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February 26, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-26

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THE AUCAIGAil'i i Aiil)f

FiiiDAY, 2, i:i RUARY 26, 1954

'IliE_3iFuiik4~A2~. ijAijA lJiiilJAY, k i~RUA1~ 26, 1954

And the Farm
EVERYONE KNOWS that the Republican
Party .is divided in such a way that
President Eisenhower must depend on the
Democrats to enact his favorite legislation
and that 1956 looks bleak for the GOP. The
controversial farm question holds the most
danger for Republican chances of keeping
the throne.
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Ben-
son has drawn up a farm program design-
ed to remove the rigidity from farm prices
and reduce government surpluses by pro-
viding a sliding scale of farm subsidies.
The farmers, however, with both eyes on
the pocketbook, tend to favor retention of
the present 90% parity. An interest group
looking out for itself is not uncommon, but
one that can swing an election, as the farm
bloc demonstrated it can do, is.
-The result is a dilemma for the Adminis-
tration. If it effects Benson's proposed pro-
gram of a sliding scale, it faces the prospect
of the farmers deciding to vote Democratic.
On the other hand, if the present system of
farm subsidies is kept, to the farmers' de-
light, the economy, which is now delicately
considered in a recession, may suffer reper-
cussions that would be equally inimical to
Republican prestige.
Economists have suggested that we are
undergoing a period -of readjustment and
that there is no danger of a serious, or even
a semi-serious, depression. But if farm prices
are not allowed to readjust and are kept
rigid, distortion in the price scheme is in-
troduced which could easily intensify the
downward trend. Also, surpluses would con-
tinue to pile up faster than the investment
in new warehouses could offset anything.
Consequently, the Republicans can lose
either way..
What seems to be in the offing is con-
tinuation of rigid farm prices which, al-'
though possibly will do the economy no
harm, can do it no good. The Administra-
tion must decide between allowing this to
happen by leaving Congress to its fun, and
fighting for Benson's program which has
been developed through months of expert
study. It boils down to whether the Repub-
licans will attach more import to what is
considered the proper course for the good of
.the country or to what can be termed the
wisest move politically.
-Jim Dygert

BMOC, 1954:
Robert Munger and the SFA

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a.conden-
sation of an articte by Douglass Cater in the cur-
rent Reporter.)
IN EARLIER TIMES, the undergraduate
hungry for the ephemeral glories of Big
Man on'the Campus picked his way care-
fully up the rungs of clubs, teams, publi-
cations and class politics. Robert Munger, a
student a the University of Southern Cali-
fornia, has devised a new technique, much
better attuned to the temper of the 1950's.
He has demonstrated that with all the sus-
picions rampant in the academic commun-
ity today, a plausible youth can become a
Big Man, if not exactly on the college cam-
pus, at least among high-school students
and influential adults, by tracking down
what he considers "Leftists."
Like many success stories, Munger's be-
gan in adversity. U.S.C. was the third col-
lege he had attended. He had spent one
year each at Los Angeles City College and"
Pepperdine College also in Los Angeles.
At the former he had made an effort at
conventional campus politicking when he
ran for the student-body presidency. le
lost by a very large margin, but it ap-
pears that this failure gave Munger the
inspiration that was to speed him to
In the fall of 1951, General Douglas Mac-
Arthur, having been called home from Ja-
pan the previous spring, was making loud
political noises over the land. It was an
auspicious time for the meeting of the two
momentarily blighted careers. Munger
founded the National Collegiaite MacArthur
Clubs in October, 1951. The headquarters
were established at P.O. Box 2124, Holly-
Wood 28, California. This device of the se-
cretive "cover address," as it is known in
clandestine circles, Munger uses to this day.
From the outset, the, MacArthur organi-
zation, as depicted in its monthly newspaper,
The American Student, set out to create the
impression of a burgeoning student move-,
ment whose primary aim was "winning our
battle against Communism." The N.C.M.C.
had a simple premise: "N.C.M.C. is the only
truly rightist student movement in exist-
ence on a nation-wide basis."
After the Republican National Conven-
tion in 1952, Munger decided that a
change of name was in order. According-
ly, the organization was reconstituted as
Students for America. A confidential
handbook issued by Students for America
gave a startling index of its aims and
techniques. Munger had apparently stu-
died well the organizational practices of
the Communists whom he sought to out.
wit. There was to be the "select hard core
of the membership" which would control
the organization. Local chapters would
not seek recognition from the college au-
thorities but would remain a "loyal under.
ground" in the State Department tradi-
tion. "We have found it much more ex-

