PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY VPA)Nka~lj,YJANUARYX L3, U To Those Who TODAY AND TOMORROW: 'Strategic Change' &'Transition' Must Decide . . . FOR SORORITY WOMEN, the approach- ing vacation will be an idle one-and a significant one. The entire campus looks forward to a few days of relaxation when finals are over,. but affiliates see the break with mixed emotions. If, two years ago, Pan- hellenic Association hadn't installed its trial period of fall rushing, right now they'd be faced with rushing's inevitable and unacclaimed byproducts: practicing, planning and paper work. If pledge classes hadn't been filled under last September's fall rush system, sororities and their pledges would be planning to stay in Ann Arbor between semesters-prepared to undergo the gala whirl of parties and smiling and conversational faux pas. The vote, deciding once and for all when rushing is to be conducted (authorities have refused to change the system again) will be put before the sororities in the near future. In the hands of this year's affiliates, there- lore, lies the fate of all campus sororities for as long as they care to exist. There are obvious pros and cons for both fall and "spring" (as late January has been whimsically termed), for rushing seasons. The familiar phrase "two-point average," for instance, figures prominently under eith- er system. The distinction, however, seems to favor the fall season. With January slated as the rushing period, freshmen have only rushing itself to work for as a reward for their C averages. Viewed in this res- pect, rushing would simply be an obstacle to an otherwise free vacation. Last year and this, freshman concern ov- er grades and studies has been far more serious. They need not only make the vital two-point average to remain off scholastic probation, but they must have it to be ini- tiated in the spring. This issue has par- ticular effect on the many "borderline cas- es" who waver between C's and D's. After two trial years of September rush- ing, the appeal of the inter-semester per- iod is greatly lessened. Only a superhuman student would deny that some rest is help- ful, if not essential, after final examinations. "Spring" rushing prohibits this rest. Weather figures prominently in any so- Cial schedule, and as applied to sorority rushing it gives September another obvious advantage. At its worst, autumn can send only a few days of Ann Arbor rain-but in January anything can happen . Although mittens, storm coats and stadium boots may provide better conversational meat than yel- low slickers, fewer rushees would be apt to brave January slush and snow. The University has been denounced for A dearth of "friendly" collegiate spirit, but a return to "spring" rushing could deal what there is of this spirit a final blow. Under a deferred rushing system Panhellenic contact rules, which prohibit anything except civil greetings between rushees and sororities, would suffer the violations of simple human nature. Panhellenic's present crew of pledges, re- cruited last fall, are justifiably wondering whether deferred rushing might have made it easier for them to adjust to University and sorority life. Almost all freshmen, though, are intelligent enough. to decide what they want. And for those who are un- sure, several opportunities to change their minds are available. Nobody's forced to go Greek and stay Greek-but simple statis- tics show that most women who do pledge don't regret having entered sorority life. Finally, a decision in favor of between- semester rushing could result, ultimately, only in Panhellenic suicide. Rushees would be fewer, and consequently sororities them- selves would decrease in membership to a point below that of economic and social self-maintenance. Long range results such as these may seem incredible now, with the sorority system well fulfilling its purpose on one of the country's largest campuses. But there is no school, nor any sorority, which is immune from such possibilities. A permanent cut-and-dried return to "spring" for sorority rushing is one pos- sibility-the choice must be made by every affiliated woman. But for those who look a few years ahead and conclude that their sororities deserve to remain important fac- ors in University life, a decisive vote in fall rushing's favor is the selection which must be made. -Jane Howard eserch Re-searched , . Y ALL outward signs, American science is in an unprecedented good state of health. Funds, physical facilities, and per- sonnel for research are greater than ever; the journals that report results are fatter and more numerous. A number of able scien- tists, however, are made distinctly uncom- fortable by some aspects of this boom. They fear-and with reason, I think-that Amer- ican science is developing in a way dan- gerous to the imagination and ingenuity which alone can make it fruitful . Planned research has a disconcerting way of suppressing everything not included in the plan; and it could also narrow the op- portunity for talented individuals, for really new ideas, and for the exploitation of