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September 30, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-30

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Union Addition
IN SHARP contrast to the flurry of student
discussions, subcommittee reports and
"top secret" policy meetings centering
around the proposed Union addition last
spring has been the entire lack of any Inen-
tion that the' idea is still being considered
in the new semester.
Prior to the summer vacation the idea
of a student activities wing on the Union
had snowballed to considetable propor-
tions beginning with the first meeting on
the subject held by the Union Board of
Directors Feb. 19. Here plans drawn up in
1948 were resurrected and examined by
a board seemingly quite cordial to the idea
of Union expansion along lines of a stu-
dent activities center.
Obviously any idea embodying the no-
tion of .a coed activities center would have
a direct bearing on the position of the
women's. League. Consequently several im-
portant Union-League subcommittee meet-
ings were held, the results of which showed a
definite interest in the idea of a coeduca-
tional activities center on the part of stu-
dents and faculty advisers participating. At
this time it was learned that the University
was also interested in the creation of such
a center either as a separate building or as
an addition to the present Union or League
buildings. In any case a University con-
structed building would be under Univer-
sity control.
From a subcommittee meeting held early
in April it was found that both parties (the
Union and the League) were highly recep-
tive to the idea of greater cooperation as
the only solution to future problems. Talk
of maintaining the status quo, that is of a
separate Union and League was significantly
absent from that discussion. Also absent for
the. most part references to the "blood,
sweat and tears" of the alumni and alumnae
that had gone into the construction of the
present buildings. It was felt that at least
in the case of the Union the alumni would
pose no serious obstacle to making it a more
useful organization on campus.
In a joint Union-League board meeting
April 29 both groups enthusiastically
recommended establishment of a joint stu-
dent-faculty study committee of both
boards to study and make policy recom-
mendations on the student activities facil-
ities problem. The study group consisted
of three student representatives from each
of the boards, two alumni representatives
from each and one faculty member from
each, making a total membership of 12.
This committee was not only set up by
unanimous approval of the two boards, but
later off the record discussion on the prob-
lem showed that some of the most conserva-
five minded from both groups were recep-
tive to the idea of increased Union-League
cooperation pointing toward the creation
of a joint activities center. Chief problems
that the group had to iron out were ques-
tions of finance and administrative organ-
ization. It was speculated at the time that
in order to pay for such a center it would
be necessary to add 10 dollars to the yearly
tuition rate for a period of 20 years. The
possibility of going to the alumni for con-
tributions was generally ruled out as im-
In light of so much enthusiasm on the
part of student, faculty and Union-League
personnel last spring it is difficult to un-
derstand the complete silence on the is..e
this fall. The need for such a student
activities center still exists and will no
doubt continue to grow each year as stu-
dent enrollment on campus increases. At
present student groups and organizations
are forced to meet at scattered points on
campus. At the University there is no
centrally-located spot where students can
meet, exchange ideas, take part in social

activities together and acquire a sense' of
being part of a single university com-
It is to be assumed that discussion of the
student activities center by both the Union
and League will continue this fall. This was
the responsibility they accepted last spring
when the joint Union-League board was set
up. The group which began with so much
promise last spring soon should be able to
tell the student body whether a coed stu-
dent activities center can be established here
or whether the differences between forces
of the Union and League are too great to
be overcome.
-Gene Hartwig
My friends, democracy is not a mere po-
litical formula. Democracy and the yearning
for democracy among the people not only
of America but of the world is not-bound by
state borders or by national borders o- in-
ternational boundaries.
Democracy and freedom, as we understand
them and want to enjoy them, are not cir-
cumscribed by religious denominations. They
are not circumscribed by race, creed or color
-either here or elsewhere in the entire
While, of course, in part democracy and
freedom represent a political formula, de-
mocracy and freedom are things of the spi-
rit, as well as of the mind. They're things
that appeal to the hopes and the ambitions
and aspirations of mankind everywhere.
-Alhon WRn.rIv

