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December 17, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-17

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Ait 1


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Laest Decdline in the State


VOL. TXIV. No.72



'U' Worries How
To House More
Dorms Must House Share of 7,500;
Merits of Big, Small Units Debated
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles on University
Residence Halls-finances, food and future.)
How would you find 7,500 additional students a place to live?
That's one question University officials must answer as campus
enrollment swells from 17,500 this year to an estimated 25,000 by 1960.
WITH A REGENTS RULE requiring all Freshmen to live in
dormitories, land near campus scarce and prohibitively expensive
and no outside funds for dormitory construction available, the antici-
pated upswing in student numbers is causing headaches in the Ad-
ministration Bldg.
But harried administrators have already come up unofficially
with one important answer to the problem-build lots of small
dorms, instead of three or four "South Quads," to house the new
At least that's what they'd like to do.
But, as service enterprises manager Francis C. Shiel says, "Small
units are fine if we have land, but if land costs too much, we'll have
to build up in the air instead of spreading out."
,* *I * *





Trial Date

Not Named
Report Explains

,,L. Vote's To Select
Sudentfo SAC
Postpones Decision on Crary Plan;
Special Session Slated for Today
In a lengthy debate-packed meeting last night, Student Legisla-
ture voted to recommend to the Student Affairs Study Committee
that all student members of SAC be selected by SL.
By a roll call vote of 26 to two, the Legislature passed the motion
stating that SAC student members "be selected by the Cabinet with
the approval of the Legislature and that those representatives should



ONE TOP OFFICIAL says privately he wishes someone would give be responsible to SL."
the University a million dollars to buy some land. He adds plaintively *
"If we'd only bought property during the depression." JANET NETZER, '54, sai
Without a big endowment to buy land, the. cost of land would have power to remove an SAC
have to be paid for with revenue bonds, eventually coming out -
of student rents. E
However, the University is looking toward Wines Field, just rer iit e
north of the I-M Bldg, which it already owns, as a potential site for
some new dorms.
THE UNIVERSITY does own at least one big tract of land too-
the new North Campus. Acting Dean of Students Walter B. Rea
says married students are first in line for new University housing, oH a
and the North Campus will be the most likely place for their homes.,
Next in priority is women's housing and finally men's, Dean B
Rea said. He doubted a new men's housing unit would be consid- The six campus fraterni
ered for three or four years..T hea h c ndpsafey c
Of the 7,500 added students in the next seven years, perhaps before Nov. 16 last night met
4800 would live in the dormitories. This would require the equivalent 30-day deadline for turning in
of four South Quads. ports on action taken by them
But Dean Rea reports that informal administrative conferences !!the recommendations of Uni
and consultation with Residence Halls staff and Inter-House Council sity. inspector Harold Dunstan.
representatives have shown substantial sentiment in favor of smaller The reports were considered
type dorms. . the Interfraternity Council Exe


* *


d the motion implied SL would then
representative if "he voted against a


-' major issue favored by the Leg-
Later in the session, a motion
to endorse the "Crary Plan" for
the proposed academic calendar
change was postponed until a
specialmeeting of the Legisla-
ture at 5 p.m. today in tht
Prof. Douglas D. Crary of the
geography department, in present-
ing the proposal to the Legisla-


ties ture, explained the calendaring.
eci change would "eliminate the prob-}
the lem of the present rump session
re- of school following the Christmas
on recess."
ver- According to the professor, sum-
mer employment opportunities
by would not be jeopardized since
eCu---- -----.--- -
ac-! Student Legislature will hold
six a special session at 5 p.m. today
orts in the Union to discuss the

-Daily-Malcolm Sha tz
Crowds Jant Post Office
Crowds of students swarmed the Arcade post office yesterday
as the Christmas mailing rush headed into its last week.
All post office branches were using extra help and staying open
late on Saturdays. Arcade mail clerks said that at times the crowds
were so large that many people could not enter the small office.
Postmaster Oswald Koch said that first class mail was 125,000
cancellations ahead of the comparable time last year. Parcel
- - - ostwas 15 per cent higher.
__ T -ln- o nn mm rlf~ 1h

