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January 06, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-06

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See Page 4

L 4c

"A it 43Ut
Latest Deadline in the State





Professors Air
Views on Probes
Two on Harvard Faculty Discuss
Traditional Concepts of Freedom
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is based on an interview with Profs.
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and Zechariah Chafee, Jr. at Harvard University.)
At Harvard one senses the same freedom of thought and sees the
same relentless search for knowledge that has always been Harvard.
Also apparent is a bond of faith between administration and stu-
dent body, which was aptly expressed by one student, who said, "we
trust the administration's judgment and feel confident that we are
in capable hands."
. . " *
WHAT ARE the reactions of the professors toward the many
problems arising from the recent Congressional investigations?
Prof. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and Prof. Zechariah Chafee, Jr.,
prominent on the Harvard faculty, felt that legally the Fifth
--Amendment is being misused to-

Ike Seeks DemocratIc
Support on Key Issues

Dorm Board
OK's Judic
Enabling Act
Unanimous approval of enabling
legislation for the Inter - House
Council Judiciary was given yester-
day by the Residence Halls Board
of Governors.
The action fills a gap left by the
IHC' constitution approved last
year which gave-its Judiciary orig-
inal but not appellate jurisdiction
in cases involving violations of
Residence Halls rules.
* * *
Roger Kidston, '56L, the proce-
dure was formulated to provide
the most expedient and just way
for men in residence halls to have
their cases handled.
Under the new procedure the
IHC Judiciary will have appel-
late jurisdiction in all cases
brought before house and quad-
rangle judicial councils.
Exceptions to this procedure can
be made in cases where a student
accused of a violation who doesn't
want a hearing before the IHC
group may, with the certification
of the IHC Judiciary, appeal his
case directly to Joint Judiciary
after an initial hearing by the
house or quad judicial council.
The new set up further pro-
vides that in other cases the IHC
Judiciary for good cause may
waive its right to hear an ap-
peal by certifying the record of
the case to Joint Judic for final
In setting out the purposes of
the legislation it was pointed out
that "lines of jurisdiction and ap-
peal need to be clarified in order
that the Judicial Council may pro-
ceed with its business and so that
the IHC Judiciary will be a more
effective body."
Other business in the meeting
included progress reports on IHC
and Assembly Association by
Kidston and Marilyn Gordon, '54.
Offiucial Says,
U.S., China
Holding Talks
State Department said yesterday
it has started "informal discus-
sions" with the Chinese Commu-
nists to determine whether a for-
mula for resuming Korean peace
talks can be-found.
These talks are being carried
forward "through intermediaries"
r at Panmunjom, it said. The inter-
mediaries were not identified.
* * *
PRESS Officer Henry Suydam,
who disclosed this, said Special
Ambassador Arthur Dean, is ready
to return to Korea if a renewal of
talks can be arranged.
Suydam said representatives
of the United States and its Ko-
rean War allies discussed "var-
ious formulas" for resuming
talks at a meeting at the State
Department Monday.
The United Nations-Communist
talks were broken off a month ago.
Dean dropped them with a pro-
test that the Reds had accused the
United States of perfidy.
7 He demanded that the Com-
munists retract an accusation
that American authorities had
ploted with President Syngman
Rhee of South Korea to release
anti-Communist prisoners.
In Seoul, meanwhile, the 8th
Army is getting set for "any even-

