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January 13, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-13

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Iaet UtaU
Latest Deadline in the State







, . .



Dulles Rejects Split
In Global Power
Secretary Says U. S. Negotiating.
Only For Cause Of Human Welfare
NEW YORK-0A)--Secretary of State Dulles, speaking two weeks
before the opening of the Berlin Big Four conference, last night
rejected any deal for a "division of world power" with the Soviet
In a speech prepared for the Council on Foreign Relations, Dulles
said this country is negotiating only "to advance the cause of human
welfare.", He said it will not join any "conspiracy against freedom"
to gain an illusion of security by

City Political
Scene Viewed
(Editor's Note: This is an interpre-
tive article outlining the pre-election
political scene in Ann Abor. All- .
city elections will be held on April
Using the vote turnout in past
city elections as reference, it would
be safe to predict that not more
than 35 per cent of Ann Arbor's
registered voters will go to the
polys in the municipal elections
this spring.
Civic minded persons, attempt-
atpng to analyze the political situa-
tion in the city feel that local cit-
izens are "almost totally uncon-
scious about city elections." Fig-
ures show that between eight and
nine thousand Democrats are reg-
istered in the city, and nearly 16,-
000 Republicans are on record.
Less than 9,000 votes were cast in
last spring's election.
ANN ARBOR is divided into sev-
en wards with two councilmen
# elected from each ward. A sugges-
tion made to the members of the
city Charter Revision Commission
by Council President George Sal-
lade last night, that wards be re-
districted, appeared warranted. A
current discrepancy in the division
of the city into wards is pointed
up in Ward 5 which has 1,000 vot-
ers, compared to Ward 7 with more
than 6,000 voters.
A closer look at the polities of
the city reveals not only that
there is apparent apathy on the
voting scene, but one party, Re-
publican, has dominated the
membership of the City Council,
Board of Supervisors and the
mayorship for as long as most .
voters can remember.
The ability of local Republicans
- to repeatedly drum up enough
votes to dominate positions in
city government has been the
starting point for local Democrats
ANALYSTS have observed year
after year the failure of the Demme
ocrats to carry more than one or
two wards has been due to apathy
in campaigning.
Actually Democrats -and Re-
publicans differ little on issues
facing a city government in a
town of this size. Persons criti-
cizing the division into two sides
on issues of housing, parks, and
general city improvements, have
noted little difference in the
platforms of the two parties.
Stirring up issues around elec-
tion time has been the practice of
both parties in an attempt to gain
interest in city problems and elec-
* * * ,
A POSSIBLE issue in this
spring's forthcoming election may
hinge on the proposed site of the
new city hall.
Republican officials h a v e
nirlked and ajipi n it nn

dividing the world "with those
who suppress freedom."
* * *
MANY DIPLOMATS believe the
major aim. of Soviet diplomacy
now is to win acceptance by the
Western powers of a vast Com-
munist sphere in eastern Europe
and other areas.
In his address Dulles also:
1. Reported the Eisenhower
Administration has made a basic
decision to rely upon "massive
retaliatory power" for security
of the United States and the
free world.
2. Said the Administration's pol-
icy will provide more real security
at less cost but will not guarantee
against all future Communist suc-
cesses. There may well be set-
backs, Dulles said, but the import-
ant thing is to make them tem-
porary and "local."
* * *
3. ISSUED ANOTHER call for
European nations to set up the
European Defense Community,'
under which French, German and
other soldiers would form a unit-
ed army. Dulles said Communist
agents already are looking for
ways to fan distrust between
France and Germany into an in-
ternational fire. Without EDC, he
said, European security and fu-
ture peace are in jeopardy.
4. Found hope for eventually
resolving Western troubles with
Russia by persisting in policies
that promote human freedom,
because "there are limits to the
power of any rulers indefinitely
to suppress the human spirit."
Dulles devoted part of his talk
to the policy of depending on
"massive retaliatory power" for
defense of the free world.
Judge Jails
DETROIT-(P)--Federal Judge
Frank A. Picard yesterday imposed
a 30-day contempt sentence on
Philip Schatz, one of six Michi-
gan Communists being tried on
charges of violating the Smith Act.
All are accused of advocating
and teaching the violent overthrow
of the government.
Schatz had refused to answer a
question on the Communist ties
of a former associate. He began
serving the term in the Wayne
county jail. He will be released
under custody to appear as a de-
fendant while the trial continues.
Government counsel put the
question to Schatz yesterday. He
was asked whether Ann Beiswing-
er, executive director of the Michi-
gan school of social sciences be-
tween 1948 and 1950, was an offi-
cial of the Communist party.
Judge Picard gave Schatz until
yesterday to answer. After Schatz
again refused, the judge explain-
ed to the jury:
"In this day and age, we don't
have a rack to make him answer.
Our only remedytis to find him
guilty of contempt."

