipal powers are not now able to agree on the unification and military evacuation of Germany. But we do not know what the Germans will be thinking and saying as they realize that they are faced with the prospect of partition and occupation' that have no visible end. The meeting has, of course, raised a number of questions which are interest- ing and which may be 'important. One of them is why Mr. Molotov, who is op- posed to the European Defense Commun- ity, talked so, much and did so little-did nothing in fact-to compel the Western powers to negotiate with him about E.D.C. and an alternative. I find it difficult to share the opinion that Mr. Molotov's polite inactivity was im- posed upon him by the unity of the three Western Ministers. I am afraid I think that Mr. Molotov's refusal to make any serious proposals about Germany helped enormous- ly to make it easy to preserve a united front against him, And so we are left with the question of why he did not make any seri- ous proposal, why he limited himself to shopworn proposals which he knew nobody would dream of accepting, would dream even of discussing. To answer this question we can at least begin with something that is positive and not really in doubt. It is that last summer the Soviet Government came to a firm de- cision that it could not and would not agree now to the military evacuation of Eastern Germany and of Austria. We can, I think, be sure of that much. We can be fairly sure also that the decision became firm after the German uprising in June and the subse- quent fall of Beria, and that it is connected with the revival of the political power and influence of the Red army. The basic deci- sion to continue to occupy Germany and not to reunite it was already clearly indicated early last August in Malenkov's big speech. Having decided against a military with- drawal, Mr. Molotov in Berlin was like a man who holds the ace of trumps but has decided that he cannot for the time being play it. By the ace of trumps I am referring, of course, to the Soviet occu- pation of Eastern Germany and of the lost territories beyond the Oder-Neisse Line. Without a war that would destroy Ger- many the only way that Germany can be reunited and have again an acceptable eastern frontier is through agreement with the Soviet Union. The Western nations and Dr. Adenauer can propose German unification but the Russians have the phy- sical power over the land which is needed to bring about German unification. This much is hard fact. From it we may suppose that Mr. Molotov had no intention of trading his ace of trumps for an aban- donment of E.D.C. He acted in Berlin, so it seemed to me, like a man who dislikes E.- D.C. very much but does not dislike it so much or fear it so much that he is prepared to give up anything substantial in order to persuade the Westerners to renounce it. The occupation of Eastern Germany is a great and tangible asset now: the dangers to the Soviet Union from E.D.C. and German re- armament are theoretical, and cannot be- come actual for a number of years, at the minimum three to four years. A lot could happen in Germany, in France and in Italy and elsewhere in the meantime. * C . LET US ALLOW ourselves to pass from what is solid fact and a fairly close inference from it to speculation about the longer run. We may assume, I think, that the Soviet Government expects that some- how, through E.D.C. or in NATO a German army will be formed. But do the Russians really believe that this German army, with all of NATO be- hind it, is going to start marching to- wards the East in order to liberate the captive Germans? For myself I cannot believe that the signer of the Molotov- Ribbentrop pact has. any such notion. Surely, he knows quite as well as we do that Europe cannot be mobilized for a pro-German crusade, and that in this eration would be like trying to attack the Kremlin with cavalry armed with bows and arrows. My own guess is that when Western Ger- many has become stronger, when it has the military force to be the undisputed mas- ter of its own territoroy and therefore to conduct an independent foreign policy, Mr. Molotov has it in his mind to do what the Russians have so often done before: to make a deal with the Germans. That might ex- plain why he held on to the ace of trumps during the game he played at Berlin. He may have believed that he could use his trump much more effectively, much more decisively, when the time comes to deal di- rectly with the Germans. This might be dismissed as a too-Machi- avellian view of Mr. Molotov but for the fact that Mr. Molotov himself did just that in 1939. He is a man in whom the grooves of habit, judging by how often he repeats him- self without being bored, are deep and well worn. In 1939 he extricated himself-so