PICK YOUR SYSTEM See Page & at igau Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t ty a 0 Ce U COLD, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXIV, No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1954 TEN PAGES HEARINGS HISTORY: Union To'S ub it Project to University Action On Probes Told By JON SOBELOFF House Un-American Activities subcommittee chairman Kit Clardy hasn't announced aefinitely when he will bring his committee hearings to Detroit yet, but informed sources say it will probably be early in February. Clardy had originally planned to visit Detroit last November, but he decided to postpone the hearings to wait for completion of the Smith Act trial of six Communists still going on in the motor city * * * * CLARDY WAS ADVISED that holding committee hearings during the trial might be ruled prejudicial to the jury, allowing the defense to obtain a mistrial. The hearings are supposedly slated for Jan. 25, but indica- tions are that the six Communists' trial is likely to last until the end of January or early February. As far as University officials know, no students here have been subpoenaed by Clardy. But State Labor Youth League head Balza Baxter has announced he has been summoned to appear at the hearings Jan. 25. Unconfirmed rumors have it that faculty members here have been summoned. At any rate, the University has agreed on what to do if any faculty members or students are called to testify. ** * * UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher has assured students that if any disciplinary action is- taken against students called to testify, it will be taken through regular channels. Regular' channels, means the Joint Judiciary Council, except when immediate action is 'necessary. Y s nThe faculty has had safeguards provided for it, too. The Regents approved new dismissal and demotion procedures at M their October meeting. , The new procedures, which were proposed by the Faculty Senate, were designed to insure that any faculty member whose loyalty was questioned would be dealt with promptly and according to rules de- cided on in advance. THE NEW FEATURES in the Regents By-Laws were: 1) The President can now initiate dismissal or demotion actions against a faculty member "in exceptional cases which threaten direct and immediate injury to the public reputation or the essential func- tions of the University." An older by-law, which remains in effect, guarantees hearings for actions started at the department or college level. 2) A faculty member will have only five days, instead of 20, to request a hearing. 3) President Hatcher was authorized to direct that a hearing be held before a Faculty Senate committee. In adopting the new procedures, the Regents declared they intended "to adhere to regularly established proce4upe+ in any cases involving dismissal or demotion of faculty members." When the Regents approved the new rules, they were cairying out recommendations of a Faculty Senate committee set up to study dismissal procedures at the May Senate meeting. The changes were endorsed by - faculty members meeting in special session during October. MAKING THE dismissal procedure quicker and simpler, the facul- ty group felt, would insure that the old cumbersome dismissal process would not be "short-circuited" by the Regents under heavy outside pressure to get rid of a "Red." The excitement on campus about Congressional investigations began almost exactly a year ago when Rep. Harold Velde (R-III.), chairman of the full Un-American Activities Committee, was quoted by newspapers as saying he would investigate Reds at various midwest colleges, including the University. President Hatcher then sent a telegram to Rep. Velde pledging the tniversity's full cooperation, and emphasizing the tradition of free inquiry at the University. Rep. Velde replied with a telegram to President Hatcher promis- ing that his investigation would be "general in character rather than directed at specific institutions" Regents Prejudice Charges Reviewed by Board <-> * * * *C * * f I By JIM DYGERT 3 In a meeting last night, the Union Board of Directors discussed discrimination charges leveled at the Union by SL member Paul Dormont, '55, in December. The board had earlier passed a motion to present plans for a Extended Social Security Aid Urgred b y Eisenhower 2% million dollar expansion andz 'Neary Airs SAC Plan, Proposes SL Appoint Student Members remodeling project to the Board of e Regents at its meeting today. * * * DISCUSSION of the discrimina- tion question was held in the re- quested absence of The Daily re- porter, or any other visitor. What came up during the discussion was Committee Plans Tax TPresent Rate Of Benefits Not Adequate 'n not released. Union President Jay Strickler, Keductoas '54, said afterwards that no con- clusions had been reached, buts I _. _ _ 1 