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January 06, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-06

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The Year Ahead-

"When Do They Open This Place, Anyhow?"

Problems & Programs



THROUGH THE traditional Washington
political haze of rumors of coming Con-
gressional battles, conflicting economic fore-
casts and public debates between represen-
tatives of Democratic and Republican opin-
ion, several major problems facing the Pre-
sident's program have become discernable.
And Congressmen on both sides of the aisle
are keeping at least one ear to the ground
in attempts to determine public opinion in
this critical election year, which will reveal
whether America's voters approve of Re-
publican policies enacted under the present
A delicate balance of party power in
Congress remains a perplexing problem to
Republican leaders. At present there are
48 Republicans and 47 Democrats in the
Senate. Independent Senator Wayne
Morse, who generally votes with Demo-
crats- except on organization of Congress,
and Vice-President Nixon may, on some
crucial votes, hold the outcome of the
particular issues in their hands. In the
House, Republicans hold a bare four-vote
margin,- which becomes virtually non-
existent after deflections on party ranks
are considered.
In the first session of the 83rd Congress
Eisenhower would have gotten very few of
his major policies through Congress with-
out substantial aid from the Democratic
members of both houses. Republican stands
on off-shore oil, appointment of Charles
Bohlen as envoy to Russia, foreign aid ap-
propriations, admission of extra refugees
into the country, extension of the excess
profits tax, a grant of wheat for Pakistan,
extension of the Mutual Security program
and reciprocal trade agreements are among
those policies passed only with Opposition
To what extent Eisenhower can continue
getting such bi-partisan support for his
program, however, has become very uncer-
tain.. Not only has the President's personal
popularity dropped to its lowest point since
the election (according to recent polls), but
his political power has waned considerably
since there are few political appointments
left for him to bargain with and because it
second term as President.
Is generally believed he will not run for a
Even the traditional alignment of con-
servative Southern Democrats and right-
wing Republicans may be partially upset
because of recent addresses by Attorney

General Herbert Brownell and New York's
Governor Tom Dewey. In two separate
speeches both of the Republicans virtually
equated being a Democrat and a Truman
supporter with being a traitor to the
country. Even Governor Dewey's recent
attempt to soften the words of his Hart-
ford speech, in a second address delivered
at Columbia University, has not substan-
tially lessened the anger of many Demo-
Realizing the need for near-unanimous
agreement on key issues, Eisenhower called
Republicans together in a Washington con-
ference to discuss the policy he would pre-
sent to Congress this month. Almost before
the conference ended, however, Senate Ma-
jority Leader Knowland took an unprece-
dented step in openly challenging the
President's stand on distribution of defense
contracts. Eisenhower favored distributing
them in areas where hints of an economic
recession become evident, but the Senator
from California-a state that shows signs
of increased prosperity, but still wants such
contracts-publicly announced he would not
attempt to get such a policy through Con-
Eisenhower's refusal to reveal any part
of his program to Democratic leaders for
bi-partisan discussion of Administration
goals brought complaints from the op-
position party that seemed entirely un-
expected by the President. His final deci-
sion to show Democratic leaders his State
of the Union address less than 48 hours
before it is scheduled to be delivered make
obvious the fact that Democrats will have
virtually no say in determining the pro-
gram, and thus Eisenhower has done little
to appease that party.
Perhaps the most important factor in de-
termining whether the President can put
through a major part of his program is
his personal leadership. Last year, the po-
litically-inexperienced Executive made no
real attempt to lead the balky new 83rd
Congress toward an effective legislative pro-
gram. The result was that Congress got
very little done. With a year of experience
behind him, the President now seems to
realize the need to act as the real, as well
as nominal, leader of his party.
ALTHOUGH the GOP legislative program
will not be officially known until tomor-
row afternoon, when the President delivers

Thirty Dollars on the Line

LTHOUGH THE prospect of shelling out
$30 by June 30 as an advance rent pay-
ment may not appear pleasant at first
glance to dormitory residents, the new ad-
ministration policy should seem more rea-
sonable on second thought.
Moving- up the contract forfeit date
from Aug. 15 to June 30 and establishing
the $30 prepayment are two actions taken
to help insure that students who sign
contracts In the spring and early sum-
mer will show up in the fall.
Empty rooms earn no revenue for the
Residence Halls. The earlier room assign-"
ments which will be possible under the new
system will help fill the empty rooms with
students whose rent payments will ease the
financial burden on all other residents.
Incoming students, who will be hit for
$50 (a $20 room deposit plus the $30 pre-
payment) will also benefit by the new plan.
They'll know earlier where they're going to
be living.
Of course, students will have to make up
their minds about living in the dorms a
month and a half earlier now, too. And
scraping up $30 may prove a real hardship
to some students. However, easily available