the unexpected.' By WALTER LIPPMANN WASHINGTON-In the message there are two passages where the President dips down under the list of policies, recommen- dations, and promises to give a clew to the estimate of the situation on which he is proceeding. The estimate is after all the first thing that the country needs to under- stand. For only by knowing what the Ad- ministration believes the situation to be, can it discuss intelligently whether this or that measure is right, necessary, sufficient, use- ful. The two passages are brief, and nothing is spelled out. But though they are much too casual, considering how momentous are the judgments that they contain, they will almost certainly be remembered long- er and be quoted oftener as time goes on than, anything else in the message. For in the one passage the President gives his present view of the state of the cold war. It is therefore the major premise on which his foreign policy, his military planning, and his domestic economic program are based. In the other passage the President describes the Administration's working theory as they watch the symptoms of a recession. The first passage is in the preface to the message. The President says that "There has been in fact a great strategic change in the world during the past year." The sec- ond passage introduces his domestic pro- gram. In it he says that "At the moment we are in transition from a war-time to a peace-time economy." Putting the two together, this means that the Administration is acting on the assump- tion that a great strategic change in the world justifies this country in making the transition to a peace-time economy. This is as great and far reaching a judgment as a government can make in this period of history. The imlications and the conse- quences of acting upon it are bound to be tremendous. A fuller discussion of it ad- dressed to the adult citizens is owing to our people and to the world. For it is tantamount to saying that an era has ended and that another is begin- ning. If that is so, we need very much to know in what sense it is so, to know what in fact has ended, and what is it that is sup- posed to be beginning. Though it cannot be proved conclusive- ly, the President surely has with him res- ponsible opinion throughout the world, which is based on public and secret in- formation, when he speaks of a great strategic change. But when he goes on to define the strategic change, he is, I am afraid, expressing his personal hopes rather than describing the facts: "That precious intangible, the initiative, is be- coming ours. Our policy, not limited to mere reaction against crises provoked by others, is free to develop along lines of our choice not only abroad but at home." Reading that, one thinks of Korea, Red China, Formosa, and Indo-China, of Iran and of Egypt, of Israel and the Arab states, of Italy and Yugoslavia, of France and Ger- many. Is it at all evident that the initia- tive is becoming ours and that our policy is free to develop along lines of our choice? Yet undoubtedly there has been a great strategic change in the cold war between the Communist . orbit and the Atlantic Community. It is registered in the work- ing policies of the governments rather than in their official theses and propa- ganda. The change is marked by an open recognition in both great coalitions that their conflict-of which no settlement is in sight-cannot now be waged or decided IF- by overt military measures. This is anoth- er way of saying that a recognized balance of power exists, and that while it is main- tained, a great war is not probable. More- over in this phase there cai be no profit and there is much too great risk in local wars. The Soviet Union is not likely, therefore, to sponsor any more of them, and it must be interested, as is also the Atlantic Community, in bringing about a ceasefire in Indo-China. If we compare this with our assumption in 1950, when we thought of Korea as the opening campaign of the third world war. the strategic change is radical. * * * WHETHER OR NOT the new estimate is justified, it is a fact that all the Wes- tern democracies, are now acting upon it. The Eisenhower administration if found- ed upon this estimate, and its general course has in consequence been to promote the "transition from a war-time to a peace-time economy." A transition of this kind is difficult and complicated. It would be a serious mis- take on our part to identify it with the recession which we have recently become aware of. The recession as such, if it is merely a phase in the business cycle, can no doubt be no more than a necessary and perhaps desirable readjustment. But that confidence is subject to a great proviso- that the big structural transition of the world economy is managed successfully. For some twelve years we have been ex- panding but we have also been distorting our economy for the purposes of war and the preparation for war. Our economy, our diplomacy, our military establishment have become in varying degrees, but importantly, related to the conduct of war and to pre- paredness for war. If we