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January 07, 1954 - Image 1

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. .,







Hold First
'54 Session
Social Security
Bill Introduced
By The Associated Press
The narrowly divided 83rd Con-
gress opened its make-or-break
election-year session yesterday.
Although the atmosphere was
congenial as the House and Sen-
ate convened in a session that will
pass on President Dwight D. Eis-
enhower's 1954 program, the pleas-
antness masked storm cloudsil
pil ing up over such controversial is-
sues as taxes, farm policy, Taft-
Hartley amendments, foreign
trade, Social Security and the Ad-
ministration's military policies.
MEETING FOR 26 and 78 min-
utes respectively the Senate and
House conducted routine business
of swearing in new members, ac-
cording to United Press reports.
Rep. Carb T. Curtis (R-Neb.
introduced a bill to revamp the
nation's social security system
and declared this is "our last
good opportunity to make the
program sound."
Curtis, who is chairman of the
social security subcommittee of
rthe House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, proposed a plan that would
over age 65 onethe rolls for month-
place "virtually all retired persons
ly payments from the Old Age and
Survivors Insurance program and
extend tax coverage to almost the
entire working force under 65
years old.
* *
IT WOULD raise minimum
monthly benefits from the pres-
ent $25 to $45 and provide other
x more liberal benefits without
changing the present maximum of
$85 to an individual or $167.50 to a
Tax income to the OASI trust
fund would be increased by sub-
jecting all types of income, includ-
ing dividends, rents and other in-
vestments, to social security taxes.
'U' Students
Visit MSC
A good look at the Michigan
State registration system, and a
luncheon and talks with the heads
of the MSC Student Council high-
lighted a. trip to East Lansing for
seven University students, yester-
Organized by Student Legisla-
ture's Campus Action Chairman,
Hank Berlinger, '56, the trip was
sponsored by the Registrar's Office
for the purpose of investigating
and acquainting students with the
system of registration at MSC.
* * *
MSC WHICH operates on the
quarter system completed the three
day registration period for the
7 winter quarter yesterday.
Chief difference between the
registration systems at the Uni-
versity and MSC, the group
found, is the absence of railroad
tickets at the East Lansing
school. Instead all tabulations
are made on IBM cards on
which most of the information
is represented by holes punched
at specified places. This method,
r also used for class cards is much
faster than the one employed
at the University, Berliner said,
Discussions with student lead-

ers brought several differences to
light. A student tax of 25 cents
per student, per quarter is levied
af State, amounting to an annual
income of approximately $8,000 for
the Student Council. The fee
makes the Council financially in-
MSC's election system also
differs from the one used on the
University campus. A district
q system is employed with pri-
maries preceeding the regular
The University visitors also got
a chance to examine MSC's stu-
dent book store and used book

SL Votes Return
To '51 Calendar
Pre-Final 'Dead Period' Emphasized;
Thanksgiving Vacation Cut Slips By
Student Legislature took a shot last night at the Crary calendar-
ing plan and in its place recommended by a 28 to four vote a return
to the 1951-52 calendar "with a dead period before each exam period."
At the same time SL unintentionally went on record favoring a
return to the one-day Thanksgiving vacation.
Following a lengthy debate, the motion stated that "the Legis-
lattire endorse a return to the calendar of 1951-52 with a dead period
before the fall and spring final exam periods.
* * * *
JANET NETZER, '54, framer of the motion, explained "the
Thanksgiving vacation wasn't meant to be included in the motion
0-but instead emphasis was on a

