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September 30, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State





Yanks, Dodgers
Open 50th Series
Reynolds Faces Erskine in Stadium;
Yanks Eye Fifth Straight World Title
NEW YORK-(M)-Allie Reynolds opens the proud New York
Yankees' bid for an unprecedented fifth straight world championship
today at Yankee Stadium against Carl Erskine, 20-game winning ace
-of the fence-busting Brooklyn Dodgers.
Despite the Dodgers' gaudy batting averages and 4 their 208 home
runs, the Yanks remain 6 to 5 favorites to do it again in the 50th
World Series.
THE DODGERS, who took the Yanks to seven games last fall,
never have won a series. This is their seventh try. The Yanks stand
15-4 in series competition with the American League out front 32-17.

- t
Warren Said
Set for Top
Eisenhower's first appointment to
the Supreme Court is expected to
go-perhaps today-to Gov. Earl
Warren of California.
Reports persisted, and were
widely published, that Warren
would be made chief justice of the
United States, succeeding the late
Fred M. Vinson.
* * *
come at Eisenhower's scheduled
news conference today. The way
torney General Brownell submitted
a formal recommendation to the
An appointment, this week
would put the court back at full
strength for the start of its
regular fall term next Monday,
although the appointee still
would be subject to Senate con-
firmation when Congress recon-
venes in January.
Reports that Warren would get
the post gained strong impetus
over the weekend when it became
known that Brownell had flown to
Sacramento to talk with the Cal-
ifornia governor.
Warren would be the 14th chief
justice of the United States. He
would become the second Repub-
lican on the high bench.
* * *
AT THE White House, Press
Secretary James C. Hagerty was
asked whether Eisenhower will an-
nounce the court appointment at
his news conference at 11:30 a.m.
x "When we have appointments to
announce, we will announce them,"
Hagerty said.
Since Vinson's death, Warren
has been the forerunner in spec-
ulation for the highest judicial
position in the nation.
TV Education
Center Plans
Move Ahead
Plans for the establishment of
the Educational Television and
Radio Center went ahead yester-
day as H. K. Newburn, president
of the University of Oregon, con-
ferred with members of the newly
organized research center's staff.
President Newburn arrived in
Ann Arbor Monday night to meet
with Robert B. Hudson of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, George W. Over-
ton, Chicago attorney, and Lyle
M. Nelson, respresentative for the
center who has been here three
weeks taking preliminary steps in
getting the organization started.
The center, to be located in a
former residence on Washtenaw
near Baldwin will be designed to
keep track of the main sources of .
educational television programs
and to arrange with these sources
for national distribution of, some
of the best programs.
Final approval of Ann Arbor. as
a cite for the television center is
pending a meeting of the board of
directors of the group Oct. 8 and
9 in New York City.
The research group had received
a $1,500,000 grant from the Ford
Foundation one year ago.

The series gts under way at
1:05 p.m. before 70,000 fans and
millions more on television and
Carl Furillo, Brooklyn's right
fielder and National League bat-
ting champ, and Gene Woodling,
Yankee left fielder, both reported
fit for duty after testing their in-
jured left hands in final batting
* * *
FURILLO, who broke his little
finger in a fist fight with Leo Du-
rocher Sept. 6, wore a bandage on
his left hand and used a bat with
a foam rubber pad taped to the
Woodling also used a bat with
a rubber pad about four inches'
up the handle.
Cy Young, )vho won two games
for the Boston Red Sox against
Pittsburgh in the first series back
in 1903, is to throw out the first
ball Wednesday after the usual
opening day ceremonies.
This is the 11th all-New York
series and the fifth between the
Yanks and Dodgers. The Yanks
played the Giants six times, win-
ning four.
THE SERIES schedule calls for
the first two games at Yankee
Stadium with lefthanders Eddie
Lopat of the Yanks and Preacher
Roe of the Brooks meeting in
No. 2.
The third, fourth and fifth
will be played at Ebbets Field
then back to yhe stadium for
the sixth and seventh, if neces-
Vic Raschi is expected to pitch
No. three for the Yanks, and Man-
ager Chuck Dressen may gamble
on 21-year-old Johnny Podres.
See GOLDEN, Page 3
Rules Made
For Prisoner
rean repatriation commission an-
nounced yesterday the "ground
rules" under which the Allies and
Communists will seek to persuade
reluctant war prisoners to return
The rules- providing for individ-
ual interviews and requiring all
prisoners to listen to the "expla-
nations' regardless of their wishes
-evoked bitter comment from a
United Nations Command spokes-
"THE COMMISSION bought ev-
erything the Communists wanted,"
he said.
The UN Command has vigor-
ously opposed both points. It
contended that prisoners could
be intimidated in individual in-
terviews and that no prisoner
should be forced to hear a sales
talk on returning home.
The explanations were sched-
uled to begin today, but a further
postponement appeared likely be-
cause of a dispute over the loca-
tion and design of "explanation
centers." The explanations had
been postponed from last Satur-
The centers, in the demilitar-
ized zone, were built for the proc-
essing of nearly 23,000 prisoners,
22,600 of them prisoners of the
Allies who have repeatedly refus-
ed to return to Red rule. The rest
are Allied POWs.
S* *
THELATEST snag is the de-
mand by each side that the other
build better "explanation centers"
in the neutral zone. The five-na-
tion Neutral Nations Repatriation
Commission said yesterday that
both sides have agreed to improve
the facilities.

