PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953 I I $3,: 250,000 PROJECT: Past Year County Courthouse Progresses Rapidly!Reviewed 4 i r i Counselors Offices Filled As Pre-RegistrationBegins By PAT EOELOFS Operations be-;un on the new county courthouse less than a month ago are showing rapid progress, according to a field su- pervisor of the estimated $3,250,000 project. The huge U-shape structure is beginning to take shape on the Fourth, Huron and Main Street block and is expected to be com- pleted near the end of 1955. TO AVOID a standstill in offi- cial county office procedure dur- ing the two-year building period, the new building is taking shape around the old courthouse. Be- cause the west wall of the present building is near the site of a wall of the new building, the'old court- house will have to be torn down before the modern structure is en- tirely completed. Foundation blocks and a skel- eton boiler room for the future two and three story structure have already been completed. Workmen on the job explained yesterday that cold weather does to some extent slow progress, es- pecially when laying cement. To- day a temporary deck is slated to- be built to protect both workmen and materials from snow and rain. * * * FIELD headquarters have been set up on the walled-in grounds in three house trailers. Shacks for plumbing equipment, laborers, and storage have been built at scatter- ed points on the grounds. Blue prints are kept on hand at various points of work in the huge rising skeleton, for exact measurements must be checkedt and rechecked to avoid errors in the final structure.1 Approximately 100 laborers willk be employed in construction of the courthouse. Technically, the structure is1 known as the county building andI will be used for offices, as well as3 courts. Other official WashtenawE county proceedings will originatei there. By Faculty (Continued from Page 1) expensive and difficult to purchase United States goods-a situation which might cause a decline in ex- ports of United State's goods, and a need for expansion of the coun- try's foreign aid policy, he said. PROF. PAUL W. McCracken of the business administration school, noted there has been "some edging off of business activity since the middle of this year and the settl- ing down will probably continue into 1954." Citing his reasons why a striking decline will probably not come about in the country Prof. McCracken said the rate of decline has not been serious enough to warrant any fears of the future, that consumer de- mand has been strong. Total government spending shouldn't fall off, to any great extent, but considerable tax reduction will help the country's business, he claimed. On the international scene, Rob- ert F. Curtis of the political science department predicted that Laniel will be ousted in 1954 and that the French government will face continued instability. He said there would probably be two changes in France's government next year, since the average ad- ministration in France lasts about six months. By JANE HOWARD German and geology majors en- joy the University's quickest serv- ice now that new semesters' elec- tions must be approved-there are fewer concentrates in these two departments than in any other. For the literary !college's 300 English majors, 181 political sci- ence enthusiasts and 170 history majors, however, the tale of pre- registration procedures is a vast- ly different one. Counselors in these divisions have been booked solidly with appointments for weeks, and can foresee little let-' up in the two weeks remaining be- fore finals. HOURS of patient waiting are in order especially for English ma- New Local Bana To Open Monday With a four day open house, the Ann Arbor Federal Savings and Loan Association will officially be- gin operations Monday at their new . $300,000 offices. Location of the modern two-story building is situated at Liberty and Division. Bank officials plan to distribute gifts to all visitors attending the open house. "Photo banks" and pens will be given to those open- ing savings accounts. This move marks the fourth ex- pansion in the local history of the association, which was originally located downtown in two rented rooms. jors, since there is only one coun- selor to advise and approve their new elections. Prof. Carlton Wells of the English department must see all 300 students in that de- partment. Personnel in both the fresh- man - sophomore and junior- senior counseling