I1 PAGE S!X THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1954 ICC To Open Cooperative To Couples Recogpizing that marriage is an established institution, the Inter- co-operative Council is opening the first co-op here for married couples. The Council purchased the building at 803 E. Kinsley for $16,000 in December, and the apartments will be ready for oc- cupancy in late January. Six fam- ilies can be accommodated in the Kinsley house, but the waiting list already includes eight. AN INTERNATIONAL outlook will be added to the house by sev- eral families. Mr. and Mrs. Con- rade Hinds and their three child- ren are from Panama. Others on the waiting list include Mr. and Mrs. John Eluihleze and their daughter who come from Nigeria, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yakir from Israel. The co-op for married couples will operate in the same way as other houses within ICC. The house rent will be $210 per month, and the families them- selves will decide the individual rent. Money for repairs will be al- lotted to Kinksley House from. Council funds. The resourtes of the Inter-co- operative Purchasing Fund, which purchases food supplies wholesale, are also open to the married ten- ants. Kingsley House is a three-floor building, with two four-room - aparments on the first floor and two two-room apartments on both the second and third floors. Op- 'erating as a unit, the couples will divide kitchen duties as well as rent. The house will send two representatives to ICC. Lead Figures To Determine Ike s Success (Continued from Page 1) eral members of the Republican Party. In the House, Chairman Dan- iel A. Reed (R-N.Y.) of the Ways and Means Committee plans to attempt cuts to five bil- lion dollars in taxes. Although Rep. Reed was reportedly "smil- ing" after a recent conference with the President, he will face four alternatives in his announc- ed policy: He can abandon his hopes for further large tax cuts, work to- ward budget cuts of the same amount, attempt raising the pres- ent debt ceiling of 75 billion dol- lars or face a fight with the Ad- ministration similar to the one waged last year over extension of " the excess profits tax. Other key legislation which will probably be handled by Rep. Reed's powerful Ways and Means Committee includes plans to ex- pand social security, reduce tariffs and revise United States trade pol- icies. ONE REPRESENTATIVE that is "absolutely sure," according to reports, that billions of dollars can be cut from the new budget is Rep. John Taber (R-N.Y.). Chairman of the House Appropriations Com- mittee, Rep. Taber has annually led fights for major reductions in government spending during his 32 years of consecutive officehold- ing. A Senate ally of Rep. Taber's in the fight for cuts in spending is Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.). The Virginian, who votes Re- publican about 75 per cent of the time,,favors keeping the present debt ceiling, but might reluc- tantly vote for a 5 billion dollar raise in the ceiling if it is proven absolutely essential. Sen. Byrd is one of few Demo- crats to hold Congressional office in the Republican - dominated houses. Last year he remained in charge of the Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. * s s*. DEMOCRATS IN both houses, meanwhile, may face the curious situation of campaigning on a Re- publican President's program in the fall. Last year only their co- operation enabled many major Republican policies to pass and it is generally expected they will again support Administration posi- tions, on foreign policy, defense measures and appropriations. Rep. Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) will be the leading figure in cor- ralling Democrtaic votes for or against Administration policies. COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Attack on Student Paper Sparks Campus Events -A 9.J r"IMML - IN It - A N T By MARTHA RASCH News events across the nation's have been sparked by severe' crit- icism of the University of Geor- gia's student weekly, "Red and Black," for publishing its opinions on segregation. The paper printed an editorial saying "with communism knock- ing at the Negro's back door, we cannot afford to let educational segregation barriers stand. It is as plain as the red flag in Rus- sia that continued segregation can and will cause the death of democ- racy by the hands of its own lead- ers." ROY V. HARRIS, powerful Uni- Survey Shows Income Status Comparison By PAT ROELOFS Are Americans keeping up with the Joneses? To make comparisons with the average member of a particular income group, Ann Arborites may consult the statistical charts drawn up with the aid of the Uni- versity Survey Research Center appearing in the February issue of Pageant magazine. AVERAGES USED to determine just what kind and how much spending is necessary to stick to the norm are based on figures ob- tained from the Research Center, the Federal Reserve Board, the Institute -of Life Insurance and Electrical Merchandising Maga- zine. By selecting his income level on a given chart and following a system of adding and' sub- tracting points for any devia- tion from the average, a person may determine his status as compared with the Joneses. The value of a house or amount of monthly rent, amount of equity, value and age of automobile, li- quid assets, household furnishings, life insurance and household ap- pliances from a radio to an air conditioner are included in the charts. A POINT OF interest is that the once luxury TV set is worth only four points out of a possible 100 as compared to five. for an automatic washer or deep freeze unit. Examples of average sums spent in specific categories tak- en from the study by the Re.