EDITOIS NOTE Se Page 4 SMw t gan Latest , Deadline iii the State Dati ,, { - 4 V i '1'11t'NDERS11t1 ............... ......................... . . .......... . . .. ... THUNDERSI1OWER~ VOL, LXIV. N'o. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. SEPTF NIBER 24, 1933 ±cr A--A-O---C IAN T UR-A-----BE ? 1; MONO"* ! I School Freedom Group reated SL Also Stays in NSA: Postpones Declaring Academiic Rights Staiid By DOROThY MYERS At its first meeting of the school year. Student Legislature toted last night to establish an academic freedom commission on campus. postponed voting on an academic freedom policy stand and renewed membership in National Students Association. Although seven seats have been permanently vacated by former members, SL faces no question of having to operate without a quorum until replacements for the vacancies are approved. Twenty-three of r' the total 40 members attended yes- terday's meeting. Ike Says NO THE COMMIISSION set up to study academic freedom grew out of recent NSA recommendation to B ig C hange the campus legislature. Headed by Paula Levin. '55, the group is scheduled to recommend to the 111 1-171 L a T next regional executive meeting of demic freedom. al program aca- s A Adoption of an academic free- Student In ir s gees Career Threat I Force 'Risk' Char ges Nom'' * * Living yCosts Over Nation Continlue Up ' agyeRate 1hi1kes WVASHINGTON - - Living costs arcoss the nation. continuing an advance. that started last February. moved up in August to AIle~yed Red Famiily Ties Draw Actionl Vet MuISt Clear Self Or FaceDihae By H ARRY LUNN Dlaiiy Managins Editor I To End 'Defects ' ST. LOUIS--President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Vice-President Nixon yesterday frankly told the! American Federation of Labor that the Administration's program would not be substantially altered to suit labor's demands. * , .s MR. EISENHOWER promised that he would send recommenda- tionLS to Congress in January to correct a "number of defects" in the Taft-Hartley Labor Law. He added, however, that he felt passage of the law brought a "substantial contribution to the quest for sounder labor- management relations." According to the United Press. the President's message was read to the convention by Nixon, who first noted to the delegates that the "Administration may differ with you on specific legislative programs-on the Taft-Hartley Act. tax policy and fiscal policy. dom policy stand drawn up by SL's Cultural and Education Committee failed to reach a vote at yesterday's meeting because of time limitations. It will appear for discussion on next week's agenda. Heated debate arose over adop- tion of the stand, which contains the phrase: "we deplore the meth- ods employed in current investi- gations of American educational institutions as extremely unwise, for- theyare c'e ting, both witlin as well as outside academic coml- munities, an atmosphere of appre- hension and distrust that is doing untold harm to the cause of free inquiry far outweighing their pos- sible benefits,." a * MEMBERSHIP in NSA. requir- ing payment of $200 dues, was re- newed without objection last night. Appointments approved yester- day by SL include the choice of Bert Braun. Grad., as elections di- rector. Ken Rise and Bill Whit- tingham. '54A. were named co- chairman of the Homecoming Dance. Teasurer Frecks.'"54 MAGAZINE RACKET-Unwary student makes payment on maga- zine subscription to phony salesman on campus. Fake Sales Pla-wne City I:all brings many things to Ann Arbor and among them maga- .'ine salesmen. genuine and not-so-genuine, This year autumn season ilnds phone' maga ine salesmen pl yig their tI'ade in the streets of the city's campus business district. According to reports from Dean of Men Walter B. Rea's office' the accepted approach u'.ed by the con men is to introduce themselves as members of the International Reader's League with headquarters in San Francisco. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE lists reveal the existence of no ( such organization. a record high. 13 per cent above the 1950 pre-Korea level, the gov- erinent announced yesteriday. The increase of .3 per cent, to 115 per cent of the average 1947- 1949 base period, means an auto- matic three-cent an hour wage increase for 1.300.000 rail workers+ next month. Their wage rates are tied to the cost of livinginndex with adjustments being made every three months. , , . TIlE THREE-CENT hourly in- crease, coming oan top of at 10- cent rise the rail workers ahreadv had gained because of higher liv- ing costs, wrill add an estimated 100 million dollars a year to railroad payrolls, The largest increase in beef and veal prices in any single month since June 1948 was one of the factors contributing to the higer index announced yes- terday which measured the change in the cost of living be- tween July and Aug. 15;, In Chicago. a spokesman for the nation's meat packers said whole- sale and beef prices, on a year- long basis, are down 18 to 33 per cent depending on grades. The American Meat Institute said re- tail and wholesale prices "are fol- low\ing very closely the decline in prices paid farmers for cattle." OThER RISING costs which, helped push the index up included a 1.1 per cent increase in rents, slightly less than a 1 per cent in- crease in transport ation costs,, and fractional advances in the price of medical care. movie theater ad- missions and the "other goods and services" category. Somewhat lower over the month were clothing prices. house furnishings and fresh fruits and vegetables. } { -auiY-inetsv