offices empha- sized that students who aren't, able to make appointments with their counselors "are not perse- cuted -they're just too late! We have to operate on a first- come-first-served basis." Counselors explain that in any case, only 50 percent of their stu- dent charges can be accommodat- ed with appointments before the hectic last half-day before regis- tration. At this final opportunity, lines often stand for hours with the prospect of a brief meeting so the faculty members may ap- prove and sign election cards. DURING finals faculty members don't have time enough to con- duct counseling appointments. Only two weeks remain, after Christmas holidays in which stu- dents may attempt to see their advisors concerning classes for next semester. In both the counseling offices, where temporary time schedules for next semester are available, the perennial moan of "course conflict!" is heard from all sides. "All the prerequisites I've got to take now-or else," one sophomore complained, "seem to be offered at the same time. Daily-Betsy Smith NEW COUNTY COURTHOUSE GETS UNDERWAY 'CITIZEN OF THE WORLD': Baxter Gets Knowledge From World Travels By RUPERT CUTLER Prof. Dow V. Baxter is an un- usual man with unusual ideas. A botany and forest pathology professor by trade, he is known by the title "Citizen of the World." * * * ALASKA is his adopted home. He has spent 15 summers there but has also traveled through Eu- rope three times and has visited every state and Canadian prov- ince. In search of new material for Prof. John Field Enters Race For Local Supervisors' Board Prof. John Field of the journal- ism department announced yes- terday he will seek a position on the County Board of Supervisors in next spring's election. Radio Script Wins Contest A course in manuscript writing and a friend's suggestion led Bar- bara B. Noe, speech department secretary, to enter a radio script contest last spring.' Yesterday Miss Noe was notifed that her script, "Antonio's Par- cel," has won a prize in the radio contest and is to be broadcast at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday on the Dr. Christian radio series. An original story, "Antonio's Parcel" concerns an Italian im- migrant and is written in Ital- ian-accented English. The play; was Miss Noe's first major at- tempt. She had never written any stories before auditing a course taught by Prof. Edgar E. Willis of the speech department. Asked how it felt to have the story broadcast, Miss Noe said she was "embarrassed." "I entered thej contest and then forgot all about it." Explaining that she "hardly remembered the story," Miss No added "I owe it all to Prof. Willis and my friend." In spite of her first major effort becoming a prize-winner, Miss Noe is not planning to write any more scripts at present. In what is reported to be the first real contest for the board to date, Democrat Prof. Field will op- pose Republican incumbent Alvah H. Heald for the seventh ward seat. * * S PROF. FIELD graduated from the University in 1933 and has lived in Ann Arbor for 17 years. During World War II, he was a member of the intelligence staff of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and served as officer-in-charge of an Army newspaper. Prof. Field has reported pro- ceedings of the Board of Su- pervisors for, area newspapers for several years. At present, Prof. Field is also a consultant for the Bureau of School Ser- vice. Along with the professor's an- nouncement of entering the race was that of Republican C. Ludwig Schneider. He will seek the Fourth Ward post and now stands unop-. posed because the office was va- cated by Charles E. Rabideau. Rabideau has said he will not run for a third term. his pet project, a Monograph on THERE WILL b a t deal W~jood Destroying Fungi of the gretda of difficulty in passing the Euro- Northern Hemisphere, P r o f *pean Defense Community plans in Baxter has led expeditions to France, Curtis noted, adding that Newfoundland, Labrador, Ice- the United States might influ- land and Russia. He was a guest ence the decision if it chose to cut of the Czechoslovakian govern- off funds to help finance the ment while doing work in that French troops fighting in Indo- country and has visited many China war. islands in the Caribbean. Before France does ratify the As a result of these travels he plans, it will probably want to has acquired a vast knowledge of I make certain that United States forest trees and their diseases and troops will