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January 10, 1954 - Image 1

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VOL. LXIV, No. 79




Bricker Proposal,

alendar Committee

Subject of Debate To Consult Faculties


Daily-Don Campbell
Wolverine Sextet Tops Spartans, 3-1

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an interpretive article dealing with the pro-
posed Bricker Amendment to the Constitution concerning the treaty-making
powers of the President.)
The controversial.Bricker Amendment to curb treaty-making pow-
ers of the President may be the hottest legislative potato yet handled
by the Eisenhower Administration if it comes before the Senate later
this month. as expected.
At least that's the opinion of newsmen and experts watching
arguments shape up on the touchy issue.
THE ADMINISTRATION has gone qn record as flatly opposed
to the Bricker proposal, supporting instead a compromise measure
introduced 'by Senate Majority Leader Knowland July 22.
Attempts so far to secure the persistant Sen. Bricker's agree-
ment to the Knowland substitute have failed.
Meanwhile the Ohio lawmaker has piled up a roster of 63 other
senators as co-sponsors for his amendment. Sixty-four are needed
for a majority.
THE PRESENT Bricker Amendment is a revised version of Senate:
Joint Resolution 130 and was reported to the Senate bolstered by a
nine to five favorable vote from the judiciary committee June 15.
Administration opposition to the proposed amendment led
to the compromise Knowland Amendment introduced July 22 to
which the President has pledged his unconditional support.
Bricker refused to accept the compromise and before any action
could be taken, Congress adjourned.
BASIC DIFFERENCES of the two proposals are as follows: Two
transfers of present treaty-making powers would result from the
In the first case Congressional control over foreign relations
would be increased at the expense of the Administrative arm of
At present the Constitution entrusts the conduct of foreign
affairs to the Executive.
* * * *
SECONDLY, responsibility for enacting legislation necessary to-!
carry out provisions of a treaty would rest exclusively with the States
on all matters not within the scope of Federal Constitutional power.
The substitute Knowland Amendment provides in essence in
article 2 that all votes for and against a treaty shall be recorded in
the Journal of the Senate.
Article 3 of the same measure provides that appropriate legisla-
tion by Congress will be necessary to make a treaty effective as inter-
nal law only when the Senate so stipulates in its ratification.
The first articles of both amendments are essentially the same.
Provision is specifically made that treaties and executive agreements
be subject to the same Judiciary review for Constitutionality as other
government legislation.

}. Sophomore center Bill MacFar-
land drilled home two classy goals
at the Coliseum last night to spark
Michigan's hockey team to a 3-1
victory over Michigan State, its:
second triumph in as many days
over the Spartans.
The win coupled with Friday
UN'ToF1 iht
If Reds Halt.
PO W Release
SEOUL-(P)-The UN field com-
mander said yesterday his 8th
Army is "waiting now" for the
Jan. 23 release of 22,000 Chinese
and Nepth Kore4as ftm an anPi-
Red prison camp and any Com-
miunist armed { move to intervene
would risk resuming the Korean
All our troops will be alerted
for any contingency," said Gen.
Maxwell D. Taylor.
RED CHINA bitterly opposes the
release and said yesterday in Pei-
ping that the nation's No. 2 Com-
munist assailed it as a "coordinat-
ed armed action on the part of the
United Nations Command." He
made no mention of any Red plan
to'resort to military force in be-
half of former Red soldiers who so
far have not returned to Com-
Gen. Taylor told a Seoul press
conference of detailed plans to
turni over 7,500 North Koreanst
to civilian status in South Korea
where they "presumably will be
given the opportunity of joining c
At. - l -t.±- -"-

On Schedule Change

night's 7-4 decision gives the Wol-
verines 18 straight victories over
Michigan State since 1927 and
adds another point to their total
in the WIIHL standings. The3
now have two points and have
dropped four.
MAC FARLAND, who scorec
three times in the series opener;
gave the turnaway crowd of near-
ly 4,000 fans its biggest thrills last
night with his two blasts past State
goalie Ed Schiller.
. After almost half the game
had passed with no scoring,
the tall center got his first scor-
ing opportunity when he picked
up a pass at center ice from
linemate Doug Philpott and
broke across the blue with two
Spartan defensemen back.
He casually flipped the puck be-
tween the surprised State defend-
ers and raced in to drill the free:
puck into the upper right hand
corner of the net.
* * "
WITH THE score 2-1 late in the
third stanza h notched his other
goal on an almost duplicate play
except that this time he grabbed
the left hand corner with a chest-
high shot. It was his fifth goal of
the series.
Excepting MacFarland's two
efforts the game was ragged,
Balog Faces
Judic Actiont
Jim Balog, '54, varsity tackle
who was given a two day jail sen-
tence for assault and battery Dec.
28 now faces disciplinary action
before the Joint Judiciary Coun-

