Professors Review
Events of 1953, Preview
With just 14 days left before the year 1953 bows out. professors
yesterday began reviewing the old year and speculating on what 1954
would bring.
Future historians may find in 1953 the signs of a trend that led
the world toward or away from another world war or established
a unified Europe.
Others may remember the bright traditions surrounding the coro-
nation of Queen Elizabeth or the courage that led East Germans to
attack Soviet-built tanks with nothing more than fists and stones.
Republicans and Democrats alike will remember the inauguration of{
Dwight D. Eisenhower as President, turning out a political party that1
had been in power for 20 years. .
* * * *
TO A CURRENT historian however, the death of Stalin and thej
Korean armistice seemed the most outstanding events of the year.I
Commenting on the coming year, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
THE EISENHOWER Administration, however has scheduled
a reduction of 10 per cent in personal income taxes and repeal of
the excess profits tax, effective Dec. 31. A reduction in excise and
corporation taxes has been planned for April 30, 1954.
The United States suffered its greatest tax cash deficit since
the end of World War If. Governmental expenditures reached
their peak in 1953-a situation generally attributed to the great
rearmament expenditures.
The Administration's farm policy, termed "inefficient and non-
existent" by leading Democrats throughout the country, received ad-
ditional comment from Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics
department. Prof. Boulding said Agriculture Secretary Benson's prin-
ciples are "sound, but difficult to effect." Secretary Benson's problems
have been intensified by the legacies left him by his predecessors,
the economics professor added.
* * * *
ALTHOUGH THERE may be "somewhat of a deflationary decline"
' ~. y ,,$
history department said he thought there would be "no great change" in the future, affecting all segments of the economy including agri-
in 1954. "The cold war will probably continue," he added, "but there culture, it will not be any spectacular decline, according to the pro-
will be no major 'hot' war."
Other predictions offered by the professor were that war in
Indo-China would continue, and that a proposed conference be-
tween Premier Malenkov and Western leaders "probably won't
gain anything." On the national scene, Prof. Slosson said that
while the Republicans may gain a few Senators in the next
Congressional elections, the race for the House of Representa-
tives could "tip either way."
In the economic picture, Prof. Slosson foresaw "no recession"
business and no reduction in taxes.
Regarding the international trade status of the United States,
Prof. Wolfgang F. Stolper, also of the economics department, com-
mented that in' 1953 the export surplus of the country was more
than offset by Marshall Plan aid and other forms of economic aid
abroad. "From the over-all view, the position of the United
States was as satisfactory as could be expected in 1953;" he said.
Prof. Stopler pointed out there may be a dollar shortage abroad.
If this should become a reality, foreign inporters may find it more
See PAST, Page 2
See Page 4
Yl r e
tst iga
Latest Deadline in the State
.,43 a t ty
VOL. LXIV, No. 73
UN Studies
Korean POW
Reds Said To Have
Threatened Prisoner,
PANMUNJOM - (A) - Unite
Nations officers early today stud
ied ways of getting in touch witt
four Americans and 20 South Ko-
reans reported wanting to qui
Communisim but fearful of knife-
wielding pro-Reds in the neutra
zone compound.
The report came from a Soutl-
Korean who has just quit the
ean +. . S
THE NEUTRAL Nations Repa-
triation Commission scheduled a
meeting early today to deal with
the stalling explanations to such
Something must h a p p e n
quickly if any of the 22 Ameri-
cans, one Briton and 77 South
Koreans still awaiting explana-
tions are interviewed. The dead-
line for explanations to end is
only five days away.
A South Korean, KimMun Du,
who said he slipped out of the
compound while his companions
were asleep, told a press confer-
ence yesterday he believed that
only fear of being stabbed to death
held back four Americans and 20
South Koreans from returning
Kim said he crawled through
barbed wire in order to escape a
camp where leaders brandished
crudely made knives to keep all
men in line.