that the Board had "merely dis- WASHINGTON - () - The By BECKY CONRAD cussed" the issue. House Ways and Means Commit- ttPresidenttee, bowing to. a long-time plea Student Legislature Charges of discrimination in from business circles, approved Bob Neary, '54BAd., yesterday ad- hiring practices at the Union were yesterday a three-year program of vanced a plan for "selection of made by Dormont in a 15-page sharp reductions in taxes on in- Student Affairs Committee stu- report at the Dec. 2 meeting of come from dividends. dent members by the SL Cabinet, the Student Legislature. He back- Staff experts said the proposed subject to the consent of the Leg-'e i custo ih fiaischan~ges would mean a saving of signed by two University students 240 million dollars for about four islature." who had applied for a waitress: million taxpaying stockholders the Presenting his proposal at a'position. first year. meeting of the Student Affairs bIn the controversy that followed, Study Committee, Neary explainedl both Frank C. Kuenzel, general THE ULTIMATE loss in revenue the Cabinet would interview SACM manager of the Union, and Strick- wsetmtda rm5, ilo student applicants. ler, emphatically denied the charg- was estimated at from 500 million stdet pescnt.in public statements, to one billion dollars annually, * * * en b st .when the cuts reach full effect. PAST SAC members would serve PLANS FOR expanding facili- A majority of committee Dem- n a non-voting capacity "to lend ties and for constructing an addi- ocrats reportedly resisted the their knowledge and experience to tion to the north of the present move, but were voted down in a, the questioning and discussion" building were begun in 1946. Con- closed-door committee session. he said. . struction was never undertaken, According to the Legislature See UNION, Page 2 This marked the first substan- tial controversy in a committee president, the interviewing body project aimed at rewriting almost on idae aionmny fhacr io iall the nation's tax laws with a ence and knowledge of extracur- W orld ieews view to simplifying and clarifying ricular and student activities, hde gdequities. "knowledge of University pol- *ut ,. icies and regulations and their !pU1 Ur rationale and accompanying af- A DEMOCRATIC move to re- fects" and understanding of SAC a quire deduction of taxes at the By The Associated Press source of dividend payments, functions. PANMUNJOM - India decided as taxes are withheld from tafsra d n itenw in start ;.. - -, k R J U i I Daily-Betsy Smith BOOKWORM-University co-ed gathers all tools necessary for final exams as the bookish' spirit invades campus. GOP More Laborers JIncluded in Plan By The Associated Press Ten million more Americans would be brought under Social Se- curity. benefits would be increased and income to $4,200 subject to Social Security taxes under the terms of a program proposed yes- terday by President Dwight D. Ei senhower, The President in a special mes-. sage to Congress claimed that the present average benefit of $50 a month is too low "to fulfill its purpose of helping to combat des- titution." * * * HE DID NOT propose figures for the increases but told legislators that the formula will be presented later by Secretary of Welfare Hob- by. According to congressional sources Mrs. Hobby is expected to propose increases ranging from a, minimum of $5 a month in .the lowest brackets to more than $10 in the upper brackets, Boosting to $4,200 the amount of income subject to Social Securi- ty taxes, as Eisenhower proposed, would mean an immediate $12-a- year tax increase for workers earning that much or more. Em- ployers' payrolls would be in- creased that amount for each worker in the $4,200 or above bracket. The President set forth a six- point program for "improvement" of the social security system. These included expanding protec- tion to about 10,000,000 people not presently covered, liberalization of the present "retirement test" to allow retired workers to earn more at part-time jobs and protection of the benefit .rights of the dis- abled. In calling, for liberalization of the present "retirement test," the President said the current law "imposes an undue restraint on enterprise and initiative." 