pedient not to seek to be officially recog-
nized onthe campus by the administra-
A vital part of National Headquarters was
to be the "National Security Division" en-
trusted with responsibility for "carrying on
direct liaisons with anti-subversive govern-
ment agencies and keeping up-to-date in-
formation on all leftist student groups and
their operations."
There was, naturally, proper concern over
the danger that Students for America, while.
busily infiltrating the leftist groups, might
in turn be infiltrated. When in doubt about
a prospective member, a chapter was coun-
seled to contact National Headquarters,
which could "provide any information as to
the membership or participation of that in-
dividual in subversive activities or organi-
zation, on very short notice."
As a possible sop to those members who
were not permitted to join the under-
ground, Munger revised a sure-fire tech-
nique for keeping tabs on professors.
Members were "to take notes and direct
quotations from the lectures of those pro-
fessors who consistently insert Commun-
ist and socialist propaganda into the
classroom." A record was also to be kept
of reading assigned or suggested by these
S.F.A. is not all juvenilia. The support
that has rallied round Munger and his or-
ganization is distinctly middle-aged. In May,
1952, Munger was awarded the Motion Pic-
ture Alliance Memorial Award as the col-
lege student in America who had done most
against Communism. The following Novem-
ber, Walter Winchell on his radio program
addressed a "Special Flash to All Students."
"It is imperative," he said, "that you con-
tact the following people on how to recog-
nize the Communists among you. Write to
Students for America . ."
Students for America seems to have suc-
ceeded almost everywhere except in the col-
leges. Munger has claimed a membership
of 2,500 on more than 120 campuses. Pre-
sumably this includes high schools, but even
so it appears to be grossly exaggerated.
S.F.A. continues to list many of its ori-
ginal officers; the organization has noth-
ing approximating a constitution and no
democratic processes by which local chap-
ters can have a voice in the national or-
ganization. In this, too, it reveals Mun-
ger's assiduous study of the Communist
For Munger, as for David Schine of the
Cohn-Schine team, the call of the Army has
interrupted what was getting to be a well-
publicized if not particularly fruitful career.
In a recent interview, Munger declared that
he was devoting his final weeks as a civilian
to finishing up his fight against Commun-
ism. Despite the fallow years that may lie
ahead in the Army, Munger still has plenty
of time. After all, he just turned twenty-
four last January.

Greatest Deliberative Body In The World
- 3





In the Fold

SECRETARY OF the Army Robert Stevens'
brief resistance to the seemingly in-
vincible Senator has ended with a "Mun-
ich" peace conference and the heretic of
a few days has been welcomed back to
the fold.
With Stevens' agreement to give Mc-
earthy the information he has requested
another branch of the government has
bowed to the investigators and all but
acknowledged their superiority.
In the case of the Army, this action is
even more regrettable than it has been with
other groups. The Army has a strong case
and Secretary Stevens himself is above re-
proach. That public .support. was behind
the Secretary's action was evidenced by the
favorable telegrams his office-received, and
by press and radio editorial support.
But, it appears the Administration lack-
ed Stevens' courage and thus pressured
him into surrender. As Stevens has said
he is not the kind of man to capitulate
but obviously the Administration leaders
are not of the same caliber. In short-
sighted fear of splitting their ranks, the
GOP has once more allowed McCarthy to
take advantage of their weakness in or-
der to gain more power.
Eventually McCarthy must be challenged.
By postponing such an event we are only
insuring that it will be a harder and more
bitter fight.
-Arlene Liss
New Books at Library
Burke, Norah--The Splendour Falls. New
York, William Morrow, 1953.
Churchill, Winston S.--Triumph and'Tra-
gedy; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1953.
Gresham, William Lindsay-Monster Mid-
way. New York, Rinehart, 1953.
Harrer, Heinrich-Seven Years in Tibet.
London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953.
IT TAKES courage to acknowledge a wrong.
Bernard Shanley the President's special
counsel, has acknowledged an "unfortunate
mistake" last fall in labeling Government
employes separated for security reasons as
"1456 subversives ... kicked out of Govern-
ment jobs." Mr. Shanley's confession of error
comes only after considerable outcry and
it does not atone, of course, for the political
use made of the security figures by other
Administration spokesmen. The spasmodic
breakdowns now being made, showing that
few of the separations have been connected
with loyalty, make such distortions hollow
and tawdry indeed. But Mr. Shanlev has
taken a necessary step toward the restora-
tion of honesty and decency in the handling
of the security problem. His"'example com-
mends itself for adoption elsewhere.
-Washington Post