stay on the continent material for countless "tall tales." and that Britain will also join in Students in his classes find that the EDC, he added. he shares with them both his for- Commenting on the current sit- gift for storytelling . uation in South America, Prof. estry knowledge and his matchless Philip B. Taylor, also of the po- A member of many scientific so- litical science department, said cieties, Prof. Baxter was secretary there is a "probability" of Com- of the Michigan Academy of Arts munist expansion into South and Sciences for several years and American countries, but he as- was elected president of the For- serted that this expansion would estry section of the International not become domination. Botanical Congress in 1950. He is Although Guatemala is not pres- also a member of the Arctic In- ently dominated by Communists, stitute of North America, the New he said, there is a future possi- York Explorers' Club and the So- bility of such control due to "in- ciety of Foresters of Great Brit- ternal developmentsand the in- cietyability of the United States to Sproperly gauge the situation." ACCORDING to Prof. Baxter, OUR COUNTRY is tending to an education should be "useful" as drive Guatemala into Communism, opposed to "practical" training for the Administration is "reluc- which, to him, has a "dollars-and- tant to view the situation in terms cents" connotation. 3 of their interests." "My main concern," he says, In Bolivia, Prof. Taylor said "is to take knowledge into the "the principle wing of govern- .field. Classes should give the ment there is controlled byba stuentpratic inobsrvig,-moderately leftist group but student practice in observing, terisaton Cmuit and interpreting what he ob- there is a strong Communs serves." wing in the government party." e rofessor is a prolific au- nlike Guatemala however, few Theproessr i a rolficau-businesses in Bolivia are man-I thor and an enthusiastic photog- aged by the United States." I rapher. His text "Pathology in Appointments of ambassadors to Forest Practice" is currently on South American countries in 1953 sale and his technical treatises "indicatesthat we are intent upon have been published in many sci- pushing our interpretation of how 'entific journals and by the De- they should solve their own prob- partment of Agriculture. lems," according to Prof. Taylor. He further cited the appoint- Geitment of a former president of For- Litraries eign Bondholders Protective Or- l 1 l 7 CLASS I FI EItS_ FOR SALE MICHIGAN DAILY I U lST BE NUTS' Phone NO 23-24-1 Take advantage-1939 Ford, good con- dition. Best offer. Call NO 3-0410 tc 5 P between 6 and 7 p.m. )231B CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING UPRIGHT VACUUM CLEANER with all RATES attachments. Just like new. $15. (Pre- LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 OAYi ~mier-made by G.E.) 836' S. Main, 2 .60 1.34 1 96 FOR RENT 3 .70 1.78 2 94 ROOMS FOR RENT~- Male students. 4 .90 2.24 3 92 Double end suite. Kitchen privileges. Figure 5 average words to a line. Half block to campus. 417 East Liberty. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. ) E SONA L LOST AND FOUND STILL TIME to order magazine subscriptions. LOST-Blue and Silver Shaeffer.Foun- Student Periodical Agency, NO 5-1843. tain Pen. NO 3-1561. 415 Mosher. )80A )48F LOST-Blue and silver wrapped Christ- TRANSPORTATION mas present containing wallet. Please_ contact Margie Galdonyi, NO 3-1561,E WANTED-A ride to Minneapolis. Con- Ext. 52. )81A tact Bruce Nagle, NO 3-1070. )37G AMDRIVING to Iron Mountain, leaving FOR SALE Sunday. Dec. 20. Anyone interested call Chief Rousseau, ext. 396. )360 1941 FORD-Heater, mechanically per- fect, good tires. Make offer. Huron HELP WANTED Motor Sales. Phone NO 2-3163. )218B DIRECTOR Hillel Foundation needs BRAND NEW Webcor phonograph and secretary. Must be competent sten- tape recorder. Excellent buy. Call ographer and typist. NO 3-4129. )56H NO 3-0521. Extension 627. )88B BUSINESS SERVICES ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords--$6.88. SoxTP -Ranbe rs, c t 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. TYPING-Reasonable rates, accurate Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. 114B acient. Phone'NO 8-7590. 