Indians Face
'New Trouble
With POW's
By The Associated Press
The Indian Command yesterday
faced a new dilemma in the criti-
cal issue of what to do with 22,000
anti-Communist prisoners of war
after Jan. 22.
Apparently the Communists ig-
nored the Indian request to give
their views on the issue by Tues-
day midnight. .The United Nations
I Command already had told India
it would insist on release of pris-
oners as provided in the truce
* * ,
AS THE showdown date of Jan.
23 neared, Gen. Maxwell D. Tay-
lor, 8th Army commander, in a
statement warned restive South
Korea against taking any armed
action against India's custodial
forces to effect release of the pris-
While India was seeking a so
lution to the prisoner problem,
Kenneth Young of the U.S.
State Department continued se-
cret negotiations through a neu-
tral intermediary for a resump-
tion of preliminary peace talks.
Young said he and the Commu-
nists "are still feeling around."
In Washington Assistant .Secre-
tary of State Walter S. Robert-
son, just back from a trip to Ko-
rea, told reporters he thought "the
negotiations will get going again."
A new note of mystery was in-
jected into the Indian Command's
activity. The Indians disclosed
they had sent a secret memoran-
dum to both the Allied and Com-
munist Commands. They asked a
reply by yesterday midnight, but
neither side had answered by that
Neither the Indians nor the Al-
lied spokesman would say what the
memorandum contained.
Tory Rebels
Eight Suez
Canal Policy
LONDON-()-Prime Minister
Winston Churchill is wrestling a
mutiny within his own party
against the projected agreement
with Egypt for British evacuation
of the Suez Canal base.
The Prime Minister finds him-
self in the unaccustomed role of
battling 41 Conservative rebels
who say his Suez policy threatens
to undermine the empire.
** *
CAPT. CHARLES Waterhouse,
a 60-year-old ex-Guards officer
leads the backbencher uprising in
the House of Commons. He de-
"Should we withdraw from
Suez today-even under the ap-
pearance of pressure in Egypt,
it would have a disastrous ef-.
feet throughout the whole of the
"It might well be taken as a
signal that 'Britain has had it'
and is no longer going to trouble
to stand firm."
Waterhouse has not won wide-
spread support. Britain appears
content to back Churchill's pol-

dead period before exams.

Of 22 Legislators contacted
after the meeting, 21 said they
had not realized the motion
would in effect eliminate the
long Thanksgiving holiday.
Only one member, Carol Lee
Walker, '55, claimed, "I was vag-
uely aware the motion would elini-
inate the extended fall recess, but
I didn't quite realize it until after
the vote when I went through the
minutes of former meetings.
"It's one of those things where
you vote first and think after-
wards," she said.
* * *
MOST OF those called felt the
emphasis of the discussion was
on a solution for the dead period
problem and that the present sit-
uation could be cleared up with a
statement of clarification at the
next meeting.
Nearly all of the 21 Legislators
registered surprise and five or
six felt the necessity to eno1pro-
longed discussion of the matter
was the reason the Thanksgiv-
ing implication occurred to no
Corresponding secretary Ruth
Rossner, '55, resigned her post as
SL appointee to the calendaring
committee which drew up the
Crary plan.
Barb Mattison, '54, will take her
place to represent the committee
when the plan goes before the
Deans' Conference Wednesday.
EARLIER in the meeting, Leg-
islator George Denison, '56, was
dropped from the SL roster for
four unexcused absences.
Treasurer Vic Hampton, '54-
BAd, presented the revised 1953-
54 financial report to the Legis-
lature and moved that SL ap-
propriate $504 for a part-time
secretary. Both were passed by
the Legislature.
Non-SL member Wilbur Wright,
took over the vacated Internation-
al Committee chairmanship.
Culture and Education Commit-
tee chairman Larry Harris, '56,
suggested the Legislature honor an
outstanding faculty member each
year chosen by a seven member
board from SL and Senior Board.
He emphasized "this would not
be, a popularity contest," but the
group would select the faculty
member on the basis of teaching

Eight Names
In Reuther
Plot Known
Police Still Seek
Four in AttemptE
DETROIT - () - Prosecutors
yesterday accused four men of
conspiracy and assault with intent
to murder CIO President Walter
P. Reuther five years ago, and
withheld names of four other per-
sons sought in what they called' a
"solution" to the attempted as-
Wayne County Prosecutor Ger-
ald K. O'Brien disclosed names of
three men in jail and a fourth
still being sought, but withheld
names of the other four and in-
formation on evidence he had be-
fore the pre-dawn announcement
and arrests yesterday.
, * * *
WARRANTS for arrest of the
men were based on police infor-
mation and officials said no grand
jury action would be required to
bring them to trial.
One of those-arrested and the
one sought figured prominently
in hearings of the Kefauver
Senate Crime Committee here
in February 1951. Both conced-
ed they had made huge profits
on scrap metal contracts with
two companies, both often the
scenes of violence in union at-
tempts to organize them.
The Detroit News said yesterday
in a copyrighted story that author-<
ities are investigating reports thatl
two Detroit hoodlums, missing
since 1948, were slain becausei
they knew who -shot Reuther. C
* * *
THE MEN WERE Pete Lucido
and Sam Scroy, cousins and petty
gamblers, who were ready to talk,1
the News said. Their bodies ae
believed buried in a limestonel
quarry between Detroit and To-t
The actual attempt on Reu-
ther's life was planned before
the 1947 convention of the CIO
United Auto Workers, at which
Reuther and his supporters rout-
ed their political foes and gained
control of the union.
His brother, Victor, was wound-
ed in a similar attempted assas-
sination May 24, 1949. He lost an
eye. Victor now is educationalr
director for the UAW. O'Brienr
aid yesterday's arrests did not
solve the assault on Victor Reu-
Laniel Backedt
By Assembly
PARIS - () - Premier Joseph I
Laniel last night won from thet
National Assembly a vote of con-1
fidence he demanded so "France
can have a government solidly
supported" for the Berlin confer-
ence of the Big Four foreign min-
The count was 319-249 for
Although it had been generally
believed the Assembly would en-
dorse him, the size of the vote in
his favor was unexpected.