are now in transi- tion from this condition of affairs which has lasted for half a generation, we must have no illusions that all will be well if only we do wisely and efficiently the things that ought to be done when the normal busi- ness cycle turns down. The "transition" will almost surely com- pel us to deal not only with the business cycle but with the structural abnormalities that war has creaed in the whole free world. These structural abnormalities are most clearly manifest at home in the farm problems. American agriculture is mobil- ized for war, to feed and sustain a large part of the world. The problem now is how to demobilize agriculture, how to dismantle the war-time strieture of prices and of production from which are now comingunsaleable surpluses. But the farm problem is not unique. It has only been presented first and brought more clearly and sooner to a head. Import- ant sectors of the American economy and important parts of the pattern of indus- trial employment are adjusted to these many years of war. During those years the country has seen the largest part of the deficit in their international accounts. The President might well remind the Congress, when he comes to grips with the problem, that in the previous transi- tion, that of the 20's, what really went wrong was our failure to make the struc- tural changes which the peace-time eco- nomy of the post-war era, demanded. I cannot help feeling that a sour and salutary note of that kind, which indi- cated the scale and the depth of the prob- lems ahead of us, would in the long run have made more convincing the President's comprehensive and uninterrupted confi- dence and optimism. (Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) I "All Clear On The First Tee" t- - APM041TRAT(ON -ii- POGRAM PERACTKE P TIN (Continued from Page 2) sciences. Under the terms of this pro-. gram stipends of $1800 each are awarded to successful applicants who wish to study such behavioral sciences as psy- chology, sociology, and anthropology but who did not as undergraduates concen- trate in these areas. A total of fifty-eight institutions have been invited to sub- mit applicants and it is estimated that approximately twenty-five fellowships will be awarded. The University of Michigan has been asked to nominate four candidates for these fellowships. Applications should be made before February 1 on forms to be obtained at the office of the Gradu- wIrate School. Awards will be announced on April 1. 1954. / The Continental Coffee Co., Chicago, Ill., is offering positions as route sales- men to graduates interested in sales work. The jobs consist of delivering and selling coffee. tea, spices, and oth- -T er food products to restaurants, hotels, and clubs. The Brooklyn Union Gas Co. in New York City is interested in contacting graduates concerning the company's management training program. Stu- dents in arts, business administration, - r.-O sciences, or engineering are eligible to apply. The Home Loan Bank Board, of wash- ington, D.C., is in need of several men to fill positions as Savings and Loan examiners in the states of Indiana and ON THE Michigan. Qualifications include a col- lege degree with a major in accounting, economics, or related subjects. I. 1Purdue University, in Lafayette, In- d . has several openings on its In- or Bus. Ad. graduates. The Los Alamos Scientific Labora- WITH DREW PEARSON tory, in Los Alamos, Mexico, has an- nounced additional positions which i _ - --- _ _ _ - will be available to undergraduate and graduate students through the Labora- 1VASINGTON-Senator Knowland of California, who is supposed tory's summer employment program. f~r They will have openings for 6 or 7 un- to pilot Ike's legislative program through Congress and chain- dergraduate (junior or senior level) pion Eisenhower policies, jumped the traces recently, virtually slap- analytical chemists for 'routine lab work not involving individual research; they ping the White House in the face over Ike's plan to channel defense will also have several positions open contracts to unemployment areas. A lot of people wondered why. Here at both undergraduate and graduate is the inside reason. levels for students majoring in Metal- lurgy. Graduate students in Physics, As Senate majority leader, Knowland made a gentleman's Chemistry (other than organic), and agreement last July that he would use his influence to prevent Mathematics are still eligible to apply the President from putting out such an order. for the previously advertised openings in their fields. Application forms must He made the pledge to his own colleagues, and he felt he should be submitted by Feb. 1, 1954. Complete keep his word. announcements and application forms Last July the Senate went on record by an overwhelming 62-to-25 are available at the Bureau of Ap- pointments. vote against diverting defense contracts. Though the language was The Green Bay Health Department, later watered down in conference.between the Senate and House, a Green Bay. wisconsin, has an opening rider was finally inserted into the appropriations