-Daily-Dean Morton
REFRESHING PAUSE-Two University co-eds seek relief from
the unseasonal heat that hit the state yesterday. The tempera-
ture of 89 degrees seemed to warrant student's complaints that
"it was too hot to study." But in Jackson and Battle Creek the
thermometer rose to 94. However the Weather Bureau says that
a similar heat wave will probably not occur again this year.
Cardinal Under A rrest
Western Sources Sayv
ROME - ),- Stefan Cardinal Wysznski, the Roman Catholic
primate whom Communist Poland has declared relieved of his church-
ly duties, was described by Western sources yesterday as under arrest.
The Vatican City newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said armed
police raided Cardinal Wyszynski's residence in Warsaw last Fri-
day night, made a minute, all night search of the premises and arrest-
ed the Cardinal Saturday morning.
AUGUST ZALESKI, president of the Polish government in exile
in London, said the 52-year-old primate, archbishop of Warsaw and
-'-Gneisen, was arrested at the War-
saw residents "and taken by sec-
Hoover H eads ret police to an unknown monas-
tery in the country, where he is
overnm entnot allowed to communicate with
the outside world."
1 Zaleski declared the action
Ta aSK Orce (was part of a Communist plot
to provoke a revolt which could
WASHINGTON -- be crushed by a blood bath. He
-(A' - Former urged the Polish people, virtual.
President Herbert Hoover, appear- ly all of whom are Catholics, to
ing robust at 79, yesterday accept- remain calm.
ed a new public service-heading, L'Osservatore Romano said the
his second commission to reor- Communist police compelled all
ganize the "appalling" maze of ;persons found in the Cardinal's
ganie th "apallng"mazeof~residence to face a wall during the
federal agencies. Friday night search.
With President Eisenhower look- * * *
ing on, Hoover and 11 other mem- IT DENOUNCED the action
bers took the oath of office at the against him as "an attempt to
White House. justify legally what cannot be
* ,justified."
THEN, presiding at a three-hour The Warsaw radio reported
closed-door meeting, Hoover got last night that the cardinal, the
authority to set up nine "task last free prince of the church
forces" of distinguished experts to behind the Iron Curtain, had
do reorganization spadework. been relieved of his post on a
A major goal, Hoover an- charge of violating provisions of
nounced, will be to eliminate, the 190 church-state agreempnt
by merger or otherwise, some and "allowed to withdraw into
of the 70 or 80 agencies which a Polish monastery."
report to the White House-to L'Osservatore said Cardinal Wy-
"get them out of the President's szynski sealed his fate when he
hair." spoke out against the recent trial
at Warsaw of the Most Rev. Cze-
Congress gave the new commis- slow Kaczmarek, bishop of Kielce,
sion of seven Republicans and five and three other priests sentenced
Democrats greater authority than Sept. 22 to prison terms ranging
the first Hoover commission which from 6 to 12 years on charges of
filed its report and recommenda- spying for the Vatican and the
tions in 19 volumes in 1949. United States.