UN officers viewed Kim's pc-
count with some degree of skep-
ticism, saying if Kim could get
out so could others.
One UN official said, however,
that "as long as there is a possible
chance that some of the men real-
ly want to come back and are held
there by intimidation, we must do
everything we can to try to reach
Kills Parents
By The Associated Press
Dennis Wepman, 20 year old for-
mer University student yesterday
was held by New York City police
on a. double murder charge.
Wepman and a friend, Harlow
Fraden have been accused of pois-
oning to get the money of Fra-
den's parents. The two were im-
plicated by an unidentified wo-
man friend of Wepman's, who re-
x ported to police the scanty know-,
ledge of the crime she had received
from Wepman.
Inheritance of $100,000, left by
Fraden's parents, was the motive
for the crime, which was consid-
ered a double suicide or suicide
and murder by police for four
months following the deaths.
Wepma-n was enrolled at the
University as a freshman in 1950-
51, but left school after one year
because of low grades.
Judieiary Hears 'U', Midwest
rh . . Schools Plan
gGasesAtom Project
{..:.iF ;
^, A A1 ,.
y ..Y
, ,,
w ';.
Tbree Campus Fraternities Involved
In Unauthorized Parties This Term
Cases involving at least three campus fraternities in unauthorized
parties have been heard by the Joint Judiciary and the University
sub-committee on Discipline so far this semester.
Largest of the known fines laid down by Judic was $250 for an
illegal drinking party involving members of Sigma Phi Epsilon fra-
May Build Giant
Atom Cosmotron
The University together with
-4 t j - Y
Y El
six other Midwest universities may
join in building a multimillion
dollar cosmotron for studying the S tte
cimposition of the atom.
ternity held at Gleaners Restaurant Oct. 24.
*' * * *
The University of Illinois has
ready set aside $10,000 for or-
REPORTEDLY all of the 15 to 20 couples at the affair were ganizational expenses of the pro-
over 2 years old. 4owever, due to the large number of Sig Eps ject.
- _ ---- _._--present the party was ruled a
house function and the chapter UNIVERSITY officials are con-
hosed tsidering the idea already under
F r ni JP rice was, fined. study by the Universities of Min-
No social probation penalty nesotaWysh on si ias o w-
was involved. , Wisnsin, Indiana, Iowa
S u s d" os d et and Iowa State College.'
\ 1 House president Byron West, -
Spec., declined to comment on the Administrative officials here
action. said that no site has been se-
A pproves
Bridge Bid
CHICAGO-W)-The American
Farm Bureau Federation went on
record yesterday for elimination
of present mandatory high level
farm price supports at the end of
1954 and for use of flexible price
'.floors thereafter.
The farm organization's 35thj
annual convention rejected by
voice vote a proposal that the fed-
eration ask Congress to extend the
high supports.
IN CONVENTION resolutions,
the farm organization said farm-
ers should seek, with government
aid, to get favorable returns by
rebuilding shrinking foreign mar-
kets and by developing new ones
at home to absorb surplus produc-
tion which is now bearing down
on prices.
Referring to high supports,
the federation said it is not the
responsibility of government to
guarantee profitable prices to
anyone. Rather, it said, price
guarantees should be set at
levels that would provide pro-
ducers "reasonable price protec-
tion against sharp down turns.
The question of whether to al-
low present 90 per cent parity sup-!
ports for the so-called basic crops'
-cotton, wheat, corn, rice, tobac-
co and peanuts-expire at the end
of 1954, as now scheduled by law,;
is expected to be an issue at the
next session of congress. It also
may figure in next year's elections.
Some farm groups want high
price floors continued longer. In,
addition to some cotton and wheat
start farm bureaus, high supportC
advocates include the Nationalf
Farmers Union.
Willowho pper
* * *
authorized parties, one involving
a sorority, the other a fraternity,
are known to be pending Judic
...4' of -m ac ni
lected for the cosmotron yet.
