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September 25, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-25

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f 1t111A , S1L1''1.'r;i'1lBER 25, 1953

______________________________ U I I


GOP Policy --
A Dualism
"THERE IS no sacrifice-no labor, no tax,
no service-too hard for us to bear to
support the logical and necessary defense
of our freedom."-Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Boston, Sept. 21, 1953.
"The excess profits tax will expire on Dec.
31, and there will be no request for renewal."
The personal income tax will be lowered,
"and it will become effective."-George M.
Humphrey, Secretary of the Treasury.
Washington, Sept. 22, 1953.

Democrats and the South



BENEATH the warnings in the President's
words and the panecea promised by
those of the Treasury Secretary lurks Amer-
ica's terrifying paradox. We are willing to
muse on the possibilities of grappling with
political reality, but always manage to flee
into a non-existent "Golden Past."
The same dual and opposing motives are
still driving our government forward-
shaping the foreign and domestic policy
and preparing (as much as is possible)
the fate of the populace.
Several of the leading newspaper column-
ists with high records for reporting accuracy
-among them the Alsops and Drew Pearson
--feel that the President is on the verge of
delivering one of the most important series
of public pronouncements uttered by a
chief executive in the past decade.
The speeches have largely been motivated
by the successful detonation of the hydro-
gen bomb within the Soviet Union. The pit-
iful plight of American defense preparations
and Russian power in the atomic hydrogen
arms race are expected to be thhe crucial
theme of the addresses.
These columnists have maintained that
the President's staff of speech writers has
been busily composing a type of speech
which would reveal enough unpleasant
information so as to wake up a dreaming
'America-but not so startling as to panic
the people. It is apparent that there is
enough dynamite behind the Pentagon
scenes to do just that. Hence, the watch-
word has been extreme caution.
News stories flashing across the teletype
machines tend to verify the accuracy of
these reports. As the Treasury Secretary
assured the nation of a general tax reduc-I
tion, a group of New York newspapermen
were informed that the President will soon
issue a new executive order making it easier
for the fourth estate to secure government
A week earlier a report was released to
the press outlining the areas which would
probably be subject to an enemy atomic at-
tack. All this is being done to indoctrinate
the public to the menace of Soviet might.
It thus appears that the government un-
der the President's leadership is doing its ut-
m(1ost, vocally at least, to bring about a better
informed public.
Completely paradoxical, however, are
the actions taken by the government In ap-
plying its realistic mouthings.
The government's spokesman on financial
matters, Mr. Humphrey, may serve as a typ-
ical example. Faced with Eisenhower's vo-
cal warnings, the Treasury Secretary pro-
ceeds to promise that the excess profits tax
will go, the budget will be balanced, and
military expenditures reduced.
However, in light of the President's con-
cern over the danger of atomic attack to
the country, these promises of Mr. Hum-
phrey are contradictory if the. govern-
ment's spoken fears are to be alleviated.
At the same time, drastic reductions in
essential military expenditures would be
dangerous to the nation's security.
Humphrey seems to be the spokesman for
the other side of the Administration's split
peronality-the wishful-thinking conscience
yearning for peace and following the dic-
tates of the Congressional politicians. This
attitude of quality has dominated the
thoughts of the current government since its
inception in January.
As a result, Americans have witnessed con-
fusion of policy in high governmental circles
-with the rapid ascendancy of those es-
pousing the pure glories of a fictious past.
What becomes necessary then is inte-
grating the President's deep convictions
with the actual policy of the national gov-
ernment. So far, there is no indication
that this will be done.
The possibility still remains that the
President's intentions of informing the ria-
tion of the realities of the current interna-
tional situation may be abandoned in favor
of a say-nothing, do-nothing, policy. This
too must be avoided if the nation is to con-
tinue existing.
-Mark Reader

Demise of the
Health Service
IN BELATED recognition of the obvious
unpopularity of compulsory health lec-
tures, the University has discontinued this
35-year-old freshman institution at least for
the semester.
In their place have been substituted a
series of lectures with voluntary attendance.
The abandonment of this requirement,
coupled with the present new system, may
be an indication that at last student opin-
ions and desires are being taken into con-

