M NO BETTER LAW See Page 2 ZVIr Latest Deadline in the State :43 a ity f ° a*1 PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXIV, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1953 Reents Arove $2, 700,000 '!'Housing ** * * * * * * * FOUR PAGES Project ** s I I I * # # hichigan Grid Season Opens Students Get Development Group Seats Balzhiser, Voss Named to Posts Student representation was ex- tended to an important new field yesterday with appointment by the Regents of Virginia Voss, '54, and Dick Balzhiser, '54E, to the University Development Council Board of Directors. Wolverines Face ashingtonSquad Lederman Sparks Huskies' Attack; M' Pass Defense Under Pressure By PAUL GREENBERG Associate Sports Editor One-platoon football, with all of its innovations and uncertain- ties, arrives in Ann Arbor today, but its appearance is only secondary to the spectacle and excitement surrounding the season's opener with the University of Washington. Michigan opens its 74th grid campaign against a brand new op- ponent, the Huskies drawing a spot on the Wolverine grid schedule as part of the Pacific Coast Conference-Big Ten program of inter- sectional clashes. * * * * COACH JOHN CHERBERG, in his first year of directing the fatesI of the Washington varsity, will try to pull his injury-shaken lineup The two students, who will serve until June 30, 1954, were nomin- ated unanimously to the Regents by the student members of the Student Affairs Committee. * * * AT THE TIME they made the nominations, five of the seven student members submitted a re- commendation to the Regents ex- pressing pleasure that students were being seated on the Council, but suggesting that hereafter such nominations be made by the Stu-, dent Legislature. The recommendation pointed out that SL presently makes a number of similar appoint- ments, while SAC generally does not handle these matters. However, the Regents never considered this recommendation since only the nominations were able to be placed on President Harlan H. Hatcher's "urgent" agenda, University public rela- tions director Arthur L. Brandon said last night. In addition, Brandon said the Development Council committee A. on organization andi plans had delegated the nominating power to SAC student members because they felt it was the logical group to handle nominations under ex- isting Regents' by-laws. SL is not now recognized un- der these by-laws. The five student members en- dorsing the recommendation pre- sented it because they felt they could not assume the nominating power in this case without ex- pressing their conviction that this function be placed with SL. THE TWO student appointees bring a record of high scholarship and long participation in student activities to the Council. Miss Voss, an English honors student, is Editorial Director of ,t The Daily and a member of Mortarboard, senior women's honorary society. Though known best perhaps as a varsity football player, Balzhiser has compiled an almost straight "A" record in engineering school and is an Angell Scholar. Last spring he was one ofI two students named by President Hatcher to the Honors Convoca- tion Committee, and is a member of Michigamua, senior men's hon- orary. Vendors Warned 'Sell at Own Risk' French Ask Indochinese Negotiation UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(OP) -France proposed yesterday that the Communists and French at- tempt to settle the 8-year-old war in Indochina by diplomatic nego- tiations, either in the Korean peaceconference or immediately afterward. Deputy Foreign Minister Maur- ice Schumann, in his government's opening speech to the UN Assem- bly, said the object of such nego- tiations would be to end the ag- gression in Indochina and make possible a return of more normal. conditions of international rela- tions in Asia. * * * SCHUMANN said hints had ap- peared that the two outside pow- ers which "inspire and arm the Vietminh rebels" in Indochina were disposed to consider the opening of negotiations to end that conflict. Referring to Communist China and 'the Soviet Union, Schu- mann said the time had come for those two powers to prove the hints were not mere propa- ganda. French spokesmenremphasized later that their government. had no intention of dealing with the Vietminh Communists in Indo- china but would negotiate at dip- lomatic levels with Red China and Russia for a settlement. Officials in Washington said they would have no objection to Indochina talks provided the Reds agree to a satisfactory Korean settlement. Commenting privately on Schu- mann's proposal, these authorities recalled that Dulles had made it clear at a news conference Sept. 3 that he opposed discussing Indo- china at the Korean peace parley. Federal Costs Cut, GOP Told In an address to local Republi- cans Catherine B. Cleary, assist- ant treasurer of the United States, said yesterday the present Admnistration is "making sub- stantial progress to nreducethe1-i back to the winning side of the ledger after losing its opener to Colorado University, 21-20. A game under their belt might aid the Huskies, but the loss of two of their finest running backs through injuries won't help the Seattle eleven's offense very much. Bill Albrecht, a Husky de- fensive standout for two years, broke his leg in the opener and Mike Monroe, a home-town sophomore with a great high school record, snapped his wrist against Colorado. That places the burden of the offense on the Washington aerial platoon-and indications