ID Cards
Students who have lost their
identification cards must secure
new ones before registering for
the spring semester, according
to the Office of Student Affairs.
Duplicate cards will be made
the next two Tuesdays from 8
a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.in
Rm. 1020, Administration Bldg.
Students who have lost or mu-
tilated their cards must pay a
$1.25 fee in the Cashier's office
of the Administration Bldg. and
present this receipt before ap-
plying for a new card.
ID card photography sched-
ule for the week of registration
is as follows:
Feb. 1 and 2; 1 to 4:30 p.m.,
Rm. 25, Angell Hall
Feb. 3-5; 7:45-11:45 a.m. and
1 to 4:30 p.m., Rm. 25, Angell
Feb. 6; 8-10:30 a.m., Water-
man Gymnasium.
Joins Rules'
Republicans agreed yesterday to
put Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) on
the Senate Rules Committee which,
among other duties, passes on al-
lotments of money for investiga-
This means a boost in power for
McCarthy at a time when some
Democrats aim to trim funds for
his investigations subcommittee.
* *-*
THE RULES Committee also
considers disputedmSenate elections
and any challenges of. a senator's
righttoysit in Congress.
If Senate Republicans have
any intentions of trying to tone
down McCarthy, yesterday's ac-
tion doesn't seem to fit into the
The Rules Committee assign-
.ment for McCarthy is in addition
to those he now has, on the Ap-
propriations and Government Op-
erations Committees. The Wiscon-
sin senator is chairman of opera-
tions, the parent committee to the
investigations subcommittee.
McCARTHY goes on rules under
a system worked out by Republi-
can and Democratic Senate leaders
to let the GOP keep control of ma-
jor committees even though the
Democrats outnumber them in the
Senate 48-47.
In addition to McCarthy, the
Senate GOP conference voted ex-
tra committee posts for three oth-
er Republican senators.

Peace Talks
To Resume
Perfidy Charge
Not Withdrawn
SEOUL - (P)-- U.S. and Com-
munist aides today will attempt
to revive the preliminary Korean
peace talks, which blew up in an
explosion of angry words a month
The U.N. Command agreed yes-
terday to a Communist suggestion
that liaison secretaries meet at
Panmunjom. But the Reds said
nothing about taking back a
charge of "perfidy" leveled at the
United States.
The U.N. representative was
instructed to take up the "perf-
idy" matter, but there were in-
dications the U.S. attitude had
softened and a compromise was
possible.When the U.S. envoy,
Arthur Dean, walked out on
the talks Dec. 12 he said he
would not return- until the
charge was withdrawn.
The liaison officers' task is to
try to work out conditions and a
date for resuming the preliminary
talks, which are designed to ar-
range a time and place for a Ko-
rean peace conference.
* * *
IN WASHINGTON, press officer
Henry Duydam of the State De-
partment declined to comment
when asked if among the U.S. con-
ditions would be a retraction of
the perfidy charge.
While the liaison officers as-
semble, the Neutral Nations Re-
patriation Commission will be
meeting to argue a new and pos-
sibly decisive Indian plan for
disposing ofethe explosive pris-
oner problem.
The commission voted down
Sweden's proposal that the 22,-1
000 prisoners who have refused
to go home be released Jan. 23, as
the U.N. Command demands. Only
Switzerland sided with Sweden..
THEN LT. GEN. K. S. Thimay-
ya, India's chairman of the com-
mission, brought up a secret plan.
However it'probably was the same
as, or close to, the Indian plan
disclosed Monday by a high, au-
thoritative source.
Under this plan the 22,000 Chi-
nese and North Koreans in the
anti-Red camp would be turned
back to the U.N. Command. The
350 in the pro-Red camp, inclu-
ing 21 Americans, would be hand-
ed back to the Communists.

