WAGE FOUR £ditoa flote By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor A VENERABLE DAILY tradition decrees that the lead editorial spot in the first fall issue be filled with a description of Dai- ly history and policy by the new managing editor emphasizing the paper's role in the large and diverse University community, and so, forthwith, comes this year's edition. From its start back in 1890, The Daily has been concerned with covering cam- pus news for students, faculty and, in many cases, Ann Arborites. Featuring a highly patriotic story on "Our Rugby Team," the first four column tabloid-sized Daily resembles today's in name only. Though first issues were fairly primitive, as years went by a more definitive cover- age of local events was provided, and by 1912 international and national news be- gan to make an appearance. 1917 saw the beginning of Associated Press service which continues uninterrupted today. The development of The Daily beyond campus borders pointed up a new publish- ing philosophy which has been adopted by many other college daily papers. The phi- losophy recognizes America's expansion in world affairs and the heightened interest of students in news and interpretive articles on outside events. Emphasis on world and national news on The Daily has expanded to a point where AP reporting is supple- mented by our reporters' coverages of near- by news events with a small staff of "foreign correspondents" who study abroad and send in copy. Editorially speaking, The Daily has no editorial J'ollcy as is explained at greater length in an adjoining column. This con- fusing statement merely means that ed- itorials are expressions of individual opin- ion and not the paper's policy. Even the famous (or infamous) senior ed- itorials in which the collective senior staff vents its ire in large type on the front page represent only agreement among the sev- en sages and not policy for the whole staff. As the:chief source of University news we realize the responsibility of a monopoly po- sition, but we shll never be a "house organ." Like any newspaper we print stories which many people would rather not see publicized, and we reserve the right to individually criticize or commend any action by the Uni- versity or other institutions, groups or in- dividuals on the editorial page. We feel maintenance of The Daily's journalistic integrity to be important to our underlying purpose: assisting the con- tinuing growth and development of the University community which we serve. We are, in fact, one of the few college news- papers whose freedom is not abridged by censorship of one type or another. In the past we have realized this purpose by publishing an alert and forthright news- paper; we shall continue in that role as we have for 63 years. -CURRENT MOVIES I A t the Michigan ... GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, with Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell and Char- les Coburn. THISIS A TIMELY Technicolor package for male freshmen still stunned by the Kinsey report and about to be further ,con- fused by a frustrating round of mixers. For a small fee, both Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell wiggle your way in as uninhibited a fashion as the Production Code will allow. If, on the other hand, there are a few admirers of Carol Channing and Anita Loos around, stay away. The movie, aside from corrupted versions of two songs, has nothing whatsoever to do with either the book or the musical. Miss Monroe's conception of Lorelei Lee corresponds to the public's conception of Miss Monroe. She still has only one com- modity to sell, and unless some drastic im- provements are made she will carve her niche in celluloid history as the poor man's Rita Hayworth. Miss Russell, whose topography was once the subject of every alert cocktail party, is barely noticed, although she makes valiant efforts to adjust to the atmosphere of nymphomania. Charles Coburn, who has often been funny, serves primarily in his role as a slobbering mine- owner to express and heighten the aud- ience's sizzling reactions to Miss Monroe. The plot is not worth mentioning. The songs, which place no premium on lyrics, are handled with two good voices and two good bodies. In short, this is probably the highest-class burlesque show available to the general public today. -Barnes Connable THE SUBJECTIVE mood of the people be- comes the compelling interest for to- talitarian leaders only when popular apathy and despair reach a point where they be- gin seriously to affect labor productivity and where they can ro longer be cor ected by the usual combination of induced incen- tives and feats . . . In general totalitarian THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1953 Daily Editorial Policy MEMBERS of contemporary society are more or less conditioned to notice sev- eral things when they pick up a newspaper. The first, according to popular practice, is the front page-whether the headlines are red or black, thick or bold or good and gray. Second point or common interest would probably be the editorial page, or rather the editorial policy. If it takes a look at the editorial page to find that policy, so much the better. Because The Daily's editorial policy is not self-evident, because it is probably unique in the newspaper field as a whole and the