830 OUR CHRISTMAS TREE 1TYPEWRTERSI Portalb and-Standard Is available to you for making your TPWIIRJPra~eadSadr persoaaizedpotographicaChristmas for rent, sales and service. persnalzed hotgrapic hrismasMORRILLS cards. You may use your own camera 1onNILL7 (or ours) and we will furnish the 314 State St., Phone NO 8-7177 lighting and helpful suggestions. HOME TYPING-All kinds by profes- Purchase Camera Shop, 1116 S. Uni- sional secretary. Fast, accurate ser- versity. Phone NO 8-6972. vice. Reasonable rates. Campus lo- "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" cation. 820 E. University. Phone NO )186B 8-7391. )171 ANOTHER HENRY J 1952 two door, WASHING, Finished Work, and Rand green, very low mileage. Very sharp Ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing. car. Huron Motor Sales; phone NO Also ironing separately. Free pick- 2-3163. )219B up and delivery. Ph. NO 2-9020. )21 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH table-combina- RADIO S ERV I CE tion,_3-speed changer. $60. NO 32554. DOUBLE COIL SPRINGS-$8.00; Steel Phono and PT,4V Folding Cot without mattress, $8.00. Fast and Reasonable bervice Hostess chair, good springs, needs up- ANN ARBOR RADIO AND T.V. holstering, $1.00. Two large side- "Student Service" boards, $10 each. Large walnut ve- 1214 So. Univ., Ph. NO 8-7942 neer table, and five chairs, $20.00. 1 ,blocks east of Fast Eng. )51 Coal hot water heater, $5.00. Swervil .-~- -.. top chrome stool, $4.00. Phone NO YOUNG MAN, M.A. 1 yr. PhD., English, 2-9020. U. of M. Now working in engineering - ET E Eresearch. Would like to work at home 1951 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE-Cus- editing, arts, science, literature, ad- tomized, radio, heater, five new white erting, gt-win, eraral walls, power glide, loads of extras. services. N ghost- iting,secretarial Huron Motor Sales. Phone NO 2-3163. )222B TYPING SERVICE-Manuscripts, thesis, BABY PARAKEETS-Various colors, $8 etc. Reasonable rates. Call NO 2-7605. each. New and used cages and bird )24I supplies. Mrs. Ruffins. 562 S. 7th. TYPING CAREFULLY DONE. No job )^196B too small. Phone NO 8-6075. 340 East BA BY-PA _RAKEETS dan bre_eders , sing_- Williams St. )19I ing canaries, cages, supplies. 305 West APPLICATION PHOTOGRAPHS while Hoover. Call NO 2-2403. )195B you wait at SNIDER STUDIOS, 213 1 94 STUD.BAKER-Dark-bslueheater So. Main St. 16I and overdrive. Very clean. Huron MISCELLANEOUS Motor Sales. Phone NO 2=3163. )221B THE FALL ISSUE~OF GENTERITION is CHRIST MAS TREES -- $1.50 up. Drive now on sale at the Union, League, in, free. parking. Pontiac Rd. at RR and local bookstores, track, one block west of Broadway IF YOU haven't goty GOLE signal light. )213B 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION-4 dor you may purchase it at the Union, 1951STUDBAKR CHMPIN-4 oor League, or the Bookstores. grey, automatic transmission, one _eague,__rthe _____tore_. owner and very clean. Ask for Smitty. Huron Motor Sales. Phone NO 2-3163. iI 4 ______)2208B WRISTWATCH-STOPWATCH COMBIN- ATION - 17 jewel movement, never been used. A bargain at $29. H. L. Smith, NO 3-2500 after 6 p.m. )237B 1946 FORD?-2 door, motor excellent, body perfect, rear tires smooth. $385. Ph. NO 2-9294. )235B FOR THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS ever give a Weston Exposure Meter. A gift that keeps on giving better pictures in color'or black and white. Price, $29.95. Purchase Camera Shop, 1116 South University. )233B 1 ;l -Daily-Lon Qui CHEST RESPIRATOR 'BREATHES' FOR POLIO PATIENT Polio Patients Treated At Respiratory ?Center Help Fight TB VIP% " " t O. OMt.I. Vi. t 1 Weaver To Attend' Joint Conference Prof. Richard L. Weaver of the conservation department will fig- ure prominently in the sixth an- nual Joint Conference of the Science Teaching Societies in Bos- ton, from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. r-- -- Order your tender, confinement-rear red Christmas Turkey or Roaster at scO"irSI . . . on the s*s FARMER'S MARKET Stall No. 118, All poultry dressed the day before. ------------ --- f I l i i i 3 , ganization which represented the Litle Vacdtir American capital point of view in contrast to accustomed Latin- American socialist solution of the Libraries and study halls acrosspd camps wll e cose Chistas roblem as Ambassador to Mexico. campus will be closed Christmas On the other hand, Prof. Tay- and New Years day but will remain r noted that the United States open duringimost of the other is ready to give President Peron of days of vacation. E Argentina financial and economic The main library will be open aid "a short-run expedient con- from 8 a.m.. till 6 p.m. Monday tayt cetdUie tts through Wednesday