Nations To Discuss
Atom Negotiations
Dulles Expects Early Conversations
On International Nuclear Energy
WASHINGTON - (P)-- The United States and Russia agreed
last night to hold preliminary talks concerning President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's atoms-for-peace plan.
First the Soviet Foreign Ministry in Moscow anounced that Rus-
sia was ready to begin the talks-which will deal with such questions
as how, when and where negotiations on the President's idea will be
- * * *
THE STATE Department declared that Secretary of State Dulles
"expects to proceed at an early date" with the conversations with the
The talks are scheduled to be held in Washington with Soviet

Daily-Betsy Smith
DILEMMA-Placed in an unusual circumstance in Noel Coward's
"Ways and Means" are Rose Marie Cassidy and Richard L. Green,
One- Acts Open Today
Everything is ready including a seven-foot bed headboard for the
speech department's series of one-act plays beginning at 8 p.m. today
and tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater on its second laboratory
The headboard is used in Noel Coward's comedy "Ways and
Means," one play in his famous series "Tonight at 8:30." The setting
of this bedroom comedy centers around an oversize double bed.
IT IS THE STORY of a very sophisticated couple living beyond
their means, who run out of money. They have over-stayed their wel-

come at an expensive villa and
have borrowed money to a star-
tling degree.
Sound effects for a scene in
which a corporal falls down the
stairs and goes through a win-
dow after being kicked out by
his master sergeant are being
diligently worked 'on by the
sound effects crew for George
Bernard Shaw's "Press Cut-
Shaw pokes fun at both military
methods and the suffragette move-
ment of the First World War era.
SUE Spurrier, '54, is the director
and Mary Lou Moench, Grad., is
in charge of costumes. Designer of
the set is James Hughes, Grad.
"Deirdre," by William Butler
Yeats, is apoetic drama based on
one of Ireland's popular heroic
legends. It is the story of a young
princess forsaken by her father,
the king. She is abducted by her
lover, but the king captures her
and kills her suitor.
Pictures entered in the Union
Art Contest may be picked up
between 3 and 6 p.m.itomor-
row at the Union Student Of-

World News
_Rout du-
By The Associated Press
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee decided yesterday in a closed
door meeting to seek $300,000 to
finance this year's probe of al-
leged subversion.
MILAN, Italy-Police, firemen
and volunteers fought yesterday to
hold the broken dikes of Italy's
Po River Delta against tides from
the storm-swept Adriatic which
already have flooded six villages
and poured killing salt water over
hundreds of acres of farm land.
* * * .
WASHINGTON - Less hiring
and more layoffs in the nation's
factories continue into November,
the Bureau of Labor Statistics re-'
ported yesterday. The layoff rate
rose from 18 per 1,000 employes in
October to 24 in November.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The Eisenhow-
er Administration is planning to
order a "substantial" amount of
military equipment from Italy
this year under its "offshore pro-
curement" program.

