PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY it. . . JAN L, AWE 9, 1,954 The Eisenhower Mission --II By WALTER LIPPMANN IN A PRECEDING article I ventured to say that President Eisenhower's hold upon the people depends upon his being true to his own character in the historic role for which he has been cast-that of the restorer of peace and order after an age of violence and faction. In this historic role the first condition of his succeeding is that he should restore order and peace inside the United States. The power of the United States is so great, and its influence can be so vast, that the inter- nal order and peace of the United States are of crucial importance to the whole world. By 1952, so it seemed and so it still seems, this country had developed the beginnings of grave internal disorder. Though the people at large were fabu- lously well off, though the ordinary signs of disorder, such as strikes, unemployment, bankruptcies, were at an almost utopian minimum, our people were not happy. On the contrary the general mood of the peo- ple was one of frustration and' anxiety. I do not believe that this mood can be explained by the fear of a great war, hydro- gen bombs and all, or byany objective, ex- ternal and real danger. We have been suf- fering from a failure of nerve. That is not due to our being a timid people and one that scares easily. It has been due, I believe, to an accumulating doubt as to whether the government is in control of itself, whether it is capable in these difficult and dangerous times of making the hard decisions which only a government that is in control of it- self can make. There is nothing so nerve-racking and so productive of panic as the feeling that * the center of authority there is no authority. This is the disorder of France today, and in a less aggravated form, within our far great- er margins of safety, this is our disorder. The reasons why this disorder has develop- ed must surely implicate us all, both parties and all factions. We can leave it to the historians to determine and to judge them. But in the years after the war the auth- ority of the government of the United States, and the constitutional order of pow- ers within the government, had been shaken and dislocated by the convulsions and the wars which began in 1914. In the Truman administration ,through no particular fault of Mr. Truman's unless it be that he was not a great enough man for such difficult times, the government's constitutional control became gravely im- paired. It became unable to govern effec- tively the growing military establishment, to limit and manage our expanding diplo- matic commitments, and to exercise ade- quate authority over the internal security of the United States and the administra. tion of justice. To put it bluntly, but I believe truly, the Truman administration lost control in the constitutional and meaningful sense of that world over the war-making powers of the United States. It lost control over the size and the character of the military establish- ment, over the high strategic planning in which statesmen, not soldiers, must have the last word, and over the theater com- manders abroad. The visible consequences of all this were, for one thing, a gigantic military expansion which became all the more gigantic be- cause it was regulated not by a lucid stra- tegic policy but by the pressure of the mili- tary bureaucracies of the three services. An- other consequence of the loss of control over the military power were the irreparable po- litical errors of the Korean campaign, par- ticularly the failure to halt at the 38th par- allel, or at least at the waist of Korea, before the Chinese intervened. It Is Eisenhower's appointed task, as a soldier turned civilian, to restore the Amer- ican constitutional order in military af- airs. Though it is perhaps too early to reach a conclusion, he is, I venture to think, well on the way to doing just that. It is quite a long time now, if one stops to think about it, since any general or ad- miral declared war in one of his own press conferences or issued a private communi- que on how to conduct the foreign policy of the United States. The Truman administration had also lost control over the great decisions of policy in foreign affairs. This was particularly evi- dent in the Far East where American policy in relation to Korea, to Formosa, to Red China and to Japan, had become a dead- lock of contradictions. The Administration was too weak in public esteem and too vul- nerable to its opponents in Congress to make its own decisions. It was unable also to es- tablish and to defend the integrity of the Foreign Service. At the height of American power and responsibility in the world, in the critical phase and climax of the cold war, our diplomacy was wracked by a profound disorder within the country. It is Eisenhower's mission to restore the constitutional prerogatives of his office in the field of foreign affairs, and with that to re-establish the credit and confidence of our diplomacy. Tea Time at SL A TALKATHON like any marathon is apt to leave one feeling a little weak and somewhat dizzy. Take the fad for such terp- sichorean tests of endurance back in the twenties. Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon and his version of the extended filibuster has nothing on the Student Legislature, who in three indecisive sessions have talked around, about, on, for, against, whereas the Crary Plan. They have proved that Legislative endurance tests come complete with that tired, numb feeling. Though the campus solons hashed and re- hashed every possible implication of a Uni- versity calendaring plan with and without dead periods, meaningful commencements and extended Christmas vacations, they were numb to the one obvious implication of the proposal finally passed, 28 to lour. Janet Netzer's motion endorses a return to the calendar of 1951-52 including dead periods before examinations in both fall and spring. Inadvertently it also proposes a re- turn to a one-day Thanksgiving holiday. When one has his nose pressed against the canvas of a ten-foot painting, it's difficult to see the whole picture. The Thanksgiving incident was quick- ly cleared up by the SL cabinet action yes- terday. The big problem-the Crary Plan itself- has been hanging around undiscussed by SL for over two months. It was the Legis- lators who appointed the five student mem- bers of the final exam study committee, and their representative, Ruth Rossner, kept them up to date on the group's progress. The study committee has stressed President Hat- cher's insistence on a "meaningful" gradu- ation, she told them, emphasizing the use- lessness of endorsing any plan which would be incompatible with the president's edict. "Ah," said SL, "Time for you and time for me and time yet for a -hundred indecisions and for a hundred visions and revisions be- fore the taking of a toast and tea." ...When tea time came around, however,. "no one was well enough informed to draft an SL stand on the question. After 20 minutes of a special session just before Christmas vacation, it appeared each member had his own individual calendar plan so the discussion was postponed till the next regular session. There, ignoring President Hatcher's edict, they skirted the problem-finding a plan in which dead periods and 'meaningful commencement" would be co-partners-and came up with an ineffectual substitute. If SL is choosing to ignore the conditions the Exam Committee worked under and is opposing the President's calander require- ment, then they should have stated so clear- ly in their proposal and done it a long time a g o . -G --Becky Conrad and Gayle Greene "Thtre Must Be Something I Can Do About This" Bes H -S . : f E ~ p DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON A REGENT'S VIEWS: Communism on the Campus (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following talk was given by Regent Alfred B. Connable as an in- troduction to a panel discussion of "Communism on the Campus" which was held at a Dec. 3 meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities. The organization met at Gainesville, Fla.) By REGENT ALFRED B. CONNABLE THE SUBJECT assigned to me is "Com- munism on The Campus and What To Do About It." What are we asking? Are we asking: "Are there Communist. teachers?" Are there Communist students? Are there Communist administrators?" It seems to me attempting to answer this question is not the point because do any one of us really know? It is my belief there are surprisingly few. However for purposes of discussion today, let's assume that there is this state of sick- ness, regardless of degree, for the danger of one Communist operating anywhere is a matter of grave concern. The plain truth is that for the first time since our nation was organized, we are di- rectly in danger. The oceans will not give us the protection we have had throughout our history. In our midst there are Ameri- can citizens, in no way marked off by ap- pearance or dialect from other Americans, who would serve our enemies now or in war. If the Russians decide to attack us, we are growing more and more sure that they will lose-in the end. But in the meantime, they could kill millions of peo- ple and turn our great cities into radio- active wastes. It is no wonder that many of our people are afraid. They have good reason to be deeply concerned, and vigi- lant, and aroused. And now, against this background of danger and anxiety, it seems hardly conceivable that once Univer- sity presidents and professors were fired for the stand they took on such an issue as Free Silver-and yet they were. Today we must be more than ever clear as to the values we defend and promote. The freedom of opinion that we treasure so greatly includes freedom of inquiry-freedom to teach and freedom to learn, freedom