Post-Truce Outlook
In Communist China

HONG KONG-Before his appointment as
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Adm. Arthur Radford was well known to
'believe that the Free World could not af-
ford to allow the consolidation and devel-
opment of Communist power in China.
Here in' Hong Kong, the Free World's
best window on China, it is all too easy
to understand Radford's view. And it is
equally difficult to understand the mo-
tives and purposes of the American and
other Western leaders, who were so eager
to grant the Chinese Communists a Kor-
ean truce on their own terms.
The main result of the truce in Korea
will be to permit precisely the consolidation
and growth of Chinese Communist power
that Radford so much feared. The stages
of this process are not easily predictable,
but its consequences may be predicted with
almost complete confidence. Before very
long, the growing strength of the Chinese
Communist regime will altogdther' upset the
fragile power balance of Asia.
What has been and is now happening to
the Chinese armed forces, is enough to in-
dicate the trend. Great change is going on,
almost unnoticed even by the Washington
policy makers.
Three years ago the Chinese Communist
armies were still the same vast, inchoate
masses of half-armed manpower that had
beaten Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.
The famous "human sea" attacks of the
early days in Korea were in fact cold
bloodedly planned to overcome weakness
in firepower by lavish expenditure of man-
power. But very early in the Korean
fighting, the Chinese generals and their
Russian advisors evidently decided that
this kind of Chinese army was not good
The sign of this decision at the time was
a flood of reports that the capable and
ruthless Russian-trained Gen. Lin Piao had
been dismissed and disgraced. What actually
happened was that Gen. Lin Piao was trans-
ferred from his former command, and
placed in charge of vast military re-or-
ganization and re-equipment. program. In
consequence, Lin Piao is now China's chief
military figure, while the hero of the guer-
rilla years, Gen. Chu- Teh, has become a
picturesque figurehead.
The forces Gen. Lin Piao has had to
work with fall into two main parts. There
are the "kung" or security divisions, com-
prising in all about a million men. These
security divisions have the sole responsi-
bility of crushing opposition and maintain-
ing order throughout China. Thus they re-
lease for purely military tasks the Chinese
regular army, which number at least 2%4
million men.
The table of organization and equip-
ment adopted by Gen. Lin Piao snd his
Soviet co-workers for this huge regular
army is carefully fitted to Chinese con-
ditions. An infantry division of about
10,000 men, with about three quarters of
the firepower of a Soviet rifle division, is
the basic building block. The infantry
divisions are in turn backed up by a

powerful engineer element, more lim-
ited numbers of armored, heavy artillery,
rocket launching and anti-aircraft divi-
sions, plus a skeleton supply organization
skilled in directing great press gangs of
local labor in the work of supply move-
Hitherto only the 800,000 Chinese soldiers
in Korea have felt the benefits of this pro-
gram. But now the entire Chinese regular
army will be reorganized and re-equipped.
The best informed forecasters here, Ameri-
can and British as well as Chinese, think
the job will be completed within about two
* * *
TwO YEARS from now, therefore, Peking
will command a force of something like
170 infantry divisions, perhaps 20 armored
divisions, perhaps 15 heavy artillery divi-
sions and the rest in proportion. Heavy
equipment will still have to be obtained
from Russia, but the Chinese arsenals will
be able to supply all this large force needs
in the way of light weapons. And this very
large regular army will be usable in any
way Peking chooses, since the numerous se-
curity divisions will still take care of the
police work in China.
A similar process, though on a much
smaller scale, must be expected to take
place in the Chinese Communist air force.
Today, the Chinese Communists have less
than 100 IL-28 jet bombers, perhaps 200
more medium bombers of the obsolete
TU-2A type, and less than 700 Mig-15s.
]3u* Chinese air training schools are cur-
rently graduating from 1,200 to 2,000 fin-
ished pilots every six months. A larger
air force equipped with Russian castoff
aircraft is plainly in prospect.
The Korean truce gives these figures and
projections a vivid and ugly meaning. On
the one hand, the end of the drain in Ko-
rea, which was on the whole heavier for
the Chinese than for us, will allow the
military buildup to be greatly expedited.
On the other hand, Korea will no longer
tie down all the modernized and really ef-
fective forces that China has.
Even today, the limited Chinese Com-
munist air force is quite big enough to
challenge the American 7th fleet's control
of the Formosa strait, if re-deployed for
this purpose. Even today the Chinese di-
visions in Korea would produce a political
earthquake, if they were simply transfer-
red to the Indo-China-Burma border.
China's military weight is already great
enough but because of Korea it is still.
wrongly placed for fullest effect. Because
of the truce in Korea, China military
weight will grow much greater, and will
soon be distributed, no doubt, in the most
efficient manner possible.
More than enough oower on the Chinese
Communist side of the line to overwhelm
the slight power on the other side of the
line-that is the future prospect in Asia.
And as Adolf Hitler's successive early tri-
umphs proved, overwhelming power can
often gain great ends without a shot being
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

