EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 IJj: Latest Deadline in the State ~~3ait G' PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXIV, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1953 TWELVE PAGES I U . * * " ! # * # Cold Front Breaks Hurricane's Danger Storm's Damage Reported Low; 200-Mile Shoreline Hit by Debris - By The Associated Press A gulf hurricane which smashed into' northwest Florida with 90- mile winds swept northeastward yesterday into eastern Alabama gradually degenerating into windy squalls. IJ S., Spair. Sign Bases Agreement By The Associated Press The United States and Franco Spain yesterday signed a 20-year defense agreement giving this country the right to develop and" use naval and air bases on Span- ish soil in return for U. S. eco- nomic, technical and military aid. The historic action brought Spain, long shunned by the victors of World War II, into partnership with the United States in the West's defense against the danger of Soviet attack. * * * IT WAS announced that aid totaling .226 million dollars will *- be supplied Spain under the mu- tual security program in the current fiscal year ending next June 30. Of this, 141 millions will go for military equipment and the rest for defense support, mean- ing use in some way helping the development of military strength. The Spanish bases offer a re- serve position behind the for- ward lines of Western European defense, which are in Germany. Spanish territory could provide a kind of fallback zone if those for- ward lines ever were forced to' give way. Ambassador James C. Dunn and Spanish Foreign Minister Alberto Marton Artajo also signed economic assistance and mutual defense agreements, the latter spelling out the specific conditions under which Spain will receive military aid, The agreements became effec- tive upon signature. The main defense agreement stated it would be in effect "for. a period of 10 years, automatically extended for two successive periods of six years"' unless formally terminated ' by either party. The pacts are classed as execu- tive agreements and so are not subject to ratification by the U. S. Senate. POW's Claim Allies Brutal PANMUNJOM - (4P) - Indian guardian troops today released to the Communists 65 Chinese pris- oners of war who changed their minds about going home. The 65, mostly officers, ,went back to Communism in a shouting, first-raising, banner-waving group. They screamed out charges of Al- lied brutality, forced tattooing and torture. In Allied hands they had been classed as Communist agitators even though on the surface they once had declined repatriation and decried the Reds. Indian guards turned them over to the Reds at this exchange point The award is given to persons an open-sided tent where Chinese Communist officers harangued Hurricane "Florence" isolated a small port and scattered debris along a 200-mile shoreline, before a sudden cool front robbed the storm of its punch. * * .* NO LIVES were lost. Only in- juries reported as the storm passed inland were minor ones in traffic accidents, indirectly blamed on the hurricane. A 5 p.m. advisory from the New Orleans weather bureau located the center of the tropi- cal disturbance near Dothan, Ala. Highest winds were 40 to 50 miles per hour. The storm was moving north- east about 12 miles per hour and heavy rain and high winds were predicted for eastern Alabama and most of Georgia. All warnings were lowered, however. While the storm left relatively little damage as it roared across the sparsely settled section of northwest Florida, out in the Gulf of Mexico the Costa Rican motor- ship Westwind was reported in great distress wallowing in heavy seas off the Texas coast with a broken rudder. * * * THE COAST GUARD at New Orleans sent out a cutter and a plane to rescue the crew. With top winds reduced from the 140-mile-an-hour blast it contained at sea to about 90 miles per hour, the hurricane center hit the mainland be- tween Panama City, Fla. and Ft. Walton, 47 miles west. Howling northward, but fast di- minishing, the storm blew into southeast Alabama and southwest Georgia yesterday afternoon. Reports from the New Orleans Weather Bureau warned small craft to stay in port from New Or- leans to Key West to avoid hurri- cane tides even though the danger from destructive winds was about over. Residents and military person- nel living and stationed in the vicinity where the hurricane gen- erally hit agreed that Hurricane "Florence" had been a flop. Five Joint Judie Vacancies Filled Five women were named mem- bers of joint judiciary yesterday by the new judicial interviewing committee approved by Regents in a summer meeting. Those chosen to fill year-long terms are Lucy Landers, '55, Lee Fiber, '54, and Jean Bromfield, '55. Anne Schmitz, '54, and Sally Stahl, '55, will fill one-semester vacancies. Members of the interviewing council include president and vice- president of Student Leglislature, the League president and chair- man of the League's interviewing committee. Branoff, Kress Each Score Two Remainder of Wolverine Tallies By Baldacci, Hickey, Hill, Hurley By IVAN N. KAYE Daily Sports Editor Michigan opened the 1953 football season on a