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January 14, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-14

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PAGE six




U' Prof. Tackles Egypt's Snail Menace

Prof. Henry van der Schalie of
the zoology department has recent-
ly returned from Egypt's Nile Ba-
sin, where he is heading the World
Health Organization fight against
a disease carried by snails living in
drainage ditches.
This disease, schistosomiasis or
bilharziasis, as it is,variously call-
ed, afflicts 60 percent of Egypt's
f armers.
"IT'S FATAL in severe cases, but
its worst effects are the loss of
vitality it causes along with low-
ered resistance to other diseases.
This shows up particularly in
times of crises, like wartime," the
curator of the University mollusk
collection elaborated.
Working in an area of 5,000
acres along the Nile, Prof. van
der. Schalie and his team are
carrying on a four point pro-
gram of snail control, treatment,
sanitation, and education.
One of the chief difficulties in
working with the natives, accord-
ing to the professor, is in adjust-
ing to the slower tempo they use
in: dealing with any problem. "It
is hard for most of these people to
realize how poor the sanitation f a-
cilities are," the professor added.
"All their water supply is concen-
trated in the canals and drains,
and the contact is almost certain
to give them the disease."
** * *
ONE OF THE first goals of the
WHO project is killing the snails.

Costumed in outfits befitting
the wealth and magnificence of
the court of Louis XIV, the
speech department will contin-
ue its performances of Moliere's
"Tartuffe" at 8 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Tickets are priced at $1.20-
90c-60c with a special student
rate of 50c in effect tonight.
All seats are reserved.

Drama Critic
Cites Current
Theater Woes
Referring to the theater as "The
Fabulous Invalid," RusselldMc-
Lauchlin, Detroit News drama
critic yesterday cited the theater's
problems in the final speech as-
sembly of the semester. "
Relating the change in the num-
ber of theaters in the Detroit area
and the lack of "summer stock"
houses and vaudeville, he referred
to the Times Square area in New
York City as merely a real estate
project. McLauchlin told how this
section is controlled by a few cor-
porations without whose support a
theater cannot run.
COSTS OF production are very
high due to demands of well-or-
ganized stagehands, musicians and
press agents, he said. Plays then
become either smash hits or flops;
withno moderate success possible.
"I don't think commercial
theaters in their present form
can meet the challenge of tele-
vision," McLaughlin stated. "The
form must somehow, be chang-
He suggested festivals and or-
ganized audiences as examples of
possible changes. Quoting actor-
manager Sir Henry Irving, Mc-
Lauchlin added "the theater must
live as a business or die as an art."

'U' Co-Ops Stress Living Economy.

With the cost of living contin-
ually rising, University co-opera-
tives are faced with the problem of
climbing expenses, but by buying
necessities in large quantities and
using their own labor, co-ops have
been able to keep the weekly1
charge to members down to $12.50.
The major objectives of coopera-
tive living are non-discriminatory
fellowship and thrift. Current
weekly rates for room and board
average $12.75 for the men and
$12.50 for the women.
TO ATTAIN this economy, each
member of a co-op works approx-
imately five hours per week, pre-
paring food, doing cleaning or
maintenance work or performing
administrative duties.
High costs for any homeowner,
as well as for co-opers, are food
and rent. The average food cost
for each student runs close to
$5.50 per week, while rent is
$4.40. The usual home expenses
such as heat, gas, electricity; wa-
ter, telephone, maintenance and
replacements, insurance and
safety measures, are all a part
of the students' share in running
a co-op.
In addition to these items, there
are fees for housemanager's oper-
ations, social and educational ex-
Fire Control Talk
By Stewart Slated
Gilbert I. Stewart, director of
the State Conservation Depart-
ment's forest fire experiment sta-
tion at Roscommon, will discuss
fire control matters at 1:15 p.m.
today in the West Medical Rm. of
the Rackham Building.
Allinterested forestry students
and faculty are invited to attend,
according to Prof. Kenneth P.
Davis, head of the forestry de-

penses, and a small amount for
loan repayment.
Luther H. Buchele, Executive
Secretary of the ICC, says that
"Increases over the years have for
the most part been increases in
food costs for which you can blame
the war, and increased mainte-
nance costs whichdhave resulted
in better living conditions."
Roomers are provided with clos-
et space, a desk, chair, bookshelf,
and a bed, along with a place for
entertaining guests, eating priv-

ilege, and the use of each house's
laundry facilities.
Boarders are as much a member
of the house and have the same
work duties and privileges*as room-
ers, except for lodging. They may
use the house to entertain guests,
to study, to read magazines and to
listen to music. They can live in
the co-ops during vacation periods,
and can use the houses to purchase
cigarettes, candy, records etc.
wholesale, and get a sizable dis-
count on dry-cleaning.