college paper in particular, we feel that an explanation directed at new students is in order. Stated as an aphor- ism, it would run something like this: The Daily's policy is no policy. But this is mis- leadingly negative; we operate under what we feel to be the most positive, the most constructive possible code. You will no- tice that all pieces of editorial writing are signed by the person or persons whose opinions are represented, that no one staff member or set of staff members dominate the page. Thus our policy is a collective one, our opinions and viewpoints as diverse as the ideologies of all mem- bers of The Daily staff. The statement appearing at the bottom of this page is printed daily as a necessary reminder to both the reader and he who intends to quote from editorial matter. The "why" behind the editorial policy is likewise a positive one. It was not con- ceived in exasperation over a half-Democra- tic, half-Republican staff, nor over the re- flection that the composition of The Daily organization changes yearly. It was formu- lated because its authors felt that the uni- versity student should be allowed to de- velop independent judgment and unbiased opinion, and that, as a prerequisite to this, he must be presented with facts and opinions from all sides. Because the policy has been "found workable, stimulating and "positive" in its relentless dedication to an ideal of free inquiry, it has existed. This, then, is the somewhat ponderous but nevertheless solid framework from which the editorial page emerges daily. The policy does not commit us to presenting every side of every issue; we will however try to be as comprehensive as space permits. Particular experts, in the way of faculty members and other non-staff persons, will be called on to columnize when the issues warrant it. Two other features of the page require comment. The letters to the editor column, by virtue of our publication in a relatively small community, is among the most demo- cratic of such columns to be found. You write it, we'll print it-subject to the neces- sary qualifications enumerated at the head of each column. We do not hold that let- ters to the editor' are to be taken in toto as representative of the university community. We do keep the way clear for them to be so. Reviews - movie, music, drama, art, books - alternate with letters to the edi- tor, the opposite sex and the upcoming exam as primary topics of campus conver- sation. Before the atmosphere clouds, our criteria for reviews and reviewers should be elaborated. As is the case with editor- ials, opinions represent the viewpoint of the writer only. We use the term "re- views" as opposed to "criticisms" to indi- cate that discussion of the subject is as important as judgment of it, though the two are quite compatible. Present review- ers include movie and drama critic Bill Wiegand, former major Hopwood Award winner; Don Harris, student composer and grad student in music school; Bob Hollo- way and Tom Arp, both seniors in the English honors program and reviewers of a year's standing. Having served as an introduction, our ideals now pass from the inspection line-up into a two-semester stretch of active duty. Our aim is not "to please" and we do not ask satisfaction from you. Our hope is to pro- voke every attitude except the complacent one. -Virginia Voss and Alice B. Silver Now, in the way of outside reading . . etteP4' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters, of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer and in, good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. All Quiet on the Crimson EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial, by The Daily's summer managing editor, appeared in the issue of July 24. It is reprinted here to supplement discussions of the college newspa- per in adjoining columns.) THE OUTSPOKEN voice of the Harvard Crimson has been stilled. The summer school administration has stripped the sum- mer edition of its right to editorialize. Whatever reasons the higher ups have given, their action remains a downright in- vasion of the Crimson's cherished freedom of the press. The Crimson has long been a stalwart among independent college newspapers. Just before the prohibition was issued, - they were preparing to chastise the Har- vard. Corporation for firing an anatomy professor for refusing to testify before a congressional committee. In their last issue they blasted the Eisenhower Admin- istration for "apathy" in dealing with the Iron Curtain riots. The authorities may maintain that these editorials had nothing to do with the sus- pension, but they will have considerable dif- ficulty in convincing anyone of this. The reason given for the prohibition is that since the summer Crimson is partially subsidized by the University it should not publish any political opinions because the summer school itself has no opinions. Upon closer examination this appears to be nothing but a fiction. The summer Crimson is a newspaper, whether the Uni- versity, the students themselves, or some wealthy benefactor supports it. As a news- paper the staff or at least individual staff members are entitled to express views. The University is giving them aid because as a newspaper, the Crimson also reports news of the campus. This it does well. But no one considers the paper an