' I

with the Spartan's choppy close-
checking style throwing the
Wolverine forwards off stride
Despite this Michigan dominiat-
ed play most of the game.-
* * adig10
WITH MICHIGAN leading 1-0,
the Spartans got their first good
chance to score early in the final
period when Yves Hebert and Pat
Cooney were penalized 38 seconds
apart for board-checking and el-
bowing respectively.
For a minute and 20 seconds,
Reuther' Case

Crary Plan
By Stason
Crisler Objections
To Proposal Told
The University Calendar Com-
mittee yesterday voted to consult
"the various faculties and other
interested units of the University"
before making recommendations
for any changes in the present
school year schedule.
The move came as a surprise at
a meeting which was expected
merely to approve the final copy
of the committee's report to the
Dean's Conference.
THE COMMITTEE report would
have recommended that "the
Crary plan (for an earlier school
year) be forwarded to the Deans
for their consideratioi:."
The Crary plan features an
uninterrupted first semester be-
ginning at the end of August
and ending with finals before
Christmas, a one month be-
tween-semester recess at Christ-%
mas, and- a school year ending
in late May.
The decision not to forward the
Crary plan to the Dean's confer-
ence was especially based on
strong objection to the plaii by
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
Law School and the reported op-
position of athletic director Hler-.
bert 0. (Fritz) Crisler, who is out
of town.
* * *
DEAN STASON, whose motion
to poll interested groups on the
calendar change was finally adopt.
ed by the committee, also argued
that to send a report to the Dean's
Conference without recommend-
ing some particular plan would be
"passing the buck."
Committee Chairman Assist-
ant tq the President Erich A.
Walter said yesterday's vote will
probably mean another semes-
ter of gathering information be-
fore the Committee will be
ready to vote on any proposal
,or calendar ,evision.

-Daily-Don Campbell
TARTUFFE-Costumes reflecting the opulence and splendor of
the light-hearted court of Louis XIV at Versailles are fitted by
Shirley Pengilly, '54, to Diane Holbrook, '54. They will appear in
the play "Tartuffe" opening Wednesday in Lydia Mendelssohn

* ~~ ~~ a a eitt~ttf s' "
T so1sTHE BRICKER proposal is seen as principally aimed at supposed
How He Liedtreaty-making powers of the United Nations. Bricker contends that
How UN-originated measures such as the Genocide Convention would, if In L ocal C it
. DETROIT - ) - Detroit and ratified by the United States, equate the rights of American citizens1
Canadian authorities yesterday with those of the most backward countries.
were locked in a grim race with Opponents point out a number of things to counter this begin- Ann Ardpor City Council Presi-
the Detroit underworld to find Don fing with the fact that the UN has no power expressed in its dent George W. Sallade yesterday
Ritchie, a 33-year-old French Ca- charter allowg it to conclude treaties. Imade known his 'suggestions for'
nadian, the fleet-footed "key wit- a the revision of the local city char-I
ness to he sluti n ofthe 948 It serves as a drafting agency for mnternational agreements!tr
nessnto atemoti o te 94which may then be ratified by member nations in agreement with IEe
"assassination attempt on Walter f~~~.. Ini a prepared statement to be
Reuther, CIO President. each other if they so desire. ,' made before members of the Char-
Ritchie eluded three police IT IS ALSO pointed onill ter Commission at a meeting Tues-
guards at a downtown Detroit T Ad ontion thelminiatin th 'bogentan" day, Sallade emphasized the need
hotel Friday and fled into hiding never ratify the Genocide Convention elmiatig the gfor elected city officials to be sup-
in Canada. Bricker sees in that measure. preme and appointed administra-,
* * * Most important objection leveled at the proposed Bricker tive officials to be kept subordi-
P R O S E C U T O R Gerald K. Amendment is that it would hamstring the conduct of American nate.
O'Brieh, admittedly afraid the un- Foreign relations.
derworld would catch up with Congress would be forced to concern itself with an enormous
Ritchie first, was reluctant to amount of trivial detail presently handled by executive agreement. Local Disease
identify the Canadian as his "key With 63 supporting senators Bricker needs only one more to gain
witness." a two-thirds majority in the upper house. Supporters of the move,
r Ken McCormick,Detroit Free have themselves admitted, however, that if the Administration puts iDecline Noted
Press Police reporter, in a copy- up a strong fight against it, chances of its passing are doubtful.
righted story, said a man claim- The Washtenaw County Health
ing to be Ritchie called him yes- Department, in its final report, has
terday and said his entire story A m endm ent announced a decline in most com-e
Ritchie, in a previous statement I The one exception in the report
to police, said he was in the car I was an alarming rise in cases ofj
that carried the gangsters the Snot hv G O P L ad3Jr3i7 f in o ti_ Fioyi+'r