University, loans should take care of this
In general then, the new administration
plan for "crystallizing students' inten-
tions earlier" would seem. to have some
advantages for students. It is at worst
a necessary evil if recurrence of miscal-
culations like those which resulted in the
last minute Chicago House switch of sexes
are to be avoided.
The University's procedure in announcing
the new plan was a step in the right direc-
tion. Instead of receiving a terse note in
the mailbox, students got the word through
their house officers and The Daily. The
house officers heard a careful explanation
of the plan, and their questions were ans-
wered. Calling in the student leaders in
this way indicates a healthy desire for im-
provement in administration-student un-
derstanding on the part of the adminis-
However, an announcement, no matter
haw friendly, is not a consultation. The pro-
cess Monday afternoon looked a little like
Ike's "consulting" the Democrats on his
message-after it was already finally writ-
ten. There was at least one big difference,
though. The Democrats can vote.
-Jon Sobeloff .

his State of the Union message to Congress,
several major policies already seem certain.
First of these is a bill for Hawaiian
Statehood. Voting on this issue seems, at
present, likely to fall nearly on a straight
party basis. Traditionally most Southern
Democrats have opposed Hawaiian state-
hood because of their personal narrow ra-
cial prejudices. Liberal Democrats have
attempted to attach a bill for Alaskan
Statehood along with Hawaii, partly be-
cause they genuinely feel Alaska is ready
for statehood, but also to maintain the
present balance of party power. (Hawaii
is considered a Republican state, while
Alaska has voted the Democratic ticket,
except in the last election when it too
went along with the Eisenhower land-
slide.) Louisiana Senator Long, however,
recently announced his decision to vote
for Hawaiian Statehood, and his decision
may sway other members of the Opposi-
tion to vote for the measure also.
President Eisenhower's attitude toward
"McCarthyism" will be revealed in Repub-
lican votes on a resolution to be introduced
by Senator Guy Gillette. The Iowa Demo-
crat has proposed that all investigations of
United States foreign affairs be conducted
by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
thus preventing any future jaunts of Mc-
Carthy investigators such as the one con-
ducted by Cohn and Shine last year. Eisen-
hower could either request Republicans to
vote against the measure, or could quietly
pass the word along to vote for the resolu-
tion-a move which would insure its adop-
One of the most important programs to
be introduced by the President is Secretary
Ezra Taft Benson's farm policy. The in-
creasing price differential between manu-
factured farm equipment and agriculture
produce has raised a storm of protest from
farmers used to guaranteed high price sup-
ports. Secretary Benson, however, has
strongly favored a sliding price support scale
rather than the rigid 90 per cent of parity
on basic goods now in effect. Although a
sliding scale will no doubt be introduced
into Conress, it is unlikely that vote-mind-
ed farm-belt Republicans or Democrats will
support the Benson policy. Most political
forecasters have already predicted re-enact-
ment of the 90 per cent price support policy.
Republican policy toward the Taft-
Hartley Act and other labor legislation
has not yet been made public. Some
changes will be recommended in the Taft-
Hartley Act, but they will probably not
be major ones. Even several Union lead-
ers, realizing there is little chance for the
Act to be repealed even if a Democratic
Congress were elected in the fall, have
made attempts to tone down their oppo-
sition to the so-called "slave-labor law."
Perhaps the most complex problem now
facing Congress concerns the nation's econ-
omy and fiscal condition. Treasury Secre-
tary Humphrey will again try to get the 75
billion dollar debt limit hiked in spite of
strong opposition on both sides of the aisles
of Congress. Although government spend-
ing may be cut down even from last year's
expenditures, there will also be substantial
reductions in revenues due to cuts in income
and excess profits taxes and extremely lax
collecting of corporations taxes (which has
already lost the government several million
dollars according to estimates). Reports in-
dicate that Secretary Humphrey will at-
tempt to make the cash books balance for
the coming fiscal year by including money
collected in social security insurance funds
under incoming revenues for government.
Meanwhile, in the economic picture, Sena-
tor Douglas has asserted that the country is
already in a recession, and leading econo-
mists in the country predicted last month
that the country would see an approximate
five per cent recession in 1954. How such a
predicted recession will develop seems un-
doubtedly the biggest political question of
the year.
Defense contracts for the new proposed
"push-button army" will probably, even
above Sen. Knowland's opposition, be dis-
tributed whenever the first weak signs of