cut RNr s

Rackham Lecture Hall
MOANA, the second of four films in the
Robert Flaherty Festival.
DURING THE thirty years Robert Flah-
erty was making films, perhaps his
chief problem was to avoid the temptation
of making pictures that he did not believe
in. Certain projects he ignored to begin
with; others he found himselfrinvolved in
and, losing faith, felt compelled to drop
out; a few times he completed his own
commitments on a film only to have a
commercial studio add to his footage or
edit in such a way that he considered his
intentions' to have been violated.
Consequently, out of a career that em-
braced almost all of his later life, only
four full-length features have emerged
which Mrs. Robert Flaherty, the Festi-
.val's honored guest, chooses to call "free
films"-that is, films made free of out-
side interference. The secdnd of these,
"Moana," the story of a Samoan family,
made in 1926, was shown last night at
Rackham, bringing the Flaherty Festival
to its halfway point.
The film was created in the tradition of
"Nanook of the North." Again, Mr. Flaherty
spent two years with the Samoans in mak-
ing the film, and again he returned to
America with a close, personal account of
"a primitive way of life." This time the
story centers around the idyllic existence of
a young native boy, Moana, who arrives at
manhood with the official tribal tattooing
The startling contrast with "Nanook," a
story of the primal fight to survive, has
caused "Moana" to be called in the Mu-
seum of Modern Art foreword an "idealized"
picture of the courage and nobility of a
primitive civilization. Although the film
does begin with a rather glossy quotation
from Robert Louis Stevenson, I would quar-
rel with the word, "idealized." Quite natur-
ally, Flaherty seeks the most expressive, per-
haps most lyrical elements of Samoan living
to compose his film. In doing this,.however,
he preserves the human expression, the hu-
man gesture which is not idealized and
never permitted to become anything but
what it is.
Moana staggers with the weight when
he helps his father carry the wild boar
home, he flinches during the tattooing,

again the producer's belief that no man
achieves in a vacuum. In his work, he has
focused on the capacities of men who have
justified his faith.
"The Land," a documentary about ag-
ricultural unemployment which was made
for the government in 1941 completed the
bill. While effective in parts, predictably
enough it lacked the lucidity a propagan-
da work should have: Mr. Flaherty is not
at his best proving somebody else's points.
"Man of Aran" and "Louisiana Story" will
complete the Flaherty Festival next week,
March 1 and 3.
-Bill Wiegand