to question, to disagree, to challenge. It is in our great institutions of education, starting in the beginning grades and continuing on through our colleges and universites, that the habits of thought must be learned and the practice acquired that can enable our people to live and work together in a free and open society. And it is our institutions of educa- tion that would be the first to be seized and controlled by those who would impose con- formity on our people and dictate their opinions. In these puzzling times we trustees in edu- cation have a very special and urgent re- sponsibility. We must ensure that the great resources of skill and experience within our educational system are made freely avail- able where they are needed for our national defense; we must assist in those measures that will promote our internal seurity; yet it is our special duty to ensure that freedom of opinion and freedom of inquiry are not destroyed in our effort to save them. It is our duty to ensure that innocent persons are not punished, that fair procedures are employed, and that emotions of fear or anx- iety shall not fix limits for the illimitable human mind. First and fundamentally public education is state business. We are all state officers. I believe in particular that the Federal Gov- ernment has no business defining the sub- ject matter that shall be taught, the stu- dents who shall be taught, or the teachers who shall do the teaching in our colleges and universities. I believe this equally whether it is some office or bureau that gives out the order or some Senator or Congressman or some Congressional committee. What is wrong with such orders is not the means by ......l.+L n. .... n. .... .+fL Li---. ~n for us Regents and Trustees responsible for higher education in America.' For example, I believe there is no more loyal group of citizens in America than our professors. If we accept this assumption then what should be our attitude toward Congressional Investigating Committees? The answer to that seems obvious: they are legally constituted and we should co- operate. I would like to tell you what we are doing at the University of Michigan. All of you are meeting this problem. Most of you have formed answers. I cite our plan because it is the one with which I am most familiar. You may be interested in the steps lead- ing up to the plan which has been enforced by our faculty and administrators: In Jan- uary, we read in the paper that The House Un-American Activities Committee had named Michigan as one of the schools on its list for investigation. From the beginning all of us wanted to avoid rifts in our Univer- sity family over this explosive subject. Recog- nizing divided counsel within an institution could cause general confusion of the issues in the minds of the public we took these steps: First our President Hatcher promptly wired an expression of cooperation to the committee chairman, Representative Velde. Next the faculty through its University Senate recommended that a joint committee be established for the purpose of recom- mending procedures to be followed in case a member of the faculty should have his right to his University position questioned as a result of governmental investigation. This committee consisted of four members of the faculty of their own choosing and three ad- ministrative members appointed by the pres- ident. Meeting throughout the summer this committee worked out a change in dis- missal procedure which was unanimously accepted by the University Senate and last month was approved by the Regents. The change applies only "in exceptional cases of emergency character which threaten direct and immediate injury to the public reputation or the essential functions of the University." Briefly the terms of the new procedure are: 1. The President of the University now has the authority to begin action for the dis- missal or demotion of a faculty member (Or- dinarily, the initial move must originate with the dean, director, or executive committee of one of the University's fifteen schools or colleges.) 2. A faculty member who has been recommended for dismissal or demotion has five days in which to ask for a hear- ing (In ordinary cases, he has at least twenty days.) 3. The President is now authorized to di- rect that one hearing be held either before the Senate Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs or a special committee of five Senate members (In regular cases, two hear- ings at faculty level are permitted.) These changes are aimed at retaining the safeguards of the old system of dismissal, while providing a safety valve for emergency cases with the streamlined system. The fac- ulty was concerned according to some ob- servers, that the old procedure might prove too cumbersome in the event pressure of an excited public were brought to bear, and they feared this public pressure might force the Regents to bypass the regular