organ of the University. V Our news source at Cambridge believes that the order is a clear case of administra- tion higher ups not liking the particular views of the paper and using their briefly assumed power to silence the deviationists. There appears to be little other logical ex- planation, especially in view of the fact that the paper has for years editorialized during the summers without interference. When the fall term begins and the regu- lar editors return, the Crimson will resume its autonomy. Once again its editorial page will resume action. It might do wise to re- frain from passing such -key control in the future to the summer school. Indeed, with- out the right to speak out, the newspaper becomes little more than an official bulletin. All of the student enthusiasm is nipped in the bud. If Crimson editors face publica- tion another summer with its most import- ant function inoperative, it would do better to close up shop until fall. Meanwhile, Harvard University, long con- sidered a leader among liberal, independent institutions, is giving itself a black eye by putting itself along side so hmany other schools that were too small to either accept criticism or tolerate some unconventional thinking among their students. -Harland Britz GOP Incompetence ...z To The Editor: IT SEEMS THAT President Eis- enhower has finally returned from his protracted and well re-l ported vacation to once more dem- onstrate to the electorate his per- sonal incompetence, as well as the disorganized manner in which thef first GOP regime in twenty years is being run. A few months ago, Eisenhower made a well publicized speech in which he attempted to explain to the American people why his ad- ministration had done less than nothing. The general tenor of the address was that "you can't clean up that nasty Democratic mess in just a few months." He asked thes people, in effect, to place confi- dence in the Eisenhower "team," and wait. Well, the team seems to be com- posed of people rivalling the Pres- ident in incompetence. - Secretary of State Dulles has a bad habit of, shooting off his mouth at the wrong time: e.g., saying we are considering changes1 in our Trieste policy and practical-.. ly causing the Italians to break off relations with us. Secretary of the Treasury Hum- phrey has been balancing a bud-+ get. He uses high interest gov- ernment bonds which may seem1 cheap now, but which will make it that much more difficult for future generations to accomplish the same purpose. The only decent man in the7 whole administration, Martin Dur- kin, has resigned, because he rea- lized that the promises made by the GOP during the election cam-1 paign to make changes in the Taft Hartley Act was just so much hot1 air. It seems Eisenhower and his GOP cohorts in the executive and Congress are forgetting one im- portant thing: The day of reck- oning, election day, always comes. No administration which plays lightly with national defense by an almost psychopathic desireto balance the budget, makes ene- mies of formerly friendly nations by a combination of "Big Stick" and "Dollar" diplomacy, and goes back on numerous promises sanc- timoniously made to the elector- ate in November, will last through the next election. -Jerry Helman NSA Congress.. . To the Editor: THE Sixth National Student Congress of the U'. S. National Student Association (NSA) was held at Ohio State University from August 24 to September 2. As a preface to any report on this conference, the Michigan delega- tion would like to give you an explanation of the NSA itself. The NSA is a confederation of college student bodies, represented through their student govern- ments. It was created in 1947 to serve the long-existing need for a more representative intercollegiate organization to serve a large por- tion of the American student com- munity, and to promote students' interests and welfare. The NSA has three main functions: 1) To serve as a clearing house for informa- tion, services, and research di- rected towards the strengthing and member schools, is the governing body of the Associat-in. The NSA's national program in+ cludes work in such areas as stu- dent health, intercollegiate ath- letics, academic freedom, human relations, scholarship opportunity, vocational guidance, student eco- nomic welfare, and a Student Gov- ernment Information bulletin on all aspects of a campus student welfare program. In international student affairs, the NSA sponsors programs of ex- change students, foreign student hospitality, and cultural exchange. It runs a Student Mutual Assist- ance Program that is especially helpful in Southeast Asia, and sponsors U. S. student teams to other countries. NSA's Travel De- partment carries on programs of study and work abroad which, in 1951-52, sent more than 800 stu- deuts abroad at reduced rates. With this brief factual presen- tation as background material, the Michigan delegation will attempt to report to you soon on the sig- nificant events that occurred at this past Sixth National Student Congress. Robert Neary, President, Student Legislature THE United States Government operates a book and library program abroad for a simple rea- son tbat can be simply put: It is the vital responsibility of the American Government to protect the good name of the American people, no less than their vital in- terests . . . It is conceivable that . . our libraries may require, in special cases, the inclusion of books by Communists or Communist sympathizers if such authors may have written something which af- firmatively serves the ends of democracy. -State Department Policy Statement, July 8 1. ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-President Eisenhower has enjoyed his Colorado vacation so much that he plans to spend as much time as pos- sible away from Washington between now and the first of the year. He will continue to handle major problems, but when possible from the distance of Augusta, Ga., where the new winter White House is nearing completion. The President has several important trips scheduled for the fall, and between these trips he hopes to divide his time between Washington and Augusta. Being away from Washington he finds has the advantage of discouraging the steady stream of callers who bog him down with routine matters which Ike believes can be handled just as well by subordinates. Also his doctors have urg- ed him to take as much time off as possible from the pressing bur- dens of the Presidency. Finally Ike wants more time to concentrate on major problems. He has frequently conplained to intimates that the red tape surround- ing the job of being President was so burdensome that he never had time to think. At the moment, some highly important problems face the Presi- dent which will require not only concentrated thought, but a mul- titude of conferences with others. Some of them have been awaiting his return from Denver. Some, which cannot wait, have already been placed before him in Denver. Here is a summary of the major policy problems requiring deci- sion-problems which only the President himself can handle: * * * * RUSSIA'S POSSESSION OF THE H-BOMB-Though we ex- pected Russia to get the hydrogen bomb sooner or later, none of our scientists expected the development to come so rapidly. This fact has considerably upset American timetables, may completely upset Eis- enhower plans for cutting the Air Force. The President had on his desk before he went to Denver a draft of a speech on the hydrogen bomb in which he would have warned the world and the American people of the horrors of hydrogen warfare. At first it was decided to pigeonhole this speech. White House psychological adviser C. D. Jackson, among others, feared it would terrify the American people. But, since this first decision, the Russian announcement came that they had the H-bomb and now Ike has changed his mind. He will deliver the speech after all-sometime this fall. It has already been written and rewritten 15 times, and is still undergoing more re- vision. Even so, the 64-dollar question is not being answered: "What can the United States do to prevent hydrogen warfare?" One draft of the speech contained a proposal that Russia join us in outlawing the H-bomb. But in more recent drafts this came out -on the grounds that no agreement with Mosepw is worth anything. And so far the 64-dollar question still remains unanswered. This is the biggest problem facing the President. * * * * RECESSION CLOUDS-White House economic advisers have been warning the President that, despite optimistic statements from the commerce department, business is not good. There is a tremendous backlog of merchandise piling up in warehouses and on department- store shelves. Buying power has slumped. Business pshology is not encouraging, and in July factory hiring reached the lowest rate for that month since July of 1949. Ike's economic advisers fear that defense cutbacks came too sud- denly and are cutting too deep. They don't like the looks of the clouds on the economic horizon. So far they haven't come up with any specific remedies other than the New Deal cures of public works, .and both Ike and his advisers are loath to trot them out. In private talks, the President has frankly warned that the country has got to take its deflationary medicine, that it won't taste good, but it will be necessary. FARM HEADACHES-While these started well before the busi- ness worries from 'defense cutbacks, they are related and the gffect is eimilar. Farm prices have now dropped 12 Der cent, while the prices farmers musi pay have increased recently 1 per cent. On top of this came one of the worst droughts in recent farm history All this has caused belt. tightening in rural areas. And when farmers don't buy, city populations suffer. The President has left this baby solely in the hands of his hard- working, hard-praying Secretary of Agriculture. As a military man, Ike doesn't pretend to understand farm problems, makes a wry face when he talks abot them. He remembers the time he told a delegation of cattlemen that if he put price supports under beef, he would have to put them under dairy products-only to be reminded that they were already under dairy products. So Ezra Benson will have to wrestle with the farm headaches pretty much by himself. * * * * NATIONAL DEBT LIMIT-The President has good news from his Secretary of the Treasury, George Humphrey, that he can probably scrape through the fall and early winter without calling Congress back to increase the debt limit. Humphrey is counting on receipt of six billions in- corporate taxes this fall, and, by drawing on part of the money which the government keeps on deposit in banks