y Charter
THE PRESENT system is one of
"confusion and divided authority"
he observed. To reduce the cur-
rent problems, Sallade is suggest-
ing to the Commission that boards
and commissions operating in the
city government be standardized
more closely in size, term of office,
appointment and removal.
The role of board and com-
mission members should be ad-
visory in Sallade's opinion. This
would "continue citizen partici-
pation in municipal affairs" he
pointed out.
An important and necessary step


theRepublic of 'Korea army." Balog pleaded guilty to a charge
He also told of plans to ship he slugged Guy Foster, '57, break-
the 14,500 Chinese to Formosa ing Foster's jaw.
-stronghold of Chiang Kai- Joint . Judiciary chairman Lee

shek, arch foe of Red China.wh Fiber, '54, had "no comment" yes- night of Reuther's attempted as-
He said any of the 22,000 who terday on when Balog's case would sassination.
do not wish release presumably be heard by judic. McCormick's story tells that
will stay on in the neutral zone She added that "we won't single during the phone call Ritchie said:
compound. out an individual and put his case "They got nothing on me. I was
-'before the public, regardless of in jail at the time of that shoot-
IN PEIPING, Premier-Foreign how well known the person is." ing and I can prove it."
Minister Chou En-lai, who is the
right hand man of Red China's No.
1 Communist, Mao Tse-tung, is-;
sued a statement calling the plan nderson Performance
"forcible retention."
£Chou's lengthy review of the"
case called for: Will Feature.Spirituals
i. Resumption immediately
of "come home" interviews with -
the prisoners. Marian Anderson will give her
2. Renewal of talks to set up a ninth local concert since 1937 at Johnson's arrangements of "Done
Korean peace conference and to 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Foun My Los Sheep" and 'Hon-
keep the prisoners in custody until Miss Anderson, termed the or. Honor," McFeeters' arrange-
it can pass on their fate. "high priestess of song" by the ment of "Glory in'a Mali Soul"'
3. UN General Assembly con- New York Times, is opening her and H. Forrest-s arrangement of
sideration of the Korean question season's concert tour today. Re-
with Red China and North Korea cently, she returned from a ,con-
represented. cert tour of South and Central
4. Convening of a Big Five pow- America, after finishing a tour of
er conference-Red China, Rus- Japan and Korea, where she en- -.
sia, the United States, Britain and tertained United Nations troops.
France-to settle "certain press-
ing international problems in FOR HER first group of songs
A__-_ ~ in tnranv~~' n ri th nv+, tf

K-/ 7 P yjIq~ a/ lwn.DJ - J


WASHINGTON - (2P) - Re- House Democratic Leader Ray-
publican Senate leaders were re- burn of Texas recently said the
ported yesterday to 1have told Democrats would back Presidential
President Eisenhower that failure
to reach a compromise on the proposals they believed were In the
interest of the country. But Ray-
touchy Bricker Amendment might burn added that the Democrat's
jeopardize his 1954 legislative pro- "are getting a little sore" from Re-
gram. publican attacks on the Commu-
However, it was understood the iist-in-government issue.
President gave no com m itm ent - --t-w-ehe aOU-
Justice Departments to go alongi COOP HOUSING
with a compromise acceptable to
Sen. John Bricker (R-Ohio), I
* * * History of
THE SENATE Republican Pol-o
icy Committee gave Majority Lead-
erWilliam Knowland t-Calif) r
er W i Kd -l iEDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
! authority to bring up the amend- in a series of articles tracing the his-
ment next week as the first major tory of the cooperative movement
business of the session, even which led to the formation of the
though it is not on the President's University cooperative housing sys-
program and the Administrationt
has fought it. By DAVID KAPLAN
Sen. Knowland predicted how- Co-operative housing in the na-;
ever, that Congress will approve tion and on the college campus
a "substantial portion" of Presi- had its beginning in a minister's
dent Eisenhower's legislative pro- basement at 335 E. Ann in 1932,f
gram if the Democrats give ex- with room and board set at the
pected help. rate of $2 per week.
He said in an interview that he .
believes Eisenhower made it "very The history of the co-operative
clear" in his State of the Union movement dates back to 1843, and
message that he wants Democrat- the city of Rochdale, England. The
ic cooperation on domestic as well weavers of that city had lost a
as foreign problems. strike, and found t h e m s e 1v e s
T nowlanrd tolei renorters "T out of jobs. Few of them could