"A man's duty is to cooperate
with his government," elaborat-
ed Prof. Chafee. "This can be
compared to the way we pay
taxes even though we do not
agree with all the ways the
money is spent.
"The general principle," the pro-
fessor of law continued, "would be
to encourage everyone to appear
and testify. In the exceptional case
when the person has special rea-
sons which may perhaps justify his
silence, then that person should
have a lawyer and be guided by his
"If a person refuses to testify
the university officials should
judge each case on its own merits.
We must remember," he pointed
out, "that the use. of the Fifth
Amendment does not necessarily
imply that the person is guilty. For
legally the person can use it if he
feels that what he might say would
by circumstance imply guilt."
Prof. Chafee gave the example
of a suspect for murder who is
innocent but is the owner of the
murder weapon. Legally he could
refuse to answer any questions
concerning that weapon. This
would force the investigators to
find other sources of informa-
tion, creating a situation which
might lead to conclusions based
on circumstantial evidence and
,perhaps on insufficient evidence.
See LIBERTY, Page 2
Queen Forgot,
To Sign Out
Chosen "College Queen of the
State of Michigan" in a national
beauty contest, Rosaline Sapping-
ton, '56,. may be in trouble with
administrative officials for fail-
ing to sign out before she left for
Miami yesterday.
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
commented, "The literary college
-has no official statement as to
Rosaline's whereabouts. Nor has
her residence hall any official no-
tification that she has left."
Miss Gracia Van Daff, assist-
ant house director of Mosher
Hall, said that Miss Sappington
had talked to dormitory officials
and that'her failure to sign out
"really didn't mean much."
Before she left Miss Sappington
told a Daily reporter that she had
notified all of her professors and
had been excused by them.

-Daily-Don Campbell
WingsOut sMichiganleers

Playing as though the Stanley
Cup were at stake, the Detroit
Red Wings skated around, be-
tween, and through the Michigan
defense to hand the Wolverine
;extet a 10-1 defeat before over
3,000 fans at the Coliseum last
The champions of professional
hockey had things pretty much
their own way as they put the ex-
hibition contest to good use.
Pressing the attack right from
the opening face-off to the final
horn, the Red Wings poured on
the pressure in a constant effort.
to score.
. . * *
ONLY GREAT goal - tending
from three Wolverine goalies kept
the score from mounting higher.
Loren Howes, reserve'goalie, play-
ILA M.ay Get
Lewis Fund
NEW YORK -- (A) - The New
York Herald Tribune says John L.
Lewis has conditionally offered to
back the independent Internation-
al Longshoremen's Assn. fight for
waterfront leadership with a mil-
lion dollar strike fund.
The newspaper said the United
Mine Workers president has guar-
anteed to put up the money/ if the
ILA carries out a threat to strike
for bargaining certification by the
National Labor Relations Board
In a certification election last
month, port of New York dock
workers were asked to choose
between the ILA and the rival
AFL-ILA for their bargaining
representative. The voting was
expected to set a pattern for
the East Coast.
The ILA got 1,492 votes more
than the AFL union, but a final
decision has been held up pend-
ing disposition of 4,397 challenged
The Herald Tribune said Lewis
promised the one million dollars
to a high ILA official at a recent
meeting in Washington. Lewis re-
portedly had aided the ILA earlier
by giving $50,000 toward its cam-
paign for the election.

ed brilliantly in holding the De-
troit club to two goals in the third
stanza. Howes turned back 19
shots, many in sensational style
as time after time he thwarted the
big guns of the Detroit attack.
Willard Ikola performed ably
in the nets during the first per-
iod and Bill Lucier did a fine
job in the middle period, even
though the scoring column
might indicate otherwise. Lu-
cier virtually faced the firing
squad during his stay on the ice
as the Red Wing forwards set
up men in front of the net for
point-blank shots one right af-
ter the other.
George Chin provided the big-
gest excitement for Wolverine
fans as he scored the only Michi-
gan goal of the night midway in
the second period. Michigan's
high-scoring wing blasted the puck
past one of the finest goalies in
the hockey world, Terry Sawchuk,
after a sgramble from In front of
the Detroit net. Linmites Doug
Mullen and Pat Cooney received
assists on the play.
* * 9
EVERYBODY in the Red Wing'
line-up with the exception of the
goalies broke into the scoring col-
umn as Coach Tommy Ivan's crew
was intent on polishing their at-
tack in preparation for National
Hockey League action. The Red
Wings are only one point in front
of the Montreal Canadiens in the
NHL race compared with an 11
point lead which they enjoyed at