act declaring that fr a man with a B.S. in Medical Bac- teriology. no defense money could be used for "the payment of a price dif- For additional information concern- ferential on contracts hereafter made for the purpose of relieving ing these and other employment oppor- economic dislocations." tunities, contact the Bureau - of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., However, this did not prevent the Defense Department from Ext. 371. shopping for equal bids in unemployment areas. In other words,- - there was nothing in the rider to stop the government from giv- PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT Schick Electric Razor Co. has part- ing these areas a second chance to reduce their bids after some time positions available on campus for other areas had bid low. students interested in supplementing South Carolina's Sen. Burnett Maybank, whose state produces tex- theirtincome through sales work, Con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 tiles for the armed forces, tried to plug up this loophole just before Administration Bldg., or call NO-31511, the Senate adjourned. For a time, Maybank threatened to hold up Ext. 371, for further information. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN soprano, and Kurt Baum, tenor; Eu- gene Ormandy, conductor. SUN., MAY 2, 2:30 p.m. Mendelssohn's "Elijah" with University Choral Union; Lois Marshall, soprano; Blanche The- bom, contralto: John McCollum, tenor; william Warfield, baritone; Thor John- son, conductor. SUN., MAY 2, 8:30 p.m. Artur Rubin- stein, pianist; Eugene Ormandy, con ductor. Orders for season tickets are now being accepted and filed in sequence at the University Musical Society offices In Burton Tower, Tickets are $12.00, $9.00 and $8.00 each. Events Today Quadrangle will meet on this evening at 8 p.m., in Room 3-B, Michigan Union, The topic, "The Popular Arts in Amer- ca," will be considered by a panel in- cluding Donald C. Gooch, Morris Jan- owitz, H. Wiley Hitchcock, and Richard C. Boys (moderator). Final Speech Assembly for the fall semester will be held at 4 p.m. today in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Russell McLauchlin, drama critic for the De- troit News, will speak on "The Fabu- lous Invalid." The speech assembly, sponsored by the Department of Speech, is open to the public withou' admission charge. Taruffe; or, The Impostor, Molere's classic French comedy, will be present. ed in English by the Department of Speech tonight at 8 o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A special stu- dent rate. of any seat in the house for 50c is in effect tonight. The regular rate is $1.20 - 90c - 60c Lydia Mendelsson Box office is open froh 10 a.m. until i p.m. All seats are reserved. Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting will be held this evening at 7 p.m. in the Madelon Pound House (1024 Hill St.). Hillel, 3:30 p.m. - Class in Modern Is- rael; 8 p.m. - IZFA Dance Group. Res- ervations for Kosher Dinner Friday, at 6 p.m., must be made by Thursday. Sigma Xi Lecture. Prof. Richard G. Folsom, Director of the Engineering Re- search Institute, will speak on "Some Problems of High Altitude, High Speed Flight," this evening, 8 p.m. Rackham Amphitheater. Attention Newman Club members. Pe- titions for Michigra Booth chairman- ships, which are to include one fellow and one girl, are due Thursday at 5 o'clock in the offices at the Gabriel Richard Center. For further nforma- tion call Pat Reilly, 21937, or Joan Spol- yar, 26576. Roger Williams Guild. Tea and Chat this afternoon, 4:30 to 6:00, at the Guild House. Chess Club of the U. of M. will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Mich- igan Union. All chess players welcome. The Congregational - Disciples Guild. Discussion Group at Guild House, 7 p.m. ULLR Ski Club. Meeting today at 7:30 p.m. In the Union. Floyd Johnson, of the Brier Hill Ski Club will show movies and refreshments will be served. All members should attend. Coming Events Episcopal Student Foundation: Stu- dent breakfast following 2 a.m. service, of Holy Communion, Thurs., Jan. 14, at Canterbury House. Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow- ship meets Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. in the church Prayer Room. International Center Weekly Tea will be held Thurs., Jan. 14, from 4:30 to 6 at the International Center. Christian Science Organzation. Tes- timony meeting Thurs., Jan. 14 at 7:30 p.M., ]Ireside Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. Wives of Students and Faculty, Schol of Conservation and Natural Resources. Meeting on Thurs., Jan. 14, 8 p.m., home of Miss Veo . Foster (librarian), 1011 Church St. La p'tite causette will meet tomor- row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union cafeteria. This is the ist meeting of the semester and only French will be spoken! Everyone welcome. Foreign Language Group will meet on Mon., Jan. 18, at 8 p.m. In West Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Speaker: Professor James C. O'Neill. The topic: "Suggested Plans for Use of the Ann Arbor High School Building by the University." Faculty members and graduate students of the various lan. guage departments are invited. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter ..............C....nty Editor Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..AssoQ. Editorial Director Diane Decker......... Associate Editor Helene Simon .,........Associate Editor. Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports' Editor Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler... . Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.....Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Rankin. Assoc. Business Mgr. ,I ,1 . 4 1, 4I the adjournment of Congress; so Knowland finally talked him out' of it. "I give the Senator from South Carolina my assurance that I will take this up with the President, and I will call to his personal attention the overwhelming vote in the Senate and the record of the debate in the Senate," promised the Senator from California. "The Senator from California," answered Maybank, "said, I be- lieve, that it is the Pre Ident's intention to carry out the intent of Congress, as shown by the debate." "The President, not once, but on numerous occasions," replied Senator Knowland, "has pointed out that he has a deep convic-I tion that under our constitutional system, the Congress is a co- equal branch of the government." Knowland added that he had already brought the matter up with administration officials, including budget boss Joe Dodge. "I have called their attention to the record, and I have suggested that it would be well for the executive department to read the record{ of the Senate debate on (this) issue," the majority leader declared.' "It is my own judgment, if they proceed in the face of that record,j they would be proceeding at their peril." Later Senator Knowland told Maybank privately that he took the entire matter up with the President. He thought he had an understanding that the Eisenhower Administration would not channel defense contracts to economically depressed areas. Therefore, when the White House recently announced just the opposite policy, Knowland stuck by his word to fellow Senators. MOUNTAINS OF SPUDSE jOST CONTROVERSIAL part of the farm price support operation under Secretary of Agriculture Charley Brannan was support of potatoes. It caused him more headaches than any other part of the Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Speech. Mr. Russell Mc- Lauchlin, Drama Editor, Detroit News, 'The Fabulous Invalid," Wed., Jan, 13, 4 p.m., Rackham Lecture Rall. The Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics at the U. of M. are being given this year by Prof. A. M. Gleason of Harvard Uni- versity. Professor Glea,on will give his last two lectures of the series Wed., Jan. 13, and Fri., Jan. 15 at 4 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. The title for the series is "Locally Compact Groups and the Co- ordinate Problem." Academic Notices Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Pro- fessor E. Sternberg, of the Illinois In- stitute of Technology, will speak Wed., 'Jan. 13, at 3:30 p.m. In 229 West Engi- neering on "The Proof of Saint-Venant's I Principle." All interested are urged to attend. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Jan. 14, at 4 in 247 West Engineering. Speaker: Dr. R. K. Ritt will continue. Topic: Theory of distri- butions. Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Application of Mathematics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., Jan. 14, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Ma- so" -ai r~so eac vollal i I- MATrEROF FACT I . By JOSEPH ALSOP RANGOON, Burma-A few days in a pris- on camp are enough to make the most unappetizing food look delicious. One must be on guard against this same effect while traveling in Asia. An unvarying diet of convulsion and corruption, mepace and mis- ery can make the smallest cheerful sign look like the dawn of a new day. Possibly this reporter's judgment is dis- torted in this manner. All the same, it is downright exciting to find an Asian gov- ernment of good and patriotic men, prac- tical and honest, courageous and stoutly non-Communist, patiently leading a new country forward in the most difficult con- ditions imaginable. If I may say, I should like to raise a small cheer for Burma. In assessing the situation in this country, to be sure, the comparative method has got to be adopted. For the Burmese people em- barked on their stormy voyage as an inde- pendent nation with all the odds against them. Under British rule, the Burmese had been excluded from almost every important de- partment of their own national life. Com- merce, industry and banking were the pro- vinces of the British, the Indians and the Chinese. The army was manned by the tribal peoples. The police and the railroads were largely staffed by.Anglo-Burmans. For the Burmese themselves, only rice farming and the subordinate ranks of the colonial civil service were left. Thus the national struggle for inde- npmlpa,np xna te 10 nl i., nifino nt nr~a.O- The