Victorian Authors'
Exhibit To End
The Victorian Authors' Exhibit
currently on display in the General
Library will end tomorrow.
The Rare BookDivision of the
Library has placed the first edi-
tions of these old books, along with
brief explanations, in the glass
cases on the first floor. The sec-
tions include poetry, essays, ,dra-
mas and fiction by such Victorian
authors as George Bernard Shaw,
Mathew Arnold, William Thacke-
ray and Algernony Swinburne.

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Until now, this has been done
with copper sulfate, which is im-
mediately lethal to snails but not
harmful to people or farm animals.
But, because this does not af-
fect the eggs, newer poisons are
being tried. Point Four has ap-

Historical Collection To Show
First Ann Arbor Automobile

University students are not the
first Ann Arbor residents to com-
plain about local restiaints on driv-
ing cars.
The first recorded complaint
was issued by Edward W. Staebler
in December, 1900 in regard to his
Trimoto of that year's model, be-
lieved by the office of the Michi-
gan Historical Collections to be
the first automobile in Ann Ar-
. * *
"THERE is a hill to climb which
the machine has climbed but twice
out of many trials and we do not
care to try any more because of
the jeers from the onlookers," was
the way in which Staebler ex-
plained local difficulties when he
wrote to the company requesting
that they exchange the automobile
for a more powerful one.
Staebler's correspondence re-
garding that car is part of an
exhibit which will begin Monday
at the Michigan Historical Col-
lections' general office and read-

ing room, Rm. 1604, Rackham
The present display is devoted
to business papers and the purpose
of the exhibit is explained by Prof.
F. Clever Bald, assistant director
of the Collections, as an attempt
to show how social history can be
found in what appear to be strictly
business papers.
In regard to the Staebler pa-
pers, Prof. Bald stated that they
serve also to recall old times for
those who remember the early days
of the automobile as well as to in-
form younger people of what
cranky things the horseless car-
riages were in the first part of the
Included in the collection on ex-
hibit are others of the Staebler
family papers, records kept by a
country doctor near Romeo, Mich-
igan, recording births before the
days of the government statistics
on the subject; and papers of
prominent people from the state
such .as Chase S. Osborn, former
Governor of Michigan and Regentj
of the University.I

propriated $4,000,000 to aid this
The professor, who has just been
appointed to the Commission in
Parasitic Diseases of the Armed
Forces Epidemiological Board, took
his doctorate at the University in
1934, and has been here 25 years.
His job as curator of the mollusk
collection at the museumgives him
charge of one of the( largest of its
kind in the United States.
Residence Lighting
To Be Discussed
"Residence Lighting to Fit
Structural Elements in the Con-
temporary Home" will be the 'topic
of an Illuminating Engineering So-
ciety seminar at 1:30 p.m. today in
Rm. 2084 East Engineering Bldg.
The meeting will be open to the
(Continued from Page 4)
the University." Faculty members and
graduate students of the various lan-
guage departments are invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House,
Fri., Jan. 15. All students invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 15, at
Canterbury House. Evening of Fun.
Labor Relations Law Workshop, 100
Hutchins Hall, 10:00-12:00, 2:00-4:30,
Sat., Jan. 23: Subject "State and Federal
Labor Relations Agencies." Panel mem-
bers: E M. Sconyers, Commissioner in
Charge, Federal Mediation and Concil-
iation Service; Thomas A. Hermansen of
the Wage and Hour and Public Contracts
Divisions of the U.S. Dept. of Labor;
George E. Bowles, Chairman of the
State Labor Mediation Board; Harry N.
Casseliman, Regional Director of the
National Labor Relations Board; John
P. Boyce, Chief Referee, Mich. Em-
ployment Security Commission; John
Reid, Commissioner of Labor, State De-
partment of Labor.
Luncheon: Anderson Room, Michigan
Union, 12 Noon. Speaker: Representa-
tive Louis C. Cramton, of Lapeer, Mich-
igan, discussing "The Equal Right to
Work"-discussion of F.E.P.C. legisla-
Faculty and students are cordially In-
vited to attend.


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