WASHINGTON-Before President Eisenhower sent his economic
message to Congress an important debate took place among White
House advisers as to whether it should include two remedies for re-
cession. These were:
1. Tax relief in order to stimulate retail trade and business ex-
2. A public works program to take up the slack resulting from re-
duced defen§e orders.
The President's economic advisers wanted such a program
spelled out in black and white in the message to Congress. But
the public relations advisers (Democrats call them "hucksters")
were opposed. They argued that too much emphasis on the re-
cession by the President would create a bad psychological reaction
and only increase the recession.
Some also pointed out that if the Democrats were going to be
accused of talking us into a recession-as presidential assistant Sher-
man Adams did shortly thereafter-it was poor strategy for the
President to give them any ammunition.
So the public relations advisers triumphed over the economic ad-
visers and the economic message went to Congress without these two
recession remedies.
SINCE THEN the President has disclosed one of the remedies at a
press conference-namely tax reduction. However, there remains
considerable worry among presidential advisers as to how long they
should let the business down turn drift without taking definite action.
Some of Ike's friends on Capitol Hill remember all too vividly
the mistake Herbert Hoover made in talking about "prosperity just
around the corner" at a time when he was being urged to act rather
than talk about the depression.
Among Hoover's advisers at that time were Walter Gifford,
head of American Telephone and Telegraph, who was put in
charge of unemployment relief; Colonel Arthur Woods, former
police commissioner of New York; and Eugene Meyer, former
governor of the Federal Reserve Board and head of the RFC. All
urged that he act vigorously, and Meyer advised constructive
financial steps in Europe long before the depression clouds got
Hoover, however, did not act-with the resultant economic catas-
trophe now all too well remembered.
Remembering this, some of the Ike advisers on Capitol Hill urge
that he not make the same mistake.
NOTE-ex-President Hoover stated again this week that he ex-
pected no great depression, and that he considered himself an expert
on such things.
NSIDE FACT IS the White House has now fixed two warning sig-
nals as D-Day for depression. When those signals approach, the
White House advisers are ready to advise the President to begin tax
cutting and pump priming.
The two D-Day signals are:
1. When unemployment reaches the 4,000,000 mark. Since some
estimates now put the figure at 3,500,000, this may not be far away.
2. When the production index drops to 14 per cent. At present it's,
dropped only to 9 per cent.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, Secre-
tary of Defense Charles E. Wilson and other big business members
of the cabinet are urging their friends in private industry that this
is the time to pump private capital into the economy and show that
they have confidence in the capitalist system. Wilson's old firm, Gen-
eral Motors, stepped forward as the bellwether by announcing a bil-
lion-dollar expansion program. It is hoped that others will follow suit.
Word has been passed out that now is the time for all good busi-
nessmen to come to the aid of the party and show that they do not
have to fall back on government spending.
A BIG OIL executive who recently sold gasoline to the Air Force
has now been given the job of buying gasoline for the Air Force.
He is W. W. White, Vice President of ESSO, who while working
for that company negotiated a $30,000,000 agreement last year to
of all aviation gas that will be used by the Air Force overseas during
whittled down to $24,300,000 but it still constitutes about two-thirds
of all aviation gas that will be used by the Airi Force overseas during
the current fiscal year.
Now White will walk round to the other side of the table and
purchase gasoline for the Air Force. White is not giving up his hold-
ings in ESSO, as Secretary of Defense Wilson did in General Motors.
In fact he will return to ESSO after one year.
White was required to appear before Secretary of Defense Charles
Wilson and agree that he would not favor his own company in hand-
ling petroleum contracts, after which Wilson told the Air Force he
was satisfied White's holdings would not influence his decisions.
In fairness to the Air Force it should be noted that it is hard
to get men experienced in this field, and the only field from
which they can be secured is the oil industry. Therefore, no mat-
ter whom the Air Force picks, he is bound to have a conflicting