around the country, Humphrey figures he can meet Uncle Sam's bills until early January, when Congress meets again. So a special session of Congress is one thing the President won't have to worry about. « « * * NEXT STEP WITH RUSSIA-Churchill's illness has pretty well extricated Ike from the prospect of holding a Big Four conference with Premier Malenkov included, which Ike never relished. But it hasn't solved the many other pressing problems on the Iron Curtain front-especially what to do about the increasing drift of our West- ern allies toward Russian appeasement. With Moscow's H-bomb an- nouncement this drift accelerated almost to a stampede. Meanwhile, the temper of the senators Ike has to do business with on Capitol Hill has become more adamant than ever against any appeasement. To solve this, White House psychological advisers are prepar- ing a big step in the satellite countries. In other words, if Mos- cow's propaganda is weakening our ties with Western allies, we will concentrate on weakening Moscow's hold on its satellite al- lies. Some important moves in this direction can be expected fairly soon. These are the biggest problems on the President's agenda. They do not include a myriad of political and other smaller problems-such as the growing rivalry between his Vice President, Mr. Nixon, and his Senate Leader, Mr. Knowland, both from California-problems which sometimes make the President remark that it was an unlucky day for him that he ever toyed with the idea of entering the White House. DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN SOUTH MATTER Of FAC"T I- By STEWART ALSOP LONDON-Good news is always a welcome change these days, and the news from Britain is good. The good news is simply this. Britain is back on her feet again. Although it has made few headlines, Brit- ain's remarkable economic recovery is one of the great underlying facts of the world situation. The first thing the visitor to Britain notices is a general brightness and cheer- fulness, in sharp contrast to the dimness of life which lasted for eight years after the war ended. The plain fact is that Britain is in the midst of a boom, by any reasonable definition of that word. Unemployment, which was beginning to worry the government seriously a year ago, is now virtually non-existent. Profits are good, and presperity general. The cru- cial gold and dollar reserve, which is watch- ed by British officials with all the anxiety of a mother watching the thermometer of a sick child, is up almost three quarters of a billion dollars over a year ago. The pro- duction index, which turned ominously downward in 1952, has turned up again. There is a solid respect for the value of the pound sterling which has not existed for a long time. Internally, inflation has been almost stopped, and the pound is markets in South America, the MiddleEast, and elsewhere. Japan, whose economy has been artificially supported by the Korean war, must also now export or die. These facts in part explain why the foreign office, hitherto indifferent or even hostile, had suddenly discovered an enthusiasm for Ger- man rearmament within EDC. Sooner or later, during the course of any conversation, the American visitor is sure to hear the question: "Are you Americans going to have a slump?" Even a small American slump is a British nightmare. They remember all too vividly how the slight fall-off in American business activity in 1949-a matter of 5%, which most Ameri- cans hardly felt-helped to bring, on the worst British crisis, from which Britain recovered only by devaluation, the Korean war, and the skin of her teeth. Yet beneath such clouds on the horizon, real or potential, the great central fact of the British economic recovery remains. If this recovery proves real and perma- nent-a big if-it will not only be good news, but also a great triumph of Ameri- can policy. But this triumph of American policy is also already creating a new situation, which the American policy- makers must take fully into account. The British-and especially the leaders of the nnw greatlu strengthened Conserva- )'REBA, Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor Eric Vetter... ...............City Editor Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker ......... Associate Editor Helene Simon. ... ...Associate Editor Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyp Campbell..Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler.. .Assoc. Women's Editor rl r r, r Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin. .Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden.....,Finance Manager James Sharp.....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 CHICAGO-Despite all the talk pro and con about Southern loy- alty at the Democratic whoopfest, there were two big issues in the background which may completely revamp the Democratic party below the Mason-Dixon line. These were not discussed much pub- licly here, but to thinking party leaders they are all-important. One of them will hurt the Democratic party at the next election. The other will help. Here they are: 1. WHAT WILL HURT THE DEMOCRATS-The Republicans are making real hay towards reorganizing a two-party system below the Mason-Dixon line. Alert, live new leaders, many of them ex- Democrats. are throwing out encrusted Republican carpetbaggers and, f.