any recession become evident. Reports have
indicated that an "atomic works project" is
being drawn up as a major works project
in case any major nationwide recession
should come about within the next few
Another policy which will undoubtedly
become a major issue if it is put before
the present session of Congress will be
Attorney General Herbert Brownell's pro-
posal to legalize wire-tapping evidence in
court. It seems quite likely that the At-
torney General may dig another Harry
Dexter White case from the grave in order
to sway Congressmen who are at present
reluctant to lose another of their civil
The position of the 83rd Congress on
these major issues cannot help but be a
major factor in determining America's fu-
ture course in foreign and domestic policy.
Without President Eisenhower's candidacy
in fall Congressional elections, Republicans
will have to stand or fall on their own rec-
ords. Democrats have the choice of working
out an effective opposition program or fol-
lowing the "me-too" line in supporting the
President's program. Whatever decisions
Republicans or Democrats make, their vot-
ing record in the present session will deter-
mine whether the country will remain under
Pn ii.lna" l al-re i - nr c ai -a-nr -h

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* * *


Ike--In and Out of Character.


WASHINGTON-If you talk to Wall Street or to certain conserva-
tive GOP leaders today you would almost think that Franklin D.
Roosevelt was in the White House. This results from the liberal ad-
visers now influencing Ike and is the biggest change to come over the
Administratioon as it prepares to do battle with Congress.
One year ago the President leaned almost exclusively on mil-
lionaire businessmen for advice. Gen. Lucius Clay of Conti-
nental Can, Sidney Weinbeg of the Goldmann-Sachs Investment
Firm, Alton Jones of Cities Service, were not only golfing partners
but business advisers. Today he still sees big-business advisers,
but relies more on his White House staff.
Even millionaire Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey, rated the
closest Cabinet member to Ike, does not have quite as much power as
Instead, here are the men who are chiefly charting the Eisen-
hower program through Congress in this the most crucial year of his

KEVIN McCANN, president of the Defiance College, Ohio, a liberal
on domestic issues, one of Ike's chief speech writers and advisers.
Dr. Arthur Burns, former Columbia professor, now chairman of
the Council of Economic Advisers, new dealish in his economic slant.
Charles Moore, former liberal public-relations counsel to the
Ford Motor Co., who helped stabilize Ike's drooping popularity.
C. D. Jackson, former publisher of Fortune magazine, chiefly
responsible for Ike's atom-pool speech, also is credited with stopping
the popularity sag.
* * * *
ROBERT CUTLER, Boston banker with liberal Republican ideas,
close friend of Justice Felix Frankfurter who masterminded his ap-
pointment. Cutler is secretary of the National Secruity Council, to
which Ike has entrusted deciding defense problems.
Max Rabb, assistant to Sherman Adams and adviser on immigra-
tion-minority problems; sometimes called the David Niles of the
Eisenhower Administration.
These are the men with whom Ike consults most of late, the men
who have molded a program which they believe will win back both
liberal Republican and Democratic support.
They realize, of course, that the time is late. But what they may
not realize is the bitterness of the right-wing GOP opposition and the
fact that some of the latter are planning a conservative isolationist
third paryt if Ike swings too far to the left.
* * * *
SIGNIFICANT ILLUSTRATION of what Eisenhower is up against
from GOP reactionaries and big business is the current backstage
battle over old-age pensions. This affects several million oldsters,
though few people understand what's been,,happening. Here are the
two opposing factions battling inside the Republican party:
Faction No. 1-The White House wants a liberalized social se-
curity bill with a $10 increase of old-age pensions, but paid for by
spreading the salary base on which the wage-earner is taxed.
Faction No. 2-Is headed by Congressman Crutis of Nebraska
with the quiet support of Congressman Dan Reed of New York.
They want liberalized pensions, but have adopted the U.S. Cham-
ber of Commerce plan of paying for them by dipping into the
trust fund already accumulated. This would make farmers and
others, who originally said they didn't want pensions, now bene-
fit from the funds deducted from the salaries of wage-earners.
Important for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, this plan would
reduce the general tax burden paid by business.
However, not even all Republican members of Curtis's subcom-
mittee studying social security will accept the U.S. Chamber of Com-
merce formula. Here is the inside story of what happened.
When Nebraska's Curtis was made chairman of the subcommit-
tee to study social security, he carefully avoided putting Bob Kean of
New Jersey, a Republican who is an expert on the subject, on his
committee. Instead he picked Republicans whom he described as
"unprejudiced," but who actually knew little about pensions. They
included GOP Congressmen Baker of Tennessee, Goodwin of Massa-
chusetts and Tom Curtis of St. Louis, Mo.}
* * * *
BUT HE ALSO picked a staff thoroughly prejudiced-in favor of
the U.S. Chamber. They included: Rita Ricardo Campbell, wife
of the U.S. Chamber's No. 2 economist; Howard Friend of the Indiana
Chamber of Commerce which has now made the Indiana unemploy-
ment compensation program one of the weakest in the nation; and
Karl Schlatterback of the Brookings Institute, long an opponent of
social security.
Also on the Curtis staff are Howard Metz of the Brookings
Institute, a rabid critic of social security and a drafter of the
Taft-Hartley Act; and W. R. Williamson, formerly with Trave-
lers' Insurance, but who has become so vigorous in his views
that he has parted company from insurance groups.
This staff, has now brought out a report. However, the Congress-
men for whom they made the report, namely the subcommittee, did
not issue the report. And the reason they did not issue it is thatj
Chairman Curtis knew he couldn't persuade them to sign.
Curtis himself issue d n nnrt hest not his committee. Hover.