(Continued on Page 4)
March 1 to talk with June men grad-
uates, Bus. Ad. or LS&A, about employ-
ment in sales, production, purchasing,
cost control, accounting, and personnel.
Tuesday, March 2:
The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, will
hold a group meeting and film showing
on March 2 at 4 p.m. in 4051 Admin-
istration Building. (See Interviews on
Wed. and Thurs., March 3 and 4).
La Salle Steel Co. in Chicago, Ill., will
have"'interviewers here on March 2 to
talk with June men graduates in Ac-
Cold Metal Products Co., Youngs-
town, Ohio, will be on the campus on
March 2 to interview June Bus. Ad. and
LS&Amen graduates for positions in
production management or industrial
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., of Ak-
ron, Ohio, will have representatives at
the Bureau on March 2 to interview
June men graduates, Bus. Ad. or LS&A,
for employment in credit, sales, field
accounting, and retread shop manage-
Wed., March 3:
The Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland,
Ohio, will visit the campus on March 3
to talk with June Bus. Ad. and Indus-
trial Management men graduates about
the company's production training pro-
Wed. and Thurs., March 3 and 4:
The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, will
have interviewers at the Bureau on
March 3 and 4 to talk with Bus. Ad.
and LS&A June men graduates about
the organization's Executive Training
Program in merchandising, personnel,
warehousing, transportation, account-
ing and real estate.
Students wishing to schedule appoint-
ments to see any of the companies list-
ed above may contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3 5 2 8 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
The Seventh Region, U.S. Civil Serv-
ice Commission, has announced exami-
nations for Administrative and Staff
Service positions, Grades GS-7 to GS-
13, for duty in Federal establishments
within the States of Illinois, Michigan,
and Wisconsin.
Tremco Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, is
interested in contacting alumni or June
graduates for the firm's Sales Training
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Illustrated lecture, sponsored by the
College of Architecture and Design.
"The Copenhagen Metropolitan Region-
al Plan" by Steen E. Rasmussen, Dan-
ish architect and town planner, Fri.,
Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Architecture Auditori-
University Lectures, auspices of the
Department of History, Department of
Classical Studies, and the Kelsey Mu-
seum of Archaeology. Frank E. Brown,
Townsend Professor of Latin and Master
of Jonathan Edwards College, Yale Uni-
versity, will give two lecturestat the
jUniversity. The first lecture, "Etruscan
Rome," will be given Mon., Mar. 1, 4:15
p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheater.
The second, "Rome of the Scipios,"
will be given on Tues., Mar. 2, 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Department of Biological Chemistry.
Dr. W. W. Ackermann, Associate Profes-
sor of Epidemiology, will speak on
"Some Aspects of Metabolic Integra-
tion" at the seminar of the Department
of Biological Chemistry held in 319 West
Medical Building at 10:15 a.m., Sat.,
Feb. 27.
Make-up Examinations in History will
be given Sat.,'Feb. 27, 9 to 12 a.m., 2429
Mason Hall. See your instructor for
permission and then sign list in History
Off ice.
Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., Feb.
26, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Leif
Owran will speak on "Solar Radio As-
Seminar in Logic and Foundations.
Dr. Norman Martin of WRRC will speak
on "The Universal Turing Machine" at
4 p.m., Fri., Feb. 26, in 411 Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Rowley
Mcsaac, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"A Study of the Initial Permeability of
Ferromagnetic.Metals at High Frequen-
cies," Fri., Feb. 26, 3521 East Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, S. S.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to re-
ceive degrees in June, 1954, must have
the bound copies of their dissertations

in the office of the Graduate School by
Fri.. April30. The report of the doc-
toral committee on the final oral ex-
amination must be filed with the Re-
corder of the Graduate School not lat-
er than Mon., May 24.
T e ttIT

George London, bass baritone of the
Metropolitan Opera, will be heard in
recital, in the eighth concert of the
Choral Union Series, Sunday evening,
Feb. 28. in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Lon-
don will present the following program,
with Leo Taubman at the piano: Mo-
zart's concert aria, "Rivolgete a lu o
sguardo; a group of Brahms songs;
Credo from "Othello" (verdi); La Pro-
cession (Franck); Paysage (Han); Man-
doline (Debussy); Fleur jetee (aure);
Waille, Wailie; Gambler's Bong of the
Big Sandy River by John Jacob Niles;
and Blow the Man Down.
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur
ton Memorial Tower until noon Stur-
day; and will be on sale at the Hill Au-
ditorium box office preceding the con-
cert, at 7 p.m.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. African Sculptures, through Feb.
28, The Embellished Surface, through
March 1, Flaherty Photographs, through
March 7. Hours: 9-5 on weekdays, 2-5 on
Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Today
wesleyan Guild is co-sponsoring the
Cinema Guild movie tonight. See you
in the lounge at 8 and we will all go
Semi-Anual International Coffee Hour,
Lane Hall, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Sponsored by
the International Committee of Inter-
Guild and the Protestant Foundation
for International Students. Everyone
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is open
from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. today for the
sale of season tickets for the Depart-
ment of Speech 1954 SPRING PLAY-
BILL. Tickets for individual perform-
ances will go on sale Mon., Mar. 1. In-
cluded on the series are Richard
Strauss' comic opera, ARIADNE OF
NAXOS, produced with the School of
Music, March 2-6; Shakespeare's THE
and Eugene Hochman's 1953 Hopwood.
WAY, April 22-24. Season tickets are
available at $3.25-$2.60-$1.90. Student
season tickets for the three opening
nights are $1.50.
Episcopal Student Foundation, ea
from 4 to 5:15 this afternoon at Canter-
bury House. All students invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. On-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., tonight at Can-
terbury House. Recordings and dis-
cussion of T. S. Eliot's "The Cocktail
Party." Refreshments. All students in-
Roger williams Guild. Game Party. $
o'clock this evening at the Guild House.
Ping pong, chess, checkers, etc.
Coming Events
Newman Club Cabaret will be held Sat-
Feb. 27, from 9-12. Newman Clubs from
Michigan State College, Michigan State
Normal College, and Wayne University
will be present. Various kinds of en-
tertainment will be featured with each
club taking part. Dancing and refresh-
ments will be included in the evening's
fun. Everyone is urged to attend.
Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester
Co-op, 900 Oakland, Sun., Feb. 28, at
8. Everyone invited!
6:00 p.m.-Sabbath Dinner
7:45 p.m. - Friday Evening Services
8:30 p.m. Dr. Abraham G. Duker
speaking on "American Community and
Jewish Living"
9:00 a.m. -- Community Service
..10:30 a.m. - Hillel Student Council
3-6:00 p.m. -- International Open
House. All students are cordially invited
to attend! Entertainment, refreshments,
'and dancing.
6:00 p.m. - Sunday Nite Supper Club.
Dancing and Dining
7:00 p.m. - Hillel Chorus
Chess Club. Samuel Reshevsky will
give a simultaneous chess exhibition
Sun., Feb. 28, at 4000 Tuxedo, Detroit.
Play will begin at 2 p.M. If you are in-
terested in playing call TR5-8450, Ext.
The Inter-Arts Union will hold its
"weekly meeting 2 p.m. Saturday in the
League. In addition to those who are
already members, any persons interest-
ed in joining are cordially invited.