chief inheritors of the government were the wise Prime Minister, U Nu, the tough and able Socialist boss who is now War Minister, U Ba Swe, and the brilliant Socialist idea man, U Kyaw Nyein. They did not inherit much. The country was still utterly ruined by the war. Besides the Communists, the war- like Karen people were also in revolt. In addition about 100,000 Burmese had ob- tained arms and lived as guerrillas during the war; and many thousands of them had settled down to a postwar life of banditry, or dacoity as this ancient Burmese trade is called here. At first the Government of Burma had to be carried on inside a barbed wire entanglement in a Rangoon suburb, and the government's authority did not extend much beyond the barbed wire. Today, four years later, the government's authority loosely extends over all of Burma. Economic life has gradually resumed. The work of the reconstruction is slowly going forward. The outlawed Communists have sought to regain a legal foothold through a front organization, the Burma Workers and Peasants party. But this Communist effort has got nowhere either in the labor move- ment or in any other sector of national life. By any standard, the Burmese govern- ment has done well. What is almost more interesting is the sobering and maturing effect of prolonged and heavy responsibil- ity on the Burmese leaders. Four years ago, these men quite sincerely took what may be called the Aneurin Bevan view of the world. (Some day, in truth, there is snHall. Professor Franco Modigliani, complex farm program.'of the Department of Economics, Car- Because potatoes can't be shipped long distances, and rot or negie Institute of Technology, will swell when sent abroad, virtual mountains of spuds piled up in speak on "The Use of Expectations in the Study of Economic Behavior and Maine and New Jersey. Pictures of them were featured in the Economic Forecasting." newspapers-alongside photos of the perplexed and perspiring Courses in, Chemistry. The following Secretary of Agriculture. changes in hours and rooms should Finally Brannan got rid of price suppoirts for potatoes. be made in the Time Schedule for the Fsecond semester: Chem 141, lecture In his farm message to Congress this week, however, President wF 11, 3403 Chem; Chem 256, lecture Eisenhower recommended that price supports for potatoes be restored WF 9, 4225 Chem. again. t t ,' NOTE-Though Ike proposes reversing Brannan on potatoes, he Concerts recommended the Brannan plan for wool. Quoth the Wall Street ' Concert by Student Soloists and Uni- Journal; "It's the Brannan plan in sheep's clothing." versity Symphony orchestra, Josef Blatt, EX-PRESIDENTS conductor, wii be presented at 8:30 Wednesday evening, Jan. 13. in Hill SEN. WARREN MAGNUSON, Washington Democrat and one of the Auditorium. The program will include few bachelors left in the Senate, has introduced a bill that would Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme make Harry Truman and Herbert Hoover members of the National bathn Glason as pi- ano soloist: Catalani's "~Ebben Ne an- "3 I, Security Council. Under Eisenhower, this council has been given extremely wide powers, can fix the size of the armed services, has taken over many decisions hitherto made by the Commander-in-Chief him- self. Not long ago, for instance, Eisenhower informed Secretary of the Army Stevens, when the latter protested against cutting down the size of the Army, that his protest would be considered and decided by the National Security Council. Some Eisenhower advisers originally considered the idea of ask-j ing ex-President Truman to serve on the council as an adviser only, in order to get the benefit of his rich background of information re- garding previous decisions. Now Senator Magnuson has gone one step further and proposes that both living ex-Presidents serve as advisers on the council. WASHINGTON WHIRL Senate interior chairman Hugh Butler wrote to friends in Ne- braska that he heard about Louisiana Senator Russ Long's switch in favor of Hawaiian statehood-in advance-from the sugar com- panies. (It is no secret that the sugar companies supported Long dro lontano" from "La Wally," sung by Joan Rossi, soprano. Frances Watson Brown will appear as flute soloist in Kennan's Night Soliloquy; Helen Stob, piano soloist with the orchestra in Beethoven's Concerto No. 4 in G (1st movement). After intermission the or- chestra wilt be heard in the Overture from Smetana's Bartered Bride, and the concert will continue with Mary Ann Tinkham, soprano, singing "Una voce poco fa," from Rossini's "~Il Bar- biere di Siviglia," and Mary Spaulding, solo pianist with the orchestra in Franck's Symphonic Variations. Rich- ard Thurston, School of Music student, will conduct two of the compositions. The general public will be admitted without charge. May Festival. The Philadelphia Or- James Sharp .... Circulation Manager chestra will participate in all six con- certs; and the tentative assignment of Telephone NO 23-24-1 performers is as follows: THURS., APRIL 29, 8:30 p.m. Lily Pos, soloist: Eugene Ormandy, condue- , I M