THE RETURN of Adlai Stevenson to the
country, an arrival long heralded by mil-
lions of his supporters, seems to have made
little difference to the Democratic Party
itself. Unable to agree on even the most im-
portant national issues, Democrats today
generally remain in a haze, still wondering
what happened on November 4, 1952.
Indeed, the minority members in
Congress have begun to echo policy
stands adopted by President Eisenhower
which are far afield of their former
views, often because they fear the Presi-
dent's great vote-getting ability. With a
coy little grin, Democratic members of
Congress can often be heard to boast
"Ike couldn't have gotten his policy
through Congress without us."
Even a national conference, held in an
"off year" for the first time in history, failed
to unite Democrats on important major is-
sues. Instead, the conference was largely a
scene of back-yard politicking and indi-
vidual publicity-seeking.
The biggest headache confronting the
party's vociferous liberals is the conserva-
tive Southern wing. After bolting the party
and campaigning in many cases for the Re-
publican nominee, Southerners still expect
to be welcomed back into the party with
open arms. Hoping to regain the Southern
electoral votes, liberals either compromise
with the reactionaries on the very principles
they claim to support, or remain in a fruit-

less deadlock with a portion of their own
party. Myopically, these liberals fail to real-
ize that the South can never again be count-
ed on as a Democratic stronghold unless the
liberal ideology of the party is completely
For on the most pressing national
issues, there is no compromise possible.
Either Democrats plan to fight for civil
rights, federal ownership of off-shore oil
and cooperation rather than use of pres-
sure tactics on our allies, or they do not,
The violently anti-New Deal South real-
ized the uselessness of bucking their own
party during the last election, when they
voted for the more conservative of
America's parties; but the Northern wing
has not yet recognized the real situation.
Only by realizing the growing realignment
of the South can the liberals consolidate
their past gains and establisl4 a unified par-
ty. "Creeping, harmony" can never resolve
the vast differences between the two oppos-
ing camps.
At the present time the liberals have a
broad opportunity to rally around Steven-
son and close their party ranks behind a
definitive national and international policy
as enunciated by their leader. If they fail
to take such a stand now, they may well
be unable to re-nominate their strongest
candidate-Adlai Stevenson-at the next
presidential nominating convention.
-Dorothy Myers

,' Againlready?.
C p
o^s E ue ,rn w)rar

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discret4ion of the

Unsung League House..
To the Editor:
I AM WRITING in behalf of the
little league house with the
highest scholastic average of any
residence unit on campus which
remained unsung in Tuesday's
Daily. The house of which I speak
is Williams League House (3.13)
to which even the "scholarship,
dorm," Martha Cook, runs second
As a former resident, I was
stung by the omission of this fact
in the text of the Daily article,
but especially by the statement:
"Pointing out the top grade earn-
ers among women's housing units
-Martha Cook dormitory, Hen-
derson League House, Couzens
Hall for nurses and Alpha Xi
Delta sorority-Dean Bacon noted
that these four groups have one
thing in common: no freshman
women." This 1) implies that Hen-
derson House is a League house,
which is not the case-Henderson
House is a cooperative dormitory-
2) omits mention of Williams
House as even one of the "top
grade earners."
-Lois Carstenson

Democrats lead the minority party
in Congress. On this campus, I
now find it almost impossible to
distinguish many YRs from YDs
from just their political views.
However, if past records mean
anything, there is one non-poli-
tical distinction that can be made
between the two clubs. The Young
Democrats all tend to think alike.
They are one happy family all
devoted to Father Adlai. On the
other hand, the Young Republi-
cans are sharply split between the
"liberals" and "conservatives."
This could be an advantage,
though, if the student prefers ex-
citement to harmony.
No matter which club the stu-
dent finally decides to join, he will
find that issues become secondary
to personalities. The election meet-
ing is usually the best-attended
while, at club debates, the speak-
ers often outnumber the audience.
Nevertheless, the two clubs'dq
present an additional opportunity
to meet other politically-minded
students. From a common inter-
est in politics, some friendships
may emerge. It is probably in this
function that political clubs prove
of greatest value.
-Bernie Backhaut
Ticket Complaint. .
To the Editor:
WHY IS IT that a part time stu-
dent and teaching fellow
should have to pay for a football
ticket when freshmen, etc. are
given one?
Why should one who gives his
time to the University the same
as anyone else be discriminated
I even like the end-zone. Down
with "Section M" too.
--Bill Hart