the time of their last visit to Ann
The seriousness of their play
can be more fully realized with
a glance at the totals for saves
by goalies. Michigan netmind-
ers were called upon to turn
back 49 shotseduring the con-
test while the Wolverines were
only able to test the Red Wing
goalies but six times in each
The receptive crowd, realizing
the futility of the Michigan task,
accepted the contest in fine style
and cheered the Wolverines when-
ever they made a good play. The
fans were entertained to some
measure during the third period
when Lefty Wilson, the Red Wings
assistant trainer played goal for
the visitors.
THROUGHOUT most of the
period he would yell comments to
the crowd while puffing on a long
cigar. His mates made his task
somewhat easier by keeping the
puck in the Michigan end most of
the period.
While admittedly the Wolver-
ines had no chance to win
against the best of professional
hockey, the game did give Coach
See RED, Page 3
Italian Chief
Pella Resigns
ROME-(P})-Premier Giuseppe
Pella, who took over as Italy's
interim government chief 4 2
months ago, quit yesterday in the
wake of growing differences with-
in his own Christian Democrat
The 51-year-old Premier hand-
ed his resignation to President
Luigi Einaudi following a 20-min-
ute emergency meeting of his min-
Adolfo de Nicola, Einaudi's sec-
retary, said Pella's resignation will
not become effective until a new
government is sworn in.
The resignation came as a
thunderbolt to this nation, which
enjoyed stable government from
the end of World War II until last
June's elections. Pella had been ex-
pected to shake up his Cabinet and
continue in the premiership.
Pella's Cabinet, which won the
support of the Monarchist party,
carried on smoothly until last
month when he ran into trouble
with his Christian Democrat sup-
porters. Many of them objected
to the tieup with the Monarchists.
A campus sale of the 1954
'Ensian will take place from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. today at the Wo-
men's Athletic Bldg.

Tip Brings
'Police Thief,'
Bureau Cash
Phone Call Finds
Missing $128,300
WASHINGTON - () - An an-
guished father set police on the
trail of his daughter andher hus-
band yesterday and within hours
the Secret Service nabbed the
couple and recovered $128,300 of
the $160,000 whisked from the
Bureau of Engraving and Print-
ing under the noses of armed
Held as the chief figure in the
bold, unprecedented New Year's1
Eve theft was a long-trusted bu-
reau employe, James Rufus Lan-
dis, 29.5
* * *
HIS PRETTY bobby soxed wife
Mamie, 26, whom he marriedt
when she was 14, also was charged
with currency theft. A neighbor
who lives in the same apartment
house,rWilliam Giles, was pickedE
up later in a Washington and held
as an accessory.*l
The baffling disappearance of'
the $160,000 in $20 bills from thei
heavily guarded currency print-1
ing plant was solved through a1
heart-rending 5 a.m. telephone
call from a Fauquier County,
Va., farm where Mamie Landis'
father, Irving Grant, is a serv-
His story, blurted out to Virginia
State Trooper S. S. Secrist, was
stark and simple: he had "a big1
pile of Treasury money" in his
tenant house. And he was "scared
to death."
TROOPERS sped to the farm,1
about 50 miles southeast of Wash-
ington, found $95,000 in a new
metal tool box, and heard the rest
of farm-hand Grant's story:
Monday night his daughter,
her husband and a friend of
theirs drove down from the cap-
ital in a newly bought Oldsmo-
bile, bragged they had"pulled a
smoothie" and asked him to
bury the money until "it cools1
off a little."
Grant-as quoted by the troop-
ers and by Chief U. E. Baughman
of the Secret Service-refused at
first but changed his mind when
one of the men drew a gun. His
daughter and her companions
then gave him $3,000 wrapped in
a gray sock, for his help.
* * *
THEY LEFT. Agonized, Grant
wrestled with his conscience-and;
a fear of discovery. Finally he told
his wife of the affair. She had a
heart attack, and a doctor was
called. Finally, at 5 a.m., Grant
made his decision. He called the
Quickly the Virginia author-
ities called in the Secret Service.
and at 10 a.m. Landis was ar-
rested as he went about his du-
ties as a checker of distribution
in the Engraving Bureau.
"He seemed quite unperturbed,"
reported Secret Service Inspector
Russell Daniel.
One Ex-Governor
Needed - Brake
"The greatest political need in
Michigan is one more ex-gover-
nor," State Treasurer D. Hale
Brake, only declared candidate for
the governorship of Michigan, told
a group of local Republicans last