No Decision
Reached On
Friday To Mark
Second Hearing
After five hours of a secret Air
Force hearing yesterday the case
of University senior Milo J. Rad-
ulovich, accused of being a "poor
security risk" for close association
with his allegedly Communist
father and sister, was recessed
until 9 a.m. Friday.
The investigating board com-
posed of three Air Force colonels
granted the adjournment to per-
mit defense attorneys. to call ad-
ditional witnesses. However, only
one witness will be called Radulo-
vich said last night, a character
witness for his father.
RADULOVICH appeared satis-
fied with the way the hearing had
prograssed on the first day. Both
he and his wife, Nancy testified
concerning his "political intimacy"
with his relatives.
Although not accused of dis-
loyalty himself, Lt. Radulovich, a
23-year-old physics major, faces
loss of his Air Force commission
if the board decides against him.
"The Air Force presented its
entire case and it amounts tol
nothing-absolutely zero," Rad-
ulovich claimed last night.
"There is no case," he went on,
"and I have nothing to hide."
against Radulovich's father are
that he had read a Communist in-
spired Serbian newspaper and the
Daily Worker. The young lieu-
tenant indicated that some of the
charges leveled against his father
and sister may have been dis-
credited at yesterday's hearing.
Over the protests of Radulo-
vich'secivilian counsel, a Tenth
Air Force Board conducted the
hearing behind closed doors at
Selfridge Air Force Base. Maj.
Gen. Richard A. Grussendorf
said this was being done "pri-
marily for the protection of the
lieutenant and his family."
When questioned about his 'at-
tendance at classes at the Uni-
versity since the charges were
made last week Radulovich said:
"I'm so doggne upset that I
can't sit down to study. I told some
of my instructors that I won't be
around for a few weeks. My wife
and I are getting more nervous
every day."
THE proceedings have aroused
wide attention. A television cam-
era was set up at the base head-
quarters building to film Radulo-
vich's entry into the hearing room.
However, he and his wife entered
the building by another door.
"A hint was dropped at the
hearing that the publicity this
case is receiving wasn't apprec-
iated," Radulovich told The
Daily, "but I pointed out that
it was my counsel who got the
baIl rolling."
Radulovich is represented by
Charles C. Lockwood and Kenneth
M. Sanborn who is Chairman of
the Macomb Young Republican
club and a college friend of the
Sanborn said the defense ob-
jected particularly to the Air Force
procedure on the ground "it is con-
trary to any system of American
jurisprudence that ever existed."
"The presumption of innocense,"
Sanbor concluded, "is reversed and
the burden of proof is placed upon


** *
Will Hear
Regent Leland I. Doan, President
of the Dow Chemical. Co. will ad-;
dress the Engineers Rally at 8
p.m. today in Rackham Auditor-
Also speaking at the rally will
be University President Harlan H.
Hatcher and Dean George G.
Brown of the Engineering School,
son, '55E, a member of the rally
planning committee the meeting
will serve more than one pur-
Besides serving as a prelude
to the Engineering Centennial
Celebration which will take place
Oct. 22 to 24, the rally will be
a meeting "for engineers, about
engineering, which we hope will
succeed in promoting a broader
outlook toward the entire pro-
fession by the specialized engi-
neer," Richardson said.
Before the rally Regent Doan,
President Hatchereand Dean
Brown will attend a dinner of 15
Presidents of Professional and
Honorary Engineering Societies.
Regent Doan, who will deliver
the major speech at the rally is a
graduate of both the University
and Ann Arbor High School. He
has been associated with Dow
Chemical Co. since 1917.
HE HASHELD several positions
in the sales department of the
company, has served as a Director,
a Vice-President and in 1941 was i
chosen Secretary of the corpora-
He was elected to its Presi-
dency in April 1949.
Regent Doan is also a Director
in the Michigan Bell Telephqne
Company and holds positions in I
several other firms.
In April 1951 he was elected a
Regent of the University.

Russia Makes Bid
For Peace Parley
Offer Means Including Red China;
U.S. Denounces Move as 'Evasive'
WASHINGTON-(A')-Soviet Russia yesterday offered to tak
over world tensions with the Big Three Western powers at two separate
diplomatic conferences-provided Communist China is also invited to
one of them at least.
The State Department promptly denounced the Kremlin's offer
as "exasive and a continuation of dilatory tactics" that have pre-
vented earlier East-West meetings.
* * * *
THE SOVIET proposal, set forth in a formal note, ignored a pre-
vious Western invitation for Russia to attend a foreign ministers
meeting at Lugano, Switzerland,
on Oct. 15.
Informed diplomats in Mos- Pro- Wester1
cow and Washington said a pre-
liminary study of the note indi-
cated Russia proposed: Berlin Chief
1. A meeting of representatives
of Russia, the United States, Brit-Re
ain, France and Red China to dis-
cuss "a lessening of tensions in in-
ternational relations."
2. A Big Four European con- BERLIN - () -- Lord Mayor
ference, presumably without Com- Ernest Reuter, militant leader of
munist China, to tackle the dead- West Berlin's fight, against Com-
locked German problem plus "all munism, died at his home last
pro sals introduced in the course night of a heart attack.
of preparing the conference." He was 64.
S* A Social Democrat who once
THE RUSSIANS appeared to dabbled in Communist party af-
condition the European confer- fairs, Reuter was world famed for
ence on a Big Five meeting which his defience of the Russians who
would include Red China. surrounded the war-ravaged Allied
. Apparently no specific dates sectors of Berlin, isolated within
for either meeting were propos- the Soviet zone.
ed by the Soviets. * * *
A top American official, talking HE RALLIED the people to re-
to newsmenr made it clear the sistance against the Russian block
United States remains opposed to ade of 1948-49.
bringing Red China into any dis- Often mentioned as a possible
cussion of general European ten- next president of the West Ger-
man Republic, Reuter worked
Secretary of State Dulles be- closely with the conservative
gan conferences with Ambassador Bonn government in trying to
Charles E. Bohlen, who returned reunite a free Germany.
from Moscow Monday for. consul- Expressions of tne grief for- his
tations, before discussing Russia's loss and the esteem for the figure
new note with President Eisen- he made in the postwar world be-
hower. gan to pour in after the sudden
* ** fatal attack.
THE SOVIET note, intended as Chancellor Konrad Adenpuer
a reply to an American-British- said the death "is a great loss for
French message of Sept. 2, appar- the German cause,"
ently foreclosed any possibility the * *
Big Four foreign ministers could THE DEATH was announced
meet in Switzerland on schedule over West German radio; stations,
to go over the German andhAus- which then played solemn music.
trian issues. The heavy-jowled mayor, who
American diplomats In Moscow liked to wear a black beret, vis-
said the note indicated skant pros- ited the United States last
Spects for any East-West agree- March and conferred with Presi-
ment on the German issue in the dent Eisenhower in Washington.
near future. On a speaking tour of the coun-
American officials here said the try,he enlisted aid for the thou-
Russian proposals seemed to be a sands of East German refugees
rehash of previous arguments of- who continue to pour into West
fered Aug. 4 and Aug. 15. Berlin for asylum.