THE MOVE TOWARD smaller dorms follows a trend seen at
some other colleges. The model for the trend is a cluster of fourI
separate houses with one central entertaining, eating and social unit.
See STUDENT, Page 6

tive Committee last night and
tion was taken in five of the
cases to urge that further eff(

Ike Supports
Dulles Stand

. I

On EDC Issue
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday,
reinforced Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles' warning to Western
Europe to unite for defense and
indicated America might arm its
Allies with atomic weapons if war
The President told a news con-
ference Dulles' advice to get to-
gether or risk reductions in U.S.
troops in Europe was neither new,
nor blunt but based on the law of
the land.
HE PUT HIS foot down on shar-
ing with the Western Allies the
knowhow of producing atomic wea-
pons but not necessarily on shar-
ing weapons themselves if war
should break out.
Eisenhower also said he still
was intent upon peaceful, inter-
national development of atomic
energy for the good of all hu-
manity and Soviet rejection of
his plan for pooling atomic ma-
terials for that purpose would.
not stop him. On that proposal,
he said, there has been no offi-
cial Russian reaction.
Dulles had told a news confer-
ence in Paris that there will be
an "agonizing reappraisal" of
American obligations to the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, in-
cluding troop dispositions, unless
* the European Defense Commu-
nity with its international army
* is ratified promptly.
The facts are plain for all to
see, Eisenhower said, that the law
of our land says half the funds for
military aid to Europe shall be
channeled through EDC. -
As for sharing atomic informa-
tion, the President said changes in
the Atomic Energy Act will be
necessary, but neither he nor the
Atomic Energy Commission con-
templates any that would disclose
how atomic weapons are built or
the scientific processes involved.

World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A witness defied
Sen. McCarthy's subcommittee
yesterday on the personal advice of
world-famed scientist Albert Ein-
"I worship him," said the wit-
ness. Albert Shadowitz, of Ein-
stein, who is a determined foe of
congressional spy hunters.

* * *
disclosed yesterday that an Amer-
ican plane ripped through the air
Saturday at about 27 miles a min-
ute-two-and-a-half times the
speed of sound-the fastest man
has ever traveled.
* *, *
PARIS-The 14 nations of thej
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza--t
tion Council voted support of the
Big Three yesterday in their com-
ing effort in Berlin to talk Russia
into a better frame of mind.
.* * *
Korean who crawled through barb-


be made to alleviate the particu- "rary planUroposed academiain E li der to accon modabi ei
lar safety or healthproblem. calendar. crowds all three .,post office
r r h .Bob Neary, '54, Legislature branches will be open until 4 p.m.
DUNSTAN'S recommendations president,urged all members to Satrday.
attend the meeting. Postmaster Koch asked Ann Ar-
to the houses varied from three to teotsthe Koch asd An mr
18, "some of which will have to be University students finishing the to receive registered mail, which
acted on through the fraternities' spring semester in the middle of o reed riser m
alumni groups," John Baity, IFC. May "get the jump on other col- LANSING-UP)-The State Su- has increased this year.
executive vice-president pointed lege students seeking summer preme Court ref'used yesterday to "d y ear a board oxbe-
out. I jobs." stop the State Administrative side your mail box," the postmast-
Baity said the IFC plans to * * * Board from approving the sale of er cautioned, "to take care of the
see the problem to completion LEGISLATURE member Larry $99800,000 worth of revenue bonds Christmas cards that don't fit in
that is until all of the recom- Harris, '54, noted the plan would to finance the construction of the
mendations made in the reports hinder students planning to work Mackinac Straits Bridge.
are satisfied. He indicated that in resorts, since the tourist work The court said it would hear ar-,
houses failing to comply after continues until Labor Day. The guments later on a petition from
will face disciplinary action from to begin at thy end of August or son) to declare the bond issue un- BALTIMORE--(-The News
that group. the first week, in September. constitutional. Letter, Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity student publication, put on
"Cooperation so far has been After a motion to refer the c Court refusal to stay the ap- a pipe smoking contest here,
excellent, however," he said. plan to the Culture and Educa- proval of the bond issue by the limiting contestants to 3.3
In other discussions Baity gave tion Committee was defeated, Administrative Board, Brown said, grams of tobacco and two
a resume of the food buying Ned Simon, 155, proposed the !permits the sale to be closed and matches.
situation and pointed out stumb- Legislature postpone vote on the the Authority to "tie down" the The contest was won by a
ling blocks which forced the IFC measure until a special SL ses- $417,000 annual appropriation sophomore, Edward S. Warfield
to drop the proposed program sion today. granted by the legislature for Jr., an occasional smoker who
last spring. The Legislature unanimously maintenance of the bridge. kept his hod lit for 76 minutes
The Committee agreed that the voted in favor of recommending This $417,000, intended to show and 9 seconds. '
proposal should be presented to to the SAC Study Committee thatI the state's faith in the bridge plan, His victory statement - "I
the alumni and worked out with the Inter-House Council "should would expire Dec. 31 if the bond feel deathly ill."
their heln. be subject to the jurisdiction of sale were not completed by then.