The last chance for exper-
ienced orientation leaders to
apply for the spring semester
will be from 3 to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow at the Union stu-
dent offices.
Officials in charge of the pro-
gram say there are still a few
openings left, which must be
filled before Friday.
Picard Cuts'
Communis t
A ccusationt
DETROIT-(P)-Federal Judge
Frank A. Picard yesterday cut
short a defendant's statement to'
the jury in the Smith Act trial of
six Michigan Communist leaders.
All are accused of teaching and
advocating violent overthrow of
the government.
THE JUDGE interrupted Thom-
as D. Dennis Jr., educational dir-
ector of the party, after he had
read only a few pages of a 25-
page statement. Dennis described
the case as a "political trial",and
the defendants as "spokesmen for
the American working man and
the Negro people."
Judge Picard broke in:
"This is not a rich man's
court or a poor man's court-
get that!"
Judge Picard ordered Dennis to
sit down and confer with Ernest
Goodman, counsel for three of
the defendants - William Allan,
Philip Schatz and Mrs. Helen Al-
lison Winter-who already had
made his statement to the jury.
Saul L. Wellman, chairman of
the Michigan Communist party,
who is defending himself,then be-
gan to read his own statement.
Nat Ganley, the sixth defendant,
made his statement at the open-
ing of the trial.
WELLMAN declared the trial
was an attempt "to subvert our
Bill of Rights and to inaugurate
a Fascist dictatorship in our coun-
Nettled by Wellman's remarks
the judge turned to U. S. Attorney
Fred W. Kaess:
"Is the government Just go-
ing to sit there and let this pro-
paganda in!"
The court ordered Wellman's
remarks stricken from the record
before permitting to proceed with
his statement. The -judge inter-
rupted him 24 times during his
address and ordered him to quit
making political speeches.
Dennis was permitted to resume
his opening statement. He began
talking about relations between
Negroes and whites in the United
"You are not going to make
this court a forum of any kind
to pit class against class, rich
against poor, or Negro against
Judge Picard earlier denied a
defense motion for a directed ver-
di t of acquittal. The court said:
"The evidence now shows that
the Communist party of the Unit-
ed States believes in Marxism-
Leninism and there is evidence
that Marxism-Leninism means the
overthrow of the government by
force and violence and that these
defendants taught and advocated
Marxism - Leninism at various
times. They did more than just
attend various schools."

Tells Plans
For Security,
Foreign Aid,
Deiocrats Have
'No Comment'
Eisenhower gave Democratic con-
gressional leaders a preview of his
foreign and defense programs yes-
terday in a bid for two-party back-
ing on these key issues in the new
legislative session opening today.
The Democrats left the White
House with polite pleasantries and
a dozen different ways of saying
"no comment."
EISENHOWER sketched over for
them only the parts of his State
of the Union message on foreign
policy, foreign aid and national se-
curity. All these are fields in which
there has been sizable emphasis
on a bipartisan approach in the
The Democrats got no look at
presidential plans for handling
such potentially explosive do-
mestic problems as taxes, social
security, budget balancing, farm
and labor questions, Hawaiian
statehood, and a proposal to
limit treaty making powers.
In a Congress with almost even
voting power between the two
major prties, Eisenhower is going
to need some Iemocratic help on
those programs, too.
Eisenhower will outline his pro-
gram publicly, in general terms,
at least, when he personally de-
livers his State of the Union mes-
sage to Congress tomorrow. Many'
of the details will be left to later
messages on specific parts of the
REPUBLICAN congressional
chiefs got a briefing on the full
program at a White House confer-
ence Monday. They came back to
sit in with the Democrats on the
foreign-defense policy discussions.
The legislative conference, pres-
idential press secretary James C.
Hagerty announced, was confined
to these items:
Secretary of Defense Wilson
"outlined the defense plans of
the Administration, including a
recitation of the general steps
by which the program is to be
carried out."
Then, Hagerty said, there was
a general discussion and exchange
of views. Sen. Bridges (R-NH),
president pro tempore of the Sen-
ate and chairman of its Appro-
priations Committee, told' news-
men that "oh,yes," Democrats had
a chance to fire questions and
"they occupied about half the
But nobody would say immed-
iately whether the Democrat
brought up the Administration'
decision to withdraw two divisions
of U.S. troops from Korea. Many
of them have criticized the idea.
Hagerty declined to say whether
there were any conflicting views,
whether any changes in the State.
of the Union message would re--
sult from the conference, or
whether Eisenhower brought out
any dollars and cents figures for
the defense and foreign aid pro-
U' Honorary