National Roundup.
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Federal Judge Frank A. Pickard yesterday granted
a two weeks postponement to attorneys representing six Michigan
persons accused of violating the Smith Act.
Judge Picard said he would rule on the dismissal motion Thursday
at 11 a.m.

* * *

# #* *

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Civil Aer- WASHINGTON - The Small
onautics Board investigators sift- Business Administration yester-
ed through wreckage of a shat- day announced higher interest
tered C46 yesterday as the death of
Stewardess Dorothy Jean Bush rates will be charged on loans
raised the toll in Kentucky's worst made directly to small business
aviation disaster to 23. men.
* * * * . * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary Harold E. Talbott, noting Com-
munist indoctrination of some American prisoners in Korea, called
yesterday for intensified citizenship education in the Air Force.
SL Bookstore
By special request Student
iv er n q fi T'Legislature's Book Exchange

'U' Foresters To Observe An

AS MAYOR of a city of more
than two million people 100 miles
behind the Iron Curtain, he be-
came the living symbol of Berlin's
defiance of Russia and her Com-
munist underlings in the East.
It'was his unswerving spirit that
held the West Berliners together
during the fearful 327 blockade
days in 1948-49 when Russia tried
to force the Western powers out
of the former Reich capital.
Union Opera
Seek Tryouts
Committee tryouts for the 1953
Union Opera, to be presented lo-
cally from Dec. 9 to 11 and later
on a road trip, will be held at-.4
p.m. tomorrow and Thursday in
Rm. 3D of the Union, Richard M.
Fiegel, '55, general secretary of the
Opera, said yesterday.
Posts open for the all-male musi-
cal comedy include student direc-
tor, production, publicity, cos-
tume and makeup committess, song
and newspaper writers, advertis-
ing salesmen, radio and television
staff, program editors and typists.
THIS YEAR'S Howard Nemor-.
ovski-produced Opera will be the
latest show in a Michigan tradi-
tion dating back to 1908. As yet
unnamed, the musical will deal:
with atomic energy, home brewed
corn liquor and bureaucracy, a
highly volatile mixture.
Although the Opera is writ-
ten, produced and acted by Uni-
versity men, some posts are open
to women, Fiegel said.
One of the most important posts
open to tryouts is that of student

L .. T L J.. L K../%X X ;..

No one knows if Paul Bunyan
will be there, but other alumni of
the School of Natural Resources
will be on hand tomorrow to help
celebrate the School's fiftieth an-
The three day convocation spon-
sored by the University of Mich-
igan Foresters' Association will
open tomorrow afternoon after re-
turning alumni and their wives
have registered at the Rackham
* * *
SCHEDULED FOR 4 p.m. is an
alumni association meeting. Bruce
RuP3_ nP~ii~n oftheacBruce

* * * *

square dancing, group singing, re-
freshments, door prizes and color
movies of the School's summer
camp in the Upper Peninsula,
Camp Filibert Roth.
Presiding at the University Con-
vocation at 10:30 a.m. on Friday
will be University president Har-
lan Hatcher.
RICHARD - McCardle, '23NR,
chief of the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture's Forest Ser-
vice, will speak on "Public Service
in Forestry."

will remain open between 1
and 5:30 p.m. today in the Lea-
gue Lobby to return unsold
books and checks to students
upon presentation of receipts,
according to Betty Magyar, '54,
bookstore manager.
Texts that are unclaimed at
the close of the store's business
today will be retained by the
book exchange.
Canada May Use
Aircraft Warning
OTTAWA, Ont.-(P)-Canada is
testing a low-cost device to give
warning of approaching aircraft

Four honorary degrees will be
awarded to alumni and others

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