resounding note of triumph yesterday with an awesome 50-0' conquest of the Wash- ington Huskies. A small crowd of 51,233 saw the varsity roll to eight touchdovns in a bewildering display of scoring power that completely outclassed the Pacific Coast team. * * * * ONLY IN THE early moments of the first period did the game bear any resemblance to the even- ly matched contest which had been forecast. Edtor Pla From the time that Tony Bran- off barreled into . the Husky end zone at 10:09 of the first quarter until the final gun, the game was domvein every phase. by the Washington's only scoring threatGm e Color came half way through the second quarter when sophomore Bob Dunn, a 165-pound speedster from Vancouver, carried Jim Fox's kick- off 67 yards to the Michigan 25. The Wolverine defense held how- p ever, and Washington lost posses- o sion after officials ruled that end Jim Houston had caught quarter- c back Sandy Lederman's fourth F down pass outside the boundaries 7 of the end zone. 5 * * * t " -Daily--Don Campbell WOLVERINE TAILBACK AND SAFETY MAN TED KRESS RETURNS WASHINGTON PUNT TO HIS OWN 35 YARD LINE BEFORE HE IS BROUGHT DOWN BY A HOST OF HUSKIE TACKLERS IN FIRST QUARTER OF YESTERDAY'S GAME, WON BY MICHIGAN 50 TO 0. KaseCIO Near End Of Parleys Chances that Kaiser Motor Cor- poration will start making auto- mobiles again at its Willow Run plant improved somewhat yester- day. Kaiser and the bargaining com- mittee of UAW (CIO) Local 142 announced tentative agreement on almost all amendments to their contract. They ex ect to wind up nego- Petitions. Petitions for the seven vacant seats on Student Legislature must be returned by 5 p.m.:to- morrow in the SL Bldg., ac- cording to Barb Mattison, '54, secretary. Applicants may sign for in- terviews at the time they return petitions. Information concern- ing petitioning may be obtained from any SL member. World News Roundup INSIDE MOSCOW: Hollander Tells of Visit Within Kremlin Walls Well. he made it. rado Daily and Daniel Berger edi- That's what they said last night tor of the Oberlin College Review, in The Daily city room as the tele- left New York Sept. 20 and arrived type told how former Daily Feature in Moscow two days later. j .a;i.,r '7arioi rinlt aue i f'v,. I. tiations by early this week. By The Associated Press * *Ne *Aepres i.a EDGAR F. KAISER, Kaiser Mo- LANSING - The Republcan tors president, has said he hoped State central committee yester- to reopen Willow Run-shut since day rejected proposals for a pre- July-within 30 days after an primary convention in 1954 to agreement. unify the party behind top state candidates and avoid a primary Bylaws of the local prevent any fight. ratification vote, at least until Oct. 4. HANOI, Indochina - Vietminh About 4,50 were employed on troops appeared last night to have automotive jobs at Willow Run embarked on a campaign aimed when the shutdown came. at destroying the newly formed Harley Neideffer, Local 142 Vietnamese light battalions in the president,' said he understood 3,800 Red River Delta. would be rehired if production is d * resumed.' BATTLE CREEK - The dis- p ~*charge of a double amputee Wed- Police Ask ,Help nesday will officially close the pa- Ann Arbor police yesterday tient record books at Percy Jones urged students being anndyed by Army Hospital for the first time high pressure magazine salesmen since 1942. peddling their wares in the street The hospital is slated to close to cooperate by reporting com- Thursday under a directive from paints to their office at once. the secretary of defense. Editor ZLander Hollander, '03,1 strolled within the walls, of the Kremlin. HOLLANDER and his two com- panions, Mark Edmond, former editor of the University of Colo- Dean Aeheson To Get Award NEW YORK - Former State Secretary Dean Acheson will re- ceive the Woodrow Wilson award for distinguished service at a din- ner Thursday in the Hotel Wal- dorf-Astoria. Acheson is expected to give his first major speech since leaving office at this dinner. Other speak- ers will include Thomas K. Fin- letter, former Air Force secretary, and Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis, fel- low of Yale University Corp. and editor of the Horace Walpole let-{ ters. and the POWs were herded into who have rendered "meritorious service to the cause of liberal thought, public welfare and peace through justice." A two week visa granted them . by the Russians to study Soviet educational and social institu- tions is the passkey that swung open a door in the iron curtain. The editors were accompanied on their tour yesterday by two women guides. They were permit- ted to take pictures at several spots within the Kremlin walls and in- side the Palace of the Supreme Soviets. "We asked to get into the Presi- dium of the Supreme Soviet where the officials were working," Hol- lander said. "We told the guides that in Washington tourists are taken through the White House when the President .is working there. They answered, 'That is the you do it, not the way we do.' * * * HOLLANDER also asked where Premier Malenkov was working and the guides said they didn't know. The three goggled at the jewels, robes and vestments ac-' cumulated by Russia's former