:' . WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1954 TH E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMES U Cagers' Road Showings ZBT Captures I-M Follow Bi Ten Pattern wi inHnor i I PUCK CODE IN BRIEF: "INCAA Hockey Rules HOW MORAL CAN A VICTORY GET? 41- By WARREN WERTHEIME'R The pair of losses suffered by Michigan's cagers over the week- end seem to be part of a pattern that is true throughout the Big Ten=-playing at home is a dis- tinct advantage. K A glance at the results of this season's Conference encounters would seem to validate this state- ment. Of the 16 games played involving only Big Ten quintets, 12 have been won by the home team. * * * MOREOVER, the visiting fives that were successful were Indiana twice, Illinois and Minnesota - generally thought of as the top teams in the Western Conference. The Wolverines have followed this pattern very closely. They nearly upset the highly ranked Hoosiers at Ann Arbor and came back two days later to surprise Ohio State in Mr. Yost's Field House. However once the Maize and Blue took to the road, it ran into trouble. Bill Perigo's five played Guard Your Feet With SENTRY ARGYLE SOCKS 3 PAIRS $225 Reg. Price $100 Per Poir " Manufactured of Ane combed cotton * Vat dyed colors " Assorted colors per box " Slack length with elastic top " Sizes 9V to 13 - - -- -.-- ---- ....... - SArthur Textile Mills, Inc,. 25W.2st St.,NewYork10,N.Y. s Please send me the following: ! S Q2 boxes,@ $2.25 each -- l t I Size.. .+.... ........ Total_..._ .......... Q C.O.D. ! C Prepaid (Postage and insurance i t . prepaid upon receipt of check j t or money order with order. Address. ......... ..... ........,......... SCit.. - .............-.- what was probably its worst game of the season in losing to North- western. While therewas consid- erable improvement in the Iowa clash, the team still did not show the kind of ball it has shown it- self capable of playing. * * * MICHIGAN performed in a sim- ilar manner during its pre-Con- ference game. The Wolverines were undefeated when they ran into a fair Butler outfit at In- dianapolis. A lackadaisical effort resulted in loss number one, and two days later at Cincinnati Mich- igan was soundly beaten by the Bearcats. Even in the season's opener at Pittsburgh it was not impressive despite defeating the Pitt Panthers. On the other hand the Maize and Blue has yet to come up with what would be considered a "bad" game when playing at home. As a matter of fact, the Wolverine dribblers looked first rate in the Ohio State, Valparaiso, and Loy- ola encounters. * * * ONE POSSIBLE explanation for Michigan's poor road showings might be that it is primarily a young team with three sophomores in the starting lineup. While it may be true in the case of Harvey Williams that he performs much better in Ann Arbor, it certainly does not seem to hold with Jim Barron and Tom Jorgensen. Barron especially more than holds his own in away games. In the Wildcat and Hawkeye tussles, the 6-0 guard dropped in 45 points to bring his team-leading total to 189 in 11 games. Whatever the reason is, if the Wolverines continue to follow this pattern, quite a contest is in store for Ann Arbor cage enthusiasts this Saturday night when Michi- gan State moves -into the Field House. * * * BIG TEN CAGE STANDINGS C(onguers Ph'iKappa Tao0 I18, To Annex Fraternity Champi onship By HAP ATHERTON anthird place, respectively. He Sparked by the sizzling speedtd e y e of John Lewy, Zeta Beta Tau also competed in the 75 yard med- e Explained (i response to many requests from readers, The Daily is presenting a series of articles explaining some of the basic rules of college ice hockey.) By HANLEY GURWIN The rules used by most col- legiate hockey teams are the offi- cial NCAA rules which have been splashed its way to a 39-18 vic- tory over Phi Kappa Tau in the fraternity swimming finals last night in the IM pool. Lewy captured the 50-yard free style with a speedy 25.9 leaving the rest of the field far behind. He also swam in the winning.100- yard free style relay and the 75- yard medley relay. * * * THE 25-YARD breaststroke was won by Lew Hamburger, swimming the length of the sports building pool in 14.5 seconds. He contin- ued the victory streak swimming with Lewy and Howard Siegel in the 75-yard medley relay, which ZBT easily won in 42.3 seconds. I The 100 yard free style relayI squad of Howard Siegel, Mike Kadens, Mort Blum, and John Lewy barely edged Phi Tau's Dave Cherry, Henry Levering, Dick Phillips, and Vern Stilson in a close finish. The ZBT's were trailing at the half-way mark in the race, but a great effort by Blum put the ZBTs in a lead which Lewy easily held, PHI KAPPA Tau's Jack Slater took the only first place his team received, winning the 25 yard back stroke in 15.8 seconds. He easily outswam ZBT's Jay Martin and Stan Levenson who took second INTRAMURAL SCORES HANDBALL Sigma Alpha Mu 3, Theta Chi 0 Sigma Phi Epsilon 2, Tau Delta Phi 0 VOLLEYBALL Phi Gamma Delta 4, Chi Psi 0 Psychology 5, Museum 1 WRRC 6, NROTC 0 (forfeit) ley relay. I Blum, whose speed helped ZBT adopted by the Amateur Athletic to win the free style