".. « It's A Lonr, fhigh Fly To C ester Field, A E . ."
I "o
D INGi "=--.,.,,

The Daly welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelousletters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



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Reprinted from October Y, J9V1


_ _


Washington Merry-Go-Round

(Continued from Page 2)
Music Literature 42. Recitation sec-
tions (labs.) will not meet this week.
Lectures as usual.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Oct. 1, at 4 in 247 West
Engineering. Speaker: Professor C. L.
Dolph. Topic: The Conjugate Gradient
Method for Solving Linear Algebraic
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. The
first meeting of the Engineering Mech-
anics Seminar will be held in 101 West
Engineering, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
on Wed.. Sept. 30. Professor J. Ormon-
droyd will speak on "The Importance
of Kinematics in Mechanics." Refresh-
ments will be served.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
on the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Oct. 1, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason
Hall Dr. David Birch of the Psychology
Department will speak on "Some Mathe-
matical Similarities of Some Learning
Botanical Seminar Meeting. "Nema-
todes and Plants" will be discussed by
Dr. G. Steiner, Principal Nematologist,
U. S. Department of Agriculture, 4:15
p.m. Wed., Sept. 30, in 1139 Natural
Science Building.
The University Extension Service an-
nounces that enrollment may still be
made in the following classes:
Meeting Wednesday, September 30:
Books and Ideas II. This course is
designed to acquaint students with lit-
erature and ideas that have helped to
shape Western civilization. The books
to be read (usually one every two weeks)
have been carefully chosen to illus-
trate various epochs and aspects of the
history of Western thought. Lectures
and discussions will center around the
fundamental ideas expressed in these
works. Limited to twenty students, and
classes meet on alternate Wednesdays.
Eight weeks, $18.00. Instructor: John
E. Bingley.
Practical Gardening. A survey course
in methods and techniques of plant-
ing. transplanting, pruning, and soil
management. The selection and cul-
ture of ornamental plants, with at-
tention to individual development of
home planting, and problems of main-
tenance will also be considered. Class
discussions and illustrative material
supplement the lectures,and sug-
gested reading lists will be furnished.
Eight weeks $8.00. Instructor: Mrs.
Ruth Mosher Place.
The Modern Novel. The reading and
discussion of outstanding novels by
such major writers as Hemingway,
Faulkner, Dreiser, Forter, and Joyce.
Emphasis will be placed on the prin-
cipal artistic and intellectual develop-
ments in the field of the novel dur-
ing the first half of the twentieth cen-
tury. Eight weeks. $8.00. Instructor:
William R. Steinhoff.
Meeting Thursday, October 1:
Positive Citizenship. A series of lec-
tures and discussions by University of
Michigan specialists in the fields of
political science and health and by
experts in the local government of Ann
Arbor. Topics to be included are: Form
and Functions of Government; The
Work of the City Council: General Sur-
vey; Ann Arbor's Revenues and Expen-
ditures; The Budget Today; How a
Council Committee Works with Admin-
istrative Boards and Officers, with par-
ticular reference to Police and Fire ad-
ministration; Coordination of Public
Health Service: Ann Arbor and Wash-
tenaw County; Comparative City Gov-
ernment; Four Fundamental Forms of
American City Government. This course
offered with cooperation of the Ann
Arbor League of Women Voters. Open
to all interested citizens. Six weeks,
$5.00. Instructors: A. W. Bromage, Co-
ordinator; John S. Dobson; Otto K.
Engelke; Gene D. Maybee; George Sal-
Ceramics, Advanced. The materials
and forms of pottery. Basic ceramic
design applied to the potter's wheel
and uses of glazes. Designed for stu-
dents who have had some previous
work in ceramics. Class limited to
twenty. Noncredit course, sixteen weeks.
,$18.00. Laboratory fee, $5.00. Instruc-
tor: J. T. Abernathy.
Astronomy for the Layman. For those
who wish a general knowledge of the
constellations and a survey of the
elementary facts of astronomy. Lectures
will be supplemented by lantern slides,
demonstrations with the planetarium,
telescopic observations, and identifica-
tion of constellations from the sky.
Eight weeks. $8.00. Instructor: Hazel M.
Introduction to the Fine Arts: The
work of art has both its own personal
meaning and the power to tell us of the
attitudes of an entire age. The arts