Calls IKnights
TO Squireship
Know all ye citizens
That all true Knights
Must through squireship
Go by starlight.
Know all ye citizens
That many squires
Train by Starlight
To become Sires.
Know all ye citizens
Your obligations
For these men train

World News
TIA" 3 3r i-u'u~a


Bagwell Tells Ma rch
Of Dimes Work, Aims
With many facts and figures at his fingertips, Paul Bagwell, state
director of the March of Dimes and 'director of communications de-
partment at Michigan State College, last night told of the workings
of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
Speaking last night to about 100 March of Dimes officials and
volunteers from Washtenaw County, Bagwell said that the National
Foundation was established in 1938 "to help persons with polio and
to try to get the disease under control."
* * * *
HE TOLD OF advancement made in the four areas of the Na-
tional Foundation's program. In the area of research, Bagwell told of
National Foundation sponsored research throughout the nation and
especially commended Dr. Thomas Francis and Dr. Gordon C. Brown
of the School of Public Health on their work.
Dr. Francis, who was present at Bagwell's talk, was informed
recently' of a $175,854 grant by the National Foundation to fur-
ther the research being carried on at the University.
The University researchers who are seeking a drug valuable in
the management of the polio virus, are investigating compounds such

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Key lawmak-
ers from farm states predicted yes-
terday the new Eisenhower farm
proposals will combine flexible
government price supports with
freezing part of existing farm sur-
pluses in a national defense stock-
** * *
TEHRAN, Iran-Iran has de-
cided to lay a propaganda bar-
rage across its borders with the
Soviet Union with the help of a
string of loudspeakers aimed at
Red territory, a Cabinet source
said yesterday.
* * * -
WASHINGTON -- The United
States is reportedly willing to pro-
vide arms aid to Pakistan and
neighboring countries if they band
together in an anti-Communist
defense alliance.
* * *
LONDON -- Gale - battered
Western Europe had a respite
yesterday from three days of
blizzards and storms that claim-
ed several lives and wreaked
havoc from the Baltic down to
* * *
NEW YORK - Two senators
said yesterday they got names and
other information from Igor Gou-
zenko during a secret five-hour in-
terview with the former Russian
code clerk.
* * *
thy (R-Wis.) brushed aside re-
ports of Administration pres-
sure to curtail his Red-hunting
probes and served notice he
hopes to make Communists

Contract Terms Discussed

Student reaction yesterday to a
University move tightening Resi-
dence Halls room contract terms
was generally favorable with dis-
senting opinions centering around'
the hardships that could be work-
ed by the earlier June 30 date for


their minds about next semesters
residence sooner.
"After all the $30 is a payment
on the fall rent," Stong pointed
The new contract policy will also
up the $10 room deposit to $20 for
,11 student. entering from now onf

about living in the dorm the fol-
lowing fall.
"Either the amount of the
prepayment could be smaller or
the date for returning contracts
extended so that students would
have more time to complete
their plans," he said.


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