Prosecutor Readies Case Against
Former Red Secret Police Head
MOSCOW-0P)-Lavrenty P. Beria has confessed to a traitorous
plot against the Soviet Union and is ready for trial along with a
group of his former associates in the secret police, the Russian gov-
ernment announced yesterday.
The statement said the Soviet state prosecutor has completed his
case against the squat former police boss, one of the principal men
in the Soviet Union until his arrest June 26.
IT DECLARED his "traitorous" activities went back as far as
the revolution-35 years ago.
Yesterday's announcement was the first heard here on the
Beria case since August, when the Supreme Soviet Parliament con-
firmed the decree that had oust-
ed Beria in June. In the mean-
time many rumors as to Beria's B r a A f i
alleged whereabouts have been
heard outside the Soviet Union.
The announcement, published in
4 the official newspaper Izvestia,
disclosed the names of six men ac- RTi
/ Yesterday's announcement from
Moscow that Beria and his Chief
henchmen admitted "treason" and
'4"organization of an anti-Soviet
plot in behalf of foreign capital-
fists" came as no surprise to sev-
4eral political science professors
.; < on campus.
Prof. Fred Neal of the political
department said the "disappear-
ance" of Beria was merely typical
of past Soviet practices, rumors
of the top Red's escape notwith-
S, ,standing. --
MOREOVER, other professors
agreed that the, ensuing trial of
the "traitors" will merely be a fa-
cade and must be interpreted in
the light of an underlying power
LAVRENT P. BERIA struggle.
..back LagainProf. Marbury Efimenco, of
.:+. ckagainthe political science department,
commented that Beria had gain-
cused with Beria. They include V. ed an overly strategic position
N. Merkulov, former minister of in the party clique and was
state security who for a long time 4 gaining support for his "liberali-
was Beria's deputy. ration" policy.
I. * * Beria recognized that the re-
THE ANNOUNCEMENT said: rl trict rigid and
"The investigation has estab- oppessive the masses He ad-
lished that Beria, using the po- voppressive ghtening of the re-
sition, had collected a treacher- gime and sponsored a slowing
ous group of plotters hostile to down of war industries and an in-
the Soviet state ... striving . .-crease in the production of con-
to grab power and to liquidate sumers goods.
the Soviet worker-peasant re- He also stressed a more leni-
gime with a view of restoring ent policy to the occupied terri-
capitalism." tories. This, of course, was in-
Beria was first deputy prime imical to the rest of the Polit-
minister under Premier Georgi buro and laid the grounds for
Malenkov and minister of internal the future charge of treason di-
affairs. The latter office controls rected at Beria.
the police, intelligence work and Prof. Fred Neal, ofthe political
related activities. science department, also felt that
Merkulov had been ousted Sept. the affair was merely a power
17 and Vassily G. Zhavoronkov struggle among the ruling elite
named his successor, the Supreme and does not represent a major
Soviet said. split in the party.
Y * Prof. Efimenco further noted
MOSCOW radio, heard in Lon- that the Beria ouster refuted the
don, said Beria and his associates generally held impression that the
will be tried at a special sitting of Secret- Police controls the Sovi-
the Supreme Court of the Soviet et Union, indicating the supvr-
Union, but no date was given. _ acy of the Communist Party and

-- - .. _ , . 1 , . _......... ....