Ambassador G. M. Zarubin speak-
ing for Moscow.
The President's plan calls for
an international pool, to which
atomic powers would contribute
some of their atomic energy, for
research and use on such peace-
ful projects as medicine and in-
The United States has been ear-
nestly pressing Eisenhower's atom-
ic pool idea. The President has
taken the stand that, since Russia
and the United States have been
unable to agree to a system for
control of atomic weapons, the
practical thing to do is to ap-
proach the atomic problem from
another angle-a pool of atomic
energy for peaceful purposes.
THE IDEA behind this is that
if such a plan should work out,
the cooperative effort among na-
tions might lead eventually to a
cooperation on the issue of con-
trolling or outlawing atomic wea-
Although the talks to which
Moscow agreed yesterday would
be purely preliminary,' they
could be of major importance.-
For one thing, they could pro-
vide a tipoff to officials here as
to whether Russia is really inter-
ested in making any progress now
toward solving some of th( inter-
national problems posed by the
birth of the atomic age.
HENRY Suydam, State Depart-
ment press officer, gave reporters
the department announcement
that the talks would begin. He said
the discussions would be .held in
Washington "as the Russians pro-
posed." Otherwise, he said he
could add nothing to the official
U.S. 'statement.
Officials here have said that
the United States would keep
Great Britain and other friendly
atomic powers informed about
the progress of private discus-
sions with the Soviets.
It is realized that, as negotia-
tions develop, they must at some
point involve all of these powers
and come clearly under the spon-
sorship of the United Nations.
That is a key point in the Presi-
dent's proposal, which was made
in a speech Dec. 8 to the United
Teachers Want.
Pupils To Build
Own Culture
Panel members were in agree-
ment last night in feeling that
"professional educators" should
introduce pupils to a world they
can create, to a culture they can
establish themselves, rather than
to a culture to which they must
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department stirred his
collegues on tie panel when he
said the 'most pressing need of
schools today is to teach democ-
racy. Prof. .Maurer said, "The
teacher isn't free to teach democ-
racy and if he were, there would be
a question of the teacher's compe-
PROF. MAURER pointed out
that leadership of the schools suc-
cumbs to petty arguments, to pret-
sures of the teachers. "Teachers
should stand up and act more the
part of a staunch leader, not give
in" he sid.

Causes New
Italy Crisis
Giuseppe Pella's resignation as
Italian premier Tuesday threw his
government into another crisis
and aroused considerable conec-
ti re as to whether the pro-West-
ern Italian political leaders could
successfully preserve their power
and unity in effectively combating
economic pressures.
One of the immediate causes of
Pella's resignation was friction
between left and right wings of
the Christian Democratic Party
over naming a new agriculture
* * *
vative and as a reslt aroused op-
position from the left. Another
cause was criticism directed at
Pella's inability to solve the press-
ing land reform and unemploy-
ment problems.
Prof. Marbury N. Efimenco of
the political science depart-
ment commented that contin-
ued governmental instability
would result so long as these
vital economic problems weren't
Prof. Efimenco pointed out that
the Communist Party in Italy,
which has the largest membership
of any Red party outside the So-
viet orbit, stands as a formidable
threat to any democratic gov-
ernment in Italy and is now in
a very advantageous position.
Robert Curtis of the political
science department said that Pel-
la had failed in his land reform
program laying grounds for the
criticism directed at him.Curtis
drew an analogy between the pres-
ent situation in Italy and that in
In both are found extreme gov-
ernmental instability, principally
because of the multi-party sys-
tem, and a strong, decisive bloc
of Communists constantly pla-
guing the governmnt.
Prof. Efimenco also added that
an attempt was made to solve the
unemployment problem by immi-
gration into France but this was
none too successful. "Another
possible solution," he said, "could
be industrialization."
New Hospital
Weins .Support
LANSING - (P) - Gov. Wil-
liams said yesterday a citizens'
conference in his office displayed
'tense interest' in his demand for
a $1,800,000, 120-bed children's
psychiatric hospital at Northville.
The governor will recommend
construction of the unit to the leg-
islature next week.
He called the conference to ac-
quaint leaders of various lay and
professional groups with the plan
and, obviously, to stimulate their
support for the proposal in the


Congressmen Lined Up on Vital Issues

(This is an Interpretive article on key figures in the 83rd Congress
who will determine the outcome of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's pro-
gram as announced in today's State of the Union message.)
With one brief opening-day session behind them, Congressmen
will reconvene at noon today to hear President Eisenhower's lofig-
awaited State of the Union message.
Democrats and Republicans alike will be listening with care to
each policy enunciated by the President to see how well his program
coincides with the opinions of their constituents, whom most have
been consulting during the past five months' recess. Some leading
figures in both houses, however, have already announced their in-
tention to work for certain policies no matter what the President's
position on them is.
* * * *
AIDING EISENHOWER'S attempts to put through his entire
program will be Rep. Leslie Arends (R-Ill.), House Speaker Joseph
Marn (R-a o Vhim.n of lp pfi l a,,aTrnn,, .i i (Inm-

;y4 \

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