- search Center show that a per- son earning $5,000 annually spends $250 on education, $200 for vacation and pays $750 in taxes. A member of the $50,000 per an- num income bracket pays $2,000 for vacation and has taxes amounting to $22,500, or close to half his income. Author Paul D. Green, who compiled the statistics from vari- ous sources concludes that a per- son's standard of living is meas- ured not so much in what he has to satisfy his individual tastes and needs, but in how he stacks up with the people around him. In fact, according to-the green, the U.S. is a nation of Joneses. versity regent, replied in effect that "the people of Georgia would not be willing to support a univer- sity which advocated mixing and mingling the races . in public schools of this state." According to Georgia's stu- dents Harris is attempting to squelch their fundamental right of freedom of the press. But Harris argues the question is not freedom of the press, but wheth- er the Board of Regents will al- low itself to be dictated to by the student body. On the campus of Williams Col- lege, Mass., 14 of the 15 fraterni- ties are participating in the Cam- pus Business Management plan this year, in an effort to cut costs through a system of centralized purchasing. Under the new program, pur- chasing is handled by the college's director of dining halls. Each fra- ternity buys its foodstuffs from a central storage center incorpor- ated in the new Student Union. * * THE CdLLEGE wll operate a central dining hall in the Student Union for the use of the non-af- filiates and freshmen. The special dining hall is part of a plan to de- emphasize fraternities under a system of deferred rushing. In the future, no freshman will be pledged and only the three upper classes may rush. The Student Union will provide dining facilities for freshmen, many of whom would have been pledged by fraternities before the'school year began under the old system. According to the Cornell Daily Sun, one Cornell professor and a grad student have received the first annual Boris Pregel Prize of $500 from the New York Academy of Sciences for their paper on "Ra- diogenic Origin of the Helium Iso- topes in Rock." Prof. Philip Morrison of the phy- sics department and Jerome Pine, a Ph.D candidate have announced their theory that the earth's hel- ium comes from the natural radio- active decay of uranium in ordi- nary rock. Films on Public Health Shown Three public health movies will be shown at 7:30 p m. today in Rm. 158 Health Service Bldg. Sponsored by the School of Pub- lic Health as a supplement to its regular courses, the 11 minute films will deal with allergies, anti- bodies and the atom and medicine. The movies are open to the public and more will be scheduled later if the films prove popular. Jayne To Speak The Hon. Ira W. Jayne, pre- siding judge of Wayne County Cir- cuit Court, will speak at 8 p.m. today in 120 Hutchins Hall in the last lecture of this semester's law lecture series. Judge Jayne will discuss "New Legal Frontiers." The Michigan Crib, pre-law society and the Stu- dent Bar Association are sponsor- ing the lecture. T U R K E Y HO N O R S A T A T U R K- This is scene as body of Turkey's great leader, Kemal Ataturk, is entombed in huge mausoleum outside Ankara on 15th anniversary of his death.°" OUT FO R AN AIRING- The Rome, Italy, zoo's latest addition, a five-foot, five-inch baby giraffe, comes out with, its mother to see and be seen by zoo visitoo for_ first time. t-_ 8-L'A S TtO' R O S E S I N S W E ET W I N -Blast O'Roses, center, Augie Catalano up bree es past Stock Exchange, left, and Miss Meggy, right, to win second race in Empire-at-Jamaica meet and chalk up biggest daily double of New York racing season, $1,969.50. / 4 I ~. A TOrKNiFE THROUGH AIR.-.This is the Air Force's new high speed research plane,,the X-3, nicknamed "Fly- ing Stiletto" because of*its short wings and long tapered nose. IE A D I N G F O R IT S S LO T-- Hydraulic lift takes car to its allotted space in Los 1 titgeles' Pigeon Hole Parking garage. Five levels can hold 128 cars on plot 60 by 00 feet. / r FUN with a I FUTURE I ::. .: i::G:b: i': :::::::. :::::::... v-:.:... . .Sh ..{ "'r .. ?4? .. i. ... .. ... .. . .::.: ?:}::;.:.: : ::::": :"?::v1 yt""., - }- :..:.:.: - :" :""":i {':t: ' i. S l.P