he and Stalin believed at the time-from the threat of a Western combination against Russia which included Germany. It would be only prudent to suppose that, as he grows older, the patterns of his behavior are less likely to change. Something happened in Berlin which adds weight to the speculation that the Soviet intention is to hold Eastern Ger- many and then to negotiate directly with the Germans some years hence when they have an army. Mr. Molotov took a good deal of trouble at Berlin to maneuver the Western nations into an open and expli- cit declaration that a united Germany would not be bound by the commitments of E.D.C. Why? Was It only, was it even primarily, to provide the French opponents of E.D.C. with an argument against ratification? I doubt it. The French opponents of E.D.C. have read the texts and they know thatthe Ministers said nothing at Berlin which is not there in the texts. My guess is that Mr. Molotov's demonstration was made primar- ily for the benefit of the West German na- tionalists and for the German officers, in the main nationalists, who will command the German forces in E.D.C. In the traditions of the Germany army the allegiance of an officer is a very special thing-different perhaps even in quality from that which exists in other armies. It played a part in enabling Hitler to last long- er than without it he would have. The Ger- man officers in the main refused, indeed most of them felt themselves unable, to turn against him even to save their coun- try from disaster because of the binding quality of the personal oath that they had sworn to Hitler. If the treaty is ratified, the German officers are now going to take the equivalent of an oati of allegiance to the European Defense Community. But Mr. Molotov has been at great pains to make it plain to them that they are released from it if Germany is reunited. This is not an agreeable or a reassuring interpretation. But even if it is more or less correct, the ultimate catastrophe of a. German-Soviet alliance is not preordain- ed nor could it be consummated in the near future. The game is a fairly long one, so long that it will probably not be finished during the political lifetime of the men now'principally concerned with it. But assuming that the diplomacy of the West does not become, and does not remain, stalled, we might well find that we too, not only Mr. Molotov, have a few trumps up our sleeves. (Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) The Withholding i ax WE HAVE given about a year's thought to the witholding principle of taxation (not to be confused with the pay-as-you go plan) and are now ready with our conclu- sion. Our belief is that witholding is a bad way to go about collecting tax money, even though the figures may show that it gets results. It is bad because it implies that the individual is incapable of handling his own affairs. The government as much as says: We know that, if left to your own devices, you will fritter away your worldly goods and tax day will catch you without cash. Or it says: We're not sure you'll come clean in your return, so we will just take the money hpfn,'a it ,.on nlpa., nn.nvtnn.'.wil l hacaa -Daily-Bill Hampton But Inspector, how much can a fly eat anyway? I'ON THE WASHINGTON IERY-GO-ROUND SWITH DREW PEARSON IT WAS Vice-President Nixon, who has always played the role of the great pacifier between Senator McCarthy and the White House, who stepped back into his role this week to pave the way for Secre- tary of the Army Stevens' surrender. Nixon has played that role a good many times, going back to. spring when he arranged a lunch between McCarthy, Harold Stassen and John Foster Dulles after Stassen spanked McCarthy for Interfering in Greek shipping negotiations. The public state- ment which came. out of that luncheon, which incidentally was prepared in Nixon's office, was also a surrender to McCarthy- though not such a sensational one. Later it was Nixon who also met with McCarthy in Miami during the Christmas holidays and patched up an arrangement whereby McCarthy would turn his talents to probing corruption-the legiti- mate purpose of his committee-and leave Communist-hunting to the Jenner Internal Security Committee, which is officially charged with the job of unearthing Communism. Again it was Nixon who phoned Secretary of the Army Stevens early in the week with a view to patching upthe current differences with McCarthy. Nixon stressed the importance of avoiding a public hair-pulling contest and paved the way for a call from his old friend and colleague, Senator Mundt of South Dakota. Mundt called next day promptly at 12 noon.