have it that they can carry a pretty large In order to facilitate distri- bution of free programs to stu- dents, the athletic department has requested students to show their identification cards at section entrances in order to receive the programs. burden. Against Colorado, left- handed Sandy Lederman paced the Washington 285-yard air of- fensive with 15 completions out of 33 tosses. George' Black, 6-5 left end, a popular choice for pre-season All- American, has been Lederman's chief target. Black caught 42 pass- es for 637 yards and seven touch- downs last season, pacing the Coast loop in all three depart- ments. Last season Black teamed with All-American tosser Don Heinrich in pacing the Huskies to third See ONE-PLATOON, Page 3 . Starting Lineups WASHINGTON MICHIGAN Black LE Topp Wardow LT Strozewski Noe LG Dugger V. Lindskog C O'Shaughnessy Bohart RG Beison Chambers RT Balog McClary RE Knutson Lederman QB Baldacci Kyllingstad LHI Kress Dunn RH Branoff Nugent FP Balzhiser WorldlNews . Roundup By The Associated Press MOBILE, Ala.-A mighty hurri- cane swung northeastward in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday and pointed dangerous 130-mile-an- hour winds toward the coast of Alabama and northwest Florida. Residents of a thickly-populated 400-mile wide area from New Or- leans to Fla. began preparing for the rampaging storm. *, * * TOKYO--A typhoon with winds of more than 90 miles an hour spread death and destruction over Japan's inland sea area yesterday, struck Tokyo a glancing blow early today and raised the threat of a major flood to the north. * * * NEW YORK -- The biggest atomic air raid drill the world has ever seen made a ghost city of New York yesterday, as its millions took shelter from the make-believe fury of two bombs. State Civil Defense Director Clarence R. Heubner called it the best so far of New York's three citywide A-bomb drills. I PANMUNJOM-A dispute over whether more than 22,000 prison- ers balking at return to commu- nism can be forced to listen to "explanations" by the Reds ,yes- terday forced postponement of the operation until next week. The explanations had been due to start today. Now they will begin-next Wednesday barring another postponement. LONDON-The Big Three West- ern Powers were reported yester- day to be mulling over ideas for a series of far reaching security pacts for proposal to the Soviet Union. 'U' To File College Housing Program, for loans to cover the cost of con- structing additional housing," Uni- versity President Harlan H. Hatch- er said. * * * BOTH APPLICATIONS will be made to determine whether the University can legally borrow from the FHA and also to decide the eligibility of the project. The larger of the two authori- zations will place Couzens Hall in line for an addition and a complete remodeling of the pres- ent building to provide room and board accommodations for 275 more women students. The second authorization, for approximately one million dollars,I has been earmarked for construe-' tion of 100 married student hous- ing units. See REGENTS, Page 4 Radulovich Awaits Military Hearing A "wait-and-see" attitude domi- nated feelings of people concerned! in the case of Milo J. Radulovich, '54, yesterday. The 26-ytar-old physics senior is scheduled to appear before a three-man military tribunal Tues- day to face charges of being a poor "security risk" because of close as- sociation with his father and sis- ter accused of being Communists. Radulovich said "The only thing I can do now is sit things out un- til I have my hearing next week." at the first meeting of the semes- ter held in Ann Arbor yesterday. Largest allocation was a $48,900 Rockefeller Foundation grant for methodological research in the field of human relations by the Research Center for Group Dy- namics. A second grant by the Foundation is for $24,5000 to fi- nance a behavior study project be- ing conducted over a two-year pe- riod by Prof. Theodore M. New- comb of the sociology department. PRESENTED to the University for an educational and research program in the medical school was a $33,000 grant by the National Fund for Medical Education, Inc. The Board in Control of Inter- collegiate Athletics added $28,060 to the Elmer Gedeon Memorial Scholarship fund. The Regents accepted a grant of $15,000 to establish a research fund from the Quaker Oats Com- pany and another $15,000 from The Upjohn Company for phar- macy laboratory equipment and research purposes. THREE GRANTS totalling $13,- 660 were received from the Michi- gan Heart Association for thor- acic surgery, research and studyI in electrophsyiology funds. Studies in sanitary practices will be made with a grant of $10,000 from the National Sani- tation Foundation Testing Lab- oratory Inc. of Ann Arbor. The John Harper Seeley Foundation, also of Ann Arbor has granted $10,000 for medical research See UNIVERSITY, Page 4 For Loans X From.FHA Plan To Build Two Projects ERICH A. WALTER Action by the Board of Regents yesterday launched the University into an estimated $2,700,000 pro- gram to provide additional stu- dent. housing on campus within two years.40f t Two separate plans, one involv - t~IU ,U JJ. ing expenditure of one million dol- lars, the other an outlay of $1,700,- Tew G .g. 000 were authorized by the Re- gents. - "The Regents' action allows the University to file preliminary ap- $y PAT ROELOFS plications with the Federal Hous- Gifts and grants totaling $403,- ing and Home Finance Agency, 980 were accepted by