procedures entirely. During the meeting at which the change W ASHINGTON-A lot of people have been asking me if it was trueT that I had a visit with Harry Truman in Kansas City the other day, and if so, what he said to me and I said to him. The answer onr point 1 is in the affirmative. The answer on point 2 is that we had an extremely pleasant talk. If anyone was looking for fireworks I'm afraid they'll be disappointed.c I went out to Kansas City to interview Mr. Truman for a tele- vision program opening this week in which I wanted to ask him about his record for combating Communism and the famous remark about "Red herrings."t Since the interview, most people have seemed more interested in the personal side of the visit, doubtless remembering some differences of opinion we once had over Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan, of whom I was critical and to whom Mr. Truman was loyal. That came up onlyt in a very indirect manner.t Mr. Truman has a rather modest office in the Federal Re- serve Bank at which he arrives just as early as he did at his deskt in the White House. Though now 69 years old, he looked in thee pink of condition, younger and more rested than he did as Presi-; dent. When I told him so, he replied: "I feel better than I de- serve."f Around his office were shelves lined chiefly with history books.f "I've always read a lot of history," he said. "And now I'm trying tot write some myself." ' GY WRITING HISTORYE N HIS DESK was a huge stack of mail, and when I remarked onf it, he said: "I get about 1,000 letters a day and do my best to getF it answered. A lot of it has to be answered personally. But my job is getting this book written. I try to finish about 10,000 words a day." "As one who makes his living writing," I observed, "that's quite a chore." "It's only in rough form so far," Mr. Truman explained. "My research staff comes in and I dictate from memory my recollec- tion of events. Then they check my memory back against dates and the written record. We've already finished about one volume.r "Sometimes," mused Mr. Truman, "I wish I hadn't undertaken1 these doggone memoirs. By the time I finish paying taxes I won't have any profit from them. But I wanted to do this- for history. I went through some important and tumultuous years and I think it's my duty to record them. "This country has given me a lot, and one thing I want to dot when I finish these memoirs is to go out and lecture at colleges about the duties and obligations of citizenship. I want to talk to the young-I sters, not the older people, and tell them what a great country this is and the obligation they have to keep it that way." Mr. Truman talked of many things, much of it off the record. "Whenever you wrote anything mean," he said, "Roy Roberts would play it up in the Kansas City Star. Whenever you wrote any- thing nice about me, he would omit your column altogether. It gave me and others a lopsided opinion of what you were writing. "That's the trouble with the newspapers today. They only want' to print one side of the story. Roy Roberts blames me for indicting him, but the fact is I didn't know about it until well after the Jus-s tice Department had begun the case." The ex-President made no criticism of President Eisenhower, though he did talk about some of the big problems facing him. "I've been very careful in what I said about my successor" he explained, "but the bigest problem facing any president is to sell the American people on a policy. They have to be led for- ward. It's not a matter of keeping your ear to the ground to find out what the American people are saying and then trying to please them. "You can hear one opinion on Grand Street and another opinion1 a few blocks away on Baltimore Street. And the President of the United States has to mold that opinion and lead it forward. That's the biggest challenge every President faces, and one which he can- not escape." THE OTHER EX-PRESIDENT THE CONVERSATION drifted round to our only other living ex- President, Herbert Hoover, and the fact that he was long ignored after he left the White House. "I was always glad," said Mr. Truman, "that I helped bring Mr. Hoover back into the public eye. I thought it was a shame the way they treated him. You may remember that I appointed him head of a commission to study Europe's food needs, and later appointed him and Dean Acheson as joint heads of a commis- sion to study the reorganization of the government. They did a fine job and I was able to get most oftheir recommendations ap- proved by Congress." I recalled to Mr. Truman that Mr. Hoover had once made an off- the-record speech at the Gridiron Club in high praise of Truman. The other ex-President said he remembered it and added: "At the Republican convention in 1948, the Republicans asked Hoover to make the keynote speech and wanted him to smear me. When he refused, they got another speaker. Mr. Hoover told me about