Smithi MILL H ADItLOVICHI EXAMINES AI' FORCE CHARGES AGAINSi' IM An Edito ari The administrative hearing Tuesday for University x "BUT," HE added, "In the final eill remain SL representative on analysis we are willing to go be- Student Loans Committee. I U 111131 Hits fore the people . . . with a pro- Establishment of SL's new exec- gramn which will prove to the man utive wing cannot become official Fe iirend and oma wh woks or li- until next week's meeting. It was ing in America that he has had discovered last night that the pres- life, liberty and the pursuit of hap- ent administrative wing is written piness guaranteed him by this Ad- into a by-law. Changes in all SL DETROIT I'1 N -Waltei' P. Reu- ministration more effectively than by-laws must be read at two sep- ther. CIO president, challenged ever before in his life." arate legislature meetings before the nation's lawyers yesterday to While AFL officials declined to coming to a vote, lead America in a positive attack be quoted, they said privately that Petitioning for more than 80 fon the problems that face her and neither of the Administration new positions opened on the exec- the world. leaders had offered to make any utive wing will continue as pre- Speaking off the cuft. liether major concessions to organized viously scheduled, however. told the State Bar Association con- labor. vention that congressional com-: Mr. Eisenhower's four points . mittees were leading Ameirica to a were: IS negative approach, "and throwing I-To "remedy defects" that . --- ..i due proews to the winrds, Next step is to interest the pro-pective subscriber in a two year subscription to one of the national news magarines such as Newsweek or Time for the special-otter price of S9. The catch conies when the victim is asked for a S5 cash deposit. In. variably the subscription never comes and the student is out the money. AS YET none of the salesmen working the Ann Arbor area has; been apprehended on this partieu- lai' cIarge,. however police officials have recorids of similar inst ances in past years. Dean Rca pointed out that stu- dents in order to protect them- ,vlv'es should make purchOlases of such11subOscriptionIIs fromnlocal bookstores or magazine gencs. Di,,aeRoster s cllers Awat Leg-al Aduce 1 t physics major Milo J. Radulovich will place in jeopardy more than the Air Force reservist's military status. If, as all cir cumstances seem to indicate, the veteran is expelled from the service, a prospective career in government work will b abruptly ended. The stigma of "security risk" which will be attached to the student's honorable discharge under present conditions blocks his job chances even though his persona loyalty is not questioned. The Air Force is charging Radulovich with maintaining " close and continuing relationship" with alleged pro-Commun. ists - his father and sister. Since this relationship, according to all available evidence, consists of infrequent family visits without political consequence, the Air Force charge is open to serious question. BL'causQ' 7efeel tha t/u (ml come of do /lcIari,1t r all probalbilit Ira: beenr unjustifiablv pre-determined, 33ce Strongly request L 1 cn ersstv act tons dctmantidng a fair Radulovich's case is a pertinent example of security con- siderations being carried beyond the point of safeguarding the nation to the point of discouraging vital government person. Fighting for his career as a physicist, University senior Mlo J. Radulovich prepared yesterday to defend himself and his Air Force reserve commission against charges that he is a "security risk" because of his fathers and sister's alleged Communist activities. The :26-year-old veteran must appear before a three-man At Force board Tuesday to prove that association with these members of his family have not rendered him useless to work on classified I government projects because of security reasons. His own loyalty is not under question. NOW WORKING on his bache- lor's degree in physics. Radulovich told The Daily last night that con- tinned study in this feld would be impossible if the discharge pro- ceeding went through. "I have to be realistIc." he c said, "there wouldn't be any sense going on in physics it there's an adverse ruling" e Consultation with a military at- a torney at Selfiidge Air Base where the proceedings will take place e gave little hope of a favorable de- t cision. he added. S"The Air Force attorney paint- ed a dismal picture of the board- he said they would be prejudiced against me." 'The young vetran is now repr- - sented by civilian counsel, and widespread publicity given his case yesterday brought the aid of a s lawyer friend who is experienced in militaiy hearings. WHILE on Air Force active duty, Radulovich participated in high- ly secret work in Greenland. "Having been cleared for that project. I thought I'd never have any trouble over security re- leases" Radulovich commented. Slie said he is not now engaged in any ,University research con- nected with government proj- ects. But last month a registered let- ter arrived from the Air Force in Washington advising him of the charges and giving him the alter- nastive of accepting an honorable discharge for security reasons, ap- plying for discharge if eligible. re- plying in writing to the charges or answering them before a hearing board. "I didn't avant to sign the dis- charge-it would mean admitting I'm a poor risk. so I asked for a hearing," he related - - - TilE STATEMENT of charges said his sister since 1948 " supported or endorsed Communist sponsored programs and causes under circumstances which indi- cate her adherence to the Commu- nist Party 'line," She was alleged to have at- tended a Labor Youth League social gathering and to have picketed the Federal Building In Detroit when the Smith Act prohibiting teaching or advocat- ing the overthrow of the govern- ment by force and violence was in question. Radulovich's father. an em- ploye of a Detroit automobile plant, was accused of subscribing to a pro-Communist Serbian news- paper and receiving The Daily Worker But the reserve lieutenant point- ed out last night that his father, See STUDENT. Page 2 caused concern by the workers that the act could be used ag:ainst them. 2-To insure speedy, impartial administration of the law. 3-To permit healthy growth of labor unions. 