(Continued from Page 2)
University Lecture, Seventh Sociology
Colloquium. Dr. Robert F. Bales, Re-
search Associate, Department of Social
Relations, Harvard University, "A
Study of Combinations of Personalities
That can Maintain Stable Groups,"
Wed., Jan. 6, 4 p.m., Auditorium A,
Mason Hall.
The Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics
at the U. of M. will be given this year
by Prof. A. M. Gleason of Harvard Uni-
versity. The lectures are scheduled for
Mon., wed., and Fri. at 4 p.m., 3011
Angell Hall, for the two weeks begin-
ning Jan. 4, The title for the series is
"Locally Compact Groups and the Co-
ordinate Problem"
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thursday. Jan, 7 at 4 p.m., in 247
West Engineering. Speaker: Dr. R. K.
Ritt will continue on Theory of Dis-
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. R. M.
Cooper will speak on "An Experiment
Concerning Limit Theorems of Bend-
ing of Circular Plates" at 3:45 p.m. on
Wed., Jan. 6, in 101 west Engineering
Building. Refreshments will be served.
The seventhreview session for stu-
dents of French I will take place on
Thurs., Jan. 7, beginning at 7:30 in the
Romance Languages Building.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
mnar in the Application of Mathematics
to the social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Jan. 7, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason
Hall. Professor A. H. Copeland of the
Mathematics Department will speak on
"People as Complementary Ideals in a
Boolean Algebra."
Doctoral Examination for Robert Gil-
bert Hoffman, Public Health Statistics;
thesis: "Control Chart Methods in the
Clinical Laboratory," Wed., Jan. 6, 1522
School of Public Health, at 1 p.m.
Chairman, C. J. Vel,
Doctoral Examination for Harry Ed-
ward Bailey, Aeronautical Engineering,
thesis: "Wing-Body Interference at
Supersonic Speeds," Wed., Jan. 6, 1077
East Engineering Building, at 2 p.m.
Chairman, A. M. Kuethe.
Doctoral Examination for Gilbert
Richard Horne, Business Administra-
tion; thesis: "The Receivership and Re-
organization of the Abitibi Power and
Paper Company, Limited," Wed., Jan.
6, 816 School of Business Administra-
tion, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, W. A.
Doctoral Examination for George Stern
Quick, Economics; thesis: "Industry In-
tegration Committees of the Army Ord-
nance Department: A study of govern-
ment-encouraged cooperation among
certain armament manufacturers in
World War II," Thurs., Jan. 7, 105 Eco-
nomics Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, wil-
liam Haber.
Doctoral Examination for Alexander
Weir, Jr., Chemical Engineering; thesis:
ls"Two- and Three-Dimensional Flow of
Air through Square-Edged Sonic Ori-
fices" Thurs., Jan. 7, 3201 East Engi-
neering Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman
J. L. York.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur Ner-
sasian, Chemistry; thesis: "A Study of
Some Azo Nitriles," Thurs., Jan. 7, 3003
Chemistry Building, at 3 p.m. Chair-
man, L. C. Anderson.
Student Recital. William Doppmann,
pianist, will be heard in a recital at
8:30 Wednesday evening, Jan. 6, in
Auditorium A in Angell Hall. A pupil
of Benning Dexter, Mr. Doppmann will
open the program with Kreisleriana, Op.
16, by Schumann. It will continue with
Beethoven's Sonata in A-flat major, Op.
110, and Barber's Sonata, Op. 26. The
general public will be admitted.with-
out charge.
Student Recital. Julia Hennig, pian-
ist, will play compositions by Bach,
Milhaud, and Chopin, at 8:30 Thurs-
day evening, Jan. 7, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. The recital is to be pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Music
degree, and will be open to the general
public. Miss Hennig is a pupil of Mar-
ian Owen.
Events Today
A.S.P.A. Social Seminar. All students
and faculty and their friends are In-
vited to attend the social seminar of
the Michigan Chapter of ASPA tonight