it himself." REMEMBERS DP COLUMN MR. TRUMAN had some interesting things to say about the 1944 Convention which nominated him as Vice-President and the fact that he didn't want the nomination. "Nobody will believe me when I say that," he said, "but I was completely surprised. I tried to argue with those fellows at Chicago that I didn't want to be Vice-President. I told them: 'Look at all the (Continued from Page 2) rary and June, concerning positions in Sales. Sutherland Paper Co., in Kalamazoo, sfich., will be here on Jan, 12 to in- terview June Bus. Ad. and LS&A grad- uates for the company's Sales Training Program. Wednesday: Kroger Co.. Detroit, will have a rep- resentative at the Bureau on Jan. 13 to talk with February graduates, Bus. Ad. and LS&A, about the company's management training programs in mer- chandising, personnel, transportation, accounting, real estate, and warehous- ing. Students wishing to schedule appoint- ments with any of the companies list- ed above should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. PERSONNEL REQUESTS. The Tecumseh Herald, in Tecumseh, Mich., is looking for a young man to serve as the newspaper's Editor and Ad Manager. Recent graduates with weekly experience or February grad-I uates with summer experience are el- gible to apply. The Upjohn Co., of Kalamazoo, Mich., Is interested in contacting Agronomy or Entomology majors concerning a Chemical Sales position in the Mid- west. The job would involve selling a new antibiotic fungicide material to cherry tree growers, in addition to do- ing research laboratory work during the winter months. The Institute of Gas Technology, af- filiated with the Illinois Institute of Technology, is offering Fellowships for the coming academic year toprospec- tive M.S. candidates in Chemical or Mechanical Engineering. Complete an- nouncements and application blanks are available at the bureau of Appoint- ments. The Skyline Inn, Mt. Pocono, Penn.. will have the position of Social Direc- tor open in February. It is a year-round position for which either a young man or young woman will be considered. The Continental Casualty Co., in Chicago, Ill., is interested in contact- ing February and June graduates, LS&A and Bus. Ad., for various training pro- grams in the casualty insurance field. The Michigan Children's AidSociety, in Pontiac, Mich., has a vacancy on its staff for a Social Worker. February graduates are eligible to apply. Hall Brothers, Inc., manufacturers of! Hallmark Cards, need two men to work in Detroit as regular Sales Representa- tives; they are also looking for two assistant sales representatives for De- troit. United Chromium, Inc., Detroit have available opportunities for physical and inorganic electrochemists (with or without graduate training) interested in research,eprocessadevelopment, tech- nical service, or sales positions in the field of electrodeposition of metals. Chemistry and engineering graduates are eligible to apply for these posi- tions; Bus. Ad. graduates who have good technical backgrounds may apply for the sales openings. For further information about these and other employment opportunities, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. ectures The Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics at the U, of M. will be given this year by Prof. A. M. Gleason of Harvard Uni- versity. The lectures are scheduled for Mon., Wed., and Fri. at 4 p.m, 3011 Angell Hall, for the two weeks begin- ning Jan. 4. The title for the series is "Locally Compact Groups and the Co- ordinate Problem." University Lecture, auspices of the English Department. Professor Kemp Malone, The Johns Hopkins University, will speak on "Old English Poetry," Mon., Jan. 11, at 4:15 in the Rackham Ampitheater. Academic Notices Seminar of the Department of Bio- logical Chemistry. Dr. A. G. Norman, Professor of Botany and Research Bio- chemist, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project No. 32, will be the guest speaker at the seminar of the Department of Biological Chemistry, to be held in 319 W. Medical Building at 4 p.m., Fri., Jan. 8. His topic will be "Some Applications of .iological Chemistry to Agricultural Research." Doctoral Examination for John Joseph Gumperz, Germanic Languages and Lit- eratures; thesis: "The Swabian Dialect of Washtenaw County, Michigan," Fri., Jan. 8, 102-D Tappan Hall, at 1 p.m. Chairman, Herbert Penz. Doctoral Examination for Robert Les- lie Hunter, Zoology; thesis: "Quanti- tative Measurements of Aliesterase in the Early Development of Frog and Mouse," Fri., Jan. 8, 2089 Natural Science Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, N. E. Kemp. Doctoral Examination for Joseph An- thony Consiglio, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "The Effect of Operating Var- iables on Sprays Produced by a Pres- sure-Type Nozzle," Fri., Jan. 8, 3201 East Engineering Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, C. M. Sliepeevich. Doctoral