* * *


At Architect Auditorium
Grant, Priscilla Lane, Josephine Hull
TWO SWEET old ladies from Brooklyn,
vestiges from a mere genteel era in
Brooklyn have set up housekeeping at the
Architecture Auditorium. Their occupation-
the manufacture of elderberry wine with a
little arsenic, a little strychnine and just a
touch of cyanide to. give it punch. The pur-
pose of their occupation-charity. They want
to give old, lonely men a look of peace and
Into this world of thick rugs and crys-
tal wine glasses, of understanding cops
and loving killers, comes Cary Grant,
drama critic and man of the world, and
the only sane mutation in this solidly in-
sane family.
The result-very funny, high-class slap-
Josephine Hull, as might be expected,
steals the show. As one of the' charitable sis-
ters, she putters around domestically, stop-
ping only long enough to open her eyes wide
and say "of course there are thirteen dead
bodies in the basement." Jean Adair who
plays Miss Hull's sister is pleasant but sim-
ply has not succeeded in creating as com-
plete a person as Miss Hull's "Aunt Brews-
Unfortanately Cary Grant, who's around
most of the time maintains a steady state
of hysteria which becomes a little irritating
about half-way through the movie.
There is really no "supporting cast" in
this film. Sta;s Raymond Massey, Peter
Lorre, Priscilla Lane, Jack Carson and
Jack Gleason all have sizeable roles. Of

The Tyrant . .
To the Editor:
SHOULD like to comment on
professor Leslie's last sentence
published in the February twenty-
third issue of the Daily. He states
"It's ironic that Washington was
great because he protected sep-
aration of powers-to that extent,
McCarthy is a subversive."

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..................City Editor
Virginia Voss...,.... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff....... Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter... Associate Editor
Helene Simon........ Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler. .. .Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press


i am certainly not in favor of
interest. many of McCarthy's methods, but
NOTE-White was educated at the expense of Uncle Sam but I would like to cite another Gen-
never served a day in the Armed Forces except on petroleum matters. tleman whom people called a ty-
He graduated from West Point in 1923, then was sent to Princeton rant at the time he was in office.
for advanced studies. As soon as he got out of Princeton, he resigned This gentleman exercised military
from the Army, but came back in 1942, when he was automatically and domestic powers that would
commissioned a full colonel. Instead of using his West Point train- normally have been under the con-
ing, however, he served on the petroleum board. His service was com- trol of Congress as required in the
petent and the Air Force has now recommended White for promotion constitution of the United States.

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