relay, proved Union as the official rules govern- it was no accident as he won the ing the conduct of Ice Hockey in 25 yard free style race in 12.5 all games played under the super- from Stilson in a very tight fin-j vision of that organization. ish. Stilson took second, closely They cover every phase of the followed by Levering. ice sport from Rule 1 which de- ,,..db Legfines the ice as a clear field of Blum seemed to be bad luck for the two, this being his second winning race over them. Rogues Lead Bowling Loop ice at least 165 feet by 60 feet and not greater than 250 feet by 110 feet to Section 6 of Rule 15 which states that all officials should be supplied by the home team and approved by the visiting team. * * * IN BETWEEN are detailed de- scriptions and interpretations of As the half-way point in. theevery aspect of the game, some of 24-week schedule is reached, the which are quite confusing even Rogues bowling team, captained to the informed hockey fan. Many by Hal Kiefer, occupies first place of these somewhat confusing rules in the All-Campus Bowling League are integral parts of each game standings. and are the source of much dis- The Rogues, comprised of Kie- cussion among the fans. fer, Ron Chart, John Morovitz, For instance, two of the rulesl Bob Bodnar, and Hugh Anderson, which draw many questions are have a 33 won and 15 lost record those concerning the "offside" but hold only a narrow one point and "icing the puck" infractions. lead over the second place Michi- In order to explain these rules, gan Union squad. an understanding of how the Erv Rubenstein has bowled rink is divided into various zones the high individual single game -is necessary. in the league to date, a robust According to the rule book, the 256. Jim Olson is second in this rink shall be divided into three department with a 247 game. zones, called Defensive, Neutral Jim O'Boyle with a three game and Attacking Zones. A team's De- total of 651 holds the top spot in fensive Zone is that zone where the individual high series depart- the goal cage which they are de- ment with the Rogues' Chart a fending is located. The zone at distant second with 597. the opposite end of the rink is Chuck Barnhart, captain of the known as this team's Attacking third place Weaklings, tops the Zone. league with a 178 average. Al Res- * * * nick holds down second place with THE SPACE between a team's a 174 average while O'Boyle rests Defensive and Attacking Zones is in the third slot averaging 172. known as the Neutral Zone. The to Fans Attacking and Defensive Zones are sometimes known as End Zones The distance from a Goal Line to its respective Zone Line shall be 60 feet. "Offside" Is the term used to signify a playing infraction by the team in possession of the puck. After an offside play, the puck is faced-off just outside the Attacking Zone (blue line) and is called when a player passes, carries or shoots the puck into his Attacking Zone from the Neutral Zone or his Defensive Zone when a teammate is in his Attacking Zone. More simply, an offside is called and a face-off ensues whenever a player shoots the puck into the Attacking Zone and a teammate is already there. The puck must be the first thing to cross the line. ' This rule prevents players from hanging around the opponent's goal waiting for a long pass while the puck is at the other end of the ice. * * * THE MAJOR exception to this rule occurs when the offside puck is picked up by a defending play- er who immediately takes posses- sion of the puck and starts to skate toward center ice. This is known as a"slow whistle." How- All those men interested in being a baseball manager this spring please contact me at NO 2-4551. -George Beauchamp ever if an attacking player takes the puck from the defending play- er while he is still in the Attack- ing Zone, the whistle is blown and an offside is called, Another rule which puzzles many fans is the one known as "icing the puck." This infrac- tion, also a very common one, is called when under most cir- cumstances a player shoots the puck from his own Defensive Zone through the Neutral Zone and beyond the opponent's goal line, an extension of the line over which the puck must cross to score a goal. In this case the face-off is call- ed back in the Defending Zone of the team which made the in- fraction after the puck is touch- ed by a player on the other team. There are four main exceptions to this rule. * * * THE FACE-OFF is called unless: (1) The team shooting has fewer men on the ice due to a man in the penalty box. (2) The shot is made from a face-off. (3) The puck touches an opposing player or his equipment before reaching the goal line extended. (4) If in the opinion of the referee a player of the opposing team other than the goalkeeper is able to play the puck but lets it go. This foul is often times inten- tionally committed by a team which is having difficulty clear- ing the puck from its own end and temporarily wishes to re- lieve the pressure. The face-off also gives the team a chance to put fresh players on the ice without having to change on the fly. a1 -~ or.; one Once ther was a Basketball Team