Examination forJohn Drew O'Neill, English Language and Litera- ture; thesis: "The Comedy of St. John Hankin," Fri., Jan. 8, 1954, 626 Haven Hall at 3 p.m. Chairman Paul Mueschke. Doctoral Examination for Kooman Boycheff, Education; thesis: "Intercol- legiate Athletics and Physical Educa- tion at the U~niversity of Chicago, 1892- 1952," Fri., Jan. 8 4024 University High School, at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. Eggert- sen. Doctoral Examination for James Vo- lant Baker, English Language and Lit- erature; thesis: "The Subterranean Fountain : The Role of the Uncons- cious in Coleridge's Theory of Imagi- nation," Sat., Jan. 9, East Council Rom, Rackham Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chair- man, C. D. Thrope. Concerts University Symphony Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, and the Michi- gan Singers, Maynard Klein, Conductor, fessor Revelli and the University Sym- phony Band. The Band will close the program with Symphony for Brass and Percussion by Reed, Grape Festival from "Italian Sketches" andMichigan Rhap- sody, arranged by Werle. Student Recital. Delores Gimbosa Turner, violinist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Monday evening, Jan. 11, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. It will in- clude works by Vivaldi Brahms, and Glazounow, and will be open to the general public. Mrs. Turner is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. Events Today Psychology Club. There will be a gen- eral meeting and discussion of activi- ties for next semester today at 3:15 in 2429 Mason Hall. All members and those interested are urged to attend. Play Production, Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office, Is still accepting mail orders this week for the Department of Speech production of Moliere's comedy, TAR- TUFFE; OR, THE IMPOSTOR, which will be presented in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, Jan. 13, 14, 15, and 16. Tickets are $1.20-90c-60 with a spec- ial student rate of any seat in the house in effect for the Wednesday and Thursday performances. Please enclose a self-stamped addressed envelope. 2nd Laboratory Bill of Plays will be, presented by the Department of Speech in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre to- night at 8 p.m. Included on the bill are G. B. Shaw's satiric-comedy, PRESS CUTTINGS; Noel Coward's hilarious, WAYS AND MEANS, from the famous "Tonight at 8:30 series; and William Butler Yeats' poetic dance-drama, DEIRDRE. There is no admission charge, and the seats are not reserved. The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will open at 7:30 tonight. Junior Girls Play Tryouts. Singing and speaking tryouts-Fri., Jan. 8- from 2 to 5 p.m. Dancing tryouts-Fri., Jan. 8, from 2 to 5 p.m. Room numbers will be posted at the League, where all tryouts will be held. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. this evening at Canterbury House. Professor Palmer Throop will speak on "The Rise and Decline of the Crusading Ideal." Episcopal Student Foundation. Te from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House. All students invited. Newman Club will sponsor an te- skating party tonight. All those in. terested are to meet at the Father Richard Center at 8 o'clock. Dancing and refreshments will follow from 10- 12 at the Center, Everyone is invited to attend. Weekly Coffee Hour at Lane Hal, 4:30 to 6:00 .p.m. Everyone is welcome. Roger Williams Guild. Games Party at the Guild House this evening at 8 o'clock. Bridge, chess, checkers, ca- nasta, and others. Hillel: 6 p.m.-Kosher Dinner. 7:30 pan.-Evening Services The Congregational-Disciples Guild. The Graduate-Professional Group will meet at the Guild House this evening at 8 p.m. American Chemical Society Lecture. Meeting today, 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chem- istry Building. Prof. Richard Kars of the University of Frankfurt (Germany) will speak on "Planning in the Chemi- cal Industry." Coiing Events The English Journal Club will meet Mon., Jan. 11, at 8 p.m., in Room 3G Michigan Union. Kemp Malone, Pro- fessor of English at Johns Hopkins University, and co-editor of a Literary History of England, will speak. All grad- uate students and faculty members of the EnglishDepartment are Invited to attend. Square Dance. All students and fac- ulty welcome. No admission charge. Sponsored by SRA. Lane Hall, Satur- day evening, 8 to 12 p.m. I { Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter,.................City Editor virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker.......... Associate Editor Helene Simon............Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg. ... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean lIankin....Assoc. Business.,Mgr. William Seiden........Finance Manager James Sharp......Circulation Manager Telephone NO 2 3-24-1 I r7