The instrument would have a
power range of 25 billion volts
and would cost more than $10,-
action at present. AcrigtUnvstyps-
Second of the three fraternity According to Unversity physi-
c ases involved 15 members of cists the cosmotron would be used
Acaciaewho were discovered af- for the study of the composition
ter an illegal party Oct. 31 at and structure of atomic nuclei
which intoxicants were served. and also to study certain nuclear
The case has gone before Judic particles which exist only tem-
but no announcement of action porarily but are nonetheless im-
taken has been made.. portant in understanding the basic3
In the three remaining cases;laws of physics.
Judic chairman Lee Fiber, '54, There are only three other'
yesterday refused to comment on cosmotrons in operation includ-
rumors about houses involved, i ing the three-billion-volt ma-
pointing out that the Council had chine at the Brookhaven Na-
not authorized publicizing the tional Laboratory on Long Is-
cases at this time. land and a six billion volt in-
Judic publishes a list of vio- strument owned by ; group of
lations without names of houses California schools.
in the Daily Official Bulletin at
the end of each semester. Scientists and physicists are
In the past it has also been the hoping that the Atomic Energy
practice to make known violations . Commission or private foundations
as they occur and are acted on by will finance construction of the
Judic. Midwest cosmotron.
Compared to the three cases al- One million dollars from Ford
ready before Judie and the two at Foundation funds are at present
present pending there was only being used for construction of the
one fraternity violation-that of million dollar nuclear reactor to
Delta Tau Delta-reported during be housed in the proposed Phoenix
the entire '52-53 school year. lab on North Campus.
LANSING (P)-Barring a State
Supreme Court upset., Michigan Is
ready to realize an old, old dream
-a bridge between its Upper and
Lower Peninsula.
The State Administrative Board
yesterday approved a bid of $95,-
858,000 for the $99,800,000 revenue
bond issue to build the bridge.
* * *
THE BONDS, bought by a syn-
dicate of New York and Chicago
investment houses, will not be de-
livered until the State Supreme
Court has passed on the validity'
of the bridge financing plan. Sen.
Haskell L. Nichols (R-Jackson)
has filed a court suit challenging
the bonds.
Despite a flurry of 11th hour .
objections aid contests, the Ad-\
ministrative Board whipped out
its approval unanimously and
without debate a short time aft-
er the Mackinac Straits Bridge
Authority opened the single bid CAROLERS-A qua
made for the bonds. the period of auth
Reportedly, they plan to sell Ann Arbor before t'
about four per cent of the bonds celebrations.
to the public and the rest to large
investors, such as insurance com-A
panies. . Annual
The bid was $50,000 above the
minimum price allowed by the Decreases
state in asking for bids.
- - * * *
Held To, Plane
GOP Policy
No Mention Made
Of Balanced Budget
Eisenhower pledged "further re-
duction" in government spending
as he and Republican legislative
leaders wound up late yesterday
their first round of conferences on
the GOP program for the new
Congressional opening next month.
The chief executive said, "lead-
ers of the Republican party will
continue to present a successful,
sound and productive program
that will serve the welfare of 160
million Americans."
EISENHOWER put in a 10-hour
day witli members of his Cabinet,
other key administration officials
and Republican leaders of Con-
gress. He gave them an advance
look at the program he intends to
present to Congress in January,
with the emphasis on:
The federal budget, the de-
fense program, foreign opera-
tions, absentee voting for over-
seas servicemen, housing, labor
law amendments and extended
coverage for the unemployment
insurance program.
--Daily-Dean Morton
iartet of local Christmas carolers, dressed in
hor Charles Dickens, take a singing tour of
hey leave for home and traditional Christmas
acation Exodus
THE PURCHASE price allows
the syndicate a commission of
$3,944,000 if it sells the bonds at
The bridge itself will cost
nearly $81,000,000, but State
Treasurer D. Hale Brake has
said, without contradiction, that
the total cost, including inter-
est charges, will be $193,000,000.