'Draft Quotas Remain Low' Leaders Disagree. rWilliamn's Program i t S' 7- SL To Collect Books To Sell Next Semester With books on sale for as many advanced and introductory courses in the University as it can obtain, the Student Legislature book ex- change will go into operation again next semester. According to Vic Hampton, '54- BAd, manager of the exchange emphasis will be put on getting books for advanced as well as in- troductory courses and for the en- gineering and business adminis- * * * tation schools. IN ADDITION the exchange has# 9,000 plasticized book covers on hand, which will be distributed free to customers. The exchange will be open for business from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Feb. 3 to 10 in the north corridor of the first floor of An- gell Hall. The hours for Feb. 6, however, will be 8 a.m. to noon the exchange will be closed all day Feb. 7. Agents for the book exchange will be collecting used books in all sorority, fraternity and independ- ent houses from Jan. 20 to 27. I A new policy with regard to the close of 300 books which were not claimed at the beginning of this semester will be instituted, Hamp- ton said. In the past unclaimed books became the property of the *Last Daily With this issue The Daily dis- continues publication until the spring semester. . Publication will resume Tues- day, Feb. 9. Baha'i Community To Hold Forum In observance of "World Reli- gion Day," a student symposium, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Ba- ha'i Community, will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday at the International Center. All students are invited to the forum, which will include talks on different religions, including Jud- aism, Christianity, Bahaiiam and Buddhism. But once approved by the CabI- net and Legislature, SAC student members would then act as "free' agents," to speak and vote as they choose, Neary commented. "We do nit intend to have stu-1 dents appointed to SAC act as rub-1 ber stamps for SL views," he claimed. IN ORDER to insure responsi- bility of students appointed, Neary maintained, memberscould be ap- pointed for one-year terms and subject to removal by a two-thirds vote of SL for failing to perform such minimum technical duties as attendance of meetings.! A second possibility would be limiting the term to one semes- ter. However,.Neary pointed out the student member would not have enough time to become an "effective participant in the committee" under this last method. He indicated "the present sys- tem does not take into considera- tion the first important criteria, that of representing student opin- ion." According to Neary, SL appoint- ments would be at least more rep- resentative than the present ones.I Chairman of the study group Prof. Lionel Laing of the politi- cal science department brought up the question of whether all1 SL appointees would be SL or ex-legislature members. Neary replied, "They would be chosen on merit and the only safe-1 guard against appointing SL mem-1 bers to the group would lie in pres-t sure from outside forces."c ,yes er ay on s own mu turning back nearly 23,000 disput- ed prisoners to their captors Jan. 20-three days ahead of the dead- line-and said if either side freed them it would violate the armis- tice. * * * .. WASHINGTON-A decision by Sen. Kennedy (P-Mass.) to support St. Lawrence Seaway legislation yesterday handed Senate opponents of the contro- versial proposal a major set- back. DETROIT - Consolidation of Nash Motors and Hudson Motor- car Co. was approved yesterday by directors of both companies. * * * BERLIN-Allied officials here and abroad chorused confidence yesterday that the Big Four for- eign minister's parley will open on schedule Jan. 25 despite the deadlock with Russia on a meet- ing place. * * * DETROIT - The case against four men charged with conspiracy in the 1948 assassination attempt on CIO President Walter Reuther yesterday was "apparently doom- ed" unless a key witness-defend- ant can be persuaded to return to the United States and testify. SAN FRANCISCO - Gorgeous Marilyn Monroe and Joe Di Mag- gio were married yesterday in what was supposed to have been a quiet ceremony, but wasn't. Municipal Judge Charles S. Peery, read the civil ceremony in his chambers while an estimated crowd of 500 jammed the corridors of City Hall.' wages, was beaten. Members saido this was a straight party-line vote, / 15 Republicans against 10 Demo- crats. LANSING - The new proposal eventually leaders took t would relieve about one third of view yesterday the four million taxpaying stock- Williams' legi holders from paying any federal sented to -the1 taxes at all on their dividend in- phasis on labo come. Most critic FOR LATER years, individuals would pay no income taxes up to $100 of dividends received, lYEILI i Further, taxpayers would be al- lowed to deduct from their tax Atllet bill 5 per cent of all their divi-I ApAinr bhz~ t50 ravi d. aenaU income.aJ otzqta u recivea- EAST LANSING. Mich. - (AP) - during the fiscal year, from next Michigan State College President July 31 to Aug. 1, 1955. John A. Hannah will recommend today that football Coach Clar- Two Chapters ence (Biggie) Munn be appointed MSC athletic director. H ' L, H onored IPres. Hannah will also recom- ete mend to the State Board of Agri- culture that Munn's long time as- Two campus fraternities, Phi sistant Line Coach Hugh Duffy Gamma Delta and Zeta Beta Tau, Dougherty move up. to head foot- - OP) - Republican heir traditional