at 7:30 p.m., in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Dr. John A.
Perkins, President of the University of
Delaware and President of the Ameri-
can Society for Public Administration,
will be the speaker of the evening.
Junior Girls Play Tryouts. Singing
adspeaking tryouts-Wed., Jan. 6-
from 7 to 10 p.m.; Thurs., Jan. 7-from
2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Fri., Jan.
8-from 2 to 5 p.m.
Dancing tryouts-Wed., Jan. 6, from 2
to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Thurs., Jan.
7, from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.;
Fri., Jan. 8, from 2 to 5 p.m.
Room numbers will be posted at the
League, where all tryouts will be held.
Pershing Rifles All pledges are re-
quired to attend regular drill at 1925
hrs. to take the pledge exam. All mem-
bers report in uniform at TCB.
Hillel. Class in Modern Israel 3:30 p.m.
IZFA Dance Group, 8 p.m. Reservations
for Kosher Dinner Fri., at 6 p.m., must
be made by Thursday.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group at Guild House this
evening at 7 p.m.
La Sociedad Hispanica will have its
last meeting of the semester at 8 p.m.
in Room M&N of the Michigan Union.
The chorus and guitarists will be there
to entertain you. All members are in-
avitedto attend this infornmal social
Chess Club of U. of M. will meet
tonight, 7:30 p.m, Michigan Union. All
chess players welcome.