The USAFI Clause

OFFICIALS of the University are at present
awaiting the arrival from Washington
of a new contract with the United States
Armed Forces Institute, an organization
sponsoring correpondence courses for men
and women in the armed forces by agreement
with educational institutions.
The awaited contract will replace an-
other version of the same document sent
to universities handling the GI's program
earlier this summer, a document which
met opposition to renewal on 14 cam-
puses, including the University of Michi-
Objections were raised to a clause that
read "the contrator will not employ or re-
tain for the performance of services under
this contract such persons as are disproved
by the government."%
In more informal language, the phrase
means that the government has the right
to disapprove of any faculty members teach-
ing courses under the USAFI program.
The alliance between the military and ed-
ucation systems in the program clearly pre-
sents a delicate situation, for both institu-
tions have necessary principles to safe-
guard. The government and military forces
Architecture Auditorium
THE OLD MAID, with Bette Davis and
Miriam Hopkins.
THIS 1939 picture is one of those Bette
Davis performances which should have
stayed in the archives. The film is most of
all very ordinary-if it is too much of any-
thing it-is overly sentimental.
Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins are
cousins, both in love with the same man;
Miss Hopkins refuses to wait for him and
marries someone else. Miss Davis bears
him an illegitimate child. When the man
is killed at the Battle of Vicksburg (along
with everything else there is a Civil War
background) Miss Davis tries to raise the
child. Which leaves one happy foster-
mother, and one "old maid aunt."
From this point it is fairly easy to see
Miss Davis seethe and churn-externally as
well as internally-with the pangs of frus-
trated mother-love and noble self-sacrifice.
The only ready comparison to come to mind
is Jane Wyman's pitiful performance in
"The Blue Veil." Except that Miss Davis
does a fine job playing her pitiful role as it
should be played; it is just the sort of role
that not even Marilyn Monroe could make
Miss Hopkins, for her part, is no slouchy
actress. She may look a trifle antiquated
for the young-bride portion of the story,
but she warms up to the matronly, indul-
gent mother with a zest. The most sur-
prising feature of the film is George
Brent's almost apt performance as the
third corn#tr of the triangle. Perhaps the
brevity of his role accounts for this.
With the number of Bette Davis movies
still extant it is unfortunate that the Cine-
ma Guild did not select a better one for its
first offering this year-several titles im-
mediately spring forth: "Jezebel" or "The
Little Foxes," for example. Surely she is a
better actress than this film would attest.
Two shorts fill up the bill this week: one
of Norman McClaren's drawn-on-the-film
cartoons, and a brief but interesting look at
Tanglewood and the Berkshire Festival in
the days of Koussevitzky.
-Tom Arp
WHAT AMERICAN diplomacy cannot


involved must be concerned with possible
threats to security and the undermining of
a democratic form of government. This pre-
caution was no doubt the reason that the
"right to disapprove" clause was added to
the USAFI contract. On the other hand, ed-
ucational institutions must beware of en-
croachment on academic freedom and gov-
ernmental dictation of teachers. Interfer-
ence is likely to result in stifled thought
and indoctrination of young America's mind.
And of this danger University officials were
aware when they refused to sign the con-
tract last summer.
The delicate balance between security and
academic freedom will make itself evident
repeatedly in cases involving both the mili-
tary and educational elements. The case of
the USAFI contract however, clearly seems
to justify the move made by University of-
ficials in refusing to submit to the military's
point of view.
It is with faith in University officials'
judgment on what constitutes academic
freedom in education that we await care-
ful scrutiny of the coming version of the
USAFI contract.
-Pat Roelofs
'At the State
THE ALL AMERICAN, with Tony Curtis
annual attempt to catch the spirit of the
AUTUMN IS HERE. The football season
begins tomorrow. But Hollywood in their
annual attempt to catch the spirit of the
season has fumbled the ball.
The plot centers around the supposed
mental growth of an all-American foot-
ball player who wants to play the game for
fun instead of money. Signs of such ma-
turity are reflected in his transfer from
a high-powered state university to a small
intellectual school with an immense sta-
dium. His efforts to return to the simple
life, however, are thwarted by the pres-
ence of the big, bad, rich boy whose fa-
ther owns half the college.
After the usual climactic finish in which
our hero manages to come out of oblivion
to save the big game in the final minute all
his cultural shortcomings are forgiven. Our
modern Horatio Alger has arrived with a
football tucked under his arm.
Tony Curtis plays the immigrant's son
who rises to fame on the gridiron. Ham-
strung by an extremely poor script, he
is never able to do more with his char-
acter then to give the imression that he
is slightly bewildered by the whole thing.
The only evidence of character change
occurs when Curtis throKv sot his flashy
chalked-striped suit for a three button
sport coat and cuts off his boogey hair-
The insertion of actual game pictures into
the film is done without the usual techni-
cal excellence. In some instances the con-
trast between newsreel shots and the ac-
tual movie is so obvious as to destroy the
desired ,illusion. Otherwise the camera is
effectively used.
This goes to prove that all-Americans are
good football players, but awfully poor ac-
tors, directors, and producers.
-Dick Wolf
-j the requirements of the canons of re-
putability under the law of conspicuous
waste. It Is archaic, cumbrous, and inef-
fective: its acouisition consumes much time
and effort; failure to acquire it is easy of