and from 8 trary to accepted United States' a.m. till 5 p.m. Thursdays start- principles of integrity in govern- ing Monday and ending Dec. 31. ment." Study halls will be open from 1. But the only reason we are giv- a.m. until noon and from 2 p.m. ing Peron aid is because he is aill4. ilyonandspeaking out louder than the other till 4 p.m. daily. Latin officials, Prof. Taylor said, Books may be checked out over adding that Peron's regime4s "un- the holidays and overdue books democratic and Argentina has will be charged for each day of ,,oti adff r ." vacation.nthntooers.. Regular hours will begin Jan. 3. There is even "documentary evi- ______________dence that Peron was a paid Ger- man agent during the last war," '53 Union Opera Prof. Taylor asserted, saying that the Argentine opportunist will Takes Road Tour play along with the Communists, if it looks favorable." The 1953 production of the Un- ion Opera, "Up 'N' Atom," Will ToAppear On TV take to the road before classes re- sume in January. Prof. Philip B. Taylor, Jr. of On its longest road tour since the political science department the 1920's, the Union Opera will and Prof. Ross N. Pearson of the give one-night performances Dec. geography department will lead a 26 in Toledo; Dec. 28 in Buffalo; discussion on Latin American Dec. 29 in Cleveland; Dec. 30 in geography on the University ofI Flint; Dec. 31 in Detroit and Jan. Michigan Television Hour at 1 2 in Chicago. p.m. Sunday. By NAN SWINEHART A woman wearing a chest res-' pirator and a big smile is one of the first patients seen upon enter- ing the polio respiratory center at University Hospital. Today marks the first day the woman has been able to sit up since she was stricken with polio. The nerves of her breathing mus- cles, like those of many other po- lio victims, have been weakened or destroyed by the polio virus. Without mechanical help she and others so afflicated could not breathe. THE CENTER at University Hospital is for the rehabilitiation of respirator patients crippled by polio. While being operated as part of the University Hospital, the center is supported by a grant from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. In addition to their breath- ing program, the center works with orthopedics, physical med- icine, physical therapy, occu- pational therapy, the hospital school, social service and the state vocational rehabilitation agency to help its patients. Respiratory equipment at the center includes tank respirators (iron lungs), chest respirators and rocking beds. According to Dr. C. L. Swartz, about 25 percent of the patients will need mechanical help in breathing for the rest of their lives. This does not mean that they will spend. all of this time in the hospital. When the center feels the patient is ready, he will be sent home. Respiratory equip- ment is supplied to the patients by the National Foundation for Infanftile Paralysis. PATIENTS are able to do many things while wearing a chest res- nirator. They can sit. read and while using a portable unit run by batteries. There will be eight other cen- ters like the one at the Univer- sity Hospital, which are sup- ported by the March of Dimes. If a patient needs to be admit- ted to a center, his local chap- ter of the National Foundation pays' for his care. Here in Ann Arbor, students not only from the United States but also from foreign countries are cared for by the Washtenaw County Chap- ter. Centers like these were estab- lished for the rehabilitation of respirator patients, with the goal of getting them home and, if pos- sible, employed. Care for polio pa- tients is a very specialized field, Dr. Swartz said, and it is well to have it centralized. Other functions of the center are research and education of both the general public and of the medical profession. Visitors have come from all over the world to see the center and re- ceive instruction. A course is given resident physi- cians in the care of acute polio and respirator patients so that they will have needed knowledge dur- ing a polio epidemic. The March of Dimes, which supports these centers' will begin Saturday, Jan. 2 and will extend through the month of January. Cannisters will be put in promi- nent places in local stores so that residents may donate. READ AND USE DAILY CLASSIFi EDS We extend our SSincerest Wishes -fora 1 " Christmas FOim ElmMR Today and Saturday ! li Mats. 50c Eves. 70c Ending Qualit Today}in3 y Film 3-D #' .. . 16 2 lid ®W mt I 111 1 1 111