The population of
midnight today.
The annual Chris
proceed full force tod
extra bus sections w
Lansing and other po
will be added to Tole
ty 0
IiWhile he said nothing about
C ty I-opulat -on
prospects of budget balancing, the
By PAT ROELOFS President put in this paragraph
' Ann Arbor will decrease by nearly 15,000 before n the government's finances:
n A"The fiscal outlook was for a
continuation of the substantial
stmas holiday exodus began yesterday, and will progress this administration has
day. To accommodate homeward bound crowds, already made in its revision of
till be scheduled from Ann Arbor to Detroit, the budget for fiscal 1954."
ints in the state as need demands. Extra buses
do, Detroit and Ypsilanti for the vacation rush. ATTENDING FROM Congress
* * * * w ere Republia oiuns ofSe
world News Roundup
By The Associated Press
LANSING-The Republican policy committee reported yesterday
it will sponsor improvements to Michigan's workmen's compensation
law in the 1954 Legislature.
Speaker of the House Wade Van Valkenburg (R-Kalamazoo),
policy committee chairman, said the group was considering recom-
mending an increase of $2 to $4 a week in the weekly benefit rate,
now ranging from $28 to $35 a week.
ACCORDING TO ticket salesmen at the Union and local Grey-
The bridge is scheduled to be hound offices, bus ticket sales were
opened to traffic in November, "veryhigh"yesterda with the
1957, and is supposed to be paid peak of sales expected to be reach-
for by 1980 e aes eteo
ed late this afternoon.
_____ _
r __.._ _
___..- . ...a w.. ... ,... ......... vr... .fJ
Tickets On Sale GUAM-Two families totaling LANSINd-Gov.* G. Mennen
nine persons were wiped out in
"Willow Hoppers" may buy their the flaming crash ofea B-29 Williams kept the pressure on
tickets for the special buses to-Wil- Superfort into military housing yesterday to retain nine unem-
low Run Airport today in front of hereesterda
the Union. Thesteray ployment compensation offices
Buses will leave the Union at lives. T e v scti s st llare in the federal Department of La-
10:45 a.m., 12:05 p.m. and hourly the hospital. bor seeks to close.
from 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. today.
Tickets may be purchased at'
MacMahon Talks
On Foreign Policy
Speaking at a political science
m'ound table last night, Prof. Ar-
thur MacMahon of Columbia Uni-
versity analyzed the structure and
problems of the administration of
United States foreign affairs.
Prof. MacMahon defined for-
eign policy as a totality that rises
out of fairly durable national in-
A local travel agency reported
that it had been "swamped with
calls" for weeks from more than
1,000 students making plane
reservations from near-by Wil-
In l to itio thrnrh t
SL Exam Plan
Vote Postponed
In the midst of a maze of mo-
tions and suggestions concerning
Student Legislature endorsement
ate and House and chairmen of
committees concerned with speci-
fic legislative items.
Eisenhower said that on the
basis of the first day of a three-
day confe'rence he was sure he
spoke for all who attended in,
declaring the GOP will keep on
pushing for a successful, sound
and productive program for all
ow un to ci es rougou 0 f the Crary calendaring plan, S On housing, the President said,
the country. president Bob Neary, '54, yester- Administrator Albert Cole of the
Special trains sponsored by stu- day moved to postpone all discus- Housing and Home Finance Agen-
dent and University organizations sion on the proposal until the next' cy "presented for consideration a
had closed reservation dockets. Legislature meeting. legislative program with especial
Students failing to make reserva- An almost unprecedented extra emphasis on assisting low income
tions from Ann Arbor more than! SL session was called yesterday to families in obtaining good housing
two weeks ago were waiting with discuss the controversial change accommodations."
npaked1 hba for nnsihle an the University calendar which