that had Plenty of Nothing. It was so poor that even the Coach hadn't gone to a game all season. Couldn't stand to watch his Scoreless Wonders. So the Futile Five careened through the sched- ule and hit the road for the Big Game. Due to lose by 45 points, the Experts said. But somebody back on campns had a Brainstorm. He whipped out his Trusty Telegrammar (the Telegrammar being a pocket-sized guide to telegraph use. If you'd like one, incidentally, for gratis, just write to Room 1727, Western Union at 60 Hudson Street, New York City.) Spotting a likely idea he started the wheels moving! So, just before game .don't put all your ;oose eggs in 1basket- time, the team got more Telegrams than you could shake a Referee at. Group telegrams from fraternities and sorori- ties, personal telegrams from Prexy and the Dean of Women, hundreds of telegrams from students ... all saying "We're behind you, team!" The reac- tion? Tremendous. The boys pulled themselves together, went out and lost by only 28 points instead of 45. The moral is Obvious. The more you encourage a guy, the better he'll do ... and Giving a Hand by telegram works wonders. In fact, whether it's Money from Home you want, or a Date, or just to send a Soulful Message to Someone Special, just call Western Union or whip down to your local Western Un- ion office. t t t s v t rj 122 Huron St., E. Telephone NO 3-4221 r Year Subscribers! if you are CHANGING ADDRESSES between semesters please notify the Circulation. Department immediately? Call NO 23-24-I W L Indiana .......4 0 Iowa ..........3 0 Wisconsin .....2 2 Illinois ........2 2 Minnesota.....1 1 Michigan State .1 1 Ohio State ....1 2 Northwestern ..1 2 MICHIGAN ....1 3 Purdue ........0 3 Pet. 1.000 1.000 .500 .500 .500 .500 .333 .250 .000 ELIS AND BUCKS DUNKED: 'Al' Could Claim All-Time Swim Honors STORM COATS Regular $49.50 Priced for January Clearance $ 2788$ .NAVY ...GREY ... TAN By DON LINDMAN In spite of the loud objections which might emminate from the pools at Yale and Ohio State, Michigan could well claim the title of all-time college swimming champion. While much could probably be said in defense of the Buckeyes and the men of Eli, the facts would back the Wolverines' claim to the crown. YALE, OFTEN regarded as the kingpin of the, swimming world, is actually only a poor third to the men from Ann Arbor and Columbus. Coach Matt Mann's charges lead the nation in team titles, having been national champions during 13 of the 30 years since the initiation of the NCAA title meet. Since 1937, when team championships became an offi- cial part of the annual swimming contest, the Wolverines have won the title six times, once less than the Buckeyes. Yale can boast only three national crowns over the same span. Wolverine superiority is evident when individual champions are considered. During his twenty- eight years as the head of Michi- gan swimming, Mann-coached men have captured 79 national titles. This is nearly three times the number won by Yale and fif- teen more than have been gar- nered by Ohio State natators. * * * . ONLY IN THE realm of colle- giate record-holders is Michigan forced to take a back seat. Al- though the Wolverines and the Buckeyes have each produced four of the thirteen present day rec- ord setters, through the years Yale men have held national marks 34 times. This is in contrast to the 18 which have rested at Michi- gan and only 8 held by Ohio State. Some of the greatest names in swimming history have raced as members of the Wolverine team. Among the first national swim- ming champions produced by Mann were such greats as free- styler Paul Samson, former world record-holder in both sprints, and John Schmeiler, national champion in both the freestyle and breaststroke. Following them on the Michigan swimming scene came Ed Eirar, the only swimmer to hold both freestyle sprint titles for two con- secutive years; Taylor Drystdale, three-time backstroke champion; Jack Kasley, the only breaststrok- er to win three consecutive titles; and Dick Degener, diving king for two years. * * * THE PRESENT Wolverine squad doesn't lack champions. "Bumpy" Jones, individual medley titlist for the past two years, has 'Iwo more years to swim as a Weive-:ine star. Jones holds two American medley records and was a mem- ber of the national champion freestyle relay team during thea past two seasons. Don Hill, a senior and co-cap- tain of this year's power-packed squad, is the NCAA '50-yard free- style king. The holder of the collegiate long course 50-yard freestyle record, Hill also was for two years a team- mate of Jones on the national champion freestyle relay combi- nation. ,' i I I I M . I I _ I - i I M i I I I i I I ;'? '.k= P fE rs full length % length ANN ARBOR CLOTHING 113 South Main , .it's a Landslide! Arrow "Oxfords" Vowd Style Kings, Large majority of collegians favor trim good looks of Arrow "Gordon Dover Button-down" i Y :::,rti".".r t{J : JY!>. i?.':>':.J :}:.:;.":C:;7y' "r'rrr v ,r r.. : {:,.,lrJ . ": I iV.!+4. , .Ar!CJ": :}:4:": }}}:?{. : :" r},:r.,;.Y:::1hY}.." Y .. ll rJ "%' J.Y." } l" l"r r}. 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