termediate students, emphasizing the
reading and criticism of students' writ-
ing. Sixteen weeks. $18.00. Instructor:
John F. Mueh.
Industrial Electronics. Theory and
practice of electronics for measure-
ment and control. Subjects include
vacuum tubes as circuit elements, am-
plifiers, oscillators, and oscilloscope
circuits. Applications to motor.speed
control and weldng control. Labora-
tory periods will be held in connection
with the course. Films, slides, and
demonstrations will supplement the
lectures. Sixteen weeks, $18.00. Instruc-
tor: Stephen Hart.
Student Recital. Unto Erkkila, violin-
ist, will be heard at 8:30 Wed. evening,
Sept. ,30 in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. in a program of works by ach,
Paganini, Bartok, Milhaud, and Beeth-
oven. Mr. Erkkila is a pupil of Gilbert
Ross and armember of the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra. Played in par-
tial fulfillment ofrthe requirements
for the Master of Music degree, the
program fill be open to the public.
Events Today
Social Chairmen. There will be a com-
pulsory meeting of social chairmen of
all men and women's independent
houses today at 4:30 in the League.
American Chemical Society, Student
Affiliate. Dr. Elderfield will speakon
"Opportunities in the Chemical Pro-
fession," at 7:30 p.m., 1400 Chemical
Building. All students interested in
chemistry are invited.
Le Cerce Francais will hold its first
meeting of the year at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. There will be a short
talk on the importance of the French
culture by Prof. Charles E. Koella, of
the Romance Language Department and
Faculty Adviser to the Club. Election of
officers, French popular songs, slides on
Le Quartier Latin of Paris, social hour
and refreshments. All students eli-
gible for membership.
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
men report to the Rifle Range in uni-
form by 1925 hrs. Bring gym shoes and
be prepared in the manual of arms.
Roger Williams Guild. Wednesday aft-
ernoon tea, 4:30 to 6:00, at the Guild
House, Church Supper at 6:30 p.m. in
Fellowship Hall with students as guests.
Call 7332 for reservations.
Beacon Society. Election of officers
and discussion of events at 8 p.m.,
Room 3-B, Union. New members wel-
Hillel. Petitions for the vacant posts
of publicity chairman andof educa-
tional coordinator on the Hillel Stu-
dent Council may now be picked up
at the Hillel Building. At that time
appointments may be made for an
ReligiouseSymposium Executive Com-
mittee meets at Lane Hall, 8 p m
Coming Events
Friday Lecture Series. Dr. Leonard
Himler, Director of MereywoodSani-
tarium, "Religion and the Emotional
Life." 7:30 p.m. followed by Coffee
Hour at Canterbury House.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., Thurs.,
Oct. 1, Canterbury House.
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7
a.m. in the church prayer room. In-
spirational devotions followed by a
breakfast. Through in time to get to
your 8 o'clock classes.
Hillel: The Interfaith Committee will
hold its first meeting on Thurs., Oct.
1, at 4 p.m. in the Hilel Music Room.
Everyone interested is asked to attend.
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs., Oct. 1, from 4:30 to
6 at the International Center.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting, Thurs., Oct. 1, 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
Attention all Orthodox Students.
There will be an organizational meet-
ing on Thurs., Oct. 1, at 7:30 p.m., in
the upper room of Lane Hall.
Young Democrats. First meeting this
semester Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m., Room 3R,
Michigan Union. Frank Blackford, Leg-
islative Secretary to Governor Williams,
will speak on "National and Michigan
Politics." Plans for the year will also