Czars through the centuries. They trekked through the form- er royal bedrooms where they said they saw two emeralds "as big as salt shakers." The touring journalists said they did not see a single picture of Stal- in or Malenkov inside the Kremlin -only an immense granite statue of Lenin inside the white alcove of the Palace of the Supreme Soviets. The trio is scheduled to travel Tuesday to Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine. They hope also to visit a Ukranian collective farm. They spent yesterday on a tour of the big new Moscow University buildings. Students there told them it was the West that had imposed the Iron Curtain. Daylight Savings THE HUSKIES appeared still in n the game, even though trailing by a touchdown, until Michigan's left end Bob Topp blocked Corky a Bridges' punt and tackle Art Walker recovered on the Wash-t ington seven-yard line near the end of the first quarter. Ted Kress immediately " found quarterback ,Lou Baldacci with a perfect pass to put the Maize and Blue two 0 touchdowns in front, and removejs all hopes of a Husky victory. As far as the Westerners were 1 concerned this was the back- breaker of the day. From this point on, Michigan remained in complete control, scoring almost at will and rolling up a huge advantage in the statistics col- t umn. I Kress added a third Michigan touchdown only 38 seconds after the beginiing of the second quar- ter when he snaked his way 21 yards through a host of Washing-f ton tacklers. '* * * RAY KENAGA'S recovery ofi Jack Kyllingstad's fumble a few 1 seconds earlier gave Michigan pos- session of the ball and set the stage for the scoring thrust by Kress. Before the half, the Wolver-; ines had found the Washington end zone twice more. Branoff bolted through left -tackle from the six to climax a seven-play, 38-yard touchdown march that began when Kress picked off one of Lederman's errant passes. Fullback Bob Hurley sprinted around left end for 15 yards for Michigan's final touchdown of the first half after guard Roh Wil- liams had pounced on Arne Bergh's fumble to give the Wol- verines the ball MICHIGAN kept rolling to touchdowns after the intermis- sion. Branoff intercepted another of Lederman's ill-aimed passes and raced from the Washington 37 down to within five yards of the goal. It took Kress only one play, an off-tackle slant behind perfect blocking, to score and make the count 37-0 in Michigan's favor. Little Ed Hickey, a 165-pound junior from Anaconda, Montana, * See RESERVES, Page 6 Benson Ask Investigation By ERIC VETTER Daily City Editor Saturday, September 26, 1:17 .m. Routine assignment: get color n football game. Check files for background on ase. Michigan vs. Washington. irst meeting between schools, 4th season for Michigan. About 0,000 witnesses. Michigan two ouchdown favorite. Just an ordi- ary case. * * * 1:21 P.M., Armed with pencil nd paper, start for stadium. 1:29 p.m. Parking '35 cents, icket sales could improve. 1:35 p.m. "Just routine sir, do you have a ticket." 1:38 Press box pass works. Teams n) field. Coast lads look big. Crowd till coming in. 1:50 Color. Bands on time. Looks ike case of the drum majors miss- ng hat. . * * * 2:03 KICKOFF. Officials watch low. 2:13 Sideline music. "Joes and he. Orient." Nothing suspicious. 2:18 Noise in stands. Michi- gan 7, Washington 0. 2:29 End of quarter. Michigan 13, Washington 0. Still looking or color. 2:31 Third touchdown. One pla- toon released after booking on sus- picion. 2:36 More noise. Fourth .touch- down. * * * 2:41 FIFTH touchdown. Rumor about Rose Bowl. See EDITOR, Page 2 Fraternities To Be isied By Rushees Nearly'800 students will parti- cipate in today's opening of the formal 'fraternity rushing season. No invitation is required to visit one of the 43 campus fraternities during the first two days of rush- ing. - Al Fey, '54, co-chairman of rush- ing, said yesterday that the In- terfraternity Council feels there are two important advantages that a student will gain by participat- ing in this fall's formal rushing. "First," said Fey, "the student will get a better overall picture of the fraternity system during for- mal rushing, and second his chances for pledging are more favorable this fall." "This year's large number of rushees," explained Fey, "will en- able many houses to take almost i i ELECTION RESULTS: 0 'U' Professors Discuss German Vote By ELSIE KUFFLER Returned Wednesday after a month and a half field study in Germany many, political scientists Prof. Frank Grace, Prof. Daniel S. McHargue and Henry L. Bretton yesterday commented briefly on the recent German elections. Prof. James P. Pollock, head of the Political Science department, headed the trip. Prof. Grace emphasized the difficulty of "holding the socialist party together for four more years in an opposition role," after its CONCERNING THE ISSUE of neo-nazism, Bretton observed that "the German voter had an opportunity to vote for the neo-nazi party and evidently did not choose to do so." He said even parties to the right were unable to secure any gains. hi fact, he' added, more than 70 per cent of the votes cast were for the two democratic parties. the Social Democrats and the Christian Democratic Union.