- "Ev Dirksen's here with me," he told the Army Secretary. "And' Joe's here. He's ranting and raving," Mundt added in a lighter voice. "We were just wondering if you couldn't come up and lunch with us.", STEVENS OBLIGES SECRETARY STEVENS replied that he could, and he left for the Senate immediately. He met Mundt in his own office. Mundt was alone. However,j Mundt took him in the Senate elevator to the office of Vic Johnson, former campaign manager for McCarthy and McCarthy's former as- sistant. In the elevator, who should they meet but Sen. Henry Jack- son of Washington, also a member of the McCarthy committee, but a Democrat. Jackson was the last man Mundt wanted to have know about their secret meeting, so the South Dakota solon looked embarrassed and said nothing. In Vic Johnson's office, Stevens discovered Dirksen of Illinois, Potter of Michigan and McCarthy-the three other Republican mem- bers of the committee. Dirksen more or less took over the. discussion. The burden of his argument was that any showdown between McCarthy and the Army should be avoided. A compromise would be much better for the Re- publican party. The only people who would enjoy the clash between McCarthy and Stevens, he said, were the Democrats, and they would just love watching the Republicans wash their dirty linen in public. Therefore, in the spirit of good fellowship and Republican har- mony, Dirksen asked Stevens if they might not draft an agreement. After a lot of discussion, Senator Mundt pecked out the agree- ment with two fingers on a typewriter. McCARTHY FUMES DURING MUCH of this time, McCarthy fretted and fumed. He put on a show of being at the luncheon against his will, and acted as if he'd walk out of the room any minute. Judging by his actions, he was itching to sink his teeth into the Army Secretary when he got him on the witness stand. Stevens of' course knew the Army was on weak ground on one point-the promotion of Major Peress. Actually there was a snafu on his papers, which at one time were sent to the wrong camp. This he knew would be embarrassing. And though the Army was3 on firm ground regarding Fort Monmouth where McCarthy's ex-< travagant charges of espionage were not even remotely fulfilled, Stevens finally agreed to the compromise. When he got back to the Pentagon, the Army Secretary immedi- ately called a conference of the high brass, including Gen. Matthew Ridgway and Under Secretary of Defense Kyes, to whom he reported that he had achieved a victory for the Army. He took the position that he had what he wanted from McCarthy and at first seemed quite proud of his achievement.t The initial reaction of General Ridgway was one of appreciation.t He said he was grateful for the way Stevens had gone to bat for the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 100 Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold the second of a series of monthly open houses for University facutly, staff, and townspeople on Sun., Feb. 28. from 4 to , at the President's House. 1954 Parking Permits: On March 5, 1954, all those entitled to Campus Park- ing Permits for 1954 must have them on their cars. After that date, 1953 Parking Permits will not be honored, even though the owner is entitled to a permit. Please do not ask to have parking violation notices "fixed" if you have not taken the trouble to get a 1954 Parking Permit. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary' Lectures University Lectures, auspices of the Department of History, Department of Classical Studies and the Kelsey Mu- seum of Archaeology. Frank E. Brown, Townsend Professor of Latin and Master of Jonathan Edwards College, Yale tni- versity, will give two lectures at the University. The first lecture, "Etruscan Rome," will be given Mon., Mar. 1, 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheater. The second, "Rome of the Scipios," will be given on Tue., Mar. 2, 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices Seminar in the History of Mathemat- ics will meet on Mondays at 3 in 3231 Angell Hal. Mon., Mar. 1, Rev. Hilary Heim will speak on Descartes. Doctoral Candidates who expect to re- ceive degrees in June, 1954, must have the bound copies of their dissertations in the office of the Graduate School by Fri., April 30. The report of the doc- toral committee on the final oral ex- amination must be filed with the Re- corder of the Graduate School not lat- er than Mon., May 24. The Department of Aeronautical En- gineering will sponsor a seminar on Air- craft Performance by the Energy Meth- od by Professor M. A. Brull on Mon., Mar. 1, 4 p.m. 1504 East Engineering Building. University Lecture, auspices of the epartments of Near Eastern Studies and Political Science, "North Africa: Prob- lems Arising from Its Changing Class Structure," Professor Roger Letourneau of the University of Algiers, Mon., Mar. 1, 4:15 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Concerts