Loss of Progress
'Cited by Hatcher
Governor Presents Balanced Books
After Large Cuts In School Budgets
University President Harlan Hatcher said last night that big
cuts in the University's budget recommended by Gov. G. Mennen
Williams would be a "serious block to immediately needed progress."
Gov. Williams' budget recommendations to the Legislature in-
cluded a slash of $1,569,000 in the University's request for current
expenditures, and complete elimination of a new $977,000 request for
"research and service in the utilization of human resources."
w *
GOV. WILLIAMS also asked the legislators for only $2,500,000
for new construction, improvements of existing facilities and advance
planning at the University. The University had requested $14,337,200
for this purpose.
Total cuts of $14,383,200 in the overall University - appro-
priation request helped the Governor present the first balanced
budget to the Legislature in t

-Daily-Don Campbell
HORRIFYING REVELATION-James Sargent, Grad., is shocked
when he observes Conrad Stolzenbach, Grad., making love to his
wife, Frances Reitz, Grad., in "Tartuffe."
Moliere 's .NVo ted .French
Satire To Open Today
Moliere's comedy, "Tartuffe," a play concerning near-deception
by an imposter, will be presented by the speech department at 8
p.m. today, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Presented first in May of 1664 for a festival arranged by King
Louis XIV of France for his court, Moliere's company gave "Tartuffe"
as a part of the entertainment. The festival, given in honor of the
Queen-Mother and the Queen, marked the establishment of French
social supremacy in Europe and the preparedness of Versailles to
accommodate a considerable number of guests.

. recent years.
The Governor's recommenda-
tion was about $1,250,000 higher
than last year's appropriation,
however. The increased University
request for 1954-55 was based on
an expected enrollment of 18,500.
The present budget was based on
a 17,000 enrollment estimate (en-
rollment is actually about 17,500
* * - *
three main reasons why "we'll
have to move a lot faster than,
the $2,500,000 capital appropria-
tion recommended by Gov. Wil-
liams will permit."
1).The University must make
up for the 25 years (from the
late 20's until after World War
II) when there were no capital
outlays at all.
2) The presently growing de-
mands of rising enrollment.
3) Future growth in enrollment
(the rise will be gradual for four
or five years, then the large crop
of "war babies" will hit the col-
* * .*

Funds Asked
By Williams
LANSING -- (P) - Gov. Wil-
liams presented a $28,800,010 in-
stitutional construction an4 re-
pair program to the Legislature
He asked for $14,500,000 from
the general fund, compared to $9,-
200,000 allowed for the current
fiscal year, and $14,300,000 from
the -hospital bond issue fund,
compared to about $7,000,000 vot-
ed for this year.
* * 9
WILLIAMS declared that almost
$11,000,000 of the hospital fund
request was for. institutional con-
struction authorized by pfevious
legislatures. .
Both requests were included
in rough form in his original
budget request, but yesterday's
announcement gave a break-
down of where the money would
Following are the recommenda-
tions for major grants:
* * *
UNIVERSITY of Michigan, $2,-
500,000 outlined in detail in ad-
jacent story.

sized that we must build up facul-
AFTER ITS first showing, however, public performance of "Tar- I ty and facilities now. "We should
tuffe" was forbidden. The guests had found it amusing, but it was lift our sights now to avoid a
judged to be "injurious to religion" through the influence of a secret crisis later."
religious organization known as the Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement. President Hatcher added that
- For five years no free performances he hoped the Legislature will
of "Tartuffe" in a public theater: study thoroughly "the very care-
U' Orchestra I were allowed.fully thought out overall plan"
the University submitted. He


To Give Last

Tucker Stresses Necessity
Of Military Defense Study

Speakinglast night in Rack-
ham Amphitheater at a meeting
commemorating the fifth anniver-
sary of the local Naval Reserve Re-
search Company, Capt. Dundas P.
Tucker of the U.S. Navy stressed
the importance of peacetime mili-
tary research.
"Wars are won," the command-
ing officer of the Office of Naval
Research Branch Office at Chicago

Tucker was instrumental in
organizing the Office of Naval
Research on a nationwide basis
after it was established by Con-
gress in 1946:
Also speaking at the meeting
was Lt. Commander E. S. Church-
ill of Naval Research's Washing-
ton Office who, along with Tucker,
met University officials to discuss
aspects of naval research carried
on under 30 contracts with the

Conducted by Prof. Josef Blatt
of the music school, the University
Symphony Orchestra will present
its last concert of the semester at
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Seven music students will be
featured in the concert, including
student conductor Richard Thurs-
ton, '55.
* * *
OPENING the program, John
Gleason, '54, will play solo. piano
in Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody on
a Theme of Paganini." Catalani's
"Ebben? Ne andro lontano" from
"La Wally" will feature soprano
Joan Rossi, Grad.
Thurston will wield the baton
in the next two numbers, Ken-
nan's "Night Soliloquy" with
flutist Frances W. Brown, Grad.,
and Beethoven's "Concerto No. 4
in G," featuring pianist Helen
Stob, Grad.
The program will be open to
the public free of charge.