WASHINGTON-There's been a lot of speculation as to what Gen-
eral Eisenhower meant by the use of that ominous word "tax"
when in Boston he said that "no sacrifice, no labor, no tax, no service"
was too hard for us to bear in defense of our freedom.
Light may be thrown on this statement when you know that a
week or ten days ago Ike gave the green light to his fiscal aides
to prepare a far-reaching national sales tax.-
The details have been carefully guarded, and may be subject to1
change, but the present plan is to propose to Congress an unprecedent-
ed "federal manufacturers' excise tax."
'Treasury experts concluded sonme weeks ago that such a tax
was necessary but were hesitant about putting it forward in the
face of certain hostility on Capitol Hill. However, treasury aides
figure that if the new tax doesn't have to be collected by the re-
tailer every time he makes a sale, it won't be quite so unpopular
with the public.
The treasury has taken as its model the Canadian sales tax
which exempts food and a few other essentials, but hits almost all
other consumer products. It will be collected from the manufacturer,
not the retailer.
Ike was told there would be terrific resentment from some groups
in Congress at the proposal of a national sales tax, but despite this
he indicated he was ready to take the political consequences. He has
great confidence in Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey, feels that
anything he proposes must be sound.
The above tax discussion took place before Congressman Dan Reed
of New York sounded off against a national sales tax. Nevertheless,
White House insiders say the President hasn't changed his mind.
Hence the Boston speech build-up.
Note-On April 16 this column published a secret report prepared
by Carl Byoir, the high-powered publicity mogul, for Assistant Secre-
tary of Commerce Craig Sheaffer, the fountain-pen man now re-
signed, proposing a concealed propaganda campaign to put across a
national sales tax. It proposed using unsuspecting civil organizations,
TV programs, trade associations, etc., to educate public opinion and
build up the right atmosphere for a sales tax.
** * *
W HEN HERBERT BROWNELL first took office he let it be known he
would select the highest type lawyer possible for the office of so-
licitor general. He even sought the advice of the late Chief Justice, Fred
Vinson, to help pick such a man. Eight months have now passed, and
Brownell still hasn't been able to pick a solictor general. . . . Adlai
Stevenson was about to be hauled off to another Chicago cocktail
party by Congressman Harold Cooley of North Carolina last week,
when Margaret Truman grabbed his arm and kept him at the one
where he was guest of honor. . . . Remarked Bill Kittrell of Texas at
the Chicago Democratic dinner: "When you see Chip Robert, Ed
Pauley and Dick Reynolds, three ex-treasurers of the Democratic
party, turn out in full force, then you can be sure things are picking
up for the Democrats." . . . Bob Hutchins, former President of the
University of Chicago, is being groomed by John B. Elliott to run
for the Senate from California. . . . Sen. Theodore Francis Green,
one of the few millionaires in the U.S. Senate, devotes part of his
time to helping refugees and the foreign-born. . . . Archie Underwood
of Lubbock, Texas, director of the Denver and Fort Worth railroad,
was one Texan who remained loyal to Stevenson-Truman last year.
The other day at Chicago he found himself with the best table at
the Democratic dinner-right under Truman's nose.
AFTER THE STATE DEPARTMENT proposed that the Korean
peace conference be held in San Francisco, Manila or Geneva,
someone suddenly woke up to a horrible thought. As a result, the
State Department has been quietly needlying our British and French
friends to get the Korean conference held in almost anyplace except
San Francisco or Manila. Geneva, Switzerland, is still okay.
What the State Department woke up to was the large number
of Chinese in both San Francisco and Manila and that this
might cause two complications:
1. Chinese Communist delegates at the peace conference might
be in danger of assination from Nationalist Chinese.
2. Non-Nationalist Chinese in San Francisco's Chinatown or in
Manila might be swayed by Communist Chinese propaganda and
stage demonstrations.
So the State Department now wishes it had proposed Geneva only
as the meeting place for the Korean peace conference.,