dim y of Gov. G. Mennen slative program, pre- lawmakers with em- or and farm policies. al legislative com- May~Be ic Head. ment was stirred by the governor's statement that the state would be in the black by June 30 and that he was presenting the legislature with a balanced budget for next year. LEADERS contended that if ei- ther is true it is because they pass- ed the business receipts tax last year in the face of the governor's opposition. "He didn't have the guts to sign the bill, but now he's tak- ing credit for the results," was the most common comment., Williams half - hour message; submitted before noon, was based on the theme that state and fed- eral governments must move de- cisively to maintain prosperity. He said the people of Michigan and the nation are "profoundly A disturbed by current economic un- certainties and political vacilla- ' have been awarded best chapter cups from their national organi- zations. Phi Gamma Delta received no- tice yesterday of having won thej coveted Cheney Cup as the most outstanding undergraduate chap- ter of 81 in the fraternity. IT MARKS the first time in its 69-year history that the Michigan chapter has won the award. Of 47 ZBT chapters in the national the Michigan chapter . was awarded the Fraternity Cup for the fourth time in its history. ZBT had previously won the cup in 1948, '49 and '50. ball coach. tion about solving them." Recent acts by the Eisenhower --- -- ~- --------- ----iAdministration give the impres- SPEEDED- UP PSYCH:-sion that 'the Defense Depart" S EUY ment's future policy on drafting men will consist of lowering the Psychology Department number of men in 'active service I and placing more emphasis on building ready reserve to quickly meet any threat on aggression. TeC Most explicit evidence of this is found in the President's State of Psychology 31, a literary college perennial has branched. the Union Address: "theu seful- Its offspring is a senior-graduate course which will give "an tess of new weapons createsne overview of psychology," according to Prof. Wilbur J. McKeachie of; materials (that) permit econ- the psychology department. omies in the use of men." UNION, BUSINESS SPECULATION AROUSED: Ike's Labor, Agricultural Proposals Re Open only to students who have had no previous training in the field, Psychology 181 was described by Prof. McKeachie as a' "speeded-up version of Psych 31" which will attempt to tie the sciences ,.of psychology directly to the var- iou areas of study in which the students have done work. * * * STRESS WILL be placed on re- v iew ed lating it to the various fields and will include more of the theory of psychology within the. fields rather than the practical aspects * * *. AN IMMEDIATE fulfillment of this policy came Wednesday when the Army announced that the March draft quota would again be the low 18,000 that it was in February. Recent cutbacks in the Re- serve Officers Training Corp Program also are in line with the President's idea of limiting the size of the armed services. As a result of b: report this week By JOE PASCOFF President Eisenhower's Labor and Farm Messages submitted, to Congress Tuesday, in which the Administration's proposed revi- sions of the controversial Taft- Hartley Bill and the prospective 1954 farm policy received elabo- nificant except in one respect, concerted activity within the ley among labor and Congi-es- the flexible or sliding scale of price stressed in the less concentrated by Arthur S. Fleming, Director of that being that no strike can take meaning of thisact." sional leaders have been varied. supports to cure the nation's chief course. the Office of Defense Mobilization place without a secret ballot un- This doesn't mean that the John L. Lewis, president of the agricultural problem of "unbal- This will be possible, Prof. which asked for speedy action on strike is illegal but that the Na- United Mine Workers said "a anced farm production, resulting hi epib e a military reserve program der government auspices. tional Labor Relations Board few piddling amendments won't in specific surpluses which are un- thes e explaned ecause necessary to meet emergencies of wouldn't entertain unfair labor make a slave law palatable to avoidable under the present rigid m estudentswill of neesiyes hise ofpril, esie Regarding the desireability of +, more experienced and well-vers- Eisenhower formulated a new pt- the proposed secret ballot, Prof. practice charges against the em- free-born citizens. price supports." ed in their fields and will be. icy for all Federal defense agen Haber said, "most labor relations ployer. Moreover, the employer Representative Samuel K. M- Large stocks accumulate be- edri treldsan willebe cyes, all Fheral dene an- __ __ could discharge the union officers Connell (R-Penn.) expressed an cause the price supports in effect p e-.Lve -- - -.j. i