The same three acts was pre- noted that the Legislature "has
sented privately before an in- indicated a willingness to look Michigan State College, $2,-
vited audience in September at the facts for itself in fornier 250,000-sl,500,000 for the sec-
1664, and again in November, years. ond installment on a new $4,-
this time under the title of the The Legislature has pared down 000,000 library, $750,000 to start
"Imposteur." But again, addi- the governor's request in the past. a S3 million animal industries
tional performances were for- President Hatcher said he hoped building.
bidden by the First President the Legislators might see their Ferris Institute, $729,700-$672,-
of the Parliament of Paris. way to helping the University 000 for a new heating plant and
The play was first freely er- move forward a little: "We can't $40,000 to plan a $1 million science
ylpyy-pafford to mark time at this mo- building.
formed in the Paris-Royal Thea- ment," he explained. * * *
tre on February 9, 1669. Many * * * SOUTHERN Michigan Prison -
performances were given from THE REQUEST. for a separate $229,500, including $168,000 for an
then on and no host could offer appropriation for "research and outside dining and religious build-
. . . service in the utilization of hu- ing.
a greater enticement to his guests man resources" was included in Williams asked for $1,500,000 to
than to include "Tartuffe". on his the University's budget request start a new 1,200-man medium
program- of entertainment. for the first time this year. Mich- security prison to cost $4,000,000.
igan State College gets a similar He requested $1 million for con-
special appropriation for agricul- structions in the state park sys-
THE PRODUCTION, in English, tural work. tem.
will be directed by Prof. Hugh Z. President Hatcher pointed out * * *
Norton of the speech depart- that the State is now mostly THE HOSPITAL construction
ment. Tickets are $1.20, 90c, 60c urbanized. He added, "We ought requests included:
with a special student rate of 50c to be as much interested in our Coldwater state home-$728,000
for any seat in the house on Jan- human resources as we are in for a general hospital;
uary 13 and 14. All seats are re- developing our agricultural and Ionia State Hospital -- $350,000
served. The play will continue natural resources." for men's building;
performances through Saturday The $977,000 human resource re- Mt. Pleasant State Home-$2,-
night. quest, which Gov. Williams wiped 071,000 for 1b projects;
out entirely, would have provided Northville State Hospital- $4,-
$600,000 for medical research and 321,000 for 450 additional beds;
service $100,000 each for dental, Pontiac State Hasnital-$:384.-

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Unrest Leads To Rochdale Move

and public health research and 000 for laundry building.
service, $125,000 for the Institute _____
of Human Adjustment and $25,- "
000 for nursing research and Austrians Ie
science. A s_ rinsDi

picx ana approvea a site on }
E.Ann St., but Democrats in the No A dditiot
thid wrdhave observed that O
many Negro businesses would
have to be moved or torn down.
Members of the third precinct=
ethis charge in an attempt to get A dim view of the Board of Sup-
members of minority groups to ervisor's plan to build a third storyr
vote for their platform. . addition on the County Jail, was
The Republican platform will be registered yesterday by the state
announced formally Friday by lo- Jail inspector, W. H. Nestle.
eAi RPnoiihin r, a Feeling that it would not be

¢} --

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the last.
in a series of articles tracing theI
history of the co-ops on the Uni-
versity campus.)
Although the Student Socialist
Club established the first coopera-
tive house on campus in 1932, the:
actual Rochdale cooperative move-
ment did not have not formal
i-nfnnti n ,n il 17n nrn~l nrrl

ling snow from the front walk and
doing odd jobs around the house,
Eldon moved into the Reverend's
house, and became the first co-
oper on campus. It was during the
winter 'of 1934.
He cleared the coal supply out
of one room in the basement,
and paid fifty cents a week to
live, thna. At the heinninz of

Quad, and was called the Roch- THE UNIVERSITYalso request-.
dale Cooperative House.TH UNVRIYalorqet
daleCoopratie Hose.ed $21,688,000 for current operat-
IN ORDER TO raise enough ing expenses. Gov. Williams cut
funds to keep the house going, the figure to $20,019,000.z
the boys held parties, and other The $1,569,000 current expense
social functions, inviting some slash would have to come most-
girls liVing across the street. (By ly out of a proposed $860,000 inc
that time students were able to merit increases for faculty mem-t
rent rooms in private homes.) The bers and $820;000 the University
girls became so enamored. with requested to add staff and facili-

In Avalanches
VIENNA, Austria- (P)A-Hund-
reds of avalanches plunging down
the slopes of the Alps left 157 per-
sons dead or missing and trails of
destruction in three nations yes-
Austria bore the brunt of. the
blows,.also felt in Switzerland and



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