Who's Who ...
To the Editor:
MOST freshmen politicos have
the mistaken impression that
their choice between joining the
Young Republicans and Young
Democrats should be dependent
upon their political convictions.
Although, as a group, Republi-
cans are more "conservative" than
Democrats, it is actually possible
to hold any political view in either
party without feeling uncomfort-
able. This is especially true in 1953
the Presidency and Conservative


(continued from Page 2)
Personnel Requests. The National Ad-
visory Committee for Aeronautics is in-
terested in hearing from engineering
graduates majoringtin Aeronautical,
Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering
for positions at the Committee's High
Speed Flight Research Station in Ed-
wards, California.
For applications and additional in-
formation about these and other open-
ings, get in touch with the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Those students who have previously
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for employment and who are
still on campus are requested to con-
tact the Bureau as soon as possible at
3528 Administration Building in order
to bring their records up to date. Do we
have your present address and tele-
phone number? This information is
necessary for effective service.
Would you like to teach in India?
There is a vacancy at Teachers Col-
lege at Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, for
qualified persons to teach educational
philosophy and educational psychology
and methods of teaching. Salary in
rupees at local scale. Interested persons
please contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building.
Phone 2614.
Choral Union Chorus. In order to
secure a proper balance of voices, a
limited number of tenors and basses
will be admitted by audition. Appli-
cants should make appointments for
tryouts at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower-telephone 7513 (or University
extension 2118).
University Lecture, auspices of the
Institute of Industrial Health. "The
Role of Lighting Specification and Op-
tical Aids in Public Health," H. C.
Weston, Director of the Group for Re-
search in Occupational Optics, Insti-
tute of Ophthalmology, University of
London, Fri., Sept. 25, 10 a.m., School
of Public Health Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in
Economics. Theory examinations will
be given on Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 22
and 23. The examinations in other sub-
jects will be given beginning Mon.,
Oct. 26. Each student planning to take
these examinations should leave with
the Secretary of the Department not
later than Mon., Sept. 28, his name.
the three fields in which he desires
to be examined, and his field of spec-
Organizational Meeting for Mathemat-
ics Seminars will be held on Fri., Sept.
25, at 4 o'clock, 3011 Angell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., Sept.
25, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Leo
Goldberg will speak on "The Origin of
Line Broadening in Solar Flares.'"
Doctoral Examination for Andrew
Sherman Dibner, Psychology; thesis:
"The Relationship between Ambiguity
and Anxiety in a Clinical Interview,"
Fri., Sept. 25, 6625 Haven Hall, at 8:30
a.m. Chairman, E. S. Bordin.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Organizational meeting will be held on
Mon., Sept. 28, at 12 noon in 3020

Room in the Basement of the Rack-
ham Building.
Roger Williams Guild, First Baptist
Church. Meet this evening at 6:30
at the Guild House to go to the Pep
Rally. A "Hidden Talents" recreation
party follows the Rally at 8 o'clock.
Refreshments-fun for all.
Hillel. There will be a meeting of the
Social Committee this afternoon at
4:15 at the Hillel Building. All those in-
terested please attend. Plans for the
coming semester will be made.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour, 4:15-5:45 p.m.
First Coffee hour this semester. Every-
one invited. Come to meet old and new
Coming Events
La p'tite causette will meet for the
first time on Mon., Sept. 28 (and there-
after every Monday and Thursday) from
3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the
north room of the Michigan Union
Cafeteria. This organization sponsored
by Le Cercle Francais welcomes any
student or faculty member interested
in learning to speak French in an in-
formial and friendly atmosphere.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its first
meeting of the year Wed., Sept. 30,
8 p.m., Michigan League. There will be
a short talk on the importance of the
French culture by Prof. Charles E.
Koella, of the Romance Language De-
partment and Faculty Advisor to the
Club. Election of officers, French pop-
ular songs, social hour, refreshments.
All students eligible for membership.
Hillel is having an Open House after
the football game on Sat., Sept. 26.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Newman Club Dunkers' Hour after the
football game at 4:30 on Sat., Sept. 26,
at the Father Richard Center. All are
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ......... City Editor
Virginia \Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker. .........Associate Editor
Helene Simon...... . Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell....,Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler...Assoc. Women's. Editor
Don Campbell....Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
'William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin .Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
James Sharp.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-I
1 ~Member



* * *


OME OF IKE'S foreign-policy advisers are urging him to attend the
NATO foreign Ministers' Conference in Paris this December in
order to pep up the European defense program.
If the General goes to Paris where he once served as com-
mander of SHAPE, advisers say he'll dramatize the fact that he's
worried over the possibility of Russian aggression and show that

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