occurred in the county last year
in comparison with only eight for
Other statistics which showed
a healthy decline from the pre-
vious year were:
Measles, from 1,441 to 262 in
1953; chickenpox, 491 to 348;
mumps, 411. to 160; scarlet fever,
103 to 47; tuberculosis, 77 to 57;
polio,, 72 to 59; and typhoid, 2 to 0.

Cooperatives Traced

"plain waste of time" involved
in a four wee~k break between
semesters and because, he said,
many law students use the
Christmas vacation to review
their work before finals.
Acting Dean of Students Wal-
ter B.Rea reported Crisler op-

in revising city government Wrould
be the establishment of a salaried. But the committee will make, a
administration position of assist- ISep~arate, earlier ' recommendation
ant mayor, Sallade suggested. De- to the Dean's Conference on what
partment heads would then be re- to do about this spring's final
sponsible to this official, accord- exam schedule, Walter added.
ing to tie Council president's He also pointed out that the
plan. University would have to wait at
* * * least two years after final approv-
OTHER recommendations to be al of any general calendar-change
made to the Commission in an plan before putting the plan into
attempt to improve the efficiency aneffect.
and progress of local government * * *
by Sallade include: HE SAID the committee would
1) Creation of a sepaate finance meet again soon to decide how to
department. poll various groups and to prepare
2) Setting up of a merit system its recommendation to the -Dean's
for all employees. Conference on the thorny final
Sallade also recommended a re- exam question.
districting or reapportioning of
the city wards to fit growth Dean Stasou was opposed to
changes in the area. the Crary plan because of the .

store. By 1944, when the Society. the central and eastern states, posed the plan because Crier said
celebrated its centennial jubilee, and in 1916, the Government es- it would virtually mean the end
its membership was well over tablished the C o o p e r a t i v e of conference participation in golf,
30,000 and sales had exceeded League. tennis and baseball
the $3,000,000 mark. The League was created to as- CRISLER pointed out that con-
The movement begun . by the sist old societies in properly car- ference schedules are geared to the
Rochdale Pioneers is found in rying on their business and educ school year ending in June. The
practically every country in the tional affairs, to help new ones Craryl with finals beginning
world. In 1892 the International get properly organized, to spreadp in the md le of May, would make
Cooperative Alliance was formed, the knowledge of the Cooperative conference play after the first
and by 1952 represented 100,000,- movement throughout the nation, week in May impossible Crider
000 families. - and to give a sense of unity and felt
The first effort to introduce the common purpose to the coopera- Fve student members have been
Rochdale idea on a large scale in tives of the country. meeting with the calendar coin
our country was made by the * * *. mittee this year.
Grange, the oldest of our national FROM the small grocery store Dean Stason explained that he
farm organizations, in 1868. Low on "Toad Lane," the Rochdale intended, by saying "all who ae
farm prices, as a result of the post weavers have given the world a interetd, to ing students,
re,,41 1X7.-~, . rn-, 4 I r l ~nfi w,-a'-i~ winterested, to incude students,

Prof. Emeritus
Baily Dies Here
Prof. Eme.*itus Benjamin F.
Bailey died Friday night at the
Ann Arbor Convalescent Home,

i today s program the contralto
will sing Bach's "All' is Fulfilled,"
My Hart Ever Faithful," "Come
Sweet Death" and "Prepare Thy-
self, Zion."
The concert will continue with
Schubert's "Der Wanderer, Er-
starrung, Nacht and Traume"
and "Der Erlkonig." Concluding .

3 '

.. l

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