the Regents No Action Taken For OSA Veep Walter Assumes Robbins' Duties; Rea Named New Dean of Students By GENE HART WIG Dean of Students Erich A. Walter became assistant to the presi dent of the University yesterday with Dean of Men Walter B. Rea' named acting dean of students. Both appointments received Regents approval and are effective immediately. e* * *a ASKED YESTERDAY whether a previously-conceived plan to create a vice-president in charge of student affairs is still under con- sideration, University President T Harlan ,H. Hatcher commented, "we have done nothing on it." President Hatcher had indi- cated in meetings with student leaders last spring that a plan to create a University vice-pres- idency to handle student affairs was being discussed. President Hatcher declined to comment on whether the idea was still under consideration. Dean Walter will fill the posi- tion vacated by Frank E. Robbins, September 9, who will now begin his retirement furlough. Commenting on his new as- sistant's appointment, President Hatcher said Dean Walter's dut- ies will be somewhat similar to those of his predecessor, with Robbins continuing as editor of the Michigan Alumnus Quarter- ly Review and director of the University Press. In his new post Dean Walter will serve largely as a policy ad- viser and will handle the admin- istration's high-level correspond- ence. Dean Rea, President Hatcher said, will retain his duties as dean of men in addition to those of his new post. No change in the present ar- rangement is contemplated at this time, President Hatcher comment- ed. - The new presidential assistant, a native of Zanesville, Ohio, join- ed the University faculty as an in- structor in rhetoric in 1919 after receiving his bachelor degree here. Beginning in 1934 when he serv- ed as acting-assistant to the dean of the literary college, Dean Walt- er became increasingly active in administrative affairs. Becoming assistant dean of the literary college in 1938, and asso- ciate dean in 1945, Dean Walter was named director of the Office of Student Affairs in 1947. In 1948 his title was changed to Dean of Students. As head of the student affairs office, Dean Walter served on a host of committees having to do with scholarships, student affairs, student conduct, student loans, residence halls, the Union, student publications, orientation week, fra- ternity activities and Honors Con- vocation. Dean Rea, appointed acting dean of students, was named to fill the newly created post of dean of men last October. Church Group Hears Williams WALTER B. REA * * * Promotion's Commended- B yStudents Student leaders who have work- ed closely with Dean Erich A Walter and Dean Walter B. Rea united last night in congratulating, the two University officials and wishing them well in their new positions. They also expressed a long- held hope that the current reor- ganization of the Office of Student Affairs might result in establish- ment of a vice-presidency for stu- dent affairs. * * * STUDENT Legislature president Bob Neary, '54, commented 'the Regents are to be commended for the promotion of Dean Walter, a man well known to students and familiar with student activities. It was also personally pleasing to note this recognition of Dean Rea's long and excellent service to the University, he said. "Let it be hoped," Neary add- ed, "that this is a significant step toward an administrative officer in charge of'student af- fairs with the full rank of ,a vice-president." Retiring Joint Judiciary chair- man Pete Lardner, '54E, joined in congratulating Dean Walter say- ing "it is particularly gratifying to see one with his intimate knowl- edge of students and student af- if airs be selected for such a post. "Dean Rea's new post is well deserved and hard 'earned," Lard- ner continued. BIG PEP RALLY, THOUGH: Small Football Crowd Expected * * * * The smallest opening day crowd since 1945, an expected .50,000 fans, will give King Football, 1953, a comparatively quiet welcome to Ann Arbor today. Student exhilaration for the opening game was high, however, despite the attendance outlook, as 3,000 cheering Maize and Blue fans followed the Marching Band ddwn State St. to Ferry Field for a "Beat Washington" pep rally last night. Football stars of '52, Bob Timm and Lowell Perry were on hand, as were new Drum Major Floyd Zarbock, '54A, and baton twirler Bill Modlin, '56, who awed the crowd with his flaming baton. Irv Tobacman kept the crowd in good spirits as emcee. AS STUDENTS trouped back to campus from Ferry Field, Ann Arbor prepared for the opening game. Police, bus and train lines, hotels and restaurants readied for a small rush; but all reported a drop-off in activity from pre- vious years. Thousands of good seats are still availabue for the game, although the great bulk are in the corner sections. Governor G. Mennen Williams,' ADDING THEIR good wishes speaking before Episcopal Founda- were League president Sue Riggs, tion yesterday told his audience '54, and Union president Jay that positions in government could Strickler, '54. give them an opportunity to be of "We students should be ex- service to their neighbors. tremely proud of both Dean "In government service it is pos- Walserand"Tea ea," Miss sible to do a real Christian job Riggs said. "They have devoted --A'k-- nnvnc fl T nnir much effort and interest to the Prof. Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler, athletics director, had no comment yesterday on what effect attorney I I }r