They further agreed to continue
present cooperation among houses
in circulating the best purchase
prices on food items through the
IFC and expanding the informa-
tion service to other- commodities
used in quantity by the houses.

the SAC." The Council presently --

functions under the Residence
Halls Board of Governors.
SL voted to recommend to the
SAC that a uniform eligibility re-
quirement standard for all extra-
curricular activities be set by the
Student Affairs Committee and
that the Legislature sponsor an
Academic Freedom sub-committee
forum in which Rep. Kit Clardy
(R-Mich.) would debate with Prof.,
Preston Slosson of the history de-

Poll Shows Varied Ideas
Concerning Crar Plan
Here are a few student opinions aired in an informal Daily poll
Subject of much debate among students is the Crary plan to
start the school year earlier.
Under this plan, classes would begin at the end of August and

ed wire to freedom said yesterday Teeliiiic On Sale
that three and possibly four of the
22 Americans in neutral custody The Michigan Technic, written
want to come home. I by engineering students, will be
He said 20 South Koreans also ' on sale for 25 cents today and
want to return to their homeland. tomorrow at Engineering Arch.

Future Lawyers Compete in 4

_ _ _ _ close about the middle of May. The official announcement
Completion of finals would be be- did not make it clear how Beria
fore the Christmas vacation en- had "confessed," but this is nor-
abling the second term to start mal procedure in Communist
about the middle of January. courts - defendants are not
I Here are a few student opinions ' brought to trial until the prose-Css' ard i ni f r a al P l. c to a b a n d c n eso s
CAROLINE Kinashuk, 67, likes It can only be speculated, of
basis of which winners are clhos- ;the plan because students at; course, whether Beria was subjiect-I
en. The students wnersn ar chop the end of the summerare looking ed to the inquisitorial methods his
of the cournt rer, gfro wch; forward to school and are willing police used for years.
of the court record, from which A A w
they selected-the issues of law in- to go back earlier, but by the endk ALSO ACCUSED with him are

the Politburo.
Sixteen Killed
In B29 Crash
GUAM-(A)-A B29 Superfort-
ress ripped through a group of
houses at Anderson Air Forte Base
in a fiery swath yesterday that
left 16 dead, including five child-

"Your Honor, what I'd like to
prove tonight ".
Rooms in the law school were
last night turned into couftrooms
as 16 Law School juniors argued
cases in the quarter-finals of the
annual Henry M. Campbell com-
petition. -
WINNERS of the round were
Ira A. Brown. David MacDonald.


volved, trying to find any errors
made by the lower courts.
ARGUMENTS are based on real
cases examined by the contestants.
A tremendous amount of work is
involved in preparing the cases,
with the briefs running as many
as 40 pages.
Drawn up by members of the
law school faculty, cases with
some public interest are chosen.
Qncinnm rm..pleti 3 +at hnave

of the year they're looking for-
ward to leaving again, "the soon-
er the better."
"Also," she comments, "the
earlier school ends the easier it
is to get a job in the summer.
BILL BRINKER, '57A is against
the new plan because it doesn't
give the student a chance to study
for finals during Christmas vaca-
However, Mitch Zucker, '57E,
E - aaliv -ati i r a 4n a

two former ministers of internal ren,aad 1iu.
affairs in Georgia-Beria''s native The plane, coming in for a land-
republic. These are V. G. .Dekano- !ing at 6:48 a.m. (Guam time
zov and S. A. Goglidze. P. Y. Mesh- when many Air Force personnel
ik, a former minister of .internal and their families were asleep,
affairs in the Ukraine, was simi- slashed through 800 feet of the
larly accused. Air Force dependents' housin
The U.S.S.R. prosecutor's office -area.
has now completed the investiga- FLAMES SHOT skyward in the
tion. in the case of the traitor to wake of the doomed Superfort.
the motherland, L. P. Beria," the Among the dead were 1 wo-
statement asserted. man, 2 enlisted men and 4 offi-
"As now has been established er i naditinn to the 5 child-

I1a;I. 17 VW1, L ;V ~i --V1 ,
Richard C. Hostetler, William G.
Up 'N' Atom Stars 'Warren, Donald G. Black, Davis
M. Roach. Robert B. Fiske and
To Appear ont TV Martin S. Packard.


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