George London, bass baritone of the Metropolitan Opera, will be heard in recital, in the eigth concert of the Choral Union Series, Sunday evening, Feb. 28, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Lon- don will present the following program, with Leo Taubman at the piano: Mo- zart's concert aria, "Rivolgete a lu 10 sguaro; a group of Brahms songs; Credo from "Othello" (Verdi); La Procession (Franck); Paysage (Han); Mandoline (Debussy); Fleur jetee (ure); Waile, Wailie; Gambler's Song of the Big San- day River by John Jacob Niles; and Blow the Man Down. Tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Memorial Tower until noon Satur- day; and will be on sale, at the Hill Au- ditorium hx nfttrnr ei thr- ment of Speech 1954 SPRING PLAY- BILL. Tickets for individual perform. ances will go on sale Mon., Mar. 1. In- cluded on the series are Richard Strauss' comic opera, ARIADNE OF NAXOS, produced with the School of Music, March 2-6; Shakespeare's THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, March 25-27; and Eugene Hochman's 1953 Hopwood winner, VERANDA ON THE HIGH- WAY, April 22-24. Season tickets are available at $:$.25-$2.60-$1.90. Student season tickets for the three opening nights are $1.50. HILLEL Saturday 9:00 a.m. - Community Service Sunday ..10:30 a.m. - Hillel Student, Council Meeting 3-6:00 p.m. - International Open House. All students are cordially invited to attend! Entertainment, refreshments, and dancing. 6:00 p.m. -- Sunday Nite Supper Club, Dancing and Dining 7:00 p.m. - Hillel Chorus Chess Club. Samuel Reshevsky will give a simultaneous chess exhibition Sun., Feb. 28, at 4000 Tuxedo, Detroit. Play will begin at 2 p.m. If you are in- terested in playing call TR5-8450, Ext. 19. The Inter-Arts Union will vold Its weekly meeting 2 p.m. Saturday in the League. In addition to those who are already members, any persons interest- ed In joining are cordially invited. Newman Club Cabaret will be held this evening from 9-12. Newman Clubs from Michigan State College, Michigan State Normal College, and Wayne University will be present. Various kinds of e*- tertainment will be featured with each club taking part. Dancing and refresh- ments will be included in the evening's fun. Everyone is urged to attend, Coming Events The Women's Research Club will meet Mon., Mar. 1, in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m. Dr. Jeanne Watson will speak on "Learning from Cross Culture Contact: A Study of the German Visitors Program." : at a 1_ . #i At the State . 0 THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE, with Ava Gardfer and Robert Taylor. THE PRICE of this show is one dollar, an exorbitant sum to spend on any film and completely absurd for such as this. May I suggest the formation of a league of cinema fans to boycott such ridiculous tactics? At these prices one could watch a television set and make money on the deal, and certainly no less wretched entertainment is possible. Most of all this picture is not pure: it at- tempts to combine several film genres and manages only to produce a stupid mishmash. At least it could be said for "Ivanhoe," as disappointing as it was in many ways, that it did attempt to stick to tho' style of the story it was based upon. "The Knights of the Round Table" begins with the sensible statement that it is adapted from Malory's "Morte d'Arthur," and then proceeds to weave in and out of Arthurian England with all the facility of good tailback. It is even possible to detect the influence of the Hopa- long Cassidy-Roy Rogers technique. It goes without saying that Malory comes off at least second best. The Robert Taylor Renaissance contin- ues, with no more reason now than in the days of flat screen. "Quo Vadis," I believe, was the start of all this Taylor, and as a Roman captain he made a. good Sir Lan- celot; as Sir Lancelot it looks as if Roman captains are his meat. Fortunately the color is quite good, but f Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.. .........Managing Editor Eric Vetter.......,..........City Editor Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor Helene Simon.......Associate Editor Ivan Kaye...........Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS. Al'y.aivri o oice preceaing Te con- Army. a7pmLC Shortly thereafter, however, newspapermen began calling, and cert, at 7 p.m. editorial reaction began coming in. The Washington Post, which sup- Events Today ported Eisenhower and is the most influential paper editorially in the nation's capital, called the Stevens agreement "unconditional sur- s..A. Intercultural outing featuring India,dnswith, slidesal, discussion, tecrea- render," pointing out that Stevens obtained, "not even so much as tion. Leave Lane Hall at 2 p.lm. today; "J I