I) S Answer. .,.j
To the Editor:{
RECENTLY statements were
made in The Daily on the
Young Democrats by three people,
none of whom are members of
YD. Jasper Reid, President of the
Young Republicans, suggests that
Democrats are against civil rights.
The implication is particularly in-
sidious since it harbors a measure
of truth-somewhat less than a!
half-truth and therefore com-
pletely misleading. The Democra-
tic Party is split now as it has
been for many years between the
Dixiecrat - northern-city-machine
coalition and the liberal faction.
But the coalition is today in a
minority, and there is evidence
that their influence is decreasing
-partially because of some Dixie-
crat defection, to the Republican
Party. Admittedly, there is dan-
ger of the coalition gaining con-
trol of the Democratic Party. The
YD's of Michigan, however, be-
lieve that the Party must be first
honest and second liberal, and we
are capable of wielding a rather
surprising influence to that end.
As for Bernie Backhaut's letter
-his sarcastic reference to "Fa-
ther Adlai" is perhaps good for a
snicker or two from some people,
but it is not really very enlighten-
ing. It is true that the YD's are
composed almost exclusively of
Stevenson supporters, and we are
proud of that fact, but we do wel-
come Dixiecrats and Republicans
to our meetings. There is the
bare hope that we can do some-
thing for them.
With Miss Voss' thoughtful, ra-
ther pessimistic editorial we take
no exception but to mention that
last year at least the YD's were a
better attended club than the
YR's, and we believe that it will:
be even stronger this year. ,
Interest in politics is important
to the intellectual, moral, and
cultural development of students
and citizens, for politics is ines-
capable in the real world today.
We urge that all students take an
active interest in politics in gen-
eral and, of course, Democratic
politics in particular.
The first meeting of the Young
Democrats will take place this
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Room
3R of the Union. We welcome all
interested students.
-Charles Sleicher
The Executive Board
Young Democrats
Pertinen t Quote * *
To the Editor: '
W ITH reference to the current
Radulovich case, I would like
to cite the following quotations
from The Reader's Digest conden-
sation of The Terror Machine, by
Soviet Major Gregory Klimov:
"One of the most unpleasant
features of Soviet life is the col-
lective responsibility of all one's
relatives. No matter how far be-
yond reproach a man may be as
a member of Soviet society, if any
of even his most distant relatives
comes into conflict with the MVD
he is automatically classed as
"politically unreliable."
-Ted Powell
* * * -
Radulovich Case ,. .
To The Editor:
THE DAILY Senior Editorial
staff is really to be commend-
ed on its stand in the Radulovich
case. Its call for University ac-
tion places a responsibility on all
of us to express our dislike of the
tactics used by the Air Force to
smear the name of one of our Uni-
versity students.
The Air Force, in attempting to
give Radulovich an honorable .dis-
charge because his father reads a
particular newspaper and his sis-
ter was seen at a particular meet-

ing, is the same kind of tactic us-
ed by the notorious Un-American
Activities Committee. Like this
Committee, it is resorting to the
use of the principle of guilt by
association in questioning the loy-
alty of a person. This is an insi-
dious way of depriving a person of
a job, because no wrong act has
been alleged or proven.
Even if a person were to talk to
someone with unorthodox politi-
cal views, or to read a book con-
taining such views, does it mean
that his loyalty is questionable?
I believe that this kind of rea-
soning on the part of any govern-
ment agency jeopardizes not only
any future job opportunities we
may have, but the very learning
process as well. For it is manda-
tory that education, in order to
have meaning, must allow for
freedom of association, discussion
and exploration of ideas.
I think that this kind of action
on the part of the Air Force is a
result of the general hysteria per-
petrated by such groups as the
Un-~AmmriennA an+vitim. Ammi+_