4-To lessen Government "i- terference" in labor-management1 affairs, Nixon brought up the issue thatf led to Durkin's resignation from the Cabinet on Sept. 10. Durkin had charged Tuesday that Presi- dent Eisenhowier reneged on a pledge to back his 19 amendments in a message to Congress. ACHA Picks Group Meets- A, review of the- goals and past activities of the Literary College Steering Committee highlightedc the organizational meeting of the group held yesterday. The committee, which discusses Informally campus attitudes and j ''uoen are worie abu the political phenomena called McCarthyism. They are frighten- ed that America is choking free- dom," he said. He called America's moral lead- ership "second rate.' Reuther told the barristers that they were allowing "Apostles of hatred, hysteria, amid fear to create a world environment in which warI is inevitable." The Bureau of Labor Stacis ticsnel. In terms of the country's future, this is an equally great which computes the monthly in- security risk. dex by sampling prices of hundreds . of items in 46 cities of all sizes,. The Senior Editors: Harr Lunn, Frio Vetter, indicated that the end of federal Virginia Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver. rent controls on July 31 was a major factor in the rent increase. t Diane Decker, Helene Simon problem areas, student-faculty ing the year. wvill hold several conferences dur- St udent veindors of d me foot.- Ed bill pre, f.1115 .are : 1w.1it IIn E it r alan iti iifpots,. Over Th 10 0111 Main Is ITS) w hether they will be in oal jeopardy selliIg rosters of the ,!; Michigan team. i Ope for al Tr71 ollits Ac^tion by the athletic depart- - ment against the students may be forthcoiing if the depa'tment Enjoy interviewing noted figures and covering big caipus events, "l "' fd thecopyright o""mater1ial", thenritint'"about them. the official pr'ogram sold inside Interested in putting latent promotions ability to use by handluim J 4 the stadium is violated, the advertising forI a camous stoie Sm oler Designed to acquaint men with the Union student stat,. a tryout smoker will be given at ::30 p.m. today in the Ulnion. Union President Jay Strick- ler, '34 will talk to the group, during which explanations of the student offices and their function will be given. verlikowske -0 f .. ...., .._...,.._ . , .. , .. .. .... r.... .... . I Dr, Albert C. Kerlikowske, dir- ector of University Hospital, has been elected president of the American College of Hospital Ad-i ministrators it was announced yesterday. He will assume otice as head of the 2,000-member group next September as the first Michigan man to lead the country's hospital administrators. Dr. Kerlikowske, a graduate of: the class of '24 of the University medical school, began internship here, and changed from his field of specialization, ophthalmology to one of hospital administration. In 1945 he was named hospital dir- ector, STUDENTS managin the 10 IF ANY OF THESE situatio cent .rograim distribution remain long on The Michigan Daily staff. confident that thieir proerams will 'Today the final meeting for not violate the copyright and an- students interested in joining nounced intentions to sell the i' the nation's best collegiate daily proct Sa :?tur'daywill be held at 4:15 p.m. in the All printing concerns in the Student Publications Bldg.. 410 Ann Arbor vicinity were noti- Maynard St. fied of the copyright by Prof. Students attending this general Herbert 0. "Fritz" Crisler, Ath- introductory meeting will be able letic Director, early in the to sign imp for one of the five Daily montlth. Crisler said -the print- sta'ts-edit o'ial, pusiness, sports, ers were warned that they were women's and photography, "proceeding at their owi'n risk" "We have neither hostilitv or PROUD OF ITS independence, vindictiveness toward the student The Daily is one of the few col- program sellers," Crisher continu- lege newspapers in the nation not ed. "but we have interests to piro- under faculty or administrative tect." control and entirely self-support- Crisler said he could not take ing.I I '2action against students under Newcomers to the editorial. nis appeals to you. then you be- t ._k.. . i ..... World News Roundup By The ANcOIAled Plre MADRID, Spam-A story that Lavienty P. Beria has parachuted into Spain got Madrid up in the air yesterday. But you couldn't prove from official sources that any body had seen hide or hair of the Kremlin's most prominent purge victim of 193 The national chief said thlie whole tng was laughable. "It looks as though Beria will now be replaci w the lying saucers." lie said. p GarToIiscuss LANSING - A three-week swing around the state to visit state institutions was scheduled UNITEL) NATIONS. N. Y.-- Canmada served notice yesterday its troops will not tight to unify Rorea by force. E E oe yfre