Lutheran Student Association. Coffee
and tea hour at the Lutheran Student
Association, Hill Street at South For-
est Avenue from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Every-
one welcome.
The Literary College Conference
Steering Committee will hold a meeting
today in Dean Robertson's office at 4
UOLLR Ski Club. Everyone is invited
attend tonight's meeting at 7:30In
the Union. Refreshments will be served.
Coming Events
Seminar on "How Shall We Define
Religion?'" Presentation and discus-
sion led by Prof. Thomas S. Kepler,
author, editor, and theologian from the
Oberlin Graduate School of Theology.
Lane Hall Library, Thurs., Jan. 7, 8 p.m.
Phi Sigma Society. Dr. Harlyn Q.
Halvorson, of the Department of Bac-
teriology, will speak on "Recent Ad-
vances in the Study of Enzymatic Adap-
tation," Thurs., Jan. 7, 8 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheater. Refreshments after the
meeting for members and guests. Open
to the public.
Final Speech Assembly for the fall
semester will be held at 4 p.m., Wed.,
Jan. 13, in the Rackham Lecture Audi-
torium. The guest speaker for this as-
sembly will be Russell McLauchlin,
Drama Editor for the Detroit News,
who will use "The Fabulous Invalid" as
his topic. The speech assembly Is open
to the public with no admission
2nd Laboratory Bill of Plays, present-
ed by the Department of Speech, will
be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre this Thursday and Friday, Jan.
7 and 8, at 8 p.m. Included on the ill
are G. B. Shaw's satiric-comedy, PRESS
CUTTINGS; Noel Coward's hilarious,
WAYS AND MEANS, from the famous
"Tonight at 8:30" series; and William
Butler Yeats' poetic dance-drama
DEIRDRE. There is no admission charge,
and the seats are not reserved. The
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will open at
7:30 p.m.
Tartuffe; or, the Impostor, Moliere's
classic French comedy, will be present-
ed by the Department of Speech, at 8
p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre, Wednesday through Saturday, Jan.
13, 14, 15, and 1. Mail orders are being
accepted now for $1.20, 90ceand 60c. A
special student rate of any seat in the
house for 50c is in effect for the Wednes-
day and Thursday performances.
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning in the
Prayer Room at 7 a.m.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel,
Thurs., Jan. 7, 5 to 5:30 p.m. Fresh-
man Discussion Group at Guild House
7 to 8 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent breakfast following 7 a.m. ser-
vice of Holy Communion, Thurs., Jan.
7, at Canterbury House.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., Jan. 7, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs., Jan. 7, from 4:30 to 6
at the International Center.
La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow
afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
wing of the north room of the Michigan
Union Cafeteria. Everyone welcome
Industrial Relations Club. Last meet-
i ng of the semester will be held on
Jan. 7, 1954 (Thursday) at 7:15 in the
student lounge of the Bus. Ad. School.
The program will be a "Mock" arbi-
tration case with Club members pre-
senting the companies side and the
unions side. This is an actual case that
Meyer Ryder arbitrated for a company
and union. Coffee will be served.
Alpha Phi Omega. Important pledge
meeting, Thurs., Jan. 7, 7:30-8:30 p.m.,
In G-103 South Quad. All pledges must
attend. The rest of the pledge fee-must
be paid at this time. The test onknow-
ing the campus will be given.
Kappa Phi. There will be a meeting
Thurs., Jan. 7, at 5:15 at the Methodist
Church. Please bring money for our
Ensian picture.
The Michigan Crib-Pre-Legal Society
TION of the Law School are co-spon-
soring the final event in this semester's
lecture series this Thursday at 8 p.m.,
in 120 Hutchins Hall. The speaker for
the evening will be the Hon. Ira W.
Jayne, Presiding Judge, Circuit Court,
Wayne County. His topic will be "NEW
LEGAL FRONTIERS." All are cordially
i nvited.

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ..................City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Alike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker .. ......Associate Editor
Helene Simon......... Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye......... .....Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg. ... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. W.Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger...... Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1





LOOKING BACK over his first year and
forward to his second, the President
must be aware that in the great mass of our
people, who wish him so well, there is a
strain of doubt and disappointment. It
would be an exaggeration, in fact it would
be quite misleading, to say that he is in
trouble with the people, or that he has lost
their confidence and his popularity among
,them. Their willingness and' their eager-
ness to rally around him are if anything
greater than they were when he was draft-
ed out of the Army to run for President of
the United States.
It may be too bold, perhaps even pre-
sumptuous, to put into words what it is
that is lacking. Yet the President will be
hearing a great deal in the months to
come from his partisan opponents and
from his hidden enemies, and it can do no
harm for one of his supporters, and an
early one, to speak his piece.
What has been lacking in this first year
too much of the time has been a clear re-
alization by Eisenhower himself of why he
was drafted for President and what the
multitudes who rallied to him are looking
for. But when he has been true to himself,
when Eisenhower has been himself in his
appointed role, the response of the people
has always been quick and very great.
His appointed role, the role for which he

terms, and when he has not been himself he
has become separated from and not united
with the people who wish to follow him.
To be a dynamic, progressive, and cru-
sading President calls for a knowledge and
an experience of civil affairs and of Ameri-
can politics which Gen. Eisenhower did not
have, and could not possibly be expected to
acquire at the age of sixty.
Nobody who knew him, and the Ameri-
can scene in which he would have to work,
would have turned to Eisenhower if in
1952 the times had demanded a dynamic
progressive crusade. The fact was, how-
ever, that by 1952 this country and the
Western World had had all the dyna-
mism, all the innovation, all the crusad-
ing, that human nature can take.
For more than twenty years the people
had had more than enough upheaval in their
lives, of ups and downs, of being drafted,
taxed, of big words and hot feelings. They
had lived through the great depression,
through the innovations of the New Deal,
through a double war-one in Europe and
one in the Pacific-through the cold war,
through the terrible and mean Korean War,
through all the turmoil and effort of bol-
stering up the non-Communist nations, and
of re-arming the United States.
By 1952 the time had come when more
dynamism, more excitement and more
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