Logic of Security.
To the Editor:
CONCERNING Mr. Radulovich's
plight, I think it is axiomatic
that where the rights of a single
individual are infringed by the
conscious policy of high officials
that an atmosphere is created in
which the same sort of thing can
happen to anyone.
Where are civil liberties when a
man can lose his reputation and
his job because his relatives are
alleged to read radical newspapers
or be seen at "radical" social gath-
It seems to me that to ask Ra-
dulovich not to see his father and
sister would be going against our
concepts of the sanctity of the
The logic of security -is not big-
ger and better bombs. Neither is
it it a system whereby each indi-
vidual is given a "political relia-
bility" rating.
The simple logic of the situation
is to return to an atmosphere of
free thought and discussion and
to resolve all differences via the
conference table rather than by
the sword.
-Robert Scor
* * *
Critic, Relax .. .
To the Editor:
I READ WITH pleasure the Daily
critic's anihilation of that "tear
jerking" film "The White Line."
We are fortunate to have critics
who not only attend the films be-
ing reviewed, but who play the
flagellant's role in print with mo're
fanaticism and unconscious piety
than righteous converts ever know.
Public confessions via the cri-
tic's column are of fairly recent
origin, perhaps reaching their
nauseous zenith under the pen of
Alexander Woolcott and "deteri-
orating" since under the pen of
collegiate critics.
But even the hot-rod collegiate
critic may become a public men-
ace, for the freedom to criticize
surely entails a responsibility to.
the reading public, as well as the
pleasure of sucking the lemon of
The responsibility is not a large
one, it is simply that of expressing
a personal distaste, a lack of indi-
vidual understanding without the
pretense of final benediction.
It would be wrong to leap upon
the critic for a difference of opin-
ion, to snarl at his refusal to write
our point of view. But when thedo
critic closes his mind to the en-
tire worth of a film, when he dis-
suades the public from seeing the
film, through misstatement and
inexperience, it is time to con-
sider his worth.
"Tne Wite Line" is nt a Frank
Capra myth, but a moment of re-
ality as the children of violent
times understand it. It is an ex-
pression of how children rise above
the stupidities of their parents,
the hate, the lies and the complete
imbecility of animal-man in war,
to return to open love and friend-
;hip while the adults rage and
bellow without even the grandeur
of critical detachmenc.
The "suffering, wordless chil-
dren" ire effective if the critie
wCuld relax, and put down his in-
tellectual football and attempt to
see the story as a quite bclievable
bit of madness in our time.
-Tom Linton




WASHINGTON-Quiet-spoken Secretary
of the Treasury Humphrey, who has
more influence with the President than any-
one else inside the cabinet, was quite wor-
ried the day after Ike's Boston speech. He
was so worried that he put through an ur-
gent phone call to the President himself.
What upset Humphrey was the way the
newspapers played up the President's re-
mark that "no sacrifice, no tax" was too
great for the defense of our freedom, and
had interpreted this as meaning the ex-
cess-profits tax and high personal income
tax might not be dropped after December
The President, however, reassured him.
He had not. meant to imply, he said, that
these tax reductions were out the window.
This was the backstage reason why Hum-
phrey suddenly went before the American
Bankers Association convention here with a
reassuring tax-reduction statement aimed
at changing the press interpretation given
to the Boston speech.
Humphrey said nothing about the na-
tional sales tax, however. It's still under
NOTE-Those who sat with General Eis-
enhower at a once-famous dinner at the F
Street Club recall that his views have chan-
ged radically since then. At that time Ike
told a group of Republican leaders that if
young men had to give up their lives in
wartime he saw no reason why businessmen
should not give up their profits. He was in
favor of using taxes to remove all profits
during wartime, he said. The reaction was
such that several Republicans present said
they would not support him.
WHILE OTHER congressional solons have
been junketing or gathering headlines
around the world, GOP Sen. Homer Cape-
hart of Indiana has been making an im-
nra',tin thoah nnnhliizi turdv of honw

"A large part of the money sent over
there hasn't benefited the common people,"
opined John L. Lewis. "It's filtered alp in-
stead of down. It's being used for specula-
tion purposes by bankers and politicians,
instead of raising wages and the living
standards in countries we are trying to
The big miner chief also said he had been
informed that about $2,460,000,000 of 'our
aid money had been used to purchase gov-
ernment bonds, on which we have to pay
ON THE GENERAL question of foreign
trade, Lewis said that some nations
were slow about reciprocating our "good
neighbor" policies.
"Take Brazil, for example," he pointed
out. "We buy close to $700,000,000 worth
of coffee every year from Brazil, but when
that nation wants to buy something it
shops around in all the cheaper markets
of the world, using American dollars.
Brazil doesn't buy American goods except
on the cuff."
What he referred to is the fact that the
United States has just given Brazil a $300,-
000,000 credit to pay for goods bought in
the United States, chiefly automobiles.
When Paul Hoffman was called upon, he
found himself standing between Senator
Capehart in the front of the Senate com-
mittee room and about 100 members of the
advisory group seated in the rear. Turning
toward the latter he said:
"There was a time when I never dared to
turn my back on'a United States Senator,
but perhaps in this case I should do so."
Hoffman told the closed-door session
that any program which called for "giv-
ing away" something was "essentially un-
sound." The American people, he added,
had every right to expect that the money


Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter. .. . , ......City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker.........Associate Editor
Helene Simon.;........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...._.......Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
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William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
James Sharp.....Circulation Manager
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